Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1890, p. 3

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acliajerj or bv k kij 2 if to pbiiis- sstvuta j kboctv iii paloc me seetkodistchtrch actokt- re v a a jarriord mjl pnj pustor 13q un tid gjo pund- ijloawicofrtactwlliyuii wlcoriitjlr trmtcd i octc hani rent strtapmr aad- tlciiora jrtjt wxicotnc -at- testirv ofcjifr italic door ii tittiatswnfnxl apply to if p moore jpank of hamilton bead office kajftlton c jts1 w crtsilhtn vr icksxkve ksvn slncntm hocvho 5sjs j tckrm it la stkvjsfc ufctclsuiijl r pr sale s 2 i rchuradaaiosi pikkctokksjor sjls mr rrwijchl x 0 kiuuv vil jcuv ilkktoa cms glttxtr gro kau n t woai 1 it lil i iv to i rent is red tis fire 1 yicira em- ta a rw the pimliik 2 vitinacoro i kni lix loox v i tfhmhcrv 1 orcnr c oast i wvisicruacd er tit farm formate ltohtj7t utc a georgetown agency- si ditcoaniai and adrasws iuilc tx ill f3tt wcariut diurrvcaall parts el cav- tiutb ckttkd stiri gkox tinrriiv and lie ccvtrvexritr ectorc bourlit ud told coufcuos uiyic cti all accessible ivla oc kjlvlxt lerwt allowed fra ciihdl ujuveda colics of is lltlpautilevt m ctfliiid cpirdf au1 iu- jx utc f dcrxait a diu oc laldklosits cutktil rtor iaw lno rtuidri jrmi nqairwl x watson atful liiulauce co y day 12th march lit- ccuifiv ilfultaliie houses e i nvtstirsn r best ajdrtmect best pcices bft tniimtnt best qauity geohmagtok okt scff liacs fa parw froni 5c cptrdit comlis llti rnitbw tbclfc bnili scliool liooij hiblrt sllicuufr snecucles all fciads wtdyk clock ifiti lewtlltrr orpiitcl ceo hynds igk ot thebig watcft pt tktiett fat rcss thursday ilarch 0 1ss0 1caxy sdxofi locals scctxc t lce lor lha i zn uih aro- trot xelion mc- tf the iljsge of h e county of dnirisr irtspl- t 5- e tr- r tiiigt cfjurciiiflfi tti ittrt lttspce- z urr hi 0 s 1 acu3esox i0 svoicusitouij sasjml svsc fi- sj rri fc w ft l c riil- u od u i- vi iiiiir luxjsf iclrrrwt uuliaarttgdr- press r is90 weekly jhay e2 eoe t3e ittsois tp 13 africa caif i lssi tiii l 1- rii ttrr snst l llll svsk wsi ri- 1 sv it tiiv iiiuisifiotl s rcoaf- v isic jsuiicw asj tni 1iiis k rt- rt rsc u j jpbess iblidinhtno ion r 6 tcja z jr labniii iiiiii infr jtsfinicins lhe feess hw viuld br uie etcrtuotulitfiil mi alxt fr press uc3rtcrt dirisiot court aieit ttorsaiy the iie hirresung operttioss lute ceiled quite i boom eeefe storey itlccdcd ile county codicil msetic on tacsdiy ie the innii boy wts bom oa slja he roali then wmlto try nciikicg oa leqs there iiivr been ibct two ehulrei per diy iz ike veniier o the piss lea days the town his been orerma with tncips nd easnidors locking chinctere r ttie fiat weet mr slei2h5 omcslcr hill tor- cnta preiclied ia de biptist chsrch lisi ssday mxairg ind ereaiei juaes thompson ot hilisbsrj rtsin jill setea aiys it huahtoc for etfiatlia a riie ca rise g t ii- last week aiseoiigermtu oace eaid i lite toeire riuwiy vea i cives villialy ii ea joys ne to csi tint i eivefi ixia itr rrin ot the ana ol g b eyta i coi irnred home from e empe list fridiy liter miiiag eiteasire pcrchiscs there for sprlac sir kobert knawles his sol j his firm being lot si 1st concesdoc dirifiioa d township of gdelpfa to itr robert broffn of actoa for 7500 sfcrcrry the exhibition c stilt seating by prof heias ia- the riak oa itondiy etcaing hirdly cime cp to irtidpitioc there t vuqsila icdieace present r harch it mxy be mentioned for the benefit of those who wereisleep cttne in like klioa l yonag ooe lad iccording to taditioa ehouh lesve in 1 larabiike cua- ner we ire requested to laaooaoe thit a sermon will be preached ia knox chorth next sabbath ia rseaory cf the late pastor of thecoagregaiiocthe llevv b cam eron eerj w hae actoa and eev e haddot jtiltoa exnaiaged polpita on sunday those who heard kr haddow bpeat highiy of the aermonfi he delirered fcere the idjonraed cn mectic of the o5sers of the 20th lcrce biaes will be held ia hhiaa on feb 6th ciuzmlns of last weefc it this an aiinoaacement for is3l2 on stfarday the 13th starch the hoiei and other property at eilr creeic belongiae o mr wm perryman will be offered for sale by aactioc w- hoi fizret auctioneer the champic a exhibits ft good deal vt enterprise- ia pablisuiog in lift tssnea copy af thejndeefflent of jastke hobertson in the case hilton re g t elit occapie sir colofflnc af eolid matter hrthoraaa ebbage and her jfrbac had an- ocly npset while attendinii tlie faneral rf itr ifckemea child iatt friday xeitber of them wa badly hurt bat tfce bogey to 1 good deal damaged the vbong peoples union of the iletiioiist chcrch will give ooe of their en joyable fencent entertain meats iiithe lec ture room of the chnrch next tuesday eriia everybody ia invited 3r j f klidocr of gaelpfa est for heroes of the dart continent refered 10 in these eolomna some time ago will viart acton tomorrow to display to or citizens toe merit of his excellent vocne the concert to be given by the 31c- itaster hall glee cinb of toronto ander toe tapcesaf tbebepit chnrch ia tbe town hiii next friday evening hth test ill be oae of mnch merit a cood hoase thedi reetthe risitcre- the execators ot the estate of the late james anderson were in town on tadsy winding cp imatters m condectioa tbere- wiih they have paid the legacies of tbe tweutyeeven canadian heire bat have yet to settle witli tome twectjnitje legatees in scotland t tin crtdiiors of dr hcgtrvin met at toronto jeserday sir j- v eaocawju parchifed the btccfc upon favorable terms he will at -once- replenish the stock and coiitince tbe bsiiuess john knows well bow to ran a drug store 0 the batiifaction of the pcefic aud we wisli bim every aaecete tieferrin to liev 3fr liaes address at the brant habbath school convention tbe gbjy of yeeterday aay sanday school statietica was handled with marked ability and made very ihtereetinp by bcr j w hae ofacton in tbe half hour allotted him kr liae also addressed the mass meeting of children last sunday night at the oiaal time and place a yoang man held down his end of the 6ofa at- t place in oar town aboot midnight tbe old man wishing to throw bat a hint as mildly as possible called down tbe stair way maria tell th 7oaoj man to order aa extra joaxt of msk for ns when be meets tbe milkman on bis vyjuotoe t home gleanlnck vthku awiijaijyr vlicnl cbnmtucr ami autulmrtlnf ffiitsa rccacrasjocjtioij th annual tueelttij ot llaltoq teacher aociauoa will bo- held in iw lnblic school gorgttolru lodayauduotrpw aa irtercunc pfogtamme wul be carried oat miss cleveland ol agli pablic school nrill conduct a cltjt in hcatjiajj this fowaocn a icclnre will be delivered ia the lowu hall ihti cveuinc by j h smith kiq t d s co avcnlwortu sabject tbo fornutiou of habit as factor iu educatiou ajiatheedtbetilure bruvr it oakriue oakviue it in the money bylaw basmom icain its fso000 bylaw to ptpvidc watot works etc sabnutlcdoo the gib of jan 0- atywa defeated oa the 17lb april a by law lo provide for the tsqaof debentures to kx atacml of 500000 tcxthe rodemptioa ct ccruiti dcbcnicrcs uow ocrdac for lha payment cf certain lloatui liabiutics and for ither purposes will bo saoraiued it looks venraachas it 0akvucisibantfs 000 bchiui in its fiaincef tvaafccaajr zt btlkniftd the annual icrauu was held in the ircsbj terian chcrch ballinafad list fri day evcaiug there was a jiri attend aac6 and a pleasant evening addresses were delivered by ecve fowlie and ball krif davcy and dramm georgelourc and reading by hr plewcs fialmonville th chcic cf kcoi chcrch acton rendered a ncruber ot excellent pieces ot made dur- iuc theevcain proceeds aboct m a eocm was held the fallowing erenicg the ice industry about once in every hall dorea kcarb wheaaa ice famine prevans te eapcrir qdalityoihe earing water ice here comes beljre ibe catico of icedcilcrg and arrange ments axe aiasrar storing lively oper- atiocs are uow in trogrces on harveys pond mr fitz bridges protictor of the beuicacoaipaay of ftindsor his dcricg the past week hidacang of 100 men and seven teams at work storing ice at the dam an ice hoasc t0 feet iqnxre and 21 feci j bich is being constructed ana rapidly filled abont co car loads will be stored in the bnildingand will remain there nntil next aagast or september unless the weather is cold enoagh to make the ice on the detroit river at the ice booses at windsor rorth harvesting it is lifcely a considerable quantity will be taken out and shipped now from here the qcaiy oi tbe ioe ia e and it rakecstrem j to li- inches ia thiefcntss tha improved methods cf getting with ice plowt and storing by micuinen takes hundreds ot spectators to the fcenc of opcrations every day fimerzl at rer d b cimerca the tnncrxl of the late uev 1 b cam erca took pase a nooa liit tfcuriaay from the to cf m r peter 31 ann and was very largely attended the llev 3ir st radian moderator of the presbyter- whs is veli aciaajnted with the native place of mr cameron took charge of the services these consiiud cf singing prayer by dr smelhe ferpis the rcidias of the word with remark by 3ir atnltiuinaad prsyer fay dr torranoe guelph the oldest ministers pf the presbytery present acti as palt l3irer thcfheipg hckf5r smeuie dr xocraaoe drsinddlmis- withthe pe3ieetfstraciiaii smith acd iseattie the body was conveyed to fair- view cemetery aad laid in its laii resting place only a few rods from the maasi which lr cameron had ocenpied for ten years when in charge of knox chnrch xot a few of these present gave evidence of being deeply aifected as they saw the cosn low ered and the grave filled in a large num ber of minuters and friends from a distance wrereent iliss cameron will remain at the es of 3ir hasn for n cople of weeks afrztcrzsj visit a pleasant event iu thehutorj- of acton coancii ii x of temperance as the visit during the recalar meeting on 3ionda- eveaiag of forty seven member of hilton coaacil a hearty welcome was extended the visitors and they were not long iu feel ing perfectly at home with their brethren and sisters of acton council the basiass of the coaccil was proceeded with this in- dciing the initiation of several candidates in which ceremony the visitors ander bro j h peacock sc look an import ant part at tbe coadcslaa of the bc-i- nes3 of the evening refresliments were brought in by the ladies and a merry and sociable time was spent 1hea followed this interest sg programme ciionr aciou council clioir addrrts ct wtlconj hro j l tttrrca sc neighborhood news fuajliifi tv cjjrrvipoudcflu tulfr froa kihiug and plekl tip kylhe way 1 gkokoetowx tli cooirgatjquil charcli at branu tord haa extended a call to the hv mr richatdiou hohufjot yot rtjturad to aosveer r the ami a u mooting of hiltau teacher anociatioq will- be held in the public school today and toraarrow a social was held iti the bueraonl o the uaptiit chcrch oa friday evening i revf k davcy and a h dniram ipoke at a ballinalad lea race tin a last friday night ifra h l bennett mra holme reeve kennedy r d warrtn jaines laldlaw audh skcaaedy atleuded the county s 6 coaveution at acton last week the total u amber of puptu ou the toll at the high school at present is 07 the average alteadancc darini the month ot january was 71 frank xlcmaater was taken- to hilton jail last week byjauauhlo search having becu sent down tor trial by 3ir ttaston j p fcr tteahug s m caih 2 boxes ot cigarc bread and cakes from c 31 clark baker who had left him iu charge of hit shop while away oa the i5h the prisoner plead cuilly aud was sentenced to two months in jail by judge miller- whiskey- is the cacse of this yoang mans troable sir george lowtry died very saddraly about 12 oclock last wednesday night on the saturday previous he aud his eon frank were catting wood to tfae bash ap parently enjoying the best of health bet dboat b oclock sunday morning he was itricken with paralyiii and ilthcngh medi cal aij was peoenred it was of no avail his days en earth were numbered the funeral took place on satarday aturucca at i oclock and his remains ere iu- urridin fairview cemetery acton jtr lowecy was of a quiet sober and indas- irioas disposition ever ready to lend a helping hand to those in need aud was much respected by all who knew him he leaves a wife and family of two sons aad three daughters to mourn his loss kr lawery wasboat1j3 years of age the- sorrowing family will have the deepest sympathy of the community in this their trying hoar thos gordon and jno gardner residing near speysiie had their house and con- teats destroyed by lire aboat a week ago after retting their suppers tney locked ap the home and proceeded over to a neigh bors ifor a big at potatoes and returning in a ehcrt lime discovered the house in flames they both lost everything but the cotbt- they wore it is believed the gre was the work of an iuoendiary who alter pesscssing himself of article in the house set fite to it to cover cp his evil deeds the youngest- son of ir wm laicg ntssicaweya is lying seriously ill with 10- fimmatioi of the bowels y miss mica lingrill koatchball lelt to day ca a vitit to friends ia toronto uckkwoou 1 onjhunday rev g- b cooko preached a senasn in cemoriara of the late george lowrty who died suddenly last thursday from the text for as in adam all die eveu to in christ shall ill be made alive- letcfr 1322 ousanday last icv father finnegan oelthritod high mass tn the church of the sacred heart rev father larce has been removed to montreal rev mr hancyof the xlethodist church preached to the children last sunday morn ing imparting to them soraetglorious truths from the text mark 10 ltv 3irj itobert uacilton has jctt recovered a severe attack of iofiaerira the band boys have chpsea for their leader mr a hcwat this apcaks well of mr hewats musical ulenu lohn gain after a lingering illness which he bore with christian fortitude de parted this life last thursday morning thi- being the third death in the family within three moatbs the bereaved ones have the sympathy ot the entire commun uexay isru j h icitod hc jiutoa dct sis fchlciittauro bally ecadlj hro r- 1 ltoatt scrs atlou ccuucij cljoir iiccimvio i hro utll sliltoa solo sis kcinstroct acton a4ircs lira ktka v ililtca i kvsui acvia council clioir solo iiro ea hilton ludi sis urowc acton cao liiltou council chair cickins iiecc iod be with ycu till ve meet ttam tbe visit was thtrouhly enjoyed by the members cf actoacouccil ladlo all ap- pearaoces the visitors en joyed themselves as well orxzge blossizis former ctoaiss tbe pasl week or bo his been prolific with weddings in which young men who were for years residents oi acton have fig ured prominently the toronto world of thursday last says at 720 spadinavenue yesterday afternoon mr wilhsm a firsbroofc of firstlrrook bros liiid itary alice dxughter cf rev hugh johnston pastor nl trinity methodist church wcrecnited in marriage tite ceremony was performed by the father of the hride the bridesmaids were 5is3 kate mason and miss fcrby ot port hope 3ir henry k ridley barrister and mr charles grey supported the groom over 70 invited guests were present and the wedding gifts which were numerous and costly were much admired after the ceremony the happy couple received the congratulations of their friends and took the train fur florida via newyowi the following is frcha tbe detroit frcr vw alias florence madden daughter of mrs a- h madden was married to mr j wetley hughes on tuesday ereaing the ceremony was performed by rev j x bsacbard agisted by rer dr him say at the homsof the brides mother ko 2y columbii street west friends au relatives of tbe pzrties numbering about kvectyor more were presents the cere mony and reception the bride wore an rie- gant robe of white moire anliitre aal with pearl ornaments and carrii of white roses the reception daa ari march is and 25 at tbeiresfdfbcrio ii plom btreet j we have pricate iulellieticet of bbroar- nage iat wednesday oi sfr alexander gordon toronto son of the late john gordon bella xrcilillaaotdutlbn at hermotberi residence the ceremooy was performed by revthoraas wilson of ddtton the happy conple left by fir hraiu 00 their bridal tour- our capitol letter ilmrnu bahjatmrtsfatmtlnciilrairii e- klmmoiitliihiltin dlfoto house of commons xitts oitiwi- mir c one oi thn iatcrcsling yodu o ho put wek wm tao edqairy iulo the cot ol hiiima bill to ih public tha old baildinfi foe luch it kvsi whea it wn ixnirht hi bcod a cocslaat bill of eipaum in ddhioa lo tliaepiirh upon it howevqr we livb tc ipead lit lamt in fdroitar crookery nd u on tue follow- ing ar tlie eipcndltarc eroq yeir lincc confederation iz ngn i7j 1809 6si i0 1sto isil 1w1 im- llfis 1kt6 h7t 178 wu uei lsaa 437 lafl ma iu s04h ml iuo lmc asjos lit am 19 351 113 15b hi 1 ncw it- i ou satarday evening as mrs strange sr was isoecdiag the hill to her residence she slipped and fell breaking her arm the band coocert oa saturday evening was a success tbe programme being well rendered oa monday afternoon capt bone of the s a fell at the corner of main and george streets epraining her ankle a number of the young folks attended the trait festival at edea on monday even- eg- ai o strange is busily engaged cutting ice mr samuel harris and other sunday school workers at leaded the ss conven tion at actoa last wednesday and thurs day oakulle rev w kettleweil of this place aad iter john stewart of palermov exchanged pulpits on sa6batli last mr kettlewell preaching educational sermons in that place mr stewarts discourses were i listened to with attention and profit and we can vouchsafe for him a hearty welcome ehoald he visit ns on a future occasion rev mr abraham of burlington preached missionary sermons in the free- tjytariln bharch on sanday lait upon entering the church in the evening and glancing around i came to the conclusion that it was mere nairerously attended than qscal ca account of here and there dis cerning a sprinkling of methodists the heartstirringandioetrnctiveremarksmade by mr abraham were remarkably in ter- esttng and the audieuoe listened with eagerness until he brought his sermon to a close- on monday evening the anneal meeting of ithe missionary society of tbe presby terian charch was held lalter prayer and tinging rev mr meikle made a few touch ing rsmarfcs then called apon the secretary mr gantou for his report which was very favorable the audience was then held in rapt attention for twentyfive min utes by mr abraham who gave avery pointed and spirited address while the collection was being taken up the choir led in a service of sacred song thus breaking the monotony of the tinkling of ailverand copper mr frost secretary ol thechina miifeaous was then called ppou to speak his address was solemn yet cheering one reason he said why there were few christian yoang rheo and women offering tbdrca selves as candidates dor the mission field is that they are waiting for some revelation such as paul had to ehow them that tbey have been chosen 0 the lord mr frost ears that our willingness is a sufficient reason for knowing that we hare bpn called to the wort the meeiqgvas dp epl opbsaal interest and we trvsttias leil a bfesaing behind it mr w a ferrah was reappointed as- sessor for par town at a pow meetrag of the town cbancil on monday evening last miss iaa mariatte returned borne on satarday last after spending a conplu of raoatltb in mobile ala it appears that in lord lugirs time the goveruorgeueral supplied himself with coal aud light hence the small ttpense from ihoii toward to 173 ivhcu lord dafferin came the system was changed the country paid for everything added to the furniture and proceeded 0 build a ball room aud racquet court for the gay earl when lorduuflerm left he soli lis linen and crockery for he had broaght hese articles with him to the government from that out the government his foaudit necessary to take the responsibility for these neoeis- aries in addition to the furniture the charge is made that when a governor goes somebody not un i departing excellency or his cfflcctb darbies off tiacy articles aud other portable materials thus u becomes necessary to equip 1 10 establish- meat anew ou certain lines eery four or five years the government proposes to hive all the furniture linen nd crockery marked with a government hieroglyphic that everything maybe traced and that the inducement to borrow a ay bo with drawn kuikmn fulktliisit c1 jfc the house ot commons hai voteddowu a motion to repeal the fraad ise act and adapt the provincial voters lasts for do minion elections to substit te manhood suffrage foe the present system would be advantageous as a means 0 siraphfyisg the franchise- were this plat adopted the various ravinces wuuld no do iti icon and it in the interests ot coavcnicrcc and econ omy to adopt the dominion electoral lists thu jouicl akiiciiitlk ek ilwtioxt the government is consider ng the desir ability of sending a eommiitiaaefto repre sent canada at the jaraidi e hibition this summer the hope is genera ly cipressed that ah effort will be made to lave canada properly represented at the ciicago inter- national exhibition the mi tter has not yet been considered it being too early but it is felt that something eh c aid be done with regard to it this session tiii nitett in ni sir john macdonald in eply richard cartwright ca friia received from his soa mr macdonald winnipeg a lcttet mr rykerts timberlimit deal he had already promised tc lay oa the table as it however wax not couched in pari iamen tan languare he would send for a revised version this raised a laugh as the letter ih question is happosed to give the he to some ot mr ryker s assertions the kiltos itxoscc 2sz the filraang lover divoroi billpaased the senate divonw committeaoa thursday witnesses werereximined iron bnrlington and michigan and the adulter and deser- tioa on the part of ilhiiabandwereclearly proven mr s f lazier bc of this city sppeaxed tor the petitioner this is the first of the four divorce bills now pend- iuthc senate the mftl clvs the first action in preparutioa for tbc- cext census will be the distributior to all the medical men ot the dominion ot regis try books with the request hat they co operate with the census oractiis in securing as accorate a statemeat as pcssiblc of the deaths occuring duriug the census year be- chining aprilgth oext the r will be asked to record each death which comes under their notice aad its cause aad thus a more accorate classification of deaths will be obtained than heretofore the plan has been adopted ia the united si ates with very good results medical men cot receiving a copy ot the registry book before april cth are requested to commun iatte with mr george johnson statistician department of agricajture- r kb uotrhuuc ths jocsu dr montague the newlye ected member for haldimand was intrcducedou tuesday by messrs patterson essext and tisdale and took his seat amid great applause from the conservative die- the dr will no doubt continue to warm his seat until par liament is dissolved this ii the third time be has been introduced as ji new member during the present parliament to sir said he had hugh john in regard to the letter personal mention larsgrniili respecting visltjn to and from acton with whom free pitii rentiers arehreorussacqiiairltil mr j fyfc of barrfe spent a day or to in own last week mr s johnston jr visited friends ia gaelph over sunday miss a centre ot milton spent the past week with friends here mr v sapleton of gaelph viriled acton friends this week rev j w roe left on monday to attend the brant s 6 convention at brant ford mr z a hall of penetang was the gaest of friends in his old home last week mrs thompson of toronto is spending a fev days with her sister misa efreeland mr and mrs abram fas too of nisaa- wujo spent a couple of days this wjjek with acton friends i mr lnchjiu kennedy who for acversl months has been on tlie pacific coaat at victoria b c is now visiting with iriands at alpcns mich th mauy frieuds of mrs kerns bar- lingtou wife of he local member for the 1 coanty will be orry to learn that she it quite ill with malarial fever sfr harry morriiou who has becu visit ing his uuclc mr k mcleod for the past week left ou friday for his home in law fence cilv k s accompanied by his mother mr c blackett robiuson publisher of- the coiadi prrfjcrttiu waa tbe guest ol the editor of the fuee pittas last thursday mr robinson came to town to attend the fducral cf the late rev d b cameron tac dinners wutuai fire las co the prospects for the organ izatisn of the proposed farmers mutual fire insurance company to embrace tbe township of lsqaeiing erarcasa erin and xaasaa- wea with headquarters at actoa are very eocouracing applications for- insurance agcregating sornethiag like 100xw have already been secured a meeting for or ganization eectinz a board of directors etc will be held in the town hall acton on wednesday i2ji march julius revi r haddow and geo clark messrs johnson harrison d m harrison 3dre t henderson and miss he ma treat were delegates to the coanty sabbath school convention at acton lait week they pro nounce it a very successful gathering about half a hundred ot our royal templars visited acton councilou monday eieaing the parlor concert under the aaspices of the lidiwraii of ihemethodist church hd at the resident ot mrs john eaard oa friday evening was qaite succesafal haltoa tempcrtuce alliance meets here tomorrow rev j w rie of actoa preached in knox chcrch ca sunday with great accept ance sllffdi oli jtluudl at vlltakiclt k ntvly carried wife iimu iter ktoband sat tliroajti tlie heart kewuieeet onl feb 27 robert a smith merchant- and but recently mar ried was found dead in hi cellar shot through the heart he was preparing to follow his wife to a social whea his wile returned home she found all the doors locked and titter some lime a neighbor got into the house through an upper window and searching the house foand his dead body in the cellar he was lying ou his back with arm and lees catstretched his pockets were turned inside oat- some loose silver was ncatiercd on the floor his watch chain was wrenched tram liis vest bat not removed some drawers apstairs were ransacked and mrs- smiths purse emptied of iu combats- his keys were alio lyicg beside the body aad close by was a small revolver a small door leading to the cellar under an outside staircase was found removed from all sorroundiags it at erst looknd like a case ot murder bat many are now of the opinion that deceased committed suicide deceased was a years of age and has becnin business here for five or six years hon mr foster the other day in reply j to sir richard cartwright said he could not say when the budret speech would be delivered bat- would giva four or are days notice mr w r brock presideot ot the empire printing company toronto will succeed the lata senator macdocak in the upper haras- it is understood that thi banking bill will be introduced ia parlii rcut this week senator mclnnes of british columbia has received dozens of letters from all parts of the dominion enooursgig him to press his bill constituting gaelic au official lan guage sir john macdonald was last week pre sented with aportrait of ainself and a con gratulatory address by his 1 upporters col- erior and mayor todd have been officially notified of their appointment as commandant and adjutant cf the wjm- bledpn rifle team l sir adolph caron is suffering from an attack ot rheumatic goat j the orange incorporation bill was on monday afternoon read a third time and passed by the comrcons and now will be committed to the lander mercies of the sedate the government has encted post office buildings at a number ot places in quebec and tbe lower provinces a an average cost of f 23000 nfaerathereceipts average 11j- this should be an opening for acton people to bid for a 23000 post office build ing i notice by the pest naster generals report that your revenne ii acton is 19- 0037 a2300q postoffiic oa mill street would sot acton off in grei t style hon peter maclarea he successor to the late senator tomer was introduced to the senate on taeaday afternoon mf ellis advocates thd appointment of roattidlan as goternorgeneral to tran sact the officlahfuties of the office and to receive a salarycommenstrate with those duties her excellency lady stanley of preston accompanied- by lady isabel stanley in tend leaving ottawa on march 26th for trip to europe eitcnding over several months j kot contented with the good start in gfttiog in ice on satarday the managers of the ice gang couldnt let sunday pass with out spending a part ot tbe time in laying outwork for the joflowiog day we are lad to see new enterprise come to town when times arc dull bat our citixens do not appreciate the iaflueacc of sanday business operations lufcrrnatica was lodged the other day against a youth in town far palling a picket ofi mr d kenneays fecre near the rink by john m stepheus who claimed the councils reward ot 510 for each informa- tioa it was touud that the act was com mitted to relieve a little girl who had beea caught in the fecce and by promising to pay stephens jooo the case was settled oat cf court for sale a rwe bargain ti otterwl to imrty parebaalni a neat and cots- lorublo brick rotldnioe in good locality in vulue of acton and betas in 7 mptet a very aeatrable property having on toe premim abundant supply of hard and soft water and fwvl f a hilt 1 a good stable tnii propei out liomo for rtlrd party or an anaiually liable utestment for speculators or capital- ill property votld b an attractive and eon- b renlflutliomofor rtirdprty or an anaiuall able investment for speculate for fall paruealars apply to wjmoore at bis offioo la town hall actoa swearing off iislaiigfor making goqd resolutions aud uii cud of thfl joanmhe liiucgoiicrallk cheseu as being the most ml tabic and ri turning over a kew leaf tails during 1890 we have resolved to make more photographs than we did in 1s89 to make better photographs than we dji in 1889 to please everybody better than we in 1889 wc iiavc tlc facfliuo far photographing your babies iestantaneous prooesa briiitie royittl clerubs to us and erf a cbaruimff pictoro one that will be one ot your dearest treaauroa in alter days pictures are ai low aa pood work asd a iiviac irontwul allow photo artist acton a new spring stock including fine tweeds worsteds etc for spring wear will be opea for inspection at the east end clothier store on satarday evftniagw j lix merchant tailor t yon if the watch hxvts abolt watclils tbe idea ot crryic a watch is may know what time it ia dont keep time what good is it anyhow is yours that kind of a watch 7 maybe you have triwl to get it fixed ap a good many times and it does cot go any better that must be a nuisance toanybody sow if it was at jr d priaglee in gaelph yoa had it done and you hare take a it back so ofteu yoa are tired ot the job go to him ooce more and get tbe money back you paid him for firing it he does not wish to keep any money paid for work which does not give satisfaction if tbe real trouble with your watch is that the cases are worn oat so that they will not keep out tan dast it would be best to get a new case if one can be got to fit the works u cot pringle the watchmaker iu guelph willallow yon all year old one is worth in exchange for a uew one and will sell yoa the new one at the lowest cash price the beet watch to bay is aa openfaoed item- winder of any reliable american make and good running nne4 sell from say ten dollars ap if your watch nas ran lor twb yean without cleaning do sot let it rim any loogcr as it is almost sure to be itfeftr iag away the pivoti after that timtvu tiw oil is all worn off ii yoa have waieh yoa think a great deal of and want it well repaired or cleaned or it yoa have ops which oagbtto go well andother wilei makers have failed to make do s ars pringle in coelph a try at it his advertisement that he trie hie teaa so see that nothing bat good work goes oat of his store and with hit experienco and care- f ullnesfe it ought to be well done there wednesday february g leoo more new goods news they keep coming in every day a litue early do yoa think well we are never tbe last in any feature of thel mercantile race bat isuh the weather more like spring than winter people will bay win ter goods a few if tey are uirown be fore them at sach a ipw price that they cant get past them and by the way thats the kind of treatment we are giving oar winter goods 3ic dress goods for in stance for 15c we are not the people to naag oa to bluff the shelves most be cleared each season bat people are com ing in every day looking for something kew in diess goods in prints and sateens m cambrics lawns embroider ies ia carpets hoasef aroisbiags in cloths and clothing and we are ia shape to supply the demand do yoa want a bar gam in winter goods well give it to you do yoa want something handsome with the mash of beaaty and freshness apon it we show yoa the contents of over co elite and bales already to hand and more are coming every day dbess goods re worthy of spe cial mention 100 pieces of novelties pat into stock this week people talk ot ad vance in prises too cant see it in theee goods they are the best value we have yet showa we bought them cheap we sell them cheap the price for one line is only 5 cents per yard thats all that need be laid another liae 2d cents comprising a wide range of allwool stripes plain colors blacks brocades the very ideal of a bargain a line of doable width mohairs at ho cents very attractive and mach to be worn a lovely line ot doable width stripes at co cents all wool elegant andstyhah we havent said much latelyabout black dress goods well everybody knows tbe beautiful range of these goods that we always carry we have jast opened oat some specially nice hecsu black henri altai black twills black stripes black jtcqaards black baritz cloths black diagonals all remarkable for freshness ot style and appearance and good value our dressmaking department is busy attending to orders a great many peopls dont know what an attractive stock of carpets axd houseftjrkishesgs we carry didnt do anything in them until last sea son once started we are bound to make them a success on saturday we received 9 bales ol kew carpets lovely fresh pat terns in tapestries and brussels also crumb clothes hearth rags furnitore and window tapestries and this week we expect a large consifumeot of lace car- tains we opea this depart meat not be cause we expect to grow rich oat of it carpets especially are sold close everywhere we will say this that nobody in the trade who pays 100 cents on the dollar can or will sell them cheaper than we please mark that this ia a new department wo are bound to make it a big one tbe proflti will come by and by startling valae in grey cottons white cottons grey sheetings bleached sheet- inea fancy shirtings and striped tick ings t one price 1 plain figures no credit e r bollert 25 27iiowsr wyndham si guelph dominion boot and shoe sftore kenney bros -r- ar with lu business and dniwta cawi and notwilbataadlbj that v ar head over beats in utniueu we have tiiaa to thaak our nutueroni coatoxn far their rarr kind and liberal patrcinage during lbs pat year we appreciate tbjtpat- ronago and wll ia rot am continue to nw oar tiny effort to supply all vno j coll upon oi with the best the market affords whether lb boots shoes slippers overshoes rubbers ttotihs valises 4o our ordered and keptirtng depart oieiit il receive tbo uiual careful attention wtablag ad a jtosperous yeir w are yours respectfully 13 acton kenney br5s acton i spring grand preparations bedg made at the lion of guelph for the spring campaign i 0 1 v almcst every steamship brings us au addkioii to our stock oar goods are all bought by pur glasgow bnjer who in been in the european marketi for the last fifty yeais and knows all the ius and outs of the trade he is no mercj novice whose knowledge is limited to an occasional visit of two or three weeks but who ia as familiar with thcenglish markets as the average guelph buyer is with the toronto iuarktt this is one of the great secrets of the wonderful value always to be had at the lion guelph glasgow 1 before buyiugyour spring goods at least visit our establish ment and compi our prices this is all we ask and we prj assured it will be mutually beneficial i y i j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyndham st guelpl 84 oswald st glasgow fine watch repaifini we have just purchajeda stock ottine american main snrifgs fine jewels aud other good material tod jj 1 watch repiiriuj bring your work to h b sayage watchmaker guelph 1 4rchrpets just to hand the following hpes brussels carpets allwool carpets hemp carpets tapestry parpets unionjcarpets- stair carpets clark thompsgn carpet house guelph hext doot to herod co 30 lower wyndham st nottm to subscribers the date printotl on the ubel of ecb piper denotes tbe dru pjj lo nhichthe sub criiiiuu baii beca ludtl clothing owercokts syit phnts if you wautstyliih durable and chgap- clothing made to order call and sec what we are doing j j fit guaranteed even time or no sale i our prices are so low theyjall astonish you a nobby tweed 8uit for 1200 a handsome tweed suit for j40o the best inithe land only 1600 kelly bros l inspection invited ros

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