fbbk press- calendar lliiii ttlje jufmr jrrtm uss thdesdir jult a wo fljt ouruj yplkf 3gvl i rzitexer irexeit 1eeu inllt i remember i remember the bocse where i tu u ru the little vindov where tfa 1 sua came peepeng in at men ho never ctmt a wink too c mq xor brought too longa dj bnt uow i often wish the n jut had borne m y breath iwi y i remember i remember the roee red and white the violets aosibe iiljcait the flqwen made of ujlii the iikct wbeie the robin and where my brothers si i the iabarnamoiihik birth ay- the tree is iiring yet- i remember i remember where i used to prise and tfcoognl the ar most zsh as fresh to swallows oa the wing uy spirit flew in feathers th si that is o heavy now and bannger pools could hi rdjy cool thtj fcter on my brow i rem an per i remember the fir trew dark and tig used to think their slender tops were close against the itjf it was a chtrikh ignorance bat now tis httie joy to know im father ofl iron i heaven than when i wan boy iistorbed by- a tuck soothing its value the poor i l lll v austce to mothxbs are yon at light and broken oyotir rest chsd bufferidg and crying with t re pain of ca ting teeth if so send at one e and get a mttle of mrs windows by up for children teething is incalculable it will relieve little bufferer immediately depend npon it mothera there is no mistake aboat it it inrea dysentery and diarrhcea regnlales tha stomach and bowels coxes wind colic bofieni the gams redaces inflarimation anj gives tone and energy to tie whole tystem mrs wlnslows soothing syrup for jchildren teething is pleuanttc the taste and is the prescription of one of be oldest and bert female physicians and lorses in the united states and is foe si le by all dnggists throughout the work price twentyfive cents a bottle be inre and ask for mns jvevslows soou sncr nd take no other kind e m nothing so suddenly abstracts the pers piration as sadden transitions torn heat to oold heat rarifles the blood quickens the circulation and increases the perspir ation but when these are sudden p checked thetconsequences must be bad pie most common caase of disease is obstnkted pers- piration or what commonly goes by the name of catching cold coughs colds borkihroat etc if attended to in time are easily subdued but if allowed to run their own course generally prove the forerunner of more dangerous diseases nine- tenths of the consumptivas date their affliction from a neglected cold and the diseases that arei caused by wet feet damp clothes or exposure are more numerous than are gen erally supposed one of the most effi- l- xjtappj medicines tor all diseases of the throat and lungs is bickles anti-consnmp- lira syrup it promotes a free land easy expectoration which frees the lungs from viscid phlegm by changing the secretions from a diseased to a healthy state hi joab scales of toronto writes a short ago i was suffering from sid ney complaint and dyspepsia soarstom aeh andlameback in fact i was complete ly prostrated laid suffering intense pain while in this state a friend recommended me to try st bottle of northrop dr lymans vegetable discovery iused one bottle and ihe permanent manner in which it has cured and made a new man of me is such thai i cannot withhold from the propria tori thii erpeasiod of my gratitude ptloii cured an old physician retired from tetr practice haying had placed in his hands by an efcat india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- mahentenre of consumption bronchi tii oatarrh asthma and all throat and lung affection also a positive and radical cure after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to his buffering fellows actuated by this motile and a desire to relieve baman suffering e will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german frecch or english with fall directions for preparing and using seat by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper ay a noves 620 powers block rochester x y ibo third page of the torono dalit ifait it noted for want advert icmcuti it yod want to bay or sell anytt ng if yeuwaut a situation a mocbtmc a bait ness machinery lodgings if you or found anything or if you wau out nrbero anyone it advert im ia ronlo dailtf u all and road the m avfi lost to find tbe to- dvertuw- mentsontbe third page of tbit paper tb charge is two cents a word oach to tertton- address thcuait toronto can fda j j c csurrluil ijonfjic hay feter- hiiihctreatraeiit sufferers are not generally aware that mbeie diseases are contagious or ihat tbey are due to tbe preienoe of uritig paraiitwdi tbe lining membrance and euitaciifan la be miorotcopio rticircb however hti proved this to be a fact and the result of ibis dlaooveryji tliat a simple remedy hnt bceu fonpolated whereby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are pertnaaentiy cartdiu from on to three simple i applica tioqa roadoat boiffl by tho patlfeni one in two weeks n b this treatment is uot a a liuff or an ointment both have been discjarded by cepc tablepbyilctansas injur- oaal a pampbjet explafuiog i lis new treatment is sent m receipt of ten cents by duon 4 be q 903 wat kir g street tocanada toronto oiou from jatarrb troublef should yiaihcabove the safest aoty- most powerfui alterative la ayers saraaparillsu toung and old are alike iwiittltod hy its use- for the eruptive dis eases peculiar to children nothing else is eo cccctire osjlldj medicine wallc is areca- flie flavor makes h teasy to admin- latr j j my utile boy had largo scrofu lous ulcers on his neck and throat from which- he suffered terribly two physicians attended idm but he grew continually worse under tlclr care and everybody expected he would die i had lizard of the remarkable curt- effected by ayers earsaparilla anil decided to have my boy try it shortly aftcrlio began to take ibis mediutte the ulcers com menced healing- and after using several bottles he was entirely cured he is now as healthy and strong as any boy ot his age to i ham f dougherty hamilton va j in may last my youngest child fourteen months old boan to have sores rather oa its head aiul body we ap plied various simple remedies without avail tlie sores increased in n under and disfliarped eouoasly a physician was called btit the sores continued to multiply until in a fevr mouths they nearly covered the childs bead and body at hut vc itegan the uie of ajers ear- saparilla in- a few days a marked change fur thehetter woe manifest the sores assiiiiied a more healthy cobdition the discharges were gradually dimin ished and finally ceafed altogether the child is livelier itsjskin is fresher and its appetite better thn we have ob served br mouths frank il griffin long point texas the formula of a rexs sarsaparilla presents for chronic diseases of almost every kind the best remedy known to the medical world 1 1l wilson 1l d wigss arkansas ayers sarsaparilla raxrutan it dr j c ayer co lowed mats fril lirbculcssi vtoni si a txxue notes here and there items of general interest tofree press readers a poandiof bran makes within 17 per cent of asmach milk as k pound of corn meal mysterious disappearance of ifr dyspepsia it ia said he was driven away and is kept away by the use of imperial cream tartar baking powder sold by all grocers take a small box filled with lime and place in a pantry will absorb dampness and keep the atr sweet malarial fever and chills are best broken up and prevented by using itilburns aro matic quinine wine distrustful people make an exception in favor of drfow urs extract of wild strawberry ita known virtues as a cure for diarrhoti dy sentery cholera morbus arid all bowel com plaints cause all who use lit to regard it as the most reliable and effectual remedy ob tainable it is estimated that the coat of hauling 100 bushels of grain in a wagon over an ordinary country road is 60 cents a mfle this ilfuctrates the necessity of well kept roads what titey say in popularity increasing in reliability the standard in merit the first in fact the best remedy for alf summer complaints diarrhcea dysenteryrinpfi colic cholera infantum etc is djjf owlers extract of wild strawberry ajt medicine dealers sell it do not keep your poultry out of your small fruit orchard they will destroy a great nuiaber of insects j a burn or cut will heal quickly and leave less scar if victoria cirbqrlic salve is ap plied at once j the beginning of death disease is the beginning of death its approach should be met at once by appro priate remedies no better means exist than the use o burdock blood bitters whenever symptoms of any disease of the stomach liver bowels or blood appear b b b is the best life preserver good for a vicious horse patience gentleness firmness and petting mixed with common bense to be given every day national fills are sagarcoated mild hut thorough and are the best stomach and liver fills in use a canadian favorite the season of green fruits and summer drinks is the time- when the worst forma of cholera morbas diarrhaii and bowel com plaint prevail as a safeguard dr fow lers ertract of wild strawberry should be kept in the hoase for 35 years it has been the most reliable remedy destroy the worms or tfiey may destroy the children freemausjworm powders destroy and expel all kinds of worms little quarrcli breed big- vou jast bring a coaple of little qasrrels into your family- aad theyll breed like sparrows and you just briog a botlla of bardock blood bitten into your hoase and see how quickly health aud strength follow its use nolhinj eiccls it for strengthening regalatingj and purifying power- j a rieglectid coagh briags bucousuaiptiou tbe mnst fatal and prevalent ot all phys ical ills that flesh is heir to to check the the malady in its early stage before tbe deadly taberclos develop themselves in the larg use drvthomu eclectric oil which alcoaocibilatesbroachitfsjutbraa catarrh piles kidney troubles aud soreness of the raascitfs and joint trees for planting bat uuvc been dug and prnperly cared for will grow bettor if planted fo dry warm soil criimiiilloikarcl cared to lu editor- j please inform your readtrs that 1 have a positivq renjody or the above named lis- ease by tu timely uw tboasands of ho v lesscafloa nave uxu yetuiduotiuy cured i shall be glad to setid two bottles of my remedy nusu to any of ybar readers who have consumptiou if they will tend me their ex preai nd f o addreaa respectfully da t a stoccu 186 west adelaide st toronto ont hard and soft corps cannot withstand hollo ways cora cart it u effectual every time get a bottle aud sue if it does not please yoa 1 jslaanf llblncnt fr salit crcnkerc best and com for tu the buffering browns household equal for relieving external- it cures p or bowels borotbrot ache lumbago aud ache it will mos blood aud heal wiuderfal brut- acea ling ackuow pain reliever and of any other elixir world should be in for use when wanted best remedy in the wirld stomach and paius and is for bile by all a bottle o asthma for several taking dr thomas first dose reliev panacea has no n both internal md to in the side back rheumatism tooth- i ny kind of pain or surely quiokan the its acting power is ns household fan lodged u the gnat double the strength ir liniment in tbe every family handy as it really is the for crampe in the riches of all kinds irniigists at 25 cents and s chadwick of ircadit wayne co writes i have had severe attacks of ears i commenced eclectric oil the in one hour i con tinned taking it in laaspooufui dosea for a few days and have net had an attack of it l since now nearly a year j a friend in seed ifisi addle howisdn brockville oct says had catarrh for years ray head was eo stopped up could nor breathe through my nostrils- my breath wa very impure and contintally so nothing i could get gave me ny relief until using nasal balm fronj he very firnt it gave me relief and in a very short time had re moved the accumulation bo that i could breathe freely through tbe nostrils its effect on my breath was truly wonderful purifying and removing every vestage of the unpleasant odor which has never returned until the blood is cl it is useless to attemf t ease rheumatism an acid in the blood numerous cases by baparilla external avail caused of impurities the cure of any dis- vhich is traceable to baa been cured in use of ayers bar- treatment being of no the i c c riciuels co gexts sfy horse distemper that he days and refused all iog iflnards cured him feb 1687 was so afflicted with not drrnk for four ood simply apply i1ent outwardly cob id lik cipt hehseet clxx c c elceleds t co gexis i have liniment for bronchitis and it has cured me lot 5 p e i if you want to bay r the toront paper reaches 100 every week and yoi meet the eye of chase advertisemei ts serted in the toronto cents word each cents a word for five the ifail toronto insamaatlan of the eyes cured yourlitnaeds and asthma i beheve it the beat- ies a lmxcstos or sell a farm ad- wtly mail that 000 farmers homes vertisement ahould who wants to pur- of ths class are in wuhy mauioz five nsertion or twenty insertions address lurad canada mr- jw3b d miller newberry writes i was troubled with inflammation of the eyes so that nearly the whole of the sum mer of 1s2 i could uot work i took sev eral bottles of northrop 6 lymans vege table discovery and it gives me great pleasure to inform yc a that it cared me of my affliction it is in excellent medicine for coetiveness them nice and amply no matter what mi y be the ills you bear- from indegestion a do e of ayers cathartic pills will ease you without question just try them once and ces assured they have much worse dyspeptit s cured youll find worth tbe price waste xot precious time r be quick yoa cat use a rrjinnte but once make the most of it especially time when suffering from dyspepsia bil iousness coastipatior disease of the tomch liver or bowels you cant take burdc booh every momenl longedfor cure bad blood or any ck blood bitters too wasted delavs the j scops emulsion doe8 cure i consumption j in its first stages palatable as milk j j ib- sure you get the genuine in salaion j color wrapper sold by all druggists at j 50c ard s 1 00 j scott s ec wne belleville masabfllm sal balm catarrh acfftaja ind speedrcara tot i cola in lia hud tad caunfc i hi all hsiuujet eootkino cluhsikq j neauho j fnitut refaf ptfwinunt cert 1 fallurg npotifbfe uirt 10callfid dbeasek tie shnolr irmptomi ei citinh such si haidaelle partlif diufneu tothu icoid o imcl foul brsaui hiwklflf sod splulnf ntattti ccacnl foiinc cl debiliireic if rou ars troubled rrith any of ihaiejerklndred irmptomi yotr navacctirrb and inold iom no tlmd n procarlnc 1 boe cf nul dflfr bi uarnd in umt rcjlectrdcoli la iuttd rtaulti in ciurrb oltowed bycoammpuonind deaili nilil bitu li sold br iuructltti rwil bettmpotipion receipt at price da cecu and tix briddrwilnj fulforo i co bloctyiui 0t i5t bcwtrs of mltatloai ilreilar la nsmi andallsumm and fluxes ol it is safe and children or r tof ild r ures ilera srambrhus icrf- mps irhcea shtefy r complaihts the bowels ieliable fob uts for infarts arid children amlltdipuiltochlldi nllut cutertftlllft i recommend it superior to kndira to me h a annmi bid 111 so codard st broaurn ueeonvourmao outorl euraf oohe ooaetrpttke sour stomach durrbam erucuuod ems warms fires eep td promotes dl- t i wit tei cmun oomt tt icurrsj street h t to farmers and threshers iinervonly the wellknown peepvlessoll 9 qolll medals wicgoni tud karie powers thes turn qnelph fixmenssk for thi htsjiafsciaredst quionoltrouworxiby 8amuelrocer8 4 co toronto speight la can mpplr you with au tha fnmitun or to m plealah youihome if a there la no article of famitnre jfo caj you have no arraqginff l have been awarded it during the last three year try also our foorlll ajjfl omiofor you oils are used and highly reoom an ended at themode m use no other ro i son acton peight manager reqairedtofaralshyoarneir and cosy little home one la ant style at the very lowest prices not itippij- and farther we deliver oar i ornitar and icht charses and run no riafcof breakage we can rait all -undertaking- our thirtyfive yean experlcote in th tola entire coram anity that we which compare with ol iljnsraeasuafiresaltod in convincing tbe pubiicof apply fintdsm work in all orders and in itylei tljose atthe city at one half city prices r hearse- u toaxcellent one and our team alwsje present a becoming appearince we have plea sure in inviting the public to all on us for an tthiajj req aired in our lines you can keep coola r b jermyns we open this week goo is suitable for the warm weather isuch as new shirting embroideries new lawns nejv prints new challies choice coods a- remarkably cheap if you want a stylish dont rest until you visit choice ones ate being ra hat bonnet for dominion day our millinery department as the picked up pidiy eedacm prices now our stock was never made to suit the hard tim so complete and the prices we have parasols and clc house clej ctiuue corners centers end bordei ever bsd bpruigsimp fsdcy llusn in besatiful shsdes n hemmed wdli sprioi holli also ispertihide a all sapnly o ihls iivotiio k oiber all th olu whltlpk wuhltik bods posrliit everythinn yoa went or disinfectant htxdmra spides shovels qnxx our 50 cent t beats therr jb a moderate cost if you call at vs are nere m endless variety cheap the word headquarters -for- ning supplies evcrj requisite on hand wall paper the laruest stock sod o safest patterns wnbave es now ready come and tee them window shades color and ioikii lu decorstfon all lutred tod ootnplete rosdy for imtriedutetisc i in p item end by the yird alibastine isomer those who hsvo used it once will bsve no i popultr ihidrs in slock paints oil 3 varnishes etc waihlos cryiisj boepn brooms brashes etc itenernl clem op alto prof barks ind doodorulnif powder g srden rsjtes ouuis ftnd t toersi stook of and pare bpioes all pearson hcton railway time table grand trink railway golkowtfct express i ajn kxvress -9wanl- tlroiirre3t poi mail fi wipua i accciir tron and united states vouch that if you are 81ck they are the only remedies in the world that wll give you health oorkfteatrr express 7j0au pmwnger 9 23 am mail ruwbi2 throngh erpc0a d m aocom- 10 w pm twe orclosixo 1111- i going wcbt930 bmadd 5 dnpu goiageabt 1030 am awl 5 pni this time tablewent into effrt en karlitb t 4out of great britain ami europe a kw kpa8tv8e i medthe i the four gtsateitmcdlcal can trca of the world- are london paris berlin and vienna these cities sare immense hospitals teeming with suffering humanity crowds of students throng the wards into extract from the soientjflq papers btudyintunder the professors in charge themoit renowned physi cians of the world teach and prac tice here and the institutions are storehouses of medical knowledge and experience with a view of making this experience atailablo to the public the hospital bemedy co at gnat expense secured the srescriptions of ttiese hospitals prepared the specifics and al though lfc would coat from s5 to j 100 to secure the attention of their istingniihed originators yet in this way their prepared specifics an offered at the price of the quack patent medicines that fltfod the matket add absurdly claim to cure btery ill from a single bottle the want always felt for a reliable class of domestic remedies is now filled with perfect satisiaetion tbe hospital remedies make no unreasonable claims the specific for catarrh cures thatand nothing elsoj to with tbe specific for bron chitis consumption and long troubles bheumatism cured by no 3 while troubles of digestion stomach llrer and kidneys have their own core to these is added a specific for fever and ague one for female jweaknessa general tonic and bloodmaker that makes blol and gives form and fulnesi and an incomparable remedy for kerro as debility ho 1cu8eb causbh hat ftveltose cold catarrhal deafmetsthtmlt autktntlc cure tmanatlng from tdtatlfio lottrea now btfort tmt public lib is not a tnufffif otxtmvttbota art ttitcardtd at jojaiitiu 100 ho covqhs colds bsohcmtis asthua c0m8umptj0man tmeomparablt rrstrtfer mi sot mtrtlg ttop a eoiipi bat traiketu fk mease and rtrtngtittni tbe tursfz ani rmtom marttd tit lu gtdagaatalttuecllft ft 00 ko sftheuvatjsma tifliaqahtri end aelh known tftdalltih thlt rfiwess in paris who trtati caimiej tilt bunt hu npatahoa on ikli rtmedy v tsqruve8 amd kidets dtspepsia aud mdiqe8tiqk cqxstipatioh bri8ht8 disease- a faocrft tlaugkttrftid jar vn evaek eha has rulmtd more tiomacht than eiekol vu a rtmtdg taiktiontf i kit plactf 100 ho owtff 9 aud awe duub av8e halava neuralgia fv ow mkttt groat damagt thlt rfu tkttftttm k utrtattfto brtak 11 fofetlx ut4 a nmrtf mat trmlicsut it 100 f ho t- female wejxmets txtewumtes whitesmane mam art broken foei becautt tty atoket uu 41sams mrth caresfcfnd tasted 7 ho toad rtgelm htvlti and ttrsstft 9100 ko 1heaint fork ahb fvlmess daad en boorf 4oorf and lot of it if mtak ifbbf if tsrvmtiguttkitptr fact tonic flw ho 1kuvw9 oeblurr l0s8 of foweza nock eartrtddut public mill hoi a atculng rccdr for vmnfortuata condition jto 8h bcltf n vtic on trial urtu proa btwar of leuorott evzsx if ho cberg high price for cheap tad nrthktt drug ejid ptltt th preptrtt of fraefc they art uturlt toioiwt wad mho etpota voubu tatting geur cenfideniid ittttrt to other in th name cefarlc buetnti vu to 8 and tfoe again 100 ore doijlh bjch tobe had of all dbugoists ii ywa dniirlt a tin keep tf mixolrs ttmlt price to n toi n ffl tip to r ftt aamierirotkwiuxaiiodtluiiproiawwfifc an ufa priced and jlast jssj thit thouid cj man itm one douw tor mstv wol thi w3cta for festtte fa si bnw tebbty b where thex dalei qmrt ert ihek t n tdmitblr dotof btepanbta bjwr tp tbstrmmtaaacaruuliekadibvteitaotbmta dewpoabh ssz ttatcj e ortuo the mck oatrpta amra oeiiber the trtbtfav male or the atftdinc fcrnlea kbu nd tapaavuc firm domf btrucu under t gvadm aar pat mder kffansitssu i bech oi an- of our aedtemsa tofnngaatbbtaeitthaai6obrpealorva3btmtaefmiaawv i u eoshtal bembdy cotonmtocaj t guelph clotli hill new spring overcoatings scotch and canadian tweed suitings shaw grundy i merchant tailors cuelph war with the knife j h matthevys cutting up the best leather that money can buy and mak ing it up into no i harness if you- want a set of heavy or light harness collars halters whips brushes oils or ani thing in my line call before dealing elsewhere as i am boiind to please in prices and material i f repairing promptly and neatly done a pleased customer will call again is our motto j h matthew8 acton off to the british markets our mr j b viiliamsonsailed 27th may for england where he will curing our fall stock giving a to make froni montreal on the spend eight weeks pro- room forit we are grand clearing sale 30 dkys fnly at thej golden lion the monarch of the urv foods trade great great great great great great great greal great great great reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductionsin reductions in reduction in reduction in dress goods milliner- and mantles fancy good prints and curtains an carpets anc ordered c ready- mai boys and hats and all lines of goods adt bqys suits si mens pants socks 3 pair 25c collars linen yards 1 prints 25 yards si i pjirasols 4 fqrj all wool cashmere hose ladies 4 nail dress- 8150 embroidered costume ed and white 25 yardsi towelling 25 yards stblack lustre dress 1 muslins i scrims oil cloths thing clothing ouths clothing cip all wool fcimcns 2 for 25c cctlon 29 summer tours palace stcahcrs low rarts pour trips per wee bctwwi detroit mackinac island tetofcer tl foo mirquuc and lite ucrjapni rvcry etllf dttrta detroit and cleveland ourlllvstflated pamphlets sates and timnden tickti will b- firuiisj byyourtiakcl ageot eradartrs lb whitcomb a p apmui7hisi thedetr01t cleveland stejm hjiv co powdeh pure8t 6troiu1est besv contaiksmo alum ammonia lib phosphates or sflj injariovs riblrtals ewgillett iu itotrticiiteiinktaimkiisa when i sav cum i do not mean incrcly to top tlicm lor n time anil then liawc lliem retanr saia i mtas a jaiicalcuik i have mado tha disease ol fits epilepsy or fatttwg- sickness a lite ion- shulv- twaniat tnj rtiaiiir to curtiilwdrstis lvraitii fitters liauiiincij is no reason iorirnt wwtwfiiinf a care st ml atcnceloratreatisiiidarrkrnottmtoi wy lvyaluiurlfmpv iihiesjnaiitirjisj xhllce it coss vm hmliiiu fur a xtua jtni at jiill cure von ail jro h g koot mo bcnch bfnxo weat a street toronto uv i illlsttcltdkli woprilnl fltfc the uorttl das iirktuutjt aacioat- oj lo fnirjntat mjrrwrrwlswtttii njni totofilikk n ittk jocalttt rwn lar itwutihimittt toil nwm tuaka hue h lit rtuosr atljuknf todelq nriimu la ihw vu poedt f uifnbinlvav arlrhben and ihif jtdnnrljpn thtba ftsatac uf lu finrtlimtnl duhiibetmi tni of lai kofm thefoumrtsf cstlrh bt irpmniictofiirilactdte ahtrat tbi bfiifch panaf hi baft il is cddltilmlj- 1 s ankc fium k3 v v 1 d tit m itiwib tur1il cr troa- itrttrt tit ii sot- t u ltf ipttm tiltf burflogic b iq qd will cube or reliev biuousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn- headache di28imess dwkt flutmlnfi of tthe heart acidity of- the stobach dryness- of the skin and every gpcir c diraro arifiine bxm disordered llwlsi knnss stoma cu soyrsu or iiood t mujurn g0 r dunns baking powder thecooksbestfriend 1 black cashmere si 50 musliii color j bailliamsori j6 5 and 7 wyndham st qnelph 84 oswald st glasgow hirsts pain exiiiiuiir i household ezmbby i hsmhup 0 vcar tlrf bare hifd your psia mirralnnior 1 hit amiir rurl lrrlklliit that a hnimr i r i fllrrlmiiiinrhiiuruoldil mhnimalum sprwas nuti nnras- twlkukr whftr r tbtre is wir lnnld not o nllbfagt it in tar housr 1 ran rrrdhistrisa ii to iks irarlil 4 iw a llrtlf la ar1lelrlmlklafrrttala1rifrnal rstricjin nrri mm bjr ml dreawi f f dalley fe co all drcrcufa 0 pinlltairifc teeth witth or without a plate sfst teeth 0hh4te t80f tltalliadair for palaless extriium c h r1qs8 tonjh ypmd krtofkfstft