a tr m jingles and jokelets i tfoit jut uss tbvrvly fkbacirr is 1890 we ssall kxoweacs other tkers vvfcca our artfuy life u eadcd kni oar earthly tniimoa dcac vfc ihall po acrou the rirr m th wains e life f32 ai ia gods wlcatial isacsiooa tlothed la cannes itraecrly fair we shall meet those coqcbcitn uv ive thall tncvcach other than j yieumttin iii th city that if itstt acrost the strtnd j afcd ocr hearts dull lup cith rttcn jlhen r taia thetu by the hafcd qfc ho- itmc afaall the miiia erthlronkatanotleciirc w shiutiwiruic mils of heaxca ntbenwa meet each other lh dpoorell us ihsccar lqrcdaav tjotc their earthly nwuirie quite whea they tine aniaar the leri in the hearealy mireymf bright on i knor that shall tao them feho th angel robe they tr j when they hid ns teleoce orer kve thill knor oar lorcd ones there 1 nulftttuntttwuu lh wt ttc the wttl a4lhe rnrmrrthi oflhe ijnyr worm crqie fevwiahooak moaaiiie d rastleuucm during aleep mother graves worm exterminator ii pfetunl sure and oftectail if your drugtflat hie none in tocit got him lo procure it for you lpur rep1c iro invariably pleuat people 1opuur remedies are alto u iuvariauy plekiut to use tad certain tn tlicir rwalu mr johu ilcconueli of cbesltf i oat sijs nasal iuim i ood mediciue for oojd iu tlio hoao it u a popular remedy a boaauful yoiu lady became o iwjly disfigured with pfiuplet and blolclie dial it vu ieatod she woutcpdie o crtel a friend jrcbomniendtd aycrv barsaarilii wliicjs she took and was completely cured 6 he it cow ouc of the fairest of the fair the laathd tralli i aed uifiyards yejtow oil this winter for the fint time for croap and i inmty l fouiid no better remedy for it mikme hilf liitowel out ycllmv jil is a apccioc foe croupaud sun throat it never fails iskyoiiuesiure the devil finds urns mischief still for idle hands to do deaa suuley rtw the follofofl ihviqo wblcli will enabla m not only to keep the devil ont of ourieiaare ho an bat make thern serve the pood leimn muoied en idle boor waiting to be employed idle htndi with no ooonpatioti idle and empty mindi with oothin to think thcad are the mnia tomputiooa to evil fill apihat empty void employ thete vacua liaart occupy ihciehaueithaudi and the evil will depart became it hti no pi ice to enteriu bcuuicit uoouqaerod by good the best antidote agaiat evil oftll kiudt a slid b alio uoodleatperplaxilici which tract um cauicicncc it to keep hold of the goodiwc have impure thought will uot suud aaiuitpurc wordt and prtyen and deed little doubta will uot avail againit crcat ccrtamtiea fit your alteuiiou cu thiutt above tud theu you will im ies troablodiby the carca the temptattou the troubles of things ou earth i stkimtios a shadow f toeknottidon iurdd an old phyiiolao retired frompnotlca gdlwrt latrd st ifartireti hope ork ney scotland write i im reaested by seven friend to order another parcel of dr thomas edectric oil the last i cot from yoa havinc beea tlcd in several cafes ol rbcctciliiin ha ivtn relief when doctors medicine have failed to have any effect the excelleut qaalities of this medicine should beraad known that the millions of sufferers throughout the world may beueit by iu providential discovery having had placed in india missionary the vegetable remedy for lila hand by an lasv orraalaof a dimple- hie speody attd per all throat aud lun iffive and radical cure man en t care of const mption bronchitis catarrh asthma and affections also a poi afr havinc twlod ili won jerfal curative powers in thousand cf duty lo make it knt follows actuated by ijesire to relievo ham caie has felt it his wn lo hi nuffennr y uiix motive and a n sufferinif i willsend froeof charge to all who desire- it this recipe in german ln acbor koiiih with fall direclfcus for preparing and using scut by mail by addreaeiug with itmp naming this paper ioworv block uccliei ior s y lutaupou urrl tarrd to tho editor pleue inform jaur i eudcrs ttjit 1 have a positive remedy for th s above named dis ease by its timely ue thousands cf ho less cmo nava wcu jftmauvntly cured i hio shall bo plad to eeu hok to serve oeaxtfes a word or twnix io the methods of serr- inp waojees maynot be amiss here asimpiaway ia taremove the peefrom iheidp and bottom of the fruit fekvicc a gttfie abont an inch wile all abcat the eqtajar sever this at one side andcaref ally separate the sections from ech other tear- thinl ail attached to aierfrip ofakin an- othta faabion which is effeclite for ubfe dressidg is to cut the tidn on the lines of lookade leaving the sections attached at the soatb pole in making np a dish of uranpa prepared in this way some of the poinfe of the peel may be bent fbwird under the opnge and others may be alloted to stand loosely away from the fruit- care- fuflyidonc this wit th orance look like j urpa yeuow- flower with a white center hhceflorange is too kmflaradish to require any cornment buteery palatable modifica- tion ib to alternate in the dish layers of aliced bannanii and diced brtnge and cover the whole jwith the frotting of desiccated cccoa- nnt the oranges do jcot look quite so pretty if the slice are cat parallel with the core cither than across it eat they are eaaief to cut but etery housewife knows of dozens of ways firfa oranges- for the uhlej after all an orange is something like a watermelon havever beautiful and paiataiile if may be when prepared for the tahle it never tastes quite so sweet as when it is plucked from the tree anil sucked with the vigorous assistance of both hands to squeete oat the fiticeladk ffue scr- utpolnxiori ft is frequently remarked that polite be havior oaght to be uaght in ocr public ichoofa as it ased to be uaght in the oldep hmej it would be highly proper to do so and tie mare because almost all canadian boys down in the bottom of their hearts wish u be polite and desire to know the beat ways of behaving- i but it ig said by perscins who have obser ved the conduct of young people that the boys who pay the ieastregard to the rights sad feelings of others are the pupils of private sehoola j a ystong lady who his had much experi ence with dancing classes remarks that the roagh j troublesome skylarking pupils gen erally pome from the mosluxnrioas homes they have been told often eaougii how to behave they know what is proper and he- ecffisingi bat nnhspp2y the desire to be polite is wxntioc- they do not care whether their teacher is happy or miser- ftble toccessfui or not successful cor whether the children who really wish to lekrn are aided or hindered they jiave yet to jlesrn the merest rudiments of good behator for it originates in- good feehng and isjdetoioped by practice into principle every school and every family is a school of politeness if it maintains order and dis- aptinei if in addition there it an occas ional lesson in the modes of good behavior sanuth the better but the essential thing is to t line the wilful heart by just discip line r alessoy a bar of iron worth worked into harse shoes s worth 1050 made into needles it is wirtfa f3jj made into penknife blades it is vorth f3s made into balance spruiatfor watches it is worth about ti-50- coojj i whif idnlliug thepooc barmuet under ro to r iach ailohat bet hammeted and beaten and poanded and to lied and polished how was its valce increetsed it might well in e quivered and complained under the hard knocks it got bet were they not all uecasaryto draw out its fine qualities and fit it foriisherosces and so child ren al the drillii- and draining to which you ar i subjected to in youth and which often isetns 10 hard to yoa serve to bring out yo tr nobler and fintr iqdthtiesv and fit you for more responsible posts eud greater oaef oh ess in the world t wswist xet be tf ubeat ir sirs we have used your hagyards pectoral baliam for- severe coogbs and and colds and can recommend it to be just what it is represented to be wv would not be without it e slplvt cataract ont all beds seem hard to the rheumatic then haxken ye peeviih sufferers apply dr thomas eclectric oil to your aching joint and muscles rely cu it that yoa will experience speedy relief such at least u the testimony of those who have used it the remedy u likewise success fully resorted lo for the throat and lung diseases spcains bruises etc kwfmmjc siaxarx is an easy way to end life and suffering dyspepsia to exist is an easy way to make it miserable taking- burdock blood bit ters is an easy way to cure dyspepsia and it never tail lo thoroaghly lone and strengthen the entire system at the eame time tale woebegone invalids suffering from poverty of the blood biliocs sufferers and those- whose circulation is depraved shoald use without delay korthrop lymans veget disco very and dyspeptic cure the celebrated blood purifier which stimu lates digestion increases the nutritive pro perties of the blood acd expels impurities from the yetern one dark nhzhl a man who was about to leaves tcimboat saw what he supposed lo be a gang plank but it was ouly a shadow lie stepped out upon il and of course tell into the wafer below ha thought he was taking the right way bat his thinking io could not make toy differanoe iu the result so lone aa he wally didnotlakft it juslto in milters of fargreater importance you must be right not merely itippose you are right it your arc to avoid the evil conse quences of wroag doing this man might have put it to the proof whether it was the gangplank or not before trailing himself upon it do uot be like htm but teat yffur beliefs and see if they are all well groofnded ilany a young man has been ruined by a course of conduct which at first ho felt sure would do him uo harm many a man has followed hit own notions of what if riht instead of taking gods word as a a guide and awakened in eternity to find that he had stepped upon a shadow and had fallen j the printers towel when i think of the towel the old fash- ioned towel that used to hang up by the printing house door i think that nobody in these days of shoddy can hammer out- iroa towearas itwote the tramp who abused it thvdevil who used it thecomp who got it when these two were gone the makeupand foreman the editor poor man each rubbed some grime off while they put a heap en id over and under twas harder than poverty rougher than sin from the roller suspended it never was bended and it flipped oa the wall like a banner of tin lit crew thicker and rougher and harder and tougher and daily put on a more linkier hue until one windy morning without anj warning it fell on the floor and was broken in two uttixtdtc remedy ruzu to any if your readers who have consumption if their eiprcsa and i 6 addrcsi kesneclfaliy du t 166 west adela two iwttiea of ray they will send me a slottlf de st toronto out tte tfelded fenaaafaa t oryears i suffered from dyspepsia iu its worst forms and after tryinc all means in my power to no parpose friends per suaded me to try bordock blood bitters which i did and after using five bottles i was completely cured kill hckill leithcjnt if you want to buy or sell a farin ad- vertise in the toronto kvthy uzil that paper reaches 100000 fsiroerlcses every week and jour advertisement should meet the eye of eomeone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto ifvchy if ail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada drafoemrflarj feicr i new tfc treatueat- kaffcrekare not generally ivire that tbeae c iseases are oohugcs of that tbev are di to the presence of living jaranteitf the iiuidgajembrauce and eustachian tube ificroaxjpic research however his proved tht id be a fact atfdtiie resale of this discovery is that a simple remedy fiiut been formatted whereby catarrh catirriil deafness and hay fever are permanently cured i 1 from one to three simple applies- tions n sde at home fay the patient once in two we jks x thia treatmeat i uot a a suafl or an ointment botf have fen discard d by reputable pbyticiatik as iujar oas- i pamphlet explaimug tins new t xtoumi nt it sent oii receipt of urn cent by f l illiixon san 30t wet king street tofo4caasdktrirorio ffw- roable hauld a cwreferoearaci there have been many remarkable cures of deafness made by the use of hagyards yellow oil the great household remedy for pain inflammation and soreness yellow oil cores rheumatism sore throat and croup andia useful internally and extern ally for all pains and injuries for the restoratioaof faded and gray hair to its original color and freshness ayex s hair vigor remains unrivalled this is ihe most popular and valuable toilet preparation in the world all who nse io are perfectly satisfied that it is the best imfcerest lzknairltdxemtnlt i scknawledge the good i received from burdock blood biltefs i had constipation irregular bowels and accumulation of wind causing severe pain in my stomach two bottles of b b b cured me it is all yoa claim it to be attii a cukke amherst k s vteer hu1cav vattre haman catdre is very qceer isnt it he observed to the man on the rear plat form of the street car yes i suppose so replied the other people are tod sensitive altogether too seasiliie i doavfcnaw aboat that well i do for instance uot you have a red nose you are not to blame for it perhaps but you are so sensitive that if i shoald offer yoa a remedy for it yoa yoa old loeier ive a good mind lo knock ynorhead off hissed th rednosed man as he squared off told you so replied the other as he dropped off human uature is the queerest thing on earth detroit rvr- tommie iaw what is the difference between a politician and a statesman v icr iigg a heap while a mans alive and in other peoples way he is a politician after he has been dead thirty oc forty veors he becomes a statesman jye of the most impressive scenes ia all history is that of the barning of j0 chests of british opium by command of the chinese eazperor in ik33 tea million dollars worth of saleable property destroy ed loc the sake of a moral idea what a protest against mans inhumanity to manp when the british government throagh its representative sir hfoltipger strove to get china to legalize the opium trains the emperor twokwang made answer in these pathetic words it is true i cannot prevent the iatrodactton of the flowing poison bat nothing will iodace me to derive a revenae from the vice and mis ery of raf people fatal accident and large flrw so often occur that they should be avoided by using more caution the same with your health it can be preserved by using im periilcreamtanarbakiogpowder sold by all grocers manufactured by e wiilletr toronto ont the safest akd most powerful alterative hi ayera sartapirllla young and old are alike bcncftal by its use for tho eruptive dis eases peculiar to children nothing else is so effective as this medicine while its agreea ble- liavor nukes u easy to admin ister 5ry little boy had iargp scrofu lous ulcers on his neck and throat from which he suffered terribly two physicians attended him hut he grew continually worse under their enre and ercrybody expected he would die i had heard of the remarkable cure effected by ayers earsaparilla acd decided tojiave my boy try it sliortlyiafter he began to take this medicine the ulcers com menced healing and after using several tallies ho was entirely cured no is now us health v and strong as any iwy of his age willmxi f dougherty hampton ya in may last my youngest child fourteen months old jltegan to have sores gather on its head and body we ap plied various simpli remedies without avafl the sorts increased in numlcr and discharged copiaosly a lhysician feras called but the jsores coatiuel to multiply until in a few months tly nearlv covered the childs head and body at last wclegan thfcusecf ayers sar- saparilla- in a few days a marked change for the better was manifest the eorvs assumed ainoru healthy vjudition the discharges wens ctaduahy dimin ished and finally taed- allcgther the child is iivcikt its fckiu ts trcilxr and its appetite bct r titan w- havo ob served or months- frank mtiriffin long point texas the formula of ayers saraarilht presents for chronic diseases jf almost evcrr kind the best remedy known to the medical world d m wilaoa if d wisss axkarsas ayers si r atrial d sr saparilla dr j c ayer k co lowell matt 1 9gordsslos or cmenutite exulgcoe btoaajt flnujurilwcnw toatalntnsr teaiioicnlih iritnuc m rr itm tnmt u a t4 ir liltu no hre- fally xuad- aret- ran if ncrr there a racaact- tw livratiui wr fiiir m icrtbw wltli eacli maekimri lj the at of tiii lil efrrrtkrir eaatlifluimruwnfir isiwltnddj itcuerlmaui freatt ecoen cm uiijt i 4ftl a an rrwkiitt cverr irc jtoita tawtitm hareoas u atrxnfir uctndg kit j mir dealer r ratttlm twl euisecfl rosu sit kt- t- cue the third pace of the toronto dauf uau it noted for want advertisements p if yoa want to bay or sell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgiocs if you hive lost or foand anything or if youwant to find put where anyone is advertise ia the to ronto dallj hail and read the advertise ments on the third pace of thatpaper thecharge is two cents a word each in sertion address thi hall toronto can ada lir john magwood yictona eoid writes korthrop fc lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic careis t splendid medicine 5fy cuitamerc say they never used anythingmare effectual good results immediately follow its use i know its value from person al experience having been troubled for 9 or 10 years with dyspepsia since using it digestion goes on without tbit depressing feeling so well known ai dj pep tics i have no hesitation in recommend- ingiit in any case of indigestion consti pation heartburn or troubles arising from a disordered stomach at b osetf by rhtticltmt- it is worse than madness to ueglct a codeh or acofd which is easily kuldut if taken in tinje becomes when left to itelf llie forerunner of cousuntption and prema ture death- inflammation when it attacks the delicate tae of hu luntfs and tirtincli ial kibe travel wiih perilous rapidity thend not kkv get k ujttle of bickiek aiiltcoasqniptivc svrnp the raedlcine- thc craos thi uetnidmv foe d the barau body anl drites it from the fcyw- tern this mfldiciue pruantes s free and easy expectoration subduct the cough heals the diseased parts nd eitru n on us i wander- ful mfluetiot iu carjiijc ud other disek of llie thrwit audjungc if pareutk with vt me lie fiic of tfrtrtr clnldren and tieinwduefrwoi much xuixi- ety trouble and ex pen let them procun a battle of bickle anticonomptiie by rap ai whenever child haataki coih bit acoagli orhoarseueas give the tijtap jsnd lit for sale by all dragxuts at i5 cemi accordiog to directions abotuo krsss c c bjchxew 6 co dear sirs i took a severe cold in feb ruary last which settled in my back and kidnys causing exreuriating pain after befog withiut sleep four nights through intense suffering i tried your minarda liniment after the first application i was go much relieved that i fell into a deep sleep and complete recovery shortly follow ed jnus s ifclcoit lawereicetowu anvice ro llormzii are yoa distarbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child enflering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at nnce and get a bottle of if rs winslowa soothing syrup for children teething ifs valoe u meal- culahle it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend npon it mothers there is no mistake abuat itv it cares dj seutrv and diarrhaia regulalee the stomacli tend bowel- cures wind colic softens the earn rednce mflammatrao and gives tone apd energy to the whole ays- tern sirs windows soothing syrup for children teething ik pleasant to the taste aud is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united state and is for sale hy itll drniizist throughout the worli price twentyfive cent k ttle be ure and auk fnr itr winlowt fithing fiynip and take no j titer kind ffettand ttftutart n he xatvcrlhg ijniwds hoiieliom panacea u iim acfutl fir relieiieij ptlu itilli liieni and external ilciirei prin tti the side hck or bowcltf ore throw t rhvuraankni loot hi ache lumiiitio and any kind of pain or ache it will uk1 surely quicken the biiol and ileal a f atlirj fiwr is woudarful hruwus flotcoeluitd luti- aocs ieiiig hckunwiffftntl k the great fairi lielicitt aid u dmihfa tliu htruugth of any other klisir or iihiiukiil in the world nhould he iu every family handy j for cine when wanted a it roaljy ia the j beat remedy in the world ftr cramps in the tuimach anf patirs ajid ache of all kinds j he largest scale works in canada over 100 styles of har scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improyed show cases uonet drawers ueatcloppers ma bittchess smuts c wilson sow 6 0 esplanade street east t6rontc ont ueilion liit papc cct dc tea wiia prof loisette mem ory discovery and training method l la ipfu of adnftmud biiailvtti fuoj rai th umut tad melial wmlu off w oricisal iari eodipctiton and in ipiia af t4ieirpttoreb of lh bail of hi libow ill of prhieh ieaoastnie tk ondoqbrtad coperiont ud potmiimj- c hisleachiac rnrflioiaotwiart at kttt llrxetlinc u weacaiad a4tr m ua tiemipberw m aitrfcae a epoch fa uemori oultnre hw f w vent pott ite sirea optatau cf perte ia til parti o lie dote wta hxre td oijlj tadii- hi firoenj bt cqrmspaodtiaae beic that his bntem is tica any rjtik wing tvun ttuai tad trtinn ddrwt crsf a uoisette 23tinnit arenac sv i how cured nasslbaimi na8jajjalm i k ccruri iri tftiidr nre fi i ccid in ll hcjd ei ciut in ijl iu tu iootkiko cuaksikc heaijkc htuiui ptticrt crts rlrelpit catabrk mtut tocaled dseuf iti siciptcsi cl ratxrrh iach it hcidckc rtinit deiirtss lsi teste ofimc oituti ceaerxl fceii cf debility etc iff troubled with irr cf lec cr sindrti syxptscis tsc iutc cauirh and thoed lotaro tir in proctirc aboule cf na dai pe uaml in time neelected cold ta hud tavkt ia ciurm fcllnred titconsamptioainddeii- st btl inzli bj ii dnnpsu cr will bekntpritpaidic rkeptcf rnsecsacenuaiid guribyiddreii j fuif0r0 c0 flloctocu qkt ts beware cflmiutioaal iraiir it niae only 25 gent8 also kveuy uksctiptioxop ealrbei and fetal stamps tikoley ft 8tewj st mpq co 10 kidr st wesj toronto glothitig clotliing 1 owercghts suits l phnts if want stylish durable and cheap clothing made to order call and see what i we are doing i fit guaranteed eveiv time or no sale ouc prices arc so low they will astonish you a nobby tweed suit for si200 a handsome tweed i the best in theland only 1600 kelly bros suit for 1400 ly bros eraridtrunk railwayt uii 5ytn uti- fzii tbroucii til ftri jla i arcom iy v u- going wic ie srfi f 31 to going kstv li w msfl bri insiectionikvited prosperity to our- john bull hi hahvays get my dr gobdsi boot shoes hand groceries hat the glasgow oase hin actori toon hand downt ow go hand forget hit heither hi tell yo- h pays me hevery tahm hi deals wij em joost trj- hit for yoursen hand see hif hi avent beeii tellin th treuth shndy custoniers siccan a jilace fpr bairgains as you glasgie hoose in acton i dinna ken o in a these pairts baith the misters henderson and mcrae are thocht weel of in a oor pairts an its the bonny bairgains they gie that tempts the bawbees oot 0 anes pocket the iioo and again j- pht i jshure and where abouts in the wide world wud oi go til fir the splindid bargains ifit isnt till thim same misther henderson mcrae is co the glasgow house in acton beyant bidd- always sinds me there for the foine tayan shugar and dhriss goods an iverdthin else entoire- ian- they bate all for cheap goods an anttx henderson mcrae co kcton y fsi 4 75c 75c ra lilt cm ir t ifl-aaidifas- njtblbitr ilead pnwf ulvw kendalls spavin cure eaztdijmr cirrniid eat ixd tiirnxa eex b veir bin 1 lam altiyi jjirrebasd yct dautfinann cnr bj- the fall dnicnwi would lom ptwi tu urscr qtisrltj i ltjthw one of lnebeilllnmenion carvi itaritiss caitt7bauefotltre jean mji voontnu cruaxeirkx kendalls spavin core pear sin i deiins to clre too vxtimmlmltt 5fxanieiia stiff jotat sj spatlaa and 1 hate icmad n a tsitcaitblcns bpatliiaiad i tme altrrecnminemlttth voci trajr 1 a e gaa kendalls spavin eore 3iiibeniidnictriltifi renof bis jaw nclhsreaimeotj booti and fouowed ue dlnctioas i bm gtsr lost cue of ara kind i tovn tub j inn ttun kendalls spavin curl prfcrtl jer bcrt tfc or dx bott its f or s in fina lluhvuorcxaihfot jeeor biriatm to aar asdnmna receipt of iirirebj tba maw ton dcb jkatsaijxkickbarjaftsfl sold by all dlifggl8t vi lutab linuedl optlonf 3rnin rocsaq ialq 1 d powuer purest strongest mt csritks rio alum ainndria line piiispiates r ewgllleftt the czlebblate eotiz- teift gsb ys- lcn i snvcvrk d not man cwrtlrto ion ihem fur a liu- aii t li- ihei rvaa z3n i nrvv iiaim alcuir i i lun i made uii dlu ol fits epilepsy or j paleikg sic7kness x lifo ions study x ttaant my renlt cr ik the worst caci ixvihrsltittuyed ts nn reosoo for no atoeefora trcai ixtaixiplritrm office it nsls vuo liotrjr ita irij asj a wiu cure toil adirc h g soot c branch office is vest tjeifuda sj toronto rstcpoi ixvirstituvko for nothorrv-t- r a fwc ss4 trcais rrj a i rsttillelcf besttel1 ecopei i nj the norld mom irtoj tantshaav tiiimrr cak tatt im th th i tcc kntta iictirmb tliroimlkiaif ef it j- tboal uil tairth ptl cf tui5ii u it i maidtklw inn u lirjt 1 1 u it to ttrrr- w j lit 1 13 pa b tot cxptri rac iw i mrr t t do c t vc t prr til ut a cbmtjm 4dtoiiululfettsluliias ivcilaj1- jtlltt urqmt 1 font of perfect printing interdiangeabtejtjpe with complete appliakce8 for m iiidelible stapipintr card printing eto for the marvelously low price of only 75 cents- tiic outfit contaius 72 icttcis and iuu or tie famous mealliiol kutlwr tyi which is in daily use in fen of thousands of biiiiucss officer in all parts of th and utlicr cuuutriv and m ndtwl for its accurate priutiu th- ltil if- jppariifqei u folio hraabbbcccdddeeeefff8 gghhh111jjkllllmmnnn0 00pppqrrr58s8tttuuvw wxyz epkaibimi it also contaius a holder trhicu will alee 2 letters or any numltr np to 20 i take of carters warranted indeliue ink tweezeri aud lukmat it will print anj naa in tbls style one line at a time j j blackstone mrs e j blrck8t0ne j harrison blackstone 1 san francisco cal tingley stewart manufacturiao co o king 8troet west toronto 5tewii on a su- ccs forbluoosnscotit indiazstor bzli rladachz rnp zzz z touach irir thctt iilitrrt hi abnor znz tr- to burzocx cw3 crr tactcnf hi cr and osstikatc ci kcsl next tt 4pm j v wh ac i perij hon 1 j tfc- fntojttni bdchixniuhl i lbtlnltlctmicbti lintt tn4 taw ir it mu vr n jtmftwb 9to tj ct t i uaajllnut- will care on of iiii nturajsia iuitibazl oical 1- tootbacbt btuisw nud tttahi- kihumftwiii ji 1flj a only 3 dollhr a year wd lows orm syrup destroys andbbmove5 vvumraa jot au kind m children p adoltts sweet as syrup ajfi cannotthabrv the mc5t 3deitcatechllip ttj othj otfcef pinj dl teril hi ir qi