prkl p8e8scalendar fffjt uung yolks tedrsdiv febiuriuvo lr0 jffis t7nfcni iutinsut t s ji ii itcfia sbklstsios uiuintttmt iiitih k ia j nfjnj eteaar5i3 niiitwuoiis tstcs trrrr tesicsiss ftimtiitiorts s k t i i e iitarcwasr skkbsrijor bulsktltjl unit ft s s btnlmxa oyc err lcilt if lacples ire- imfcae deep stueerr kukofrcu let it rare fotiaiialtcatone tliea uic eocrw frund la tar tft hie daliler hiiltaed filr 41 t cj til the tirj- rraxe scarier heitecaird fciitcc md lifter areal lie ma uj cearett tur ocit are bout u temp ire rjclt bjr inch in rndral rite coaat um uyerfl rruaorrric vtrrfajr quotient tare their car t arise ttld ims itty i abonn xxzkh one try cs i itill un temple it cot dose 1 itill completion lectin tiar icai tie bent u leapiet ire l fere a earryrr rieii tad quaint there the lmv of wiat i lere a deeparted pane to toll i aati truth or tairtele ixery little heipl the eocij tery eareial careless toad ludf a chine orieares a teir loalsere trcfltmlecipiceere bated catrrrtct eternal i i are end itecdcut aitltortt ctt 1 broach the tunthiae throagh the gott lp end on the baildinc goee trets fair thine find ill piiccv tterr bird thinf lead e grlce ter5- hud may make or tuar fosavtcwrj- x fkokcse roetrrr people it ns lie crutom tar cjrtfcii to learn t ruin ererj- sabtwlh dtj- she dirtno- letm tiatn in cenrte bat- pcijcl oat whit ih bued tie pretty oomj tcdir it fu uj bei thj nietjcasd became cvnlhia mil th rrt v iis k nice it u i goad thing toavethxnfcr aaloj um lcri i 7 i thiniit is 1 good liirjil lore to eivethuiij dant vdamiintn come it sx tit down ind reiil the vhole pisln toi yoa raimmi xtey were iccrutoaed to tetd the pesjm ogjher tndulfc thaat t so thit the iitu fill coam andentirid whit ih eotn tnitred t raeraorv i liie it ej mtronu tail cjnlhix ordj- i dont t i quite cnderxund ham two rersec the ttirtecth md rocr- leenlhr uid the retd xnose ihii be ttunjed in the hotue of the lord thjil in the conrti at oar god ioey i ftnl bring forth irait in old ge tixy be ux end floariehing- jlhose cut be pknted in the hocie of the iord who ire these lie ufasd too nw iither pkntin ieedi in hii sjoii but tpring uid numi he mriecl the toil indprerareditartrdlv thenpepuntod the ssede ind the ge- uhlee ipntiet ap end flotirished- ij think those who ire pknted in the honi of the lardlre the children who ire tainednpto go locharch lid -snndty- oi to reed the bible nod love col tfci a gx pound for the ettle ouoi to be pltntadin id thej- will ejrnoei rcreiy etowrnp u caridilnc ind even bring orthl fruit in old ge those who pre their ihmrta to jesns in their jarly dtys 3 the bat christiihs it it beiuiifal ehoujlidtlifceirn iterby iwij i good even now ind ihowing each s rweefj bring ipirit her hejrt ii fdl of landneei taretery one ind ihe ilwiyt hu omething id ay iboat lesut whenerer we go in to ieeher and there it good old xrvbldy fall of fiith ind lore ind joy in thj lord both of these ind mny other i know ire bringing forth fruit in old te they ire fit ind floariihing and why becanse they were planted in the honie of the lord end begin to grow irighdin their eirlyyein i ee iiid cynlhii i nndentmd it now thii ii i promise for the little people dont tot ee l hid munmi it is t besniifnj one tec cynlhii neter forgot this pilim tnd apecuby these two renes she gire her heirt fo jciai ind when ihe wis old u the hid fnta year to yex learned more of god ind hi lore it wu aid of her she hill brings forth trait in old ige fa ilk illzlsklfiyhltu i wu wiiiiig home from sdndiysclool with t girl of i dozen yean abrnptiy the eidihijed i do pity rich lolsu f why rich folki r i liid little gku like yon dont tujaiilyjpity rich folki well i do the hid- why do yoa pity rich feliirjlutedigiin bectnie they ire foonhifnjj unhippy ytz an- hippy there it my little kiatin the wentoo ibehu everjlhing the wmti od thej it failing- hill the thne iwhy fh rety morning the wanted to go to chnrch ndher mothe uid the coaldnt go beciaie iherewuat time to dreei her she hid to mkoj things to pat on ind inch bice thnot tint there w time to get them oc cbicigo adnuv bllelir ieier jt neir ifaaie treatmesf safferert ire not gehenlly twtre thtt these diejeire contxgioct or thtt they ire dee la thepreeenoe of iiringpirutleifn thtiuijngiiiepibrtnce ind eatiichiin taber jfeotcopic rtieirch however hit prored inwo i e ifi ad hie resalt of thil disoovery j thit i timple remedy hu been far jrhereby citirrh durrhii lmy f permuently earid in from one to three ihnple -ipplici- lioot mide itiiome by the petitnt once in to weektts bthii treatment inot s fff tmotaml both hue been ilmm by repauble pbyridnn u injnr- otm ajjieaipblrt eiputuio hit new treatment ia teuton receipt of ten cent by a h lipn son 303 teat king blreet toronto canada toronto okie bofferen from catarrh troabtea tboald caref ally read she above ffjnarda libfraeal lttettbanuat friend jingles and jokelets luuaallnwvvlut tie wlc ufu llic vviu mdllit pnrenih of he htjr a ipriaji medicine it needed lj j evwyoae winter food lircvlr iwosdltncot silt ruct md tnitnftl file eacs ihe utcr to iecoaie dirdevvi ni tle blood impare hence the ueecty of ctetmitu luciieinp tlic bctl tc ajerv srf4pirill- the andfet tcath i uw hu td vtllqw oil this winter ror he fiftlinv ruccfaup nad i mal wy ifuuttil tia lcltcr retmly or jl mikii ritn liwwre out velio oil u t xjcific fur era a i nud tore throtl it tisicr uiu a iidy criltt i nu eatbted to re move the com root ni hrtiicli by the ue ot holawnys corn cure other hive tried it ud hve hid the me ex- jcricnce a yftvixtefistikg vocng mak a citriordfniry itory comes irora ceatril iuiaoii lo the effect that yoan gentleman from scotlind wjioio father 11 worth over 1 million dollirn ind owni i 1 haadwd tlionand ncrei of land in lh wctl him just jou to vrotk in iirmhind for l wcilknown firmer t fifteen dollin t month ue wtntc to leirn pncttul firm ing iq ih if country in order lo undertake the mimrciuent nl his fithcra property il it kutcd thit ho proposes to dovoto twojcir to i do loriuisiiiiiu of knowledge ti this tnintjcr j tlw jojii ttisn would litc been wiser it ho had not revealed bis identity lo the world j he wiirtearnfomeihiufj ofooarie but uo i nearly si much uit he had let uo ono know who he wr it will be difficult for ins employer to order him to mor ihfl biy or feed the pis prociwly a he would direct a mm whjse father was not a mil- liontrie to do these umc act hesijcs if he hsd remained uuknowu- perhaps fome nice jirl woald hive fillco in love with him for his own sika and not for hit moaev rvwloimlac vtara uauey ray to end life and suffenujj djiperwiitoeristts an city way onstkd it miierihlc taking burdock blood bitv cwttpfla cured ifrfiaucajyto cnr dvfpepcia and aualdpliysicku retired from practice it never fails lo theroachly tone and atrenctlieh the entire eyetcna at the same lime ayccs cherry tecloral hu given me preat relief in bronchitis- within a month e harcieat tome of this preparitioa la a frieudeutlerincfrombroychitiaanduthrai it hik done hitn so macli good that he uritec for more cfatrucf dcmterville p lye oath engl and ottr jluaaj1 ulemlc will occsr in jone this yean in prepar- incyosrlaach we eugcest yoq cce imperial cream taritr bakinc iowder sold by j11 rrocexst ia making the biscaiu cakes ic it is the moat healthy and perfect stfd by e w gnxctt rorooto out all bedg seem hard lo the rheumatic then haxken je peevish sufferers apply dr thomaa edectric oil to your axhinc joints and mctcles rely ca it that yoa will experience speedy relief such it least is the testimony of those who have nsed it the remedy is likewise sacceti- felly resorted lo for the throat rnd lung diseases sprains brake etc- tatl vfltbe-htliiaatlc- has we hare csed yocr halyards iectortl balsam fur severe oonjbji and and coldt and can recommend it to be just what it ia represented to be we would not be without it h siunx cataract ont hi eiiiuj la grippe or knasian mscen2a ts it is termed is in reality an epidemic catarrh and is called by jome phyticiens lightning catarrh from the rapidity with which it sweeps over the cocntry allow ct lo draw the attention of your reader to the fact that kiaai balm as well as bein a thorough care for all caaea or the ordinary cold in tfcelheid and ixtarrh will give prompt relief in even the aoct eeverecaksof la gnppe or rasaian indceniu as it will effectuijly clear the jjc naaal panageff allay irritation and relieve the dull oppressive headache accora anying tie disease no family anoald be x cbw far orzrne rithoat t bottle of kul balm in the hoaia there have been many remarkable caret is cold in the head and catarrh ire peca- of deafness made by the ere of higyirdr- iarly liable to atuck people at thii seajoa pxle woebegone invalids suffering from poverty of the blood bilioas saffercra ci those whose circalatiod is depraved thonld use without delay korthrop t lymans vegetifcla discovery tnd dyspeptic cnre the celebrated blood purifier which etimu- ittes digestion increases the nutriiire pro perties of the blood and erpels imparities from the svetcni yehcv oq the great household remedy for pain isilt tnd soreness yellow ou csres rheamttisrn sore throat tad croup and is csefel internally and extern- ally for all pains and injuries laeret ictsanlwlccnifat i acknowledge the good i receired from bardocfcbioodbittera i had cocstipation irreenkr bowels and tccninclatioa of wind cansdg aevere pain in my stomach two bottles of b b b cared me it is all yoa claim it to be alias a- culull amherst x s he yielded penafsiaa tor years i suffered from dyrpepsia in ita worst forme and after trying all means in my power to no purpose friend per- snadedme to try burdock blood bitters which i did sad alter csiug five bottles i wis completely cured kill iltnill leitb oct df trrtt talae capt i h lyon manager and pro- prieior of the c p e and r w and 0 r car ferry prescott oct says i nsed nasal balm for a prolonged case of cold in the bead two applications ejected a com plete and thorough care in less than 2i hours- i would not ufce 100 for my bottle of naaal balm if i coaldnot replace it the third page of the torcnio datii mail is noted for yant advertisements lf yoa want to buy or sell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busx nest machinery lodgings if 3133 have less or found iqjlhicg or if yon want to find oat where anyone i advertise in the to ronto dally mad and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertioa address 77icils7 toronto can ada- sot beaudin st ii hull 1 q writes dr thomas fcclectric oil coramandii large andincreaeing nils which it richly merits i have always found it exceeding ly helpful i use it in all cases o rheumat ism as well as fractures and dislocations i made use of it mjself to calm the pains of a brokrti leg with dislocation at the foot and in two days i was entirely relieved from pain 5ir john kagwood victoria road writes northrop tfc lymans vegetable discovery and dysreptic care is a splendid medicine ify customers say they never used anything more eoect oal goodresalts immediately follow its use know its value from personal experience having been troubled for 9 or 10 years with dyspepsia since atinc itdigeatioa goeon without thtt depressing feeling so well known ae d tics i have no hesitation in recommend ing it in any caie of indigestion coisti- patioui heartbamor trgubles writing from a disordered sioffiach it is worse than madness ta neglect cough or s cold which is easily cubdaed if taken in time beoomem when left to itself the foreranncr consumption and prema ture death- indaramatiou when it attacks the delicate tissue of he luugs aud fcronch- iitl tubes travel with perilous rapidity liteado not delay get- bottle of bickles aiittcoiuaraptive syrup the medicine tht grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the fcys- tem tills maiicuie promotass a free and esy expectoration nabdaea the cough heals tlic di parte and cxru most wyndur fal influence iu caring dousamption iua other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to save the lie of their children and ihemiejaes from pa neb anxi having had placed in his hands by an east india mtisionarv the formufa of a simple vegetable remedy for ihe ipcedy aud per- maueutcure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections aha a positive and radical care after having tested its wonderful curative powers iti thousand of csies has felt if hts duty to make it known- to hit suffering fellows actuate3 by this motive and a desire to relieve hnman suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe ia german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper v a noirs kiq powers block rochester n v iliis c c riliiitis cu dear sirs i look a severe cold in feb- rear j last which settled in my back and kidnya causing circulating pain jlafter being without sleep four nights through intense snffering i tried your sfinards liniment after the first application z was so much relieved that i fell into a deep eleep and complete recovery shortly follow- ed jphx s stvltofc liwerencetowu ljl uiuitl oli uhtvisg citaetth qf the year and naral balm u the oqly prompt and speedy cure for these troublee eer offered the pabsic eur to use ind agreeable if yoa cannot get it at your dealers it will be ecnt post free on receipt of pree 50 cents and ii per bottle by iiddreseing ffuotint co brcckvillc oul lf you want to bay or sell a farm ad- vertise in the toroito wlly hail that paper reaches 100003 farmers homes every week and your advertisement shaald meet the eye of someone who wants to par chase advertisements of this class are in- lerted in the toronto tttrhy mail for five cent a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions- address the mail toronto canada j aiivicc to ifories are yoa disturbed ainight and hrokaa of your rest by a ficfc child suffering and cubing with pain of cat ting teeth if so send at once and get a- ijoule of mrs wtnslows soothing syrup for ciiildren teething lis value is incsj- calable it will reheve the poor little sefferer immediately depend npon it mothtrs there is no mietske abcat it it cares dysentrv and diarrhoea regulates tfifc stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem mrs windows soothing sjrap v for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the- united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world- price twentyfive cents a battle be sure and ask for mre wtnslows soothing syrnpacd take no other kind caaimnpaan tfcrercirrt to ttc lditor- 1 please inform jour readers that i have a positive remedy for the above named dis ease by its timely nse thousands of ho lts cases nave wxu kiwiluentty cured i shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy run to any of joer readers who have consumption if they will send me their etpress and p o address respectfully dn t a slkck 1hg west adelaide et toronto out he larcest scale works n canada over 00 styles of hay scales grain scales i farm scales tea sfcales emproyeo showcases homey drawers m choppers akl buichus bvpfuti ety troahla tnd expeat let them procure j aoctwt ix nii write ix terms a bottla of bicklet arjtrcontanjptive i q wilson son 6ppdd whoever icitildfauuba cclij- 60 esplanade street east- kcttatid camrortfo he tfalterlnx browps household panacea has no equal for relieving pstn both internal and external it cares pria in the side back cr bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ajhe ic will most sarelyquicken the biood and heal s its acting power u wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged ss the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in thi world should be in every family lundy for use when wanted as it really it the best remedy in the world far cramps in the stomach and lain and aches of all kinds aud is for sile by alf druggists ttt iv cents a bottle a fact worth knowing cases which all to cure yield to yi his a coagh or hoarseness ge the syrup accyrdjog y directk torontcont ucauca ibii fyfer c err jxe ja writ is that blood dlv ither remedies fall rl snrsaparlllo freali couilruia- lon of his statc- uent comes to land dally ercn mch docpbcatod nditubborucoiu laiuts ax uhcu- natisiu lilieuina- icv ciuut and ilia- ike aro tlioroug- y eradicated i17 ihcuoflhiswou- jcrfal alterative mrs r irving lodge 110 wtfs 23th mrcct ncr ark ccitllies about two year n ro after suilcri rig for nearly two years from rlinmnalla gout being alilu to wall only with great 3innnfort and bavin rcinollo iiumulliig witltmtt ivlkt t ww liieut in n clilrau uen rilifwl f 1i1i trrd varitim mineral watery by an udvcrtuc- r lliat a man had imrosiing com plaint after lung mittrin by taking avcrs sarsaparilla t then decided to iiukr a trial of hi in xllclne ond took it rtgiilirly fur cigli month i su ileascxl to cay that ii itwlcd a rom- plrte cure hinl lliat 1 1 ave ulux had no return of tlio 1iwjc urn i- a stark nashua n if write unit year gii was liken ill with rlkutuatimiibciil ciniiltied lo my haujte it months i anni out of 1i10 llrkness very mutli dc iutaud with 110 appvlite and tny nyttiii disunlered in evcrj way i ctuniileii ei to use ayeis earsaiurllla mid ugan to improve at once gaiulng in htrtr th ami wkji re covering my ustialhcxili 1 raiinot say uki miuli iu praiw of this welbkuown medicine i liave take 1 a greil deal of mwli- cine but nothing ins done mo v much gtuxl as avcrs sarsaparilla i felt iu itctknylal citcts betero i had ult finished one lo tie and i rati reely testify tlmt it is- tin brst lhkrl- medlcine i kumvir il w ward kr wfxxlhuil teiii flyers sarsaparilla ntzrjutxa av dr j c ayr col lowed ma lrll tialotticcfi svurtli 4 bottle the witness iupoutist akvtjfvcfjirst for 18s0 over lh putlflcks grkat insltkukstic xkw etrsctiikis nim ruir vvxii avmtl sinw thyvoethitv jilxsiz aucuui ic the cbntlxst ill u wcrlj cantainf the suc and hi iljuudaat of inter premium boot for old tnd lest wtatajd ritul josh doug to elect fniu fok old akd 1 uj it ouivu cents er trattd paitr iu the av school lcfco hv the iltt 3ji- jbicnbtts 01 ie frtc ujl 4 son qce montreal profa loisettes memory discovert and tra ninq method ta iptu of tdahenifd teaiu omo tod p tv of iv orjr-t- stdmhs oivnpnmstlaf tad latptiact ttf emttju rmjdhe r tttsnptitorob tflhtatrtrfhjuboji trffibidti demockima iba eadoabtaid npnteur ud ptrtnuntr c hi tadnacl pnc latakuiaft a xerr latxtinf is retnucc taster ta bath ttamtsphiyx ttiiatxtxaf u kpociiia hmmttcaltsra ujcpnmttkliwotpaircitx optaiaokf pv putc at be giabe tta here rf- tiur madias hit sjakb lr cotrmnatidenck timr thai bii firttoa it mat mjy i v vintt dirdit nnc ttlrrvarcmf that an r btxi ea intiftf 1 a nat ttbdikcidr4ftittljt for p ermc a lou ctte s3t riilfc areaae it yellowoil cures rheumatism wohm povdees ln plfasaflt to ula ocsiiia thr rm pttitc l a fclj nrc ttd citccfcsj tatrajvr et worms i cafiirca or xdcs wm nasm balm 4 lehccld inlrr jrikta3i sima i iktei catarrk fail ii srivcnrcys htid titd cum 2 ctcwsikc rrrrert cm ciurrs rxh is hrtdii pnl lease of icieii ferbrettb hi-ki- iid spittl tuos cerertl f lire of dehlfcyttc 1 iroumed irihijcfilwccr kirt hire duns sri thold uzc n 4 ifsttle of ktttt hum lit unrvelin tirr retloctsd cld ia fcexd ridis h catarrh flord lr cecisfflpieaini ceiih ka ildracriim cttill bct ili 1 rie so cccu id 5 lo by t j fulforo tt co feiktnuf okt tat bcwire cfisitaticcsst reifnch i01 u iulw is tom by d ci rtre ct mzzinxi fanc7 gboods at reduced i n mccarvin drug fc stationery store acton spectacles vxy co i great racket dry goods must besold money is the thing wanted and money we must have we hive determined on a bid stic on jlouday 20 til day of jaimaly lp lo the kltli lay oniaidi 18ilfl we shall give a discount of ten per cent for spot cash oa all sales if 2 and upwards tnlh he exception of white cotton factory cotton aud cotton spools which will he five per cent this will be a rare chance to get goods at extraordinary lowpricegthe goods nre already pheap and all goods are advancing rapidly so now is your golden opportunity to lay in a stock of dress goods dhhe silks millinery hautles shawls cloaking and ulsteriugs wool- leu gooas furs prints cottons ticking cottonades checked shirtings denims flannels ladies and ileas underclothing hosiery small wares tweeds cloths of all kinds ecadymade clothing overcoats carpets oilcloths curtains boots and shoes felt overshoes far robes etc our manufacturing depart ments each as0rdered clothing dressmaking and mihinerv are in lull running order busy as nailers but we want to be bus ier thishsgiingtobe a cracker of a sale aud whoever comss will get the bargains ladies gentle men aud everybody are all cor dially invited to this sale at the mammotti house georgetown w mcleod co oeoeoetowk oxe week more our great kitraordixary bale will be cantmned another week piles o goods hav dkirdled away to nothing bat sre hive others to tale their place and for another weefcwe will pay special attention to the clearing oat of all winter gxxxu iliesoedieess goods atahoct half prices piles of hantle ax1 lxskk cloths at about half price tiles of iakcl woolleks at hall price piles ot jx1ktles at a great redaction piles of ilekb and bols over coats at aurice prices piles of fur and cloth caps at clearing prices 1ilw of fur maxtles boas huffs etc at prices lo clear piles of wikter itlllikekv at yocr own price piles of goods all over the house that wears bocud to lell it ouce e r bollertj 25 4 27 lower wyndham st guelph railway time tablg pis and united 8tate8 vouch that if you are sick abe the onl beylm we wohld t ha tv ccclccrtm extract from the scientific papers of qreat britain and europe a kw 0cm8tv8c ik mtcicms the four ffieateit medical ettntres of tho world aro tendon jrana berlin and lenna tboo dues have iinoicnia honpitalj uemrff with iufferiag htunanitj crowda ofitadenu throne tho wards 1 tndvinc tinder ibctrofeesers in chanjo ih8iiioitrcnoirntmrhyi cltm of the world teach and prac tice here and tho institution tro itorchoumi of medical knowledge and otpcriocce with a teaklajr thii crrericcco available it thefullic tho hcipital llcnicdj- co at f rest crrenio lecarcd tie yreicrlpiioni oftbcso hcsritajt irflpbcd thp ipccific and al- thoagh it wonld cot from l to snotousccro the attention ct their itfrrouiiod orijrinston yet in this wsy their jircittd ipecifies arcoffcrolatthc price of theqnack patent medfeinc thai hood ths mirkct an j alnurilr claim to crra svtrj- ill from a tirle bottle tho mint suar felt for a reliable cuit ct doccitlc rciocdtvf is row fiii- wit jvrftct afttijfaction tec horitsl rtmcdica make no tmreajonablc cufmi the ipecific forcatarrhcaro that acd nothing else 10 with the txcijic far bran- cliiti conamrtion and lang ttoolic rcanrliiit is cnrci ly sa 3 hiic lroabct cf digettioc stonach uvcr ard xidticfr hava their ovu ctrv to these it added a ifnciicfoc fever and affad ono for fcila jwotkcci a general defcand koodrnakcr that makes llojd aod give form and fulneu and in irconrrua rccdy fcr crvjcl utlui so lcuccs citaunk hat we c00catasrai dafh stke 1 w- cure witlvnq frcto stunfc icrcjl c- ttfjrt ih public llis mq a cvf tr etit trtictrrv tttzariticibimin thoo so tcougfis c0u brox kfts aha coxsuupiioxa hcampurabe rtndt isci h mcrcfitopgttfs but craditolta tae iittat art ttnnqike z ttc xy ani ttrloru us ltd us et qkinj clrear date ef lift floo tio 8hcllta7sia tlttin tl ci rt- lrxz 1 eaeliti tittuc in pad ca ttteit riihirj tut bni rtputatloriovijij rtnejf f 1 vo tuye amd kjdfcrs ccpsx akh luomswk cmwatm bmskts caetsc- a fatvttu tiakutfilj for the ccci 1 ii a f nitntif rortf liemteft wxt ucf l s re tj iictfektd in hith ptactt floc so tnvx iw am witb vet t r ktvralqia ftv tnoar rffi grate r s f thitifimi iitirtattittibitflrsu c a ttmtfg tkai ttaaicaut v floc xq patlt kzicvllr wkntsmcny womtn art finkcz -cl- ittu ktgftct utatditiatuitnliitfircijr lte hi 9 aid regtii htaloi en tin 1 so fktjtltk form aho rvlktzs trrf eocd bleed and lots ef it if nab if fxj if tcraxrif ait 0u perfect ante fco- e tmvous desiurr toes crpyvrr mark ivttliddt fubic pit c ri r for an itttfartaait cordivcr he y i lzl 1- om trial srdl prctx bcare cj if rri r tho ctergt klghprfet firzuz a tr tfrvgi and ph tf pnifxriti cf rt ri cv irittrij enoraiii and iraa cxrxfz tfza tc cattut tial ttturtu etherj la ike cc wx buiintit ui mo 8 end lss cc v to ge itad of all drjgists feitf tiamp fzr cncrp- i 0sphllmedrc0rordafxajy- grbat- 7 redtjotiow iv crand t runk ra ivay cl- 1 i- j73t kt h til r aj ms ma nioli r tin aco v r tt i ocii 7- goki t i tl-iil- iw3 nth kehdalus mm mi v otttet cruaui a tmts 1 tlcexms 7 cirrzuxd lit xa t t ttl dsrj htcs liurwcavhjl jalai bpana can lr iii- u dza yvpi would 1u priiialarsriltliy i liiluh u raeof ifitjtietlltiftwnu in cnti ijuyciiis cnniiulwtortiirti jeinl vtun imly out i tsjva kendalls spavin cure itsooaxitktsfnilxrvka dariri ijrtrtctyfn trtiiiiii c c owd it t r ltunrnros eiir joint j jlj ptrnimcntlt toajtkjfota vav3rsuai jliaac aecnmi kendalls spavin curl tlivr wrrrct cocxtt onto wc to kje tjenu t tvd it in- iutj tr bt whaj i hare int with tottt kraairi epim cre iittf na3 iwcibjcto horu llii iii bpathit tre q klov bonr nlai afllnrv tit l uestis ktinot viz jaw hnerj litp iiiooeciimr book end f ouowttl the clnnioss 1 iuto sen lost a ca of or j- til yciirt ltr aidijw tt kendalls spavin curl 10 aar eddsa rccf of 1 rlre ijt ii prwei ion daa jtkiiliccelittirijliv sold by all durggists- f i si 3 oftil iril nail rial i m its sale -at- rbjermyns during february mantle cloths oloakings dress goods millinery hats caps and furs must be cleared out before march to make room for very large spring stock which we bought before the advance in prices this is a chance to make money r b jeryx four books ie- rijer 1 dr ratsisau iy rtn cs o t i ltiy aailey secret b- mis vrzclca v tfc rettrs rnmfs hv vcme the sra hyiz 5 the osuhoflvta hutch nvtvtovri a terrible tesiputian iv t irl- itcc 7 ton brcwoatreji-j- c thncut iij1 s the sketch bseh- vv m uin- thelastoriherfshicirs ia vii3w beit pi 11 kricter3ocier new vcrfc llv ii ui ir itic ii ufhabmiuai ilvcuticftoli il- jicfccf latiides ilvcir ttj grasifithctt ch- iu iltvrvr 1 j the clcsjterasdthc hearth ilvhijji i spcopcsijke lilysuiiffhuilfv 1 nat like other girls ilv- ilx ccy ti rtpbtes frora rum to spaia cr ost- cocr life ia europe iiv e p nir 1- elthei ily ku xinrhittk urv 1 cfcarlctte tesiple ily mr r cr thc deith ship ktwclirtkccll the pride of the pjdacfc hv itiw- rr- ft the ptisenjtc from scotusi yard twice to titalei uvn5jirtiium boatc chiiirc llv jcha stride wr r kseti choice iy ne alexander n- the travel ni 8vrpritiac adveataret of baron mweimcr the ho un verekcr liv tc hi chrii iu u k nn-r- 1 pml mi virjiau bv sl lltrrrt 1 rural canadian 5 jordan street toronto 3 the tile three lis illivirf 3- the derili die hv grj kir- u ciecpatr 8v k uijcr kfi ii dertitvcjhihovciiit bjreiabil u- atrooidpjh dj- mr afctir il ifirocced b wcijrt n- a hrty korfiir- v licr lzl meriei crusde u f n circy sweetlaveoier by i willum ii tts beisiy of a ki i d ti fc i falisiiel or ihe wtndeaca jev ic ily ur crolr i j eajithiel er the wttierlr je- ji the piccdii pt bl p- complete book of retitiiioar 4 di- c0 1 im utter ner kaoo autocari altcs i5 tiueom iaforrtuloi miiern cook book d meiio qoide lm slort maani itofsi illeo v stitklnl poultry book is rorrv tu jt ll home amommeot coooinia- charade tabletrriddk camel etc a ihrw inter eiitcnainmcnt 5i americin fua tlie fojiniml looi h ruuiui o ltoh ito m j liitei- comflete guljt to focr work mt rompuic norl jro iilmtrau purest strongest best tai tvr ti- yzzrzieal 02vf iwii ictal ew gttlctt t rrltt cxlohatzt 7 cakb i trrc ai ii- 1- i rttrfi i -r- a liaiti lilii- ilhtsiulj4jvei fits epilepsy or vattttjff sics2tess 1- 1 i- t w 111 1 rr- rtv lo i- itfcw is j 1 fr jstaixik i irrv r- t a h b koot cl bnsch cscc vrcii3iii street wsja mls3rtfllb l3ssss jfthr thr tvorldtuii3if rt nrmwfe reffti i tttitai3rfiw w dffll fc7rrt rrcitriirm utje a trj r tie 1 j tv w he pi eyethi ati 5 tir ni nl ivr liijaao ajwcrrrl tifc ii il-cr-lrcicfttrto- kp ti acii cat ffiti hf trwn cfttnautil ifi9i ksssafthi efiulefc- lu icnaiicibribttikv t l 3tt wr v i llf 1 bow7 twrtfc jjkh sioiiit i ii liirckhilalii lil ti 0 ljiilajiltubi will curie os relieve ivl cr05v free lialurtiolj jlit wttlrjss s d t hjq btlaxab dc co uuki wil euro ao of neuriltjia laljjdi- tjotbutlic urui mil brvr i-