Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 30, 1890, p. 4

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i f hub pjtxbb oautndar t jinqlps and joeelets hnirwuflitrwitk lc ffheyeu llir wus wtidtln rrft5r bay worm dcran the lmu system itotlur grv worm ettenniustor do- tauet ihe worms atjd fcivc rest to the affenpr uoaty costs lore niyfi re ceats lo icy tt mid tie ccdviucod ulllc lmcjc lstek llnd adis of ihs kin for which i imd tttrylhioc stc could think ot bat without effect but ilwrtt boule of bcr- deck blood bitters itved i found relief il rcvo mo great satisfaction lvov vlxirxti cd ii i dciscviiu mu thursday 3fc tctmi jfm rcss 1ku1rt 30 1850 5fjtouni jfoiks wirsjji btjtbjjritdtien a tocag wifes acrotioa tpon the wild cean to bin who iy prostrate witt ever ud rais it who coujdforprt it or wflliaglr l it this beautiful picture be pcacuied w t ttc low coirwmlrecfi the tweet tiittstratioat- to o die hid wedded tn hope uid fa love the answers si eheerful though blue qros were tearftj and while fingers trembled lie some woaadad dcvc i when leupod be mad bxlor fihe csootbedihis deer puw aon hid bjj bright fn kv the tide tf his owu she watehod sad she veiled tffl danger siisued ten naaglbt ia her eye bat sweet tjaasfaliiffas tbaae she even wis jpresent with him eduraleaeect and when the ship lasded twa touching to see thai snnthinjr wetlher the two mount together the gangwiv the aaxioci fle nappy sbd c lite maay earthrangers to tae thej- uresiracrert and thougij eey have razished tn pnitgifronisjcht that yo wife t aevotias cpaa tbe will ocean i neer shall forget while tbe sun met lis iight the childltni eminent phyidciaas fverywliere recatu- mend ayctscbent rlaral as tbe most reliable remedy that ctsi be lite for cold coughs and i1 palmoairy disorders ask yoar drogcist for ayers almanac il it the bcit publication at the kiad tad fall o inlarmilion t rve kkflf taa haehr cm recommend haoirdt yellow ok txluaro care for tooth iche itaffered for wyertl dtyiylhen i betted my check led rubbed the telia- oil ia it md w im- meditlely relieved kcs divid g aesott j ruiej mxa t simgiiuxiayt c ii timely a buvfr divlnfon with the davth and the child ot he mm who wis lulled by huu ticctt whit key doe aoluke uy pride in uyin to the orphio ot the fre whukey dtanktrd im higher in the loelal nlfl llitn you irfl fori my father wwilaia by hich lioenm at que of the revival meeting at mont roil arutneuec rctiled hti experience he wid t was a wlvel and retail liquor wllcr i scoffed at revltrali luted evtare- liilc bat oat ot cartoaity akflnded the niecliaga ia st james street church where the ificit ot godbtoauhl home the troth to me i then walked my lt condition after a stracle ot a few daya i accepted chijit i ihoa rolled my barrel i ot whitky pin and ram into the itrccu and knocked the headi in a mans moral character and mi hablu are inseparable odc csjinotro on doing wliil he knowi w be wrong and at the same lime ojevata and parity hu moral being it ic plain that the uie of tobacco iajcres the health weakens the mind leada to excess wastes money does no one any cood ke who cics it therefore doe 10 in the face of tbese facia todosomadt there fore lead tacaatitmilly deprave his moral senaihilitjet thai which will not stand the test of moral ilandarda is sinfal therefore to continue this habit tit the light ot these facts is tobriug spritatldealh thfiwrrnkss lultjiltast axxolscejlknt j for 1890 ovir 108 fkkmimis tu sera frtmi meat inllurnirknts vou old avi iri thk rntitirw tin i 3ale woebegone invalid coffering from poverty ot the blood bilious sufferers and those whose circakaoai depraved ahcali utc without delay northrop lymans vegeuble discover and dyspeptic cure the celebrated blood pcrifier which stitaa- lalea digestiod increasea the nutritive pro- pertieaof the blood and erpels imparities from the system a bajttrftkrprt ir jamea ifccarty ot roand t lie cartys collectinc bcrean drnmbo ont sutes have sued taveral botile of bnrdock blood bitters for kidney disorder and find it a wonderf nl remedy previoas- li- 1 hid been taking pills thinking i had t liver compuint hot now i am quite well and will always praise b b b daiit witxcsm i werklt tlio koitttirhk mfurxurii fir in nti iui lio cboixft jiliikrtt- world coiftltis tin sjiily and hat abundant o intcrcit pwiniam b4aki for old aud tier ajsnts wtnlod samjilo copieit john douqall witnest w la grippe or ligktxixg catarrh 1 it whi be a surprise to any parents who have not tried the experiment to tee how deeply interested even very little children may become in the new of the day if told to them in language entirely within their comcrthaisionj inthemaaiofiiifannalion contained in any issne of t newspaper may be found at least two or three items of id- teres to chodrqo if only suitably preaent- ed i father or mother who will make a point of thai ttxniittintf once a day a few trne ttories from this sonice will not only he sure of bavins an interesting andi- eaoi btrt will nd h or hgr charm ed with seeing inow the little mind delights in attempts to reach oaticto a wider world than that o- the narsery even t tingle incident properly explained and elaborated will cftemaka a text for a anfficientlyj iengthly enterisinmenl and the newipspetj will thai f ornish a daily solution olthe everpresent problem of finding m bome new childs starr it is needless to ssy that the edectiaai mat be jadicioaslj made what enhances the beauty of fine fea- teres mare than a fine skin even plain features are made attractive by a pood complexion to secure this pcrifiy the blood with ayers saraaparilla it has no equal price six bottles 5 worth a bottle first help fflrtncwsrw in all cases ofwoands braises sores cats and sprains prompt action is lkcessary and tee wisdom of those who keep htg- ytrds yellow oil on hand is demoastrated it is a prompt effectaal and reliable cure lor all injuries croap rheumatism sora threat etc- used internally or exterctjiy and of course u leave an oopieasant impressioix where in the and therepl dancing is most indade nothing likely is daxoxg rorbhidcc a correspocdent of a religion paper ass i bible is dancing forbidden t is as follows j nowhere inl thq bible forbid- den in so many words bat- this fact does not vetsci the ugoment against it the bible if not a mere crinxinai code it does not undertake to fornith as with an ex hsjutivelistj of possible sins and to pro hiht each oe of them haanu theobjec uonto dancing is it is damaging to the health of the body kf the strength and parity of the heart as it is practiced in modern society it if unqaestionahy m one of the works of thtf devil n there is ahsolafely not one good thing that can be aid in favor of it and scarcely an evil tiiiag that cannot be said against it tbe third pace of the toronto dciix uall is noted for want advertise cents if yoa want to bey or sell anything if yoa want a situation a mechanic a- busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or foond anything or if yoa want to find oat where anyone is advertise in the to ronto tkhif sad and read the advertise ments on the third page of that jpaper the charge js two cents a word each in- sertioc address tkc hsif toroato can ada- haw ts ue i learv heajth with many years mty easily be attained temperance abstinence and care in food eaten are the main conditions ajwayj ass imperial cream tartar baking powder in busccitcsiestc tad that part of food will be all jht soli by all grocers 51k elutoi- 4 grippe or rasiitn infiaea u it is termed is in reality an epidemic catarrh and is called by some physicians lightning catarrh from the rapidity with which it sweeps over the country allow us to draw the attention o yoar readers lo the fact thatnasalbalm as well as being a thorough care for all cases of the ordinary cold in the head and catarrh willgive prompt relief icevea the mott severe case of la grippe or raasun infiuenrx as it will effectually clear the the nasal passages allay irritation and relieve the dailopprestive headache accom pany i eg the disease ko family ahoaldbe without a bottle of nasal balm tn the house as cold in the head and catarrh are peca- litrly liable to attack people at this season of the year and naal balm is the ooly prompt and speedy care for these troubles ever offered tbe public easy to use and agreeable it yoa cannot get it at yoar dealers it will be seat post free oa receipt of price 50 cents and il per bottle by addressing ftuoc a co brockville ont if yoa want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto tiry uail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement shoald meet the eye of someone who wan to par- chase adveitisetnents of this class are in serted in the toronto iteeiy slaiftoc five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a ward for five insertions address the iftil toronto canada ho ct- per litr in tin- mil lemisr c the lik cl tisenljcri clothing clothing overcohts suits phnts railway time table mm grand trunk railway fcsok 0oe montreal ttibekrtncica- contains the grest seal of the ajnerican republic and burdock blood bitters con tains the virtues orools barks and herbs from oar fielde and forests making it a wonderful remedy for constipation dyspep sia bilious aesi bad blood scrotolx and all ttin diseases there is no evaporation or deterioration in strength tboot dr thomas eclectric oil the iccradieat of ihip iaconapetratile antirhenmaticand throat and lung remedy are not vclatde but fixed pcre and imper- iibahle pain lameness and stiffness are relieved by it and it maybe used with equal benefit externally and internally t w er c tale lfitf winter my little girl cacght a severe cold which lasted til season i doctored with everything i could get bat to no avail finally i got htgjardt pectoral balsam and gave her two does which improved berj and in a week she was entirely cared by its use jiu c xoluas cornell onl scek13t koatexts vast interests affecting the welfare of society are often pending when the hoar hand on thej dialplate tpprotches a fixed point decisioc cannot be postponed rtifle no homan skill may then change divine purposes yet human capacities are never relieved of the harden of responsi bility but mast be always ready for any service that iafinlte wisdom any appoint at each a fane the true man bends his at tentive ear oward the skies above him if perchance he may catch some unmista word tcts is the way walk ye in it bat no one can then expect to hear only a he lives in 3oee anion with god if his life has beia up to this important crisis wayward o even lukewarm toward hisgod he will hir iy be prepared to interpret cor rectly the voice fmm onhteh what a mistake foi cs lo pass days and mocths without intimate fellowship with him eince we vt k11 ell inevitably exiled to meet grave resmiuiilief jact one of which we cindisclncte witlwcturenaih from god iktcttoi i sukik0xs blcxdk1 tley re uahin over a blunder of a united states exxminfrg surgeon nji in carilca tie wt eiimiaicg for desfoers an aoplictut for k pension and to tet t mans left er held a watcli it some di ttuo ad kilcctl him if tie ccjald hetrit tick the enswer u no sad the state reply wt ive to repeated questions as the watch wk broneht gradatliy nearer put hiji down totally deaf in the left ear the sarceon sid and holding the witch away from the mans rictit ear the same question vis askad to iris surprise tbe answer was he same it then occured io tbe surgeon to examine his watch anl he found that it htd stopped the exam- inatioo was began all over again lewie too journal i there is a kind of swearing which many people are given to when they are angry instead ltf giriog vent to their feeling in oaths they slim be doorr kick the chairs tump in the floor throw the faro it are about ipd make all the aoite they pjssiblr cam it is praclically fbe same thing as wearing springs from the same kink of but avoid saying those tmi nl joe betodin h d hull p q writes dr thomas eclectric oil commands large and increasing sale which it richly merits i hxve always found it exceeding ly helpful i use it in all cases o rheumat ism as well as fractures and dislocations i made use of it myself to calm the pains of a broken leg witb dislocxtionat the foot and in two days i was entirely relieved from pain iktzresttue pxreau sir kobe laidlaw of the ottawa rve frw says our babe was to choked up she coah hardly breathe id fact at one time we feared that she would choke to death respiration becamemore difficult every minute for which we could get no relief by the asoal remedies ssei hivio a bottle ot ntsxl balm in the house my wife suggested trying it and in twenty minutes from the firsapnlicstion the child ws sleeping and breathing easily and twenty four hours not a sign of thetroable remained it u eti iiivalutble remejy for children xs well as yrown ieope hr john ifagyod vicori road writes nartlirop 6 lymans vegetable discovery nd dysreptic care is apendid medicine sly catoraer y they ueier ued atirtliiiiiimtireeectal gooirwuft- immdiitely fallow its ue i kiiiw it vtlue from jroucl eiperiei14iviii len troubled fur j or 10 year with dyspeiwix since astai itdigtstiongoejti uithoutthtt depressiueftelins o xell kuiwti n dip tics i have no hesitation in rjnimenil iniiitm rhv cie of ndieitioii coiisti- pation heartbunior troatlefi enin from c disordered eusiracli it it worse tlixn mitdiiest cough or acod which is etly tubdaed if taken in tine becomes whtn left to itself ihe forerunner of consumption and prema- tore death enfimmuoc when it attxeks ihe delicate timae of he lungs and lronch ial tabes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get x bottle of bickles anujonsamptive sjrop the medicine that grasps this formidhle foe of lb human body and drives it from the hj tern this medicine promotes a free and ey expectoration tubdaea ibecough bexls the diseased parts xnd exerts x moil wouder- fa inflaeoci iu canon oonsamptiou mud other diseases of ihe throat ad langs if parent wish to save the jne of their children and ihemseluen from much auii- ety irousle and expeiimf lei tltem procure a bottle of bickles anticonsampuve syrnp sod whenever scliim ho taken cold hmpsjgh or borseaess givs tbo syrap people wonder when they find how rn ildly health irestocedbyukiagyera sar- sapariua- the reason i tint this prcparsiion contajos only tlio purest and most powerful alteratives tonics- j to thousands yearly it proves a veritable elixir of life mrs jjos lake brocktay cy litre 5iich writes liver roripkint and indigesuoa tnide my hw a burdtn and caine near ending my existence for mare than four years i uffertd un told agony f i was reduce i alraast ti a skcletoa and liardly liatlj strength m drag myself about all kfeidt ol food distressed one and only uj niot deli cate cout bo ditsiatad at ill within ihe ume mentioned several physicians treated mc without giving r htf noth ing lhat i look seemed to do any per- manenl good until i begiiii thu uki f ayers sarsanarilla wuicii lias pio- duccd wonderful results j socti after commencing lo take the sixsaparilla i coold sec an improvemoiai in my condition ray appeiite began to retnm and with it cainet ic ability to digest all the food taken my strength improved each da v ami after a few months of faithfu attention to your tlirecllons i foaad myself a well woman able to attend to all household duties the medicine lit given me a new lease of life and i c moot thriik vott too much we the andershrced citizens ot brockwsy centre mich hereby certify that the above statement made by mrs lake is true in every particular and entitled lo full credence o i chamberlain g w wiring c a wells druggist- my brother in englatw was for a longtime unable to attend to his oceu- pation by reason of sores on u fir i sent hiia ayers ahuanic and the tc timoniaht it contained inritced him lo trv ayers sarsaparilla alter uiing it 1 a little while he was curt 3 and is now a well man working la i mgar miil at brisbane queensland uirtralia a attewell sharbot lak ontario ajfbrtsarsaiarilla or j c ayer t co dcweit uzsu piketl cixloul- wttibifc ulic if you want stylish durable and cheap clothing made to we are doing order call and see what fit guaranteed every time or no our prices are so low they will astonish you sale- ooixcrri eijrc ilmcur uail u- thjowhcif ao- tin golbfiwcs- goicckui 10 ani ajn itn a nobby tweed suit for s120o a handsome the best in the land onlys600 tweed suit for 8400 kelly bros issiectiok invited kelly bros -the- great special sale continues all money f odencrseuepu cr ncs to x liotex fchnb ornxmcit- led cipcybicst rrite tt wasted a cood ell otr frclt tree tajs etc 1ercasei cccetor terras ana secure cij ire of tcnitcry we sell ocjj ntlts itock htnioe outit free address hay bbotheks nurttrj-un- itochtsicr n v 9cordsilos aimer to siotsees are yoa distarbed at night and broken of yoar rest by a sick chili tattering and crying with painof cat ting teeth if so send at ccce an get a bottle of ilrs winilows soothing syrup for children teething iu valceis meal coitble it will relieve ihe poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there tt no mistake aboat it it cures dysentrv and diarrhoea regolates the stomtch and bowclt cures wind colic softens the enmt redone inrlxmmation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem sirs winslows soothing bymp for children teething is pleasant to the ttste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and tarses in the- united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for sirs winslows soothing syrup tod take no other kind clt1kkh a new txuftfcxi oexfnew flar teter itcmc treatmeat sufferers are not generally aware that lhese diseases are contagious or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in thelimngmembrance and eustachian tubes hicroscopis research however has proved this to be a fact and the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient onoe in two weeks n b this treatment is not a a snuff or an ointment both have been discarded by reputable pbyticims as injox- oas a pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by a h dixon son 303 west king street toronto canada toronto gutr sufferers from catarrh troubles should carefully read the above wnwforlotiuteexisiocte contatninc urttfcaonuu rcn h r kmlna u trartfc ur tuttl ow i3cei tallr oied- aer n l- ua4 wccte ujcre ua txevier cw ittxnos for slinx an matbw iul cacti macktt bf iht b ortal toct eretrkwr am flle lieir on cow nd to u better uiflji tte trextest expert can wluioot ll- actpted w sll croaseot ias every ore wao s m jaoow es dealer rvnle ralulxc awixtt jss- prof lois mem jttes ry discovert uno trwhimo method ta ittftx rf dieril kalwlxi iwh rea th ihmxt tad prtrtidl mnlu o vor oricuj ia tr qf lb crtbbti tainvpnaeststnev it ccthcc rrociijje etxaprtiltrt ladlaiptuorljwjutckpktikffcha of tix tnit oc uk ulun h et mhieh irtzoomzxi tins rajootrtad bwrwdtr sad twrcjintr of histechic ojub- aodi bufifltan br cvnccmdiaoa tixrkzf that tu irtuxa is vted ony tiflff tfuirfnr ofxetti ltstanr ti fc irtrf ia r r ttacffnffwiitirei fcr pr pects tenniiidtrtiniaoi m4rwtl pwr a- tolsette 23t fiflk arcane nv st soal casudinpcjak s are ir cared to tte editor please inform yoar readers that i have a positive remedy for the above named dis ease by its timely ose thousands of ho leis exses nave wxa pcimaiicotiy cored i shall be glad to said two bottles of my remedy nxr to any of your readers who have consamption if they will send me their erpress and p o address- respectfully dc t a sloccit 165 west adelaide ft toronto ont rzettand ctarrt ta ke tiaocrfttg browns houbehold panacea has no eqiifcl for relieviuj piin hiili inlcrntl nd eitcnoil itcure iriii in the side back or bowels ore throat rheumatism tooth sclie lumbl0 and any kind of pain or ache it will tnutt curely quicken the bluod aiirl heal kk its xcting power it wonderful v browns household pan- noe uing acknowledged ss the great pin believer and of doable the strength of any other eliiir or liniment in the wiirhl should be in every family handy for use when- wan led as it really is the bt remedy in ihe world for cramps in the stomich and paint and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at lo cents a bottle c c richajuxs t co gents i certify hatminards iviaiment enrecfmy dangbter of a severe and what kppeared to be a fatal attack of diphtheria after all other remedies had failed and recommend it to all who may be afflicted with that terrible disease jouv d boctluke french yifuge jaiiy 13 yles he largest soalt in canada- over too s hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cfc mokey drawers meatchoppers m b3tchess tocxrss it rtn cwilson 6 0 espukade street east 0nt soppues wriis a son rontc i ccli id the htii krd ciuni i in iil it iuei soothikc cuaxsikc i beauhc i hfr ktitf fcrricrt cm 1 liars lrrtii re tif knrpict ct catarrh mtllt v cturra sacfa ss hetdicfcej pxruxl dcificss i as sense of smell fcul brvxm tskirj prd tjiulzg atstrt ftnertl oxliae of 4efcistt ei tf y- ire troubled with taj- cf lhese or fcdrei 1 tcc have catarrh and thazld lose ro time in prxinrj a bcttle of kn- bili be uanti ti time cetiectej cold fa fceid resulis ia cjuhh fslbmred fctcoosafflpticaifld death kisil btt- is told ty afl drorrlsu or ni be seat pt paid c recept ci price 50 cents and f icj ly tddreisir- fulford po boccnu ota t bewire of imitatiflas similtria casie free jpress the leidixg- j local newspaper is published every tihanatj- uianiing a acton onty- bubfcrliijnu irlrf fiilj sigo uiukucc try it lor tutm mqath for 25 oeni -at- the rigbht house hamilton del vej qreu bedoclioa si winter goods watkins does not pat his goods down one day and up the ccxt he continues his daily until all are sold rt hill priy knil shwl and sv f arc llm off at f 1m thnbup r fnm tcfn iff ji nt oll frnrh dm good dawn from 30c lo ttkr new ilylm o scolchdrti good iron imvauc ijoirii unts ol dres good 1ridu crewacm jloarning uooat liara4unauk w20c hlf pric btihl auwooi french d gooj down from 30c u joc ilylm ol f mmtknina from to isc n cortama from jikto il from illi lo 5375 from c o hm from ma to 17 bile j 2 to us0 from 1 173 to iw fromfjm to ij from li to i 50 froaj iujj to u e n is- jj sttchefroinuto7sc crptt redact very low linta dpr from 37c to lx from wc to dtjc lai jf from siojo to fcv from h2 to sufc plah ia lloolot crtly tedocei btbtontm rrejljj xe- ulerii pneet ac- balmigry from sig to 3 lrnrn nuj w pj iiruu ti b- rj n-i- croet anted in prion a foil llock of ctrpeu in ruioaiqailitmi mi prices torn hsmp op wchnnim wilton linnknm oilcloth ilts ro wtndor blinds window cttrtdns c tn greil vrtety of qaitl na p riv1 ihi wk lcs rnbr circnlk direct from ih 6m minafutsra 1 e lmn coll ul li cottons ftllow cotton sh cottondes shirtnrs wrps yrc ttckoc skrla d en tnu l dew lin wimn gmehimi cbeee cotton flnceis shirts ucwers ldis all genu lilt tim i m pms 3 cum unru n poles plese enter the store eut of the crpet window slny mke mistake nd do cot ret into the eight house comer king ind hcghson streets t hmilton jsn 10th 1830 thioiviis o sateens gtre at semianiaual sale on gb ryhn 5tpo ttp imt saecfjrsl uccicdrcrr ttca ai liiilcr lid fr lvjtw kehdalus spavih ourl- orrcs cr cttkj3 i errriu j dcm- c7 cxcvxlin9rixsl3tr- flxxjgx lxj j dizdjkeriiijor iwarstri tire zlkfl rri j dills ptuttacsrc tr th- lf l vmimlfkfl prtrrt lolwrq i- i u i 1 ca cl lia bcit llnlmfii ci tri i tat tfj k ca dj sublf tor tirw jtxn yours truly dus a bnrra kendalls spavih curl baooiaft kykt3a 133 dc b- j kecjalt cj dr sir i desire fltjpa twlimtirfal 01 mr ttxlcrtloacf jcur kftiklljtsr ti cxt 1 b unvl u tr iaraeaem biiit jolaiu aod hpatlnanll b4fchndii a rare cr i conlir ftjr rictrinmend it to au lotitaiea i vcotutto jegaaret xioaser troy ltailrj siihlx kendalls spavin curl eitwtrtc cccrrr cricccj 13s e b j ktkiu to 0a i llt pt it t- rr lafp flow jna jow kidai- 8 crf- 1 uavb cared urnnjfl tt i ij tfj is tirr dane nlas tffijrtm hu iii3 ileal irdfl books and followed tu cirwstoas i qib mwt lost a c5 of say kind yours trelr kendalls spavin curl prtee lltvr bottle eribtesfr tl lildnw- to uir jrci rn rt ciiric b ilr rrt- sold by all duvgglsts commence their great semiannual sale to continue for 30 days this sia trill be condncted u oar eilhve boenintheput all goojs iu ceirly pomible wiu be pliced on pw down the centre of the store and so mirked in iltin fiijres this every easterner will be ible to tell the pnea without tiling few of the rniny bsxgms we re ofering danng oar ssje i 11th the triable to ask the follaxinj are only dress goods we need hardly renriod yoc of oar repa- ution for carrying the largest and choicest stock of dress goods in the west yoa will find these tjoods marked aoray dovn in price and the styles decidedly new vte carry a complete line of dress soil- nip while oar pattern dresses at enw at tract attention by their novelty and beanty and the many lines ot these goods will be sold at a creat redaction among the binixiua ive c5er in dress goods are tbe follavinfi xg yards colored dress goods at 10c worth l2jc 1300 yards colored dress goods at uic worth 35c 150 yards colored dress goods at ic worth ihc 100 yards checked tweed at 12je former price liic soo yards checked tweed at ijc former price isc i 75 yards fine black and grey 20c former price 30c i c3 yards fine black and gtey plaid worth 30c remnants stripe at id at id ooe table will be devoted to bemnacxs of black and colored dress goods at prices which will insure a speedy sale j ladies colore wool gloves reduced i from 23c to 15cj 1 ladies gauntlet gloves reduced from mc to 75c j a fev pairs ladies kid gloves evening shades reduced to 25c house furnishings ltnecs we import oar own linen goods direct from the manufacturers and ocr cuitocners get the benefit ot the differ enoe in price seenred fay so dotnej unbleached table linens special line at 23c 30c- and 40c j bleached tableltnen see the line we i are selling at 75cand tl j bleached table cloths see the beanti tel lines at l2ou50 and 2 towels ladies no is the time to isy hosiery and gloves a beautiful line of ladies colored cash mere hose at 50c lorcaer price 7sc lotxo 2 colored wool hose tt 20c termer price 30c lot o sbiack wool hose at 20c worth 30c lot xo 1 black ribbed wool hose at xc wortli 75c in a stock ot towels see the lot we are misses hosea few dozen of misses y atloc 12jc 15c 20c aid 35c hose at 10c 13c and 20c to wellic- special linef at 5cl be 10c thee goods are worth more icaney lqc jj i lidies colored wool giov reduced kja- in grer fkn from foc to 23c greatly redobedpnces- r best officii it chl strongest also iisriii lic rtctista ewgillett ceictirttl nneis st our mr ryan is now in europe selecting goods foipring vc are the only httoreigtf m dn- goods house in the citv sending a buyer direct to th markets this winter co successors to john hogg son guelph the best stock 400000 people incawada and united 8tate8 vouch that if you are sick they ahe the only remedies iu theworld that siuuo i of great britain and europe a kew depasture ih uedicisz thefoarsflatestniedjcalcetifccs of tha world are london paris berlin and vienna those citis have immense hospitals teemi with suffering htuaaultr crowds of stodenti thronj the wards i stadyiceander theprofessors in i charge the most renowned r-hysi- i ciacsof the world tiachandprac- 1 tice here and tha cstitatioas arc starehoaie of medical knoaiedfie and evperience with a view cf making this eiperience available lo the peblic the hospital btmedj- co at prcat expense secured the prescriptions of these hcspilals prepurod the speciacs and al though it would cost from 25 to sitocare the attention oitheir iitiaguiibed origins ton yet in i this way thefr prepared specifics i arooffertidatthopriotjofthequack 1 patent medicines that flood the market nd a bsurdly claim to euro everr ill from a single bottle the want alwajti felt ft a uuo class of domestic rcmediei is nov j filled witb perfect satisfaction the hospital remedies make no unreasonable claims the specific forcatarrhcorcs that and nothing le so with the specific for bron chitis consumption and lang troubles rheumatism ia cured by i no 3 while troubles of digestion stomach liver and kidnevi hava their own cure to these fa added a ipecific for fever and ague ono i foi iemale iweakness a general tonicand bloodmakrthali makes diojj and gives form and fulness and ac laconparablo remedy for nervous debility this extract f mm the scientific papers xolcvkc cats uav ftvf co j catarrh dstfse sttc r lw czrsckzcitrtfku atijctnrx lefn tk pubgc t h crt a cctteit ten r mox km isrryjt cqktlmruuha irczxzzrzu rctrf- tetxi etc c tct ersilcstc vt iistas t rctzzrit citf jt u rtritfi 5zr it tv pcsu ziius zlc ut lit lefuzixr a rtxtif st socuye8 ate cmcrs dvpx a fsxrtte hakitrfc -ft- il e thh t rulrita atort romadt ta ac cj vte x tt tfir taxiitnti in kyk pzxs jtcc xo feyee and ague qvu5 ajge ual neuralgia ftar knvic vatgraxfanagt histlts tjitllt em hu tnaieatd btl lifer a ti t tit atcmtlftaaitradicaittlu ft 00 koe ftmale weames3 kri- whites ifzfijf ecmirj cjt brsl tt- the rtgltzt uut dutattt until tt -r- tttt no 0 or4 nqain health ar4 ficr ct xq 1health foku amd rvisztz rv 7 owtf ftoorf and lots of ft if stak if t w 1ieitbtijf lilt thlt perftct tonic 1x0 xo 1hervqu8 detutx loss cf zat- quack rurefirfrfsn public eriv h a r rvire r ja for an unforiua cemfithn ko c i frv rli aat trial kill prvce bcoxirz cf lrrrt ri3 who cftryt high plc t fereezr c thtts clrvgt on pills thi properties cf r- civti irtfsi oni che exrecs kc i vcfrtt reifrfs tiajletttrt ootacr ia ie rrr ltriret buiirtu jte ho c af cz cc oke boivivahbjlch to be had of all de oig ii ir 1 ict 5 it actn ivi lifi tlwie irastcv trmii jitke to o rvl ic t3 tiifp tu viiiuj iml tlai juisraj jtw ml ausd vtfx jtkdt an iiii jfiuiniiica anvriuljilii tiirliui fl wsxn liitjc dntim qy4itcliirii m in4pjir ditrr ii n iiri v tlrtim iri umriai ijulu1 mid n 1 lanenhl liiahcr tu ihluate djnrpjtaio w r it jibi i tecrtx ncmjdbir the rfrfcfc ocu nam brnha tic uintvi- or llw csrljt fcttic i-jj- rf j nrj3t i ftblaut frifurudjk trtn dmas uiii eidrf l ilinc tunic itl ikh niscr uhfv fnv71 r wf jwirth rn lbetkof lujef an tawtkmcn to r uicre cnuutc u ibi- uiciirikjor paeni nnllfisc a s l r1i22gx iflospnil remedy cotorontocan x feb solid gold in canada j best masonic aprons com plete in case 231 write lor samples g d 1rtsgle jeweller only 25 cents aiso evkuy ukscuiptiox qv rnbber aud jletali stamps tijjolet stewart kfq co 10 kit bt w6 tononto xt i sav cvur t do not nnii mfr tp iljn i a tncv ir1 then la lcm ream- i iinv x ilulvalcllll j fits epilepsyor fallikg sickness v vii jjv r trtiuint rr rtmfifitj i virlracs v u liitmjj tccl atelklimrvltlfa u c it crni v r i irtia iinir- r- h o soot 1ia tracch onic iresl aielatas swft toronto o rwupt a i iteasa- the mwrld tvifajbm- et tiiwtienrsis 4 xbio iurli5ijs asuf ci- fca biliooskccs coctfl wormsyrup or au kinds m gssopxm s 1- i-

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