mm prlejiruufcj v tlixtixgr- iruoork v wntt ottlolo 2i t bnl 4rl m itr ft mi kulsnl i hov bctqaulhai to rent f to crni hi unn i lite sth liot kaon j rood a tuodbiciijs f iwouaoc jiwa ut ana tkt watkxavumto ite x62ihw yot t3i crcnice fastiae r t cr copr of caqst kihwokdes farm for sale i rent nr3ovlvlca abbot- lb rnia or w j la mclaroblix for sale lirtcroi lot ifi con 1 lr sxitz czltiwicn bal- rid waieredbt r fxju fpnc on q ayrllr iicckla one ot yede pott oace traioe licosxesivkdepp sle r bargain tbsilt a next hal com- laoe iiotsd iocaliij is 1 bcit i evtry rapret a y- tia aa tc premae 1 bard ed toft water and i be m nutartireaod eoa- i repair reran cbascatlj rraatsorcajttai- s arrr w irjxogke em is tcwn hah acton fortalrle houses investment icrs icz cza screnj com- i dif er4nl localities in i z r faelfi v icelj- filiated and j nare and railway at i its- tr- and vcstme said acreoienl in emy r0znc hex rrina i3te for tiseso- igetici wiil be hu rds aslrewi rates of ivjmoojx town kali acton- creditors i2xjo ite exfa court la i bcneii drraaoa made pjj ct fjiociic ct 3uxsl in en be esulc or ot t- u of jcrib- smith ie 31iseviiiitbe coantj y or limmt wfl t mzz- cs ox- bef or abe j wwfc 130 to tend bjr a gaitrie wtt of tbe 1 iy- rf tbe fli i tad fcnasnes diirwrm i ish rta3ilzr- at thetr it iler fcccctaila the ts il ttybjd by tlaan iff iv s be pgrcuipt i isx kcsriiy ia w prbooee jarcaxailwti t u city the frrdcxm bong the ii ce tle rl ifelrrrl- te sa1e feopeett- x liie ir oi le berai aor the im- lis or lese in tii o ltevee teres clesn4i jrfood l-sih- tod tor fcrcije toil on u iiid lok bm aa d u hi erf cule 1 pticbed- tbere rt t isctber aasji ctsbur d tpitnjs oo tbe m- trd pf tic tnd pew i- tlprapent ia lll4 ce of afftt lj r between uodpb w nie i3nadilodjt- w mill be told pxt t ioxu teis- for v r kooee acton- nlibcr oi prf- ltk lcimics lu in q t lsimmgets in w bros sgfe otesffrca 5 ktistf watkkiaifi bros s sqdaee i 1 1 hikit i 1 u s noma urt toqta ofci uj offl j oa to ii c 0 x o 0 ii oaioih o j toou oow805 too to a y u u0 h 0 ii to 0 is a 16 to 0 w 0 u to 0 is owwn 0t5tol0 v 0to j idowlm i liv o tfioltf liatosb oiog cuwo f rtte methoblsrchdrgh aoton a- bbv q a oifford hi phj plkstor rrtonitft bow ircoqc mjlc ett 13q ftm tad fl30 buqdir lebooltjo bible aawfoadnftwhjy the itor allcordlllr totlted n uid riiitatt tltiyi vlcoaie m ltln uuien t tbe door b ihtinci uc dcslrcd trpb to tl t uoon t6rd- bank of hamjlton heid ornce hamilton cltttil tlid tt iieavcfuvp- flmo000 hoom u 6 steyex ht ciuiirji g rlkuv yi4vw joux lliocror cuix gvistr gko uoach a- t woof ah r georqetowk agkn6t soim difeoustm end dvnice mde ou j1 bijfcne-fritick- diwir oa jl iktu of cxw iutb llfttl stattv gttkat uwtaix urd tbe covtttesr cirfiiioru boocht nd told auirncvr ni4ro2 ll tcccaible ixjtnu an bfmtfrotbi lemt savings depautuext 0ft0ttvtcifccloltnd cptirdc uid jrj tcntt fcllotvd troax dtc ot deixxit la dt of special deposits al reccirrd ue rttoa of iaicrcit- no oatic oi tithdnwi wqairtj ii- lcwktsox acct window blinds tiaioteliadiicunea nd pmpct epln idvkjae- bottntbe uixkeu- nt 11cm in vfcu paper dboxden wt hrci art opened oat ume new stylet la hiirfim uid hat pins c21 md ibent sombrour btk o vtdiaock jr- iflwy spectacle sotertw the leftdtn eton lor weddlnr mi oirtndr prwenu gfeo hynds sign of the uig watch ffli xtm m f ttss thursday march st 1sd0 haxy- ihnor locals clut4 br teererthoaswfiil tnd alert- frttprmj eertert the robia fau relanied r tbe tin thoa is oat igun i ibocfc o wild cese vuhcii firing bqihwird iirt ti jtr t s- etui will coodact mrrioec at tbe biptist cbnrcb nesusaadty bar joor clover timotfcr ud einlen weeds it al l lsmbg f kooe but the best arrtrsruis wivitial oace to iexn puts knd ttst mtiicg apply iokuir g ilj r local ch i10mettlevnings churacltr ftiii vi i-vp- heasri henderioo iickac co 10- doaaee tlieir inhinery bpeniafilbrwedaes- dir sad apnl- r b jermyu uinoaaces a ttore fall of spring goods oomprifing mxnv oew and ittractire liaes tbe street and ildewauf cemmiitea ii now aeterauniajt what work will be per- formed tbis season hiai lamb baa opened dressmaiiiig roorni orer e e jermjaa store mim idler of toronto ha charge eaqaesing spring ebow will be held at georgetown ou april 15th and halton cocntj at mutog on april 25th it u reported that the bell lee co has been offered 13000 forthexr itore of ice at harrey pood it cost them flloo jo pat it tbere krrwballab of toronto uairer- sitr will preach in the disciple meeting aoateoa baaday next both morning and gtfning the beading oa tk- tvrouco warhtt tafplemeat oa sitarday waa mach neater in appearance than the maio heading and loorild be adopted for first place map and fall information concerning rate etc orer any rcate to uaaitoba the kartfa west or the western states may be had at the grand trunk station acton- the weather that beamed upon tbe earth yerterday vai like the- fdac of a boston wl it fexkj pretty bat sent cold chult 4 the backbone baltimore awaicau eerbr moffat agent for the biigioas tract society dehered intereatinfi addrest- in knox and the methodist choxcbea on sonday the aociety is doing effective vork for tbe caase of gocl it woald be fooliah to wish for an early price ind not be prepared for it by hating ererythmk in readiness the farm imple- aente and machinery ahoild be pot is order at the neat artilable opportunity mr bobert wallace has dupoted of hs farm of 100 acres lot 25 con 3 ksqnes- ing near acton tomr martin flyan for r500 mr flyaa wilf remore from his farm in kanagaweya to the one acqnired eer thomas geei of flyerton preacb- ed aa excellent sermon in tl methodist cbsrch on sonday morning frotn tbe text 1 peter 1 5 add to yoar faith rirtne mr gee is a popular preacher me preach- in georgetown in the evening messrs bippel a co opened their pew tailoring establiahmenl over kaan- swini drng store on monday tbey have i nice stock and guarantee firsivclacs doth- ing- tbey will not do mnch big talking bat wilt make their work speak their worth as satisfactory tailors beeioo tva at theaasixa now in seaaioa simcoe manicipalities are hoeing a hard row tecamseth i defending its croaiingi auiiton is fighung claim for datagtj from a mcaway midland and barrie are defendiog rait for tsyories aris ing from defective sidewiki miarvht qvzxiscqn friday and batordaj- the th and 5th of april 1800 nd following days we will mtie a mig- bidoent display of millinery jackets wraps villis drees silks dress goods ndgtqerai dry goods inspection it respectfally solicited w mcleoir a co gwrgetoflc oct any other than the patient even- tenjpered ratepayers residing on main treet soatkvonid have raised a large sued with tiw municipal conncil iongre tkis if oo sidewalks had been given them ko locality in fowir acb dire need of sidewalk as that part of main street from arms street loe top of the first hi1 be yond tbe creek- the belle stevenaod dramatic com- pwy od roape of sptnish oniut ply- i erg occupied tbe board i at the town hall tt first three evenings of this week with matinife yesterday afternoon- they are mperibr iu maoy respects to tbe most of to tmelliog coojpanlea sod certainly aim kwng their aodlesces a moral j ettteruinmeni wblfliitruoiity atl bints to adrwrurs always bc brief state yoar facts plain iy bay nolbiug that yoa are not preparod to carry uu let yoar boiincm stand ot its merits aud din down another dont say yoa will sett at cost or below cosufor oa one will believe yoa a aarrowiscape mr john vtlliami went to toronto on mondaj- to sfee hts nephew mr wattei ireland a gpt r brakoman who was iajared at carletop junction on saturday while coupling oars be slipped and fell and ui car which had almost stopped ran against him his jaw was fractured tad he received several piinfal bruisef that he was taken to the hospital aimojt aflbtnerfceat tie qac the bams at tic ontario agricqharal college gaclpb narrowly escaped destruc tion by fire for uii second lime last thurs day akin oac of tbe mca going tbe its i round fy the uightdiwovered fire in thi abate coulaining tut cod it was extin gaibhed by a few gaila of water it is sap posed to have been caused by a nail stnkiof the knives in caufcg feed tut wednesday while cagtgedtacuttinj wood mr thorn as mclam main street slip ped aud fell heavily apou his felt thigh wiu thi result thit the ligaments leading froa the knee to the thigh were brokeu th old gectlemin sailerx a good deal but i slowly improving his age ieveatynin ijagaist a rapid recovcrjorjtbe u tb litub sc rwly cat eimsetf last thursday while catting a ttick ofc wood in the yard at home mr james i warren met with an accidcut which wie enforce rest from active labor for some time the axe he was using glanced ana struck his right foot with tbe sharp blado almost completely severing tbe great and badly lacerating the three next it ii fact the bone in ch toe was cut nearly through itwcatpiytodoil drink nothing without tccicg it siga nothing withoat reading it and be sue that it means nothing more than it say u doat go to law unlets yea are forced to and have somethicg to lose- in any has nees never wade la where yoa cannot s tbe bottom pnt uo confidence in the label en a big and count money before yon it see tbe tig open before you bay wfasl is in it for he wrao trades ia the dark trfbe cheated i do 7c a dcirc x vote the assesfocs are at work now and thii is the time foe everyone wanting to vote to sec ihithk uuna is curaued oa thfi usi this is particalarly applicable to yoanj men whom the lisessors in their roand i might mist evay joang man of the fa are of twenty cae years and not otherwii disqcalied it entitled to a vote ctiflar ti 5 manhood franchise act and every yoac man should tee to it that hia name is pt t down this can be done by simply tellii z the assessor la do it and can be mac i mere easily done now than by the coott of kevwian do not neglect it deith cfmri circr dxridsail after an extended period of illness tbie wife of mr charles davidson passed ptao fally away en tatsday evening lai fa 1 the seeds ofcocsamption were found 1 have taken root o ber system and sitnoag i eterything in the way ot experienced met icaf skill and the careiol nursing of kin 1 frieada was performed it was without ava 1 and she gradually sack- until death cade l ber sufferings mrs davidson was an ea emplary christian woman a member t knor charcb and her trust ia jesus wi s complete she had committed her all i 3 her saviour and bid the knowledge if acceptance by him tbe funeral will tai place on friday al two oclock to fakvie r cemetery the beartful sympathy of all extended to mr daridsco ia bis ajsictlc t lujox the e0yai tejftliei of texlebakc 1 the froaniaic tiir next monluy hvciii keetair the evening wia- canadian aatbora ti d poets at the regular meeting of acti a council bt of t aext monday promis s to be fall of interest to the members in order to aid tboee who wie take pa 1 in the programme- the committee submit the following aa sj partial list and all a e at liberty to add theretd thcooj daicct kcglx run in ireuod jfcj aifjfvtlrd ti otu 196 wu an orator tutaron joamali loet historiail his rons air irish tlonsttijfoeic4t5cerpttdoc cttultt sxxtklt iolt liomickinssuji from bci uii lac7 4a cagaced t joanucisj tiitc cnlcred tle ci il service at ottatta is cmpfcalicauy ccnadii a in all his poems he it patriotic and discrf litfi caiaxei g- u- eoborrs 1la- foct born in kew hswwick uq principal bf torfcetreetscbooutfrbdcrcilons3 won orion i othef pom- brother cctlbe t tbe ifaptc j ctlutfx- hcivttiyi boni in liverpool 1 1 was a uiacuinist tic local reporter fortiicilt c- orcal damlv wnirn worts saol cosit fllippo jepthxht vaghicz tte dit hi jcic w dxwbov ljjj j born at pirtotl 1820 works acadia geolocjissj d many otberc of a sdenti le character tbcrt arc few men ia cans la whosfe l is more earthy of iinjutu wbotc infiaenw lak lccu wore vividly fdt oijcf whom tc have grostcr reason to bojirood- thoxim chjahatibabtos ila dll born st windsorj nj8i7fe died in engb nd isc larjcr chif cslitc bfcoartofcotcn on picas as an aclior kq it lest fcnowa u lamorjt u the j suitor of ban slick yanice ivjiar j ber ia ircldiicinjc to cauadi iajj ilnt editor ot the jcoatrc lnntaar 1maxce then editor of literary dirtmit of the k on- iroal gazirrm worls the prophecy oimei lin and other rxjetrs ictoj shti balaam x d ifegee dbmiaiocjdsyeic sra d aviei wiiaov lljj born in edinbunjh lifi aiointid ieiii eat of tarocto lcivcrsity in 1l wertsj 01 ver croinwell tbe ircuciosy and prcbist irie annals ofscotlacd prciiiitoric ifaa chatwr or etc j t uet dalit naisok bcru in ontario canada ufa dli in or- onto 12- ifuusttr of uetlodist cbn ch editor of cffiilsttiv g caedaix tftfl preiit out oaictorio colics chief eapcrlntandent of edacttion far lnjcr canada flmit- histoi cal woria the lojslictc of america and t air times etc j j ukv ukouk jfovbo tioxkt dd born in nova soptia kc edacawd at g gow if u 111 uriot st matthew cbarfcb halifar principal f queens colkce klufinttn w7i iorts ocotui to ocean editor of ic- tutteivti cisiui neigbboreood new8 furulibcl bv conripondenu onllfd from eicuangrtand licked up l the way milt0x the council is supplying the firemen with robber suits miu kate dice loft lut week for califor nia via iow york fcud the stomal of panama the preibyteriaoi are a bo at oompleting arrangemanu to purchase mr eager s property on maio st as a site for a church reformer milton musical sooiaty wsots 100 irom the coancll nov that- the town has waterworks it wants an electric alarm system kockw0od the iiockwood and ever ton branch of the upper canada bible society held their annual meeting in the methodist charch hut thursday evening the meeting was opened by the rev dstrachanpresidenl dr graiil of gait and several others ad- dressed the meeting a cordial vote of thanks waa tendered to the speakers and also to the ladies wbo had collected a baud some sum siaff capt suarpc will coadjcl the meeting in iac s a barracks oa friday evening the young ladies of rock wood will give a social in the towa hall on april 1st fort he benefit of the band for some reasou unknown to st johns congregation there had been no services for the past two sundays bsd condition of the roads no doubt rendered it impossible for the pastor to reach rockwood ei kocthc past week we notice the salva- tioi army has tivo drummers and only one dram let as ftoggest that the captain supply onernnimer with bones mrs hyde wife of the late dr hyde of striliord and miss clan are visiting mr fasmorc mr george stout left but week on a trip to colorado for the benefit of his health xassagaweya master freddy laing wbo has been sick so long is now slowly recovering and is able to sit ap awhile each day he huug for a long time between life and death and at one time very little hope was entertained of his recotery mr james adamsan sod mr john mead both living oa the gueipbcboad have most of the material oa the groand to baild item selves new and respectable residences aa scon as the weather will permit the aactiou sale by mr james erwin of farm stock and implements on thursday last was very saccessf ul reiehing nearly eigbteca hundred dollars he is retiring from farming aad intends to continue his blacksmith basinets at tbe old stand on the gueipu road he baa rented his farm to mr wright mrs joha easlerbrook sr is saffering very much this winter from cbeamattsm and other complaints she is now quite a cripple and unable to help herself mr j adamson jsr and mr husband sr are both confined to the house and are feeling the infirmities of age pressing upon them i the roads here are said to have never been so bad as they are this winter and especially at the present time mrxooia g hoagb second son of her j hough from toledo j ohio ia visiting his friends at the methodist parsonage this week and next la grippe bi lost its bold on most of aroocd here bat has left some traces be bind that will not be forgotten farmers aad others aroand here are in dignant at tbe refusal of the otuwa gov erumcat to remove the duly from corn imported for the use of the farmers whilst distillers arc allowed a- rebate on that brought in to make whiskey ui rata the coantry wc mistake if amoogst christian people and especially amongst those layer ing from this arrangement a large number of votes arc not lost to the goverameat peoples patience is giving wsy now and they are getting their eyes opened farmers especially are beginning to see that they mast itrike for ibeir rights less whiskey and more beef and if this party will not grant it to them another must and will it is time tbe long- suffering heavily taxed farmers wike up geok0et0wx a pile social was given in itjametbo dbucwfohoo tttt powtf rjfctfpvi blf flvary wouldnt relish inch an affair many people were present on the georgetown bu frequent trtmps as well si attc luv w e norton of mcmaiter hall bu accepted a unanimous invitation from the baptist oh arch of oeorgetow to take charge of tbe pastorate for the ramer- herald esqaesing boring bbow will bt uld here on tbe 15th april ansa the miuiou society in connection with the erin methodist charcb wile hold social on tbe evening of good friday the date wu changed from march l2th ou account of tbe presbyterian social tbe numbers and adherents at kuglisb church erin give a pleasing entertainment in the town ull last thursday ereping a amber of fine views were exhibited and explained and betweenjbe parts janebcon was served j the annual promotion examination wu conductod ia erin p 6 oo eriday by misses ried and mccallam we overlooked lut week tbe sad news of the death of jaaie second daugboer of dc macrae of toronto and late of eiu who djed oo the hth ibst after aa illness of typhoid fever the yoang lady was widely known- here and wu posseued pf a fine amiable disposition which combined with a bright m ind aud all the graces arri accom plishments of culture made ber a favorite with all wbo had the pleasure of her acquaintance the inlermeut took place at acton oa saturday the sincere sym- wilh dr pathyof he entire community it mftcraeaod his family uliehocse ous ser- mayor lindsay john very the funeral of the late mrs john kewtou took place oo thursday and vas very largely attended rev jos ftunel of georgetown condocted the relig rices tbe pall bearers were gowdy of gaelpb messrs xiaian john ltadsay dr mccatloug kichol and aaa hall interment was made at the union cemetery sixth line whore mr newtons remaios werojlsid last year rimehonae lads and buses seem successful in ixaring partners for life alter they leave this h amble bare the follow ingirom the lucas kansas adaaact will be read with interest a double j wedding took place at tbe residence pf mr alex mcdonald on the sixth iast vhea his daughters sarah and maggie were wed ded to messrs ira and weslev taylor respectively the grooms are prommeot yoncg gentleman who have resided at delhi for several years we congratulate tbe brides in possessing such enterprising energetic husbands may their future life be long and prosperous with none of the trills and tribalatioasto mar toe enjoy ment of their married life j mr thomu darno who bu been visit ing friends here for utarajtueksjraiaraed to maaiatiqats mich yeslerday mim aonirpirsatisnajne il ettered on the booki oflhc gnelph business college to take the fall bosineai coarse we wish her every success andy lawsou was called bibe lut tharsday morning he fell throtgh lind- aays bridge while walking from georgetown thai fi before his career has been a chequered one 01kv1lle kvatc11bl1l taoae who desire bargain in anythiog btnuuqe boiud oall at cariiiles lie i eoit you m qnallly vuietf and price tie ducoaota ia fa adveruscmenton tbe jp wp dr not pply t present mertuftent was anintentiobally ttfavied ibim eekbbtlifldasftowfollof 5iwdi which only neeovbe seen and pbedtoscore parchaeirs 1 a michigan man buried bia wife pjit up a neadstone fepaiuted bis honse ried a second wife and dog five acres of pb taloes within serenteen days and yet e says be cant becia co hasue u bis j ftb t osed to if acctw faiietbe household goo is f mr george knkney will be sold at hfi residence next fcor to agnews hotel satarday mtb march wa ilemitnecjr anctiotieer ra new spring stoclr indodiog tweeds worse ac for bpriog wear bju laitbrtn rwjdviatheeutendcaalb ii skin onlkronr jpringaait now at the last meeting of theepwortli league a series of books descriptive of the weslevs and the places of education ia americaa methodism wu completed seven members took the responsibility of preparing a synopsis of these books- some gave them in the form of addresses while more timid ones wrote essays and read them these meetings are refreshing and never have the yoang people of the math- odist chorch entered so heartily into any work u that involved in tbe league messrs c w andersoo son have parciiased the jot adjoining tbe aw office on which they intend erecting a new bank building mr c armstrong hss presented st judess 6 with very beautiful and artistic window in the centre of which u the fall life size figare of qaeei victoria lu her royal robes u she appeared in her jubilee celebrations at tbo bojtomof tbe window are the words m jubilee memorial june 1897 it will be remembered that st jades church wu erected- daring the jabilee year bence this window mr john waldie m p and wife spent sunday in town at the methodist sunday school oa sab bath last eev wm kettlewell distributed forty five cent pieces among the teachers and scholars to be used io raising money for the missionary caare miss coole read an interesting piece from the prethyttrian explaining bow tbe children injone of their schools in toronto had been snccesafnl in this plan in their case they were each provided with a cent bat u the school bere oaly have seven weeks before tbey have to report it wu t hoagb t advisable to begin with a larger amount each one is required to bay five cents worth of mater ial make it op into something and sell it then with that amount bay more make and sell andso oo tbe cent system bu been adopted in tbe presbyterian ss this is no donbt a good plan and we hope all wbo volanteeredto work on ii will re- larn their talents with aiary- the star informed me lut week there were four men in elora wbo lived ou the bach system within a stones cast of each other and that tbere wu a good chance for spinsters to do some missionary work well the oakville spinsters are all alive to miuionary work and i hear a few are waiting for calls to india perhaps a call to elora woold be accepted i am sure mr shaw can roach for the many goodlooking girls in our besatlfnl little town there are a number of twins bre also a ooaple ay they are going o marry one mail providing be isold eooagb to raaomeboth ao lfoneo the four wouldnt miod taking a trp to utabvpernapebe ooold tbrovop jtbf baoh system u be baa a o better for him j l grippe and its effects have aade the doctors aboat the busiest men ia the land lately daring ilia put few dayi there have been no lew than nine cases of con gestioa of the lungs and pnesmonia report ed a thii and larroanding neighborhoodf oue of david boleani ope cfthoi bowies ehtldrenwe ill fnl are reoosering william george and tbos nellis of the 6th line are all suffering with lie same disease samuel lubyof the same line is laid up miss e va litid is also seriously ill and the two youngest of tbos wilsons family were also confined to tbe boose but an now oat of danger so farsineoclhe cases nkntioaad iiate nrotedfitj audit hoped that all may soon be enjo ing good health again messrs william and duncan ifcgregor left oo tuesday for the north wist farmers in general are busy laying tip a summers supply of firewood sod other wise getting ready for spring opening up tbe last few days have been qui spring like blue birds robints and black birds bare arrived a welcome greeting is ex tended them mrs eliza j langrill koatcabali has sold her farm o mr davidagnew who will remove upon it in a few daya r in kaasagaweya on tthe 13th nst- sue wife of robert cox of a son auuleof jobspatfcffosaudderevevid is necessary to travel with safet y on the roads at present kslfnt bros dominion boot ys hoe store have just opened up some extra fine lines in ladies shoes slippers tan shoes and other noveltiei for spring and summer wear mens alii- gator and calf balmorals in new styles and of the best material our regular lines wilbe found complete with firstclass goods onitpm work ud braltfnf trook tnd taluu iaimtni1mt take notice that we ire goicg to give the best bargains in boots shoes that can be obtainedjanywhere liberal discount for caslf fresh eggs taken in exchange for goods kenney bos acton spring millinery opening we will open our show rooms on wednesday april 2nd with one of the largest and moat attractive stocks of millinery that we have ewr hovvn the strlee are tbe latest and the tnm- ming the bee as we employ only experienced hands every can depend on gemiig the work well done we hope the ladies will call and inspect onr stock as we will be pleased to show them throngh full range p new spring dkess and mantle goods new prints suitable for early spring j i si new parasols with loug and short handles newejlbtloideriesjustto hand something altogether new m these goods fall stock ot cottons cottouades table lineub towels toweling etc cheap stock in boots aud shoes extra values in all liues cf groceries arriving daily we iiavo pleairi iif linnounc- ing that we utm making large accossionp ro op stock every day that the gooes have been purchased oa the most advantag eous terms tbe gc 6db have ad- vanced irom 10 to 15 per cent since we havo pnfebased we shall give the cutirbeuefiltoou patrons j silks dress gdnds cottous aud imported woollens have ad vanced the moit i wo have ft magniiiccut stock of dress silks arid dress goods we begin dress goods at 5c iperyd dress silks at 2oc per yd a beauti ful sutin mery atj 50x per yi- onr black and colored henrietta cloths areunsurpassed torqnality and lowneaaof price r ourmfllinery department is in lull swihg gjeat noveltiej stylist hataiaud bonnets onr dressmakhig is in aotive operation wo turn out dreases gowus mantieavjurfwnlps to suit the most fastidiobs qur ordered olotflin j depart ment is in firswrasrworkibe order we have ibeeu bnsy all winter the reason why we turn out garmeuts to fit and prices to suit readymade clothing- in profusion j carpets and oilcloths beauti ful goods aqd very lew priees ladies and geiits footwear latest styles and lowest pncei as a further iadueement to patronage we wi give to any party that will buy for cash 880 worth of 1 goods it once or iit different times a bebk jorth 6 websters encyclopaedia ana worlds atlas in i- another in- duccmeut to whom ioever willbby for cash 2000 wo1q of goods a choice of threrthles- in silver ware consisting of a satin lined cabinet containing a half dawn table forks a half dzen ifia sffoons and one bt tter kuife and one sigar shell oi a pickle cae- tor ota butter di4b any bftbeitt worth orer 1800 tickewill he furnished to show the atoouuta purchased at different tint aud wben the nmonni is pnrbhased tbeywill eet the choice ot the articles- pressnutare qniexhibi- tion in the store come and get the great bargainsln dry- goods aqd the present with the bargains 9 m 4t u b wmcleodco gzoboetown highest prices paid for butter and eggs hendersonmcraeco j acton i headquarters for house cleaning supplies a fettle talk about ficnrea may lis andlaets dutorted be but mehic murrins cope and ate tbe leekaboo boot and bbc a stcrt u just now abowias a number ot new it ot 8noss and slidpirs spwlauy adapw tor tbiimson tbm new coods ar 1 cine ud at prices as low or lower foaa those aakrf for om styles i ad iiiop- woro goods elsei bcrp even body can bo salted for we bite all tin m k oents wear ladleswear r 1 yopta w cnildren a wear special line good ioodi kcwort 8tyto and bast ralaa for tbe tnoney at w williams acton cosloui worv ud rliriuc e lrn cmfbj mtui tlou truuv uid nliij we havejusfpurchojed fine jewels bring your work fo rfine anmg ever- requisite on hand a stock or fine american main springs and other good material tor watch repairing wall paper ceiliiut coram omteri mi bordart the wvert itock led nntmt pittwni va have evulud spring simple nowrtuy coma tod m them window shades fiocy linen ia beuttfal hidai at oolor ud taiga in docortwu all tqatred tad betsmed h bptilg boueii oannlma redjr far lmnuduu ae alto piper shtdm in ftmtn ud by lb ytet alabastine a f all ioppjy ol uili brorite kiltomtoe thonho bin nwd it oooo will hive no i oim all the popaur ibide in took painta qlls yarnlshea btrc- glm whiting wtuinr boot peulln wuhlm crjntalsoipa brooou brmbm etc eretjthlng yo want for golunnp alio prof bnrke si- diilnfeetaat and deodoruing bjwder budwan spftdm sborela garden nuiw glan and i igexwral steok at qroberiei and pore bploe v r our 60 cent t beats them all swearing off 1 slug id 5abyi wear making good4 oboseni priatefor resoiutions a la end of tbo year u lbe urns generally as being the most a liable aad appro- taming orer anewljeafj tew rvatchmaker cuelph j4bar4on 3 5 5 during 1890 we have resolved to make kan photographi than we did ib 1889 to maio better photogre ihi than we did ln8b9 v toplaue everybody better has we did jn 1889 j wehawthiijacu ute photiograpningyour babies bt tax- 1 hutantanaiuai rooen jto nwkd grt- 4 a ijw photo artfstr actohr