jsg is rcbusket every trursdax mors kg itthzf mill stueet actoxost train or bcnscanrioioii dollar w r uis i raid ic adteritloto rutm transient ati meat 6 eeuu per xonparotl law for fin in sertion cent pot line or each sbseqaeut insertion coxraicr rirtu our rates for the insertion of adyerusctccts i or srwufltd periods j i no i yot ficujoai00 eiju 500 sum s000 i inch 6 do advertisements without specific duwuon wfll be inserted till- forbid and chsrced sccord- lajlr transient adrertisexcnts must be paid iouttom advertisements rill be ensured once ch month if desired far changes oltencr than once t month the composition mnt bejali tor st reculat rates changes of contract advertisements mast be in the office far 9 am on tuesdays otherwise they wtll be left over untiktbc following week hpuooke editor iadrtric lor ashuss fiimteit- c h lowry ltb mcps tt e grsdutof trinitycouflfleirembcrof collet a of pnyiieians and sarreons office and residence at thehesd ac frederics treat aiton jr sprixger phtsiciix scbgjox accocchscb oppice ixb eistdksce dr ifcgsrvint botua oomttr ildl tvnd frederick streets g e stacey lrj cilnthc llcps0 sg college st toronto telephone vosus t f halsted 1ld j pktskuv stozqw etc rzsrnspcx act drug stqee ifih street naxtdoorto williams boot andthoe store ll beckett ljs dentist gsobgetows cstiio c mckdclarlijb f subtjecs destist geobgxtowy visits ac at agners hotel an the second and fourth wednesday of each month office in georg etowu first door south of bap- it ehnrch jixraslcn solicitors notaries conveyancers die private funis to loan office towuhoil acton wa a mclour jso a scclnx stationery and fancy goods y and wall paper store 20wvudhamst- guelph the uridcrsipned lias a lull snd varied stock of goods which ho it tolling tl iho lowest cash prices a cjl from the people of acloa w ticfnlty u rcsixsctfujiy faviuxl john smith wi barber bros paper makers georgetown ont itike i srccultt or machine finished book papers ixd high grade weeklv xews schools opfen all the echool oooka uiod in the public school macollecuto institute slrtes exeroibk books drawino books j school b08 o has ever book wanted waiting for stock no the paper used in this journal is from the aboire mills i 7k baebee t bros waters bros the picture oa1lert goeleh fraues 4 pictupjis picicbe mouldikas boost uocxiidcgs corkice poles rmu xc beiss kods bixker bods rom ik aetists illtebxils oil colors vttcrcolortcbiaicboi ems lies etc etc rcadr uiicd peifits a5pen- ml eccs cords wires ytilstlmiis hooks etc bros st georges square coal wood t a- mowat jo euxistzst bolioiob kotzr pcbuc uoney to lon omcaditt taesdij indlsitcrdat mezi ititthetiblocfc lacfon npttain james brown his on hand t itrge qcintitr of excellent coal which he will promptly deliter to aay pert cf the toxn st rcaiccule prices s hilton allan a- baibd brristers solicitorr ti tobosid 1s3 geoegtroffx offieei creelmans bloct georgetoxn and sg king street east toronto v t 1ll1s i ehilt05 bl hi tbi e j- r patenxfi eecxtred foe ikyektioks eexkt grist ottxtti caxum twenty tears pactice ko patent xa par w hbmstbeet accnosrzb vor the counties of wellisfton and hallo c orders left t the fete pkzss office acton erj at my residenee in acton till be promptly at- tended to terms reasona also money to loan on the most farorable terms and at the lovest rates of interest in ami of s500 and ppward johkdat j aechixect i gzelsk oxt- omcrjqaeens kotti block karkct sqnare hirdtoodtrd fclat5 czi tiovc length alnys on hand telflphoce ccrcmniciiion acton liver bus line wo gitetho bast value t days bookstore oubilph day sells cheap hie 200000 lbs having cbmplflted contrcts for lochr lords of tvinc of the touqvias bnnfa excelsior red cap com- moa sense red star anchor wc tit eov in l positioa to quote very lowest gash figures 5 pure tf- pkris gren a specialty john 1l bond co gitelph i direct hardwaite importflraj the enderagacd reqvctf ullr solicits the patron age of the public and inlonnc them that vteil equipped and stylish rigs can al- ways be secured at his stamet a cseifortalilc bzs ineeis all trains betvecn s sni end fcis p m careful attention give to erery order the tints of commercial trarel- lets felly met johx willrihs cteaxcis ktjkak snccessotta t fceapmjin bo0ebco3ee st georges satiare gaelphontario- acconnt boots of all untss made to order periodicala of ererr description carefully bound hahnr neatlr ud promptly done- mhe haklak barber shop hill srazrr acrox an eaay ahare a stylish hafrat a good seafoam an thtliararfngshainpoi3tryfpttt bazars honed and put in fixstcla condition ladies and enildrenf hair tastily cut- v thwobdeytonsorial artists jgexts wanted to seq specialties in oox lice sample with outfit d c i free peculiar facilities to new be ginners control of territory hare done basi net in canada 30 years we employ on salary and com mission- write for terms to chase be0thebs cohpaat nurserymen colbcrne ont mutual rre insurance company of tbz cottntt of wbllihqton 1 estf isio head office cuelph insures baildiagslf erchandjse afaimfactoriet and all other descriptions of insurable property on the cash end premium kote system p tt stone chas davidson fresldeat manager johh taylor agekt drugs i i stationery school books exercise books drawing books copy books slates and pencils pens and ink school bags etc jv kannawins mill st acton picket wire fencing the best and cheapest ot all faem and garden pekce8 highly comaerded and awarded diploma at gnelph c and several township fairs fe3 send post card far prict itrs address list giricsfclj inrticu- j m oooleyco ujuelph ont hamiltoes 51aible works wehingtou ifarble works qccbzc stezex gcelht clark carter dieect importers at grmilo and siurble honumenta and headstones of all shsdek and from the newest afjr ah wort and ma terial warranted firstclass parties wishing to purchase till pleise give tn a call and inspect our stock and pri as we are confident we can compete with any establishment in ontario harinc sofd out my interest to the above firm 1 respectfully solicit the patronage to my friends and the public on their behalf j h hauiltox hauiltoks block fformcrly hatchs block the gore comer of woolwich and norfolk streets gcelph onl johiv h hamflton 1 proprietor wholesale and retail dealer and direct importer and rnaccfsctarerofell kinds of granite and ifarble vfonoraestf tonibstones etc having lad an extensive experience for the last 1g years tbe public inay rely on retting h aieriar articles at a cheaper rate than any ctbtr dealer in the west j k b 15 per cost os oi direct order re ceived for the nett 20 days a little talk about shoes tim when lb autuiun winds vent ilgfajoff wbon tlio goldqa lot vet wero flylns and wo oursci gathord round hiai u tho fralt houicsarseon bouud him gently bound each ihstterd limb such a handiotne little follow like a halo bung tuflytllow curu ixoutid his ibftpely bead and wo looltd at 0deanouwr when ho criod out for his mother as wo toekd him la bis bd ah i sad cause wo there for weeping in tho doad- bouse one hy sleeping peicefully whoso frootiod lovo fluug bor dullnff from iho ofsemoot to the qro- men nigh tho basement ere she broathd the flames abovo ooo tnoio victim where the botilo rears skit its hideous throttle spewing forth fu hellish fito one more worn longsuffering woman victim of tho vllo inhuman fury of a drunken sire could wo ever hope to save him or did death ajotdy crtto him bald wo at our midnight meal would the light of boyish gladness fade boaeath the pallord sadness ofthogrliq dcstroyeriieal- sinco ihogqod god would befriend him of hu morey ho would tentphim yet his purposo who can tell 1 sot at him for u to cavil who the future can unravel and who dooth all things well life ondtboath march side by side tears and unshtcr are allied in lhose wards where lore divine hath upraised the blessed altar where the blind the uruiad the halt trd soflsied at compassion s ihriae and ve laogbed at his odd fancies smiled on little tims proud glances at his bodcard on which he had dictated thnsey pidfitn age eleven fur roliglu put me down a mothody aycjindcoojd the gentle wesley to our ward have gained acceas would have loved tims patient smile potent witness that the lowly are not shunned of the it ost holy kor the beck slums wholly vile for beside the psalmists verses harmless fell a albert curies born of many a drunken scene by a mothers prayer from harm be had enlist ed in the army of the humble kaxrenc vet our petting never spoiled him god in ief- f crinjj had aasoild hf ofallfrowsrduessaf heart xooght but kind words could one utter to this offspring of the gutter who badaooght the better part eca that toogh eictnamodtbe parson 4in a language kin to arson feaity swore to llltlo tim and m surly cursed of corns and b anions i said in accents tingd with onions pity tbar wamt more like him- how he loved those sacred pages- u that dear hymn bock of ages blm to earths sad weary ones passing sweet his childish tinging after many dayt came ringing down our ward those treble tones brave yoang heart and good u fearless his the only eyelid tearless when we learned all hope was vain j kay a beauteous smue came oer him as of one who sees before him visions of lost loves again autumn fading into winter saw his strength grow daily fainter vet he smiled with childish glee when our santa class had sought him and with many kind smilea brought him presents from oar christmas tree a but his glaad eyes solemn warniig told us ere the coming dawning too dimmd glance would know us not and from all the ward arose a wail of woe when we drew closer the deathscreen around his cot en the sbadowd hours dispelling while the bel frys natal swelling usherd in the christmas morn one maro earthly fetter riven one more with the saints in heaven one more whiterobed singer born but so peacefully he left us such the last sigh that bereft cs watchers lingering at his side that wo only wept and wondered when the soul and body sundered for wo knew cot when he diod fir removed from earthly sorrow in that land whose stainless morrow khoweth not the parting tear where in peace the shivering mortal stands illumined at the portal and the shadows disappear yes i and while dear memory lingers till wo join the angel singers till we gaze once more on him we shall bless the woe that tnght as and the midnight hour which broqght us bruisd and batterd little tim htrarard k cvclu figures may lie and facts distorted be bet sirc is believing come and tee the peek4boo boot and shoe store is jnsl now showing a number of new lines of shoes and slippers specially adapted for the season these new goods are being sold at prices as low or lower than those asked for old styles and shop- worn goods elsewhere everybody can be suited for wo have all sires in i gems wear ladles wear totxtll wear children wear select family hamng h165 weavers stary dv ixy koojolik babyi wear welllrisftm steam laundry guelpk agents wanted la every township to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of liye stock and complete 1 stock doctor the most complete and comprehensive work ever published jta authors stand at the head 1 ofetheir profession sad have a coctinental repu tation woruf its ifeight la gold to any one having horses sheep cattle swine poultry dogs or bees a grind opportunity to make money becnre territory once address enmoyee publisher 120 tonge st toronto shlbtslcc colifaessc cuffs ic family washing without ironing 23c per dor family washing with ironing 35e per doc ggotlemins washing and eepainng 50c per dozen i all work pusrsnteed best in canada office and works 56 quebec streets goods left with kelly bros our agents st acton will be sent to the laundry and returned w their srore tree of charge st above prices ii hackney proprietor special lines good goods newest style and best value for the money at w williams acton custom work and repairing given careful stten tioii trunks and valises in variety new planing mill sash and door tfacloty john cameron contractor ifu fitted np the building on main street lately occupied as a tnxnkfactorywithnewniachinery and is prepared to famish plans specifications ibd estimates- tor all classes of buildings and execute all kinds of dressika katchdcg and moulding jcaxe all wttlfis op she doors and windows and door frames and dressed lumber aadkeptoeko2haod all orders jmnnpuy saiderto john cameeon frank burgess house painter paper hanger sign writer etc is preiiajed to execute orders in any of the above lines in the best mantex and at reasonable terms erery lob having my perweai attention i can assure customers compicte satisfaction graining in all woods a specialty orders left at my residence ifain st acton will receive prompt ajtcntlou- or a wilford halls health pamphlet disease cared without medicine acton jas alatthewi has been iappolnted ageot for the circulation of dr halls celebrated- health pamphlet which be koeps on band the pamphlet claims by the treatment it advises sore cure tor dlfase with out medicine the price for the pamphlet ii four dollars and a gaanuitee is given that if thapurcliaaer hot satisfied after pattlne the treatment into conaeientioua- prajtiee for one month tojefnod the money on the return of the pamphlet wiui a nledge never asain to qsetns trtauuen or svljow it to le tucdln his family acton pump factory -axd- j planing mill thos ebbageman i hvs resamed the muwtflment of the patap basloes in aetca tad vonh recpectliilly infona all parties in want of pomps tfeat w art now prepared to ripply them from i tie old style wooden pump to the beit foroe pomp made j pnmpi for wind mfflj or rook wallf aunplled on short notioa deep wella a soeoialt psi0e8 eioht evebt time our planing kill lnmber dressed while you wait mouldings x made to order we havealso a quantity of lumber for sale suitable for baudihg purposes orders by mail will receive prompt and carefnl attention sixty atfoot ofeirer street tstosebbace haniager copjing said kadelyn weaver with a coxl of her pretty coral bowed lip at 60 many cents tv hundred lines thats what i call dradgery it was a gloomy april daythe sky seem ing to break into fits o spasmodic rain- tears ever now and then the atmosphere filled with dampness and the clouds hang ing like leaden fringes above the endless rows of city blocks and old dr weavers two daughters in their deepblack robes sitting in the cheerless boardinghouse apartment felt as if the gloom of the outer world were reflected from their heaxts- dr weaver had made a great show and lived extravagantly daring his lifetime and people remarked sagely of him that he must have means bat when he died of a sudden apoplectic fit and they buried bim he was found to be deeply in- debt and no provision whatever was made for madeira and blaine dear sweet girls said mri hobart wearer their consins wife i should be so glad to have them here only i expect my sister and her family- from wisconsin to spend the winter i snallbe delighted to recommend them to any good place as governess said old miss wuhelmina weaver who was report ed to be worth her weight in gold bo amid the condolences of a host of relatives madeira and elaine found them selves thrown entirely upon their own re sources they had done their best poor girls i they had answered advertisements stood aronnd in the dreary halls of intelligence bureaus tapped timidly at the doors of womens exchanges and had long talks with flchpol trustees b at the labor market was overcrowded nobody wanted work at any price and the necessities of daily life became imminent and one day elaine went out and came back wth avundle of law papers to copy its a flat vulgar parcel tod said madeira scornfully when yon might have rolled it into your russia leather music case so that any one would mistake it for a copy of the last opera mri jooobeon dont like his papers to be rofledvl said elaine meekly where is- the cutrgbits inkstand madeira i i oh the cutglass inkstand i madeira said coloring a httle im using it the fact is blame im writing a story a thrillingtale for the wetlljf watcher you maddy i yes i said miss weaver why shouldnt i i read one of their frontpage storied last week and im quite lore ioould do better they cant pay me lesb than five dollars and only think how much faster i can make money than you will by that tedious copying yes said elaine slowly that is if they accept your story they will said madeira confidently you eee elaine theres a rich old miser in it and a beautiful young girlj who i cant stopto listen just now said elaine apologetically promised a fair copy of these papers to mr jacobson to morrow and i must work bard to fulfill my promise bomeother time dear maddy i shall be glad to hear the plot of your story its well enough for you to copy said madelyu with pretty scorn you never had any brains i am not as brilliant as you i know dear said elaine cheerfully but at all events i can write a clear hand and she sat down to copy the monoton ous law forms while madeira paced up and down the room with her hair streaming down her back to think how the beautiful young girl could best be released from the machinations of the villain i wonder if i couldnt write a story too thought elaine though of course r never coald imagine knights and noble men or describe the corridors of baronial cistles bat im sure t could write about old farmhouses with apple orchards all in blossom and buttercups in the meadows and i dont see why a farmers daughter shouldnt be a heroine iii her humble way as well as acountess- ive almost a mind to try l so when the law papers were all carried back to mr jacobson elaine sat down to write about buttercups andappleblooms she was ashamed to read it to madeira wheu it was finished the simple story of a farmers daaghter who like schillers heroine had lived and loved maddy always 6ajd i had no brains said elaine to herself and perhaps she is right so she went out and dropped the manu script herself into the postoffice madeiras story had already gone and madelyn was already planning how she could spend the money which she expected to receive for it j bat suppose th newspaper people shouldnt accept it said humble elaine oh hat they wilvsaid madeira for really it is a capital story ive called it the misers malison isnt that a taking title theres so much in a title you know a few days afterwards the postman t whistle brought a letter addressed miss weaver which of yez is it for said bridget the redarmed maidofauwork holding the missive between her finger and thumb elaine glanced wistfully at it but madelyn held put her hand i am miss weaver said she oh elaine look theres the stamp of the hefiy ftfcaer on the envelope she tore it open a thin slip of gray paper dropped oat a check for ten dollars she cried ex ultantly waving it in the mr ten dol lars didnt i tell you so elaine v a momentary mist came before elaines patient blue eyes she did not know until then how much she had hoped and longed for success in 60me faint measure well it was oil right madelyn had succeeded and she would not be so selfish as to think of herself and her own failure an which of yez gets this one 7 asked bridget bringing forward a second parcel a square envelope filled with written pjges around which was wrapped an ominous half sheet inscribed declined with thanks its mine i sappose said elaine sor rowf ally i did venture maddy to write a little story which let ms look at it said madelyn with a contemptuous laugh as she caught it from her sisters hand but her counten ance changed as she glanced at its heading what does this mean she cried hysterically its the misers malsion once more glancing at the check she perceived to her unutterable dismay and surprise that it was filled up in he name of elaine weaver instead of her own her stilted rhetoric and foursyllabled descriptions bad come back to her and little elaines simple tale of everyday life and love had proved a success dont mind dear madelyn r soothed elaine really startled by the angry vehem ence of her sisters sobs and ears ill divide the check with you but this madelyn would not listen to it spite of her conceit and arrogance there was a genuine win of nobility in her nature and she knew that elaines success was deserved you shall do nothing of the sort elaine said she striving to speak coher ently through her tears ive been a goose thats all that ails me but it so happened that her first simple story was the only one that elaine weaver ever wrote mr jacobson ssnt in on extra job of law papers to copy that night and before the end of the week he proposed to the little copyist to marry him i always knew that you were beautiful elaine said be but i never before com prehended how true and courageous and loftyspirited you could be and since she became mre jacobson our little heroine has been too busv presiding over her home to attempt arryliterary triumphs and madelyn is eager and anxious to secure the lawcopying from her brotherinlaws office one mast have some sort of an income she says and really i dont think i was born for an authoress mother hu often hold me of a fanny time she had when she was qpte a young housekeeper afflicted with a borrowing neigh bor this lady seldom bid anything of her own at hand when it was wanted so he aepended upon the obliging disposition j of her friends one day ray mjther put on her large house keeping apron and stepped across the yard to ber outdoor kitoheu the kitchens in kflotacky were never a part of ihe house but always at a little distance from it in a seprate bailding aunt phyllis said my mother to the cook who wu browning coffee grains in a killed over the fire i thought i told you that i wei com icg here to make poaod and cream pie this morning why is noth ing ready la me iliii enmeline replied annt phyllis mill tilda jenkins done carried off every pie pan and rolling pin and pastry board and borrowed all de eggs and cream fo herself her bakin iiot mon begun thii wu a highhandod proceeding bat nothing could be done in tbe case it was mrs jenkinss habit and mother had always been so amiable about it that the servants who were eaaygoiuk never troabled themselves to ask ibe mistress but lent the inconvenient borrower what- ahe desired bometimes just as we were goim to church i was too little at the time to re member mother said that a small black boy with very white teeth and a very woolly head would pop up at her chamber door exclaiming howdy missemmelioe miss tilda done seot me to borrow yo prayerbook she goin to church today herself- or of a summer evening her maid would appear with a tuodet request for emroe- lines lace shawl aud red satin fan miss tilda wanted to mke a callaud had notli- towear all this made mother perfectly set against oar ever borrowing so mach ss a slate pencil or a pin we were always to use our own thiur- or to withoat i never had a sister but cousins often spent months at the house and were in and out of my room io the freest way forever bringing me their gloves to mend or their ties to clean as cousins will never borrow naid my mother ibay or give away or do withoat but beholden to nobody for a loan from mothers way by mieguuit e baxgsteh in rynr- jrt ioung people invention and the press quite a j romantic wedding took place recently ia bowie ai town a few miles west of gainesville tex over so years ago a young couple knew each other in one of the eastern states sand were engaged to be married tbe ladys parents objected j and tent her to europe where after re- m aiong some yean she married and finally csifae to texas settling in this county witji her husband who has since died the gentleman to whom she fraa first engaged wentsoon after the departure of his interjdea bride to indiana then the far west where be settled and has since resided j about a year ago this once engaged couple learned of each others whereabouts and a correspondence was opened- the old flame which once burned in their hearts was rekindled and si a result tbe old gentleman jarrived from indiana and hasty preparations were made for the wedding which took place in the episcopal church in bowie bev mr yelton the pastor officiating news of he intended marriage bad leaked out and tb i cburoh was filled to overflowing with an eager expectant crowd at the conclusion of the regular services mr williams ind his intended bride mrs barnes euured the church walked to the alter wbetie they were met by the minister and were joined in marriage they are each over 70 years and will reside in texas in fature botp being quite wealthy be content the ink plant there is a plant in new granada known as the ink plant the juice of which serves without the least preparation at ink the writing at first appears red but in a few hours assumes a deep black huej several sheets of manuscript written with this natural jok became soaked with- sea water on tbeir journey to europe but whea dried the writing was found to be perfectly clear a cincinnati woman uurajjed at bet husband determined to rain him financial y sheblkyped day and pled op biljsto bi aooouni to tbwmtol 3p0f wings with men the growth of the printing business is one of the most wonderful phenomena of tbe centary the increase in the n amber size and circulation of daily sod weekly journals magazines and other periodical publications in startling evento those who hare watched its coarse for fifty years the consumption of printing paper in the united states amounts to about as many tons in 1800 as it did in pounds in 1700 many trains f freight cars would be re quired to transport the weekly outpnt of one of the many great publishing houses science and invention have been taxed to supply material for paper and the printing industry as it now exists exhibits some of the greatest triumphs of inventive renins the newspaper bad a slow growth until the steamship and the telegraph annihilated distance and made all tbe civilized world one cornfnpn neighborhood then as if the conditions for which it had waited wets comet it entered on a career of develop ment such as the wildest enthusiast could not have foreseeu in his most fantastic dreams it is todap the most potential of all influences in moulding public opinion and directing the coarse of events doabt- letfl the newspaper has its- faults for it is made to iuit the demands of tbe reading public aud therefore- caters to various tastes it ia too often an intermedler in private affairs too often intensely partisan in politics intemperate y sectional in re ligion or nnwholeaomely bigoted in soci ology bat with all its defects the news paper is next to the school tbe great educator of our time and the amount of good that it accomplished should make us tolerant of the evtl that is justly charged to its accouot the daily papers gather from the pulpitfrdm legislative halls from secular and religious convention from scient ifio and sociological bodies from magazines books interviews and all other sources of information the freshest thought tbe latest view on all sides of every ques tion that attracts public attention tbe cream of current thought is found in the editorials interviews correspondence and extracts printed in the leading daily papers tbe results of the learning of all ages are oundensed in these utterances wheu they are classified aud collated so as to give a just and adequate view of present opinion on a lire issue who can conceive of a more powerful and useful educational influence than such a collection 1tu inccniice joe choice selections many people think that to be a christian is to pray a few minutes corning and evening awevread a chapter m the bible and attend church on the sabbath these are important aa means of grace but they are not religion relipnu is living oat the principles of cbristjtniiy in ones ordinary weekday life we must not cut oar lives tn two and call one parteecolar governing it by one set of principles and regarding the other part as sacred to be ruled by another set of rules all life is to be made religious in the sense that every thipg is to be done in such a way as to please god under the direction of his counsel we have just as much religion as we get into our weekday life and not a whit more we cannot always be sare when we are most useful it is not the acreage you sow it is the multiplication which god gives the seed which makes up the harvest you have leas to do with being seccessial than with being faithful what though thy power compared with some be weak to aid and bless because tbe rose is queen of flowers do we love the hearts ease less others may do a etmter work bnt tou hare your part to do and no one in all gods heritage can do it so well as you never be discouraged because the good things go on slowly here and never fail daily to do that which lies next to your hand dq not be in a hurry but be dili gent enter into the sublime view of it god can afford fo wait why cannot we since we have him to fall back upon he lives the happiest life who sees gods hand in everything our creature comforts are do ably sweet when we think of them as flowing from the fountain of divine good mwl j xbe diminution of a faultfinding spirit isdneoiipesret mvks of a growth in loraoe the sohl tbshs at peace with god ws know not how much or how little we need in thil world better be content with our portion as it is the world alone eren though wejbave it all can uever satisfy us the dust ot earth cau never fill the spirit usl void in a human heart open the doors aod let in the light of beaveu give op empty dreams of how mach belter life would be with this or that treasure which we see or fancy another to possess let the worldly treasures t go perhapn they are never for yon perhaps joa woald misasetbep if they were given pprbapa you would become joined to your ijoip and cease to orship god at any rate be content wiih sacli things as e have and are getting the materials of contentment and peace he in oat own beans so do those of an easiness and misery under god we are what we make ourselves we can consecrate everything to god rest sweetlxin his love toil happily ia his ser vice content ourselves with what he gives us or we can cling selfishly to what we get hold of call it our own struggle slavishly for more grumble because we dont get it and come down to tbe end of life empty and disappdrdted ob this restless covet ous ambition frhich is poisoning the best moments of somany lives in this eager mer cenary agel when shall we be rid of it j when shall we learn that life is too precious and time too short to be frittered away in grasping after the things we can not long bold nor get satisfaction from even while they are durs lamp of life the little folk our pwachersayi an coarse i isjjright its tirr wphg to tell e fib rj so motherfsausfat me ever sin jj she rookeifae in my little ori ija thats why fjasnt jost undent idj why ft hnsermonjbe will n i h long lik any when bssssid 41 but one jterd more and 1 ha when first niesrdbim say they inadme glad for i rod wu tired tb halfhoar scrmcrn 4n enough fcr little folks like ml y but i wu quite surrjrisod to find hed only fast began when pausing for breath be 4s4 bat one word more and jwi i wondewbat hed think if l sbould say wben st bis borne just one plom more and i hei a roe then eat his wifes presette 1 11 ip i guess hed uk me what 1 mea it id bave to lay i wu in fun just like ho must bo when he siysi but cne word mors and i bae aone siekinond jdgpejca no room for mot f 1 cj v is n an artist asked a little girl pupil to define drawing 0 she replied drawing is think and then marking around tbe think mammal sent otthvover to aunties with a message when asked how baby brother was she exclaimed 0 auntie he is real sick tbe doctor says be is threatened with ammonia i little jim was bat a few years old wben there was a wedding in the family the aged grandmother kept her seat during tbe ceremony in telling about it afterward jim said j we all stood up and got married cept grandma mamma to flossie who has been lunch ing with si little friend i hope yoijwere very polite flossie at the table and said yes- please and no thank you flossie kvell i didnt say no thank yoa becaase you see mamma i took everything a holid iy was once offered to the boys at eton on condition that they could dis- cover an english word containing all the vowels in regular order in a very httle while one of them shouted out abstem iously and another facetiously amidst tb a plaudits o thei companions a sondsybchooltescher asked hir class what passage of scripture i hey would give i to prove tjhat a man should not have two wives at the same time one little fellow replied no man can serve two masters going north madam no maam going south then i dont know maam why theve are only two wjyl i dont know i was never im waiting for the train to gotb john there is h town cfd where is it oh johns my son kansas on a claim i am going right to jlvanm you intend to visit no maam she said it with a ughsoheajjt1 the stranger was touched john no the evasive tone the look of furrowed face were noticed by i lady as the gray head bowed nppi marked hand she wanted story to help her excuse me john in troublf j no no im in irouble old heart never thought to see thetrain doea not come foi bjniftine here rest your ead open my t lofik yon ore kind ifmy own shouldnt be in trouble tonight u whatsis your trouble miy help you its bard to tell it to strangl olf heart is too foil to keep ibtcl i was left a widow with the it i thought it was more than i but it wasnt badf as this the stranger waited till ab her voice logo on i hod only the cottage ant hands i toiled earlyjjjd late ii until john could helpfme tl the girls at school john and were married not long ago as the world goes john sold bsnt me to the city to live witi he went west to begin for said we had provided for t they would provide for me noi her voice choked with exbton stranger waited in silence 44 1 went them in the city marys first she lived in with servantb towaitonher al times larger than the jittle col scon found there wasnt roan me the tears stood in thejineson ticket agent came out wrftly firs and went back after a continued jnyaelc ied w the lftyush toil iear her trtfhble my k v j sol i can bnt my when wng the ox a pain i was 1 to be i found a stock taking story propdi of stock taking i have heard a story wbch though the incident took place some time ago is worth repeating a worthy principal of juc of the large houses bad an awkward habit of testing the effi ciency of the books in a certain department and one dnestion which be frequently put to the buyer was is your stock kept so accurately that yoa could tell if anything was taken yes was the reply i fear nob said tho old gentleman and tlere tbej matter ended for the time being j a few lays after however he came back again with a statement in bis hand of goods charged jo tiib private account in whioh an itetn appeared for a few pounds by whom were these goods purchased f said be bjr no one bir replied the buyer they were removed oat of the department by yoarsfijf the old gentleman smiled and was quite pleased then i had better return them very well sir the geods were in doe course returned aud again a few days after tbe principal arrived with a csedit note in his band i find youthave not given me full credit for the goods returned thai is correct sir and why not prices went down in the meantime and 1 could not sell these goods now except at a loss the story goes that the buyer was never after wards troabled drapers mecord iwent to marthas wend i in my heart i never felt beteft willing to do anything so ob a burden but ihat wasnt they were ashamed of my btntt old body and my withered face aahanod of my rough wrinkled hands made en foiling for them the tears came thick and fajt iow the strangers hand rested carelessly on the gray head jj 44 at lost they told me i mam live at a boardingbouse and theyd tyejs me there i couldnt say anything back my heart was too full of pain i wrote to john what they were going to do hej irote right back a iongkind letter for see to came right to him i always l hod a tome while he had a roof he said to fjime t right there and stay as long ab i lived that f his mother should never go ont to strangers so i am going to john hes got only his rough hands and his great warm ueart but theres room for his old itothercod bless him the stranger brushed a ter away from her fair chock and awaited the oonclusifm somenay when i am gcrasf where hi never trouble them again mary and martha will think of it all someday when the hands that toiled for them i still when the eyes that them through many a closed forever vrhen the littl bent with the burdens it bore g put where it can them the agent drew his hand quickly before his eyes and went ont as if to look for the train the strangers jeweled fingers stroked the gruv locks while tin tears of- sorrow and the tears of sympathy fell to gether the weary heart was nnburbened soothod by a touch of eymgathythe troubled war yielded to the longing for rest and bhe fell asleep the cogent went noise- lessly about his duties that hej might riot woke her as the fair stranger watjhed she saw a smile onthecrewornfaoe the lips moved she bent down iqjbear t im doing it for mary afad martha theyll take care of me sometime she was dreaming of the days in the little cottage of the fond hopei which iny spired heivlong before she learned with sf broken heart that some da y she would turn homeless in the world to go to johm how to sharpen a lead pencil there ia bat oe tray to sharpen a lead pencil and that ia to grasp it firiqly w tho point from yoa and not toward yoa take yonr knife in the other hand and whittle away aa though you had lots of pencil to waste by following these direo- aoon kave it neatly and regularly sharp tned yenr flogera will be onsoiled and you ili not need any bonrt plaaser to nnt on tae woaada becaiiae yoa cannot cat your fingera vrhen whittling from them this method ii the beat whether the knife is doll or sharp u the pencil ii a sort ont there i no sense in sharpening the lejtd 4 beau of 182 wevn grandpa went avodins 1fe wore a satin rest i a trail of rutning njaas umbroidsrod on the bitast tb9 pattern of his tiousers j hnenrvblteandnne- ete all the latest fashion i kslabteeqtwantyolnf grandparaaa a t neldbaing ycmngieuow j then so ihfgtdiadiea aay aniha ia a fine j ciod and earning the pencil over yoa will i looking oldrintlemen now im the paat core of 7el he h aa bees a firm beiieys in themeriuh ur seras qohtaadioal diaooery 8 it reneirea tnyyonlhi ha frequently tiya itiatbe fier and lira intigorator benefit orolre or taooay r ed it otwaliyer sciofnlona isorea iakia simplyi cut away ttie wood and in writing diseaaee of ihe blood t torn tie penoil over thaa writing with the and oonaoraption whlohta liijtg wtiafiisflii aidtaotitolead iu early etaeea it u an nnnarald h