nttxbthodistcuurch acon rev qa arfpordmaphj p8tor ran miifre bottr arena tituc pmi liljq un and t bandar ieboolaj bbleawwcoodiictedhjthc frtor all cordial j- inritm straaserc aod ntftort alrayt welcome at tentive oscen it the door hfilbnink desired arrlr to u v ltoore ce surd bank f hamilton he2jv0ffice hainltorf cirmlraid tr ktstste ftrxd usbjbbx 4 tcnsinu clsmhll h 8 8tevkx director j otrv rttwart rnwfdent a gratr gro noatllat woop jlxes oeoroetown- agency so dfoclm ad tdnjicw made on all taul4 wvtnuc lturr on til haruot ca rtlh lklttt sti1t tituut luutuv add i be covnvrvr or rmoraf ivacu tied cm coltrcnov i3 oai tccrmo txua oa c wt favorable lenif bulg liepaunitixt rwi uottj frotutul ot dcjxit o dat of tmral srncitx derosrr ow rwfredat ecrroct rttw ot mlerrtt so cucdvt titmraval resrod h u watson aril tel xickelite tea spoons iractwd to l mde tiroacirat of tin vtil oar uid will never tarn braes v- 20 htnds acton oat cuv cs jl1 fcca os rct tea srooc d rit tiic rton jfra rrss xi rrsdai 0ct0be s 1850 lttxe local brieelets whfci caugtit the eyes or eareof fre i press reporters this week iloiir roads wiilbe the rule now s me very wet filler the asf week m dsvil hills is bidding a boose on qaeen street m coois stfrvoy- t x cassia glcve works are annsaal y fras ly ipas- iad wortihg oratim- k f cumber o oar citizens attended the at sthto yesterday is jaror hh dossil scunw of toronto will preset aciedsapicsdi3rchnextsanda- a assises man can get ajcc withe t arert ecc eo or a oraiisa witiiout grciie bi il i oes fcrrd oicg to iicfcof cndeeortbeclirce di3ir it gcerb llz liit 4xai irk l wts dlschirjed it is repcrted thit m jl e xictlia shat deer the rst di the pari from acicc rere hi the tact rerd siracbai o eockwood wii preach- a gilic eenran t lie cle cf the resolix morciie feerrisa at kcci charch en bosih ia jifihjdn papers are articles ca lie descrip hu o ereainj dresicfi for children ic tb- ars wfaec ire were yoang tbz oak dress f 3 a chili ru a nightdreas v i nacber ctriic5intheiie alci i ojae repsr before ltikt sets is tae et ee tad siiewilc oomnitlfie xtiji lilsir r ts ifcc ciiter iler itt4atioa- a ieo2ffis czertled the cticr civ aii l copper cent nader oneliicd ice re tlr ot ta editor mt ufceh vrao tried to afce ms wealth tb- xlit hm thj ippeirs be i lard yeirnih nexscajer cnea- wilhia a menth tsro aswspij ers arte baea fa ia the hsrdo fcuc- lie braatford tj n daii5 fcarftr r aa xtheii was saa hr ile lidiea of is las hethodit chsrch oa sfa- wfsca the fear pixii alio teair aal bssc wcr exeded- 1 reniirj sara z of lie tecaat fsraiers of the nsilborlxoq whose terms of leue alio the fauea toaer fir the own rezp coit a reveane ili- kicicr t cf the crcloc ia july iit- a555 ior kecnedy copliias to the fixpe ia that the sidewallc bpposiie the re cf himself and neighbors on slain a bid state of repair inspection reel tad eidewait oocmiitee is day zxh- spraao izey we s ii a resa etrcetif ty the e iir iathe d laxclty of xoroali wbc preichcd sciplss charch oc sacdxy con- critaatei the gareaoa while cocdcct- izz tfi moraicg semce upon the improved ij canape cf the charcii a a result cf ihs ork cf the put week a prominent new vorfc pbysiciaa siya tlit the toastint ciifeiring of gem his pro- daced weii miudi in it cases of young girls oca coder treatment the constant inoteaieaj of the moath caanng too ctfiat t etnic ct the beid girla be cirefcl lut reei n reminder wis sect to ob- knbers ii arreara and in order to fidiittta iae remitiaacb of amonatfidaea address ed earek accompaided it will those who recei ed them fcindly ase theenvelopes for ihe pc rposs for which tiiey were sea 1 a aa ber of thoagbtless boys aire for 673 time bseo dlstarbing the weeit night terriccf i tha itetiaqdietcharcb b tap- paz op t e tficdwe and oiserwise dis- tractieg he afation o those present- doa do i again bors the hv- provides alerr p najly foreacb conduct- ade asements shoald ie attrtctire frct cap seat sel c ad joa fsliow the idow cfiti rtteattb irate the eye- tl eje ij the l captirite the sentinel aptitite the will the feet ec ftii the actiriog anre- izg eerlastiag never tifce no-for-au- aaiwer tp aj to the tyes of khe people that ijgi trave- the d h of urz jimes campbell ute jaoes gimpaell took clarfc hoodoo sandayeveatn were interred in fairrxew m tactdy afierooon ber j e b coolf cou- icracainp ii hxl beea ailiosfic wme time- tue reaii canetery e w sted hj eev dacted the eerricee modfeli nd a cf kora hare ja et at in for slemrs jtmes and l g mlthe s c lifcatijg ipiarata which promises ki comfdn ai ecooo-ny- it it com- tiquion of lot ur and not water aud mr- iattikwi residence the post otce and ertore oi itr l g mstlbew are to be ted froi i the ooe furnace i after j rest rasenns for many weeif rt peta- 5a erf of nssiagtweys calmly ud latt 1 boxsdaj morning at the efjy ae of 10 y ire a 5 moa sirs bayers wii tuoshl it of ilrs thomas mclsm an fai the fnneral r ice waa cond acted by bev a biair b a of kasagsweya assisted by lt gifford actoo tbe remains the news at home mostly of a tocal chftraetor and every item interesting lucrtviuhon and pcl the ofiiccra elected at hit last tmctittr ot lufr uutdut o ualton and pee h lre mis bennett cicorctiown vioi- r mrs btoucbousc brsmptoncor 6ec miis lucy m audersoo oakilie hoc sec mrs mccrauey oakville trcas mt8 cicracats miltou ttie utxt con tenttou will be held iu gorrcloa la 1801 t can anonc heat tjils iu s lite cviuton ot the fuck tru ibo fijuoktug sculenec iaaidto be the ihortt ootuiuiu all the icucrs of the alphabet iolm r lnaf pvt me a black walnut boa ttf qmt luiail 1 1 coataiuui letters below u ode of si feller j ii firtuicua 1 j klcvi dofuquilu j some 00c cm csii make a tuli ihorterouc yours l l svi lb clmira hcgtr sufrf far damages it u ruijored thai mr marlm flina ii rcccjtuaiiatist lie gtu for u0w dauagc tor lilt loa of hia toogoorre wjlio wa killed iu the gti1 ard gfucjph ou 2iud oct lv through alleged nttcl oi the cctnpau the company ckuu uvt ifr fljuu ctpslj waived all cjnm i ic damaicg ajmul the company oa roctiuo wjofroai the gt1l invi dnt ludlniaraucirsideubotllrfaciii couunuou is that lewas rot aware o any bldi proujioi and therefore the mailer uiil cvuc before the courts 1 ltmchouse ldjs ios5 iltf j wuxkr cf linichaso writes the tonmo lzkl that oa the evcam o lite itlh int the ua coating humc oa the trwa frvui ihdijrncjaud that her pokct book wis iiher iat orttocu ilcoutaiued ovr tc in tnsuc tnd a nctc drawu m faurof vdiiuivmccormiccf uedtckstiue dje lcxt janiar tajmeut on the note has bocattctpod the los of the ni3ney ti ven sexcrth fet k mrs wiielr aud any trace cf its wherraboats will he think fctij rcccvcd the liader uih kindly adiircs the tw tirolto or the itdj m question rcmorsj of dr kzhtcd ur ji- ualitcd ilvaicil health officer forthis macuipshty removed from attaa last week to kiabcrlej 10 grey co the dr has leca here for a little over a vear bat ending ictoa too healthy a coram cm ly for three medicil men decdcd to kettle elsewhere hits qatjhr recently removed to ktinberley and the dr will make his hcse with her at that ptcc he wj i hare coatrc of tcrrtcry ej a raams cf eevea cr eight miles eoiarig a giod pracce daricc his residence here dr hilsted wen general re pec lie uis a tooi citizen aal fch t lue mtsrat in the aiitireof the coxaiaiit the fr- imv wishes him eaj- in hi- sew ldrsto zfcm some jfca regard it ufclto frxi ivlsj- heres a uolltr fnr mi pipr si yaa a t be decacg rae for it aaain wis whit a vcr rcpccttbe farcer shjatej from hi bsv it a reprc- seatatuce he ruzz patss on the etreet ltssfriiav tnea he palled oct a roll of bjls which fair made oar eyes iparue tld iil the dolkrdce thits the kind of men vc want t3 meet f there- are lanireis cf pcorie carry icj slacks of a ley 11 th psckcts bat who from csxe- hsniss cr ccec fail to pay for ther far fas- fire hecdred people owing fleija2n src hacarod dollars hat it woold tarpri wme pcpe if thev kcevc lor miv there axe who ewe lirer earns from ij to co vri33li an ia st albans a mas spleen and impcc5iie sen too ci that lezi m s alaa- charch last wciesiay tieaug whsi the iolyrjteof cxi firmitun wis admairei by us lcrdtbip ilt blp of toe dxetofccme fiftsea cia the service was in chirpe of iv gbcoolc theputor who read the 3eona fcr the cocaion after wiaa lie baop adiresici the candxda6a fr conermitbo 111 aa earneit coaiprehea- tve tad ipproprjte manner fie referred tothe nrin cf the church cf england and gax- proefs cf its crietencc fcr lvj jears the uzzs cf b ehcps prleets and deacon and their tevtral faucticns were fcliv ei- plaind aai it was ckimei tmt the nte of confrmitio 1 as dt3mi by that church t3 dij aawero t3 the orjioance refened to b st paal ia the th chip of as thecandidttia were crhorlej to tniat contincilly in the ho ghot for gaidscceandencoarsexent asthe oaewho u the rery soiree sal foantiiflofhohdes tlijs gft 15 jlciicalihe inialas the hshcp eiid fciid only limited hy oar faith and trat m goj thev w advsed to bicieh doatl and te gift wju be reteived m iire meaare toioclto their coilacr aid h afcmive to god and to rctiemtcnthit betin bppsrtanitv is the momtat cf idleoes a series of rajes were istd dorn for their fcltre as foible let attend tocr private devotions not in the worda rof the r book only tct attest 11 elv heartily and befeung 2 every nht prartct eelfersmitiaton renewitrgtbeeknisftleday 3 ajyajs read the bihe if possible ciht aod morc- icg i kcrer be absent from family prayer the biehop hoped rery few hoase- holds lmong the coagregatioa were wfithoat family prayer z kerer be abeert from the ebcrebs prayers c do cot be idle anprogtafcle christians bat be profitable gerraoti of god and his chefch 7 set apart is cerlim portion of what yon earn for the caase of god idancprtain as to how much joa shoal i give search the scriptares sndyoa will ud the proportion raired tf cotp regularly to the holy coramanion comejchiesr for ttro things 1st to ebow frth joar lerdi dcith ou the cross and 2ad to receive the communion of oar s avion r6 body and hload lo cinclading b rcatarks the bihop sxid he rejoiced to cote ihe improvement 10 the appearance of the interior of church aod chancel it is evident some amocgntj on are forking lam pcuftd to heaxfroarjourcergjmaa that the lay ohicers are earnest and loyal and i rejoice in thejrefiortsto aid the clergy and that thie spirit of harmony and good will prevails lst me encourage joa to gooi and raij the blessings of gol attend yoa the iittle church was trefl filled and the audience manifested a deep interest in the proceedings throoghoat the enfemn eenice closed with the hymn jcearer my god totue and the becedictioa by hi lordfihip the countryiabound news itemt subphod by corroi- dondgnu and exchanges j erin kn hd a tjood tliofr but very uet dtjp lin diuripoiolmciil ot lliouitudt ol vititcrt vcnmuiitcit ou til illi dr mirla ttmomid lo lili lirco lud liindsomc new midcuct dating the fort put o tk u week iter wj waddcllot uiiiibuir hn received rotn hn eoaijeegauun m lucroiio o diary to ouiblc him to purcuo lui tlieo- toxical itudict it mouuler ilill toroulo mr iudrow jfoorohoad and u left ler ou mouday ovcuiuj for detroit wliere thej futend to restdc pormaoeutly me john amiin and join itccalu lett for muskoka on tuesday morniug hao ibcy parpoac iltiu liiilnowceki hqaliiu cipcditton ilruashmilloy brotlier to j s milloy il home titer a font cart tojoorn in ilou- tana lit iatondi to remain around bere until ncit 1 prinj adcoctat rockwood a wedding on the upu mrt dr burl o toroulo vullod tho parental toot liiit week iairprioea er realiiwl at mr j ii etarria aalc ot farm 6iock and lunjlcmeuts on tueadiy several ol ocr jouucincuftilh their belt sirla cot a bad vrettms at erin rhove we are iorr to learri tbat stanley jouufieitsqg ot irjohaikorrihkaaa- cleja n danccrooily lit with dipbtberia wra itornbj ot uden llilli who has beeu working for some liaie for jos stew art shoemaker haa removed bis frmly to rock wood the ilockwocd urasa bacd dispensed twenlj five dollars worth ot sweetest music at hrn show last week mrs dr mcculloab and ufa david clark vikte1 last week at jlr lush clacks ezra copeiand has rented and will short ly move ou the old copcliod homestead neir itockwol which has been lately occupied by hia brother oscar j w iarries co commission raer chants lave shipped a few car loads of turnips oat complain blterly at the impos subrhty ot obtaining a sufficient number of care for their business rev j w rae acton will preach rocfcwood and ldeti ilijit presbvteriiu churches on sunday wl era did yoa cet that llegant suit that fitsjon towellj at keilt eslo i best flonr in the market for 2m per jiundrti3 bran for 13 per ton all other feed and provisions eqaally cheap at a- f iamils wsted one tbossand caalomera to parcbauktixr caofils 50 pants made to order haps and fali inrurmation concern in erclbuoxr u fairriew cemetery by ov m t0ute l0 dtoba the hrgfi eooco irse of friends 6i good stove pipe at buf pe urg toe secreury copboardi k m wheel barroir nlw hrgfi koribj veat or the westeru states may be bad at the grand tronk station acton a j great boom at kkllt beoh id sprfofi joitb pices catcb ereryone oakville- 1 tm the rtavders of the fi u pcl do rjt thiafc that oxvtlle has drogjxd into th gutter of ohhrioa far from it its lights are lilipc as bnghtlv as ever and its beaatv still iacrtscs in ejicaiiig of hcantv cur coyrcspoadent refers not alone to that ginenllv kaownasthc bcautv of kature lt ais3 to that so noticeable in the forms and features of its fair oat oa hio oikville is not alone uoted ftir its oi hacheiorb raiiien udik graas vridawf and twins hat for its goodlooking ojng udias well its natural becutj at preseiit is indeed prolific of aatcran the vrinda hjve tahxi their antaranal moan aad uie tree ittve pat on their autamaal mantle which give the place the app2ax-irse- of the vuy moraing redns of life andhvthixt a htrart niitin5 of the lpworth lact n he i thurliv eveiurrr oct kith t11 pre dr lask prejcd v cirtfulh prepared papr oalhe life of john ilunvjii ws raid by hits ilarj uilliard baniua was cot an educjtcd man yet his eitraoraiaan giftb kdlim to achieve grand attainments unut hstea- ing to tle noble worce which he was en abled to accomplis dating an impnson- mcat of twthc v cars length one coold not b lr forciblj tnicl with the thoaght 1 that god move- n a mvctenoas waj his won icri to perform d that stirs do mlcd mie bnpitet iu the darkest nights far frecn out the printed pages of his volume man a star ins been hghted vhich vrill never grow elim miionaiy srmoits were to have been preached in the methodist church last swi- dav but on sicxount of the wet drcarj jjav the paster ke mr wilhaman thoaght brt to p3tpoie thm until next fabbatli the cadet templars of temperance were reorganised tuesday evening oct hth twit sic cadets answered to the roll- caj two vietors wertrprcntwholandfv assieted in the readenng of a programme the osicrs jor the ensuing j ear are pnpt hrs rev williamson assist fnpt kits lncy 51 anderson sect 3its iter ii anjerwa tor the dnll part capt thos xeshit lieateaauts jiiss lncv i anderson hr bert fair field adjutant hiss hary h anderson hr dodd of this place accepted s chfll- leige for 2 for a jacht race from a gentleman in hamilton the race took place from the oakvillc harbor satardav afternoon at 3 oclock the hamilton vacht cam ing off the laurels the meetings of the r t of t arebe- coming more interesting and better attend ed each week applications for member ship are brought in t ever meeting and thus new strength continues to be saiod to oar council last fnda evening a most instructive programme was rendered read ings by hit h husband hiss maggie fairseld and hr h ifcneil chorus by bines speech by dr lusk and inger- sols masterpiece of eloquence by miss luc h anderson the ladies of the mlssionarr society of the toronto presbytery held their annual meeting here in the preshvlerian church last fnda afternoon- over fifty delegates were present the reports given showed a condition of general prosperity and the zealand love for the work of ill the ac credited delegates grre promise of greater prosperity in the missionary circle in the v ear upon which they have just entered hiss araott read an address cf welcome oa behalf of the ladies of the presbyterian church hrs williamson for the indies of the methodist church and mrs hcgill for those of the enghah church one of the most pleasing features of the afternoon was the speaking of the oung lady dele gates their addresses were delirered with great sweetness and power mist hilliary of toronto charmed all present by the rendering of two vocal solos the conven tion closed at 0 oclock after which the delegates were invited to partake of 0 rich repast in the schoolroom of the church the returned totoronto by the 7 oclock train jfesirs c w anderson 600 banker of this place have just had their new banking office completed it if famished with all the latest convenience having a nnttclasa vaali and one of the best bnr- glarproof safes the new building is ao ornament to the town and oak wile can now bout of a private bankrscoond lonone in the dominion ever one should call and see oar 51000 91200 sod 1400 suits made to order tbtfy are better value than can be got at any other place in torn bytbree dollare a bait impaction invited fit guaranteed kmrbuot geo a very mixed ootid i hun of weather is llm order of tbi luy the jloytt tempi art biro iino tin cod fcuolhtr open raectlnjlo be held iu the tgd hall next tuesday mlai sutton u at prwcnt in mil too vlait- mnjt moore mrs 8 is otk uri very tow with a loriom illness a rather flaeh looking party ootspoiod of qve young girls camo into fcnvn one day last week aud put up at llio bennett houie thoj profcsied to bo wlllufi ptteot medt- cioei aud yet claimed to be medical students when laat icen they were headiog for btewarttown mil flo dallautyao baa been willing friends ia trafalgar there died in milloo ou friday laat of that dread malady consumption mut l forrofct a tiiter of miu vc forrest who teaches in our public school and ol mrs bigflar of auftbiggr uoase oar liucerest lympalby is extended to the bereaved ones mrs ttcv r15ivcy markdaje sar- prised iqany of her old friend here by a viail last week bhe reports all well and prospering with them iu their new home mr hugh matthews baa givcu an his intended university cirocr owngne ander stand 0 ill health mr robt crane who u at prtscut foca- ted iu beriiu and who worked in this dcfchborbood foe mr g h keaued and other many jears ago paid oar town a flying visit ou tuesday laat a pcasaul parly of young folka asem bleditmrwaahburoioutaesdaj evening list weefc to tnjiy a good lima and say farewell to miss decker who has been visilincher sister mrs washburn fcr some um a most agreeable evening was spent by all and when the wee sraa hours saw them homeward trending all joined in ths eiprttaaou that a great lime had come aud gone the cheip etcursiou to the falls ws lafceu in ou fnda by a few of our citizens mr jar drutnmood aud family rent to kaffalo and miss annie clark and mr tompkins viaited friendi at ihe fall mr john sjmcuda of milton former of uiia town it viailidg frieudf here tlie orchestra ol the methodist church choir attended the church rcopcning at claude on monday eveaiug they have beeu practising hard and we doaht not but hat their effort were appreciated mrs- day of jersey wile a sister cf mm r davey was also railing frieuda here for a few daj s last week erin show was largely attended ly oar cilzecs they went by ones by two b bads and in all manner of vehicles one party went m an irish jaunting car on four wheels the pr perty we believe of w b darbey etq and nrat a jolly gocd time they had in the raiu too the dr tait lo r m cents for a secoid hind umbrella and had evcu then to cutfjd a tjrc of other wet etulcrr lnn igb the meeting of tur citizens exiled bv the reeve for frids evening last tj take tome action on the proposal of the wardlow sphl palley co lo come here on a bouui decided to submit a by law lo th rate pa era to loan the ca y 51003 for 10 eirt without interest ma bo the pecpe will veto the bastnese and mabe they woul bat ce trust the former as the bones bu i ness isthorocghl had and should be vigor ously tat croc wisv last of the season erin fair last week suffered sev erely from ram the enn agricultural socct held its auuual eihiblinn on wednesday and thursday all the tnde dejiartmenlt were filled on the first day there were mix cewerhihtorf aad the bailiins looked vrn teller thin last vear which is sav icg a good deal the live flock vcas not brought on the grounds till the eccond dvy when a splendid fhoing was made un fortunately ram fell heavily all the tficr- nou which marred the plcieare cf the occasion it did net however prevent the lads and lasses and the sturdy v eomea of the township of lrm from attending they were there in full force the came to admire to exhibit and toenjav a da s respite from the toils of the firm to sav that their expectations were rcahzed bat faintly tells the trnth to speak in a general wa it mi be said that the hall was vf 11 filled with all ilds of ladies work domestic aul agricultural products fine arts maeical instrument- fruit vegetables flowers etc the horses formed the centre of attraction a cncr collection of road aud carriage horses and colts it would be harcf lo get together cattle ehcep pigt poallr carriages and implements were all well represented in their varioas departments the crowd was so great in the building at one time that a child hid its leg broken while being jostled about one woman becameexhanstd and had to bo removed from the groaad there was an absence of fakirs at the show this 3 ear which was a relief to many thebockwood baud arrived in the morn ing and enlivened the proceedings with sweet strains c music the buccess of the show is largely due to the energetic exertions of the officers and directors who appeared to thoroughly understand their business they arc president henry mckiooey vtce-prcsi- j thomas talbot secrets ryireasurer j w burt directors james ktrkwood a d mcleonrobert akitt robert lang george mcallister henry dunbar james hyodman andrew clark james hurst o h walker a c mcmillan guelph ftaald coming and g0in t visitors to and prom aoton and varlou other psjrtonaf not 1 r itav ur gilturd ai in stratford ywtcr- day mrs r thurston vlilm friend in ouolph darln the wk ur wra moor ol toronto wu in town a oooplo ol days thli woek mini hyndi ot iereuf teas a boki at the homo of mr w qtirney orer banday mr aud mrs leri hall of chnrchvllle pent n onuplo of day this week thn rlieltl of acton friends mr lloh urownloe of nassaaweja relurred from nntishcolomblton tuesday in cry poor lieultb mr r u warren of tlio lurau georro- ton 11 wis jelpnalo lo use luptlsi con vention at woodstock which completed its labors on tusday een0t miss mario 0 strong toronto has secured the position of preceptress of mnsic in the branlford lsdics colieco bhe will continac to reaije in toronto and visit the college take a ftctk rev win roboition formcrl of wattr- down was indactcd lato tho charge at duffs church jjait fashrlcli on tuesday rev dr wardropc presided and rev a uvicclicster preached the lermoo tho pait week mrs t m secord has been called npoli to mourn the loss of another brother mr v s powell of guelph it ic cnly three moothi siuce her brother jiilc of loudon ded the-im- iihy of the community is with mrc ecord in her aoiiclion it is with feelings of aadcen that we chrouicielliodcalliofmnamsfgiedeforest of milton sister of mrs a l hcmstreet of this place a few months ago eon samplion msde its appearauce fu her sys tem and last friday death ended her sutterink miis de torcst wa a favoriie wah all who knew her he magic th l oftvct projucoil by aytrt co em co1 c troup and sorothrojit ro in moat cawji lii inixlutcly rdleioil liy the use of this wonderful rimed it strciiflkns the rocal organs allus lrrltaliou and nrc- vents the furoadx of couiiiinptloii in ssssssssssjsrtt drood dlseme ayors clitrrj pcc- ttoral relieves cough ing and 1 n il iu c s ircfrcsldng rest ihareusodayers cherry reiictril in my fnmlly for thirty yearn and hail nhvnis found it tho best remedy for croup in which complilut in children inie tier i subject cant u cirlcy irljn xy i photographic views j w dkrbv from nn cxperioncc of over thirl propi ciucs 1 feel jushfled iu recoiuuilinhng jrars in llie taje of proprietan inrd a prosperous society acton unton agricultural society inexcoflent financial position the directors of actoa tuiou agricul tural societv held a pleasant and satisfac- orv meeting in the own hall on batorday afteraoon whu the business of the recent exhibition vras wound up the report of the secretar showed that the rrxiis this vcar amounted to some 037 ii and that the expenditure exclusive of the pav meats on the loe held against ihesocklv was 85o3 tie note and in terest amounting to about ic7 lias hoen nii and at the meeting the total indebted- uctj of the kociel after pa ing all claims agiiust it wris between ij 0 and g0 the etir were o horn ugh v aalisfied vitjj the sjcces of the societ and its future presets tlt they with a few fnnds who wen present magaammoualy opuedasjbnpnjhtand raised some sji at liie uuurg mace then prize talcrt uvettttlledthe amount to m250 and scrctirv ihims savs there is no doibt wutever that the podctj mil com mence the new vear free of debt and with the beat of feeling among directors eihi- htors and the public grcralh ti is in face of the fct that acton uinoi socitv cccupcs a position wholly indcrkidtit of grants froaieitherthetown- slip or the government is greatlv to the credit of the frilv its cucrgtic officers and th- ton where it makes its headquar ters acton riw sunds upon its own fch a newspaper directory forcanada messrs a ifckim a co advertising agents ol montreal are preparing what will be the first comprehensive newspaper directory of this country canada ia now quite iarre enough aad its journal iatio interests o8incient impor tance to require us own annual newspaper directory and there are several new features of tho proposed work which will make it a valuable bandbook for all seek ing information coucerniug thcrmdian press wu bespeak for this enterprising firm tho nearly support aud co operation nf canadian pabhahers generally guelph markets flour boiler flour stone 8nrinff wheat fall wheat bran barley oau bye ittbj hr fetrair wood per cord- rs per dozen butter dairr pocked batter rolls cheese potatoes per bag apples pork lambskin pelts hides coarw wool flac wool tttrulpf oaelpb oct stij isc0 2 50 to 9 75 2 fl to 3 068 to 0 88 0 93 to 0 s3 is 0ou 12 00 o e to o m 0 85 to 0 37 0 io too i5 0 65 to 0 60 7 co to h 00 3 50 to 3 00 i 00 to 60 0 15 to 0 18 0 is to 0 14 0 16 to 0 17 0 11 to 0 11 0 so to 0 55 0 75 to 0 50 5 20 to fl 00 0 70 to 0 80 0 50 to 0 go i 50 to 5 so offito 090 0 23 to 0 3 x 0 13 to 0 20 ktier allow the botves to remain coufili- pitd 1t scrica evil ecsnes national imia are unslrpisacl as a remed for con siipation p if miatkcll wcu jeddore x s writes i wish to mfarm joa of the wonderfnl qcilitii ef dr thomas kclec tic oil i hid a horse so lame that he could scarcely vcalfc the troable was fa the knee and to or three applications completely cured him hlnardc lloltucat far iale lvenvihcre i3 k 27 uuuilmul street guelph wcdnesdav oct teth 1600 ifijxh we were in a petition lo com mind annrcculign it fs at the present time kcvcr has ocr house shown loeuch good advantage vhata specially notice able u the crcat variety of materials and price here ou cod roods which for tcuilcis and extreme ef style yoa cant match in the irade here trices perhaps hiiih too tat never bnj er tuau the quality ot the goods aain there are stacks upon stacks of poods of hurabfe pretensions so far as pnee is concerned vou cant go anywhere and beat them from the lowest to the highest values ou find a fall and well stocked gradation of prices and what ever ou may want joa cannot fail to be suited dkess goods corlmue he attraction yesterday we opened a case of heavy vicaui screes and plain broadcloths they are the correct thing for fashionable street wear the prand range of plaids and tartans in heavy cloths are having a great ran as a titbit of choice value we may mention a lee of fane- plaids nice clcth at 15c per rd they are the specialty for this week each week we shall make a special run on a special line of dre3 goods dressmaking miss lennox onr manager has turned out a number of beautiful dresses dunog the past week and in every case received the highest expres- sions of appreciation from the ladies for whom they were made we cordially invite orders and uirantee the greatest satisfaction mantles a department this year of more than usual imparlance mr bollerts purchases personally selected while in the old countr comprise a variety of material design and grade that cannot fail to excite our admiration our bales thus far assure us of the superiority of these good our mantle room is timply jam fall we have opened oat five separate shipments the last having only just arrived and put into stock we have an immense number to choose from and they are felling fast underclothing no need to tell oa that now is the time to bay the chilly and dampen eatber reminds ou of that enough to say thai wo sll the best underclothing tbat can be had our great and special line is the boltoniari we have imported ihera very heavily we have seen nothing for softness and fineness to tonch them then we sell other makes and none that fiive bettor eenerpl satisfac tion than mccraes we art making a special sale of canadian merino seamless knitted goods at about their usual price we bo tight iti em cheap saw joar health and save onr money by baying your underclothing now and from us boys overcoat8 form an altrac tiveiino in the beady made clothing de- part ra en t they are with and without capes and in sizes to fit every a e of boy so do also the hondreda ot b ya ready made suits vou will nnd the quality a great deal higher than the price mens overcoats all onr own make no shoddy cloth no shoddy sowing and at fast selling prices grand value to catfh buyers e b b0lleet co 26 a 27 lower wyndham st guelph ayer a cherry pectoral one of tho best recommendations of itio id toral is ihe enduring quality of its popularity it being more uobie now than il was twemjflve vcars nn oictr id ptat unccess was considered marvelcis 11 8 drake m v bellof kans my lfttlo aitt four jcars cf age vtm bo iii from bronchitis ihat vrc had alnifwt given np hope of hrr recovery our famllv phvklrian a flilfit man and of i irga rxpertcncc jirunoiinccd it uo- lcs lo give her onr more medicine- f sniugiiiil he hod dene all it wiui pos- ffblo to do and vto must preiare for the worst as a hwt rcaort wo detcrmfned to try ajtra cherry pectoral nnl i ran irnly say with tho most happy results after taking a few doses she seemed lo breathe easier nnd within a week was on tof danger wc continued ghing tlic pectoral until batiaflcdclic was entirely well trimiapivcn me unbounded faith in ihe prcimrailon end i recommend it confident ly to mv- customers c o lcpper dniggiat fort wayne lud for cold nail coughs tiko the wellknown photo artist 0p40t0k lot piotojraphlo slintbf residojices 1 nicnic parties lawn gatherings stock etc etc iu aii illcjcslrpd ilamihsa i niutlon 11 ensurf orstclu or jarourorjor rk7vjshaw the artist etemton veterinary surgeon 1 f oxtabio jl ilil i imnestlcatedwrimali ifl sfto so dlsmso of tbl hffiss kl01 p vetnlhs asdlcjic alwars on band sod rrpared u orip ltd itistptvck jertrren onl 1831 the crbirrvatok 1891 country gentleman ayers cherry pectoral rztjled bt dr j c ayor ti co lowell mass pri tl sit borica s5 tvorui 5 loulo 1 joar liave a conijli or cold do dot oeg loot it many without a trac of that lier ditar diseak hate drifted into a eoostimp- lives pave by ncsleclmeshat was only a light cold had ihey oel bickles ami coniumptnc syrup before it wastoo late tbeir liies would hao been spared mr a w levy mitchell antes i think bickles aiiticoniamptivo syrup thebest preparation oa lhe market for coughs aud severe colds aboal six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my inngs aod for three months i had a cough i had a physician attending me hat gradually grew worse qdtil i was on the verge of con sumption and had given up hopes of beiug cured wlieo i was indnced to try bickles syrup before i had taken one bottle i found myself greatly improved and by the time i had finished the secsnd bottle i was completely cared i always recommend it for set ere colds aod consumption rue ijmt or the apicuhnral weeklies fanr crops aod processes horticulture k fruit-growing- 1 livestock and dairying while it avjioloclodcsall minor departments of hum interest ach an the 1oaltry aurd eii- tiaoiitkecihncofecnlioascsnlgrpfy tctcriiirj ilrpijes farm questions and au- trcra ireiiie ilwvdinir douicstie economr and a dmiuarjr of the ew of ttio wttk iu market jportt aro qnaujly complete and niach atientiautrwij to the iroipccu of tho- cropa u throtiiuglit upon one of ibo incl important of a1ljvu4tlotia when to hoy and wtiflq to hell it lfthberallj ijlaitrated aod by rikeut efilargenlnti contains more reading mat- tr than ever befskfi the bubteriptioa imce is ti0 per rar liiiws oftcr a special sodnction il oar 1 blub rates fob 1891 two sukscripuonb m oc reuiitucce 8 4 six 8ubtctipyons do do mo twelvo bubsctlpuons do do i 18 rto all sew samcriben for 191 paying in advance lion- we vll iced the jiaper weekly frffin ourrecept of tlie remittance to janaaiy lit 1991 itbout charge j5- specimen copifa free add res j luther ttjckjer son- pnbluhers ajbftnj vt y i eight packages of new txoods received at the s i rig house this week consisting of one case of dress goods ooe casecorscts ooe case tweedy one case brass goods one case cartam poles two bales carpets ooe bale grey cottons black silk velvets sarah silks checked silks for trimmings embroidered evening costumes in charming shades and the very latest designs in french styles new laces which are really beautiful the ladies will be de lighted with tbem qailted satin linings very handsome open work tray cloths which are just what the ladies require to make their tables look most fascinating- baldwins fingering yarns hose supporters skirt braid cauten flannels grey flannels flannelettes eider down flannels jersey flannels denims ducks shirtings cottonades cotton yarns an immense assortment of mantle and ulster cloths in bealettea doc skins lamb skins beaer eerpes plaids corkscrew and tweeda imported this scaaon from the bess british aod german makers and selling off very cheap a special line of blank ets sellikg off at greatly reduced pbices cantos flannels from 5je up to the best just see the reductions on last winters mavtles and mantle cloths the qualities are good and the styles almost the same as last year the mantles are marked down from jis to 3 50 from j7m to 0 50 from i2 jo ig from 8 to ti the mantle cloths are down from f365to ji50 from 350 to ti from j2m to 5c and from 82 75 to ii the 6tocks of carpets linoleums floor and stove oilcloths mats mattings rugs carpet sweepers in bissels best makes window poles window blinds window curtains and curtain materials in nottingham 6wias and irish poiut laces chenille madras and art muslins and ether new styles all offering at the lowest prices carpeu made and laid at the prices quoted by the yard be bare t sec the milhuery the styles are charming please see you are east of the carpet window before you enter the stores corner of king street east and bfgbsoo street north hamilton oct 53rd 1890 thoma o wtieciisrs this space belongs to 1 i i i i i i i i u i ii i i ii i i kenneybros dominion boot shoe store jcton i j i i i mill i i 1 i i i ii i i i i i i i j ij j i i 1 i where you can get in thing you want in footwear sowing when we consider the rosay vrcarj lours spent in sewing bod the amount ol thoaght that is given to esch earment we feel very roach barpnscfl that more nttiiitiou is not paid to the quality of the material selected somtrm their eagerness to boy cheap which almost always means a lower grsde of poods at a lower prijfe eeem to forget the great amount of labor that will be pat into he garment before it is fioished in many cases bringing it up to almost three times the cost of the material tor exsmpte take two ladies baying a dress one goes to a store which is called cheap becaase they hiodle only an inferior hae of goods which were intended 4o be showy bat nererto wear and pajs sav 20c per yard her neighbor who deals where only rejialile goods are handled pajs asy 5c- per yard more after tho dresses are bought the ssma thoaght and labor will be given to each aod when finished there is only a trifling difference in thfl oot of the dresses bat one will wear almost half as long again as the other new if this were all the difference it would je qaite sufficient to convince any tboaghtfnl person o the folly of parchasiog co called cheap goodb bat it is not all the difference in appearance is as marked as the difference in the wear when on the street one will be noted as having a stjhsh appearance while the other will never have anything bat s shoddy look and yet the ooe oost but 1 5 more than the other and the same principle applies to any other material as well wa do not handle the so called cheap goods by which should be pro perl yjinder- stood aorehble goods we do not offer oar enstomers what we are not prepared to recommend and if after a trial we discover any line of goods to oe of an inferior qnaht it docs not again enter oar store have yoa seen oar new fail dress goods in some respect3 the most attr jctiv e ehowlng we ever made of these goods and at httlo prices the variety of epatenals is great coloring the newest patterns the choicest many of the blvles are exclusively oars and must be seen to be appreciated v g b ryan co guelph b 2ste3 w goods j ustobbttdoids c gfooids ordered clothing department for tho fall and w intr trade o have now m itock tlio finest railgc o t v- suitings overcoatings and paintings r you ever laid roar eyes on whatever jou want in clothing it will p n0 to como to u as price are rlsut81 right and style right 1 gents furnishings now shirts collars cuffs ties andrndcrwear in abundance f readymade clothing in hens totths bojs and childrens suits and overcoats wo have a lory larce stoct at very low pricea kelly brosi acton