Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1890, p. 1

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a luon u rcauamsni eterv thursday hokkikg it rax j rite pros steam vrinttar oboe bllstkset j- jlctos oxt rax or srascairnov one deum per yoar if nahin sivenee or within three mouths from ssatncotvoar mmrytaiuots raid fisaattto ihichevsry tnhtciipdm l pd jemwl or the due on the addrcm tobe umkt rjrra transient advertito- mcsql 6 cents pervoapareil line for nrst tn- ss5 j n per ine or each loueqoent laertion cosnuct rites tub folloaies fe aho jmt rates for the insertion ol edverttsementa lor specified periods r srlcir ii te i citott i ic nd knd lets iee inches lolncnes s inches linch wa00 1500 aoxo coo 9009 1mb 19 83000 1110 00 too tin un uo 10o aitertisementavsfifcoat specific directions wu be inserted tfll fowld end eharrm rd- inglv transient advertisements must be paid in advance j advertisements ill bo changed o j month ii desired for dbanrei ottener than once i month the composition most be paid loc si regular rates j chan tor contract advertiscmefltiinast bff in the office by 5 am on tuesday otnemaa thejvqlbelenoternntilthelondtuijweek hpmoore editor ind proprietor unsituss fitttdorp txt h lciwrt m b ucpsj tt graduate of trinity collecehemberot clouaee of pnysieiena end surgeons ooee ead residence at tnebead of frederick treet acton i i d k sprixger p susgtos accocchetb ornce and eesmtyce dr megarrins bouse corner mali and frederick street 0 estacey i ild cm- ftalc uc j -a- s0 395 coiiece sti toronto telephone kcstts i jf halsted 1ld phtsiciis stbgeok etc rzsrriescx t dbcg store mill street next doiir to williams boot and dice tore l bexnett lds demist je graboetows ostimo a stceixlatade m scbgzos dzxrist geoeartotre visits acton at agnews hold on the second and fourth wednesday of each maatl office in georsetorn first doar soatli ol bap- it chores m cleax 4 jfcleax i a barristers solidton kotaries conteyancerj fcc prirate funds to loan v office tots hah actoa vk- a- mclzis- jsd l mclnur p jsst isrss- i e lt a mowat bieztstzb bolicitob 2coxit public honey to loan ornn dah tnesdajind satnrdar- ma ifatthett block acton npfairi qhiltqk attrav 4 baied baftiaters solicilari it toeotto isxaeaxrot offieoi creelman block georgetown tnd 8j einr street east toronto i ttaiiuiv j khzltos bo jbhtdbjj pieelfts secubed i 1 foe eftkxtioxs hexbt gbist ortiti cixnul twenty teen pimtice ko patent ko par w hjtbtbeet idrxsszd auctidsezx erd ld335t nd it istreev for the coonries o wellington- ind hsjton- orders left sx the fnxz fbss office acton or strflytesidence in acton eill be promptlr st- tended to terras reasonable als money to lon on the most fxtortble termssnd at the loves rstes of interest in sums of 8300 snd opvsrds- joksdit aechteect gcrxrir ost ornclijneenl hotel bloci stsztet sqnsxe tcteascis kxtxas snccessorto t fchapnun booebtsdeii stgeoreesslnira gnelpbonlano acconnf boois of su kinds msde to order renoeuols of every description cnrefnurbonnd kciiivneiut and promptly done fttrle hahlak baebebshop mul sxezei acroi nstahste a stylishhairnt a good seafoam aneihiliaratmehampooalrayspten baxora nonedand pnt in nrrkiaas condition ladies and caudrens ht tastily cat 1 swohdextonsoriaiartisu big itonef for agents n nis- 1 jq ast no cxpiui reqniikd an hanoebo praisetttthy business irithont an pocubie ceance of loss steady- employment and control of territory hte dont btufnem tnl canada 33 yea liberal par to the right man to teq our cneieelled xnncrr btociu send foe terms 1 i chase bfiothebs cokpaxy xmserymea colborne ont ilkts for agents wanted ifl eistt tqwtiflmp to baethe kctorial cyclopedia of live stock ana complete stock doctor the most complete and comprehensive trots ever published la authors stand at the head of their profession and have a continental repni tatioar worth its- weight in gold to any one rat horsea sheep cattle sine poultry dogs or bees a grand opportonitv to make money secure territory at race address je k koyeb pubuaher 120 tonge st toronto lumber lath shingl a m f 1000000 teat ov luhtber tntledlne trhmwnesabludimripnation tor llnt- tdus lumber a reasonable prieos lauand bhlnjleaonhahd waan prepared w s ipply ever- rantin our lln rm pkikb baykbs 2aaacaweyi po wellingtoii marble works qcebec stezet gczcra j clark cv carterv daiect iinponcrs of granite and utrbu ifonomenu and headstones of ji bhadm and from the newest designs all work and mai teric warranted flrctciaas iptrtiea wishing to tiaiase will plcae rirt bsccajl and iniioct oar stock kod prices as we are confident we rati cotnpta with anr establishieent in ontario j ksnrti wm ont my interest to tite aoore fins lrcpectfaij solicit the paioonagetattjfriaiidi xl the pnblie on their behsllf t h hauilios acton livery bu3 ijnje the undersigned rcsiwsinljysoiiclu olo padroo aea of the publicj ajid iuforinajuieul that wj1 eqaipped aijstjrllsli b1 csn at wayibeseoured athisstahlea a eomiortahle bna n trains between 9 i m and 1 f cajrof nl attention given to every on r the wants of commercial travel leraojyiml fi i john wj wellington steam laundry qtjelph saistsloc c6ltar8sc cuftssc family washinjwttbout ironing 5e pi do family v ashing with ironing ssa per d i oentlemans waehinf and kepairing 0 per doaen t all wpra suarantced beat in canada office end works 96 quebec streets ooodi left with kelly bros our agitata at acton will be sent to the laundry and returned to their trore free of charge at above prices ithackner proprietor wall paper 11 you want your rooms to look nice with bor den and ceding decorations of fino soft colorings and blending and proper shading days bookstore qtjelph frank birce8s house painter paper han sign writer etc ger u prepared to execute orders in any of the sbote lines in the beat manner uidst reasonable terms etery job hatlng my personal attention x can asnre ctutlomcra complete satisfaction graining in all woods a specialty ordersleft at my residence jxain st icton will rcio prompt attention gruelplt business v guelph ontario cbllege ko sc1dcee vacahok stodenu can enter at any tiipe with aqoai drantae 4 lheino cowlete egipmeot and the best njetupdsforiptjng a thorouti boldness edacstioc teno caiodetala aad batnltbcaury circnlars giving iull information maxleg free to any addms j ii iuccokinck rincpaj i w barber bros papertcakebs georgetown ont r luax l epscultt or machine finished book papers act hkk grade weekly kews tbepapirtfledui this journal is the iboft nulli wbcbabber bsos- actok from pump factory -axd- planing mill jhos ebbage man i have resuuicd the management of the pump basiness in artery and would respectfully inform ail parties in want of pumpa that we are now- prepared to tnprrthan from the old style wooden pump tctli best fottapnrip made j pmnpita vtind mm 01 roct weill supplied on abort notice- deep jwells speclalt pbice8 bight etebt tttrtp our planingmill iajqbeurqkpdjrhne yoavail ifoaldtoes tc made to aroef wc have also a quantity of larabex for ssle sriitble for bnilding purposea orders by mail win receire prompt and careful sttcntioa shop it foot of eirer strefit j thos ebbage ffaoacer mutual rreiksurameplllly jf tdx co untt opzllingtoh ebtibliehttj le0 head off cuelph insures b uualgs if erehandise manufactories and all other descriptions of insurable property on the cash and premium kote system 1 f w stoke chas davidsoh predoerj ksiager johk taylob aqekt i new planing mill isd sash and door factory john cameron contractor has fitted op the bnildingon main bffeet lately occtroied as a trmk taorywitiinewniaehinery andupreparetf tofarnish plana spedfications snd estimates for sil classes of buildings and execute ail kinds of i dbbssecg r watchxkg andmouldikff klxeilxfittxesof j sashtjs doom and windown and door frames anddressed lnmberj and keep a stock 01 hand all ordera promptly attended to j john cameeon coalood ames brovvn has an liand a iax juautity of excell at coal is the place to bar because day has lea times 4be assortment his papers are newer and bet- ter selected many of the beet manofactorert sell only to him and therefore he has the excla- slre stla of their goods in gaelph doing almost the entire paper trade bf the city and c lying cash for his goods he can bay the qaan- ty at the lowest inside price snabling him u undersell all competitors- dar can qto yoi better paper borders ceiling decorations and lower prices than any other state in tho city scebispspefsand price bofdre parting with your money day sells cheap am- tie 200000 lbs hariog completed contract for lockr ldkd3 i of twine of the following brands excelsior red cap com mon sense red star anchor j ave are now in a position to qnoto very lowest cask figures xpureiv pkris cfeen a speoaltyj john 1l bonpi 0 gtjelphj direct hard ware importers lardine machine oil jivkannawin mill st acton a little talk about fshoes-r- figures may lie and facts distorted be but seeing is believing com and see the peekaboo boot and bboe mora is just noir showing s number of new lines of hoes and fflippers specially adapted fix the seaaon these new goods are being sold at price as low or lower thin those asked for old styles and shop worn goods elsewhere everybody can be suited for we hav all sixes in ladies wear prrtty margarita st ullix e bjtro pretty margarita was seventeen years old she bid eyes 6f nearest blae bairiof palest fold i voodfl auffustus loved bar more than he could y j though he wed to tell her so twenty utoes a day- t walt a while augustus said bis father wise afore is wanted in a wife tiinn bewitching eyes i tiea youre 4en years older peruaps you may regret j that the ultlo maldonyou had er met ill kevor youth of twenty had a surer mind that in margarita hed perfection find sofn spite of all things age and iprudenco tald youth was far ui arc confldent and ho lovers j iv i uany years wout swiftly by riches camo and fame young augustus made lrfmscjf bodi place snd name v i then he biiiuiiianalonwciiderbiuyfalr- eet in gardens beautiful full of treasures rare v sudden4jjrt tecmqpftsjhim that so fine a place ought ijvo atsstss very fair o face with aroyal manner confident seaene and the many graces of a social qusen father dear he aaid one day vyou were right do doubt harbarsjasdiffhtwdvlh s growinfi ko at afltheidndof woman iwou 4 wod to day kot as pretty not at witty not as young md i- i bat his father answered him speaking stern and slow 4xe you just the man yoa were twenty years raw i if ifrt are you yoang and handsome witty graceful cay ko sir you arc middleaod bald and digutiy crar- vat j then angustos thoughtfully went junto his home 1 in he evening shadows letting memory roam backward to thahuppy hour when a sweet young bride i ifargaritas loveliness was bis joy and pride till at last be found her comely rosyj fair lost a lilrcr thread or tro in her golden hair with her children round her gentle calm serene loving rife and mother not a social queen i t tenderly he kissed her and she never knew that for one bad hoax or two he hid been untrue j love and truth and honor drove off vain con ceit and dearer to the end of life grew his ifar- garital i- dut jfamilg juaiiiitj the harsery gaierness ar urr auxixjuic youths wear childrens wear babys wear which he will proiniiuv deliver to any the town at reaaoctlilc prices part of herdood and tuin cut stove lougth alwajs on hand n telephone commanieati waters bros the piottjee oalleet qdjelph fbaue8 plctlhks pictube jfourdisfis r boom uolldrxgs cobkice p0lb6 from ije bbasseoos liakxkk rodp front 15c autistic llatebials t 1 1 i j oil colors water colon cblnacoior bmhes etc eto beady mised palnt aipen- walls enamel cord wiresj nails chains hoots etc i watees bros st georges square special lines good goods hewnst style and best value for the money at 4h w williams- actorr custom work and repairing given careful alien tion trunks and valises in variety agents wanted if yoa want to make money take bold and sell oar choice nursery stook now is the time write us at once for terms ilay bbothebfl kurierymen bochester k t i -1- wantety reliable poshing men to sell choice kursery stock complete assortment splendid opportunity offered for spring srork my sales men bve good success maarasilinji from 0100 toeaooperreek bead lor pro6lms lals a liberal terms and the best goods in the market write pbed e y0u5g nurseryman jkochester n v mteji salesmen to sail nursery e warranted flrstelaas fey e immtable positinsiottfas i j salaries nd sencnsm flald wai j dueemeota to befffitbers kb eneeneoeaaary outflt free i giving age i chable6 h chafid hi 1 jiention this paper ltberal in- eviona ezperi- xjt for terms i h oiaerrmen bochestsrny sfisa brown sfiss brown i they want yoa ttf come and play croquet j who wants jncjtolnny why ooioneltid and kiss brightoc andu wfolte bawjohniy criubrawdswuiirigthedrea silk hose by the window where she could hear the gay exclamations and silver laughter of the young people on tbia lawn and catch now and then a glimpse of their bright dresses and gleaming hair she was only seventeen herself she fcnew that she was as fair to look upon as victor- ine wallace or adela brighton why fihauld she be condemned to kit dolorously darning stockings while the others enjoyed themselves this sweet summer afternoon the shade of the big walnut trees mrs trevor had set her a hopeless task to accomplish before she went to the city that day was ii etrange tfaa ahe dropped her work joyously at johjinjsllf and sprang to her feet johnny said she with a sudden access of shyness do you think i ought to go why of coarse y said the boy charita brawns heart throbbederaltant- iy as she gave an extra smooth to her al ready shining curls pinned a rosecolored ribbon bow at her throat and wondered if her plain cashmere gown would seem too dowdy beside the crisp muslins and dainty summer silks of adela brighton and miss wallace colonel field was there lazily knocking the balls about a tall handsome man of six or sevenandthirty leila trevor the fourteenyearold daughter of the housa- who was playing in the second set with frank addison and his sister and wtuoogh by verner made hasts to introduce the newcomer in her brusque manner miss wallace adela she said with a wave of her chocolatestriped mallet to secure attention this is charita brown our nursery governess colonel pield miss brown and coloring deeper than any rose charita bent her pretty head to these fash ionable paople u i may claim yoa for mypartuer v said colonel field with a low bow ko said adela brighton sharply you must play with mjss wallace have you forgotten harold i shall play with sfiss brown v do with me as you please ladies said colonel field with- mock snbmissiveness i am in your hands only be mercifniin your might the game grew spirited andat last adela brighton ottered an exclamation of delight we are the lotdrb v she said you are not retorted miss wallace with animus r fmiss brtjwschesjeedv at that last stroke tsaw her push the hall indeed indeed i did not pleaded charita did j colmjelfial certainly you did not said the colonel victorine wallaoe flung down her mallet and torrid impetuously on her heel i wont play said she i might have known what was coming when i was asked to play with charita brown the nursery iht trevor rnade a governess of her to save the expense of a highpriced instructress i sever before demeaned myself to associate with a ser- 4 hvimnf fc3d aoela brighton who although abrupt and imperious had yet a kindly heart haanj but rwill not hush said victorine i regard it as an insult that i ahould be brought in contact with bach agirltta flu oharitafbrown interrupied her at this miss wallace she said i will trouble yotj with my society ho longer i will go bank to my duties in the house only- only when you have had time to consider this subject more dispassionately yon may possibly regret the unkind words you have usepv unkind cried victorine with a sort of malicious exultation bat they are trup do yoq dare deny them ko said charita brown with down cast eyes and burning cheeks there said victorine insolently glahcing around tho little group which had assembled at her side did i not tell you ilts a story p cried leila trevor stamping her little buttoned foot on the grass as charita disappeared under tho pilars of the front i veranda charita isnt a servant at all her father is the clergyman and she can speak italian and sing spanish songs and play beautifully on the piano and she is a lady born and she only came to help mrs brett because her father had the bronchitis or some such horrid thing in hib throat and couldnt preach any more and they were poor and i love charita and and you are a noble little partisan id colonel field kindly stroking her curjs and i admire yoa for standing ap for the absent yictorine wallace walked haughtily away miss brighton followed ber and solie little party broke ap it was twilight when colonel fieldwended bis slow way down the glen path to a cer tain little nook where he often smoked his vesper cigar and just in tho densest tangle of the woods he heard a soft sound like stifled sobbing he paused and glanced around him something purple gleamed through the tree trunks charita browns faded aishinere gown and then be saw that she was sitting in a uatural seat fanned by the festooned branches of a monster wild grape- viiic her forehead resting against the moss- snumeled trunk of a tree while her flushed hoeks were wet with tears 1 mass brown he said gently like u frightened fawn she sprung up 10b colonel field what what mast oa think of me she cried that yon are a true lady a true jeroine be answered promptly li what am i to do she said appealing- y j mrs trevorhas been reproving me orjbeing as she says impertinent to her juest miss wallace w as far as i can judge said the colonel roietly all the impertinence was on the jtber side mand i am discharged said charita perhaps it was my own fault for saying hat i would live in no hoase where i was lot treated like a lady v you were indisputably right said lionel field but papa and mamma and the little ines at home ottered charita piteously may i go home with yoa said the ttlonel flinging his cigar into a thicket of iweetbrier will you introduce me to our father it is just possible that i may x of use to him i t who would have thought it said mrs 3rpwn with ears in the mild hazel eyes vhich were so like charita s and your pa is so delighted chatty it is just the rasiness he likes this revision of these old iriental manuscriptsfar the volume which zcaonsl fields brother is just about publish- ng and the salary is most munificent or a whole yeartoo my darling chatty t seems as if heaven had at last beard our irayers and now yoa can stay at home ind practice your music and help me with he housekeeping and the childrens clothes or i have missed you oh so much and charita s face was as bright as ber nothers as she answered on mamma vont it be nice j coldnel field brought the syric manu- script the next day to the good old clergy- nans study he came frequently prob- iblv it was necessary in order to facilitate he progress of ine new volume on oriental irt which his brother was bringing out but he always stopped for a little pleasant lk with chatty and her mother in the attingroom before he went home and one day when the yellowing october eaves flattered down around the porticoes if trevor place mrs trevor herself de- dared that she was going to the rectory iwhat for- said miss victorine wal- toe who was still her guest to ask chariutbrown to coma book aid sirs trevor ill raise her salary- if ihe insists upon it but i never have had a governess to suit me since she went away well mamma you can ask as mach as on please said miss leila with her nbuth full of bread and marmalade but me wont come why wont she come sharply inter rogated mrs trevor because shes going to be married to colonel field said leila composedly i nonsense said victorine turning a ittle pale but its true insisted the child xext week its to be a very quiet wed- iing and they are to sail for europe immediately isnt it funny the idea of qharita brown being married to colohel field when all the other girls were pulling aps for him i victorine lookedkeenly at leila but could ain no information from her artless face is to whether the remark was intended to be personal or not j colonel field must have takeuleave of his senses said mrs trevor in surprise and of course spitefully added kiss wallace a girl who is always trying so desperately to get married as charita brown did cannot help succeeding at last im not so sure about that said leila battering a fresh slice of bread i know lots of girls who have tried harder to get married than charita brown did who havent succeeded yet and this time miss victorine wallace tought it best to make no answer at all jo collecting mousy for the lords oaase many forget that the- work is bit and solicit contributions with a feeling of shame a thongh they were askiur for something to be used for their personal benefit the following cirenmstahoe oama under oar notice and we gite it hoping that others may iearo a lei so a and have their faith aod oourafie stimulated under like ciroom ttaoom a lady of moderate means and poaseuioft few social advantages was put on one of tbejcharoh committees more to allan important vacancy than the assistance wodp be likely to render during the year some extra money was required and it was decided that the members of the com mittee should each be given the name of a few people who bad not been asked for aid some five or six being given to the lady referred to with a good deal of misgiving she took tbe list determined to do what she could believing thai clod cap wars on tho hearts of tbe people she went and laid the matter before him asking that he would pv those particular persons a spirit of liberality and one especially from whom she feared she might not even receive civil treatment thus fortified she went forth folly expect ing her prayer to be answered nor was she disappointed hf no instance was she refused two expressed a desire for a little time as their means jost then were some- what limited but would be pleased to give a donation in the near future the others with one or two whose names were not on the list responded in the kindest spirit making ber feel more than ever tho user- tion of the great head of ihe church tbe world is mine and the fullness thereof 6 s times no more old cicar boxes for things possessing no commercial value the emptied cigar boxes have long been looked npon as useful articles in printing offices they have been con- aidered from time immemorial as the proper receptacles for qaada and leaders in many dresmakingestablishments they come handy to hold spools in filled with sawdast theyara useful as spittoons and as such they have often been used amateur gardeners find them handy and many a rare plant has iound its birth in an exbolder of flora tie habanas and strange mockery of fate the writer has many a time been cabbage plants send ing forth their first tender leaves in an old cigar box haltitadnious are the other uses to which they have been pat because they could always be bad from the vendors for the asking as the law declared they could not be used again to contain cigars in future their places will have to be sup plied by boxes of some other kind the department having found probably that the fiat that said they were not to be again used for cigars was sometimes disobeyed has sent forth a new mandate which de olares that all cigar boxes are to be des troyed as soon as emptied under severe penalty for noncompliance a bravfi baby a pluckj fouryearold baby lives in ofcaloos is it is the child of mrs wil son and while playing about the mouth of a deep well covered by loose boards fell in the well is thirty feet deep and con tained ten feet of water at the time the mether saw the child fall and frantically grabbing a clothesline lowered it into the well the child grasped the line but of course could not hold on tight enough to be drawn out so 4 mother tied her end above will pet hold on tight till mamma runs for paps tremblingly cried the mother to the little one ess came a brave little sob from below the mother harried away and soon re turned with the father and several other men who liter mach difficulty rescued the child from its chilly bath the little one was almost an conscious from cold when taken out but had bravely clung to the clothesline all tbe time holding its bead above water the happy mother hogged her rescued one and wept for joy while the assembled crowd threw op their bats and cheered in acknowledgement of the babys grit a world tneserrants dr johstonss hatred baby talk of as dr johnston was riding in a carriage throsgh london on a rainy day he overtook s poor wowan carrying a baby without any protection from the weather making the dnver stop the coach he invited the weary woman to get in with her child which she did after she had seated herself the doctor said to her my good woman i thinkit most likely that the motion of the coach will wake your child in a little while and i wish yoa w understand that if you talk any babytalk to it you will have to get oat of the coach as the doctor anticipated the child soon awoke and the forgetful mother looking down into its bright eyes and perhaps fearful that it might cry exclaimed oh relittiedear ishe going to open his ittle eyseypysey hnll be dood urop za stop tha coach driver shouted 3ohn- bon and the poor woman had to get oat into the rain and cold and plod her weary way on foot this world fs getting too email to hold certain kinds of bad people tvro years ago a bank mease a ger io new york stole a package of bank note worth forty one thousand dollars he cunningly kept on with his work as nasal for a yeftr and then removed with his stolen money to hond- cru where he lived quietly and in much cousdenoeybecanse there is no extradition t treaty between honduras and the united states bat all this time a detective was shadowing him and finally got tbe money from him and wpu probably get the man last year a tbtef was arrested io booth amerioa eight years after tbe commission of a robbery in the united states there is now a secret understanding among the police authorities and detective agencies over the greater part of tbe globe tbey assist one another in such ways as to render it all but impossible for a criminal to escape into whatever part of tbe earth bs may go nothing can outstrip the electric current which now passes over nearly alllands and- under nearly all seas we often hear nowadays of defaulters running away witkbr without their booty and we do not always hesr of their arrest generally however they are arrested though some times they escape the penalty dae their crime by surrendering a great part of their plunder the system is cot yet perfected and its working is attended with too much expense the time is not far distant when tbe chief of police in kew york or bbstor will be able to arrest a msn in australia just as easily quickly and cheaply as if he were in tbe next street youuctcompan- success success may be defined as the attainment of oar best possibilities every mans best approach to completeness is his best boo- cess this measure of attainment will not be the same for all but every man who comes to his best life and fills the urgesl place of usefulness possible to him witb his limitations makes a real success men are wont to estimate success in single spheres of action tbey call the man who makes money a success though his mind be as sterile as sahara they call a man who mounts to a high position a success though his character be steeped in selfish ness bat success is the man his char acter the heart qualities of he man that go out into the issues of his life these tell what the man is and measure bis success the common criteria to which we appeal may be approximate tests on oetain sides of manhood businessprosperity is likely to prove industry and faithfulness hon orable position is not quite so sure to prove honor and worth but the real teat of a man is his character consisting of tbe per manent choices ahd qualities which he has made a part of himself who are the men io any community whom men coold unite to call successful they are the men whose characters are such that their lives in all their relations diffuse a clear pure ennobling influence over their fellowmen s s tinim i a fathers advice my boy pay your bills promptly said an old merchant jo his son who was just about to launch oat into his firs venture a coantry store i have been in tho busi ness a good many jfears and have seen a good many fellows wbo started out with as good prospects as yours but before long tbey had to give it up nobody seems to know why bat tbe fact was they didnt think enough of their credit- their bills ran over time a week or so and pretty soon the jobbers got tired of it and marked r pay opposite their accounta they wroto to the city houses to enquire why their orders were not filled promptly they wouldnt have asked twice if their ears had been long enough to overhear tbe shipping clerk talk with the bookkeeper this is what they said shall i fill the order of mr y v no hurry take ap ab order first hes a spot cash man thats tbe reason the merchant didnt get his goods thats one reason why be sold out and made an application for a place on the road look ont for yoa credit my son and yoa will never regret it crifcr ion an incident at sea j tbe memory of the bed ltao how can it pass awajr while tbalr name of mult linger on each mount and stream aad bayff while mosqeodobolts waters boll sparkling to the main while falls the langhing snbent on chegoggms fields of grain while floats our countrys annsr oer chebuctos glorious wave and the trownlngelifls of seataru the trampling surges brave i wmjebreesyaspotootl lifts high its summit bine and sparkles on its winding way tbe gentle fiisslboa while escaaonlt fountains poiir down ujeii crystal tide while ingauishs mountains lift high their forms of pride or while on msboas river a the boatman plies his oar or the billows barst in thunder on chicabons rockgirt snore the memory of the bed man it lingers like a spell ou niahy a itonnsweprheadhnd onmany a leafy dell where tnskets thousand islets like emeralds stud the deep woefe bmmidon a sentry grim hi endless watch doth keep it dwells round catalones blue laks j midjeafy forest hid- jw bouadlair diseoase and tbe rmhinghes of the turbid pisiqaii f and it lends chebogne a touching grtp toothy softly flowing river i as we mdly think of the gentle race that has passed awav forever fc a trifle cold blooded n have yoa brought any witaenesf asked tha rev mr wood of bathgate of a middleaged couple wbo hadicome to d married nowner tbochv o that ii necessary oh certalnly minister you should have a groomsman and bridesmaid as witnesses wha sari wevget jesjndaeye think the bn de so addressed suggested a female con bin whom the bridegrobm had not pre viously sc en and after consultation a man was also thought of step ta awa alaog jean anask them an 111 walk aboot till yeoome back v jeao sot out as desired and after soma time returned with the two jriends 4ba cousin being a blooming husi bomewbal younger than the bride when the parties had been properly arranged and tie minister was about to prooeedwith tbe ceremony tbe bridegroom suddenly amid wad ye bide a wee sir 1 wbafiia it now 7 asked the minister weel i was jost goan to tay that if it wad be the same to von i wad rather baa that one pointing fo the bridesmaid a most extraordinary statement to make at ffhis stage i im afraid its too late to talk of such a thing now is it said the bridegroom in aj tone of calm resignation ta tbe insrsaue weel hen ye maan just gar g tan a e ng chronidi i l a man being accused of being so mean that he would qaarrelabout a oent retar i y ted i know i wotd and iminjudoi it for everybody knows that the leas one r quarrels aboot the belter johnny ie just beginning til learn geogra- phy he says the vrfes live party a om j end of the globe mod partly at the other he knows it is so because it is marked on the map l j a white boy met a colored tad and asked him what he had each a short nose- for i spects so it wont poise itself infp other j peoples business was the smart rpjjv j what is the most eoriptf thing ixt worldt margaretjfqllwohce ae ace greeley and be instantly replied i a woman that u not curious m a painter was employed to paint the f- name a blonden over a shop front ail having pat the last letter r instead of n was reprimanded for making blander a prosy fn era ber of congren having asked horace greely have yoa read my j last speech the latter repliedj hope beware of a man who seems your married happiness doubts i what makes age uobeooming an b for it makes it rage the good die young especially daring the season of green fruit it is a mistake to suppose tbe sun is supportedin the sky by iu beams diogenes very pertinently wants to know who was thn husband of the celebrated inother of jiearl there i a wtl doly attasted and proved ibbled on the back of a publicanscard the fouowinp terms dear polly wan nave gou ball i hive oems of thought when yoa doubt do not act mind unemployed is mind unen joyed he wbo believes the truth should himself be true j the best doctors are dr diet dr quiet and dr merry man- no man who is wretched in his own heart and feeble in bis own workcan help others every man should bur his own grier ances rather than detract from the comforts of others most of our misfortunes are more snp- portable than tbe comments of oar friends upon them serving riches instead oi making riches serve yoa is the most piteous of all poverty itls slavery people who boast that tbey never did any harm are generally those who havent done ranch good we mast teach more by our example than by oor advioe or elseiwe shall be poor plerierifortiw ngbt j erery roan feels i iostinjotivelythat ail tbe beautiful sentiments id the world weigh tees than a single lovely action frugality doigtnoe punotaality veridty -tbisfl-are- ie lrai ptaiifaotb sometimes on board an atlanta steamer an incident occurs which causes human sympathy to bridge for an inbtant the gaif between the first cabin and the steerage as when for instance on the first day of may a young married woman in tbe bteer- age became the mother of a tiny girl and m midocean the passenger total was sud- increaeed by one great wastbe excitement among the children in the first cabin when they heard there was a new baby in the steerage its such a long way for an angel to fly without resting exclaimed phyllis aged six to lillian aged four that tbey dont often bring them to ships but i bpose he just felt like coming it was such a lovely moonlight night i wish the angelbad brang it to me whimpered lillian i beard tbe doctor tell mamma that the mother who got it was only a little girl dont cryiiliansaysphyilis you know polly oar stewardess well she says its awful pink andtheare going to call it mayflower isnt that nice oh my says lillian lets get a lot of presents and go ask the governess if she wont borrow it and let us baptize it tho baptism is postponed bat presents arrive and from all quarters flannels wines bonbons and toys find the mother and child in the steerage hospital the toys are perhaps a little premature for a miss jnnt three days old bat the children who send them refused to be denied the pleasure of giving and the prudent grand mother carefully pats them away against tbe time when they will be needed the hospital nurse a comely young woman in a neat mack dress crisp apron and dainty lace cap holds the little mite ou the pillow by the proud young mother while the ship rolls and tosses and the artist braced against the doorway sketches tbe sympathetic little group for harper wttili the hospital is neat and ship shape bat very small while the artist sketches the happy fathjsand doting grandmother stand outaidekt vainly try to moderate their delighted smiles they are all going to visit the old nome in scot land and tb grandmother explains that lthnugb little mayflower is a wee bit bairnie noo shell aye v jigger cobinin back harefi wtth the little girl who declared when others were talking about teetotal iq ueat j temperance principles tbatfthe was ttlderj total was wise in ber generation jerd cider drinking is a slower way to dniiixeri ness than whiskey- drinking but if perjidsted in is as sure away the ivo snglanii fary mcr teljsof acidercrased drunkard wbijkil ed his aged father tried to shoot hla apr then fired tbe houne and put a bullet iff bis own head iu a vijlagb near westffeld masav the young man had squandered hit fathers money abused his wife tih aha securey legal separation and hcdv for k months quartered himself on bis saffanoy- parent while he kept soaked in drink- it is a good thing to be cidertotal ex aminer i national pills are sugarcoated mild bet thorough and are tbe best stomach and liver pills in use mrs h hajl navarmo s y writef for years i have been- troubled with liver complaint the doctors aiidmy liver was hardened and enlarged j i was troubled with dizziness pain in mf shoul der constipation and graduially losing flesh all tbe time 1 was trader tip care of three physicians but did not m any relief a friend sent me a bottle of north rop 4 lymans vegetable disoorwy and the benefit i have received from it is far beyond my eipectation i feel better now than i havg done for years uuesbins ii u tbe rape bippel 4 co merchant tailors havean atirsiotive scfaeme to every cobtomer bojing pair o 500 panta they give the prlcijege of gnesain the number of pieoei ib 1 com- poaite caneknd to every pnkhaieiol a ams three gaeuei on tit 16 h septem ber an aninterested committee of genuemen will count the piecef in the caiieltnd the nelr ann vho has gnesied tbe oorrect nmnber of pieoea it ooiitajnswill be awarded wao- tiop from any piece of ol6tlrintbe shop of aline pair of pants v i everyoneshoniacailailaaeeoarhoxo tljoo and 11400 bniti made to order tbey are better value than can be got a an otherylaoe in town by three oour r sdtinspecoa invited fitl aoitbosi- icjeei-

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