itabli wm terht 1 d5 ik i w m yolujle xvxo 15 acton ontario thubsday octoher10 1889 price tflree cents ver ihcrsdav morkikg i at thi lt wtess powtr printikq h0u8e jctos oxtaiuo subscription rtea itlll sit kostut socti 1 rhittvort8i virialiirlctihaci unotiialdttiadtuc zli tfil all arors ire paid xmrt al th a 10yertisinq rates i cirayisnoysr i ftjkl i 1sm jm 1u0 1m i iuo 1luj i t tio 1 cim1 uol ioollno 3piwc08e- rknij sri- spaflii curl t six ttiij2 mrttbe iliasjn wh- faraalaivtrtittciesiv cents rrcrtlcejor lbs ijta sad 3 wau per line for each sab- jnjtaiipwrtioa- cash the auiaber of hues iioaelttiiiiecciiicd a jdsof souixanpareu kvrtwnentt without specific dfwetfoss rill biactpj till icrbid ai efcarked accord- lv transitory sdrcrtiselncass matt be paid idvaae- l cbaarsi ur contract advertiaeulrnicil be tfta ottce by 3 us oatusdav otherwise iht will l left orer amiluitj following week j h p uq011e j editor ial proorietor snsituss simtflrp wr h lowryv il bvmcps if gniaikof trinittoolifrirnaberot ctfkseciriiciauiadsrrtxat 05m w reidea at tin aeadof frederick ut aetoa- rstacerdracld i cvixgii t d sij i i lcararujmjcuuari0 lit of drs pftihrtcr a aali georgetown j omrn a- resipexct over ucgcrrint lr core if ill street l lbexsett ld demist t lucitars kouries cocvcrticert print lani to loin 0toii hajliiiob ra jxoa jiclnir r i a uowat i bioiatek souotoe kotiet pceuc ilsaexla lou s oma di15 tce4ard sticrdaj- lctyiuflcti block acloa cpuir jhmrok illak jl- baird i i bmcrssolicitcrtit jtmotto ixd gececctots ct5rcreiatat bjodt gqeton iad f eisj ctreet et tcresj g8gest bbstj xs ks i j1eeki5 secured foe bcvextioxs eesbt grist ottivi ftrm sct3x tzlsz cizss t r i f rr t jh4 tttst heilstreet j j licryei accnaieee par tha cbaatie af weuiafitoa lad hiiioa oitias lefl n tie fete pbcu office atoa or usrrtsideace in aetoa viu b proaptlf u- usdmlo tercu nuoubie aa coney to loca an the most fironile uncsi34 fxjhe lirl ma of intern a mas o f3b iad cpvtfis n ifohndat aechhect j j gctlth oxt amrxqbecit hotel lod ifxzfcet sqmre- irascie sckax j 5ctxdsortorrcbpmral j booebixdee fllgeofjeasqsxre gstlpboalario jaeoraaj boofcr of ih fciaf cavie io order ceroiieaii of ery decriptioa ctef all j boaad taiiaseeatltcaipronpuf don hood i iaw restored j rf jjr cairo 1 ie iiidcl core j 117 iz iri it ilnyrean j iiris cceue- j f i- rtiijjij ccrod ilrrc cce siarpit j tf rliu trery rnirr icd adi- i jj eettrj tthx haklak bikber shop i i iqllstezxtaciot- 4 ear ibte 1 it rliih haircat a good tea- fom ttexhuirkinfcc3poo exxon iaaritbdpniiaareim eoodiiion ldaet mcaadreaiaairtatflri- j tswoboejtoaaqrialartfrtx 8ales3iex wanted pephaitext posidoni atriiiieol riik uluy j aadatpeaws paid any deterniai tnait moiaceeaiwilaai peealiaxidnnuge o fa- fjffi- swefccoajpletiinciadinc msof fat- flmstpaitie- oatfil free vametwpcper addrtaeaj oaee bhowtt bbothees sar- krrami forfi eater x r- ers os reueve dizzlti5 oh0kv uttevx of nrheit acidity of the stomach i dsys3 of the sa 1pblocb 1jr ocfiia core fits imuuutl ilepsyor lsickhesft f uavi p j- imi rst i jig soot jsvi fck adelaide strbcn umber latli t skiiigles sitek ifill kiaicxveji hi nor ia ruci in jrf unwwfe of lumber iaelndias sf a or baimiof porpo thii gu ui 1 win auliltitud iivvutum lor crrt- ttelambcruidremomlepricm ltui ud os bui weire prelj lo mrolr i j petek eivees j i acton banking gompauy 8toret christie t 00 -i-bankebb- acton v ontario 4 oexkral battklkg busikbss traksactld r h02t toaksb os appsovss notes notes discounted and interest allowed oadspoaits w barber it bros paper makers georgetown ont school readers away down in prie -at- days bookstore quklph m1xt x enxllltv or machine rnisheijjoot papers high gu de weekly sews the paper used in ibis joarau is from lot tbove millc wm eaeber t beos 1-acton- pump factory planing mill thos ebbage man i lic nsuil tle citiaicicct of tie ep lctucss ia acta tad ould rmpecttcur ora ail iru ic wat cf iisaips that ce axe do prepticd to appr ttcc irrca the old st le wooden pacp to the bt force pmsp made pumps for wind rn or eoct weci toppued on short noiice- i deep well t8piaul prices riabacgvkry tih lumber dreaaed vhle yoq nit monldioei ictuad lo order wesjteajao toujitltr of lotnber for ije smtble for boilduf parpoaea ordara by aiaii slllreceirc pront tad careful attestiou shop it foot of hirer street thos ebbage manager hemoved waters bros i htrerconifrojlotcrvvjtidlali t strcct la licir fiae xew doublefront store hearns block st georges square to tetrode c voa w or kr sijuii cc ocr prtn pictar itanldizs cctei poles hiiron ald osr etjjcllvtrittrof ftrey goodfi tnd j xcncitict for 30 days at reduced prices mukjci ryirt ioa artists materials waters brothers st geoeoes eqctie gttelfk for 810 to 18 ycvc cu lay a ticc htlifti treed sail wide to orderiattc best caaer 16 will bay t firitcjiis ccaadiaattixd eaii for sig to ii jwellingtou iarbe works j j qceeec stttet grelts- j clark carter islbect importera of gnaita turf marble voaiiuieau and badstoaea of all hxde m from hie aet deaigat ajj vorfc and c- ttixaalod amclaa parties truhiac to p till ideate gire aa a call ud iaapect mt ttocfc n4 pricet m we are cooadent e cc ojpete tiiu myjtubliahaeot in ontario v satez natti oat mr laterwt to tbe above him r tolict lb patronage to ay fricod f imblic oa uieirbebalf i ik haifnvrox i xirblewokkfe hjhcita uu1c wort lmr wynd- v liaikrert gaelpli iiillf old foundrr tsr john kmilton proprietor mja id relil doifcr nd direct luiporttr sl5 rf 0 unitt of snoim ind irlikaacineuutoalc hsrisghftdui fa eifierieace for th iwt la yein toe pwme uurrelfoa ccttiacail fcpenor article t ifrb 1ar rtt u j other dealer fa the ou direct orders ro- orediot te ncrt dl j wwm5 n children on i syrup and 1 the mofits craeipk basiuess- college j gdelphonxaero lj 6cotic rer ijegfnfi fiept iui j te 0iirtcta hu jen ddod fa hen rt f ieiiiil in the doinlafoa wul zf ia dilbtad woodu-rfac- r aaortuacd detixnincat bc accbtaplibed ts uc taiie fa liie klltorr of ghorl- nth deptruaeot oven toe s jc od pomiirebeosire ouffuecc dzr to conatrr a urge ei- i xsr hlx faeurred la beaetlfriaff oar ttaodrout bh od fonder perfectfag oar i tjwjace we led the rui la tvleticj edo- oo rortercnetriddre i 01 j v mxrcoioick prfadpl -attke- east end clothing store wmj leeton rlii itva hice irice first reader 10c 6c firat reader l n 15c 12c second itadcr 2oc soc third reader 35c lie foarth reader 50c 10c we have the best qcality io slate copy tnd scribbling books prat ink foolitip aad school sairjlics day pies the best value and has the best itock lo select from day sells cheap the merchants protective and collecting associatiok of canada head office hamilton ontaxlo eitabushed 1s lc ta afftoeiatioc cf baaiacas and nxfcai aaal rata hariag lor it object the collection of debts aad to irrcveat itt members from making bad debts bj- funiiauine them ith iiu of partiec who do not par jicrcbaau aad ouiert hariag tccoaata to cojlect vill had itw thetxadtaxitace lo become inembera at baadredc of accoont are being collected tbroagb it that coaidaot be coliecteiiiflaaj-otherttaj- ilaay an aecoaat tiiatbaabeea iatdafld ibea rrtaraed by the bailiit as ao food afttr pattiactbe merchant id creat ciease iiaa been collected tiiroocb tiria tsooritjcn wxiicu-iliinctobcaincniem- berxby remittinc flojx to oar tfaoaqeri at f hamilton till reeeire iy retora mail lull par- icalan certificate of mcmberahlii etc teati- maoiala lent j b mills co managers a little talic about fshosst figures may lie and facta distorted be bat icctzs u belicviuff cotne and kc tbepettskookootaadbbocitorebiatt uqv siiorics a acaiber of acx- lice of shoes and eiptni fpecialjy sdaitcd for the eaoc tticse ae- cods arc beiac acid at irices as lor or loxcr than tho tttcd forcld etyles and tho- rorn goods xberc everybody can be icitod for tec lavt- tfzec la qenti wear ladies wear youths wear children s wear babrs wear- sjccixj lines iood toode newest fetjje and best vallc for tbe cioaey at i w williams acton castoui crt aad repsiriff girea carcfol atter tioa traaklaad yalites ia rsriety fatten a potsherd hxkakioeobll dont go around i pray push it aside with ruthloaa ueol and liurryou your way you whom ijod for whoiu i woafd have died or deemed ft happiueu o ttay forever with thy arm ouclrcliuc uic wullus to do or tiiffor aujbt for thou push ft aside tla but a poubcrd flung out by thy careless hand eppu uie road my broken liffl til oalyono among the ouuy lire with which th j way i ilrcw- ed u it be possible hi mike uo aiosu uat bear liiy woe and luffuricg slouo to love aad eberiah autu death os part it loutided woudroua awocl onto aiy can alas t siacc liare icamoj wltii brcaxiug heart with loticliueia and louring and wiii cart iiow- little mctu the prctaitcs of tnca how lightly made aad broke aad made agaia i gave myiclf sad thoaglit yoa endentood and knew the ulutss af the gill i made uytelf arrived fu ipoueai maidenhood with aillhvs hopes lo at thy feet iliid jor i did lore tlioe botux sad far more thau aver hciaaa heart had lovod before at one short yesr af hsppfaess was icfac whou tfcoa wcrt all ia all unto my aocl aad fooliihjyl thought that 1 was thiac as foadly loved over my ipirit itcle a wacdcrfal content to feel thee near would i hid died while thus held thec dear i uy nights were int a drcsmlnfr sad my dajt in loriag ierrico thatit only known to happy frcs who sheltered frota the gaic and coniieccu of the world ia undertone of blessedness aiug softly and prepare cradle and dainty robes with leader care the child you had entrusted unto me to bear aad rca for yoa and for oar lord i fondly held half mine and half cf ihec and thcogh today he deeps beneath the tod his rcry grate is dearer for that time that glided by as tsmc sweet happy ibyiac aad oh could i call back bat oce tweet hoar 0c those glad mouths aad hear yon say my wife with the old loteapell s tender power vi give cy fame sj e evcrylhicg ia life ah tnc i witii bitterness i tiace have gaeased i was mere pendant to your life at best yes bet apeadaat that is all tie place yoa could accord me in your lordly pirn of life and work how very little pace is there for woman is the heart of man aad when he wearies of her as he will poor foolish icol the tries to love him itill ah yes 1 my lift tis hats lotsherd cut oat by thy careless hand apca the road ity brola life us oac uuoag the msay lives with wbih the wty is rtrewed- if ft beixjssiblc iii make uo moan pat bear my woe and laffcricg aloae stlwt family ikaiing mutual fire insurance company odwrr or wsiajhaios ztluussld 1810 headopfice cuelph icsdtbajldinsuarchiaii uancfsctores aadall other descriptions of property oa the prfimisuiyotesrsteie fw stwiie cnas davidson president secretary john taylor akenfc the actos free press the leidixg- local newspaper of lialtan cottaiy j u pcblislci every tharejsy laomiag at acton ont- suucriptroueriuoaly i loo iuadrrace try it for three mcmhs tor 25 ceiri salesmen wanted havikg due basiccsk la caaada for the rmit 3 ytarr oar reiiataiioa and respoi bility iswelf kaatra we pay salary and er- peasofcfrom the start if everyxhiag if satisfae- lorj so irrevioci ijcrieaee required write as for trms which are very liberal before tn- gaciac with ftny other firm j itiircarxcitr pradstrecfsctdaa wimaa it co t commercial agencies oci known to besi- ness mea or staadird baak co borne oal cillsepbothees coicpaky kknerymca colbornc ontario 4rx4 fruit trees smau fiuite jutqrnamonulslirubb7t r im baa taeu amjoiotul tjs ajeat for thla section for tie irell old ifcjcbeater xnraerr 8 moulaon cpro- 3tlr w tajte orden for aor wfrjullrecattnall ffuiu or ahruu liiejj issst illoatrated calaloeun of the e22j the prodoeu of the old ttochester fwj1re oon to be ceoerajlr rellahle ind lrnamed proinlae tatifaetorr s to all who porcbaae itock irota me eat 01 j bev 1l b cook aent wanted oodreiiabjoritaeaa find jetmaacatcm vt ploymeal ftr ifanbitirove xnrteries of waterloo k v oovl sajary and espenses paid woekly liberal inducemenu to beginners outfit free previous erperienoc not ixqoired ksublishod rtlr ja j ears all guoda flntclaas writoatoaec foriterma addrefiojmvvesay gijuuacrbi thomas onv kfenlion this patkir acton- livery bus line tlcuaaiignedrpoctfuiiroictiatheiatroc age of the public and laiorms them that well equipped j and styllah riga can al wayi be secured at his stables a comfortable bus meets sll trains between am and tnl pm careful attention given to evcryoracr the waat of coiiiaierdal travel lers lolly met jghx williahs coklasstood james brow has ai hand a large quaatitjt excellent coal wbfeb be will promptly deur to say part of the town at reasonable price hardwood aad alabs cat stove length always on hand l telephone couiuiamcailan thut these tanxsiiioe good girli might do great doa looorrect the matter xdare uy you are riiibt mother i have moro than pnoe allowed one ctf the boyi lo ipeud money on me wlienf wonder- edifl really ought to bat sorna ol the girls doni caro a bit they like to bout how much ia ipeat on lb era whioh might jutt aa well have been avoided they do uot realize what grave coqm- queiieci may grow from such thingi laid her father 1 v bat whit can we do about it mother aided marian im tare i would like to do ray abare ive been sorry it aeeing boys j spend moaey wbeu i kneff it mast coniebard l be careful i ihen about allowing it for joarself dear abd you could try o per- made your friends to join yoa in disoour- ainrl eitiavagict expenditures in yotiafi men i in a yawt delicate wayyou ctjuidio a great deal in such a direction lin going o trv sud marian sober 1 i i tliere pinlip harmon he going lo take rue lo the lecture a pleasant faced young man waj shewn inlfflhe ruom iit ralber stormy tonight miss ifa- riau he said after greetings had been ex changed i thought poasibly yoa might not think best to go oat at all but if you can iwiu have a carriage here ia a few rainsics mtriius eyes twinkled a littlu it she looked at her mother i j im not delicate enongh lo be afraid of a little wind aud sleet she said its only a few blocks to the hall and well go without the carriage a boy was one day atttiog ou the steps of a house he bad a broom ia one band and a urge piece of bread und butter iu the other while be was eating it be saw poor little dog not far from him he called out to him come here poor fellow seeiag the boy eating be came near the boy held out to him a piece of his bread and batter as the dog stretch- ed oat his bead to take it the boy drew back his band and hit him a hard rap on the oose a gotemao who was looking from a window on the oilier side of the street saw what the boy had done opeu- inu the street door he called oat to him to come over at the same time boldiug a six pence between his finger and thumb would yoa like this said the gentle- man ies if you please sir said the boy smiling tost at that moment he got so eevero a rap on the knuckle from a cane which the gentleman had behind him that he roared oat with pain what did you do that for i said he making a very long face and robbing hii baud i didnt hart you oor ask you for the sixpence what did you hart that poor dog for jait now asked the gentleman he didnt hart you nor ask you for the bread and butter as yoa served him i have srved yoa now remember doga can feel as well as boys and learn to behave kibdly toward dumb animals in future boys aud girls if you always got tit for tat yoa wo aid often come badly off and soon learo the golden rule to do to others as yoa would that others should do to yoa situation with kteadfr employment and good pay all th6 roairoiuhc w roliablo men f aratahlfpt mmsfac tott reference ajtoomblkffoo kunerrmen rochester ny agents wanted in ervery township to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete fltoost doctor the west complete and compnshonsive work overpubliabod iu authors stand al the bead of their pnrfeaaiob and have a continental repu tation worth ita weight in gold to any one hawing horaea fihoep cattlebwioe poultry does or bes- a grand opportunity to make moocy becora territory at once address bk moyer publlaher 120 tonga st toronto borrowed moneif the good thins- one vti kind girl did darinsher maidenhood ilr iforell reading in the evening paper tciis ili and daughter heres a sarpriting thhyi robert harvey under arrest robert harrcy 1 exclaimed marian in an amazed tone under ariest said ifri iforell quite aa much surprisedas her daaghler for rhair- emhcodemect at least thats the polite name given lo inch things the plain english of it ts simply that he has been stealing from his employers i cant believe it said marian he certainly is the lastperwn of whom we codld expect lo bear such a thing said her mother that is true said mr moreu t i tlwaysfscppcsed him to be a faithful re liable young man i dont like to believe it until i hear more said mrs moreil there must be some mistake about it- wh i have known his mother almost all my life and would almost aa sooa expect one of my own boys to go wrong as hers it will surely break her heart i will inquire into the matter tomor row said mr moreil and on the following evening he first question was what have you heard o robert har vey well the newspaper account of the matter is substantially correct enough so at least to cast t blot upon poor roberts character which will probably cling to it for life he has simply for two or three yean past been in the habit of helping himself to small sums of money from the sale of till employer always it the hope of returning it but as is sure to be the case always getting deeper and deeper in ive known of others who did exactly the same thing without a thought of being dishonest they go on finding it harder and harderlo make restitution and ai length discovery comes sometimes resulting aa in roberts case ic disgrace and arrest sometimes in loss of sifuatfon and ruin of prospects of course there lire very few employers who have the magnanimity to overlook such a thing and give i young fellow another chance i but what has robert been doinj with the money asked mrs moreil nobody seems exactly to know he has pot gambled he has not peculated he has not been extravagant in any special way so far aa i caa learn he appears simply lo have lived a little beyond his means i cao guess said marian robert ia very food of societyand goer out a great deal and yoa know a young fellow can not doaoat without spending oung fellows should not spend more than they honestly can spend said mr moreil of course uot father ball cant help seeing how hard it must be for them ui know where to stop it baagot to be the fashion when a youngmaihakes a young lady out to send her ftowers and as likely aa not carriage tool- its lectures and concerts and reeeptiousin winter and boat ridea and picnioa and ioa creams in sum mer one thlux teems to lead to another and how can one atand back from doing what the others doy theygelinto it wuh- oat meaning it yoa see it is expected of them p-j- it is all wrong saidmriilorellslrak- iog her head i think so too said marian but what can be done about it must young roan keep out of society that would be rather hard on ihetn said her mother many of them are just such fanloviog generous fellows as robert harvey ready to ran into things without topping to count tho cost it is a great pity that they can not indulge their natural taste for the society of each other and of nice good girfsfwiihout being led into inch embarrassments and i do think marian three or foar years later mr and mrs philip harmon were sealed together one ereaiti5 ia lhir home another yoapg fellow gone down said mr harmon james rimes has been convicted cf that forgery and sentenced poor fellow 1 i thoaght be had very bright prospects when vie atarted oat together how has it come about asked ma rian oh he wis an openhanded reckless fellow always going in for everything whether he could aiford it or not by the way rfariaivdoyou remember the excur- si on an the lake you wee tilo with me two summers ago its very wdl laj j u remember that when we pal in to rocky cove you and i and james rande and kileti foster wandered c3 over the hillnand managed to get left a the steam er went further ou y v wolf it was pleasant enough just where we wire i am sure and i could have stay ed there a week wilh you you know the boatiwafi coming back in two or three hootsy but if you remember ellen got very impatient of remaining there and james proposed hiring a tug aud following yes l remember thai too l would have cosf seven or eight dol lars id do il of coarse i couldnt say no wbeu ellen seconded his proposal and wo should have done it if you had not objected very strongly lo it why did yoa do it lcanatkroa now because t thought it a great deal of mpaey to spend in sach a useless- manner j marian went on her husband jnore solrjy you dent know what yoa did for me liiai day 1 had been careless about i menev matters and wss always poshed this way and thst to make both cuds meet a great many young fellows have a way of borrowing it without taking the trouble to menu en it to anybody they dont mean any barm bat when sadi a thing once be- ginslheres no telling where it will end wetlj that morning i had just enough money to hay our tickets fori had got to where i was living from hand to mouth ail tlie ime i couldnt of coane venture upon a days frolic withcat any money for possible emergencies tl had been warned time aud again against the very thing of helping myself 1o mfooey wnhoul leave bat i couldnt see any other way and sol tooktwofive dollar bills from the safe trusting that it might cot be missed before i could return il well thanks to yoa that money wasnt changed yen woaldnt consent to going irj the tug and t remember you refused wlea i offered to buy fruit and other stos fijryoc in fact i rememberallalouglhose times you ased to stand in the way of my spending money it wis my father and mother taught me that said marian i wish to my very heart moregirlswere like you said philip j they dont begin to know the straits poor fellows are in some times or how helpless they are when it seems the thing to spend some money on a girl what can they do well marian i put back the money and the next day there were so me investigations made which would have led to the discovery of what i had dooe mr gnrhey was a hard man hon est up to the last degree and inflexible in hia dealings with others if i had been found out it would have been disgrace morclban oue poor chap has been ruined for no more cause than that i tell you it scared inc and i made up my mind from that time that id better be taking the other track 0 jjowglad i in said uartaaiu a io voice yes be glad dear i wish every girl in the world were as wise and as kind as you have been to me tit for tat oxlv a mechanic a yew political catech1sh teacher we will now hear the first class in politics what are politics papil politics is the scieuce of seemiagly helping another to get there and getting there yourself what is an office the one thing needful how can an office be secured by polling yoarself in the bands of yoar friends what do yoa understand this to mean make the office your friend and keep your hand on the office should a man seek office not if he dozen t want il what is a legislature v a place where the corporations purchase their privileges is thiathe ouly bosiness transacted by a leeislalare oh oo the members go there to get reelected explain the protective tariff it is a compact under which the people agree to starve rather than eat the fruit that hangs over the wall between themselves and their neighbors garden in order that jones down on the corner maycet a big price for his apple what ia patronage v the corner- rioneof the government it is the stone that is given to those who aik for bread what is an election j it is the peoples amu to the pray formalated by the bosses wits gove woulgatherivg she was a young lady she was walking downcourt itreet sbewaajeaningon the arm of a dude a white halted slender caned dry goods dude she had brains it is supposed bat the sensible reader can judge of their quality when on being asked by her companion if she was acqaainted with a young man ofthe cilyshe replied ah uo i hes nothing but a mechanic and the dnde laughed and she la ashed and we laughed we laaizhed because both of them were iu good old euelish sach bloom iag gashing fools nothing bat a mechanic think of that will you and that mechanic understand yon is aman of worth and intelligence with more brain ia his head than ccuu be jammed into the heads of a whole congregation of inch superfine idiots that mechanic aome day ill have a snug harness o ins own and a competency earned by hisowu independent kill he holds in his hands an3 brain chances for fame honor and riches sach as a coach load of dudes and dudeeus like this fair lady can never obtain it is probable that her father and his father bad the doubtful ambition to have children above the plane of the mechanic they did not wish them to work in the factory er wield a saw and hammer as their parents did before tbem and that doubtful am bition thrusts apon the world too many almost useless men and women and crowds the clerical channels of oar land fvifh people dependent on clerkships and poorly salaried positions for a living with men and women dependent on the whims and caprices of angratefal and greedy esiployer in this bnsineas and that we will risk oar chances on that young man of whom this young woman meeringly speaks as nothing bat a mechanic it is a falsa pride which looks down upon honorable manual labor and false ideas of life that leads man or woman to speak slightingly of men in the garb of mechanics labor is nobltf and holy and the imprint of its nobility has been stamped an the brows bf some of the greatest of gods created beings rochester doity tine woolgathering was not very long ago a common practice iu pastorsrdistnets and was not the most beggarly of all employ meuta i have known substantial farmers who did not disdain to go oat of their way for the parpose of picking wool off the thoras and hedges and the wool thus gleaned was faand very asefal along with the beltings of sheep for staffing horse collars cushiona mattresses etc in earlier umes before the spinningwheel was abolished and that household note of of industry was stilled forever when moreover wool was dear and bard to pro- care unless one bad sheep of ones own the wool so procured would be of consider- sertice to cottagers for into blankets and it is quite a mistake to sup pose that oar proverb has aoy contemptuous intention it refers rather to the wide and irregular range of sach wandenogi as the woolgatherers in some parishes where there were acres of gorebushes and the hedges were mostly allowed to run wild a day spent io this employment woald have yielded no small return to a large family of children yervcouptluestarv are you the gentleman who delivered the itctare last night asked a young geotifman of eli perkins on the boston and maine train iara said mr perkins with some privet f well i want to thank ya for it i donlj know when i ever enjoyed myself mora than when yon were talking you are very complimentary said eu blushing to his ears vary complk mentjary am glad my humble effort worthy of your praise and the compli mended ha maris t took the yoaog man warmly by the hand tea continued tho young min it gave me immense pleasure yoa see 1 am engaged to a portsmouth girl and her threft sisters all went and i bad my girl itt the dirlor all to myself 0 it was a happy night the night yoa lectured in ports h when arc yoa going tp lecturj j then again v boston glou tke castle of the douglases the origin of tantallon castle the re nowned stronghold of the douglases is unknown for centuries it was the great citadel of the family on the east of scot land its situation was so remarkable the structure so strong and the means of de fence bo skilful that it teemed to defy military attack in 1479 the barony of north berwick and the castle of tantallon baring been forfeited some ticnbefoje by earl of douglas were givairtyyamea 1y to the earl of angus tbeumoos bell cat of scottish hjstory who figures in marmion aa ihelord of the place in the days nf the next earl the castle stood a siege by king james v but the king was unable to take it in lc39boweverrrtas taken by the covenanter thereafter cromwells troops beseigod it and after a feeble defence it was taken again abbot a hundred and fifty years ago the castle became the property of sir hew dalrymple lord president of the court of session in whoso family it still remains arpert magazine his tax was crossed out the following story is told by the oxford me democrat about twenty years ago a bluefield man noted for bis shrewd ness was attacked by the smallpox con ceiving the idea as he was convalescing that it would be a good time to dispose of his road tax he took his staff in one hand and sfaooldering his hoe started for be scene of operations like the prodigal he was seen alar off the men began to throw up there heads and sniff trouble the sareyor saug oat i ewow jase they are afraid of ye cant help it saya jason i havt got to work oat my tax say jase if yoall go back til cross out tour tax all right says jay son and tbe tax was crossed oat f aklvff stock it was slated not long since at a confer ence that one of the most fearful signs pf the times is the fact that our churches are filling up with unconverted persons similar statements are more and more frequently made j now as business men at the close cf the year take account of stock with great care to ascertain their real standing is it obt well for us to do the same r let us tut this statement honestly and thoroughly as a bank would test its securities let us go through with the members of oar chnrcoei wilh kiod personal inquiry and see liow many of these professors are professors how many are actually boru again and separated from tbe world onto christ and walking with him ia hia holy ordinauces j ou the other hand let us see howmaoy have only tbe form of godliness or scarcely that bat are warkmg with the world strangers to the new life aad perhaps even disbelieving the creeds to which they have subscribed and the word of god let us first ascertain how many bap tiled worldlings we carry in our churches and then tike some meaiorest anloid lhpsa tbe faithful discharge of this duty might be a sad surprise to some- but it would bring a great blessing to our churches if thny were converted to christianity according lo christ rco p marvin boyssholldleakv that a true lady may be found in calico euite as frequently as in velvet that a common school education with common sense is better than a college education without it that one good honest trade well mas teredis worth a dozen beggarly profes sions that honesty is the best policy that i it is better to be poor than to be rich on ibe profits or crooked whikiy and point your precept by the examples of those who are now suffering the torments of the doom- ed to respect their elders and themselves that as they expect to be men someday they cannot too soon learn to protect the weak ones j that smokiog in moderation though the least of vices to which men are heirs- is disgusting to others and hurtful to them selves that to wear patched clothes is no 4is grace but to wear a black eye is which is wohser tws reapers n al harvest time ihefcapers sing ovlt the golden grain as to axid fro tbe lone scythes iwlatf ha measured sweet refrain- the bine sky iiahas oeriand and sea loa tho meadow land and white caps dance to tflcrrflv acainst the thining itrand so faithful reapers toll along i all throtbaiiiunierday sometime a merry jest or ioog to cheer upon the way uuillhe elouda have ahadowod far the purple mountain height and each respleddent star on star shines out within ihe night tlfcjn on ihe croen tho reapers dines beneath the i tarry iky la summer nights ot tweet romance music and revelry so three cheers for ihe harvest time when lads aad lassies ting aad thro the qemi the happy chime of ecboingvoleca ring- a rnooittss of inventions sixce ibw id the year 165 tbe present owners of the acjf jfc a twricajt newspaper doov meuced its publication and soon after estaiiibed a bureau for tbe procuring oj patents for inventions at home and in for eigo countries during the year 18i5 there were only 302- patents issued from the r s patent office and the total fsine from the establishment o the fatentoffice up to the end of that year numbered only 434 lp to the first of july this year then have been crusted 0c413t showing that since the oommenafltnent 0 tbe publication of the seie nti a mfrican there hare been issued from the vv patent office 403166 patents and aboutne third more applica- tions have bnrxsre thanhavebeengrant- ed showing the ingeiptty of oor people to be phenomenal aa ranch greater than even the enormous number ot patent issued indicates probably a good many of our readers havenadbusineas transacted through tbepfficof uwteiifccaerieo in new york or washington and are fa miliar withmaon a co mode of doing business but those that have not wul be interested in knowing something abort thiai- the oldest patent soliciting firm iu thisr coaotry probably iu the world persons visiting the offices of thb6ciaie ameriaiai 3c1 broadway s y tar the first time will he surprised on entering the main office to find such an extensive and and elegantly equipped establishment with its walnut counters desks and chairs to correspond and its enormoas safes and sueh a large dumber of draughtsmen specifications writers and clerks all bury as bees remioding one of a large banking or insurance office with its hundred employ ees io conversation with one of tbe firm t who had commenced the business ol soliciting patents io connection with the publication of the scientific american more than forty years ago i learned that his firm bad made application for patents for up ward of one hundred thousand inreotors in tbe united states and several thousanay in different foreign countries and has ftlad as many cases in tbe patent office ioa single month as there was- patents itsatwl during the entire first year of their bosldessi career this gentleman had seen tbe patent office grow jrom a sapling to as rtardy 01k and he modestly hinted that many thought tbe stieultfic a dtmcoa with its large circulation bad performed no mean share in stimulating inventions and ad- vancing the interests of the patent ofboe bnt it is not alone tbe patent sokeitfig that occupies the attention o the one hand- red persons employed ja mann 4 co but a large number are engaged on the fottr pablicatians issued weekly and monthly- from their office 361 broadway n t vizt tbiflnfipericaji the scientific anierkailsvpplememihe export edition of the scientific american and tbe arofai- j teem and builder edition of tbe seiattifa american tbe first two publications are issued every week and the latter twothe first bf every inoath- t em per ante f 1 oil lady my dear do yoa realjjthlnk you treat to become a mluistera wife yd indeed 1 dont mind being talked aboit i what sort of reading matter do you pro vide for your child if you furnish little or nothing sailed to the needs and under standing of youth yoa will be shocked some day to discover that your boy or girl has developed a liking for tbe most harmful portions of your favorite newspapers or magazines there is literary milk for babes and literary meat for men alas that so orach of the meat is tainted in spots interior a sociable man is one who when be has ten minutes to spare goes and bothers somebody who hasnt a little girl came running in from her play one morning and going ap to her mamma said which is the worst mamma to tell a lie or to steal tho mother replied that they were both so bad that she couldnt tell which was the worse i well said the little one ive been thinking a good deal about it and i think its worse to lie than to steal if yoa steal a thing you can take it back unless youve eaten it and iljouve eaten it youcanjtay for it bat jf d there was a look of awe in the little face a lie is forever what do yoa think- of it a crippled beggar was striving to pick up some old clothes that had beennlhoown from a window when a crowd of ru boys gathered about him mimicking hii awk ward movements presently a tittle fellow came up and pushing through the crowd helped the poor crippled man to pick ap his gifts and placed them in a bundle he was running eway when a voice from above said little boy with tbe straw hat look up a lady leaning from an upper window said earnestly god blesayon my little fellow god will bless you for that as he walked along be thought how rg ad he had made bis own beart by doihg good he thoucht o the poor begearfs grateful looki of the ladys smile and ier approval and last and better than all he could almost hear his heavenly father whispering blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy little reader when you have an opportunity of doihg good and feel tempt ed to neglect it remember the boy with the straw hat senator blair says the late prohtbi- tion defeats are victories let no one des pair but the rum power a prominent firm of glassmikert in p he- adelphia refused a large order for bottles from a liquor bouse in chicago says a leading brewer of that city eighty six pet cent of the saloons in controlled hy the breweries t tbe death rate id tbe indontamperanoe hospital daring 1833 frvas the lowest of any of the london hocpitals south dakota has a prohibition cow contributed by a farmer to be milked or sold to aid conn lit utional prohibition the church of england teroperaaoe so ciety has opened a hotfie in orth london for ineberiate women of tbe middle class all screens and bhbds were removed from the saloons in wilmington del on the 1st of june under the new license law it ta claimed that on a vote taken today cincinnati would givo 10000 majority in favor of enforcing the sunday closing law the barrooms oppose tbe gospel of christ and the ministers of the gospel will oppose theburrcomi untiltfie jast one is closed what else can they do as preachers of riguoasocss the kansas city timet tills a trfljb spitefully thus xo yousep any more prohibition heads sticking up nowadays if yoa do lets hit em while frafbive bur hand iia theres nothingunit will lay oat prohibition quite so easily ana thoroughly an thegoodcdugelof high licence n good adyjce it is better lo tread the path of life cheer- folly skipping lightly over tha thorns wild briars that obstruct year way than to ait down under every hedge lamenting your hard fate the thread of a cheerful mans life spins oat much longer than that of a man whu if continually sad aud despondiogt prudent conduct hi the copoefus of life ia- highly necessary ivat it distress spoceed dejection and dissir will pot afford relief the best thing td be done when evil comes upon us is hot to give way tollamentauon but to seek action uol tosa and softer but to riae and search for remedy i ihhan8 sphere we ulk aont a omanbspliera al il it had 1 limit tberea nota task to manhood givo xhers dot a juoe in earth or heaven tboroa not a borrow or a woe thranot a whisper yes or no j theraa oota life or death or birth that has a feathers weight or worh witiioat a woman in it ihe ivitem of wordiiiomn hy whioh the memory ia overtaxed before the nason in j powers are awakened it wotw than worthless how is europe bonndedl j said i teapher who balierediraarly aaamt mingto one of hii little popus 1 boo- heaho it w the reply for ssais 1 johnny j tryarain 0 pleaja sir i remember noir hat is the answw toon j o mf eraramar qneatiuns and i thought 1 jjj was to ho heard ta my grammar firit i