i am i kiiirett rssr 2- cures rawstt cures dyspepsia cures dyspepsil rt tpma tilgj s ta tv 2 p- r -ixw- 1 wklus 1a-iu- cjvsise ures constipation uresconstipation r constip sapid ftwatvy rua tat hirt trid puj i sto r t4- tio iooi ii rs cttt i cad beejt utocjjs e k r iuov avwchitcroata y 1 tires biliousness ures buousjless ures biliousness 1 irtproal snitymml r if ccapuiat froi kid i i i 5uijtk blood -cr- tt uiiij fan i or- reu lctt viir e pticok hiksae ost ftas headache cures headache cures headache volume v jto lit aoton ontabio thubsday june 5 1890 a eranrpt cir trs rfrybsd ir i paia a my in i tad feet -n- i ci do vor j- i x rae to os bottle u that i r trea u tree yyz j cares bad blood cares- bad blood cures bad- blood rii f- trerii irirn vjic tiaaaefc r kj ttcwels rriiiss and- r r30r t i- fi blood i cure fits rcr i d- riot iaa nfrelrto ii liz tar thsia rttcrn pijepsy or igsickhess i titlot kt reffiffij to f ir ciktstaittuw rji cure scad ii i a i ratr bttui of nif r r eirtssd to vj- rjrz trij and it hgbooff jlc scale w3bs ahada 0 stylespe 11es es rcmes son to sbfus i sow- treet east rontcont ti- w mrii i otee y ui e jlajtaui fi1 mn der is best friend ts pain minator tlb eemedt dsmlltaa ot j in r u tor fcst omjff is r t bprmlb4 and barms aimtkemrrchere t j not be wlxboal ft am lummn irmf jubfi artfelsaf ui crtml a ml t enuat all drnglrta prrvb- ha 1 rttuaip j kvkrv tlluusllfcv mousing j ir tio j rwc rros slrm ttioum office iiilt snact j actox ovr ttmnersflivjm dollu- lr xr l ridindriiortlnurt cuont from liaam otvr jljohrlmt11 001m mid tl difc vj ibicli rv intucrmuodii piid u daocdllui5diwoinw akttathytfkitrattuiktl idrtrtio tiist t ecu tnoaritil line lor ftrt a- mtfos t u lr iiac jloc cl laovkiocnl latcrtoa- i covnticr kttef-n- itlorioe uile iliovs oarriietfor the iacrtioci dttrtiaicau lor iftiu 1 6 3 j x ka t tm fjtw tx ojv sjoo td isn uxi- ioachas i 6iiu j wi idachat ilft 00 5 incbos v jw u 00 adxrtiseaiftal without ipefic diroctioiu jviu be lowrtei till tatbv aad clirsd accord- isflr tnciicat idcrtwtawata mosl be iid icadxl i adxmtktccnts rill lc ciiascfdocccoach mcatli ii itsiti- i os ihzst oueacr lba ckstc c nacii tic coicllioa mcit l aid tar xl rtui raici cisf fcr ccctnct adtcrtijcalcaw mart be i lh rsce br aja cj tuetljx othantue iltv jl lc icil ever uaiilihe toiioti wtl s t iooke editor aid lvoirctor fi usttuss b lratfftit i vvr n lorar i b t c i s u graaaateof triajtrcoiiscttcoberor coece ftt rhrcat aai kaireou i osmiaireiesce attiebfladofrrtiierict trtet actoa d r sbrtkoer fri 0 e sticey icjjcatftjd eg coucsc su tcliihoce so ftfc cx dr ifcgtrriut crick ttreeu ucrtso jtcroto jfhilsted iu t pirracu srtneoi- ere ncsno3 tsd deto jstcee iltfl bur acxtdoorio wi f loot asd t dk erkest hilk j poirctimc eve dlittl tellii- rau j law afiinart icuxj loci3aeethrou mill b- a wciefioa hrtei g celpt 4rst tsi ttird tiesdar rf oictniisib trcm 13 a u tixi orntia avee sirwt cdfje atcscc 1 tcrocjo lbekkettlidsdemist c iceixlarlds vic- actca a azcw gncznroak ho oa the scoj tt circi lmnbeiladi shingles cavers mill xaaaagawrva ha uow la itocfc o about ilftnnmtn o lumber liicludinc all kinds dodl frir buodiub luniocf thli millhuattliprtibluhmmiiuiauoa lor flnt- ciaw lumber aod reaionatlitrtc lata and suiojlc oa lahd wo a irciiared o luprljr cwrsujttacarlin tettyt sayehs naaaagawgva po welliugtoii steam laundiy shikts wc tollaufi c ccltfi e faiailr wamaj withoat irflair 15c per doc iauiur vaihlifi llh lronlrc sjcikr doz gfinuvmaas wuuac aud ltclriac aoc t doiea j all ork ciaracoonr lacantda oflim and wark ig quebec strl gooda afx rivh kc31y bros ocr tntite at acloa will b wajlo uio laatdrv aad rutarnod to uitir aroro trc ctctarpo at aborc price u hackkey proprietor ti guelpli busiiie college guelph oktaillo ittiruliiiisspvfaby cirtrtaia uoottrt cclii arilhiactic pcciaaiiip hct corrwpoadencc ha practice pouiicaj economy kaaruiacd toajl lar tjititi prvccb liaec kales tuodcraic uuiiactioa cmraatoed fa tiasccaidrvii frank surcess house painter paper hanger sign writer etc is prvivirci to tiatc ordtr in ay- of the abareiiactliclcnteccraaiatrcaoaabe ixii- ercrvjabuatiacuiptwrkjoalatwntioa i can csaura caaioacn eoablcta aatfacuoc ulvr- hn jg la all tooda a ri orders icit at cay rccae rill receive prompt atuat iltia st- acto w barber bros paper mazers georgetown ont luti l tjlcultt or machine finished book papers tvi ukii uiude keeklv ntw the paper used in this journal is from the above mills wh barber bros- ix itclelk il barristtts scucilcn kataries coaveytaccrt ix priiit taads lo loaar 0tctcxr halliatlos wc i- jdtclnx jso a kcluk t 5i0wjlt eixiiates souoroa kotitr pcbuc mdaerto tjcar omcc dirt tacadar aai satcrdxy rrict icattaetteloci acioa cpart farriaten solicitort x tamsto i53 qeoegrtott oscca craelauai b3bpt georgetown aad 66 eiag ttnet eait taroato jitekts secubed i f oe ikvekti0x5 eesey grist tcatr tears practice t ko paleat ko par w il aexcsxrett- lictxies arcnoixee for its coaatiet cf rdaialon asd lialtoa ordera irfi at tie face pjaiss osfie actoa cr ataiyretidcaceia actoajwin be pro at- uadftdta terais zeaaasahle also ooacy w loia cii lae coat farorabls urcta aad at tae loveii rates cf interest it jiaii of 8500 tad nptaxdi tohkdit v aechttect oma- ulxt luztci jart pteiycis shkik eooebedee tgeorsj3re gzelpbozurio icotiat eooii ot iutioft ide o order rrv5is4larcttdescrpaoacirefcijboan l cetut tad proaitnlj doae rphe hiklak baebee shop ilill srerrr acios a cxir ilxre t ftrluh burccl k eoodkafotai jaecaliirsiblapoixrscitci eaxon loaitadpria rrtcji cocdilioa lcdiet ca i c ciiires t fcxir uxtils- cat 4 e w0e6ek toslbrill akikl i pump factory -an1- planing mill thos ebbage man i law rcanicd ue iuuoxiint cf lia jtiap baticu in iao ii rocid rcjxctfany irfcrae ajl pxrties in etat of pjaii tlial ire are cot prepared to tspply tica froa tfce old style wooden pcp to uie beat force peep eile peeps for wind mills or roct weils ruppii ca short notice deep vteui t speciill prices sight eteey time our planing mill latibcr drtiei xhce vcz wait itouldiaje ac cjadc tacrder harctlsd a qctality cf lcatbetfcrfxlefaitab fcr bcildiacparrows ordcm by iail rill receive pnjpt aini careinl shop at foot of biyer street tttos ebbige ttanaccr wall paper illoiwuijvbrroouie o look tike with uor 1 ticrt aud ockaf decora uoa ofkiae 6ov colorlnck tad bloadlug aad propur ibadlnt djlys bookstore ouelph ifuif place lo bur boaaata day laa tea uiaor tlia aasortmcut hit papert am ceteraad bet ter elected uaayal uje ihttraauaactartm tell nlr to htm aadtberelort ha uaa tho oxolu aireltue ot lhetr goodi la quejnh doinc almdit the eaure ppr trade ot the city and na vine caah tot hit fooda ho can buy tie quao- utyfluielowcittiiildb price enabling iiirn u dodmclt all cooipetjtar day mil rivo yot imttir pa per horden cetunff dccorauoqs aud lojir price thaa any other atore ta the city see uu laiicra and price before partial iui youuioaey day sells cheap brugs -ixu- statibher perfumes pure soaps cheap bibles andivincjj goods rubber and base balls my stock of patent medi cines is complete choice flower garden and field seeds t i tackle etc ihinj jvkannawins livery new planing mill saih and door factory joha cameron contractor hae fitted cp the lcildias oa itaia street lately oocped tt treat factory tith new laxchiaerr aad is prrrared to fcraiib plaai tptcificttioas aad estiaiaies fcr all cltists of lidjdiasrud eieccle all klads cf dresalkg lutxhixg aaaifolldesg iuz lll styllibr sarnes doors and windows and door frames and dressed lumber and lep a rtoct cr land ul orders proapjy leaded to johk cauebok lunger au shingles rpite cndotijaed txvj oa hand at tieir ciilic ii at ltihocae awit txmwo feet of iae lira jer iad tse pteiiared to lapcly tarmexx aad cicerttitctarqaaitityofluiiilcr forbaraacr other bacdiala reaaodable pticea a lock cf pae aad cedar eaiajlea fa also oa land wellinon imtsi arble works quebec eraiirr gcelph- clark carter ty eliect isportera if graaite aad haaie iy lfotaelaad fftadstoaea of all ahadefi laadfrcaitaeeeestdetlsca 411 trorfc acl raa- teritl uirrtated arttcliaa parties wiahiag to ipsrtbase mill pleaae pity cea call aad iaipect joar ttociiaad pvjcecaa re are eoadeat ire cn icfcajtc kith taycstabiicacatlc ostario j kitvizz od eattijy iaterecc to the abore crtu if fcrctfiiy fcjit tie tatrcaac to uy frieodt iui ihc iibuc ou tleir belalf j hl hjuoltok mutual fibeinsoraifce compaq oitsz county of weujnot0k efttuiusheu uk head office cuelph rciarearelldlagtjferciiandifc ifaauftctorics aad all otiicrdcacriitioaficf icsaratje property oa the catii aad prearaa kote sjitcta fw stone chas davidsok preaidenl manager jokk taylor agekt r acton- fffrtrj the dandelion iay llltlc dandelloa 1 ufihuup lha rnoadi swinfiiouheralcodcr focj f tellotli her boadi iti toibo robintuoie pourod from aboro u little daadeliou carci uotforlqto cold lie the daily baaki clad but lugrecu vhea la uayi agejoe llrtpht huoiaroieeu wild pinks are ilamberiu vlolou decay true little daadellcu gaideth the may urate little daadelioo faat falls the cnov ueadiuffihe daffodui haughty bead inr coder the fieecy tent canjeuofeoid bkihe little daodelioa coactetu her told itceklitua daadclioa growctli ltctclalr till driea the tcttiircr dei out of her hair hrightrideuie ihintytn fiercely and hih faiat little daudelioa ciowtbhiscyc pale little dacdelioa la lcr white ihroad hcarell the aacl brcczo call rota theeioud tiny plumes cuttcricg make do delay little wingd dandelion 6oarclb away sdtd 3famiiu iutmttg v ft sesperale remedy liv 1uhy gcxce ululkc bus line tiuicrraod ref pectfcllytolicilalhc troa- jtc of the pcliie aad iciorci thcia that equipped and styllth rlg caa al- wayi be soccred at lis tablet a cocafortalie las meeu all iraiai befvrecn a at aad is n ca carflfajattealiougtteatoeteryorder the xaati of comcercial travel lers tally cxet john willllms a little talk about tshoest tue pectboo boot aad shoe store it jcit co- ihotiar a number of new liaeaof shoes aud i slirpera tpecdally adapted for theteaaoa these near goods are bciaffiold at price ax low or lower lhaa those aaked for old stylet aad ahop- wom goods elaeirhere k be cited for we have til gent a wear ladies wear youth wear children wear babyf wear coal wood james brown hssci lttoj alarstrjusltityciixelkat coal thicb he irill protupty dchver to any part of the toa at rexsoaible price agents i wanted to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock knd complete stock doctor tle ljast cosptetcaijicomfaebcuiucc work ejopcbhahol lu aatliora staad at the head of their rcifetiioa sad mvc- a eoatiaental rcpu- uuoz fterth it weight ia jold to aay oae hanaj hbraoa eheep jcaltie siae ponltry dog or bees a graafi oiportaaty to raake laocey secure territon- ex oace address 2 k koyeh 120 ipubluher yonge st- toronto wanted i cot a piid calksmkk to sea kdi o rarraated fiatuwa j lrofitabl potdtlooa f i nd eipenaea doeementa to ledaii oee neceuary outfit giriug sjc chahles h uvuuou all ijir hardkwdeudiitbfc cut ttovc kiittj alwajs oahacd telephone cojujuaicatiua waters bros the picture l ooeiph fiumes i iktfkks pictfkk mouldings koolf lfolldtkus cokxick poles fcoui wc ukigs eods l evkkr bodr from be- aktistfi kitehulb r ew iir 1lw pu aa- the right raea good weekly liberal lo ko jnertoas etperi- j free write for tena j wslli eaataels cords wires kaila chains hooks etc watebs beos special lfaea good ioode kewest style aad beit value for the taosey at w williams acton castota work acd rciairiag givea careful at tea 1 tioa truck aud talisct in rariety swearing off isicgfor ilakikg -good- resolutions and thk end of the year it the time generally cboteu as beias the most tuitahle and appro priate for turning 0er a kew leat during lfcgo wcbave resolved to malta more photographa than we did in 1889 to make better photographs than we did in 1839 o please everybody better than we did in 1889 cbae kaiaerytaea i jiochesier 1cy i st georges sqtjake bat this ic ccch a bare tuieff jltry said jeeph btowa lookiuk ei rneitly into hii wixea iccrednjoai face r itsachacce that hippent only coca in l nuni litfl- tifne so yaave thought befon returned lira brotn in an ana ympathetic fooe and ilaucer that jarred upon her haibandc feelkgi bet which vu perhaps pardon able under the circa mitahceaj yua were pofitire that you were going to raalie yaar fortune wheu the desicated fifig company itarted lo tty nolhtag o- tarioas other coacernf tc which you invested only to lose and just remember jlhe patent dishwaiher if yoa plcaae that waa goic to accorcpliah ach wouderfal things bet which was more troable to use than to wash twice the camber of dishes without it the western teagrowing company ts quite another thing man- aa youll nd j it will amount to just tin tame thtcg in its result im sure of that was the emphatic response you woaldnt think so f joa heard ifx rushmore talk about il persisted lr brown it it something thi t is going to revolution ire the lea trade in ibis ooaoiry bring the highest grade wit bin the reach of the poorest person a public benef ac tion in ibort theres mon4y in it loo ily duty to yofl and the cotidren would impel me lo accept mr roshmores very liberal offer if i only had hie necessary capital theres the rab foe the first lime sin brown felt recon ciled lo the melting swsy eft their joint earnings and savings through her has bauds hast to get rich perhaps he would now return to his trade that of a cabinetmaker if so bow glad she would be perhaps i might raise the money by mortgagiag the house can tinned jlr brown casting a furtive glance it his wife to see how she took this bnggestion of eourseyociwout thunfc of doing that joe responded lira browotntning her head quickly towards the bgeaker ren he risk of having the loof sold from over our heads can it be that you think of such a thing as mortgaging our home kot if there was any chance of our losing it mary but there isnt not the slightest it isnot for myeeh that i care but my health has not been at all good cf late and i am aniioui to roakc some pro vision for you and ihe children i wish youd go back to yiar ride joe your health was good ecoogh when yon went regularly to work and before your head was tcrned with the notion cf getting saddeuly rich vo good comes ot each things we had oar little home and jroa were laying by something every month and we were much happier thin we hare been since the next day mr browa entered the room where his wife was s ttin with a quick elastic step its all right msry di dwight is going to let me hire the moni y i stopped at squire irwins office as i came along and hid the papers driwn i p for yoa to sign mrs brown pat dowu the hud she wis holding sod stood a p what papers joe v whythe securities ur lend the money without security though its a mere matter of form ycu know it wont be a mere mailer of form though when we are sold pat of all the home we possess how can yoa talk so foolishly mary the profits i shall receive faom my share in the basiness will enable me to pay the mortgage in less than three months pat yoar name here jest below cjine mrs brown looked at ihe a hat her husband placed in her hand and theo it the pepers spread oat before her wont the docament be legsl unless i signmyuame to il t- of course not its real jstatc involv- inc xur right of dower yoa the pen dropped from the ling hand then i cannot sign it joe for yoar sake my hasbandfor the sake of car children i dare not j mr brown stared at die speaker as tfaoagh he did not comprehend her not bign it how ndiijajoas come mary im in a harry i paomised to meet rashraore st three cud it si two now i am iu earnest jowpb i canuot ft some day be v e have the faciliuet for photographing your babies initantaniious process srinx the rosy little cherubs to as suid get a cbanmng picture one that will be one of your earest treasnres iu after days i j pjcture are u low u good work and s living j profit rill allow uwight wont 6ee wife tremb- ramshaw hotorcrdsf acton sign that paper and yoa wii glad that i refused mx browns eyes flashed yoar refnisl is not ry to yoar hatband perhaps go a step further and have guardianship v l mrs brown made no reply and her haa bind continued the law that resderi tife wifes signs tare necessary was made against a selfish or improvident haibsud yoa must consider me oas- or the other perhaps both compltmentary jyon had better me put under i doot consider yoa anything of the sort joseph as you nagui to know mr kashmorc may know whal he la aboal i sapposc he docs but it does seem very foolish foriyou to go into a ibusioess of which oa are entirely ignorant and lo mortgage oar home is the most foolish and reckless thing of all making an effort to control bisimpatience oudjrtftatinu mr brown went over the whole groandagain giving his wifefignres sndktimates until be poor womans head ached almost as badly as her heart there were times when she was almost on the point of yielding bat the thoughts of her children made her firm mr and mrs brown bad had difference sswhat married people have not bal not one that a little forbearance and mutaal concession ooald not hesj now for the first time in all their happy married life ihe sun weot down with their hearts at variance the next morning matters were no better mr browns brow was dark and lowering nor did he speak to his wife unless she spoke to hiaand then only in monosyllabic thns two days passed and mn brown was beginning lo feel that she could not eadare this l of things much eager when her hasband broke the eilence he had maintained by saying mary the opportunity of which i am so anxious to avail myself is still open to me will you sign that paper v icacnol jmcph wis the gentle but firm reply overborne by the tide of anger that rushed over him mr brown now altered language whose harshness and injustice he bitterly regretled a few hoots iaier every word of which fell like a blow 6pon the heart af the woman whose pale troubled face haanted him long after wilhoct pausing for a reply he left the house to whicu he did not return antd it was growing dusk his anger having time to cool something of ihime and compunc tion loached his heart as he looked upon the neatlyspreadsuppertable whose in viting contents spoke so plainly of her thoughtlulness for his comfort whose love had never yel failed him ko one was present bat his little daughter carrie and willie a boy of three who had caddled lown oa the window yet by his sisters tide manama has gone oat said carrie iu reply toher fathers inquiries she told me to take good care of yoa sad little brother cutil the came back after waiting a few minutes mr brown partook of his solitary meal and then ad- dressed himself lo the evening psper supposing his wife bad merely gone lo one of iheir relatives who lived in the same neighborhood he felt no anxiety at her no a appearance until the hoar waxed late then feeling ciccasy he went to her sisters and various other places where he thought be might be nndnig to his astonishment and dismay that they had seen nothing of her thinking tfut she might hive returned ia ihe iaterrsl mr brown retraced his deps homeward his heart sinking as he opened the door and foand her still absent whose worth he bad never falfy realized until low he groaned as he recalled his parting words to her that a wife who had no more oonndmcc in her hasbaud than she had ouht lo leave him she had too much religioas principle to destroy herself unless uer mind had been tempor arily thrown from iisbalance the hare suspicion that this might be wu so terrible that he dared cot allow himself to dwell upon it it was evident it all events that the had taken htm at his word aid left him mr browu passed a sleepless night re newing his search and inquiries the nexl day bat to no purpose one of the neigh bors had seen his wife go by attired in the dark walking sail thai she cfways wore when she went out and this was all to all appearance mrs brown had dropped as completely cot of her husbands life and hocne sj ihoujfi he had never formed a part of tlieni daya aud weeks passed in spile of the advice thai he rtceired from various quar ters mr brawn refused to thatnp his hoase or hire e housekeeper he took his meals at his mciherf with whom his children found a home bat he lodged in his on hoase occupying the same room that he had shared with his wife so many hapy years and endeavoring lo keep every thing in doon and out a it was when ihe wu there the hope was strong in his heart that he woald some day come back to him and though it grew fainter as the weeks passed it never entirely perish ed many words uttered by the wisehearted woman whose uoselnch love fcr him gave her so clear an icsigbl though little heeded at the time came back to him now he took up his old trade at which he was a skillful workman pursuing it bo steadily and energetically that it became more prostabe ihsn it had ever been before in this way nearly three months pasted daring which the western teagrowing company had run its brilliant but brief career its sudden collapse bringing financial rum to scores of victims a few evenings after the news reached him mr brown turned his pteps towards i the home now so desolate but which had j once been inch a haven of peace and love he wis later thin usual having stayed to j finish a workbor that his wife had often asked him to make for her but which he bad never felt that he hid time to attend to until now he had raidelt of different wood scd taken i great deal of pains with it viewing with no httie saiiifaciion its successful completion how pleased msry woald be with it bethought as he looked at its nomeronb compartments and polished and beautiful exterior if she was back again in my home how happy i should be mr brown was so absorbed in thought that he did not observe until he stood upon the porch which ran in front of ihe house the bright and cheerful light that streamed out into the darkness surprised at such an anueuai occurreuce of late he opened the door into the room whence it proceeded aud there stood the cheerful inviting suppertable with mary his mary beside it looking just the tame except that her eye and cheek were brighter than he had ever seen hem before she larned the same happy loving smile upon his face you are late touight joseph i wis beg icing to fear that yoa were uot coming after the first astonishment was past mr brown fell readily into the spirit of this i stayed o finish this workbox for you he eaid placing it upon ibe table how so you like it it is very beaatifa j jast exactly what i have been wanting here the eyes of the two met and mrs browns forced oompotare givingawfay the neat moment she lay sobbing for joy in her husbands arms who wu scarcely mess moved than she it seems that she had been alllhis time at his brothers who had abetted and ec- coa raged her in ihe step she had taken 1 wis fearfal if i stayed said mri brown at the co a elusion of her story ihatlshoald yield the point and we thoald lose oar pleasant borne altogether bat i almost repented as soon as i had gone had it not been for your brother i should have returned before he said that desperate diseases required desperate remedies thai yoa were wild with ihe mania for specula t ion and thai i must wait until it was over 1 think i may say thai it it entirely over responded mr brown with a smile being fully of yoar opinion that no good ever comes of making hasie lo get rich- ih8 ofthuttiltrfv hooks ik hie corjvtriv there ire boys acd girls in many a country tnwu who are haugry for books to read why not have a neighborhood lib rary fall of choice aid eotertsinlngbooks oh that is impossible i hear yoa answer in chorus for it woald cost so much lets see about that books on which the copyright has expired ire pow very cheap ko matter how math means you may have to spend for the latest and costliest books there are many of these bach u tom brown at oxford and ivaohoe which you ought by all means to read a meeting shoali be called ot all who would be likely lo be interested and a library association formed it would be well to ask the cooperation of older people although if you wuh the association can be composed otboya and girls only when all have assembled different plana can be proposed and some definite one decided upon kich member should pay in ad vance an annual fee fifty cents woald do nicely these fees will make enough to purchase quite a number of books by giving a festival op entertainment more can be added the books should be select ed with great care so that all will he well worth reading andtbere should be as mach variety as possible in order that all tastes may be suited samuel smiles works self help andcharacter are well worth reading and rereading every year and can now be bought for tixtynve cents todds stadeot manual is equally good ihoagb perhspsnol interesting when the books are received they should be neaiiy covered andndmbered and should be kept st a convenient place for the ma jorily of the members of coarse some person will have to act u librarian and keep record of each book taken out by whom when and when returned in i blank book provided by the society in a secoad record book which will not need to be consulted often should be the cost of each volume and when purchased then if it is lost iu valae can be determined a pleasing fealare would be a list of all books and money donated and their donors and and interesting acoonnu of the festivals and entertainments given for the benefit of ihe association it will be necessary to have a few simple rales u to the length of time a book msy be retained tue damage and lost of books etc we dwellers in the country have ihis advantage that there is more lime for reading and quiet reflection than in the whirl of cily life with all their free libraries the members of the average city family know less of itandard literature than one woald suppose hereit one thing in which you can excel ihera while visiting in one of largest cities i wu surprised to find that a brilliant ltdy graduate who badj alwsyalived there did not know who tam oshanter was another lady a teacher uhed me who wu ivan hoe 1 he wu a poet was ut he there is no reason why any of you shoald make inch a ridiculous blunder margaret kennedy in arnirirxin ajricnlictui man iu solitude is an incomplete being he needs companionship for happiness purchase not friends by giftt when thoc ceases t to give such will cease to love to mbdaa psssion and to regulate desire is the greatest lask of raau as a moral agent there is a time for everything and the secret of saocesi in life lien in doing things at jast the right minute i u ihejdtn whodetermines ihe dignity of the occupation not the ocedpation tbt measures tee dignity of the man i is not calculable what may be accomp lished in everything in life by moderate beginningsand judicious perseverance the worthiest people are the most in jured by slander uwe usually find it to be the best fruit which the birds have been continually pecking at it is idleness that creates impossibilities lad where men care not to do a thing they shelter themselves under a persaasion that it cannot be done never do anything which if yon tbould see in another you should count s just occasion to despise bim for or to think any more meanly of him habit inxchtld is at first like a spiderb web if neglected it becomes a thread of twine next a cord or rope finally a cable and then who cau break it it is great prudence to gain as many friends u we honestlycan especially when it can be done at so easy a rate as a good word it is a great folly to make in enemy by ill words v withoat the trieodly exchange of kindly words and deeds withoat the sunshine of loving looks and i miles of welcome and en- eoaragemeot a riouse may be a habitation but never truly ahome blessed is that man who to his age has preserved the freshness the simplicity and the parity of yoath if ppon earth there is one sight more refreshing than another it is ihe beholding of a good great man true resignation which always brings with it the confidence that unchangeable goodness will make even the disappoint ments of our hopes and the contradictions of life conducive to some benefit- cast a grave bat tranquil light over the prospect of evea s toilsome and troubled life we are very apt to divide human life into the pleasant and the unpleasant the sweet and the bitter joy and sorrow gnodv and evil and to suppose that out of the former springs all our happiness and wel fareoat of the liuer all pur misery and failure in so doing however we entirely ignore the fact that contrast is a necessary and valuable element in life and happiness oops cast lubouadcd iota our saviour thowv in everytbins iu whjtcrl blasts sod chilly suovi iu beetle tpring u ia tamer fiuree aod burning heat in autumn fair tnrouch all the rolllag year bow sweet he ihowi his care vriieu fierce temptations 07 wy ijui weak tempest tossed wbcu sorrows billows oer uie roll am joy teem lost when all my heart is overcast with darkest cloud and rains of trouble thick aad fut my tue enshroud when friends an falsa audioes are strou aid doubts assail ivlcu ajytcni heart sends np oae long aad bitter wall wliea dark as night the future aeeuis and do beip near when ocr iny wayiio sunshine streams my heart to cheer then in myatony i turn tohiro above and in his book of books i lcara of wcadrous love he careth doth the meaaafie come my heart to cfceer an with the words the glorious sou of god seems near f read he died that i might live i la heaven above he will my ever sin forgive la his great lovo acd to lecaase he loved the world ol message tweet 1 he will himself become a guide to wanderiac feet i and so 1 read til faith aad trust beturn again 5c tweet my heart to transport mast forget the pain and over all fly burdened life 1 the light shinca clear trouble aad darkaess doubt aad strife a3 disappear ifrjr stuu f fork bota vcko succeeded tolpeeavce there was once in harrow sehoola very poor boy the son of a small tradesman ia harrow who was very mach hurt by thoughtless taunts about the poverty of his family and he used to say never mind i intend before i die to ride in a coach aad four not a very noble ambition bul long before dr parr died he had become the greatest scholar of his age and habitually rode in a coach and foar when warren was a boy he used to grieve at the fact that his family had lost their paternal estate it dsylesford and to say i will bay tbsv back he grew up to be the great pro- cosnei of the age he bought back the estate and died it dsylesford i had ihe honor of knowing mr george moore you may remember that he came to london as a poor unknown cube friended cumber land lad when he entered s great com mercial establishment his ambition was i intend to marry my masters daughter and become my masters partner both these things he accomplished he not only became a wealthy man bat what was innnately better a man of greatsertice to his generation about sixty tears ago there was a boy of jewish extraction 1- clerk in a solicitors office and tothe in tense amasement of his companions he used to say i intend to be prime minister of england and in spite of scorn he became prime minister and his name was benja min disraeli kiaely years ago there was s boy in staffordshire who had been told exactly what i am telling yoa that my boy who determined lo be this or that could be and he said u if that be true i will iest it aod i am determined to be prima minister of england that boy became prime minister and his name was robert peel some fifty years ago there wu a rude and ungainly looking boy who seemed at if all his limbs were oat of joint when seven years old he was shoeless aod penniless who at seventeen wu driving a canal boat it twenty was a riilspiitter twenty- 1 wo was at the head of small shop which wu very unsuccessful but who used to amuse bis comrades by saying never mind 1 intend lo become president of the united states his name wu abraham lincoln it rfdoggednea that does it and it is thoroughness that does it after ail his failures lincoln thought he would lake to lb law ho bought 1 law book and after breakfast he used to go out and sit under a tree and with his legs higher than his head move round the tree in the shade from mom to dewy eve in that way he mastered the law book and in timebecame one of the greatest of the modern presidents of america arckdttgn farnr a schoolboy defined strong drink as the stuff that causes the most human happiness by lettin it alone here patrick seems to give credit to the runjaeilerj by a similar backhanded process of reasoning at a temperance meeting where several related their experiences a humorous irishman wu tcknowleged to be the chief speaker he had on a pair of fine nevboota said he a week after i signed the pledge i met an old friend and he says thems- a fine pair of boots you have on they are says i and by ihe same token twu the saloonkeeper who gave them to me 1 that wu generoos of himv said be it was says i bat i made bar gain with bim he was to keep his drink and i wu to keep my money my money bought these fine boots i got the best of the bargain and i am going to stick loit out rata the hesuthstaae the children fair as the sunshine pure u snow a licensed rroag ou the crowded itreet waits the coaiiag of guileless feet child of the rich aad child of the poor pass to their wreck through the dramshops door 0 say will they ever come lack as they go pair as the luudiiac pure is the sooy out from the hearthstone the chiidrca pass from the brvath of a mothers prayer shall lfaiheri vote oa the crowded street conseul a the snare of the laougbtlets feell ah fathers your finest gold crows dim i black with the rati cf inch caies sia yoaayiavc the street with yoar children fliia aad gghl year way with tho price of shame but say will jour dearest come back as they go fair as the suashiac pare at the saow if f driah beer it makes me iiaecr ifldrinkale it makes aio pale 11 1 drink vine ify joys decline lfldrinkgia it leads to sin if i drink mm sad sorrows corne ll i driak grog tta all agog try what i trill frota til w still it gives raepaia and turns ary brain ill leave it all before i u1l tor res t uncle ben your son was looting around my hencoop hut night and i came very near catching him he had bis hand on a chicken but he let go when he beard me boss did yer say he had bis hand on a chicken and den let go i dad deli twirntnoneof royson dat nigger warnt none of my raising applicants cant yer help an olbi sol dier mam benevolent lady poor fellow heres 1 dollar for yon wereyoor wounded applicant pocketing the bill ko mum but i wuz mung th missin twice benevolent ladyfi m how terrible when wuit aptlbaut jest afore th battles of antieta an the wilderness mom r fred to the sideshow mas i ibonght you said that snake was thirty feet- long sideshow man so it is boony fred ko it isnt i can see it isnt sideshow man 0 thai is because yoa dont know bow to measure thai snake is fifteen feet from his head to his tail and fifteen back again a scotchman in the picturesque and airy costume of the highlands boarded train at lyons bound for nice two french ladies were in the carriage and the moment thp highland laddie made his appearance they were terrified and rushed on the platform yelling tor help smithy sty jones your wife is a graduate of vassal isnt ihe jones yea smith how many tongues ii abe mistreat of j jones only one but thats a rustler miss pyria what makes you such a confirmed womanhater mr dlebaoh mr olebach well when i wu a young man a woman made a foolof me mis pyria aud yoaoer got over itc- as to the national flower while unci sam is paying out nia debt month by month let him wear on his coat a glad i owe less c please give hea bow the la lest fad among the school children of this city ii to ask people they meet for a bow of the head after school hours hun dreds of yoangsters bofh boys and girls can be seen passing along the streets ou their way home with paper and penciiin hand they accost every one thevi meet and say- please give me 1 bow if the question is not understood they sometimes say bob your head or duck yoar nnt when the bow is given as it generally is wonderingly the yoangster marks one stroke oq the paper when one hundred marks representing one handred bows are obtained the children bury the paper kiieq no one is looking and at ihe isme time make a wish at ihe end of four days the paper is unearthed indthen they aay the wish always come true san francisco call 6cpfer server btlrtiuct some new effects in the application of electricity were shown av a recent suppe in baltimore two sets of mojociant furnished the music the dancing rooms were connected by folding doors the musicians sat in the ball and electric annunciators told them what music to play the leader of each set of dancers llotly touching electric buttons in their respective rooms in the sapper room- there wu a track of small brass rails on which was an electric car or basket about a foot long and thirty inches wide this car conveyed the viands from the nailers pantry the batler placed- tho course in silver trays upon the car and andveat them along the electric railway the car stopped long enough before each plate for each guest to help himself the car wu alto supplied with eleotrio bells the ballroom woe beautifully iliirrninated by incandescent lights io the shape of tulips lilies and other flowers under the tables were niiaio boxes operated by elec tricity which played during the supper kot a drop of coffee or a bit- ofjee cream wu spilled by theelectricvaater piffaoor deytakh i w mhow slow are the processes of growth and u secret and inscrutable months of time moat elapse before the utile black hard seed that looks as though it might be but a grain of gunpowder will develop the heliotropes purple loveliness in the dark ness and solitude ihe process of disolatioo and germination must take place before is upper air and light there can be the beauty and fragrance of a parfecr bloom andthe higher and more complex the life the longer the time required and the more pjuofnl the process of growth courage then 0 soul and patience too thou art not an animal to be grown in a year thy destiny ia eternal the glory to which thou art growing has no approxima tion in the things that do appear so mach the longer and more vre must be tha processes of thy life pleasant kehoaies a pleasant memories are a result of tht put ii we have such memories now it is because of something that we did before now if we would have such memories by and by now ia the time to prepare for them that which iatoberememberes pleasantly never presents itseliat the first u a memory or a buis for a memory but u 1 present duty tobe attended to or neglect ed and our instant decision on that point settles the question of its subsequent value u 1 memory doing oar duty hour by hour even though the duty be an un pleasant one is what weasi set oarselvet to having pleasant memories otjibplea ant datydoing will follow u atnatteroi course when the time for memor ataping hu gona by a good guess away back in 1676 whan the american revolution wu in progress- the editor of an english ntagaxine published anwimate of the future population of the north american colonies placing the number of people then in the colonies in revolt at 200000 and assuming thatihe population would doable itself every twentyjlve yean he estimated that in the year 1890 the namber mentioned woald have increased to 6400000a as a matter of fact this ia tha present estimated population ottuu united states and the editor in qaeatjh is thus shown to have been a gooslfbeuer if nothing more it may be ftbn also that bis euesaes for the intervfpmg quarter cent ary periods came verywose to the saccetife censor returns i enrich tho blood by the nsfcjl milbaros beef irou and wine whicbhoppues the necessary blood building materia -u-