ms tern- u ralc j i- cne pi l-sfcvlu-l- rhejiejrapdistchuuch acton rev o i arrportj ma pia pastor rudotel llowtr ircnuo puko krvc telnet sjo pasta siraoccrs n i knurc nihen ir fitting in lw steward tlrxnltu cuuk jun i t i fcritrt l lmkfcctoks i kivuv v irvixvueo bible clasaeoiidiictcdbyllii ail eonually lartlcd visitors always welcome at- l uu door desired apply lo 11 i moore bank of hamilton hkidomoe at3mt0h r eimo000 u s stevmc assr ciutna luaiy id sales- ircftrrv k i y lies crttrf alforw ations- gtrder cd co- i ngton ir ki- ta lary 1890 ctiu i- l zis sttttajtt ivaldclk a rn ohk piiotrot cms 1 otpt a t woof- atiu u geoaletown aoehoy to cvnvkvrjor brant boiwilxj aitlxyrtom uiid ouail aixesic ssius oktlvprable ienui t og saadgs ukfautmextv jujwrrvrec tm o el u urwrd urf ln 5sp d to due at spkiuu dwosxts uwrrtd al current rata of iulcrotu xo cuortt wiihdrsjrtl required huvatsokasnit resl attbrtmcnt beit prices best tttittaent best qmsj- geo htodb actok qnt cw line in eir from 5c nird coiuia hut ltasict tiolh bravhei school lloolt ceo hynd8 sickorthe hip watch aljc rlrtp jtr grass thtirstliy jikcirl 3u 18s0 jtaxy lilxoe locals colkted if the tnrtvoohifnl jid altrt tw hrrsi urlerx en in fefcnjiry i isw3 his sirtxdy vin- ancil next ltondsj- etc- lri j tittle iraaiv otli- zclid i i pttj i- oil suardty 011 osetwtliih ubei itaatcipil cc i- th 00 juiuxy tfa4w ed tiler ihisracal 2 doat tul to rexd kelly ilnw idrer- iiseacnt uus v u w t appelb nd ienrj- lirson ire esqnsiac6 taiiints eqai3c unihip coaacil will mett c ifosdtr 3rd february wood is the chief commodity cctains wkikinixfcci is present mr- accci johnaoa hu comaiepced tie pcrehsiiik ofjscrap iren eir m mcchnuicfc will prcicli m itr denarv house nin next sandxyevenici doai lea3pj todroti yonrforowin druifc yia tu ad tint iorror cia twim jltoai weather otfterrer uyi it hxt ixined every saaday for the list leu xackx itr if ariocfc of sfcsurter iu tor- ucpretiedia jie bpit church ut saadir ledt this yer begins oa feh ly good fridiy comes oc jprik nd eiiierenn- diyoc april gth ilr w focros er of torocto preiched two one ditcoirses in the disciple chnrch ixsi saodx r the regnlar qasrlerly commndioa- ernces till be idd ia oie itethodirt chsrchheit saady morcia ifrjel b jfnyu uinocace rrei ralactioa rajedc iag fxfaroaxy where ti n- to ill to wire money si memheri of the acton their jbreihera in goods chxaces will be gi a naiaber o t coart lqf vitiied georgetown oa tiidiy ereaiii xacy d cood liae we beliere id vts it weiiceiaicg ciasen whs alleged as rexsoc for not islusi la lire xi i hill thit the clichit did ooi 1 ait fcra- ai m iccpmfiscimeat to the grip neiieshxte tecq prerilent tmonthe bildreatn ton- bome twenty cases jtxe ireidy reportedl the fine newwiselocfcengiaerfectly patinto-beardmbrwa- cas dew unaeryit beast y and works like l chirm it is ehtyhonepover the rilige of ladmow last week hid teat of thene waterworts and now tkinu the festaiitine facilities of any tifiage in tae daminioil improremenia matin ae to be made at keatn w h fitctey it sons bacfafcin tannery a new dry loose 5gi2f two tori is oow beta j erected an eichaage aata the central ires- s f 10t in the lo printing offices soring the nasi year if that church doat prosper no one can a man oa icybiewajij may slip down ad fall hard like m era hip toads of iioi may be brokfiain fifty- tip with a smile- and and thonsh his form two places he geu rini j last eiiarday fe yard itiaf sarah tenets while vikluz across mcfongali oaaghter leg w brofceu at the tin cos buery store f t zstcsz- of sr e sfcdoassl dipped tad fell on the ice sad her rtjhl he the ttteodioce it the vsxioux charches io torn ni smsiiir it soadty tfctn cm u prenoos apd r for jetri jthc in- a tfectcdjonrlj- erery omilj- in aamtai vicinity j it is reported i iut sir w dtvidsoo natter tt the c iksuija ortogerffle h jtfli o beir to t ibvtane o rtofltjo beqaenhed 1 y t deceased brother ti portlmd orejod the tat ctmiiisj o the setsoa in the we riafc u mnoaaa i for ifbudsy eveniest t an tttrtcfife i st ot prizes tre offered rtoes tod oosti met aaar cornet bnd in tkendincc at the tnnati coocregttkjuti meeting rfttt ceotrtl iresbyteritn church gsjl wedaesdty meuillg the stipend o ihe pwtor iter i k i dickson bd wis iocretted from i i to jioo tbew it i daw in the blrttford pwcu tnd they rei ytpprjprittely pltced wo on the cemefty comnriu ibey t pat aclous iredictl coanciliot ou sstt commitl he s not built ihttwiy a million utile i licrobes were duertut l the sun here atrne t bitter kjlline j j then there wis bat one thif dy litue micfolx ponied his iflue iip id i wish i oa wtsdetdbectae i 1 lost my grip jxow begio io i ini ii j0 spriuu yoa t tine jigbt sait ii yon fltve yoar last ilh the ezceptios of tnd htvt u cjetavd itrbhc know tbttcoy ihe mrrchtntttflor tnuig lcaa teryiowprice- prmijkitgrviyet t k j ivltsi u new tli ttirfeht ln jem tut o ti te money note ke4iy advertiteiqent fu uotlicr colomo home gleainlkgs ftllth ktv moilly of tki loral clmmrtet aiid vutatci-titint- hajtons hew wanjeu at the meeting of uio cyaatf coqnch on tuesday mr v d 800u llccve ot keltou lowuahip was elected warden mr scott will fill ihtr county btj cuir wrilh ditoitr aud ahilily fitojilicni ccmaiissioaers thcclaurio government bat appoiuted ucatrs jolioh barber gcorretowu col doaald campbell kerwlrar miltoti and w fcj hall ironiby asliceusccommiwioa- cr oc the county for the present year at tae buncks the ventilation moeuu at the 6 a brrraclts iut weeklirdtiuileaa attcadince a three day cictlemenlii now oa the upu for the tth uth aui lgth fcby and will judaic a banquet and welcome to suit capu sharp aud ahillclajiu wedding oa monday evening mr john cameron carpeater and build er is now engaged in filling op a plating mill and shopa in the trunk factory build ing rwently parchasad by him the baildihg is well adapted for the parpose and hewill have ample room for alt kinds of voik the croacd floor is ioiss the second story ids foec iftssra galdic mccauoch gait are pctliuii in the engine and machinery ur camcraa will have a cood deal of saiitf actios in this additioa to his botinesa a raiuahie bcrse killed a singular accident which readied iu the death o cue of capt johnsuaws best bortcsoccsred on his farm lot 27 con 0 esquesiai week or to sa ilr shaw with his brother were failing tr la tlio bash and the tree wcut down tcooer than waa expected it teas noticed that the team was iu hue with the directiooit wocld all and kotwrt was yjtl in the act of drinug them oat of danger wlicu the tree fell npoo them striking the horse across the back it lived aboat a week bcl as so badly icjand thatir theu died a fraud is beig perpetrated opou the acnooi mctioas eiu an agent ctnes aloug scliciung orders for charts and olher school appaxalur amonntiag to fw and forges the came of the iecrctary or wme other member of the board he then visits the other members who seeing the name of oe cf their ncmbr already attached to the order do not kwitate to place their signatures to the crder the agent represent that the coqnty will pay for these necessaries bat in coarse of time the school section willjind that they htve to foot the bill we say bewire and look ool for the sharper for uzh he is rae ladies fxrctie the dueaor is a monthly roagirineof fiihion cnlrcreand pue arts kach issaa contains tllastratioas and descripliocs of ctirrent and inccming styles for ladies c misses tad children articles oa the cewest- dress fabrics and not cities in trimmiegs and retcesenutfoosof the latest ideas in millinery h-tc- and faucywork in addition there are papers by practical writes on the hocsehold and iti proper maatearace and a selectioc of entertain ing and iihircctire rcadinf oa the elepincies of life scad elleca cents for a simple copy and yoa will find out aamberto he worth the sutscrirjoa price kcfcecripticn pticn floo pec year single copies z5 cect addrtst the batteries publish- iagco limiteij 7 sand ii west thir teenth sirtet kew yore fjv to oczrlidjreidcrs the cmajhan crtn is aow hiving its annual free distribution of choice im ported flower seeds a large package cob- taining an irnmtnie ocmber of rarest varieties together wilhthe ijcczr 6a trial for ree months will le seat free lb each of our readers forwarding her address and oaly eight so stamps to cover aciosl ex pense five trial subscriptions and five packages by uiiil or express free of ex pense to same address in canada cr u 5 foe only 51 ct the qseen is one of the finest illustrated ladies magazines on this eoctioelk it i devoted to fashia art ijtcrttere iiowers the toilet household iljtcerz and contains- the latest imported designs for fancy work and uame decor ation the seed distrifcation or 16jo coa- ticaetfor this month only ko lover of beaatifcl sowers can aitcrd to raks it address the ozfadiait v toronto ont axzericzs lcisg xuslczl joarzzl vsith the jancary iisse uov ont the philadelphia sfancal jwxril iniognnlles its itu volume it has etesdily improved daring the last foar years eotil it uo stands at the head of american magazines devoted to the art d mosic the literary xcrlions of this issaeiacrade a senes of articles on open questions from some of americas leading insicoctors a musical romance musical cevs editoral articles by uagb a clarke has doc portrait and sketch of an american boy pianist portrait of arthur xikisch the new director of the b5too symphony orchestra report of the rat annsai meeting of the teana slate ifusic teichers association and virions other feaiares of interest to musicians and mokical people as usual there are four musical selections fauns and fairies polka little favorite jlarch bed of promise schoitache aiid where the fea- breaks on the snore- the hitter a charming vocal number this music is alone worth the price of a year subscrip tion and is only a sample of that published in the jiierwil every month to uiom who tabsenbe before iks close of this month the pablishers also give a ci page folio of ileiic free facucriptfoos only slqqt year eample copy 10 cents gouu 6 woclly pcblishcrs hlg chestnat st riiiia- am eajorabie frx tcrzzl visj t at the invitation ofldiltoacoaacfl uoyax templars of temperance a carryall load of the members of acton council paid the itoyal tempjare of the county town a visit last friday and it pro ed enjoyable indeed thevisitorfi were tendered a right royal reccjion after the rcgaiar business of the council had beea dispatched an eicel- lent lunch was provided by the sinter and a sociable hour was thes tpetit ibis was followed by tbe apndd programme adjrtai scjlcoindlior icacock clons tlje pbofc aildrit uro erarf lairumcuti out h fcard and ijro bell scotch ludllllqu ljfo jickxj- sola icv lro hatldow addras iiro ttvltrxnt charit the ctjoit atidnat lira dr iioocruaa truu luciuuoc lro uell adiftss stlctconnciuttrwarreti trio sister eiard aui urosiicii aud uil hdffff iittbro haddoir tesdios sifilerlisirfc esatjf iloyl tiaiuniiii uro ft gray- uxfumacuui uucti jitut kurl and vro ikll- ttitj fjiroceedinga jrer s concloded with the elotiog hymo at mmmiable bdnr and jdter bidding farewell to the many friends made duringtbeir visit the acton members departed for bme felling that tdey had ua vuiy speiit a fleatiiit eudabjti hid j- usm -dvenintf- but that nrnuy filicl and ufut hmu rtspectio be suooeuful work in couoection with the order were tlie outcome of theiifit neighbyilhood news kurnubed by wrrrsimmleuta called from uclittiijmoudiickrd up bylbe way llttookviux mr wwich was proatraled last week by a very hvore attack of tlm allprevalcnl in- flaouaa it was complicated with trou chiui and for a while caused his woods considerable foar after considerable heroic medical ircaloient bo is slowly im proving mrt lcachman ar had another clow call u the lame direction mrs 6tcphenliarbareehis becn is still datifieroasly hi uec mauy frieodi arc very anxious aboat her dr winn her medical adviser was unable to attend her aujd dr ifckiuuon of gaclph was sent foe and be at this writing is a little afraid of what may follow ttfosa a very interesting and phasing event orciumd at the home ot mr joseph dickson ocdlme krtmosa ou the evening of wed- cesdiyjau 2jnd being the marritge of his daughter misa mary to mr abtam 13 ifuir of gcaud forks co kotlh dakota the ceremony was duly preformed at eifiht oclock by the bev h j fair after which a very bumptuonj repast was par- uken of by the fnouds assembled to do bouorlotheoccaiioq the bride was taste fully drestedand presented avery utrac- tie appearance and being poteed of many eiceucnl qualjuca will account for lhe long journey uken by the voting man tu order to make her hie wife the happy couple purpose returning to their western home early m march and will carry with them the earnest rood frishes ot their many friend in canada jtoriatt mrs john patterson sr of the crtcon- cessioa of thit township has been for same time past mplaininiof asthma and aftec- tioa ot the heaxl she was taken dawn tome time since with the iufiucnra which developed into bronchitis last week and oa saturday morning last she passed away she was buried iu the houatt methodist church on monday aftcmooa wbea a larue nambcrof sorrowingfriecds aueaded the funeral and services 6hc was a devoted christian woman and had been fori many years a member of the methodist church sad very much respected she was about c5 years of arc kearly all theothermem bersof her family are laid up with the dis ease and her huihaud especially is very sick many families around here arc eubcring from this prevailing epidemic and the coa- gregsiioas and schools arc being thinned out cajfpuixlviail dr winn was laid up last week with a severe attack of xa grippe and had to keep close for several days- whilst several nf hie patients needed his service he is im proving at the date of this writing- the visit of this banian neighbor does cot brie all protit to the doctors the presbyterian chcrch here held its preparation services oa iut saturday afternoon iter mr strachan preached the sermon for the last two or three years mr lewis preston son of mrs james preston resid ing two miles from here has beea ailing his afhictiou was a painfal oce and je- veloped into an iateraal cancer some few weeks sfia he went to brampton to his sisters home to have it removed the operation tor a while seeined to be a i ao ccsdnloae bcthe gradually sank under it and died there ou wednesday of last week the remains were sent here by c p it on thursday evening and interred in the cemetery on iriday evening he as 11 years of age acd unmarried gojlitutuwv same members of the council ithink te etrect lighting shoald be revolutionised the present system is unsatisfactory mr l l bennett has been sppointed to the high school board for the ensuing terra j messrs t ltiisioa and l graut arc the auditors for the present year mies patiersonu organizing another cal istbeuic class mr end mkk v warrcu aud mrk f bessey attended the meeting of the ecard of hissiocs iu the uaptist chdrcii acton last thcrtday the following iresolution was passed at the recent meetingof the farmers institate here 5 that in the opinion of this icsti- taje further legisution is necessary with a view to affording better protection against sheepkilling by dogs it has become a habit with some boys in town large and email to steal old iron and sell it to dealers in the article occasional ly to those from whom they steal it some ot the larger ones are in the bztiaess that they may keep pace with their whiskey bilkcrai anniversary terrioes will be held in thesfptiit charcli next sunday sermons at 11 a m and7p ra by rev ss bates of college street toronto an old ma named o campbell of georgetown was killed at salmon villa last week while engaged cutting trees he w crashed in two by being pinned between two trees oakvillx our new council met ou monday night last by the tone of the star- everything 6eemiugly passed eff ia applepie order bat by the tone of some who were present i am inclined to think that things passed off in a chairracket order eev was meikle who has for a number of years proved himself to be a devoted and faithful pastor of the presbyterian church has resigned the pastorale last thursday evening at the meeting of the ep worth league he constitution with a few articles excepted was adopt ed dr lush was elected president a yoang people i prayer meeting has been formed in cbnnoctiou with the leagne which meeja frorag15 to 7 oclock on san- day evenings these prayer meetings promise to be a great help to the yoang people by fitting tiiero to speak and pray so that when they coma among the older members they may feel encouraged and ready to do their part may they prove to be a great blessing mr f brad win of hamilton spent sunday with bis brother mr a e brad- win late otthe slar mr a e brad win has accepted a position io the office of the international hwjal tanplar hamilton and still makes his home io oakvjlle by returning every evening anniversary services are to be held in the methodistchnroh oast sunday bev dr carman will preach morning and even ing on monday evening he willdeliverau address ou trade aud grow rich in con- dectiou with the teameeting a letter from mrwilbarmarlatw mobile ala- to bis parents informi them that he and his bisteriua have arrived safely at their journey end he reports roses and ucvu tennii couru to be bloom iu the -ut- uft with pretty girl of coarse bead kelly bros uew advertisement ihsk kxatulutl wfp ywfm hs thssssl i jui i 1 i 1 the weather without rain iu larkdalo toronto tu 2istitubttbe wife of mrpeorse aodcw u of alwn ou the iollowiuk wednesday end thursday mr anderson paid uyipti visit to friends id tills vieiuity perhepi rratnlatious this village is left witbo it a blacksmith at present mr hush with hfi family on tho pi set called bideaoch aboi t lj miles from morrislowo i dr john barber son of iecrge barber died recently his remains ere brbagbt by train to ltockwood station itit satordty and iheuce to the presbyutiau cemetery at sodom for interment it ia reported tbit mr btrberi death wai the result of blood poison iug iu period uc d by an attack of the grippc j mrs stephen barbarcc is seriously ill with la grippe bat it is lopod that the may soon recover bloomibury scbool ko li has been closed daring the past week on account of the teacher mr jno mcoregorj being laid up with the grippe bat he fll oon be so fsr recovered as to be able ta attend to his duties again la g is also paying his attentions to many ot the scholars the quarterly meetfug sorvicesj will b held iu the fbcneser church ueitsttbbath commencing tt 1030 oclock a mj and ou monday afterooon following the quarterly board meets to transact the buiecess ia connection with the church it seems a bard matter fo to get over the sundays lately iog last sauday made th ninlhonein succession in which it has riiuedmorc or lets erin the new coancil has fixedjhe mtiuicipal salaries for hie year aa follnwa lcierks salarj no eitrar fftl assessor and col lectors salary f35 trcajn rers itolary f 10 auditors each vi the jvilugt couttable to be paid the m a ot f o for every conviction obtained inder byiaw ko 10 of the village of kfjuwliea he himseff is the complainant j xeariy everybody ia lhe vil age lias had tiie is grippe during the post wo or threi weeks j the township collector repects taxes not all in yet j mr thomas facttou lrin vho was iu jured about four weeks sga by a scaffolding pole falling from the barn md striking him en the back ot th head paralyzing lhe whole body died but sunday night lie was sensible and coa id speak up to the last the deceased was highly respected at the township coancil nleeting a by law was introduced and paired for the purpose otdetermining the reupraerstion of towcshipoecen the blacki were outd up as fallows allowance to memers of coancil l per day whiis in waiion and 10 cents per mce one way ch rks salary 8170 assessors iqo caltor f xi treasurers 70 and aaditois fg each and the following arcthe oies rs clerk thomas young assessor thi msa talbot collector alex j ccrrie t isarer geo wheeler i the following were sppoinied for the township health board j imes kitk- wcod thos young peter bin tie edward tclton and arch mcdougs i ifedical hcahii oecer a h mckinndn md meiers hclsrea bros general mer chants frin village have asfli s inglis toronto igned to j mlltuv kev dr briggf of toronto the pulpit of the methodist chc rch on san day the county council met on organ iiation mabel bennett formerly of ietonof the milton public school obtained the highest marks of any pupil ia the county at the do u day for entrance examination held it occapied december hut mr h w bell was her feacher the visit of a number of the members of acloa council koyal templars ot temper ance lo the local council last friday even ing was much enjoyed the cietnbers of milton council did all ia their power to make the evening a pleasant ne to the visitors a tea and lengthy crigramrne of music and literature were dispe ised soma thief stole over a dozen bstjrs of oats from mr emerson feath rwn trs fahrar one night lately the bags had been left empty nrar the oats convenient for the thief who came back he second time re fume r the annual meeting of- the ilaltoa he- form assoeiatioa will be held in lyons hall on monday next at 2 opock pm for election of osiccre and for decidicc ca time foe holding a convention ia nominate a candidate for the local legislature information has been received from minnesota of the sadden death y accident of gerard w lawrence a uativ of halton county he is a brother of w a law reuce of miltoa clerk of the surrogate court 1 among other busiaess transac ed by the county council on- taesdny was the passing ot a bylaw granting a h igh school for the town of hilton w h lindsay sheriit clements and l mogibboa were appointed tnutees j mr w p moore of georg town has bought the stock of w j stiarn mr moore comes well recommended peb80nal jlekllon sragraiiis eespertfag viiitprnto acton with whom frcetrcsj arohrre orlcssacqualntc i and from readers mr and mrs anthony stephenson spent saaday ingaelph mr george thurston spent sc aday with frienus in trafalgar mrs c monroe of corwh n visited friends in acton and vicinity las week ker dr gifford attended mr chivereai evangelistic services at guelph i a monday evening mr sod mrs bobt morrow ha ret ar nod from their visit with friends borough monday was emperor wflliai ii thirty- first birthday he gave a recept thousand army officers bev h l hellish kuril dea i of caje- donia was the guest of bev g b cooke at the psnouage taesday mill agnes bobertsod teschei ton ladies college toronto i week with friendi at the baltic v it peter- on to two inmotnj pent last wiic mr sod mrs h s white od to itockford 111 in december comfortably settled in their nev 209 soath west street adam forepaugb the velar a circtii mausger died in philadelphia la t week of in fluent which developed into pi eammla he u til yean of age bev c c stobuatou ou nan tu health ibteuda resijjuiug hi jp eition rector of chritt church br am p a id m4y oext it is the bey geotier to reiin from the active work try and lire iu vvdeor remov- are now horns at lit of 11 tioa fts ii 1ilint i hemftti castoria for rnfahts and children mmltttsnirteto i goor 8lcntcn7nstecuuo taosratonis a a atanrsil d i worms fint sleep lad promotes fi 01 bo wort at btoouti pnscrlnuob us i thy i wltes ujnrioos 1 tut cornet ootrurt uumy street n y dominion boot and shoe store kenney bros acton u w hp 1 ii hs time tdthink oor luitmi eutomer tor llclr vcr ktod nd hbcttl latrno durtnj the put jar we siiiireolsto this it- rontfic sjid vll 111 return pontine io dm oar everyrffort wuiiily 1 who allujion nsthtoebcttlictiitrkottcordibetljcrln boots 8oea slippers overshoes rubbers trunks valises etc t so s2 v uc u kkknevrbros acton la grippe is catching also the double crip tract- iluctlcf- eiuhiiicfiual j h k tttrkwgharno shop salhcfare lhe btl and le ba a larccfilockof tiui larutk uisdc aji with tbu doable ini uockjc in ajfo a flae stock o lirhl bamrti on hand at iriecs thai will iarlrisc jou a full ilock of iilaiileu belli u1ili curry coinbt hrub hajten harness oil ac j always in wcki call and see my stock of harness before dealing elsewhere j h matthew8 acton mr charles s black weighu ml mas- sure loipector died faddenlyat hamilton early friday morning ofla grippe and pueutnouia decetsels family live in pauuville mr black is a brother of mr g w black siich block and was at one j titne publisher of the georgetown herald in partnership with s dills lie has been in the employment of the dominion gov ernmeut for a namber af years -great- a special meeting of acton council royal templars of temperance will be held next monday evening the elactioa of delegates to the district coancil and other important business will be brought before the attention of the members the board of health for esqdesi rg far the present year is as follows s beau mont john newton boot harper the keevc and clerk being exoflicio members christian barnes sanitary inspector and edward nixon fcanilary policemao a social will be given at the home of mr c swackhammer church hill in aid of the congregational cuarch on wednes day evening 5th inst an interesting time is expected conveyances will be t the postoffice at seven oclock to convey those who desire to attend from acton racket one week more our great kitriartliaiiry bilc will be coaltnced suotber week piles a goods ltve dairdied iiy to ootbicj but we ktie others to ufce their iilee tnd for sootier weelc we will py speciil sttentiou to the clearing oat of sle wider goodi itles oj dress goods tt sboat hall prices piles ot jlaktle akd ulseb cloths tt tboa btlf price pues o fakc1 woodlexs al iitli price roes o mantles tt t uretl ndoottoa pues o meks tnd boys ovtb- coats 1 tt ticrifice prices piles of fck snd cloth caw- it cletridg prices piles of fur mantles boas mcffs etc tt prices lo clctr dry goods must besoldmoney is the thing wanted and money we must have we btve determined on s big ssie oa holiday 20tliday of january up la the kith dav of f areli 1800 wu shall ivu a discount of teu per ceut for spot cash ou all safe nf 2 uuil upwards with the exception of white cotton factory cotton and cotton spools which will befive per cent this will he a rare chaucc to get poods at extraordinary lowprices the goods are already cheap aud all goods are advauciug rapidly so uow is your golden opportunity to lay in a stock of dress goods dress siks millinery maudes shawls cloakinj and ulsteriiigs wool- leu goods furs priuts cottons tickings cottouades checked shirtings deuiras flannels ladies auri mens underclothing hosiery small wares tweeds cloths of all kinds keadymade clothing overcoats carpets oilcloths curtaius boots and shoes felt overshoes fur robes etc our manufacturing depart ments such as ordered clothing dressmaking and millinery are in full running order busy as nailers but we want to be bus ier thisis going to be a cracker of a sale and whoever comes will got the bargains ladies gentle men aud everybody are all cor dially iuvited to this sale at the mammoth house georgetown w mcleod co oeobobtown piles of winter millinery tt four offn price piles of goodo til over the house thtt wt trs bonod to sell tt once e r bollert 35 4 27 lower wynrmm 6u gtletpitr only 25 cents guelph large vlothkuahv jr ji v i axtjrfyali rf seasonable goobs shaw merchant taltors cublph crundy to farmers and threshers ubebnvourmaoluiervonlrtbewbufcbawtrv peerless oil 9 gold mftiatk hatebeen sttsidd it dome the list three year a vjjj wl2ijb t luo 0 pmrtiujdratmifotym wtgodstud horsa powers tre escttud highly recornraerjdedtttrtemoae ftrm gaelpb farmers taluor tbem nse nootber mtnaftetnredttfjujtswtyou wrkl by samuel rogers tt co toronto speight son acton p i j a speight manager co lapply yoa 1tlj til the furaltare required to foriiitb iiitr ue tud cosv lltue uaus or lo replealsb roar lioiee k t settlec oac ill tur ftyle st toe very lowest price there is 110 srtlele ot faroltore we csauot 4opily sinl faruirr re lallvtr onr rurdltaretod oa btve no smaciuc dreiehtcutrees and run no ruk of breakage we jm iolt su undertaking ourtitirticirftrt esrfelice in this buiiuesa ua multed in codiiuciuc the jmblie ot tiiii entire community tbat we tuiiiy tlrstclasa worl in all ordbrs and fa styles which cuiuivre with thote y the city at oub half eltj prieea our hearse uaacactlleutoaeaudonriesauialrajsjurswot a bcoomfct titartiice w bars pletv- mre ia innticgujo yubhc to call oil usioranythisfi reqaired la oarhnes -t- i- ri itf i il 4asr at saptatpres i you will ntnrflnd a nil itoct loiltble or tlieeoruln festive setsos gold watches silver watches ejiaraond kings gold band sings lovel patternr gold spectacles nod eyeglasses poll btook of silverware the nicest napkid rings in town come in r and buy now and give us plenty of time to engrave monogram or initials b say age giielphj a lroish pree i having closed negotiations with it french dress goods rafinu- faetur r for two cases of henriettas lying in bond in new york and ttius saving the duty which the manufacturer pays we arejttering them at the very j low pliceof 49 gents 1 and these goods are worth c5 cents ityotf aljow them to ajip a match iu black and all maker in guelp are a bargain tbat you will regrtt beautiful range of trimmings to colors and the first dress i to inako them up x jl j d williamson co s and 7 wyndhsm bt qublph at80ewubitlptiok 84 0wltlbtolmgow jtulito aud llrtal stainps v inibtswawiwimtjtt itis