hubu80aumdar jingles and jokelets sksiai kioiurijhis i j i s i 5 e t t thuizithili mi unsure 2 a assises uailcc ulslo tkioiiis uufumkm qiij t sen no 1 laruhisisn r iswaiiiascit ill tlt ltltucllm tmsix wil v 7 s mttini unimsrris is ct kjllsihuh diimaniaaxi masai jraac- its il llivnoaiuii ulkhrhtraa 3l u i t si si7l fl4u lsuilfuwir 19202i23r 1 sh t f 10 1112 itll 15 aiss5 l 15 rise jill ticirimi lllilf 71shsi sisrasisas ukjn rirnrilli ti- iri- itll llifwlu niilvrnra oity ua lot talplmr aotp it delightful tbitnrwo l cicciimk uje kaip- utd drk erit irty kiur wortlt tfjlac di tiit l dicoariii iwcmis oilier rrmrrfic lnawnilm ynu mr llucli hym nxy ftrmlilim lu hmt mid citrrl xmi nliui ilie ictremcly lever inl itiil t hivi- trim trutiv- clljt ountt jalks hsxst to tks ukfjuvhyul squl the fouairing is free jnniuuon of the fatmod line trtoed cu the tl1i o the ciuiedrtioflubecfc tnca cjlt ite lumiez ta1 fcecd rioe he tfcos tallest ue lfh jd i thire cot fee li tteii esll ife the wcxstd dot feller he not then ctijost lfc tic lifetad u ttaj it for- 1 cot i r tlioaetllest he tie trullj- ttitl iuictt liiv toul tbja exllcc jiuuijetcj deiiteb tva- in jhoc ijet lie lutelf lilitoidii- uif tt03 ctewt jj ezcij tal iletirt no jrt thoa ii1 ife etrelor tlct hy truth ttohctu ke jxcrciruiajlc tbj louih tfawa ciit h kpbk tikl dnxsvil h tb taileu hcsj2ihtjar fexrwt uy t frotb tbca ciucct uc jato if jm then i b 1ws itlall ccadaia tiioe reproach thoa wiace will uttoct of thli tr i cfcine qinstiaa uilar that dsenbed the relative meriu of conradtninn bed- fihiua and chrrsriiity a mia hid fuiea icio deep dtrfc pit tnd liy in it miry bottom crossing- sui utterly anihle to nyjre canfaciaae wtlked by approached the oie of ihe pit tod exid poor fellow i tin iorry for yoa why jwtre yourccli a fooi ts to set in there zai me give yoa a piece cf advice if roa eer pet oat dont get in acsin i caat pa qat yroaced the met tint it gdifacinin a baddhiiu priest ueit came by and nid pocrfellow i am rery much ptined to tea yon there i think i yoa coali crtmble irp tvothirdsbf the way or even utjf i cocid reach yaa ted lift yoa cp the tmw eat them tain the pt bras entirely r teipietf tad uatble to rise thtt it 3nddhifm kelt the stribcr came byliitring hii criea lie went to the very crinbof the pi lireefced davn lad uli hold c the poor mac broafiht hira up tndetid go iq no more that u curatiaiity x1tceai histoev tiinoxg i toiii irescoed t rery itrge totd a few yeaxt ago from arattrtp in the girden and let it loose on the roefcery of the eonsertiiopy after bathing its pr torn leg m water acd othenriie mtiucg nrachofiu the nextdty after arerylonfi m i fanad my fnrthd letted on a urj atone la a imih articial pool of the rockery and i gare him a worm which after tome hesitation i penexded him to take after toil 2 pm every day fotmi my toad oa the tame atone twtiting hit dinner sometime he would eat as many u lir wormi one after another first appearing not to lee them thcrfieh all the time keenly alive to their presence then with a ladden atar glaring at them with htanchadnp back and eaer eyes for some toomenfc when the next instant laap ftoifbriiu worm u gone and the tjd look ing ffupremely indocent of the whole affair j i had thii toad for several months bet oa rrtarning home altera iocg absence i never aw him agtic i have foond it tgood role never to haptf creatures i am trying to time t0theyarethorbaghlytccaatoo3ed to yon ifncli can be done with the rotce tad capboard lore l bqcitrrl biotr a pet fcqcicrel be- f looging to some friends bad become ed ume that the door of his cagcwta often left open odhewpaidmakeexccreianetothe neigh- boring garden trid tree always coming btcfc after a iittle to his borne as he evidently contiderod the cage once how ever he made io ionga stay that the ftmily had abont given him qp for lost though thiet left the cage still standing in iu asaal place with the door invitingly open if benny shoold ever come iiacfc one day r be made his appearance baring broaght i another sqnirrel with him lie tt occe began to entertain his visitor by jcmpicg cpon the wheel of the cage and keeping it whirling for aorae time then the other oae tried it twbije end tfierwtrd both tcadded twiy ecnay never retained ttd we caajd only wonder whether he had wen idling his wildcompiciousof his old hyce and the playihicgs in it and had btougbi tze more creduloas or more vetartfioaifl thru the rest to tee f or bim- self i jthellriuehnwlrjiltxiurerencerelused wat to prtifesjjrid rtportcm at it uto fethu there kttfcymcthiug wrougtbont tlie ojtifereuce it the retorter not being treteat we cant toll which bech thing woald be tmpossttle intbis coantrv where tlie irreiirettibm repurter txm the i ererjrlwre frorii ctndypulliog lu cfenacii coyrerjc tittrtot tmtoeiu ufk uotar treatment sufferer are i not mtuttiiiy twtrl- thtt thesv dwktec are couuiotik or thitthey ire dee to the prince of living arable iu ujcuaucraebibtmoemidwwwdjiwikbwt ificroscopic rajtrch howwer h proved lut to bt b sct cnitii regultof this diiseuery- jif uj e rimple rtmedy hs been fjrmtilfctca wijereby currb caurriiai detfnetf tad lily ever re pertnanenty cored in frdai one to three simple applicx- twns made athme by the putitut uuce in two week k btbi treatment ic not a a spoil or en otntment bntli htvln discarded byrepotable phrcina as iur- 0j a iumpftlei etuttiit tins uvvt treaxmeat isscth an receipt of ten cent by a h dixon sn s03 wt kiui street j toronto cfjsa- tofonud gtou baffefefifrerafcatarrb troable sliould carbf alrj reed this ifaove wocus raua senoa sfeknes dr lk worm syrup itroyo and fiu all kwit if wmi ijairkly and rarely jfovlv itrwa and sicknc is ctu by wornif mother oravc worm mster- tnitiktor jiv relief by remnvin tli ctiife oivt- tt a trial and b cotiviuoed oluuftt ccb1 by ojrftia ditciucss t t symptom rf dyppepcit i have tned burdock blood bitters for dtcrinetc which came cer mo in bpells fo tlitt i had to quit work far a while tlie b l 11 enitrtty cured rre jiitdt wiwbt chesterfield ont sixl scukaurnri burdock pills do not gripe ar sickeu they are mild and effect aal x ure eeeartt i had beeutrocbled for aboat 50 years with biliousness and liyec oorapltint and after using tbcut throe bottles of bardock blood bitters i feel entirely relieved tnd have not htd an attack for two yean joiuil glliev htiwell ont pitr wial oick need a tonic atrenglh giung cesh building raedicina like hil bctc iecf irou tnd wine across tha continenl la thousands of baaiehoiajr ill over canada the merits of yellow oq the great family medicine are well known it is es teemed ts one of the best cares for rheu mttisra lembago nearajgia tore throat crncp quinsy sprtinc barns and til psin used eiterntlly or icterctlly fe woebegone invalids soffering from ofthe blood bilioas infferers tnd tfadte whose circulttioa is depraved shoali use withoct delay korthrop lymtas vegetable discoverj- and poepcie cere the celebrated blood pnrifier which stima- lates digestion increases the nutritive pro perties of the blood and expels imparities irom the system j u oar climate oiaectsc- the past two seasons have been so peco- litr that thocitcds are ttucked by coagfcs coldt hotrieness inuuena asthma bron chitis etc to these fe recommend htgyards pectoral balstc as the stfest surest and test remedy yet produced for all thrott tnd lung troablts so called cocgh mpair the diges- tbe great majority of cares da little more than tive faacticas and create bile ayers cherry pedortl oji the contrary while tt cures the eoogh does net interfere with the fauctiocc of either siomtch or liver citdvfaac the grand old gentleman seems to grow younger as the years go by whea crgaj for the rctl secret he finally told tic uot expecting it woald be paalithed bat hera it it ifrsg ueveralbwt any other kind bat imperial cream tartar btking powder ased its the only reliable soli by all grocers i let quality not qatatitr be the test of a medicine ayers saritpanllt it the concentrated extract of the best and portst ingredients iltdicti men every where recommend it ts the sorest and most economical blood medicine ia the market c c jacobs bofitio aa empbyeeof the u s express co sayt dr thomas eclectric oil cared himot a bad case of piles of 8 years standing having tried almost every known remedy betides two buffalo physicians withoat relief hut the oil cored him he thinks it cannot be recommended too highly eemazkahle care of an ulcer brzs two years ago ii hid an deer on my ankle knowing burdock blood bit er to be a good blood partner i got a bottle anda box of burdock healing oint ment and after axing three bottles and three twret i wts completely cared tnd recommend b b b everywhere 5rstt vbon braotfordont if yoa want to bay or hi a farm ad vertise in the toronto ilcelvy hail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes etery week and your advertisement shoald meet the eye of someone who wants to pnr- chase advertisements of this class are ta bertad in the toronto ftrwy mall for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word far fite inflections address the kail toronto canada trutoa old friend old friends are best acd if ever rafierers had a friend hsgytrds tellqw oil caa jostly claim the dihtinctian fain never stays long where it is ased while for croap it is t specific parents ebocjd keep it in the boose ts a safe guard again accidents frost bttes chilbiiius sprains bruises bards etc ilr john slag wood victont road writes karthroji lymtns vegetable discovery tnd dyspeptic care is teplendid medicine my easterners ety they never ased anything more effectual goodrtsalts immediately follow its ue i know its value from personal experience having been troubled for 3 or 10 years with dyspepsia since using itdigestioa coeson withoat that depressing feeing so well known ls dyspep tics i have no hesitation iu recommend- tag it m any case of iudigestlou consti pation heartburn or troubles arising from a disordered stomach v kxrcsesfor nof tlolxu tqcntttch overslept mysolt coald uot dteis ia tinn too cold loo hot loj windy j too daty too wol too damp too sunny too cloudy dont feci diipoied no other lime to myself pal my paper to rights mean to tike a walk going to take a ride lied to haiftca sis- dy in the week no fresh iir 1ml on sundsy ctat breathe in churrh kiwms o fiill fci a little fever- ich fwl n little chilly fwl very lazy et jct riittjity fur dintur ct a headache inlein iinriiiji myiu to day new bonnet not come home wasnt fhtvod in time dont hfc- stnein withoat mucic makes ma iiecvotjs the fpirit willing bat the floh wcjtk dislike n txtempore sermon u ii too fmtuy cttitbr t writtea ser mon too proty uolwdy todty but our minister csul always lirn to the same preacher dont like strangers caut keep twnke when at church fell asleep last umc was iluro shant risk it again cetutimptlod ssrelrtarcd to u edlicr i blaise inform yoar readers that i have it jeiuitf reoifrly lor the tbova named -ii- by it timely uwtbousaddi of bo w- ie ce nave utxn witiiiuy cared i sbtll be glad to scud two iwttles of my remsdvnsee toaiiy of ytar readers wlw havpcoosumptiou if they will send ma their eipres and p o ddre- heipectfuiiy dc t a fatoccu iso wt adelaide toronto out 2fec c c tiichmll it co dear birs itajfc a severe cold in feb ruary last wlucn ted in i my back od kidoyt eaustngexrcacistiug ptin after feeing without sleep fnar nights throaah intense safferfog i tried yoar tfnr liniment after th firsc apphoatli 1 wttso rauchredeteduuit t fell into daap sleep and complete recovery shortd folia ed joiht s mjlim ltwereticetowu for want of too eul materials to work with many boys grow ap withoat the lout knowledge c their use and consequently without the development of auy mechanical tbilily that they nuy naturally have beea possessed of every farmers boy shoald have a knowledge of practical machines so far at least as they apply o agncaltare aad ho shaald have an opportacity of ac quiring the skill needed in their pplics- lioo to the various departments of firm work the workshop is a great practical educator mf should be a permanent in- slitctioa on everv farm asotufeofasxoyaxce a gentleman coming home tt evening spoke harshly to his little three-year- old who was playing very noisily the little lady dropped her playthings tnd retreated hastily to a corner whats the cutter 2 askod psps well said the chili ive been a good girl ail this diy aad now yoa come home and make trouble the first thing alvio jo iforujuta are yoa disturbed tt night tnd broken of yoar rest by a sick child suffering tnd crying with the pain of cutting teeth if sosend tt once tnd get t bottle cf mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its vtlae is incilcalsble it will relieve the poor little sufferer imrcedntely depend npoa it mothers- there ts no mistake scout it it cares dysentery and diarrfacea reolates the stomicb and bowels cares wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammation tni gives tone tnd energy to the whole system ifrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and i the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians tad nurses in the united states and is for sals by ail druggists throcghoat the world triea tweatyfive cents a bottle be tare and askfr mi wisswwvscotiiiso sveit- and take no other kind itru and comfort he- ritrxnc- erown6 uoasehold panicoa his uo ejus for relieving pita both internal and external it cures prin in the side back or bowels sore throat theamattsm tooth ache lumbago aad any kind of psin or ache it will most surely quicken the blood sud heal as its acting power u wonderfal browas household pan acea icing acknowledged as the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world shoald be in every family handy for cse when wanted as it really it the best remedy in the world for crtmps in the etoailch thd pains and aches of all kinds tnd is for stle by til druggists at a cents a bottle 7 cettnplct cctrtd aa oldnbysician retired from practice having hid placed in his htods by an east india miseioctry the form alt of a dimple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- mtaentcure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma tnd til throat and fang affections also a positrte tnd radical core tfterhsvicg tested its wonderful curative powers ia thousand ofcises has felt it his duty to itake it known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human soffering i will seed free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for preparing and using seat by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a korrs 620 powers block bechesterk y those intolerably painful acd constantly hirrtssing things called ptfes which trouble so many people are soon healed by dr thorn ies eclectric oh the great external remedy for physical saffering and means of relieving pains a very small qethtity achieves results of the most gratifying kind t it is worse than madness to neglect cough or a cold which is easily subdaed if taken in time become whenef to itself the foreranuer of consamption and prema- tare death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do uot deity get bottle of bickles anticonsomptive syrcp the medicina that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the sys tem thismediciuepromotesafreeandeasy expectoration subdues the cough heals the diseased rurts and exerts a most wonder ful influence ia curing consumption and other diseases of the throit and ianga if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselaes from roach anxi ety trouble and expense let them prccare a bottle of bickles anticonsaraptive syrop and whenever tchild has taken cold his a cough or hoarseness give the syrup tccordiug to directions the third paga of the toronto daay holt is noted for want advertisements u you want to buy or eel i anything if you want citustiou mechanic a bcai- ncsi machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or found anything or if you wsut to find out where anyone it advertise in the to ronto jiaily mail and read the advertise ment on the third t page f that paper the charge is two cents a word each in- eertiox address tlu ilail toronto can ada hfaants llnimrat hited t pbfwaas- wkad nasaljalm aeeruin and ipeedrcars ot cold ia the kcad sad cttarrfc la aq fu tuses e00thikc cuak5ikq hau0 lortut redef pirmtnent cm failure fmpoufbla sacb o hetdtche parusf tfesuesa lotinj tense of smell fool breath hstrfcuif and spittint ditneti eeoersneellns of demiity etc u yoa are troubled with any of thew or kindred symptoms yoa hire catarrh tod sboold lose no tim in pracanajr t bottle of haul biui bt toamsd in urns negiecwd cold in bead resold la catarrh follosred bycocinrdpliooaflddsam niui bstic fs sold by all droctlstt or wni b snt post paid on roeebt of price iocesls apd iao byaddressiaj futford a co bimavou ott ra beware of imlutiont similar in name trace buckie s utif stock of lictitl rlackctf a grippe is catching also the double grip ig fiu at j ii lhtthewg harness shop u hey trs lbs best and be has slsrcafilockof toiut ilstncssnisda up wiui the doable lrp llackls in also s flue larnmion tiacd at prices that rill surprise yoa a full stock of hells whips curry combs brushes hslten harness ou 4c tlwayi la stock osil tnd e4 my stock of harness before dealing elsewhere jhmatthews acton gbulelph- cloth hajl scotch new spring overcoatings nd canadian- tweed suitings shaw grundy fpttal- remeqtg 400000 people in canada and united states vouch that tou kt oin v wlv kukoiz8 in the world that ptsll gse you he7iltwj- merchant tailors cuelph to fjapmers and threshers tjaflpayaurhaclnnerronly the wellknown peerless oil q goimvmirit a tk hive teen turirdedil dcricg the lut three yeir a wuu uanuxijo tcj iuo j j arm for yoa waggons andhorse powers these oils are used tnd highly recommended at theif ode farmgueiph farmers ask for them nsc no other xfanoiacturedttsuocroittoliworfclby samuelrocer8 6y co toronto this extract from the scientific papers of qreat britain and europe a kw owmtuk w mtnctxt thsfoarffttttestmcdlcsicmrrei of th woridtm london fans bsrlin and vieaa thsw cities bva immenss hospiuli teeming with suffering homaaltr crowds of student thronr he wards itodyincnadex thetrofessors in charge the most rsnownedrhysi- eitns of ha world teh tnd prsc- uos beresn4 the nsutntions tn storehoases of msdictl xnofledge tnd evpsrieace with s mskiaff this experience 4ttilw to thepnbllc hshospiulhemfdy co at iruat expense eeenred the prescriptions of tne bopiuii prepsred the specifies and ai thoajh it would cost from s5 to 5100 to seenre the attention of tbelr iitiajroished origlottors yet in this way their prepared specifics are offered a t the price of the qatck patent medicines that flood the market snd sbsurdlr claim to core every ill from a ilnjie bottle- the want always felt for reliable class of domcstici remedies u now filled with perfect satisfaction the koapitttileraediefl make no ujireasonaafle claims the specific forcturrh carps that tnd nothing else so with the speclne for bron- chit it conmmpuon tnd long troubles eheumttism is cured ly no 3 while troubles of digestion toonisch liver tnd kidneys have their own cure to these is added t tkc iiic far fever tnd ague on for err tie iwtskuess t general ourc tnd lloodmakcr that makes mojjand fives form tnd ftilne and an fncomptrtbie rcmfly for nervoas uculity xo catafljth hat rzylt rri cold cattxthai dafn stkt c j nac curs tatanaling fnmelnufe orcfi co ufri ta pumc uu it not a enufcr olau tntlcij ut rticvirf a lujvritih tft jto 1ftxcws cqids 8iotf ht13 azthtfi cottsumpwnai lacomperabu rtmf wwi rot bfirtsu ttop a coif bqt eradicate ttit tittait a 4 stcnfti3 the turg vid mstortt ua iti ilj a gicag a uo tz3c cf lift 100 k0 1fuituuaazha aisffngetitf cni atll- iroca is tciaiitt fi ti ctlat fa parti srfto trxau retklrg else bau lit rtputation iha ttmtif 1 xouyjl ako kldnttf ctcpcpsv ato ikdiqcst1qh cckstspawf mights d8tqc- a fascttu titoqkitffiti for the cvck nio b t rvlnrt wion mtoaaca titan ale kau vie a rtify ianctlcae4 in high plactt 100 xo tftyeh afd aqve dvub xisf vi kturautfafvb knote a at grao4 caraqt j r tt the tysm i it it tnattata tuiittftau t itt a remttj uat eradicates it 1 100 so female weajmess krzwurzs whhe jfattf teometi are brvkrn tcz- oiey neeiect teu diuaes until tenet- c rcti vie ho 8 qad rtgan health andttrtri c-f- so jheaiw resit afd mrf ft-r- good hood md fou of it if trtak if v if icrajc jf uie titt perfect toatc lzp xo ttertycu cebtinr iocs cf pcrrr- quack urtrjidin public ttfi h i e -l- re r rxf for an anfortvate condition fict i- cv rrj one trial sill pnot bevars cf ftari rrj cko charge high prlcl farctl c rrrirs dnrge and pllu fa properties ff ri z rtwif igorant and wic encsc ts- i r cj ctr confide tsahetteri to tthtte in fit ee rxfzricut butinets uee no 8 end tec cc- cjcc okb tdoiivirb tcj uk itad ofall de oistft tk ultjtriiirkliiri lic hiitb u t iwm airi airy iextiiiijtiw3j trl j trcc ieuhtj wtiorriit v vr i r 2 jrtim cjrcpcgm icjv tvr 3i of tlie ct u kuit botln tin vzk rair i nl c t- ikt e cpa- vlil3fcf irocrlajtmi- tna fconri ii we cyarrm earn n a hzitan ttron proprietor a faict xjoztk knoning is that uod hi y ciscs whkh ail cither rcimthe fuil to cure yield tu ayers garsaporlllo frcmi tiasrnu- titmjof this stato lucut cutaos to land doily kvcn such dwpwattd andstuhliornc-tjiit- plaiuts ii ilbfii- matitin khcuaia- tic gtiut autl tlio like arc thorough ly crtiiratci li- thcucfthisvrcn- dcitd alturitivc m r irving ikwgc ik wit 12tiii rtrit kctr vorkxcrtilics about two years ago after saffering for nearly two years from rheumatic pout bcuigahte ti alh only with gnat dlctjmfort and having tru1 various remediw iurlmliur tniiutui utters without relief i kaft- hy an -idverttse- ment iu a chhaigo jiirtliat a uun had been relieved of this distressing co-u- phiiut after aog rfuffirring bv taklug ayers samaparilla- i thendtaded to make a trial of thi bicdictnc and toot it regularly for cirht inontly i am pleased to tar that- it effected a com plete care aad that t have since had no retcrn of the discard jfrs la start kaslma k u irrites one year igu i was taken ill with rhcomiiism wing confined to my house sir months i came out of the sickness very much ileh utated with no appetite and my system disordered in every way i camiatcced to rc ayers sanaparins and ijcgan to improve at once gaining hi sitter h and soon ro- corcring my usual health lijannotsay too ranch in praise cf this wellknown medicine- j 1 have taken a great deal cf medi cine but nothing has done mc so much good as ajcrs earsaparilla i felt its bcneuaal effects before i had quite finished odd kittle and i can freely testify that it is tho bet uood- raedidnc i know of l w ward sr woodland texas ayers sasapana dr 4 c ayer i co lowell mut prfctitilioajm vtcnt p ilcu our aheat sale for the next ten dsys before our spring goods come forward we will make a clearing out of all our remnants of dress goods mantle goods tweeds flannels remnants of all kinds must be sold and i- the prices will be low scotts emulsion special special values in readymade clothing good overcoats from sj75 up mens coats for 200 less tliaif half price purs and fur trimmings at cost bargains palatable as milkj j he tare ynu gcttn geruiie 11 silmcri j j cnf wrapcr wd ty all drul- s j 50c trdsloo scott k ik vnf ijellevitu vhe largest scale works in canada over too styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cases honey orawers ileal ckpper ako botcdeis 61ippues tkddmxss ix tlix write ck utz3 c wilson 80m 60esplnade jstreet east jtorontcont sffflirioti lais paper eery iaic rca wriis 9cordsjiloj buns easy j jro b4ctuchjl j nmvzkxx eontaiafns icfitmnnisla trl urt ttrra in fmly nd rtetnct i isit iitcrriiii wtlh each mtkii it tie ctn flic their own ra tvi sreatt expert can lci emescot saw irrr ortcl wmoos ujifj-w- tnar deilcv t write ful luisk co rou mil itllnr s3ts icnttrm tit in tool everrtwdf cid do tt better chan ue at il kaipira la ill lofiwrls uw should nhnin- la ri4 afk uij htninu ua- aa- chkaelll job lines in shoes wc are showing a line j for 100 in button and lace that were worth i r j and 50 cents but we hae too manvof them i f j and thuv must be sold full stock of groceries at bottom prices r lbs brightsuar for sroo 5 lbs good japan tea for 100 v remember the place for bargains is at the glasgow house henderson mcraeev go kcton accoi fnk railway uon 1 au- aai goncvvc v oolbsei iq -fbiitii-elil- kenmlijs spavm ft tomopmlmi jourkoil scsiis mrt u for unnmi fluff jisasa m tig kendalls spavin eilbi flifrriroscocttoiaon dt d 3 katill co 0sti lllt nrrdcty wot wbjll j lotirij ij5t kendalls braurprji nr cutclajto qlt jjjj i w spatto core by ibi iassisj tint itajfis ifjtir tlanihrsjihtj books ud touowed il au rtitoa j w kendalls spavin gdbl mlperbolleorixbotirt ewhthoreaiik it icr 70a or ttu tj la aajadrtreasou rwiptornhcbtuns wntlte a j edam co iiotfclsl sold by all d1tq j w d c purest stho sgest beit costa3 n3 0 ait ujufts izbjaa ewgillett t luirisjm cf the cixsbsaiz 7l ttijsf cub wen t kit cvhj t do dot atoaberdtto 1 heax a kadicu uceej i i hive eje tie iease ol 1 fits epilbpst pi fatling sickness kes ttujt 1 ttaktiant nj reaej is tm rj3ci icir si uw iltirlng fiuk aiir irurvaiiitd kfbottixtbj ivrillif ik keiriv ipriniailroa 0f tlgjwu rrtlrii for trail ufure l atiire- h g bo0tx brasci offlcs k west adfiltide f toronto 1 rusaxu ran o 1j lie viurjdufcmb tmujfi tjtiajrtttl r u tijtktfw rl butfj3au8ioltfmi aiifcmiimmrrsl fpo imtluivr v urdock pills a svnz cjhz c0rbiii0ushcesc0fi3tirat0n indigestion dtruvc53 5icr- headache ak3 cxcftiit stomach i livr ahd diowels tkcy auc iltf rcyhiri3a3ift im actim ah3 rru a v ixzziz to bukccch elocd eitt3 m tp trcttmcxt an j cjrr cp chhohic a0 ocstikatc cfccac-s- only gggrg f n y utje will cure oil of iuflatfliiatory 5 nutagia liiajliafio ijilital iiici tootbftcfcc bisijt ii raw l y dlows worm syrup destroys and remov t ta qtt d wull ihirf ipm ml s office- jl4 accodl priodii alinf d n tos the i tieil dogxi bloqc 8 sfj