Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1890, p. 4

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i v ktnprksb oaunbar hii jetton ftu txss thursday ajril 17 1880 ffbt omi4 olks jingles amd j0kelet8 hiiritillourttltli the wufc tfeu thr vu ftndtucpaniuartbe uaj abu aid to later n i rsauxlofl for skin disease or locs balpuar 6op protos terj valuable a care rr kbeasiaius i i ah ivaimtneud ratjfcrd s yellow oil u sure cur orrliaumtiikn iliad ll for tome ttuie and wii cured by uiiiitfjkfl of oue loule 1 can ln reooaitueud it lor chilbuuts burnt frost bites iprtms broil tc milv h procdlocl gloti altnoud que- to caro croup give 1q to 80 drops ot yellow oil on sugar iqternail and rub the throat aud cheat wfih ibe ou it never fails dan dprpau i tared t goffered from dyspepsia and was weak tod miserable with what the doctor said ru nervous debihtj seeiag burdock blood biucr advertised i ined it and after ukum three bottle wl perfectly re stored to heailit mij h svm kieiuburff pal etcmotvthiuixreidiijuieijr lows worm syrup it pleases the chili tad destroys the wonni f ftpttlal aaihtctjcal twe hare made uruniemedli with dr j keudall oo publuhers of a treat ion the uorte d hli dihsimi whinb ill enable all oar subscribers to obtain a ipy of that valuable work free by leading heir address aud buclofina a two oent stamp for raalhug the tame to b j kendall qo ltoabursb falls u this took ir now rrcekqtzed as itandsrd author ft upou nil dieasos u th horse as its tiheaometil tales attest over four million copies lisutm been sold ia the past teu yeart a sale ncec before retched by auy pabhcatiou in the same period of time wq feel confide ut that oar patrons will spjireciale the workaud be nlad to ivail themselves of lb is opportunely ot obtaining a valuable work j it is ueoessiry that joa mentioa this paper in tending for the treatise this oer will remain open for only a short tunc oh ibtelamor oh thedstterot theditiricl pcbuc school olt the trials of the teacher w lie maa or knar or fool v itk a history class recitlnc w uhlcf ton was bora in jan am a little prattler atkinc what mutc spots come on the moon wont too please to point my pencil may i co and fist a drink r teacher vtth the ujnoat pallenoe tries to keep the lesson sllnfc history claa kup on reotiot boater khv is in mt orfc oft yoo main cflj stop his pmehic tssiier uaat ood my chalk 0 dttftoel my pendf broken what doeswaatspeflr teacher crabs a cedar ruler tries his best the noise toqaau comes a smack rout back of idiool hoatc fallowed by t stifled moan strike his bell in desperation scholar yoa may allfo home the kac tort lift k proper cqxpensatiov condsx etcjiu- cocaing cooicmpuati u oreshadowed by a hacking coah aiht sweats pain tn the chest etc amat its progress at once by taking halyard s pectoral balsam which never fails to care coagbs colds broach t s hoarsecets etc i nd even ia confirmed con lojupuoa afords gratexal relief p k markeii west jeddora n 6 writes i wish to inform yon of the woaderfol qaalitiea of dr thomas eclec trie 0 j- i had a horse so lame that he eoald scarcely walk the trouble was m the knee and two or three applications completely cored htm two harvard yoaa making s pedec- train toot in the scottish highlands wen in the habit of stopping at small farm home and sating for milk the charge for which waa invariably penny a glass calling one smarfay at a romanticlooking cottage in beantif al glea kevu they were soarjy received by the cotter i wife and though the milk was applied the proffered twopence was refuted with a solemn ad- monition u to the impropriety of inch doings on snch a day the collegians were tarn ing away with a conrteoos word of thanks when the woman made her mesming clear f na she cried th no tat less tnaa taxpence for br aim the sawbath from the ector draxr harper i uvtsui u a fl faradbe hxny neglect slight lymptomt of disease hoping that arnre will restore health ttaenatare will aid bat she mail be sided by using bardock blood bitters from i to 2 bottles of which is samcient to care any ordinary case of tmparebloodconstipation dyspepsia liver complaint kidney com plaint debility etc i lijou ant tobqy or sell a farm ad tertise in the toronto wetity mail that paper reaches looooo farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement should meet the cje ot someone who wants to par chase advertisements of this class are in lertod in the toronto ktthy mail for five cents a word each- insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada the how ta ftarv meaty mr h h uccrea of the had son bay co west lynne manitoba ayi i coffered from catarrh for a n amber of years and expended upwards of 1200 employing physicians sad catarrh specialists baying different remedies iabalaat4doachet etc withoat obtaiaing relief oar advertise meat in toronto usui induced me to invest fittj cents in vasal balm i sent for a package sad mast ssy it wu the best in vestment i ever made it gave me immedi ate relief and m less than two weeks the droppings from the nasal passages into my throat entirely ceased i wonld urgently adviseauafflicmdwithcatarrh to use nasal balm scrofola u transmitted from parent to child and thai becomes a family inherit- ance for generations it u therefitfce the daty of every scrofulous person to cleanse his blood by a thorough and persistent coarse of ayer s earsaparilla htsuk brqthirhood to help men and woman effectoallj we most lift them op to a higher plane in everything discipline their thoughts in crease their knowledge purify their desires refine their fthnf enlttvaie their self respect awaken their aspirations develop their energies and open op to them every passable opportunity for self improvement there a nothing so potent to accomplish these things at the cpint of friendship mnch maybe ame by intelligent enterprise by well hud plans and earnest effort by benevolent isaoeiaiiont and personal over sight bet it u only when these are ani mated by s real affection sech as implied in hnmaa brotherhood that we seethe true power of lifting others in successful oper ation i lira e hall savxnoo it l writes m for yean i have been troubled with law complaint the doctors said my liver trat hardeoed and enlarged i was troabled with dimness pain in my shoulder consti pation anil gradaally loam flesh all the fame was under the care of three physic ians bat did not jet any relief- a friend seat me a bottle of korthrop lyman s vegetable discovery and the benefit i hare received from it u far beyond my expect ation i feel better now than i have done for years adtice to hotezss are yon disturbed at night and broken d yoar rest by a sick chodsaffering and crying with the pais of catting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing svrnp fox children teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon rt mothers there is do mistake ahont it it cares dy and diarrhoea regohaea the stomach and bowels corse wmdcohc softens the gams reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system hrlwmatowssoothingsyrup for children wing is pleasant to the usfe and is the prescr of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and u for sale by all drnggifu fhroagboat the world price twenty five cents a bottle be core and askfor ilss wkslow s soothiig firecr nd take no other kind est aad tsafrt i te ssreriaff browns household panacea hu no equal for relieving pain both internal tad external it cares pnn in the side backf or bowels sore throat rhenmausm tooth acher lumbago and any kind of pain or acne it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful i brown s household pan aces being acknowledged at the great pam believer aod of donblr the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the worid should be in every family handy for tse when wauled as it really it the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and peine and aches of all kinds and u for iile by all droggnts at- s5 centv a bottle i litimtu caurful oealaem-flflj- rerer jl tw hesse treat sseet effflerers are not generally aware hat these diseases are conufiioos or that thev are doe to the preaenceof living parasjfesin the bsaiftmembranoe and eustachian tubes ificroscopic research however has proved this t be a fact and the resale of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formwied whereby catarrh catarrhal deanet aod hay fever are permanently eared n from one to three simple applies tiom made si borne by the patient once in wo weeks n b this treatment is dot a a snoff or as eintmeqt both hare been discarded by reputable phyiicuuis u iojar 4at a pamphlet explaiuing this new treatment is seat ontecefpt of ten cents by a h vixoa on 303 west kiag street toronto ctneou toronto guae sufferers from qurrh troubles should caref ally read the shov6 t the etii coloa of the blood is caased by the iron it contains supply the iron when lacking by asing uiibara s beef iron and wine cis yaad belfer when attacked by croup sore throat colds rheumatism neuralgia sprains bruises barns or any kind of pain or sore ness can yoa do better than use yellow oil it is a media ne which sever fails to gire utisfactioa it u magical in its power over pain and is th safest and best remedj where eoreness and inflammation exist after a varied experience with many socalled cathartic remedies i am con vinced that ayer s pius give the most sat isfactory results i rely exclasively on these phis for the care of liver and stomach complaints john s bell sr abilene texas left itessfj last winter left a legacy of impure blood to many people causing tired feelings lack of energy indigestion constipation bilious nest etc from i to i bottles of bcrdock blood bitters never fails to care any of the foregoing diseases by unlocking the secre tioxu and removing allimpantietf from the c c eichiims co f gekts my horse was so afflicted with distemper that he could not dnuk for fear days and refused all food simply apply ing soxakds limmfat outwardly cored him feb is87 capt fxrxsrer cixk c c richijs co goers i have used your itdxard s idmmekt for bronchitis and asthma and it baa cored me i believe it the best lot5 pe l kak a lrnxostosr the sapenonty of mother graves worm exterminator is shown by its good effects on iha children purchase a bottle and give it a trial a saceessf al combination the success fal combination of the air oils composing dr thomas eclectne oil it a genuine triumph of chemistry whether applied externally for the relief of pain or to allay inflammation or taken internally to remedy a oongh it is speedily and entirely effective cvkinptlm ftcretrcsretf to its editor v- please inform yoar readers that i have a positive remedy lor the above named dis ease by its timely use thousands of bo 5- leas cases nave oeou pciiuaueatiy cored shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy tvtt to any of yoar readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and p o address bespectfoiiy da t a swctk 16 west adelaide st toronto oat mr h b hchannoo painter iloant albert says last- summer my system got impregnated with the lead aod terpen tme used in painting my body was cover ed with scarlet spots as large a a jo cent piece and i got in inch a state that i could scarcely walk i got bottle of korthrop lyman s egetable discovery and at once commenced taking it in huge dotes and before ooc half ot the battle was ased there was cot a spot to be seen and i never felt better fn my life llixx inn jure jiiiik bat all men aud ajlrninds agree at- to the merits of bar dock pills small and iagarcosted varsft usumtsf far mte berrfrr if joabave a cough or a cold do not neglect it many withoat a trace of that hereditary disesse hate drifted into a con sumpuve s grave o neglecting what waa only a slight cold had t bey used bfcjtle s anti consumptive 8rop before it was too late their lis es woald have been spared jlr a tt ltw mitchell vf rites i thiol bickfe s autt consomplive syrup the best prvpcratioa on the market for coughs and severe colds about six years ago i caught a fevere cold which settled on my longs and for tlirof months i had a cosgh i had a physician attending me bar gradu ally grew worse ontil i wjas on the verge of coosamptton and liwl gnen ap hopes of being cared when f ras induced to try bicklsf syrap before i had taken one bottle i found myself relieved and by the time i had finished the second bottle 1 wu completely cared x alwtjs mommeud it for severe oulds mud oonstnuption where did yon get that elegant 8 ait thai fits j oa to well at kelly book the safest akd most powerful alterative is aycrs sorseprllla young and old arc al le unefitotl bv is osc for tl a eruptive dis eases peculiar to children nothing else is socccdnc as i ti f medicine wl ilc its agreca- llc tint or makes it easy j admiov mer mr little boy had large scrofu lous ulcers on his neck and throat from which he suffered terribly two plitsicisns attended 1 im 1 t i crew continually usc i r ilcir tare and enbci crij i icrtjd ilit i lad i card at tl e re n i val v cur- effected bv oyers rvajui ilia ac i dtc ded to lave my to t it ikrtlv after ho hcan to tjke t l ticnc ilc ulctrs com- r f i t 1 1 1 i ac i after t vz several i- ttl i wis tiilirt it ci rel lit is i w ta t altn i i rot p anv boy cf i isc wiiijibi f dolehcrty iu i a- ii t ii t ir rotingest child f a it wcan to ijre seres patle jul i at i body we sp- p ied zr m 1 1 c rcucdits without avail tlc ft- iucreacd m nnmber ard di ian- j top cualv a pbbcian vas f but tl e mvs continued to irul ii lv tint i in a few mouth uiey nea c x vdtl ti ilds head and body kt la t lx an the uc cc k er 8ax- sarunlla in a few days a marked clai p f ilibci was manifcsr tle eun u uvila n jc i eallliv cordition tic d jxs wl c pradaamy dimic l i 1 and f allv nael altogether tied i j hebe- i 8tin i fresher and its spjic i e le ter tl ia we have ob- stttd or i omb frank si gnffin lon loc texa- tl- f jiula of ktv c i cc v f rl tir c dlcacs of ilmcst ccrv l u 1 lies remedy known to t e uedt al world d 1l va ilsou xi d is likansas ayers sarsaparilla rcrrtcra rr or j c aver k co lowell mast price 1 tvbcrtsi v oti m boltl btofte eontalalnff tetiaoniit tom lna tmmt inm ul tmrt jf tubo bov fnjy nied- attrtr can fe bad iwt lber is a neaacr i ilt ihxxtioi fat flunr ni sent in vithescb tim br lh meof ui tool ererybodr caaflis uieircnrn uvmiavaod do ft beuerutaa u crestm expert oa iujoot it adapted to all eratkat lavs ftctt one wtioonisa a shoe id barecms 1 ixli mn wtwuw ri ak if flealr- i took cold i i took sick j i took j i scons emulsion l i take my meals i take sly rest avdiait mcorocs exolcff to txke i j awtkisc i cas hy k uavds 0 j celtiliff tut loo tan scolts eraulswnof pure cod liver oil andhypophosphilesoflimeand soda vot 0kvt cllto my iuclp- fent consumption sut uilt j ueup avdia sow nttivc i fle8h on mr bones f attiepteof a pouxd a dm i j taix it jlf as ksl as i do ullk j j 8u8emtlliisi at apnnly laumoa f i en or tt tltjt alt vraggitts al janiuv i scott toll t billrilu irofnlli jmrftt wmual tarty v litar tun nth akj ttti citi at j titer on nticiia n m e loftffacr mith avr urn ihswtmnaihwshsal plf tim aaplou wttl ml soil mltowww orkihlrvata am munonar atublcrmilcf ad ifau tn rrpu wtfufi ttw iitithu tt- afitr j lnm so la mo ftr wk isd wmvto juiitm noldavnifbrn naswbam nasal balm cold in the head tad ctfuxfc bllluuati soflraho hfiuuiko heauha intut uf penmaenl car fillim lapotiljile mm localled ftleases ire tlmplr frapwou of lultrrn tocfa u hetdiche puliitduineu lothu mue of udell foo bmth hjnridn and iplisaz ut8 catlitb aod aboold loie no fjma in proenrina a ihtwlla of hun ruy u ajr u catarrh ntedcolii in bead renkain catann folloind 1 ormiiiror wlfl ba ami pott paid on motet 5 numd co bntmu orr ta beware of mltatima ahnllar is aimt 1 greatest clothing house in halton do yoti want clothing cheap do you want a stylish suit do you want your clothes to fit and be put together properly i if so we rr6 the pgoplefor you railway timb grand trunk ral biproii to a fipftttj rusenger 9 j atu i pipre mail ii m am ltlirt jl thnmglilip cooum jlij w accoin 10 oo p m icota rontorcloeijiosiiui going wcstotoscj aadsmpij ootngtt 1080 am abu630pnj this ume ubu went uuotffct kst flft r notice having an a 1 cutter together with the best workrnen the country can produce en ables us tn turn out none but the ver best of work our prices our prices are r low jf give elegant suits lor gio and 12 made to order we hav without a doubt- the finest range o overcoatings suitings a pantings in the county pants made to order for 2 50 or readymade clothing r youths boys and childrens suits in hundreds all sizes all kinds ve can fit from the oungest to the oldest the gr bargains v ou cv er laid v otjf ej es on it is to j our advantage to call and sec what we are doing cures drspepsu bures dyspepsu cures dyskpsh 1 oiit ajw stttxy deab 6ms i bsttrw ar hckuitiipcatmcaei for cczkapaliofe acd fait it j iuf bead tbs second as luido 110 tfici to faoeh lafct ut boirta noif mora fa and tha 71ah1 in sir batd s left me aaltoeterybo lie taine ducaselrf iiisa f ffn slloecfctl blod rlttlp5 tfuros biliousness cures bluoustm cures bluousms v- 1 regulates the uver gents furnishings staplo dry 0oods in this department we down tiem all having the do ou want bargains m the following if so call and greatest variety of the latest styles ia hats shirts ties and stc our stock of cottons cottonades ducks denims shirt- collars west of toronto we can suit ajl new goods coming ings tickings towels and towelling and see them 10000 dozen of eggs wanted kelly bros mill street acton j house eadquarters for cleaning supplies ever requisite an hand wall paper ceiliiigonieti ceotort and borden the urjjeft itock and nealeat pitteroi w htt aver hid spring simple now ready come and sea tbera window shades fancy linen in beitj trial shadei of color ud daugn in decoritioa 2u1 tqatred and hemmed with spring bolton complete ready for immediate aae ilao paper shades in pattern and by the sprd a call tapply o this alabastane fatonte eiisomme those who have used it oace will hsv do other ah the popular shades in itock aint3 oils varnishes etc glue whiting wuhiog soda parlme washine crystal soaps brooms bioshes etc eterythjng yoa want for a geaoni clean up ajso prof b art s 1 disinfectant and deodanxing powdex hardware bpaies bbovels garden raies glass and a gerersl stock of i groceries and para spices our 50 cont t beats them all j b pearson kcton speight son acton j a speight manager j i caniapprf yoa tiajltiie faniftarsreqaiied to fornlili rour ne and oof utile home or to iflplaiit four home if a settled one in abr itrfo fct tha tory lovest prices there u no article iff furniture we eannot lapply and farther ve deliver oar furniture tud foa hsra no arraagliig frelcbt charges and ma no risk of breakaga weeaosalkab undertaking oar tairt fire ean thlsaatire aa excelleut oue 1 are in in experience in this bnainess has resulted lu couvincinc the 1 ublic of mnflitj that we supply nntxlassworkin all orders and in ityles 1 compar with those of the city at ontj half city prices our hearse 1 ad our learn alwat present t betomioj appearance le hare j lea the public to co on as tor anything req aired tn oar lines gpltal remedy 400000 people in canada and united states vouch that if you are pick they abe the ohly rotemes ii the worid that wll gse you hetalth stvlcclttnis extract from the scientific papers of great britain anil europe oinct net bins i utnjabladfccia rears iui liver a 1 owd a great umlnfmedaanr vuich lid umnofoadlftdl iras cbttiir wort all fbttms tinlii i wat bardock bb liitttts after 1alda liv bottled i am now eq isi also rmpmioesditfarta em of dmieiaa ilinrir dmxs cures mewm cures hemwl cures mum regulates the k1dkys diua snts i was mj hi ffuhbeidicliaka4ntiakf beck cjv hand isd faas fwellod wicoaidlbwd my titter inuv adiised smis- trv b bh nuiiocftweir i felt w incdi bcitm- sbstl pot one marc 1 is now e and can wattai vellai ewa arnebcxexst turaifcatrjobl curd bab b1m cures ba8li0b cures babtim purifies the blood itd blooj ljf 1 ttong action 4v tircr tidacc at 3of ft it ii- b ragidstariisd tuuisffthcfc brpsai ttase tlieeaose and niewawiksi bipod reuumns ab vmi diem from a tnnss wt scrofulous sere v t a mew depasture ik medlcifz the fonx greatest medical entres of the world are london pons berlin and vienna these cities have immense hospitals teeming with rnffering humanity crowds of student tnronfr the stodyintjiuider the frofe ehatvt themost renowned physt- dam of the world tch and prac tice here and the inttittitioni aa atorehotues of medteal knowledge ud experience laith a view of making this experience available to the pnhlio thejiospital bemedy co at treat expense secured the prescriptions of these hospitals prepared the specuscs and al though it would cost from 135 to sloo to securo the attention 01 their litingnijbed onginatow yet in this way their prepared pecincs lire offered a t the price of the quack patent medicines that flood the market aod absurdly claim to cure everj ill from a tingle bottle the want always felt for ft reliable rlsm of domestic remedies is how filled with perfect satisfaction the hoapital remedies make no ttjireaooabk claims the specific for catarrh cores that and nothing el io with the ipecrfle for bron chitis coofumpuon and lang troables rheumatism f cured by no 3 while tronbles of digertlon stomach jjier and kidneys have their own cure to these is added a ipecific far fever and ague one for female iweakness a nueral tonic and blood maker that makes blojj and gives form and fulneu and an incomparable remedy for henroasdeuhty jfajkffipji cmtbh htt feyei boss cou ca7ammhal deafwetsjn y rttrt mrt mmehiig from tskmtifc orccs new war distort a ikjmriau 1 do i j- jwsw c0us broji htm asthma aertlg ttep a coafh be endkaut u hutase ant ttrtngtktaz tte ings emd rtttarts wastti ut ij gtduo a aea icoso 0 lift 7 00 vo stlhevitavslla ttisl imx l and mff werfl mi aaailst to tmis cistctf in park o frefs cewfeltimtliunptatkaikithiirtmcd 7 t w ttim amd kidhetsr cspta amd mmsestiok cohsrmwn bright disease- a faeortta tleagkttrftit for tot c ac aas nlmta man ticmacim than ale e- lit a rrfs 44tioatd im klgk plant tl 00 mfhff m wttb6 ualah1a ktu8al8laftn is oar arsfflfapat domaga tkit iot tkaigtttm ft utrtatwato birkltfcati t vit anmtsftketanurcetasit fr 00 r wlli tt8 max momtn an brzha toe tcajtt tktgatglaet tktma dltaemta until ikm ir r- ctcrf vt ha 8 aja nguim ktattk aatttnr j co ro health form amd fuutos ft ij n foorf eoorf aerf arts of it ifwaai ffboouh jficnmag utt tkts perfect fawfc co ko ttervous 0eb1uty loss of po macit cunrladt public mil if i a arul g t fa far an umfvtuata condition wo g i coli e r r 0 trial mill pnn bamart af igaczr nzti mko ekana klqk prh t for e tec u crrklrti drag ana pflla tit prvparuas ef cfici tty art tttitlg ieitortuit ana mko expetauhu by e tout eojipdaiiial tattart to otkert la tie cct cc tout butlnit utt mo 8 and lute again ci 40 ohe doiivjle bach to be had of all dei coists tirtvijrili tracewur lxttmjim iota the enkoc fa fcnijc ictna od urrc debflar battle si toy ot oar prs jtx fa ttonf umikb under janine urns tndiw onder lsj feffts una ttamp for onerip- tit cataiogutiq hospital bemedy co jonmtom a httttou ojom proprietor wlien sav ccre i do npttocag ion uxm for a lime jn j thtn tatjttemropi 5s1i ieiv vvidicalccet r 1 i live made tie diseaaol fits epilepsy or falling bickhbss 1 1 le ions ndj- i f rmtmmm suoruoaforrottcni nn iarr 4 oarc for a tra lr jj 1 jfterhy isjvlurtlfl ji i or j brandt omoo t vest ajtofki roronto muni m rji smmaonbivm i ttii oc w start un aftw ui ortutwtt ii b r mmam mt wril mt net w jotifl he lardest scale works in canada over 100 siylesof hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales suproyed show cases iiokey drawers ueit hoppers and dutchess soppues aiasaiss i riu wnb s c wilson son 60 esplanade stftect east toflgntcoht meatvra tins ojpec c jeiejwroe ittting to farmers and threshers ttss an vonr uaotunervonly the wellknown wp peeeless oil q ginr ml ilt a t h bvebiiaiidijdltdoringthelmtthteeyr wakgonftfttirlllin eowars these oil are aud and hlghl reoommendeduthemode farm oaelpb fam ers ask tor them use ooother muiataotond at iul juyojl vtrkl by samuel roosr8 co toronto war with the knife j h matthews cutting up the best leather that mone caa bu and mak ing it up into no i harness if jou want a set of heavj or light harness collars halters whips brushes oils or any thing mm line cajl before dealing elsew here as i am bound to please in prices and material t repairing promptly and neatly done a pleased customer will call again lsour nofto j h matthbws acton hirsts paiw exterminator fhousehold sbmedyr hamilton omt i i nrrflhloa th1 sf i toothache hdwf it tollw norkl to oe rjlaju 1 i artldfbothulrrdrall bold by all drtelita f f dilleya dunns baking t

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