Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1890, p. 4

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-c- 1 t- 7rek peiss calendar ii jufott jtepss thursdirmay15 ifck sbt gtfung lolksr wxitro ax voatdr urns poke- usaosomt eld vbo black eyca flathsil vnoce ccrrisj lipe dtosed her teeth of pearl i wonder what lie saw la her f her tae is plain er drew if doinijistl and cot a grace or thann do she possess what are yonjtotucf hcrdaart j bex aant fa answer said dfi itm too wt yrrar caig for iiim and hai be turned your beadt indeed jtia iroaff oar littte friens toe ibe bat meioed to me a person of a gifted mind and maiden modesty does it not often happen dear wheaiooarerliierlngfloter that jon the gaudy bjoajomx pass and aeok the bod that coven it if afraid to show iti taoe under the sheltering learea seo when he seeix a rile display so man of acme deeeftes urns ha it been wiiii him who mde our little friend his a if e he is a man who reads aright thai riddle bnman life he passes 07 its shows and gaods and looks for modest votth sjatoe of thjrretest flowers that bloom grow aearcst to the earth though many- smiled iux hth hix choice was one who dwelt apart from all life i petty raoitiec whose iympatiotie heart found ceo tie deeds of iot to- do whose earnest framinhood tbongh rnnrwf tew a womans on and wilted ttf be wooed wbj- suffer from disorders caused by ixn- fore blood wbentboasand m frying cured bj using northrop 4 ljujans vegetable discovery it removec pimples and al eroptiona of the ihp mr john c fox ounda writes korthrop lymans vegetable discovery is giving good satis- faction those who nxtensed it say it ha done them more good than anytime they have ever taken jingles andjokelfits suttu floor wia the ftuo xen suftriftt amtht nrirtlaef fb day use the safe jileasaiit and effectual worm aflbr mother grave worm ei terminator r nothing eoalt ft procort a bottle and t kc it home a raaliraj maoa opinion mr j u kennedy 0 t 11 night agent brooaviue oot says a short treatment with nsal balm radically re moved all symptom or iny catarrh the preparation u pleasant uj easy to ase and rives immediaie and permanent teltef the inoet agreeable restorative tonl and mild fttmulsnl it mubariii beef irou audvfine 1 dytpepsfa cause depraved blood which in time affects every ore a and functtou of the body as a remedy for these troables nothing can approach- a yet s bartaparflla it vitalizes the wood ilrtnguiens the stomach and oorrecfa all disorders of tbe liter and kidneys aatama astxlejc- i had a very bad coah this fall bat halyards pectoral balaam cored me com pletely e roancwk waahago pectoral balsam cares coaghi colds hoarseness uthma bronchitis and all throat and lone iroahle uoiifihuypimpjea blotches lac and all itchtbg humors of the akin are remored by mice dr lows sojphar soap seasonable hint dan eg the breaking up of winter damp chilly weather prevails and rhenmatiim neuralgia lambago sore throat croap quinsey and other painful effects of sadden coli are common halyards yellow oil is a truly valuable bontcbold remedy for all tach complaint dr lows worm eyrap has removed tape worms from lo to 30 feet long it also destroyes all other kinds of worms caaur iseeitatstfet it ts easy to find oat from anyone who has used itr tbe virtues of hagjarda yellow oil for all painful and inflammatory iroublevrheumalism oenraigia lnmoago frost bites bums barbies sprains con tracted cards stiff joints aches pains and soreness of any kind it has no superior constipation daimi many ward off this dread disease by the use of small sagafcoaled burdock pills when needed the public warned many people are deceived into oeglecting bad blood dytpepsia coottipatioh etc and thas allow these and other diseases to become established act promptly by usinjj natures blood purifying tonic bar- dock blood bitters which regulates the entire system curing all disease of the stomach uvert kidneys and bowels for the thorough and speedy cure of all blood diseases and eruptions of the rfrfn tajte korthrop lymans vegetable dis covery mrs b forbes detroit had a running sore on her leg for a long time commenced using korthrop lymans vegetable discovery and she ispowcom- pletelr cured- her husband thinks there is nothing eqoax w it for ague or any low- fever bidders- anticonsumptive syrup it a a cocbinatfcm of veral medicinal herbs which exert a mqs wonderful influence in curiog ptdmonsry consumptioc and all other diaeases the lungs chest sudthroat it promotes a free and easy expectoration and giver ease fen to the greatest sufferer coaghs coldsj shortness of breath and affections of the cheat attended with weak- d6m af the digestive organs or with general debility seem to vanish under ts use kb other xemedy acts so readily in allaying inflammation or breaking up a severe cold even the most obstinate cough is overcome by its penetrating and healing properties when children are affected with colds coughs inflammation of the lungs croup quinsey and sore throat this syrup u of vast importance the number of deaths among children from these tyfp is truly alarming it is so palatable that a child will not refuse it and is pat at such a price that will not exclude the poor from its benefits 1 the third pae of the tomnip dauf 3au is noted for want advertisement if you want to imy or sell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or foand anything or if you want to find ootwhere anyone u advertise in the to ronto daily mail and read the adrertise- menuoo the tbicd page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in- sertion address tu kail toronto can eda j ciiulk surely cored tottabdiiori i please inform yacr readers that i hxve a positive remedy tor the above named dis ease by its timely use thousands of ho v lesx cases nave btxtt pcnuauentry cured i shall be glad ti seed two bottles of my- remedy reee to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their ex si d p- 0 address eespectfully de t a elocctc 160 wert adelaide rt toronto out if yoa want to boy of sell a farm sd- vertise in the tctooto kccuy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement sbocld meet the eye of someone who waou to pur chse adirertuetcent of this class are in serted jn tfce toronto if mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cent a word for five ksertioa address ihe matl toronto canada cm ken ttarrlf vettmbar fever a arir betae treatmrat sufferers arejnot eenerally aware that these diseases are contsgiaus or that they are doe to the presence of living ptrasitesm ihelicijfgmembracceaideuitecbfan tabec microscope resjarcfi however hac proved this to be a fact and the resale of hits discover is thai a simple remedy baa been formulated whereby catarrh catarrhal dewfimws and bay fever are permanently cxrad tit fxota otya ta ihrce mput ppiic- tions made afbome by tbe jititnt once in two weeks kbjtbis treatment is not a a kuoff or an ojutment bqtd have been discarded by reputable phyiiciaus as injar- ojk a ptmpulet explaitiiag this new treatment is sent 00 teceipt of ten cents by a h uixuu a spam west kin fitreet toronto canadsjitoroufo oum batterers from catarrh troables ioald srefally read tbe abyve j l first and foremost among external cura tive of pain is dr thomas eeleetrie oil kor is it excelled u a remedy for coaghs pains swellings corns bunions etc it is an economic as well u inexpensive article since the results produced by it necessitate the use only of a small quantity iifctlsk is becu after a long winter the system needs a thorough cleansing toning nd regulating to remove impurities and prepare for sum mer thousands of testimonak show that bardock blood bitters li the best spring medi ever discovered producing a feel ing of buoyancy and strength it removes that tired worn out feeling and restores lost appetite kever had a preparation a more appro priatenamelhtfl ayert hair vigor when the capillary glands become enfeebled by disease age or oeglect this dressing im parts renewed life to the scalp so that tbe hair assumes much of iti youthful fullness and beauty when you notice unpleasant sensations after eating it once commence the ase of korthrop fc lymans vegetable discovery and yosr dyspepsia will disappear mr james stanley merchant at constance writes my wife has taken two bottles of korthrop ac lymans vegetable discovery for dyspepsia and it has done her more good than anything the has ever used c- c riaunw k co grsrs my horse was so afflicted with distemper that he could not driufc for four days and refused all food simply apply ing mxkabd5 likimekt outwardly cured him feb 1637 cirr hrairait cixx c- c rraiieirs 4 co grrrs i have used your mikahds likimekt for bronchitis and asthma and it has cured me i believe it the best lot 5 p e i mes a lmscstoi hfaardr lfwlaesu far kale fcverywfcere the safest a kb most powerful alterative is ayers sarsapartua young and old are alike benefited by lis use for the eruptive dis eases pecclicr to children nctunj else is so citcctltc as this medicine vrhile its flgreea- ue flavor makes it easy tj admltt- istcx jfy little boy lad large scrcfu- iou clcers on his neck and tloat from which he suffered terribly two physicians attended mm trt he grew continually worhe tinder tlfiir care and everrlxxlj- expeted he rotild die i bad beard trf the nmarfcalle rnrts eftectetl by ayers fianlaparilla and decided to hare my iwr try ft blicrily after licbeun to take this medicine dc clcers com- trnrfd hcalin and after win sereral lrtthi lie teas entircly cnrwl he is ijjip ax healthy and strotg as any ly ff ae william r doaslcrty ilaijiirtm va u may fat mr youngest clild fidirtefti months old ixcau to have cores gather un iu brad and body w ap plied turiotu ritttptc rlnwttex v iiit a rail the sore lncreaaei hi miitr end dfwbflrjetl copiously a phytkiaii was calluil but the sore contfmietf to icnhiply until in a few wow i hcy nearlycuvcrid the childs heiulain i botiy at taut wc itegan the use hi ayert ear- saiarilla in a few das a marut chads ftr the better was luanifet 7ie soti3iduiiiiicdamore heauliyconfutftiti jiie discharges rcra grafluaiy diui wbed and finally crnmd nlipciitjjcr- tlie child is livelier iu uu lsfrelr and its appetite better tlmn c lane lu served t inoutlui- fran 3 cria tons volul tern the formula of ayers eantawrill presents for cliroitie dmaie cf aiiivr every kind the best reinpdr knuu to tbe medical world u m wilson m d wiggsarkanstts ayers sarsaparilla dr j c ayer co lowell mass prieetafrboulcti wwnb cs a louts te best aid ae clfnipest loodoftttfor 100 nu burdock blood ftittira does yoaf bend aoirt take bardock blooefbitora is yoor bjoodimporo tke burdock blood buters are you costive take burdock blood bitten are you bitioas tku burdock blood blturt ateyoudyspeptiol take burdock blood bitter i cent a dose 1 cent a dose burdock blood bitters m lh 8 peels 1 aaioaaeeineat we have made arrangemenu with dr b j kendall co publishers of a treat- tie 00 tbe horse and his diseises whlnh will enable all oar subsoribera to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by tending their address sud enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing the same to b j kendal co euosburvh falls vt this book is now recognised u standard author- ityapon all diteasm of tbe horse as ito phenomenal tales attest over four million copies having been sold ia the past ten years a sale naver before reached by any pablicatlou rn the lame period of time wc feel confldeat that oar pat root will appreciate tbe work and be glad to avail themselves of this opportauilyof obtaining a valuable work it is necessiry that yoe mention this paper in tending for the treatise this offer will remain opeufor only a short lime w w mclelian lyn po writes i was afflicted with rheumatism and had girea ap all hopes of a cure by cbaooa i taw dr tbomueclftotric oil recommend ecl i immediately sent fifty miles and puschased four bottles and with only two applications i was able to get aroand and although i have not used one bottle i am nearly well the other three bottles i gave around to my neighbors and i have bad so many calls for more that i feel bound to relieve the afflicted by writing to yoa for a supply lest aad caatfert t tke sacer browns household panacea has no eqaalor relieving pain both internal and external it cures prin in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth- ache lambago and any kind of pain or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal u its acting power is wonderful browns household pan- toe being acknowledged u the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be m every family handy for ue when wanted as it really la the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and paint and aches of all kinds and is for tale by ail druggists at i5 ceuti a bottle i annex to morulas are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a tick child suffering andjerying with tb pain of cutting teeth i so tend at once and t a bottle of mrs winafowa seething syrup for children teething iu value is incalculable ii will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cure dysentery anddiarrhab regulates the btdmach and bowehr cure wind colic softens tbe gums rednces inflammation and gives tone and energy to tbe whole system mrs wiaslowt soothing 8ymp for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and n arses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists through at the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be tare and ask for mfis wkslows soothiso btsct nd take no other kind an old physician cafaasstjcwr4 retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an eut india missiouarv the formal of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent care of consumptioo bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long affections also a positive and radical cure after having tested iu wonderful enratire piwers b thousand of cases has feltit his daty to make it kaown to his suffering fellows actaated by this motive and a desire to relieve h aman suffering i will send free of charge to as who desire it this rodpe tngerman french or english with foil directions for preparing and using eent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a kotxs powers block eechew k yja lurds uilmck er sale everywhere stop tlxitt chronic cough now i for if rod do not ft our decern eon- ampuve for qrnimmpifou jtfrfw oemeral ddrduf ana watting dtsises there is nothing ukej scotts emulsion of pure cod liver oil and hypoph08phite8 of itima and sjoda tt is almost as noistinfe as mllfc far better than other soailed emulsion j l wonderful flesh prodacer j scotts emulsion i u pu up in a wlmoil eofor wrapper br ft litre and gel the genuine sold by all dealm al sof and ijx scott i dowxe btdtlil t he lahoesrlcale works im canada over oo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales i smpmyed showcases iimey i dsmbs aid botchttff nmies inouis i rdu i wdu ior utmt c wiwbtfav sow 60 esplanade street cast vwioft toii mpef e tr tnontcont iaiattfawlut 1 om rrr wsjsm an miun4 m la tnsam aw kjaeriatssowfladaptedtocttfldrtouiat oatoruu r trmiltatwploanyprsscrli ajfmmigs known wsttv 1 a aorrn at d i tsss wrotcrtbx brooklyn nt wukoilawwnsdk3blc then is no srtlols foubi our thirtyoflvs rear tbis entire tn onrratfi ookputt tt iurray flsrses it y speicht sl son acton j a speight manager caaiopplr roa with all the farnitareroqalredtoktirnlihyoar new and 1 or to rtpualsb 7oor boms if a tattled one in tar ctyfe tt tbe very lowest prices cosy ifttf home is suaxoauant on f art la 1 nd our teani sl wars present a becoming sppearancel we have plaa- ttfrtlagttie public ui call on us f van ruing repaired tn bar uses farnitare we cannot irjpply and farther ws dekrer ourfaraitarsand 1 no arrangtni freight charcet and ran no risk of brakafft t can inlt all undertaking- eiperfeucefnlhltballiiessbasrssajted la eoarinclng tba poblk of manltr that wa lapplr fintrclass work in all orders and in itrlss 1 compart with uiose of u city at one half citf prides our hearse- quelph c16la hall new spring overcoatings nd can scotch and canadian tweed suitings i shaw grundy merchant tailor8 cuelph war with the knife -at- j h matthews cutting up the if you want halters whip before dealing 1 and material best leather that- money can buy and mak ing it up into noii harness a set of iheavyj or light harness collars 1 brushes oils or any thing in my line call elsewhere as i am bound to please in prices repairing promptlyand neatly done a pleased cu stomer will call again is our motto j h matthews acton headquarters house for- gleaning supplies every requisite oh hand wall paper ceilim comtrt cnittn uid border tba urge1 flock tad ntxieit piluirni but atflr btdj bpriag sample now rudf come and te tbem window shades j fancy linen in beaaftoal shades of color and design ia decoration all squared and hemmed wi h bpriog boilers complete ready for immediate ate also piper 6hide in pattern and by the yard j alabastirie i a fall sapply of this fajrorite kalsominc those who have need it onoe will ban no other all the popular shades in stock paints oils varnishes etc gine whiting wash everything soda pearl ipe washing crystal soaps brooms brashes eta yoa wsnt fcr a general cleanop also prof barks disinfectant and deodorizing powder hardware spaces shovels garden rakes glass and a general stock of groceries and pare bpices our 50 cont t beats them alu j x j b re arson hcton wckrpbts jus brussels carpets all- wool parpets hemp carpets to hand the following lines carpets dhion oarpe stair oarpete pet ts clark thompson ik carpet house next doortohojod co 30 lower wyndiam si 5 fine watcli repairing we have just panhued ftock ot jiiw american uati springs fine jewels and other good material for j watoii repniriiig bring your work to b sayage watchmaker cuelph railway tikk3 tt i m its i 7iti j psssenwr 9m adi i rttjssifedfttt tfarirogb 6ipfl00 ora uaii35 h aeeom- 10 t pm i aeesi rijorclotutaiun oolng wrst9amadj appjsu oolns east 1030 ajn and s jobbi this time table went into tiltet ew jl i cures drspspth cures dyspew more ckbs choice millinery passed into stock this week at r b jsrmyns -also- new dress goods challie3 and prints we ofier big drives in curtains and carpets dont forget our boot and shoe department theres bargains in nobby footwear there r b jermyn to i farmers and threshers use onvourmaouinerronly the wellknown peerless oil 9 gold medaijk baye been awarded it dnring the iit three year try r ar pjjrllll azlt atoutor yon waggoni and hone povert theie oili are nied and hijhly reoommended at thomode farmqnelpb farmeruk or them oae noother mnoiartnredatqib01ttollveiklby samuel rogers co toronto phomotes digestion ttr m ilcxl vjf ou irrile etalalsji iafl irjinj 5- wriraailotri i did lod ijto iwmahri i u ebslrtdyes3 j cures cohsjipfpok cures mhstmfjpr cohstjpfiij acts oh the bowels dr4 edui lt your ilab wilb put j2 for cooitipatioa did fas wj bel tba hlllalt midenwererioqigctimz vf btrweli aolr amss and ttie rhi in maiutl- left aie and to farrbams tjavadissb uxaft rruztif ic moorbt cures basusi cures bluoi cures biwusmesi regulates the liver feraa5t-t- smat vaitrbaaklfc vfalch t aat dealefa loano foa6mti i w dttbth i tned bnmoek fik bitten after- amiflm bottles i am nott alio tttmrrml if fnrnwm of dppcpila n j r ilist a b dkicm huoavo cures cum hemcbz- cures heimk re60lbtes the kidneys j a fzeaipxskv fjcia 6ntsiaa 1 xith beadacbe ab4 back my sms rreued o i eoolddo mwba if v iiitarin4at iliinit mia tryuliii with sw jos i felt so niiaeh bettac jst got 00a mora iaamtfsssv aad caituiraltaftstr s s7si purifies the blood cures b4ditmn cures britilm t cures bild bad blood n tufeb toabrtioa otta fifegtssts liver etdnmf tadbswsfc- a ub liv ruianarss toning thtw oreus nsanvi tbecaomaodtduataswitti hood removhts jaulttat diseases from a faqtafia scrololonj iore ur3t i mljilikiilit 1 i ai j 1 iitfiajiii r art u j ftwlu in m wadtwk ssw c awatitsmaw when i say cujue i do iotseaiismhjr op ibem for a tlmtvand then hrrttessib rfin i mea a bdcaij cbmsvfzv i have nude the disease ot we- fits epilbpstot- s faluno sicokhbssa a life lonj etudy i wbhat nxj fj2 cxitk the worst caiea decaukotbenbareng u no reason for doc now recetrtssaeorr and united states vouch that if you are sick thty alt the ohlt remedies in the wnaibtr wll give vou hetalth cllt g of qreatbritw and europe a mew kpajttvbe ik medtcmb thrp4ovtskust medical centres of the world are london paris berlin and vienna- these cities have immenso hospitals teeming with nsuiug fanmrnnitr crowds of itadeqts throng ho wards stodrinrmnder thetrofessors in ehaxfl the most renowned phyii- olans 01 the world teach and prac- ttoa here and th institutions are storehoases of medical knowledge and experience wiih a tibw of mating this experience avajlablo to the rmhlio tht hospital bemedr n teemed tfii thh extract from the scientific papers rjn mr mes sose irw imhtumptioiiuj iieoiurki nm1 ihi net jfitnjtarj ue top mi ratoru aet tf in -humai8li- tlttkrlfi eat nit- swuhu vwa co iivra so 10 100 to tajure tbe attention cftbelr utlncnubad orlfinatonrset in tbl way jtbelr pcejand paolfiea an otril at th prioeof theaoaca palut madldnu that flood tbe market aid abeordlr olalm to enre tierj ii thm a injle bottla the jant alwaye wt for rtllable jfts remadiee u now sl iaiwaaualaetlon tbe hoipftal btmedie make no wreawoahl claim a theapeeltui forcatarraeom that and novhlna abij 10 whb tbatpeelne for sot ohtt oohaninpuoti and iahi jrooblei ftbeturstiam i stomab urerand kidnm hare their ownenre to tbaaa added peelfloftr frnrasd afna one 01 leoiale weakneata taneral tonic and bloodmiaar tbaf makea bio jj and jtee form and fnlnm sf atf mat lean tilt fcs js ijkm elataau irw ikrcrjc rjiil rile jsfiifuym rotu aim mum jpafrjralassa ftratufmtucohhia sent n elth so-lilfsi- hi ptviriu ef atlelt t art toa ie reffnomfr l nuf eefefttat b1co turlf ifatrtli ukt wae txpttt k aaa vm mb o omi 110 ofttdtu si co 02speci t01jr bach 1 to sb had op ail dbjcoist8 css sscsta mkpriatowntnrt tasafssfesat fa tbaif prpaimi tt fcrrfaitpp tavf bimmm m nasal bal i certain and s cou in the heat in all its stages boffnnkq ctiruwsmv heauht r itutut rilkjf pemuwrf cm fiiknt impossible liant socalled diseasei are limply tfeptaatt cttarrh ioch u headache partial hirwct total sense of tmeu ted breath biwkiat aod spttttec iisnseajreieral fcelint of debility etc jonan tronble with any of these or kindred s hse catarrh and thoold lose mp time ia procaasc a facnla of kul balk trantsd is neflected cold is held malts in catarrh followed by coqsoinpncxad death nlsit buc ii sold w ad draegiittaf will be sent post paid on recdjtoa price jocenjajidsijb7addrmsifif j fulforo co bioccnui otlr o beware of imltatioas similar in oama 1- dunns baking powder the poolcs bestfr1end hirsts pain exterminator i household si 1 bamlkaa omt i i r kir i hare md 7 i ktlrramior la ml laeaui far eerjuiaa thai a faatllt u a i i llekileitk larkaefaattama i i wmllunaprlaaa41tral i tlkaehenwhertrtkjlel i aala iwanldbevaowlfawartjl i la uar keoje i eak jeeoaiiifparj i it toike wohd it be iramaaa i art wi6a laaaadirya4 laid br au drctltl v4j f dallcy k rrr- tuc i

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