strnatts skins rorakmi nn iltfjiet ibr z jroiilnb and coqa bw u oa hasd f singles nlittthtir laiuv te kipply ffcravn utd f leather lorlwmior m phcob ahocjlqi auoorrniuid- 1tuhbr0tbks ftmethodisttlhurcu acton j i i icf zzdc fcr year onr lcubihtr u ciubhia- k war vrinilt to r- trxr hiilut fcod cx- kty ciitiiccni the icrtcrv hardy wasted i no csrictwo ogi- tree write j co liocinsftcr n t evo a- ajffobd 6a phd pmtor srtvic ft u and li bomuy ebwiww billcueoodwisbylha pm tor au cordially uviud lflcooiq ki ll t moore bnuicw tl vtiiwn alwayt ttltnibtr al tlw door niftiiptir desired apply lo yttranl bank of ham kbad office 4trfbvr krvn hakil ilton ososaetown aqbhcy atiedral baauttc basinon ltok tnjisected slvlsfis iuxk departilext derasits receive i ot tl and upwards interest allowed it curreu rales police of wilhirswcl required ko liwfcki e m wat60k ajsul i dwellings iz1c ciclj tut 1 1 kl cr cvctcm- rtcli tor 12 tur m cc uiia great lci3c attached sees ndc vzsn cica aj- t3 office arrax of revision acton liihil a cocn mill 1- is vmlt usi ia lj copaprr cocn of il t ct hae ictci at j ft octosek i5s9 1 u w icar ud de- ti tmr tad j xisa cf lie izacia- j clt in j kdiool ijotiks aud stalioueiy w wt wiupltc liav at uii ikxas tod licbool koiilipr oar mock ol eqtciope xotc ptperm5ntltoolscnlibct hndiouic vfddis tad liirttidiy- preseuu iirii iu toci lnruibouroiitwl iaubins iit tiic iiot j geo hv2fds j okaixildc j evtileit suuoaeiy chool books etc acton ioht j thveii october u isg i mjaxy1qx0r locals rluimi ijj- the evrrtlwasfctrhl md alert j free drtis exporters i kat j ateultuks son deceased- lea cr bccrlns -si- l srio i cxt- cf jzlf iso re c q ijjthafl ixcib e- the eierztcrs c tfce 3 tweistii crorbe- tsses tsd uescxipaass j ir iccccxts xai the- the cilta tabe iri dei i- i 1t thai titer ie said j i the eipc3tor wt2 j isi5 of the wii d- j i emitted thtszto tinl ot5bi the j lithe eiecrsib not f- ssr part tiiotfli to reimiitf j ib- deceased j rivkltii titrt thcrroli ill -ti-it- as- j cji od u or tbotrt tiir i wiiiaia cuui lesii iat fi od4cr i- aac ei hrrss cd vracjr ud iearf rf btf rf tbir eecoiuiu jtrttfcil svx ttc said its id fcrfmitittistnx p tie tssra- of tiic d r crts eii tberrto f e r ol btaci sc i ce ttscti tr ut i liai yj ilj- ish is0ak listc ishop atd dwelling pton 1 i iiom- tc tle ltepmccann in jlh octobee uji carpenter sboyiu iti3r ordr ptemos i fgrtir crnsvcot af i ismiii talherna- ir 1890j empire kiavepapei i t tne- j inada j the empire is now eey paper uiijvion turw todi kiliuw of pno subscjbersi c db1 how til jm lite tar i v r- erosy tnomings these hihowe a next thuidar nicht t j another weeiuid thenkovember i mutzbis nit- of uiitiou this yeir is 30 mills j gnreahat piys 3u mills fieven less tain usl yetx j a preujlirely satjt sionn tookplioe benaa tiesdty the nw dr of ur j b feinon iff irorthyof peral i a diss to eaje in the slqdy of short- hiad u beia5 otgmiied hen j tht viiurkirl i differectiroatpoet biii i sot born ihe is mid la crder j a fell ittecdince is requested itthe of acioc council il t of t next itanday ctca 1 jadfies court uf licvisitai uai heudsy kllfli- mfordommioa lisiiadit lpm far mjinicfpil list i i the pirfc debenture hire been cold forlos- pretty cood price for i re per craudebeatart xhcrsdiy xoremter 7th his been pndsimed is the dite for cinidig duocxi tfriflbgmag dir it it j forrester of torou to rill pretch lntbflduciplesmeetiaghoase ecu sandiy oarnin lad evenin j t a meeting of the beird of trustees of lado pnbiic school wrflbe hii next jwedjesdiy evenuic j in prosperity it is the easiest of ill things to find i friend in odtenity it is of itlltfcmsi the most diiecalt j at i- ilsthodist sodil in ililion iys tbe bwton nvi theriff clements idded to um generil hilirity by ttidingthe umnil report a county cichinge sxs ihit ur7is uih xusiveyt his fillea heir to ihoal 12oco throocfa the anth of in tmcla in london out t r ths innoil meeting of iheonuxio eruxh of the domimoa alliinee will be hdldutonjctocbmmedciflg on ednes- isy uecettler 18th itj jfr uns hunfltoa of toronto who pnuhed in the fuptut charcfc list sib- bithjtill occapy the pulpit igtln next j snndiy morning ind evenin aco the enriofitiesjof the ecssouua irnsset ipple grown in lf perfectly wand d ia good condition left it thisoffice on jfciaiiy by mr joel leslie of erin- j the ale of the looty etc belonging la ilbeewilecfthe hue eter hcctaa went ioffferyweuousitardiy the machinery ti prooerty wtre not sold howerer l campbell the recently appointed jcoontyeegistryr will shortly remove to imiiio hanng porcbased the devar iresidjppce his farm and stock in kelson re advertised for sale t timerston tckgrapf the millenni- i nm it coming at a funeral hut week the jelergsrnen of the methodist presbyterian j ud episcopal churches were seated nn the jnrig tsthe salvation army captain uobt armstrong has beeli sentenced to fite months in jail for aggravated assault if he hid two arms he iduldhave been sent to centra prison bat one armed men j not receired there as they cannot j oct milioa tufvnncr i ferin fair was a great success the 1 catemoney it 10c each amountedto j550 j that represents 3500 people then there i ate 400 members tickete each of wbichsd- tmw a family of- fire that means another lttj beside coraplimetitaries- tthieii the way oar caittjmert speak rectmg thf lob work eibcmd by the upceb we liked the report yon printed for as very mach- xhoy neatest we ever had oar people are all pletsrt with them- h l kile ont- ah 2 deans presentation party will bol the boards at the town hao on batar- irj monday and tnesday evenings- they froue a lfg bill of entertainment and the aodfence will draw presenu with heir tickjiti if they have the lacky imbibers- mr gthosriy occupied the pnlptt in knor chtrrch on anday morning his abject wis pisise and his text psalms 31 h i w uess the lord at all times hispriifiefihahcontiuaallyberamymoatli his address nu an able one and the con- fireciiiod listened to it willx marked atten- tw- jtue crownbasfness at the approching it goelph hae been assigned to e v c johnston late deputy attorney geueral- amongst the important cases tfai t will come before it will be that of i hjrvey for the alleged m order of his wife ant two daaebters the issues commence j witbeasthinst homfi gleanings mwtutslosijiy ifl lorsl clmrtcur and bourn brekjukzm pahnt on the uionihitr of acloa ethlbitiou a few raiuutcj altcrmir and mrs joel lesue or kriu imd jleft home their honw was btokt fnloioi a soolgan a ooniidonblo qnauuty o btjead and buitor and a few oher aclicltt nrc tsken away it tru a diruiji dcei jllic irti wow observed uaviog the hoase b tome of the neighbors hothoucbjtitwullrlrfslio and family waving tot jvcton ko clac sid rtl accident j about uine oclock on taeaday eveainfi george flynn sou q mr martin- llyim a wellkuowu farmer jresiding near acton was ran aver in the yard at gatlph while o6apuig cars i the poor fvllow died from lilt injuries a jcoapifl of hoars after he flu about iwcuty five years of age and lias beencniplmtd as swilchmau at actoa hcrhti and cjucjph for several yeaji he isaahfcia8tfilniifhlfjwaiuaijobiijilg yuaog inanscc it vis while cugiged in doing a kiud luru far a trctnrnaa thit ho l4st his life te6id uewt of his accident aiid deatt was n crcal ehock to his parents and friehdi the rt aiiins were brought to actoa last eveaiq the f aacral will take place oa ifridav i f- j 4notner assvrteicat frrour job dept j the fru piils- job department it just it receipt of anjlucr cre issorlmcut of ucw and attractive ype coaipnsing eotnu twelve fgnu aud asa resalt fpocimene of the art preservative arc uoivbeiag turn ed oat even ar thin our highly conipi- ntentcd orfciu the pot luiddilioato this we have secirod a line of the most elegant simples o fiuejsiock in the line of citilj of even djcrinttoa wcddiing reciuisiiies in rjlicenncyuiuagcircfetc vcluchlhc marketalfordfru itsnicegoods good work aiid a strictly jure white sample of goar- rinteed fcititficliaa ia every particular that may he sought for the fixltlii- cm fill the mcasart toil and ahikc it doun j actqaflrxncii xxble society j in the annua repart of the upper canada bible society the followi0gappearsrespect- icgthemeetingheldiicre this thriving village was visited on 2glh fchruarj- the meeting was hld in the methodist chtirch of which iter vr gifford is pastor al thoagh the tftok wis falling fast the attendance urss 01 a large uninu choir guve their braces and added much l the interest of the meeting the presiien i mr varre5 took the chtir the becretarr dr tjowry repbrtai the eiics and collections for the year jthekev d bgordon of georgetown gave an excellent address tell of practcir euggesfiocs and the agent fcllaced the coljctiscs vrerc 51271 which with the suhicciftions made ssicj the c5icere were then appointed and uncti tcudtrtd lo the choir the collectors and the retiring prisiicnl attc kvz7nr vticj ithtrtt iik classof mtn uiit art alisiys too big for their ecrroundiegs and have a lefty contenzpt for j the little things by which they aie eartondcd a few of these exist in every town cr ullage and thelxcfc of prc3perty and progress so pxinfehy apparent in many places may be traced to their ticifiter insuence they feel a contempt far everything aboat them aad are not slow ia expressing it they oevcr fpcicweu of thcplsoe in which they live alwiyi sneeringlj or slightiagiy and instead of trying tfl hsdd it np they ire making a constant leflort tn poll it down the mameqt a mint becomes soexpanjed that he finds the plsce too small for him he ought to tnove out and give himself room to inread he need not feel that his place will not be filled ttie man who takes jt may not lew ignorant and conceited hnt he may have a lejeller head and more common sense aaoaftrtiuutejrsij ou monday joluu soil fir lnud who wurki for mri bproat uoar millou while pfeking apples bad uio misfurtuiio to fall about tiftuqu fcut from uio top of au spplo tree a rottou limb being the cauio of llio accident the small heme of his left arm vras broken hit two thnmbs knocked oat and ho li iqppcacd to bo injared internally toll i young enrliihinia who hit been la this country about a year cahmiim ifaiton s c con rea lion the following lueraben of tho exeoutivo comnfittce our eounly babbath school association rocviu knox church last fri day rev jno yakeqeld burlidgtou rroiident rev r lladdow milton 8oc- reary rev j w rae acton btaiistical bscrciary lievi r b cook aud dr gif- ford actoa messrs rd warrou georgetown d henderson j l warren gabriel wollaand h p moote acton ft was arrangtd to hold the annual conven tion aboal the last week in february in the methodist church acton au interesting programme is under consideration and will iu all probability include matter of more than ordinary interest particulars of which will be aimonacid when arrangements are farther ad vsneod a committee has been appointed to organize a strong choir from tc yarioui church choirt in town iu 1 it is likely that excellent singing will be render ed che executive committee will meet again this week while attending the pro vincial convention at toronto i iebsoxal mention lvragmiiiiifiiruugviaiiolo and vroui iaeton- with vmioat free irets readers 1 arckc re orlcacqujateit esqacxuifftovrnshjjs council tie following is asynopsis of the basi- oess transacted at lint session of tha town ship coancil ah j the members were present the a seal list of clumsier sheep killed by dogs was filed and s590 was voted is follows t coot sogg j no walters 200 jai mcmenemy sj33 arch mcphersor tgw wm maiajas kw fahu keddyj 33jwxhe towu- shipofcliitiguicoasy was paid huq fori drain on the town line alcxwaldie and others petitioned foc wire for a snow fence along the tide road out to waiters it was not granted an appeaecor aid to help esqaesiug show held at georgetown out of financial dhticuilry nielusi the cocdciiiots hearts to the tone of iq at the ratepaycra expense amanber of accounts for road and bridge repairs were passed collec tors were appointed t fouows dirieion so 1 john mcgiblon division xo 1 david lindsay division ko 3 edward nixon divuuou kp i john t elliot j division xo- 5 james xickell division xo g john bingham jthey will be paid 30 each for therir senicesthe coancil will meet again on monday ilth xovember tne y f v annifenxrr- the result of the first anniversary sec- vices of the hfcdiodist young peoples union mait have been very satisfactorj to the members it the union these who attended were clearly plcascdand profited with the proceecang3 the sermon on sunday morning by the eev dr gifford from l kings 19 t o lord take awiy my ufe7 was oue of unusual interest and special lyldjipted to the occasion tn the evening mr t galloway lecturer of u- bridge gave an address en how to mike life a saciess basing his remarks opoa gal- ci whatsoever- a man soeih thai shall he also reap desenx success and will command rtj he taid some j the aids tq success in life ire a strong active and health body ihoagh many of the great men of history were physically weak a tride or profession and having chosen one stick to it- coartesy cheerful ness economy selfreliance essentials lo snecess are perieyerence patience piety the aderees abounded with apt hlnstrations uroaghoa aod was replete with interest his remarks were prefaced with a pathetic sketch o bis life jin which it- was shown that about twenty years of his life were spent ass helpless invalid and an intense sufferer though still a cripple he is abl j to make for himself a livelihood and being h devoted j christian bis visits throughout the country mist result in much good the aunitersary social on monday evening vis a very pleasant aad interesting affair tfe lecture room was well cue3f ilcfresh- men ts were fieri ed from 7s0 lo 30 after which ihd programme was opened with aj hymn and prayer by ltev j w kac oud embraced qnartettes by mtssea mattid moore alue liiug dr gifford and a e xickliu icjlhers by misses lottie hem btreet annie wiuiaois allie laing and i maggie moore k solo by miss hemstreet mrs john agncw uaa been sptuding a week with friends al sloaffville i v t biweofthe vhrafa died at that town ou sunday uiglil mtiics aunic and bella slepeufcon arc spending a week with friends in totouio iicv a a lower ba of uraulford made acton friends a short visit last week j mrs dr mcgarviu returned on monday from a three weeks- visit with friends in listowel mrsabram matthews who has been isiting friends at fergus returned home last week mr james while of albany x v it the guest of his brother mr u s white at hauen place mr and mrs ira stewart of elfrida have been guests of friends ia this vicinity tiie past week or so mrs l edwards retarned home oa satardiy after spending three weeks with friends at braeeb ridge mrs william crewson and norman leace today to spend the winter with mr crewson at hcclsviue mnskoka i mrs e little of hamilton spent a few davs in actoa during the week her many friends hcnl vxzv plcascd lo meet her mr frank ismond and mrs e u ismond of oakland mich and mr parshsjof lothrop mich weieihegaests ofjmr wm lnnond last vcttk mrd k thomson of toronto soa of mr john thomson late of acton was elect- edj president of the baptist convention of ofllario and 0aebec at ottawa fait week mr h hough of grip pablishing co toronto called at the fcrr pncss ofsce on satarday while o a his way to spend a day or so withhia brother rev j hough of xkssagaveya f mr lichlan kennedy is now in vancou ver b c he pronoanccs the trip over the ci f r to the coast as delightful and abounding in the very grandest scenery the climate at the coast is lovely he says revs k b cook j w kae and dr- gifford mrs c s smith and miss kate lawson messrs alex kennedy and s p moore have been attending the provincial sabbath school convention at toronto as delegates from acton the dalh of mr cyrus bowers of waterloo the father of mrs e r bollert goelph occqrod on satardiy mr bowers was 73 years of igea member of the county council and a highly esteemed irwidentof his county rev william stephenson p d a farmer ccinisterof thomethodist church in canada died at flashing l on wednesday the deceased dan og i long and active career in canada oiled leading palpi ts in torou tj hamilton and several other cities acrov lviov agiuclltlual soclity- for infants and children fipttttsiiioirelliilipiadtoeuliimmt cttmu coretcolli oomupmion rocooiineod it u nperfor to mr pnmrtblta i ft stonuch durtftma eractatlon kaowntoni ttl haiti ilt jjs u8o0ifart8ibnouralt wjlsooi tajojioql mauadai tar cwritm coxrjutr munj street n t hejjko would icls of progress isliableid set crush- the watchmaker of guelph will always be found as above altending to thecareof his customers watches cjocks and jewellry we are anxious lo please you and trv our best to do good work if vou have a watch which others have failed to make go right send it to us ceo d princle watchmaker cuelph commencing saturday we will give oar customers the benetit cf a great job sac in ladies fice scim- less lnderclothing we bcnfjhl a man- factarers stock at a great largain we have taken tle whole hege lot and are going to run them off dividing them into two prices r u and tlluj gol down lu a u2vandivj ilw a handred pairs of bed blanketsto he j fcou y tf turton- headings by mebsrs uirifusdatkeilybrosixkjftpair6p 1 f- miore idain laing t galloway a folj stock to select from at latisfac j and h p hocjre harmonica doetu by rprice at kenny bros boot a shoe messrs peter md moore misses lnttia bare acton speight and sadie tarten played the ac- bepairing promptly carefnlly andjjmpadimentf the programme was enj wtayeffectea at kenny bros boot joyable tbroughoatauia thoroughly pleas w oe elore acton i ut cveiangivsjg uncnt by tbpsepteseut the aflairv of the ttetent uiiditiou settle rinaocex vcrj satisfactory a meeiicg of the directors of this ociety was held on saturday afternoon with a good representabouprescnt presf- dent dnltoccapied the chair j membership retarui were given in when it was found that the list number 2jj members this year la statement of the fmandal standing of e society for the year was presented and unlike many of the agricultural societies of the present year it showed that the receipts were a considerable amount above ex penses as follows llccciitt from all son 73i 51 total eiicndituie tjt u ualaaccbulajij 3 21 in the face of the fact that the society has neither government grant nor grant from municipal council the result of this years exhibition is very satisfactory in deed and the officers of the year deserve credit a pleasing feature of tho recent exhibi tion is the fact that not a siuglc protest against the decision of the judges was entered xothing tends more largely to engender feelings of satisfaction with the society and between judges and exhibitors than the absence of unreasonable con tentions that unfair decisions were nude the society appreciated very much the generosity of mr w e smitlria reducing the rent of ihegrounds from 75 togo as well as other condesentfons on his part the members of the citiiens committee were also remembered for their excellent work in decorating the hall etc acton union exhibition wins for itself prestige each year and there is no doubt it will in the near future occupy the very highestposit ion among country show if you want to secaro a firstclass boot or shoe made to order out of good malorial and by reliable workman go w konny bros boot k shoe store acton a johnson the celebrated tailor and cutter has left kelly bros employ and in doing a rushing business for himself iu mrs secords block wberethe people already are calling on liim by the dozen mrw lee the favorite tailor hai jabt received a nice assortment of goods for fall soitthfij light overcoatings and other- goods suitable to the season the work- ciauvhip ou all orders is firetebws and 1 can assurekepd satisfaction- to all -a- jnhnabn the tailor has the nicest range of goods to select from everything newandveryj choice and cheap he is admitted to be the best tailor and cotter in canada these red actio us of 2i and z cr cent should make them away beyond anything the cheapest goods in the trade and there will be no mors like them at the price mammoth house georgetown immense arrivals of full aud winter good ourstockisauoat omplots fortlie fall trade and we are receiving extensive addi tions daily we have all the near est fabrics iu dress goods at ex tremely low prices dress silks from sjc per yard up our milliucry showroom is complete with all ti6 latest novelties in millinery our dressmaking and mantle making department is iu fall running order ladies jack- els dolmans and ulsters iu iargc vitriety an immense stock ol corikiug material to choose frnl iu cotton wooiiciis flannels blankets tweeds shirtings iriute our stock is very com plete and purchased before the recent advance iu prices an cx- celleut grey flannel for 121c per yd up carpets rousefur- itishuigs in large variety uot for- kecp jocr eye ou oar- hiqtm ueijarl- meul why jaoojdut yon 7 it we ever bid a boom in anythioff it has been in muincnuntlts thii tall we dont believe in paffing oarown goods by rnfcuing dotra somebody elses bat we will say this come and see the stodc displayed in our larjje new mantle room on the second fiojr cf ko 25 and it yon dont say that it con tains the choicest lines ot handsome goods at moderate prices that you have twee we are very much mistaken hundreds of ladies misses and cuihreu6 iliters kussian circulars lloiuians jackets and wraps beautiful line of ladies hisses and children waterproof from slw to 1500 each made especially for us we sell goods in these lines evert- day to people who have looked all through the trade and come back to us for their pur chase getting ladies and geu k ot wear our ordered clot hug dep irt thelitis a i e ir bollert 26 4 27 lower wyndham st uueliii kciidyinade clothing iu boys and mens ininkuse stock great bargains the biggest drive on earth iu readymade overcoats splendid overcoats for 350 and overcoats for 500 worth 1000 others accordingly cheap we shall be glad to see you come aud iuspeet our stock and seethe bargains uuy it suitable if uot you shall lie courteouslytreated wmmcleodco mammbfltfjrse oeoboetowhv hi dqtbu ur mantles or jackets- until yon have visited our new mantle roomj oyer soo sqhnre feet has been dovoted to this deportment making it ono of tho fluent mantle konmg in cuuada it is filled with jackets maiitlos and dolmans impjorted from england france and gcr- nd rangtrrg in price from 2 to 865 we have alsc stock of childrens mosilles find mantle cloths with ten times the space u far larger stock thfaii ever before and much better value we feel sure you will make a great mistake i yon ilc uot visit u before purchasing 1 gcbrfkn go etueiph 93 upper wyndham st successors to 3 3 3 3 great millinery shcrar henderson our grand mi wednesday will be ope the ladies of acton and vicinity arc new hull lines of- the latest styles of ladic with trimmings the leading dry good house j no hogg son 2d 3 3 3 3 mcraeco acton h k liinery display on th september i to all comers specially invitcdto inspect our display of goods fall which will be fouiid mosl attractive l ii dress goods in all the newestshades iif great- variety iji a cordial invitatiofi isextenticd toall l y 1 henderson mrke 8 go kdton t- 3 33 d 3 3 fkll kelly brg tbe right place to get right orderee our stock ot scotch kndisli wall kwndi and canadlii ore a and worftel snlunca viug i lsis lul i at- jron i 1 i 1 gojids at right pricefe is at kelly bros clothing t- a toot itock e tuto dry is ot urt choices t iaualscuou tliojvaswr i every un our cutter has bad tonq experience tn ca trade and ii agodtwesiatimdeto0rterfrom13p0up an elegant good wonted suitaade to owtofhmijiwoonp wetatueaiymaejtwltauforfa iw mlssyourianosto hisrksde ctothinc v wo ban lu tbe reedruia4e douibfl line a mj large atflcl una veuti fijttaff and chtmriu osftns cvusy mtiiuwasmiljiricw y elui3ros jacton tf