Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1890, p. 1

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o- 3 volujte xvl no tljc tqtitn jrcsi rrttrsntrv every thursday morning at rax free prw stam ryuukg office attll street i i acton onfr i tntacrstrijaciurrioxone dollar per vrjr ft mid in adranceor witmntbxe month fro n bflsnnjiiar of year l50 per roar if not n pai l the dilev which ttt snbenptfoa u paid c daoll by the date on the address label apvrittttrscil rum- transient advertfs- mernla t font yr xonparttl line fr llrt ii ruoa 3 watt per line fqr each ubcquetll iaseruoa oovtturr rtmthr following tihlc slujflt csr ruifortbr ion lion of advertisement fcr pecifled pcrivlf ftace fciiacios i4tacb 5 inches 1 inch i i lit i f ito i j itci u tiiv i mioo iiai trd wd ksvl iiw jll 8vco hmj xm 20 i sftj t iv i loo j 1 0 1 icccnt- i l pjj d n jrv l ivertiemit without poi6c direction will b iswnm ml forbid aad chircwt scconl iztlr trascal wdrertiwureau uicit ia adrac 14vtwtcctj trill be changsi once month if desired lcr chances cjtcner that cm s mwiluh eomiwilik mast bo paid foi at cecilu riles it lie office bv 5 sm cc tuesdavr athecvi iter x tw loft orcr catii the following twl v ilrupouef lditor tad ircjtnctor uusinrss sjicrtatt tt k lowrt m bmc ps u gridatcqrtriaivcolilccabcrof college cf fhjiiciajn aad ssrgeocs oseaircsjiae atihebadof frederick tret acton d r springer pstoctax sraccos accorarrcit orrice avd rwtrcxci dr ircgarvius hoaje corner hill tad pivdcrick tlrrctt c e stagey 1ld cltftatc uctislo ucocegt st torocto telephone vo255 m french ldsxds otitis brampton visits acton first tad third tccsdtvs in ch artificiti teelt t fpiijlt ofic- it aguete hotel actaa- t f eaxsted ild ti petsiais sceccjx ere erxxdocn an dard sroxeiitiu strwt acit door la wiitcis boot tsd shoe tare l l bexxett lds- dehtist x uceixlaylds sckoeqs destist auoegctott yuite actos ct ajmcri hou ca the fcoonl tad foanhveizsdjcf ch mcctl 05cagorsetatend3rs3xhcr iup- m cleak secleak burislrt solkitarc xouries caavettrien at prirtx funds to ioic 0 tonrhth acia wic a jtcteia iso a itclnx t aitqivat bjxesits soncrron kotixt fceiic icoaerto loas dtrt tasdaj- 1 saicrdxj- ma ictniietibijct actaa cptuirt s rtok au1ak 4 baird barristett salic tars i oectei greci4n8elotgonrctatd tad 6g ttz etreet ctst tcrdato patext5 szcx7red fos ixyexnoxs sexey gexst otxivx caxaua tteatf yeiri prtctice- xo pttea xo ptr rrii fixicsrreet liczsszit acnaseee driers lef tt tie fcz pruss oe ado- o- tirajreiideaeeiaactoa tili be nrsntirst- t3dito tertni reasacaie aio maaer to- lots o the icost atorable ter3ntad tl the ortat rttcj of interest i- au of xi and apttrdf johxday architect a tjceuhokt ornceqaeehtioti bjoci mkrfcct squire job line fine albums scrap books al value at days bookstore ouelph pay stills cheap w barbiir bros paper makers georgetown ont- iuu ilmtcitlivor macfiine finished book papers hwu uiude meeklv kews thepaptrurf in uiis jourml is from the ibove mills w baebek bkos- waters bros the picture gallery qoelbh feauks i iictfiiisl v ncrcrr uoixdiks tooit uotluisos cokxice rolks fnjl i buasii hods baxstji rods roci autlsts uiteiluls the traders bank 9p oanada lacorgiontod bj acl of ftrlkjucnu head ofeioe ctrital amiuitca cititll tun u toronto lonoooo oooco auelpfiixnoh corucr at yyudbiu tud quobec stroou advi tuido o lirmon oa iheir own doum uio lowt carnal tl o lutorett sum id oilier no coluxlmjiiipuy ko cbtrcctudc it uolci trcaortoltoctod sav1k83 hank depahtxiest i l l roccivl ou doloil in utii dcurtaiuil md inwroit ulood uio lijoljjriiticruiriiiu from d of dc- loillodlol llhdmw ud crdlud lill oirlrolllluit- deposit iliicelit depailtjxest bpcciu irrtnurincnu co b nii4n or kreo nat ltd oa drrolt lor tuil porlodi acoaonlltauiicbuiluowtrmmciod irifu lultcilbutoadaroturtiu afu jones miuaerguqliib hnucb ilotlry nifosbbabf durlvg the fall careful housecleaners renovators and dioso lio move till tvmri require wall paper window shades a f til tujiply of trkidi eaa at til times be- btd t lotroit lrict tt john smiths guelph oilcoccrf wtttr co rrrchictcoiorsbrcilrcs eur ci- irtdv liid rtir a-r- tif fatiklf ccrdt wires xiilt ciinf uoolt ktc i water eros st geohges square wanted acim iiaa hiltirta lcrc firetc voy rrtrti ucctly ccnitsica cltfs tiy rtrti umtly ccnitsica cr kajtrj qitfcsezjtictrrrjiateit ftnaat cuf t coed ri job for the rintr wriu- 1 irfcll tcn tad ptrtlcaltn rred e youxg xcrtcryinta eochtcr x y salesmen vtakted haytxfl doae bness is ctntit for the ft si roirt or reptitioa tad rcsrcblitr u well lcr2 we psy filtry tcl cretes f rem tiio stirt if ertryihip is ettiiftctarr xo jtcrioas crpericaw raiied- write csfor wna liec tre rtry hjni before efxiiac jith tar other ri iteteervces bradtrei cr dca wiiaxc osccriiaerciij arfiarttcil tcora to bi- icsjck grstiaiarduiai coiboraeoat i cb1sz beothees coitpaxv xrsrjc2cibcree0ct velliugtou steam laaudry i 1 g0elpe riets ic collars io cuffs c ftaiilf- wthc vithcat troaic si per dc fcmiikjfirslii r irccirivr pcrdo geajcziise wtsiicstad kfiriaj 5clcr all tort ciirtcvd ltt ia ct eidt- 0 c tnd wcrls 3 qacbtrc ftrets goods iritirith kev hires rr ts it ctoadii be kt to the itcadrv ted retsraed to their erorc free cf rfitrcj tt tbsvc prices ii kackxey proprietor clsaxcrs xukak saccsesorta tfchiiiniis eooebixdeii 5geer- -gcejph0urio- assoaat boots of tlf iini ntde to order eenaijsals of erery desipiioc tarcf ally bosnd siiop aettlr tsd proajptl r doce rjtbx haxlasbailbee shop scax srhrrr arror aa e r siit re tt yiiiii fiiirct good e- fbtia pexhbaxttinjiiiinjpooiijtiyxfitcn btxors hoaad tnd pat ia 5nteiatx eoaditioc- ladict tad caildreee htir urtil j cat s- syobdek toaittitj artiste yocxffjiex aaa bojs itiraajia life for ihtsjttlvee or ts- ttua the besiaess of s ftuicr or relttire tnd ttatiaj the best preparation io uscre access young ladies bzrizz toqcilifjthenseives for good potilions tad to maie theicseires independent for life in i thflrt tiffle tad tt t very modertte expense pl cad the short prtcticaj coarse of tody x gaelpli business college gcelph ostaeio juswhn they ceed for lenai ctc address 1 iciicoemick prindpil elkngtoli marble works f qpztc snrr gceuti clark 4 carter i eo3 porters of gruute sod iarble -a- stocstaeai tni hedtoaeoc ti ihidek t 4 from the nearest designs all irorj lod mt- lenti tnaatfid tnxute parties wishing to ptm6etinieumi re as t aill sad inspect oar stodc ted ijreet tc e tre confidenr we ea compel withtajesttblithineatia ontario hxti2sdoturiaterest to he above crm irerpo hv wlioxthe patronage to raj- friend the jnlic on theiz behtlf h ailllltox aents wanted in ererz townawp tosell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock sml complete stock doctor jtte m5ei cojjleeii cotnpreljeuiire work trpiibusifi s laijruliod t tic bed oi uetrig a t 2 repa vaoti one iu etjil in cold lo df oe ra horv 6be ouls swine pooltrr j w e a pd oijportanit j- to mke aooej- fccdtrnrloitit once address e n 113yee publialier 120 yoaga st tortnlo or a wilforjj halls health pamphlet dieeate cured without med jcine jas fetthehsacto djn in scent for uie cinuldoo of htir j psmpbleirvbieb atusdrimsinromrefor disease wttti- fors tue pra fw pmil u i2ijs eojtnmtee is elroo tbu if lg2srisdotsusoed ilu pnttive tbci nt into conscientious jnctiee or one psse the money oo the return of the trslsir v fwse never sjn to meulo o or alltnr it u be used io bis sillily x goal csj wood jamesbrown ittsoa uiij thtrcqsttityofeiecllest coal tdiich hewrill iroujrtlj- deliver to tay part of the vrtm at reisotble prices ftixdkoolud tabt cat ttave icth cjvttx oahcd ttjlcphoneeoii tsiitioa j mutual fire insurance company cr the- j cotjktt of welllkgtpk head office cuelph iuscres r cidiegs sfcrcltndisc maccfactories tnd til other description cf icsanble property on the cash and prersira xote sjsten fjw stoke ckas- davadsok j v resident managfir j johk tarlor acekt picket wifiefencrxg coats from 50 cents per rod 1g feel up for the ftno or girota there is co fence so durable lud lastis seed c a trial order and we assure yoa catit- factioa will be the resclt discoaxtto the trade price- lifts ted jttrtiec- iarf on txpietioc address i j mdooley co cuefdh ont hamiltons jfarble works hasf iltoxk bloei fforiderij- hatchs bloct the gore coraer of woolwich tnd xarfolt ttreetf gaeljih ont 40hh ht hamilton proprjetor wlibfesaje and retail dealer and direct importer and macnfactoterof aji fcindf of granite and marble monniaentb toajbstoqe etc harinff had an cxtcaitve experience for the lartdt years the pabrie may rely on getting nil superior anklet atacheapcrrafffthanaoyothtr deacr uttije west ki p 15 per cent off on a direct ordttte- cewed for the next 30 days hew planing mid afd saah and door factory john cameron contractor ha sited cj the hafldiooa kfafa street ittelf occtipiadma tronlt factory with new machinery gndjfcptftpsred to f nmiih plto ipecjflcittonb and estimates for till classes of buudincs and exeentoalluodflof jkrssixg mvtchlxg anduoltldlkg 3ukt hu vttlks of szhes doors and windows ind door frames and dreteed lumber andkeep a stock or nand ail orders prompuy atidduj f f n odiroahehok et s b siberian ted torouto t two larft- shipment of the finest scotch ami english linoleums cow ready for your inspection weieprtdhiectiisr the casu ttdctn uyoaklgst john jr bond k co guelph direct hirdwire importers drugs -and- stationery school books exercise bpoks drawing books cop- books slates and pencils pens and ink school bags etc j v k anna wins miist acton livery bus iline the undersigned respectfclljsohcils the natron- age of the pablfe and tnformi them tiiat well equipped and stylish rfgs can al- j ways be secured at his stable a comfortable has meet all trains between 9 a n and 6us pm careful attention given toereryorder the want of commercial travel lers fully met john frakk burgess house painter paperhanger i sign writer etc is prepared to execute orders in any of the ahore lines in the best manner aod at reasonable tarms- every job harinff my personal tftention taui assnre cnntomen complete satisfaction grjirinc ia all wood a fpecialty orders left at my residence main sf acton wili receive prompt attention acton pump factory akd planing mill thos ebbage man f hare resumed the manacoment of the patop baiinesi in acton and wonld respectfully inforni all partia in want of pnmpi that we are o lircpaied to supply them from the old style wooden pomp to the best force pomp made pumps for wind mills or rock wells supplied on short notice- deep wells a special prices eight every time our planing mill tnrnber dressed while yoa wait uonldiugs ac jnada to order we hare also a quantity of lnix boror sale soluble for bnljdlng purposes crnwnsby mil will receive prompt nd carcfnl sttepuoa- shop at foot of hirer street excuse tno for itoppfng joa here sir id liko last a word if you please therei enpe on tin front door youdcr and k hcatm itiadldg an dor the trees rerhapi joum i friend of uio dotd iri too youve band oa your hat aod id uko just to uk you a quoitiou whos ijoa4 on tho keauody flit t aoqatlat with tfaa folkif well yvs cttherr pvain better thanmoit is hero tiisres dick ud there ibuisud theres hilly and mother uo nouderyou itaru iliuppod out aorel could help it i aiat boea lufself til the dty- voainty have heard tell of the bid ua the dmakird as went swsy vouvouot well its like thorn throe follows to hide all thoycau odnysliami audjuit use lhatdoarosiof uinther to let uo coo blacken my liamc its soiled onoushgod it ur witness but cleaned ftlwiliif lean lvisdoao with the whiskey forever sud coins lck to uioluora uitn i come backj aye to tnd here and treuiulc and cue it the crape ou the door jxobhe him at ft dead might be livioc lad the truant but cotno back before lcsps tho thoughu of t wroagdoia brother inado him grieve wliou he doc wasnt ihew aud they sty ihit iu sickness a heartache ctu undo the tenderest care couic fell me who gone ttlhc flit sir kar dont think by slitting your head that youre lottiag a fellow down cay for t know thai theres one of cm dead they all wn good boys o their inolhor aal cither u hound to be missed though to tel yoa the truth i htlf fancy shed cry more for uie than the rest that is always the wty with the women the eao thats deserving no lore gets lato their hearts wtricest comer their praycrt la the father above hat when brothers coffin is fastened ill lav her dear tec on tny own and ell her that god t wrought t woadcr to make up for him hat has corn and when this acu griefs t bit over 111 tell jost to show her you know that the liquor ts hardened my lift left my heart hill ti soft as the snew i will tell how wherever i wandered her voice seemed lorfn in my cars how ive slept with her hpc on my forehead and waked with my cyce full of tears far sec parted you know not in teger i just went twty fora time telling mother my bad reputation made sttyicg tt home seem t crime i had no ambition nor uiilfeg bilisoci new life i begin and now i un here in lcr kdrrow her very ideal of r man ify wards icemkiud of affectia i sec that for hcryoueaa feel theres too many mothers hearts breaking with grief that they try to conceal bat come in the hoase and t funey jocii ieo ti rough the flood of her tears the smile that hss lived la my mcmry all throngu these aafortcntte years eh what god above yoa axe ghastly i djat y oh isocticrocrficc hake rsyfar the drtafcard good peaple t now for a mothers embrace the same sea the smile oa her face sir bt gods kissed tway every tear idoutearc what fays are in heaven her anel ihocglt now are right here tfioutat fro stkd family bailing latlis lrajrer it lutd llawu ajjerfcct bcrricane idl day nnd early in the afternoon the snow had comnjcnoxlto fall increasing in violence until at sii oclock when lottie started home the streets were full of drifts the air a blinding haze aud the vcind fiercer than ever ohfhov good home will look jie tiid to hereilf pulling her coat collar up about her ears and tucking her muiicroll secarel v under her arm how happy i oagit to be that i have it to go to even if it is only a little room all by mysslf what do poor girls do who have none uo work no home and no robert then she laughed shyly to herself and blnshed a happy rosy blush down inside the coat colkr and walked faster than ever home was quite a distance bat hertlcct steps carried her qaickiy there and the hall door had flown open in response to her latchkey when from somewhere in the darkness ueur a voice came tremulous pleading voice pity oh for the lose of god pity me who are eu where arc yoa asked lottie startled and stopping right where the hall light shone in her face and dazzled her eyes here and from the shadow beside the door rose a womans figure a woman that the next moment also stood in the light showing wrinkled aged face and snow- white hair covered with a tattered bit of shawl i am freezing starving and may be dying if you have any pity give me some food and some kind of shelter she said with a desperate sort of famished eagerness i will oh i will come right in cried lottie her voice qmvering and her eyes shining with the generous pity that flooded her young heart i have no place i can take you but my room on the top floor can yoa climb the stairs for warmth and food yes yes lead the way cried the woman eagerly looking at the girl with a trembling delight baming in her hollow eyes i can follow anywhere b at she was aged and weak and the four long flighte of stairs were slowly accom- pushed lottie assisting her companion as well as the narrow staircase would allow and going very slowly tins is my room she exclaimed at last throwing open adobr and leading the panting woman in bit right down here and in two minutes my fire will be going are you very tired 7 the weary woman coold only nod as she sank into the chair lottie gave while her young hostess flew about the room everything was most exquisitely neat and the little grate brushed and polished was already laid for thefixe and at a touch from lotties match blazed and crackled with amazing brightness is not that lovely she cried turning to her strange visitor now yoa will soon be warm and injnst a few minatfes i will have a cup of tea jfovc nearer wont you apparently speechless mth grateful amaze and delight the woman did as bid throwing off her wet tattered shawl and holding her wrinkled hands over the blaze jrhile her eager eyes still followed every move lottie made i am my own housekeeper you sae continued the girl- gayly as if wishing to make her visitor less timid and more at home here is my little kitchen and with a merry laugh she threw open the thos ebbageriuanaffer uooi- to a large closet showttftf within two ncgth- jmprcd shelvoi of dishes and tins vrhlla ou a small tabic below stood a little single burner coal oil stove hero i bake and brew sho went on lighting the single wick and quickly putting some water to boil in a diminutive teapot andlom just as happy and indepsndeii as can be how do you like it liko it echoed tho woman does it not look like heaven to me uut aro you all alone yes all aloue 1 have not a relative in the world that i know of said lottie taking off and hanging up her things now that ahc had all things started i would bo very lonesome if i tad the time tut i havent then you work you arc poor cried the woman as though the surround lags were to her suggestive of wealth and casa 0h yes i am poor and yet i am rich for h have health and strength and good work aid lottie with a world of thank- fulntsa thrilling her blithe voice in uie morning lam up early aud arrange my room aud fire and have my little break fast then i am away all day as narsery gjvertiess and muhic teacher in a great hauss inthc city i never have time to be lonesome and i am very happy the woman tamed her eyes to the fire agiia and as siiq steadily and silently watched the dancing flames lottie seized the opportunity of looking at her closely when the woman turned almost sliarply you were studying mo what do you think oh why i l was wondering if you hud always boeu so poor huunmercd lotti honest but cmbiirrasscd the wumau uugied and not unmusi cally no he said i was not but you arc young and i am old therefore let us talk of you and not of mo teii me do yoa always intend to live so alone dont ou want to marry v a wave of color like the warm tint to a seaslicll covered lotties sweet face i am going to marry very soon she saiil after a moment are you and do you mind telling me about it aud him questioned the woman he is teaching german and trench to the children tlut i am nursery governess to aad w msit there very often i know he is good and noble because because i do he filkiwi it in even look and act and you love him ah yes yciudecd something in the sweet purity aud nipt expression of the girls face made the woman turn suddenly away and wipe her eyes and then nothing more was said by either until the dainty- supper of tea toast and egg vrns cooked by lottie and placed- before the wonxin on a little tray covered with a worn but snowy napkin then suddenly canic uie question what are yoa going to do with mc to night turn me oat oh no indeed you shall sleep ou my led and i cm nuke a pallet here by the fire ify bed is ont of sight now- the add ed with a liugh as the woman looked about inquiringly i like to have my room a sittingroom so if any one comes to see mi i fold up my bed into a lounge and put all my toilet things back of that pretty curtain and that leaves me a little parlor joa see isnt it pleasant the old womans face was a mystery as she looked and listened v the thin lips con tinually twitched and the eyes with all their shaqmess gone filled lime and again with tears hat she asked no more ques tions lottie ale her own sapper thea went into the cloiet took dawn the tiny didi- pan poured oat herwter tint had been heating while they rte and quickly cleaned cp all signs of sapper wcrkicg quietly as she supposed the wear- woman was dozing when on the contrary ine was intently watching every act of the yoang house keeper work done apron was removed clean cutis put on the soft carls brushed and tastefully tied then lottie came lo the fire and feeing lier visitor awske said with a emile tud a pretty blush ify robert u coming hi evening and you will sec if he is not good and nobe iookiug he is coming litre this evening exclaimed the worn it starling up then i must go at ouce indeed no where woald you go yoa will suy right here said lottie with decision and at tbit very instant steps soanded on ihesuirfandthroagh he hall and she added with a quick smile here he is now trembling and evidently at her wits end the woman sank bick itto her seat and while lottie went to he door and greeted her lover in a few lowppokeu words she sxt etaringiuta the fire a smile gradually breaking over her face as though consternation had given wty to amuse ment lijinghii hat and coat over a chair robert cititoa came around to the fire and looked at the old woman as she lookcd- up at him aud there was a moments silence grandmother he exclaimed at last iu a voice of stupefied amazement grandmother am i dreaming well na i guess not yoa doat appear to be answered- she as though after all it was a great joke but yoa what i didnt i say i wis going to asked she shortly no j ou dijn siy what and i never thought no i suppose not but i did see here lottie like one doubting her seuses lottie had stood listening to this strange dialogue and even at this peremptory order she bad not the power lo move tlua is my grandmother lottie began robert as ff at loss how to tell his story but ebe interrupted htm briskly 1 ill tell you about it myself lottie siid she lam hi grandmother and 1 am not poor and no morels he as he has made yoa believe oa the contrary he is to have all my money and i had set rar heart on his marrying grace latnrop yes che very young lady where yon teach and be eet hia heart on finding oat for him self what she was like so i humored hiit aud he left off his last name sterling and went to the family with a glowing letter ol recomuicudatiou from we- he was engaged he saw my pretty grace in bar home aud i need not tell yna how he found her to be a shiftless spoiled beauty he also saw jou and i oould neer repeat all hi love rhnpsodiv i was cbtfgrined ihatmy choice had betn found at fanlt andjdefermihdd to d if cover fuwa in hia aud well ive tried and failed she paused there and rltlng suddenly went to i m trod and bewildered lottie aqd took her hand robert the girl yoa love is worthy all yoa havetaid and believed of her she ii a 41 arc trae noble girl with a heart that you or any man must strive hard to be worthy of take her with the wtrmget blessing yoarcrasty doubting graodmowr can ask or give tenderly robert clasped the bands placed in his anddrew her to his breast- lottie my darling yoa forgive as both r but from mingled astouisbment snd joy lottie was sobbing and speechless i played the hungry old woman pretty well i guess said old bin sterling com- plsully as she 1st down by the fire again im old aud sick looking and of course the child never goersed i wu swathed in thick flannels under all these rags but oh robert my boy yoa hive found a little treasure joa have indeed be worthy of her i will try gtandma he said toderly kissing lotties blushing happy face every hour of my life fannie stile irvimj some natural history wobtu scientific psptrr is made in france from hop vines aud it is claimed that the fioer securer i the be f substitute for rags jet obtained as it possesses great length strength- flexi bility and delicacy according 10 mr uausenbiiusted the beech is overcoming all other trees ia he struggle for cxistenc in the danish forests it it driving oil i he birch except iu rrwihy places it u la king the place of the fin aud there are sigus that i is gradually gtining the advantage over the oaks it is probably idle lo tell people that there is a thoaianj limes the danger in he sewer pipes that there ts in the thunder clouds but it is trae all the same the deaths by lightniuji arc few iudeed who of the readers of this paragraph ever lost a friend that way who of them htsnt lost a ccore of friends by lie icm brilliant and leas ncuy detlruciiou that comes ap out of tho drains the trouble with the lightning oc the trouble that it gives the people is in its indescribable suddenness and its absolute uncertainly yoa know neither when it is comiug nor when it is going all yoa feel certaiu aboat is that every etormisprfuy sure to leave a uam- ber of catastrophes lo mark its coarse the caprice of be iivhlniug defies the explanations of ccuce and there ia no predicting beyond a few generalities this much it does seem safe to repeat even in a lively llghtaing seasad that the increased use of electricity with the moliplicityof wires has tended to fewer fatal strikes of lightning in ciiie in the storm a week or more ago in hartford a bolt burst near the cuuraaf baildiug which shivered a few chimneys hereabouts bat evidently lost most of its energy in dancing over tele phone and telegraph wires moreover a great deal of electricity undoubtedly works eff quietly by sach avenues and by light ning rods without a manifest disturbance bat all in all it it a subject and an agency that people know compartively little about oar thunder storms cvme majestically along tho ughloiog plays about in the clouds and now and then a bolt goes down to the ground or up from the ground lo the clouds but often there are equally severe electric storms when there are no doads and wheu the disturbance is in the earth itself the telegraph and telephone art thrown into ooufusiou while the specta tor feesnothing and knows nothing of what ii going on though he may feel the effects of tho current in his mental con dition without knowing its cause hart ford gjivairf temperance in a late number of che vtiyria jovraal published at philadelphia we tied the following the im of applications for licenses in philadelphia his been adver tised it ii fearful lookiuc it woald cover nine pages of this paper in the small est solid type there are 11 13 tpplicitiocs aad yet high licence reduces the number of saloons lessen the traffic id the best cure for intemperance i 0 yes a great many temperance men really did believe that last june do- they believe it now how innocently they were liken in how long 0 lord how long is ihe law lo fasten this curse on us why should a farmer 1 a prohibition ist when the liquor business helps him by buying his gruin a5ks a western farmer helps him does it see how it helps a farmer sells a bushel of corn for il cent j a distiller boys it and mikes fromit 3g gallons of whiskey the government taxes this 321 to begin with withdraw- ing that amount from circulation and piling it up in the treasury vault the wholesale wd retail dealers get their phocomenial profits and then the con sumer pays 19 for it and makes his wife and children go without anything to eat or wear in order to keep up the market for that farmersone bashel of corn at 11 cents this may be good political economy but it is difficult lo see how the farmer is going to get rich at it x y iw here is a parable two men went up to the polls to vote on the i iqunr- traffic oae a deacon and the other a drunkard the deacon said within himself i am glad 1 am not as other men are liars thieves corrupters or even as this drunkard 1 go regularly to church and to prayermeeting i help to pay the preacher i send money to convert the heathen i have no appetite for drink and the ealoon i no temptation to me so 1 can cast a ballot for its perpetuation and it will bring no danger to me but will make me bolid with the men who trade at ray store- and the drunkard stood afar 00 while the deacon voted for he was as- shamed to be seen by him in his rags and filth- bat when tbedeacou was gone be slipped up to tho ballot box and said within himself lord bo merciful to roe in my helplessness and to my family in their misery and i will at least cast my vote for my tftliverauce and do thou 0 lord hasten the day when the deacons and the church shall have mercy upou me think yoonot reader that the drunkard went down to bis house fast if ed in the sight of god rather than the deacon t league journal kxowtxowbenevcr a driven by myself has balked i have got of my carriage and gone to his foreioot lifted it from the ground aod etruek kbe shoe a few wpwi with tbo wrench whian i always cirjcjainy carriage i havenerrr failed to statt a horse in that very sinjple way and i havo on several occasions pad balky horses which cxhaasted the patiiiice- of all former owner j a dwis extiuobmsaiiy leu lieu franklin a shaw of be first rpgimint of infantry was out walking stgreslbead with his little daughter grace they wire attended by a thoroughbred 8t bernard dog the property of lieat shaw while at the highest point of the clitt grace went close to the edc snd the dog seciog lier danger walked between the child and the prccipic tlo tarf started aud iho dog lost his footing realiiing his danger be made a spring far out over the cliff the child had turned to lier father and was really cut of danger when the dog sprang ap in front of her but the noble brute bsd done bli duty in guarding ber he apraag clear of the rock and landed ou the beaoe 120 feet below it was a remarkable escape for the dog ii extremely large wetghiog 105 pounds aud such a leaij without breaking limb seems impossible beyond a few cuts ou his feet the dog was apparency ouhurt fkiem arreit a fight a fine new foandland dog and a mastifl had a fijbt over a bone or some other trifling matter they were figbliugoii a bridge and being blind with race as is ofien the case over they weut into the water the banks were so high thai they were forced to twim soma distance before they came to a landiog place it was vjry easy for the newfbaud- isnd dog he wai as raach at home in the water as a seal bat not so with poor brace he straggled and tried bis best to swim bat msde little headway old bravo the newfoundland had reached the land and larned to look at his old enemy he saw plainly that his strength wai failiog aod that he was likely to drbwu so what should he do bal plangeu beize hlra by tho collar and keeping his nose above water tow him asfely intd port it was carious lo see the dogs look at each other as scon as they hhook their wet coats tbeiyglaocci said plainly as word we will never juarre any mere north carolina pmbjtcriai- earlyavtumk w tho conn try hum aro brightwith bloom and gentle airs come stealing through laden with native wild perfume of balm aad mint and bonerdew aad oer the bumtbcrs radiant flath liea early autumns droamy hush in miyida nooks 1i10 asters gleam and froitdovors dance above- the sod wbilo lapsing by lbejabeni stream lleflocu the boo of gokteiirod tuat flower which lights a doaiy day with lonwhiflsoftbe snagodtslrir tu grsnerinc cjaihbcrs oer theh i j 1 oldea festoons sumacs ba ljkfl torches 00 the distant ledge- orligbtlhe laaoat ory tarn and ivy riou everywhere la llxlrod bsuneri ou the ah a pariilo miit of iragiut mint ijoruon the fences drifuug oat of fmtcrlug corners slid iu lint ks uiifqf cljcer and half of doubt u i ikq the tkar doligbtful box wbicli rot 01 the hills these autumn daji audiuvauti tiid growths aro newly wet odd thing but little jtiied of yore like 19011 old jewel well rset tail a worth uiiioim before as duck iu ipruig s graceless wood is injlaut in its ejtunm seod tho crjetet aad the katydid j pitie low t jcir sad prophetic tuna thougb airs uim worm the leaves amid aj liiiijcdajaud the heart of jane bo niiiir- strains break on the heart rorut iiing age as mari depart the st ert old story of tie year ia rt nuiug onward to its close vet sotndi tu welcome ou the ear as is tuc tuns of opning rose way ue for all bj fwwtiy wane at coi des the autumn time again i jarpcr4 bazar household hints th1ncs worth knowing an egg should never be shaken to test its soundness a few cloves on the pantry shelves will effectually drive way ants parsley seed is asosefa as celery seed in flavoring soups or slews a restaurantkeeper says celery wants to lie in cold water an hour before it is eaten h the color has been taken oat of eilksby fruit stains ammonia will usually restore the color to brighten carpets wipe hem with warm water in which has been poured a few drops of ammonia how macy have tried placing some vine gar in the stove while cooking onions to lessen lb odor the brass lop of a kerosene lamp maybe reset when ii his become loose by using plaster of paris wet with water if you dip th wicks of a lamp in ttrong hot vinegar and then dry them it will do away with most of ihe disagreeable smell to clem vinegar bottles and ctfbet crushed ejrg shells in a little water aw as good as shot besides being healthier aud hiudier when jour stove ii burned red and blackening wont stick pgt a little fat fried from salt pork into the water ou dissolve your blackening io and try again oil spots if cot too old are easily re moved from marble by repeatedly covering them with a cream of calcined magnesia and benrine aud brushing off the former after the dissipation of the i a tier soft soap mixed with tl4 juice of a lemon and a little salt will remove mildew frctn marble and may ki from bronze leave it for a few days wash it oft with clean water warm apply araiu and wash it 06v the use of fresh green grapo leaves is recommended to place oh top of pickles in jars instead of cloth the leaves will pre serve the uuegar clear and impart a nice flavor they aboald be rinsed in pare water and left to drain before use aud occasionally changed choice selections ids of tomatoes thiee pdnndiof granulated sugar select thosi tbt are quite ripe small- and emoolbj scjd and remove the jskins place a iayejr of the tomatoes la tb bo nam of a po celfunliued kettle strewtbem thickly witfc the scsar aod place them over fire istew very ceully until pears to have thoroughly pene lift very cartfully tpoou epread ulejn a moierale the sutar u trated the tomatoes one at a time wiili on dishes a id dry in the aan sprinkling jili cranu ited sugar several times while drying when perfectly dry pack in jar with a layvf of suar about printers ink wait not for your difficulties to cease there is no tordirrb glory to be won oh peaceful fields uo sailors daring to be shown on sonny seas nptrubt or friendship to be proved when all goes well faith patieooe heroic lore devout courage gentleness art to be formed when there are uo doubt uo irritations uo difficulties itany a mau when he begin lo accuntu- late wealth commences at ihe same mo ment to ruin hia soal and the more ha acqaires the more cloiely he blocks his- liberality which is so lo speak the very mouthof tpiritaal life instead of doing more for god he does lesf the more ha saves the more he wants and the more he wants of this world the less he cares for the world tj come spurgrcn two old scotchmen who were born and brought up iu the same town in scotland and who have been living together in the vermont town foolhe lost forty yeara not long ago one said to the other weel david weve been friends this roouy a year ye ken weel dirid replied cautious ly im no sayiu it may oa come to that mon when we are weel acquaint but yo ken it takei long for two bodiesto ken one anither to that degree thdt its safe to be friends at the close of a fair in boston the an sold articles were sold at auction and a round lot of cream pies were knocked down to a gentleman who seemed particularly anxious to get them my wife made these pies he said and gave them to the fair but she never makes any of this quality except to give away my only chance is w buy them and then he sat down and consumed a couple in silence when mr barnams circus returpetl across the atlantic it vas noted that tho only animals lhaf showed seabjckoeea were the monkeys these rolled arodnav groaned and aoted very like human beings in the distress they exhibited a few who werer exempt from sickness showed their likeness to human beings iu a more uo- amiable manner poking fan at the distress of their associates and fellowpasse ogeno j- even littlo switzerland tho only elate iu earopelbataepends entirely upon its volunteers and militia to preserve its national integrity has been compelled by- bismarck ism to borrow money to spend ou arms when and how is the waste of money of life and of homan extergy which military entails upon europe io come t an end j jerusalem 1- aiil elly use fair soar apples oice then skin seeds and all and 11m- mer with tie half a capof water till well cooked auc rdft then btrain through a cloth add 1 pound of fugar to a pint of juice boil a few moments skim mi og till clear hci pour into glasses and cover wheu cold toiuro 3ttttfci- scald twenty pounds of ripe to 1 utoeaf aud remove the skint put them i 1 a porcelain lined kettle with four pouuls of applts pared cdred and quartered stindover a moderate ore to cook slowlj for one hour stirring occasion ally to pro ent sticking thee aojl eight pounds of tugar the juice of ifoni lemons and one ia iespoonful of powderel ginger cook and eiir continually uotil red need to the cousis ency of marmalade put in turn hi ere 01 jan when cold tit up as directed pisirt s viwicuei rolf a piece of puff paste into a large sheet and lay on a baking sin spread the paste wjlh freslv fruit well bwectenedor with preserves lay otfer this aucther lhii sheet of paste jress together at the edges and with a sharp ksif mark the paste ino diamonds so that it ttiay be easily cu t w aen baked a little before it is doqetake fnm the the oven brosli with the white of egg sift powdered sugar over it put back in the oven to color when ione cut iolo diamonds and serve either tot or cold tomito fpus allow to six pouft this is tie day of printers ink s prues are f jr those wioue it yout ditions und prejudices may be to th4 trarj but ihe wrji doesnt care a ik for them tfar iaai who sits and waiff for hia trade it ihee dsva geiloff jjnt advertise dont qujte our jirice listjagnt see that jnur city or your busiueas is represented in your patronizim territory and dont stauj up maufilly alongside of those who are fighting for your rightlland iutereta and there can only he one msolt shrivelling op good salesmen first- class at ticks giltedged 1 credit art net enoach they aro excellent necessary enough priuiers ink beats them in the loug iuu htr majestys mails go every day carrying their freight of special offers new crops long credits cash discounts job lots and later tales everywhere and iu d end your trde ii bedaoed its the world old fctory of the honeyed tongue and the open nr in the fierce competitiou of these dayrf old habits and associations simply cannot stand the pressure the trade is for the man wfeo nses printers ink i a recent letter froro jerusalem saya the modem city offers ail the disagree able features of other oriental places un swept and uogarnished of wee tern ctviliz atlon the hotels are utterly wretched there are no architectural remains ao4ve the surface to attract the eye as the fpr- thenon at athens or the colwseunybt rme every tourist at first feeds a snick of disappointment and yet as the dayif- pass by and one walks about the walls ol jerusalem and through its streets the locality asserts a spell upon the mind which uo other cityof southern europe or the orient asserts r it was mr emersqn who said the first wealth is health and it was a wiser than the modern philosopher who said that aha blood is the life the system like the clock runs down it needs winding up the blood gets poor and boorea of dis eases result it needs a tonic to enrich it a certain wise doctor after yv9 of patient study discovered a medicine vaiich purified the blood save tone to the sypem and made meu tired nervous brain -wast- ids 1 men feel like new he called it his golden medical discovery it has been sold years sold by the million of bottle and people found sach satufaoian in a tbit dr pierce who discovered it now feel a warranted in selling it under a posi tive- guarantee of its doing gocti in all cases perhaps its theroedicinefbryou yquti wouldnt be j ho first caie of scrofula or saltrheamkin disease or juxig disease it has cured when nothinelse woukl the trials worth making and costa nothing money refutiikat if it doutuu you any good m

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