Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1890, p. 4

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tt3ltjfw5 tht1rrdax july 10 ibm dax tttje amtg jollts doisg his best when young jofac tben were plenty of fatfci to ht that hid he tujr 1 on the little tarn hed hax chose 1 the batter way but he knew that i strong and e while hii brotb and i till the wilson left the town if father never urn to dig and plough turn t nriya it tie and john ni hoc nd in hit honest way to follow a ddctjjri life towotk f or snocets till he might oome back and marry his ciosea wife j for he loved the danghter of o4 sqoln lee the sweetest aa best of girl with eyes u blneias the iky tmarn andbeestifal nlden carls u bnt no the old sqalre aaid to jol n toineter lhafa be ray ton union yon work on yonr tethers dm t as the wiiions tin always done and john vent way with a heavy b aart and a head in grief bowed down to atody and york for many a year in the crowded and noisy torn and smnmehad odme and sammt rs had cone and the years bid passed away when opon the torn that john woi on left a pestilence came one day the pestilence came lie an awf ol c use a wtoence nesob and dread and it sped like ei flame from door t door and its trace was the sick and dead and nerer a man pared cross the us e that was drawn the torn about and gugbd were set in the ooontry oads tofcee that none went out bnt at last rbm she city so far away afearkophytfclan came i a man with a heart in his honest brlast a doctor of widispread fame 7 and the snfferingj townsfolk ifond when they learned with hope i that the man whnjuureome to save them an was one they had known a boy and john ttflsoxlchecked the fell disease and made the sbfferers well i aah the gratitodiof his townsmens heart wsa more thanjmy song can tell andtbe old aqnins said as john wi son took hand lee to hk loving breast c was wrong my boy that man u wise does wnaqhe can do best p oniihed him eaiiiard w titet i wishj to inform yon been a nfiarer from catarrh lor tana and hava continually tried socalled remediea and catarrh cores bet ail to no purpose at list 1 beard of haul balm and waaindoceitoiry that timyaston iah i foona relief from ipplicatioo ud now after j two- weeks ose pe and twooghly crned tfokinnon paiotct mount my system indtnrpen- last summer with the lead itiog my body was cover spots u large u a 25oeht such a atsvtelcoald a bottlfl i f northrop ble disco ry and at taking it in arge doses the bottla was used per bloomfield x b hat i have feel myself mr h b albert says 8 im tine tdirioi pieee candy walk lyman oboe and before there ni not spot to be seen and i never wt better in rnkfe adticz to mirmrba are yon disturbed at night and beoken of your rest byaskk ebqdbaeing and crying with the pain of catting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of imrs windows soothing syrup tor children teething ifa value is incalailahlej it will relieve the poor little sufferer mmrediately depend upon iii mothers there is no mistakeabout it it ares byserriery and diarrhea regulates lie stomach arid bowels cures wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to j the- whole system mrsj windows soothing byrop for children teething ispleasantto the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses i the united states and is for sale by all druggists thronghont the world price twentyfive cents a bpttle be sure and aakfor mia wrsswws soothrsa sncr tad take no other kind i kouiing so niddenly obstrucca the pers piration as sadden transitions from heat to cold het marines the blood quickens the circulation knd increases the perspir ation bat when these are suddenly checked the consequence must be bad the most oommon cease of disease is obstrncted pers piration or what commonly goes by the name of catching cold conghs colds sore throat etc if attended to in time are easily sdbdoedjbnt if allowed to run their own course generally prove the forernnner of more danceroos as kinetenths of the consamptives date- their affliction from a neglected cold and the diseases that are caused by wet feet bamp j clothes or exposure are misre numetiss than are gen erahy supposed one ofbie most effi- cacions raedicinef or all di of the throat and iangs i bicfdes antionsarop rive syrup in promotesa free and easy expectoration which frees the jiangs from viscid phlegm by changing the secretions from a diseased to a healthy state catebii j caurrhal beafiiesirttir fevra ken- h ime trestntent j sufferers ai these diseasea are due to the tbeliningmeml irance hicroscopio research this to be a discovery is formulated deafness sad cored in from tiona made at home thit jay i tirajm a spoil or an hot generally aware that i re contagious av that they i resence of living parasites in arid eustachian tubes however has proved fjut and the reatdt of this a simple reme ly has been nbereby catarrh catarrhal fever jare j ermanently to three ainrj ia appuca- by the pati mt once in this treatn ent is not a mntmeot both have been by n pojabb pbysicii ns as injur explainid this new bn receipt of en cents by iol west ing street torooto oh k- ibbplaabouia sb r sale 1 rerrwkere ihimtheynlri nohrtpldlyjrafilh i yv urtordtiili ajssva fcr- aparill the reaionj bfthst ihli iireparaflon obnurhs orlly the purest and most powerful alteratives and lonica to thdusanus yearly it proves a xrltablo ellzir of ute mrs jos lake broikrray centre mich writes liver coihplaint ami lnchgestion made my llfo a bunion and came near ending my existence for more than four years 1 suffered un told agon i was reduced almost to a skeleton untl hanlly had struugth to drag myself about alfkluds of food distressed me auil only the most deli cate wnhl be ilipjsicd at all within the rhiic uieiitlonixlsovtral liliyslclana treated mo without giving relief 27oth tug that i took setunol to do any per manent good until i began the use of avers sanumarello which has pro duced wonderful results soon after commencing to take thosarsaparilla i could see an j improvement in my condition ray appetite began to return and with it came the ability ti digest all the food taken my strength improved each day and after a few months of faithful attention to your erections i found myself a well woman able to auend to all household duties the tutidjcine has given me a new lease of life and 1 cannot thank youtoo much we the undersigned cltltens of brockway centre mich hereby certify that the above statement made by mrs ike is true in every particular and entitled to lull credence 0 p cnamberjoln g w waring c a wells druggist my brother- in england was for a long time unable to attend to his occu pation by reason of sorts on his foot i sent him ayers almanac and the tes timonials it contained induced him to try avcrb sarsaporilla after using it a little while he was cured and is now a well man working in a sugar mill at brisbane queensland australia a attcwcll sharbot lake ontario jy8rs sarsaparilla raxajexn bt dr j c ayer co lowell toast frleeaiitiuulae wortl 3 1 luk ci untloomr rt touiflboflbribt i h6m wld t outm jl 1 m it brown goal for relit v art eiternaj i or bowels lore ttj kobe lumfcuo am acnlrwwill blood ami heal wonderful bi hoei 11 nit acku paitfluhuver aud of any other ehzi world should be tor use when wanted best remedy in stomaoband palui and is for sale by a bottle notes here and there items of general interest to free press readers a heart that has been often tendered ia tough- j malarial ever and chills are best broken up and prevented by using mil barn b aro matic quinine win el ho language can axpres the feelings of a deaf mute who steps on a tok in a dark room ilother graves worm exterminator has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults see that you get the genuine when purchasing j u wise editor wants to know why people say a man feels his oats when he only feels hij rye a barrel full of koney i is a good thing to have bui whats it good for if your health- is poor preserve yjur health by using imperial pream tartar baking powder i overheard in boston will pa come and have something to eat 1 ko thanks i dont drink pistruitfttlfwplt alake an exception in favor of dr fow lerseilract of wild strawberry iu known virtues ss a cure for diarrhcea dy- sentery cholera morbus and all bowel com plaints cause all who use it to regard it as the most reliable and effectual remedy ob tainable how polished are my lays 1 murmured the poet yes cackled the hen- but you cant get twenty cents a dozen for em cold cough fnn is what philosophers term a logical sequence one is vary liable to follow the other but by curing the cold with a dose of ayers cherry pec- torsi the cough will be stopped and the coffin not needed just at present what they say in popularity luereasingj ia reliability the btandard in merit the nt in fact the best remedy for sll summer complaints diarrhcea dysentery cramps colic cholera infantum etc is dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry a11 medicine dealers sell it sym pathetic at the kbrti pole hans ilhey have nights months long oh but father fust think of the watchmen the inestimable value of ayers sarsa parilla as a bloodpuxirier should be knowil to every wife and mother it corrects irregularities gives tone ni strength to the vital organs and cleanses the system of all impurities the best family medicine a burn or cut will heal quickly andleare leas scar if victoria cerborlic salve is ap plied atonce the beginning of death disesae is the beginning of death its approach should be met at once by appro priate remedies no better means exist tbsn the use of burdock blood bitters whenever symptoms of any disease of the stomach liver bowels or blood appear b b b is the best life preserver- national pills are sugarcoated mild but thoroughnd are the best stomach and liver pills iu use i a canadian favorite the seasoi of green tnriis and summer drinks a he time wheri the worst forms of cholera morbus diarrhoea and bowel oom- plaint prevail as a safeguard d r fow lers eitract of wild strawberry should be kept in the house for p years it has been the most reliable remedy destroy the worms or they may destroy the childreo freemans worm powders destroy and expel all kinds bf worms little quarrels breed big you just bring a oonple of ukle quarrels iuto yonr family and theyll breed like sparrowp and you jail hnug a bottle of bordook blood bitters into your house end see how quickly health sod strength follow its use nothing excels it for strengthening regulating and purifying power lacked the necessar raining she mr fllnnel it not very xpert at tennis is be he no he njiver graduated at college you know i cvusuuiptiou sure currd to tu editor pleue inform your reade positive remedy tor the bt ease by its timely use the less cases have ueeu pmuu hall be glad to aend twt remedy nuas to any of yo hare oonsumptiou if they their expreseafld p oj bespectf ouy da t a lssweetadeldest s that i bave a ve named dis- usands of ho jeotly cured i bottles of my r readers who will send me address cuctni j toronto ont s ohadwick of writes i have asthma for severs taking dr thomas first dose relieved linued taking it in few day and hav since now nearly msr has m panaos ln botli internal aj in the aids back impatient tooth kind bf psln or surely qgicken the its aoting power la rpwos houwhold pan- ledged as the rest of double the strength or liniment in the evory family handy as it really is the for cramps in the and aches of all kinds druggists at 25 cents theworld i ail arcadia wayne go bad severe attacks of years i commenced eolectric oil the ne in one hour loon teaspoouful doses for a hot had an attack of it year mi millits i lli i i mi mil hill ftwpm i illwwi i 7fves3ssgsas c c riaunds 4 qo gets ity horie was to afflicted with distemper that be could not driuk for four days and refused 1 11 food simply apply- in stinakdb jlkiment outwardly cured him feb 1887 c c kicnauds gists i have liniment for and it baa cured lot5fe i used yooc minaeds oroochitia aud uthma i believe it the best mbs a lmxastos 10 ytnr if you want to vertise in the toronto paper reaches every week and meet the eye of i ohse advertiseihenu berted in the toronto cents a word cents a word for the mailtoronu gut ekkdsbt cunr pay or tell a farm ad- wnklymail that 000 farmers hornet ad vertise meat- should i who wants to pur- of this olsa are in- wtddy mail for five insertion or twenty ve insertions address canadat r inflammatioa of the eyes cured could mr jacob d i was troubled eyes bo that oearl mer of 18q2 i erlbotuea of kohhrop table discovery pleasure to inform rqy affliction 1 for coeti recess miller kewberrj writes with inflammation of the the whole of the aom- not work i took sev tt lymans vege- and it civea me great yoa that it cored me of s an excellent medicine in order to giv i couh take a dosnof oil thrice a day spells render it esteemed remedy back rheumatic mentsj pains etc outwardiv be quick you once maka the time when tmfferiig ioosness constipa disease of the stomach you cant take be rdock sooc every moment longedfor cure a quietus to a backlog dr thomas edectric of tener if the the cough necessary this widely alsc cures crick in the complaints kidney til- it is used inwardly and waste kot precious tlntc can use a minute but most of it especially from dyspepsia bq- ioa bad blcxl or any liver or bo welt blood bitters tod wasted delays the census iiliqu cured an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent care of oonsumptiou bronchitis catarrh asthma aod all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical care after hiving tested its wonderful curative powers ic thousand of cues has felt it hit dity to make it known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent bymaubyi addressing with stamp naming this paper w a- nona 820 powers block eechester k y i took cold i took sick a took j scotts emulsion ssult j i take sly meals j i take my best 9akdiav vlgopocs esoooh to take j actthisg t cax y my itaxds ox i setting flit too roe scotts i emulsion ofipure cod liver oil andhypophpsphttesofumeand soda sot ww cultd ur lucip- 1 ient consampuoii ect built he cp akd is kow putt1vc j i fle8hrn my bone8 at the rate d- a pooxd a dat i t takeitjcstaj eisily as i do milk j soottsemnlsionlspat op milrfu salmon i oilor aravpers sold bjnill dzusslsls at j socandslih i scott dokxe bilfaillc r wm for tnfa we andohudren oaawflaksovalladatiiadl 1 netamesd uusoparlortda tootrntome h a aacnaa hld jll bo oitort bt brooir4 j t tochl ir nthat iuusoparlortdanrpnklpuoa you can keep cool xi 13 we open this week gc odi at a moderate cost if you call at new shirt oulorlactirafootlsonmtrpatiai smbtonarihartambiiowlaa kills worms jtrts stoa sad tntsstst i tas ionrura ocwiirr t stanar swst h 1 ggjjwsww 400000 peopl aho unltwstateooc r in canada grand trunk ballwcyj nkzotctntw rtoliwestlia srtf snd e i 3 v i 08taeawajiiaddsaoi i of oreit britain and eun s ids suitable for the warm weather such as i new lawns nfew prints new ohallies choice cojods and remarkably cheap if you want a styli dont rest until you vis choice ones are being r h hat or bonnet for dominion day tour millinery department as the pidly picked up our stock was ne made to suit the hard ng embroideries a kewnepntehiiuk wowiraatattmsiattd ths wohi ara london f sa and vlann jfhasa jva torasnsa hospttfis iritb snaring hnmasltr i hans of tha world teach and tsae- 1 see hix and th insuttttlons an i storsboiuas of medical knowlsws i and avpsrlsnos witha via or i naklnitbu axnilanm jjauatta i to the pnbllo tsepsjitajbtotto and al- ihismractfrom tmotentffio papers sftoarsstfajsrcsa hat tevu kott 8tt9 tll bittbaut tetania nn tpt fofetotrt mi art i prosaptlons vftkoa sosatals prepared the speolses and al- tboujh it tonld oost from b to patent medldna that flood tile market and abenrdlv olaim to otlre verjul from a single bottla tha want always felt tor a rellaue i olaas ol domeitlo remedies is sow dlled wlto perfect sarlsiauon i the hospital remedies make no i unreasonable claims the epecloo i for caurrhoures that andsotusg i skis j so with the specific for bion- i ehltls codsnmption and lnng i tronbles bhenmausm is epree by i no 4 while tronbles of digestion ibtomaoh liver and aidnevs have i their own core to these u added i a ipeclfio for fever and agne wne fo female eweakneiea general i tonic and bioodmaker that makes 1 blood and gives form andraufeu i and an incomparable remedy for i liervoas dekilitj mtrtit trap o oave tut jtrtsht tie 4 2rij eeif a o mn ohal amwt amu isaffas disease 4ns mviti hi iu so -niun- txaiifkldjtuul ctetoat 01uytl aud f laiimmii cootie a famtf tlmtfiil nilmd awe s inctluthiultplt ordtatm tttilmnttti nf ltparuwiatrtett loetssremrey 17 tlirtioiskpsia ahb st itlbhri oltas- fci tjutttaem irse lint air mot utt a nmed vm putlb aims uauba arott iaeiaat thlttvu it it t nmmi list mihtltm i nriir romtld fvuicbs ttrcx a k abii as- rvierro red iced prices now er so complete and the prices we have times parasois ahd clloves are here in endless variety gb e1ap is the word headquarters i for house cleaning supplies ever ceoiai corners centers and ever had spring wiall paper b rders the largest stock and neatest patterns we have i amples now ready come and see them w fiocy ltoqo in beaiifal thkdea hemmed with spring alio piper e a fall lapply of toil favorite other qlae miting wuhlor bods efery thing yoa vul hrdwu spades bho ela our 50 cent t beats t iem all a ceruia and tpeedr care ou cold tribe head and caurrt la all iu ttagei s00thim0 cleax3ikc heaumc fnftint relief pemmwt crn failure bpotiible midt nxalled deues ire implr tjmpumt ol ciurrt loch ii haidt pirtiil deamesi iosin tense of imell feral breath hawking and ipiaiiif iiaosea eeoerlfeefa of debility l if yoo xe troubled with any ofkhese or kindred symptoms tot have catarrh tod sttould lose no time in procuring a faottleof nasal i bail ee warned in time neglected a in bend results in caurrh foooweo lircooseinpliooandiieatfl nasal bali is sold by ill dnugis or wilijbe sent post paid on receipt of price y cents sod i fulftjro co bfioctviui out taltationa airollar la navme the k tojbyaddrciiinj requisite on hand nriow shades of color and nealgn in 4econtion ill squared and rollers complete ready for immediate qee 1 hades in pattern and by the yard alabastine katomlne thoscbo hate need if once will have no the popular shades in stock jit paints oils varnishes etc p larllne wishing crystal soaps brooms brushes etc nt fork general clesnap also prof barks disinfei ant and deodorizing powder tiarden rakes glass and a general stock of i wjeries and pure spices j 3 pearson hcton to health unlocks nil lib clogged svaraes of the bowels kldni rs and liver carrying cflgradnouy vn hoot weakening tnesys tern alltho- im nritles ahd ionl d the seorefions nt cm aametuno cor recting acldl ly of ttestofflacit curing bill tosness dybpepsla headaches i lzzlness heartburn constipation dryness of thsshn dtot ess of vision jann- iympelmfscki- oftne heart ner ineraldebluty aa other aiihilar conrgainfa rnsuenoe ol boedock dice salt bhetun fnliinntterl r totuness and heee and many yiddtoihe ine istat 61 l j repairing we have just purchased piue jewelr i bring yonrwork tc msitib rs bfjock btfine american fin 8pring an 1 other good materml for taioh repairing v it tcrim akjer cuelph cnbdqliar ach i to be had of all deugoi8t8 a dnirt w tep u irimj to gf ri rttt txnmsy ttocoktw qaacfc cunxll acdidnes aad am to i rparta bo pesnd mhaadrouumxrtbajmkdfyab fife q tbcrakm nedtdbrbetn atoiibddaiiowihanoocditltffoftwtt acta tbo pjfjzumm tw- wrtabsfcom i ffaiyosi am mrtliiig 1m0m be wtdand bartered to ctfaen hi tha mne 7jy bnertmo i hwfhnwrrfrstnalk izeisgs- 1hdsp1ia j a hwttoa olio prophttoft mmpfflft with out aviate 7jtabis air tor painless extraatlon b h r1b88 flaw el kbt0a0hto war with the knife vr j h matthews gutting upie best leather that money can buy and mak ing it up into no i harness if you want a set of heavy or light harness collars halters whips brushes oils or any thing in my line call before dealing elsewhere as i am bound to please in prices arid material repairfng promptly and neatly done a pleased customer will call again is our motto j h matthews acton off to the british markets our mr j b williamson sailed from montreal on the 57th may for england where he will spend eight weeks pro curing our fall stock to make room for it wfe are giving a rand clearing sale 30 dkys bndv rat the m golden the mojiarch of the dry goods trade great great great great great great great great great great great reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reduction in reduction- in dress goods millinery and mantles fancy goods prints and muslins curtains and scrims carpets and oil cloths ordered clothing readymade clothing boys and youths clothing hats and caps all lines of goods boys suits i mens pants all wool 1 mens socks 3 pair 25c couars linen 2 for 25c cotjtn 29 yards 1 prints 25 yards i parasols i for 1 all wool cashmere hose ladies4 pair 1 buck casnmere dress si 50 embroidered costume 150 jv uslin color ed arid white 25 yards i towelling 25 yarcjs 1 black lustre dress 1 j d williamson 5 and 7 wyndliamst guelph 84 oswald st glasgow qck m suwme tours pue sjm lowrattis toir trips pr wee bora detroit mackinac island i ststrsroiaab detroit and cleveland our iliustratedpamphlets bu olxawtoa tleirtrtn 1 fnroull e b whltcoubva a 1 pstsav uku the oetwiitt cleveulio stes mv co fbie 1 sew solid i io 4rwtm rwl- tteamrr ititnated kar touo vlt bsntih twf wtelrttirlisjtjef cent ti il niar qnrtxuaw wajiir a teem m trtbf mft twrfatm njoivlf mtofllsaidsmcl mplcsv thm mnhm vtfl wiitlinrefrt- miwwafcjsjb wtal xid7 wtby mcnticrad ndkbon lbt tofu onti tdwtnmssbi ltilivramu wpjw j1 ftpto frra attm j fcsvsitf y fm cfc ts w wwmatm- homjoo fc co bo hi 8 ortlnm lfrtafc ndd fr purest strongest bi contains no alum ammonia- lime phosphlm ortiiytajotfmjderijlli -if- ejvv gillerr sttlia ssf fbei 1 sajcltlb i do not mean rast lor a time and then nave uienusnsa- 1 meax a itidicalccee kjl-k- navemsde the disease ol v- jf itts eildpyof fatjitnq stoknssa a long rtudy i varajaktlny jer lcitbtbe worst cares jlccsiofccrs navel is- up reason lor not djtt reiynp a cttres at oact jor a treatise and qttrthotti ml ixpuluitlk resikia fe tprts ii offltle it cosrstoitliolhlcfot atrial tvmtarevou aiwrevt hofioo broiooh office v 7est adwido stnajj toronto tit tktr it arid ou tiqtifllijsiteji wjtiiirftna n tjtfn to osi icmox tftek msixn obtj tiwm tfei tk dampe ah job htri tfltrrjjtoiicw ipa tboh bo tdxow bad lvt ftufatlf fbonrlresttwthtcivpfaainaraiiaitv j bj s tritovili 1 ext of cures holers holeramopfaui plxicri ramps iarrms lysehteffll ahdau summed compuuktsfc and fluxes of ikt bowels a it is safe and reliable forv children or adults dunns speiqht son act1 j a speight manager 0u naily yoa with ll the furnityrarviuirot to fnrnwi rournew ii or to replenish your boiooif a httiud oue in uir stylo at tbe rcry loi l- htu htme rfw j tii ore it uo utlcla of arnitaro o oujot supply wrhartbar we deltmowfattiituratuidi yon hve no ixtuiig lteicht c6rge tndruii norl retv w can wit all undertaking obi tautyflveyeart experience taf his iu courineinf tlie tmblic of ti ii aala 1 til b ialf this entire comniauitf tbat we rapply ftntclan work in all orderly mm l 4yloi i our hearse ban excellent one and oar team altray immss emoneaimoorteamaitraympvomntalwooniini appewanee r nzeifflnidtlng jut ms fd lare tlea- powder thecooksbettfriend hirsts pain exterwjnfitor h0tjseh0ib ebmedy babanuavda iew ilri have awl yoav n w a aft alav and t to j pxpflfl

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