Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1890, p. 3

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ww- gfy r- w 7 -7- y r 1 1 1 i- j i j he methodist church aoton ma traao ua pia tor j rsitooagr dover ai venae trfliic services 1m am and 630 banda sehootfcv bib1 cuubcomaetedbrtlie pu tor all cordially invited slranreri and visitor always welcome at teative bihen t the door trutinfftiredeired apply to 13 v moore pr steward bank of hamilton itbadomcs hajcltok- j- garrujrm tr piooaaoo rcskbvtfcxd ttslooo ratxptlu c1sh1k o s stkvkk asst citlllvii i 1 dt recto rjcwx stbvanr ltwdon k a hiiait vitcprw jolty rnocton cms grmxar g co koach a t wood a r lee georgetown agency- sotdicoautl and adrtucvt made oa ill ritame wecritm diurmm ailtaru ot cjlv- niih cmn sttm ti inur ttanxrv att th covtrolvt or krnotk bancit and sold octujurnow md oa ill aecttble pofnu ou mod uroraule tnnu saf ncgs hepauruknt pndstt rtvcivod ot 1 and npnf and tti- cnit allotwl trom dui of deposit to dau of vilildrawal i r stecul deposits ajmrrttdittartisatriitcsonntorr4 no aoliw of wilhiraval rruirtyl hu watson atrcuc f xickelite tea spoons are puartcletjd to t mad uirouchoai of uic pyrotaadtul kiciel sflrcrluoo il ui- wovo lh ar tad will sever turn lrav to be bid czly at geo htkds acton onl abtttvfciwtic lyioatfroii hcorcrdoi sfwwu give cs a eti when tros vaat tea spacer u t ihcrsdaroctoberlciwo i i little local brreflets which ciught the eyos or ears of fre pnsm reporters this week a tute o oold wtauier thtt-weet- the awitef open it kilioa next wed nesdtr i coil ttovts wd lumacds ire being gut i to rork iain a mt tecfaer for lame- scliod is beis idtwtiscd for itr fox of hornby iisehn oct nd will reaote to toronto janclioc a number of ocr citkens ttteaded the j coanty show tt itiltoa on friday i ilr jtmes btotti is bcsili esgiged in totting bii oeir sit mdl completed i ilr tboajls eislon is ia proving the twchen residecoe with a coil of paint i rthe disciples congrtiiioure hiricj tneit charch improved bjpipericj fcaj- tomiaip etc sotnebodj siyt thit poitdnes iciifcc in tii cailiion there mi be nathicg in bat itexafes ocr piutranderfuliv tfacidiet aid of iu- chsrcl are unning for t 6ocaj fn the town htil on k the ereaicc of thicifiiria diy gh kov- 1 ember- r a meeting of the threcicrs cf acton tcioa acricdtarii jsodefr will be hell in the toati hill en sitardty tfternoon ireif tt ffpjn t the lt fcolleetac is no sax wriiic oat receipu for taxes the first insujaject wis dtt on the 10ji inrt bjh h een prettj- tell ptid in joe howard tfc- well fczswn keir york jcuzziust ys j kocillicg tutt ifcnorofis bifcd eareir sofirrclr in bjjtrtsioaliii jt ifjmr cf ocx citizzzs bthtli one of tie nastperfeci ind beiatifal raisbows ever fieem here dnring the ehoer an tcesdxy afiernaoa about t6 oclocfc tehixe iepklated to eitnah-can- ada iiid ret that cheeky country proposes as qsnal to have a thanibgiric day in kotember iwpar mr a- l hemstreer 6e aisposed of bis dairy btiainesa tokrj k f iloore hr hemstreet trill remove to aii farm ra trafalgar the old homestead his lordship the buhop of niatre risited acton yesterday and administered the holy rite of confirmation to a class in sl albans chscch list evening i principil ilooce has about completed lis ne residence oa the corner of mill and ybnng streett and har moved in- he bat a comfortable and commodious house hr t k dancyof goderich h reeoyertdr flvooo from the grand trunk biilvtr for hariaff been forcihly ejected from strain ome time siaoe at granton at thclast meeting jf oifcrille totti council the clerk ts instructed to notify tie tai collector ihsf he mast retorn- by the sotliinst the rolls for 1687 and 186 oaivide enaeotjyfhaifa iirdrj coilector toe traders bank gaelph utilias the feei psxas is s mediam forcaiiinklhe attention ofthe public to the indpeements wid facilities they offer farmers par ticularly will fiaithit the advonlfce rst pae is interesting the first snow of iwt uli fell cs the eight of the sth oct ia tafficient quantity iocorerthe firouad it wai followed by sharp frosi this year we have had do luipiciop of enow as yet but the frosts hire been ihirper and mora freqaect than thfey were hut season thescppiement t3 laspcre vetbgio he poblishad this eefc will comprise air illustrated article oa thelialiihs ot xew yorfc by george 5 sjaa-cc- this u the fifth paper of a series oa trie foreign element in kew york rliich is bzin published bribe dtt stmilf 10ouofiu0 zf w imported ictthe united sute from canada last year yextyear therefore cvnsda will hire xn enormous sarplus of egg we pfc of this m order that tboghtlesk sctcrs miy uot wander into that country onarmed chicago treue- lccle toms cshin was giren in the on bim oa tuesday evenicg by the thayer dc bayer co to rather a meagre soaieoce the company had an excellent btxsi bidd a good orchestra and put on caste t5n in a firjy creditable manner the blyr houode did ther pirt veil but the trick djslcv wle aben ievr dinmaii brought upon re- mtadi the poce court friday morning charged kith bisroy the county crown attoroeyaiinponced thaf7lie crowo bid merileace tro2r and the charge waf therefore diimied prfwner was thtu on a chirgc uader lhe clisrltoa at sod eooke itted for trial guelph iter- ttlie snuitersary cervices of the mttlio- ctorch will be held on sunday sud moodajt odi tad itilx kovomber bev hannvo of guelph will preach on jfy nd on monday evening the rjj society wigiw new efeg- t- wpper iftcrwhich aptogrsnjmef vfatw uamherof reeitsis by 7t te of eodsbdwijl be pre- ewel th news at home mostly of local character and e very item interestlnfl a saggcsuoti tb farmer a v4nabl jyuon hsj betumsdeto the- fr pnivlo the effect that if each fatrtct would lut op s iffiiu itgn bearing hit nt mo on the febec oc gate ia front of uictf atmi it would be a rtctt ooaxenioce to partict driving alon the roads the idea u a pood oue and we would like to boo it adopted iur thts lowiukipa adjoining us vvho will make the sutt women nd miatonfu f a thankoffcrttig nioctiiig of the wriniaiis- fotvign missionary society of ktioi church was held last saturday aftenuxin mrs- j w ue president of the society conducted ltw wrviccs after roftdinp th tenth chapter of romans ahymu was sung and pnmr having been made mr li jiccw- guclph prtti- dcut of lo presbyterul iociely dclivonxt a vr- ititcrvstin and instrurliw addrct ou the fpocul ycork of tho society in foreign lmd and uoi misxiaus ia poue nit- on the uivclp lkinp ovnl it was ound hut the cndicahle vain of f sgai wf bcvi oitcrod t vzaaic fnvcrian i mr eh fiuydor a former citlrcn of actoa uow rmdqat o park rosdtorootd has secured s patent dated sept sth 190 for his m improved stove pipe collar whidi is certaialy an iuiprovraeut on the oldtlylc the pilcnteocffccluilty obviates all disco oral ion of walls id bpoiling of carpel r by making the lover furfact of the collar to iccune downwards towards the inside of the chimney which caosca all accutriualaled moiitcrc to run in that direction this improvtmest is one that will be welcome i by al bildrt as the benefit to be derived fromits use is appar ent to every oue it jusbeec highly recom- citaied by twenty nine leadicj architects in the city of torctito who have arjeed to cm it ia all buildings under their direction shop richls far the manufacture and sale cf the new collar will be sold at a rcaon- jabe price ca apphcalioa to the patentee lt uapderfuf piece of thnxftesh j polly the prey raare owned by ifr henry savers spcyide it d3r in ker thirty second year this liveiy little animal was brcapht from eietera canida nearly a quarter of a centsn- ajo james pikes of kramosa owned her for a time from whom she was purchased by duncan clark georgetown wiltfim shirp then a lumberman rkiainfi in acton eccuredher anddrcre her daily to his mill five miles ul3waeton fcr three year she was then soli to sharp stewart a gawdr arhich tinn hid purchased ihe mill a year after smith a moarc came into iosesn of tho iniil polly went with jt and fcr three years iui a half john mocre now minirer toronto lime co at lmeioise droe her almost daily back ar3 forth ou her od course utwech aclon lud the oil about 167t messrs p 1 sayertf sprside baucht herby whom she ss dnvtn- tor four jeirs thirteen yeire id the prcstu osreer toch her into his itslie ani the has proved a prize 1 bast prin tho pave birth to c colt from pure goliytni ivgaiu n feci to the siue toree shaii still ioiai and healthy she ir of frct4ch cttritieu obituary dr wins the rrxzilr friends of dr t c tma of campbtlltilie were no surprised last sreek whea the fixrpes announced that te diczm frcn which he hsi been ecutritg fcr eeveral years liad tertninited fat ally dr wirin was bro in the corityci 17 and craiutied in medicine at torbnta ucrintz the civil war in the ccttid stitea hi attached hmaclf to the ccion array receiving the eppointment cf atiitlant strcecn in irbich capacity he eiw a jcod deal of terviee at the c2rclaon of the war he wr tj miltjn nd after a short stij- settled at hdtcnvhle xtasacaweya where he ctiiand practised until afew ytars c whtu he removed to campbell- nle hiixlijl in his profeiiioa secured hima larje pctc anu his genial kindly dspcsitioa made him very popular with bz classes he leaves a wid3w the third daughter of john holgate esq of toronto formerly of acton and eevea chijdren the eldesfcf whom mr robert winn lhs has leen practicm as a dentist a pa dijefor several years the funeral took pltee from liis late reidtce at cimpbell- vdle on saturday and was ery largely j at tended in referring to tie deceased the parkdale ti whcsc- eailor was well aoiuaictea with him sy- the doctor wjs one cf thos blc5 and hearty crjuntrr miidjcal practitioners whoe very presence in the tick rom would bring back the biom of health and who was too generous to tosepi aiv recompace from the por sod needs the agricultural societys concert the concert ander the auspices cf acton utouancitursj society last wednesday etectnwasaprocounced sawes theat- fet dance was large and tbeprogramme very mritcriius mr geo hycds secretary ofthe eociet- presided in a very accept able rnannev the following programme was carried cut touthe entire satisfaction of the large audience and one feature appreciated tjy bii was the fact ihatjlie aniste were all new toin acton audience i ixwrr l i i hcrdfican actfv03cffcttlx 2 sllecjozfjn d5 piics ilxoe uvkuqk z lctatitaunleitcglriiictcourth j his jcnzalezaxcitk i solo the flower girl 3 uililtcid fjiu5 sfiflu jticd fiatrntns i uismai ftanonn bum- c lilotcle fhesidc i actos qzausnut 7 acliaiiqi the countrylround mows iteme supplied by corroe- pondonts and exohanges knatchbuut it is our painful duty tu chrouicle tbo doilh o dr wiiiu at hii llr rendcoco in gaajpbellvtuc si s oclock ou wednesday aiotniuft ut aped ui year the ounl took place ou saturday afternoon at 1 oclock and tho reinaini wtre iuurrcd jo ihovillajto cemetery tno last tribato of rtapect wu paid to 1ho deccattd by the largest coqcourse of relatives and friends that ever am m bled at a juucral ia ihii vici6ity deceased locvci a wifo and family of three tons aiid throe daujihers to tuouru hii loss mn wiun is couflacd to bet bed with necvoaa proilralion but u it hojiod hat she may soon bo restored to health mts andrew mcalphran ij iutiierioaily ill at present mt jno h msrki wbo has bceon out ia tbo strlb weal fo tooio wcvkn arrived home again last wek- mr and mr johu tjlor itftyclerjay oua vieiltofrieud in clifford and viciuity the autumn winds are fait stripping the foreat trees of their bright colors il alltixdet a utcaziq uotc i i ii 1 wtllz ufctu faces tiic oaiiziul 1 selection on kipipcs jjzk hfvton z isrxstatien sly sitrc vcdiii scjio 5 ff ori dxac- t c filtctioa trnoiwunx 7 iictjja qjrclrumtj i sfmi ausjuuiii the recital i cias of tlitt jeuieaierauder were cucicrliyjjine and proved to cur cikitcce that the e an elocutionist superior to ny who have appeared here for years her charming case of manner dramatic ability and excellent voice clear as a fcelf wod the audience in her first effort her selections were refined and at the came time thoroughly interesting to the mired aadeuce present ia addition to the num bcr given aboe she reponde to encores thrde times and theio were ftily eqaal to heriotfcec renditioij she uill be greeted by full boofe at any future visit mis slcuneouvof gcelph fully sasttined her reputation ricrselcctioriff thoflfih perhaps not fc pjpalar as they would have been in aii eidusively city or town audience wer rendered with credit to the performer hlui stevencou it a vocalist of hfii atsfld- in pipe- major uunroo wanned the hekrts of h s highand hearers ia his selections on the pipe mid accompanied miss jlanj stui dens and ilatcr bury in their intricate -erfynnauces- jfies scrugtiie dfgaelfli wasltfccompintt foe mis stevenson she is fljianifetofftbijit tbeorcbeslra com posed of some seven pieces performed their paitj very creditably the proceeds of the evenpng amounted to illc the entertain- clocod with the company eiogiufi atlldlisufl byn rockwood mr john strachati elocauoniit took part a a concert at milton lact friday evening the misies sirah and mary black spent sunday with their uother jamea in hock- wood ket frank fairies of ottawa preached eloquent sermons last sunday mocuiuraud evening ia he presbyterian church here mis bessie dryden of pauley uspeud- ing a lengthened holiday with friends and relatives ia thii neighborhoods this jago occ butcher intcods selling out shortly and purposes studying for the veterinary busiuess dr jas mcculiough of toronto and formerly of uockwool paid hie old home a flj tng viut oa tuesday we are pleased to know ihtt the doctor has a very lucrative practice in the city mrs john barber and mrs wm lf- carthy who havebcca visiting friend for the put four months iu the old itndi scotland and ireland respectively return cd home lut week and were welcomed by their mauy frienda the trip hie hid such a rvjuvcmtiug effect that each looks good fcr another yet j milton erin thills the bly jay of ilto world- fair t i io whole oquntiyaido wtd be hero elder shappard oj walkirtou the father c thi editor of saturday nght preached in ht puclpic church litre on sunday afternoon urt jmcktnnob6 buffalo n y if el proredt vlaitidff her mother mn sicwarlln town tbo youna man stockdalo of tho porks whoio accident ucoeisiuted aoipotation ia doiuit remarkable welt oouaiderfog tho cir- c urn stances wo are ploased to learn that chas over land jr is recovering from his rrcent severe illuoai althongh not so rapidly as might bo wished the anhual matches of the hilton hide cicb will be held on saturday the luli inct j tte are happy to say that dr itobcrtson exltpp whose condition last week was thought to be hopeless ia gaining every day add that there u little doubt that he wiil recover th county fair lat week wssasiccos the lirst day was fine lut rain poured dotrn n torrent t- en fridajmorning tlie afttrnpoa was fire- however and crowds visited the how thegalerccctpsarnouct- ed to between 700 and fw the brick work of both the new churches is rapidly coifing completion tlie cir pentersare putting op the ftaudard fur the rcof of the hthodiet church the two edifices will be highly creditable lo the torn ono of cur iccil lawjers bad a hageioke on the gentlemen composing tlie executive of thexcuniy salbith richoo association last friday th3 presbyterians have a hall id dewars block and here the meeting wu being held the lawyer also has an ofiiee in the block and carries hie key cf the frant dr the executive had net concluded it business at noon acdwith ids head jxm fall of i- gil quetians the hungrj- lawjer hied him away to the noondat meal after securely locking the frcnt door shortly afterwards the executive made their way to the door only to find they were prisoner secirely locked up the elrongr lunged secretary hoisted a front window and engaced a passingurchin logo forthftfcey the boy elaxted bat in lhe excitement of county fair events forgot aji abotit and a cecond messenger was dis patched after half an hour of patient waiting and lietening to the yarns which only preachers cm spin the key arrived and the hungry executive was liberated in thejmeao time a crowd ofi citizens and visitors had taken in tlie situation and as the sunday school men stalked out they were tuceubjects of numerous broad grins and dry jokes burltncton mr ti douglas of calgary purchaeed some fine hcrees atburiington fair among them heavy draught teams from mr smith freemao of burlington and ifr wn watsoa of kelson he will take them to the otthwest revsr h abraham and mr w v hopldna attended the meeting of halton sabbath school executive at milton last friday they say he convention here next feiraary will have an attractive and interesting programme a musical entertainment was- given in the presbyterian church under the aus pices of the ladies aid society 6a tues day evening when ker khaddow ba of milton gave his popular entertainment entitled musical keminscences of a con tinental tour to an appreiitiveaadience on wednesday mr w france sr was summoned before magistrates dice and fogter selling liquor without a license and was fined f5g and costs a widely known and estimable lady was reraord rotn ocr- midst by death last monday in the person of mrs andrew pettitatihe age of 76 mrs peitit was aunt of judge muir of hamilton she was widely known for her hospitable dis- position and kindly nature and will be sadly missed by a large circle of friends on saturday the residents of burlington were startled by th report that three men bad entered the house of a laborer named foster daring his absence and ware creating a lg disturbance thi men were said to hail from hamiltoon the story is that three hamilton men came out to barling- ton ia a ng satardsy and getting a con- eiders bleioad of whiskey on board went to fosters houso and proceeded to have a 60ciabfe tjme with the girl much to her annoyance ituo father came home while they were there and a free fight eniued ia which the old man was roughly handled after the men left foster had irwarradt tfiued fur their arrest and con a tabic hen dersou went in chase he caoght np to them on the plains road and after a struggle accded in holding joneph koafsesur he was broaght back to bar lington aqd tried before a police magistrate hisfmeof 3 was paid and he departed county ctmslable littlehalcs is after the other two offenders both of whom are said to be known j on account of the protracted illness of ilev mr craig of melvillo church ferguf tlra presbjtery have undertaken to supply his pulpit fora few months in accord ance with jtbeaboya arrangeinent the iter j w bae will preach in fergus next sabbath ind a student from knox college will occupy the pulpit in knox church here oeoroetown our street lamps looked que last squday evening in tho itarlighl a thtibl accidout lo the iwilct in creel maus faotory on mouday delayed opera tions for a half day mr y m barber was in town for a day or so laat week aa a guest of his brother mr f w barber mr and mrs fcciesvjneand children of hamilton visited at mr cirriqucs mrs eccles tones father last week the new home of the bank ot tlamilton is approaching completion and will bo a most creditable and attractive abode for tho sarplus cash of our citizens the bank expects to move about nov 1st owing to the tvvo pm train being over two hours late on wednesday of last week about two score of our citizens were de prived of the pleasure of veiling acton union show many a comment not just aogeiic was hoard from tlie dissappoiuted ourpublic schools wertfcloaed ou thurt- dy and friday last owing to the teachers convention at miltou those of the teachers who wcut to milton prooouuee tho fair almost a fail ure what fools wa mortals be- especially when two thirds shot with hag jafee wi imply illustrated by a character on oar ctrceu ou thursday morning last he wis trying to warble arias from the opera jn a voice that sounded like he ex plosion of a bell telephone minute gun he would hive made an elegant sign post for one of out aalooos the kev mr love was inducted into the pastorale ot georgetown congregational church on friday evening last tho ucv mr sandwcll of ziou tabernacle toronto rev robertson of trouto and william of guclph assisted ia the services and the church choir gave several hue selections during the evening a most hearty wel come wu extended the nor pastor by all aud those who know or htvt heard him can reiterate all that was said on sunday evening a eeryice of song was held ia the fame church and the general opinion is that a better has rarely if ver given here mr r i creelraan went toharailloaon friday morning last having a host in his minds eye a his intention we believe is lo use the beast on the road in 6ifpoing cf his fimom knitting midline bailey s auction sales are atlricting con siderable aueatinu just now and the volcble cook with hit come iu ye- hiy- seeds eorac in seems to bea drawing cird born gilchriese at georgetown on 0t uth i0 the wife of mr frank c gilchriese of a daughter the epefghtthurstoa shooting party started for mnskokas wilds oa monday evening acootnpaaied by a whole pack of dogs and plenty of provsnder there is a business change rumored aroand town by which the inker business of mr c m- clark will pis into the hands of mr s mcook mr w d brothers licence inspector for halloa was in town on wednesday of last week arranging the triuiiar of the clark house license mrs carrique is at present in aylmer attending her daughter mrs thos xee- lands who is critically ill with typhoid fever one of ecquesings oldest residents pis sed to his long rest on 6iurday oct 11th in the death of mr tho mullia sr he had reached the good old age of s3 years he was buried at union on monday itev thos gee wife and family visited their old circuit oa sunday mr gee having been invited by the forresters of that place lo preach lo them mr lus- combe of guelph who gave such satisfac tion on his last visit here occupied mr gees palpit u his absence and again de lighted his hearers with a very fine dis course mrs j t moore of milton attended the faneral of her grandfather mr thos mullia on monday at union the widow hauler and family have moved lo toronto wisi- guilty of murder sheuixooke oct ii the jary m the cue of be mi lsmootague who was charg ed with the murder of his brotherinlaw napoleon michel this morning returned a verdict of guilty they occupied only ten minates ia arriving at their decisioa he was sentenced to be hanged on december 19th haloh county show a good show and a largo attend ance afterthe showers were over halton county agricultural association held its thirtyeighth annual exhibition on on thursday and friday the first day was devoted to speeding oa bo hilfmilc trick andlhe jadgfng of all exhibits except stock although tho track wis heavy raased by the rain tfaetime was good and the rices all well contcgted on friday tho big day of tho fair a heavy shower full in the morning which had the effect of keeping many away bat it cleared up about ten oclock and he people from the sur- rounding country began coming in by hun dreds each train also bringing its share uatil between four and five thousand entered the grounds by two oclock the exhibition was in full swing the large hall was well filled with all kinds of ladies work domes tic and sgricuharal products fine arts musical instruments fruit vegetables flowers et the horses formed the center of attraction a finer collection of road and carriage horses and colts it would be hard lo gel together caltle sheep pig poultry carriages and implements were all well represented in heir various depart ments fnkira were scared off the society doing all in iu power lo prevent them int festiug thagroauds coming jnd going visitor to and prom aoton land various other paraonal note i mias km ma b wotdin of gall is id-it- lii- friends in acton and vicinity mr r llmebeor ii ponding a ooriplo of wetka with frimid iu gridgevlllc mias grihatu of hamilton spent a few days this week with relatives hero mr nud mrs j t brown of toronto wero guests of friends here last week mr and mrs oita liasa of king ere the guctla of mr john anderson this week mr 11 j kennedy of guelph has been speiidicg a weeks vacation at the old home miu csktio miphuil atteudvd iho teachers convention at milton last week rev h j uurnwell of rock wood was a culler at the fuek fmsh office on monday mr george williams who ia working on a coulrict al peuetanguishcnc was homo oer bandar mr george l boardmore of torouto wat a goest of hia son mr a o beard- more the past week mrs johu speight apeut a wek very pleasantly wljlt friends in berlin and re- turned home yesterday mr w mcmackcn of high gale was a guest at the home of mr johu cimeron a couple of days this week mrs wm ucmsirecl returned last week after spending an enjoyable visit with friends ot chosley and owen sound messrs edward and a e nicklin w kins aud w stark left oa mouday on a hunting expedition iu tho vicinity of wfat too miss bella graham uho has spent the past two years with friends in michigan and colorado returned home on mondav eveniug considerably improved in ljealtn i mr john king 0 c of berlin bai been appointed to conduct the crown busiaesa al the guelph and biincoo aiaira which open the litth andttlh october respec- lively rcr j e farmer bd has just been appoialed by hie conference to toe first methodist church at racine wisv mr farmer is an old acton boy and like many others is makiug very rapid progresi up the ladder of access mr and mrs c t hill have relumed from heir vitt lo fneuds ia michigan they visited their sons at detroit aud muriroc and mr hill went ou lo cleveland aud canton ohio lo spend a few days wiili friends iherc their trip was a pleas ant on the executive of lhe county sabbath school asiocialioqmetal milton last fri day and arranged for the programme ot the convention at burlington ia- febrairy an excellent programme will be presented mr h p moore pre rev il hsddow isk sec and mr r d warrea were elected delegate lo the provincial conven tion tt brentford on the sslh 29ih and 30th inst wanted a good reliihle agent for acton ul vicinity fcr m old established agricultural implement firm apply far icjfcrmxiiou to proprietor of clark house aclon everj one shoald call andece our ftjoou 51200 and iu00 suits made to order they arc better value than can be got at any otheriiaac in town by hrce dollars a suit inspection invited fit guaranteed kixlvbcos wc mutt admit that the nicest and cheapest wiodow shadw are o be had at kelt bugs thy also have a very fine assortment of boys and childrens spring suits all kiei and away down in prices bestficurin the market for 250 hundred bran fcr u3 per ton all other feed and provisions equally cheap at a- f launs 25 i 27 jtidham sfreet g0elph wednesday oct sth 1kk1 if ever we were in a petition to com mind appreciation it is at the present time never has our house shown to such good advantage whats specially notice able is the great variety of materials and prices here you end goods which for tonicess and extreme of style yoa cant match in lhe trade here prices perhaps hich too lut never higher thauthe quality of the goods again there are stacks upon slacks of goods of harable pretensions co far as price is concerned yoa cant go anywhere and beat them from the lowest to the highest values yoa find a full and well stocked gradation of prices and what ever yoa may want yoa caanot fail to be sailed dress goods continue the attraction yesterday we opened a case oi heavy vicuna serges and plain broadcloths they are the correct thing for fashionable street wear the grand range of plaids and tartans in heavy cloths are having a great run as a tit bit of choice value we may mention a line of fancy plaids nice cloth at 13c per yard they are the specialty for this week each week we shall make a special run on a special hue of dress goods dressmaking miss lennox our manager has turned out a number of beautiful dresses during the past week and in every cise received the highest expres sions ot appreciation- from the ladies for whom ihcy were made we cordially invite orders and guarantee the greatest satisf action mantles a department this year of more than usml importance mrbolierts purchases personally 6elcced while in the old country comprise a variety of material design and grade that cannot fail o excite your admiration our sales thus far assure ii of tho superiority of these goods oor mantle room istimply jam full wo have opened out five separate shipments the last having only jest arrived and pot into stock we have an immense number to choose from and they are selling fast underclothing no need lo lh you that now is tho timo to boy the chilly anddarap weather reminds you of that enough to say that we tell the best underclothing lhat can be had oar great and special lineis lhe boltonian we have imported them very heavily we have seen nothing for softness and fineness to touch them then we bell other makes and none that give better general satisfac tion ibau mccraes we are making a special sale of canadian merino seamless knitted goods at about 5 their uioal price we bought them cheap save yoar health and save your money by buying your underclothing now and from us usually the gentlemen who complain most ola newspaper either do not subscribe for it or are in arrears 011 subscription or jud themselves unable to run tho paper hi their own pcrttonal interests or if their complaints are f a partisan character they have a very narrow and unworthy conception of ibe party with which key are identified a groat boom at kxux buoa in spring bolts prices cutoh everyone boys overcoats form an attrac tive line in the ready made clothing de partment they arc wiih and without capes and in sizes to fit every age of boy so do also the hundreds of boys ready made suits you will find the quality a groat deal higher than the price mens overcoats all our own make no shoddy cloth no shoddy sewing aud at fast selling prices grand value to oabh buyers e ii bollertea 25 27 lower wyndham st ouielphv ayer8 hair vigor is tbo ideal halrdralai it n torn the oolor to gny htir i promote frmli nd vlioroui powth vkymx tbo formation cj luulraffimitotho liolraoftimltllkco net impart a dell rato but luting per- 1 fume 8ovrnl month ago mv hair com menced falling out and in n tvvt week inr bead traa almoat bald i tried many ramedlw but tbejr did no cowl r final ly boubht a bottle of ayer hair vigor and after mfng only a part of the con tent my head trai covered with a heavy growth of hair 1 recommend your preparation as the bent in the world t monday sharon grove ky i hove ued ayera hair vigor for a nnmbor of yean and it haialwayi given ma aatlifactlon it la an excellent dreaa- ing prevents the hair from turning tray jinnies it vigorous growth and keeps the scalp white and clean mary a jackson salem mass i have usedayeri hair vigor or promoting the growth of the hair and think it uncqualed for restoring the hair to its original color anil for a dress ing it cannot bo surpassed mrs oeo la fever eaton kaplds mich ayers hair vigor is a most excel lent preparation for the hair i speak of it from my own experience its use promotes the growth of new hair and makes it glossy and soft the vigor is also a cure for dandruff j w bowen editor enquirer mcarthur ohio i have used ayors hair vigor for the past two years and foiml lull it is represented to be it restores the natu ral color to gray hair causes the hair to grow freely and keeps it soft and pllantmr m v day cohoes k v mr father at about the age of fifty lost all the hair from the top of his head alter one months trial of ayers hair vigor the hair began coming and in thrte months he had a fine growth ot hall of the natural color p j culjen saratoga springs n y iyers hair vigor raaraasd st dr j c ayar 4 co lowell mais sold i1 cniatlsts ud prrfomcn r thbco m day not to be hanged until dd- oombtiath 1 wtuxu onlocti70u the opening of court this morning mr johnson crown counsel pololed out thai day found kulliy of wifo mnrder bad bn sentenced lo be bnng on thursday november 18th and november 18th wu ou tuesday his lordship sfatad it was his intention loses- tenos him to be hung on tuesday dei 16th and it was changed accordingly c m french ld8 iir8 of drampton visits acton the nrsrtud third toeadays of each month artliolal teetii a speciality ofsoe st agnews note a little talk about shbes fljrareb may he and facta distorted bo dut aaetng u belleriac come sod see tbo icekaboo hoot and 8hoo starelruat uom ahowingadainbcrofnowlincsof bnocsand slippon spoclallr adapted for ibehaaou these dw goods a being sold at prices u low or lower than those asked for old styles and shop worn roods olwwbere everybody can lo suitod for we hav all sties in gent a wear ft m j w darby vetirirjary bnrgeob lbltton ostakio y plieatb s dlsessis of dqnnstleam animals enejlal attentloi fivsatto alsmt of u toeth ana ineutli of bines am eattla borgleal opertuousof ui lun pjrformed vmrlnsxy ss m hand and pnparsd to i s jronpt r ittanosd to br day or nlht or by teleanpb omcb fn bxion cz everkmont photogralhic views lmardi ualaaeil tsr sale everywhere ladies wear youths wear children a wear babys weax thc vvellknovn photo artist ofajton uai jnittiarcbmod hit hew viewing cimera sndis no priiri i to expeat orders for pnoeogr bic tiers of residerices picnic patties lawn gatherings stock etc etc a say itvli desired lutnihai- rcpststion work isvo j our order ill ensarft anteuus i rfimshhw special linea good goods vswmf style and best value for tbo money at w williams acton cultoti torlt sod repiirioi riven ctrefn stten hon tmnss sod rsjiscl la variety tyit- the artist never allow the bowel pated lest serious evil fills are onsnrpsssed u stipstion to remain oonirti ensnes natjoasl a remedy for con btetw idiportti03srs 30 packages arrived at right house this week tlie the i aotuinu and winter goods are coming in fsat thirty bales aud cases this week uoarly cooipletes the oil assortment of oae ot the richest most fashionable sod cheapcstltocks of general staple and fancy dry goods miliiuery mauliea under- wearfor isdies genuemeo girls and boyn gloves hosiery curlins cirpeu tinoleums floor oilcloths wi idow cornloea j1v2 p uat ku mslticss mantle cloths eutiuh nd canadian tweeds and an alm 38t innum s other abticdkb in the latest styles and at the very cheape8t f5j g00d ddkadle and fashionable goods cak be sold for and i s watkins always paysprompt cash for his goods and buys direct from she manufactorersno house can undersell him in canada this week3 imports are u bales of john ftrosslet soss magkilicent best fieframe brussels and charming wilton carpets customers tt ill please observe that crossleys carpets are noted as the best make f c 4bpet8 in the world two bales of crossleys beautiful rugs two cases of corsets foub cases of maxtles and jerseys direct from berlin one cut dm lrxisos os cisx dacss tcuiunas ttvo eases of mantle cloths one case of dress gocds one case ladies hatj two cases dry goods coniisling of silk vein t ana satin ribbons silk and flannel embroideries merino vests fell hsts for ladies mantle cloths green snd crimson laiae stylish blck sod fancy dress goods hsl and bonnet shapes crochet dress battons pearl studs oppossnm fnr tnn mings hook towels glass toweling batchers and bakers linens hollandspillow and sheeting linens poylea talle damasks spoiled motlini psinted wiodow shades gnipore lace coruius crobct collsr larro aesortment o new iibbona and smyrna snd barmese ra be sure to enter the skirm east of the carpet windoa- many make mistskes an i do not gat into the right house corner king and haghson streets r hamilton sept 23th 1890 thqmas c wltkiisrs this space belongs tq 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ittttittn rrntrn 1 1 i i i itttrrii i kenne y bros dominion boot sh i store actoim i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i j i i i i i i i i j 1 ml where can get anything vou wan in i i 1 t 11 n 1 1 i v i ii px tk r s wlz- j il 1 1 ixfs r i j when we consider the n auy vrcirj hours spent in sewing and the amountof thought that is given to each garment we feel very much surprised that more attention is not paid to the qaality of the material selected some in their eagerness lo buy theap which almost always means a lower grade of goods at a lower price ucem to forget the great amount of labor that will be put into the garment before it is finished in many cases bringing it up to almost three limes the cost of the material j for example take two ladies baying a dress one goes to a store which is called cheap because they handle only an inferior line of goods which were intended to bo showy bat never to wear and pays say 20c per yard her neighbor who deals where only reliable goods are handled pays say 5c per yard more after tho dresses are bought the same thooght and labor will be given to each and when finished there is only a trifling difference in thi cot of the dresses but one will wear almost hall as long again as the other new if this were all the difference it would be quite sufficient to convince any thoughtful person of the folly of porchasiog so called cheap goods but it is not all the difierence in appearance fa as marked as the difference ic the wear when on the street one will be noted as having a stylish appearance while the other will never have anything but a shoddy look and yet tho oqa cost but 15 more than the other and the same principle applies to any other materialasvell we do not handle the bo called cbeip goods by which shoald be properly ander stood unreltablegoods wc do not offer our cusjmers what we aro not prepared to recommend and if after a trial we discover any ifaol good o tq of an inferior quality v it- does uol agaiu enter our store i jj x have you seen our hew fall dresa goods in some respects uio most attractive showing wo ever made of these goods and at little prices tho variety of materials ii great coloring lhe newest paltcrcs tho choicest many of the styles are tticlustvoly oars and must bo seen to be appreciated i g b ryan co guelph i ustew gooids ustoibib-y- cheab goods ordered clothing department for tlie fall and winter trade we hsvo now iu tlocl suitings overcoatings ahd panties yoa ever laid yoar eyes on whatever vou want in clothing li will pa right snd style right gents furnishings new bhirts collais cuds ties and indurwear in abuudsuco goods the uncut range o 1 k ou to come to us u iei are right fi readymade clothing in mens youtbs4jovs and ghudrvns suits aud overcoats wo have i i icry uryo stock at vcffllow prices itelly bliosj actoi

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