Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1890, p. 1

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i mottning m i rcaa i evetty thdr8d4v i nex- ftee rrw steam w hbj offlw jltla street iaxtos mit tlmnorsrwcmrnosoi dollar uiaudui advance or vuhlm treemoiilb from tmctbqiocotvmr euopcrr ar it not to naid tbe date tc hich rnrr dplioa li raid it deootei b r ihc date ob the ad fna lalje1 apromtfna rata trei itent edrertiae- imtlt eents fcer kmrrell uoe forttm 4 tertfcn j ceata per itne rot taeli tebeeqaebt inartion oostrirr rireatbe olo rin tabio abort eerrelte tor iht insertion pt a ircrtitealcatafor ipeciflfft period 1 ep t m inehee ltiieiiea tath 1 laeh mo wfoo mkco sw u j00 rm 2 u 100 mnauarmu tthot epfeiocdireelioea will be loeerted till torbid and ebarsed eocotd- iettt- treaeteet advonieesiei u mutt in pld eiedruoe t l ch xl mm oeeh aoatk it deeifei foe eaaaj m ctftser ttraa one a raofttlr th cosipomtioo arat be paid fcc itnpilunut jciavw fir eotrtnet fctrenii menu moil be i m b v- i u jt olhercue teer rat be left eter nam the tourctacocl j glplioorl i kditorjenderoprletor sushuss birdtortj w h lowry m il f gricto of trinity ooll 1 college ctphyeiasndsri4as afie end residence at thread 6f frederick ttrtet aetna 1 jk spaikgeb j paracus sr0kox acciccanca 0 m frekch iusbdsi dentist brampton j fjjaitt acton fintud third tuesdays in meh artifid tet6 fpccifclty ofljce lllpmtf u lbenxeti lds jtvtist gxoxrtrc ot4a10 j p marshall sldstj d-it- tcilteaithecaaipbeli hoa c 1 jvrrx ftidat vtou aeiaa atacnew f bocl oi rclsak mdaji bmun sollcitarx kotirie ciaert2n tc print tods u lose i offist toru hill ixiot- w a- itclujc jvo ilrr butsrrs soucnros xotii prtuc j omcr dtsf tcmiij- tii satsriir ofnn jutthcri bloci xd cpuirt s hhitox kailbridge i stoke dxxext8 fiecttked 1 i foe kektioxs j sxax gmst oiui cabj- twesir teni pnctiee xo p estqxe liect trnil hekstbeex orign iafl tx the fbee psxss osrc it ay ttsiienee ijia il l prffisftly t- ajsgtnoagr to lots an the mott trmifid tth tarect ns of ti ram of a500 tnd apvxrdr- j0hkdit iechhect gcejjphoxt- omaiztat hot i bloci ibik fffttt or rtorme lorrt in p rikcis stjsax ssoeuoro tfcttprnxnj boooikdee sgrsftt5qajxe goefplitiouno icsoral bfcx ot 4ii kiati m4e a order drf j et decrijnioa carafali reriiii ol eerj- decriptii kaliar eilt tad promptly done ytwoad ttee fa barbkitshp 3imrsiitactox a mjhrre s t tjuli haircat a good josfoam basfldaiidptitis ftmclaf coodlttos lxet iuii children hair uftflyeitt 4 h- wobjx toaqiia azfiitc agents wanted ifyoc vxnt ui makcieojiet ukehhld tud siiotlr choice knneryttocic voir is the tiie tft cf at moe for tertax uit beuthees kcterrmenj eocthtev jr r tellingtoa 3farbirtvrfcsr qcebec stetzt gciofil clark 4 carter dlhect dnporten of gtmnite and j monnmcoa and headstones of all r ud frocz thejiarqet derignx ab wtfft a terizi rarrmatod fiittciaat fartlet wfel p vn pleaae pe ni a call and i our ttocx lnd prices u ire art confident 1 eocpel ritt knreauuiihinentln onti snajioidoatmj- interest to tucalwrelnrm i ncptxtinllr tolieit uie tftztmue to my fiiends id lie pshiicog their behalf 1 h haxotk acfents wanted in every tqinuhjp tb sell tie pictorial cyclope ua of lire stock and complete stock doctor us5 sis eonlimaul ris hv hisj fa c r we sosr ss t eiiwruainj- to mlie cr boc3tnoraloa addrea e- h moyee puiliaher 1 120 tonge st toroftlo picket wibe fencikd oosti fton 50 cenu per rod dei feeti fiilinp ilp for the fall trside mcaji lnjiaod 5 volt oct days toy wools a itrce uctc diptcc cd at dyv inc- price bookstoble quelph of oanadai uconortted br act of lltuuant jia6oi0b toronto cirmi acniowren if 1000000 cirttii tjun fr i 000000 auelpltbraliich j adraucoi made to farmer ou lioir ovu nott at u10 lovctt camnt rate of lnurost saloa and other uolca collectrdiirompoy ko dw v sells cheap w baliber bros i paijer maekrs georq itowntj ont 1 vl1 1 trrxultr or machine finished book papers higk u kl dl weeklv sews the piper nsof in this journal u from the a bore millg fm baeber t bros- thbpiottjsb waters bros paller- otjblh fkiues i ilcttj riis pictvile lioflpkg noon uotl coilkici bkaj luixus raxis trt c is k0i1s ts lio i ulllhlv jtitemats 01 colors w ckoti- cintcolorr ilrcikts ilc ew ilea itc iliclt afjica- 1 wiuf- unii cis ccrii vircf nivct is hcols ew wti rs bros st geoefles square sijirr wanted lv rfxixucj etv- cousifios cr fltcicrs cs get k siilr write fcr fcf cood rtn job tcr the tm5 ted irtietirt fked c t3cy nctuttta- r rchcrtcr x v frank siffn v burgess house raintct paperhanger pter etc ti itrtared to eiecii cricri in any of the aiwre uzcz is tiicb atsgr asd at reasonable terzzs- etcrvjobtai xicf fcrscsalakfction t caa attire ccao re ccplete tttisitciioc orfcnkttt cy rti rill teoeire jiroipt ai ii shirts i3c ftshy wtfi ifiia st acton gtriuh cl fc per doc fer family viihh will irosiacsi per dor gentltciire wtihitf tid ucpairiiig 3 dozen aji tort ctnrtccdirit ia cansia 05ce and worts x i lcc itrcctx goods left trith kely vrot or aftiti at acton vill be mt to tie lassdrr and rmed to their rorc free cfchtrije at tixsre pnecs fc jracssxr proprietor muljual hre insuraih e company or ec cookiy of fbllikgtoh chirp uiado it notos axe aol eollecoed bntaslotorari roit inthu4ajbailiiiil fctoris mowed at ui rato o tie cehver aawimfef la tute of ti hout to date of huidnlna anil criaved hatf- rearlr oh jl ut anssxh xorjfcber i deposit receipt depituekt 8poefaarranfremoaucaa be nado for large aaoil left oa dejioslt for iubd trodf i accneralbauaincuutiuotalrttttacted urafta tsoed aod payable lu all iafta of cajiada colled etalea and qroat britain j j a i h jokes uaolfior gjuelih hraneh v dummr the fall careful house- cleaners- renovatersl and liose ttliomovevill ccnatally nxiulre wall paper window shades a tell f uiplr of which can at all times be hadatiottestrricetat johh sldlths i qaelph lamps lajklps the largest ard lxt ifocfc crcr lhawn th guelph hall lamp library lamps banquet ajid piano lamps in icliihcd hrau urocte w silver decoritmimbroniesuact linipa the celebrated b and h labir rroai 75 to 400 candie tower the best ia the j world imported direct br john m bond co guelph direct hardware importer drugs -asd- stationary head office rnfisresbsildingslfcrihizidis afcccfaetcriec acdall otiierdescriptioe of iirxbjc property on the ch andprsicl a kote syttn p wstohev cjffi dayidsok pniident yolxgl 3tex jsuelpikr mner altd boyt aiartin in life or themselves or as- caicing itie bzsineit of a aher or relative and wanting the bct prepaxa ipn to iuti tatcets young indies dtfairiag to qcalify therm ivtsforfioodpositiccs and to mite lifixzselrcc i jiepecdeni for life ia aahorf time and at a re y moderate expense will find tfce then rrnctiil coarse of stcdy si the 1 ss college golph oktaeio jest what uiy c6l forltcmis kc addicts if iqccqaiitck prindpal xaelpk busii haiuiltoa jiaifcle works haiflltokabfocfc ffdrnirlr hatchs block the gore corner of wiwfchand korfolk streets gaelph ont john h hamilton proprietor whoicsajcacd retafl dealer i eddiact imiferter acd maonf aciarrr altllkti is t grtait fod sfarfjlc mocmaetru tomb itei etc- harlug had aa ertecsfve erjcrience tt the last ig years the rchlic lnay rely oa gi tgcg all superior articles at a cheaper rate tha any other dealer in the west r k ris tkr cent oz ot iyd for the next 33 isyt t direct order rc- itr i and estimates for all ctuci r execute all liodtrof a j zanc or cirden there is no fence j f m dooley co cueloh orit coal wood james brown- ueliijs ooal tew woaiiitlr delirer to any pari of eeaaoiialleprioat ajaaaj eaae cui auile luualil jlfinajl j aaaiauicaliou newpfaniig1wih juoi saab and door f icfory john cameron qorrtractor 1 has fitted cp the laiiding oa occupied as a trrjulf factory ffj j anafapfrtatrfftirniiu lf ifainhtreetiately 4ns npjjcificalionf of ljuildinga and ifatcluxg f anf k0uldikg i 1cxee xll htlij i of- sftehes doors and wine own and door j pramea and dreesc lumber and fceeji a itock os iiaud a i orders promptly attended to joln cameron actorj livery the adcrsfgacdre7pcctfhrkoiiciulbpfitron- ageof thcpahhc andicii rmt tfaeinuiat well equipped end sty jfa rfga oka sl- waya be seen ed atnisaubes a comforu1 le lusuieeu all 7 trkinr between 9 a in in 1b jim panrfnl attention gfren ofrrery order the wants of comraer rfji trare urffnljymj t john williams school book t exercise books drawing books cop- books slates and pencils pens and ink j school bags etcj j v kannaw wttt st ins a little talk abo kt 4si4oeife figure toxy he and facts distorted be bet seeicg is believing come and i tbelcetaboo boot acd yuoe store ii jast now showing a c ember of new lines of eaoes and slippers i pedal y adapted for iht ifcaaoc these new goods are being toh at prices as low or lower than tic asled for old styles and ahdrf- worn goods eucrhere j ercrylwdy can be tmtod for wejhaye d tires in t gents wear ladles wear youlhe wear ohlldrfliii wir ispecialliifles good goods newest fetyle and bestrraltie fcrr the money at j i j w williams iacton coitoin worfccndtpthingftencarflfal attcu tlon tninks and talfccs fa yakty 1 babty wear i -a0t0k- pumr jfactqy -aid- planing mill tflos ebbageiman i hare renined tho menegeuaeal of the bnujp bnafueae in acton and wonld reapeetfallj inform all nartieain want of pnmpe qiat we are bow prepared to anpply them from j j the old stria wooden pnibi peattorce pumptnade jpompttorwigd mjlla or rack we 11a wpplled on thort notice deep weill a speclfllt pricearioht every tije oar planing mi 1 i lumber droaaed whua yon wait eliottldingi c mad to order we halo a ojtfttiuty of vamba tor sale suitable for hullltn orders by mail will recdte prompt ar atteoliou scop at foot of hirer bu thosebbage take my advtw tho yooji man mid ht dreamiof future grcatnculed nor liat to viiotjs who would sufgest a wtxlded lie ukuraly boat 1 for all mabklndj and say to you 4 enough for onai enough for twp f and urge ynujrijh attractive inffe a wortliy holptumt to wunv i t iidcilabr iiwll joar wc jtofiaheifswlfo jtljeiitilnowal cares nviffl ajfatiier sharci- lutxaauuelcd you may wander wlicr voor fancy calls ju free u air but tia not oaay to ualooso or alight the mafrlmouial aooic take uiy adrico lire ilugle ill yourpjwaa projects you fulfill audfrtbewriijdvixteiidodivtau ahahtupdenfniuo then widi a ortqne well locurod vwfuahauylueeiftajarcd l lsimoaeodtwni 1 j with jmt tho nlcut wife in town take my advint the old man aatd frau ffuiftp thq drtamsof youth bad led and who decided i ale u life i to take unto htoimlf a wife j j be not boguilodhylbosc who press the eiaiini of cinglebleatodnesi j and ucce you to pbelpoua till lite tbe trdublci ofttiemarrioditate hot toroli ofpoltlrtha may ixigl if firosfdo joys doiuesuc caros vvcre to ambltioit falal niarvt t schooled my lieart aadiraiaodinymlnd i to follow la the path assigned and meant to end as i bojan j a mouyjl and najsarrled wad jiut a tbe lttbottj well coutrcuod wu1 idm ifclweqtcor fold and thlirttei iweeter fays in life the lovtfof cbiidrtu aodof wife the ues i feeffd miglii irijioe dewu from beightj bf lirtnne lod renan n had ba bad i bit llted arigbt an ihiirauou ami dcllglil r u for wedlock is the true estate and be doe well to choose his mate when bothfit rolug that both may bo la pctfrctboajciiympath grosinaiiiafroai year ia year s till pu qjostirulj tiey appear life without lottv a hari uaitmng i take my advice and marry yoenff i vc7u iouaid price thllee cents my uoai- let us soc wluit has dttt ifairmir rfaiing i timesjreqailal irr rtci mmccixr westward io for fire days i had been joctruej lug ot ray way to the uad of my dreams uat fair yoscmiw whoaa charms of scanery had gloated over uitoticanvis batlnviiieve eipectod to sec i lua ajwiyl desircd- naj craed to be an artist to be able tliroogfa the agency of pencil and brush to give voice o the ilnagoies that teemed within me luc dettiny by nnjdn mi ior bid placed suet i rlificatiou beyou my reach until all junexihxrtedly fortuui had dropped into myjupu iuhcritoiicc ol snch goodly prowriiins ai had cuablwi md to fdlfill that and any hzr choriehei vfaoa tlirec jcars ol hanl study under a gt master had accomplished much fiud now all of glowing anticipation i was wending my way in compart with my kind friend and instructor to the golden clime by the rolliag pacific that has fired so many artists soals to their nroadeit achievements we had jast passed braagb a ioag stretch of prairie laad and bad entered a rocky gorge when baddenlybc rain came to a standstill j what kit ulutis the matter passed from lip to lip a bad place for ah accident panion remarked happened oce step outade and we saw at oucc with a thrill of horrof wbat only through a merxifcl mtecpositiba of providence wc had been saved from a good disunce ataydown the gorge thocgh plainly xmxptible through its enormous size a huge boulder had fallen upon the track- in the midst of a grup of men and boys who had snxroanded her and were plying her with questions wtlsayoanggirl that she had been undergoing some extreme bodily fatigue was etdent for her cheeks were flashed and her breast heaved tnmult- uoatly and it was with difficulty that ehe could bpea at last we understood the situation and that hut for the accident that had led her to be the witness of the landahdc our rain would have been wrecked and ourselves doomed to a horrible death going to her side ijtook her small hand in mine as i erckimed earnestly i jfy child through gods mercy yqa have been i he means of saving us from a terrible fate i for one am grateful and shall prove my gratitode i do not wish to be rewarded air she replied lifting her dark eyes timidly to m face our journey wag resumed and complete withonlfurther incident i will here interpolate a letter which received a few weeks later from theministej of a small western parish de cliccic has been received acd write at once to inform yoa what great good yocr generous liberality baa done the young girl n bo tared yoar life is the only daughter of a widow her father died suddenly bat a short time ago leating his family destitote- voor money has been lbs means of giricg to the mother and bcr chili a comfortable bcrae and means of lubefstecce they have desired me to etprets their gratitodelj sir more years have passed and the above episode had become a recollection of the rast the longi interval that had elapsed had not been without results and my name was now written no longer plain- harold deane but harold dcane t my success had notbeen without strenu- on jjrtort although as is generally the casci it laid come very wdojenly a certain pip ture conceived in a moment of inspiration had found favor bayerid my wildest expec- tations in loudon where i had taken up my abode- j but all work and ha play is uotr -banefi- cial as the nursery adage tells us anil i was just considering where i should sgend j sketch book my parents and aiiior with me in desiring your acceptance of ithis invitation 1 ahal look for you we4npuy without fail and will moot you j j but circumstances iutervencd lo present my going upon the day appointed and it was thuisday when i alighted at tho sld- tion it wu o delightful afwrnoon viuie air was fragrantly cool and the sin hail hidden hie fiery face behind a light veil af clouds it was just the day one would pre fer walking to riding and 1 chew the former follow tho rood for a mile until yon come to two cross- road a then turn to the left tnd in a little while yon will too the manor towers such bod boon my directions and i had traversed about- half the distance then a sound of hoofs came behind roe and the ring of a voice joyous and sweetly dear ar a larks at the same moment wo fair horsewomen paeiod me not so rapidly but that i caught a glimpse of their feature that fleeting instant my heart received a mortal wound both were yooup and one surely aeh ideal beauty my wildest dreams had never pictured and how fortunate i denned myself wheu upon roicbing ifrnley manor my destination i lea rued hat i was to geo aver day of my 6tay that eiqafsfte loveli ness that had so charmed my fancy igayi sister mies frances henley tf as a coble type of a handsome knglish girl bat her gaesl mine sxarrtty words would ba iuad- eiaalc lo do the theme juitieel already ia im agination my npid pencil had sketch ed her in a dovn different attitudes each oue hiore graceful ibm the other i our araaintancogrew with rapid strides but although it wae uo easy task t kept my ardent adiniratiou within for 1 wu oo honorable to poach upon anothers minor and i soon saw what the moit casual observer could not have helped die oeruiag that guy loved hie sisters friend with all he intensity of his impulsive nature j a mouth went by ooe day a ridiag ex cursion to some diilaot ruise wu planned at the last moment business nutters inter posed o keep guy at home aud thus it was a party of three ioitead of four that a litte later cintercd down the elm avenue the dutiqcc was almost traversed and the rami were plainly visible when sud denly walking towards us upon the road appeared a motley group au organgrinder aod monkey accotupinisd by two swarthy children who at they walked touched now aod then the jingling castanets in their handr the sound fctavrucd the spirited horse which aiiti murray roie aod iajmg back his ears with a tcrrifi snort he boahded forward i on cohe went toon leaving ui bebindj though we t trove our bctt to keep up with his mid pace 1 he has ihruwriber ob mr deane j she is killed j j my heartslojl ttsu mm heuleyiwas right farahiad upon he hie sand ot the road uy a rtctonle form j lu i short eji4cc of time we stood beside- bcr- with a cry miss heolcy sank upon her knees and lifted her friendsbead oif alice the cried tears rin down her cheek and the pressed kiss after ikiss apoa the white uce while islanding there realivd with pocant criet earitig at- my ji heaitetrincs how strong a hold the love i had hidden and straclcd agxiust iliad gained native stat where a lot of groaod wu pnrchased aod there in a home of their own lie mother and daughter lived in comfort a few years then a wouderful thfng occurred a well was dug and in jsteal uf water oil flowed another wis due with lho result the small piece of ground that hid been valuable only through its fertility becsme a mine ot inexhaustible wealth to iti owners tud i alice murray oooe a poor girl became an lieiresa then f olio wedyea rs of diligent study i had always longed for knowledge and i sought it eagerly then my mothers health failed and together we journeyed to a warmer dim a il was iu florence that x became acquainted with frances henley her kiuduesa o my molber won me and when the dear invalid died it was io her tender sympathy that i found my only comfort do you understand all now harold and why it wsi that even as i saw you my heart sprang out o welcome you t your face mud never forgotten its- noble linanieuts i bad always treasured in my mind for is il not to you that i owe all the good gifts fortune has gireu to me and the last and moat precious gift is your love my harold thus royally came times requital she had given to me my life i had giren to her fortuneand now together we were to share them both on the island but heaven be thanked she was dead as the ecu moment showed for white his opened and for one fleeting infitriit the dark eyes rested upon miss henleys face with a look of conscious a e you bid better ride to the minor assistance i slid to miss henley will be safer for me to remain here y mm k wjwi i laid lifting mis murrays slender figure in my arms i bore her tohe grecoiwardlhat bordered the road i how likfc death she looked as i ganed upon her face angelic in its calm repoae i trembled for i hoaghl she was mora ft for heaven thinearlh how deeply i laved her i kajw theo and in a wild rush lbe passion so long fnt up in my breast over- leapcd its fcounjp obeying an unconliol- jablc impaue i stooped tni pressed a idug passionate kis cpsn be sweet cold ijpa fjace more the dark eyes were unveiled my warm touch had recalled her o life a tremor passed over her features iind very faiully ehe murmured my name v harold 1 j with a lightning huh tbe truth came to coe that even as i loved her my love was returned bitter thought i hid won but to lose 1 shudder as i look back upon chat days ordeal the sad slow return j to tie minor the grave consultation and tlie suspense of tbe hoars that followed but god was merciful though serious mies murrays injuries were not mortal three more weeks and the lovely invihd was convalescent then it was thai seeking guy before him he true state of the case tnat dead loved his bisters friend from the firstmoment of oar meeting and that i had refraiued fur bis sike alone from making ray seutiraenta kuown tins was hie reply so you thought that i loved her well yau are righi wno could help h bat i in my turn hive net been blind she cues more for your little finger than for ray whole body j jit was evening a week later upon the lawn before the house playing croquet by tbe light of the swinging lanterns were guy and his sister and a group of frienjbs their merry laughter came floating up with a cheery souud to the balcony where i sat with myaffiauced bride it was all- over i bad proposed been accepted and was the happiest of men so happy that at times i colt id almost persuade myself that it was alia dream but no tlie exquisite face beside me whose dark- eloquent- eyes answered my looks of lore was nd dream taking advantage of our seoloion i drew her dear head dowe apou my shoulder 1 i alie i whispered ell me ouce again that you love me i cannot reahz even yet my bli there was a moments silence ihen i uot alone love you now khe said in her in the middle of the stream that ran by the honse where ned and maggy bvedsvas au island- a very little island it was only a few feet across it bat a big and a little tree grew there and there were rocks and bushes aud grass and sometimes a few wild flowers it looked beautiful to ned as he sat on the bank aud wished be were over there he used to tease his mother to allow him to wade across for the water at that point was not very deep it isnt half as high as i am ked would urge by way of argument it wouldnt moren come up to my waist i wish i could go i but the wise mother would permit no soeb proceeding and so ned continued to look longingly across the water and to think that when he was a man he would explore the wonderful depths of that for bidden island ked was a daring boy and he often led his little sister into trouble aud even danger without really meaning any harm maggy looked up to ked as a most superior being and placed implicit confidence in whatever he said going where he went and doing just what be old berlo do one day company was expected aud the mother was unusually busy in the kitchen j ked and maggy being left to themselves played until they were tired and then sat down on the bank to rest ked gazed over at the island it looked so green and prstty in the bright sunshine there was a damp of yellow flowers growing ou the farther side and ked was fired with a sudden im- pulm o go and getjhem how pretty they would look in the tall vase on the parlor table v he said to him self mother would be so pleased to have some flowers for she said only this morning she wished the sweet peas were in blossonv li she knew they were there 1 most believe shed let me go he argned but i cant go and ask her because she is bo busy she said she couldnt be hindered with anything auy way ehe hasnt said today i mustnt go and she wont care ifidont get drown ed and of course i shant tbns he boy talked to himself trying to think that he should be doing his mother a favor in getting the flowers while away f down in his little heart he knew that to go it after it had been expressly forbidden would j be a very naughty thing indeed but be my summer months of recreatiou when jj loi soft voice bat your imaeo has bfeeu the following communication decided me it was from a fellowartist whose ac quaintance i had recently made a young man who like myself cultivated his taste for the divine artj nos for filthy lucre but for pure love and pevotion to its elevat ing and entrancing self it was an invita tion for me- o visit hlin in his lancashire the country than now and i can fari bit for your do come her urged flerer was more joyeljj en ihrinediu my heart of heart siuce ray ch id hood days you look surprised iris tei i years ago n one of western st iteb of america a train was saved friftri be ug wrecked by a childs prompt action oteof the passengers in his gratitojdei be towed upon htr a munifloent gift of m ney it cirae at a time when poverty 1 despair were staring her widowed m ther iu the face never was money bo op wrtoneiy sent by providence with it returned to pennsylvania my mothers kept his eyes on tbe flowers and they seem ed to nod and beckon to him till he sud denly made up kis mind that he would leate maggy on the bank and rnn over and back again almost before you know it he old his sister but maggy didnt want to be left alone she wanted to go where ked went well said ked come on then and rolling up his trousers and taking the little girl on his back bidding her hold on very tight he stepped boiily into the stream the water was somewhat deeper than he had supposed and the stones were very slippery but there was not mach current and he had almost gained the island when- he made a misstep and maggy came near losing her hold this frightened her and she began to cry ked soothed her as well as he was able and finally landed her wet and sobbing on the shore of the island the day was warm but keds clothes were dripping and he shivered as he breeae struck him the flowers were not so pretty as they had looked to be kot worth picking ked grumbled tho bashes were prickly anda little green snake wrig gled out from under a rock the sun clouded in and the air seemed to grow chillier every moment maggie refused to be comforted everything seemed very disagreeable and ked wondered how they could get home again daring as he was he realized too keenly tbe danger of a sec ond trip across the river on those treacher ous stones wtiat should he do before be had come to any conclusion maggy caught sight of her mother in their little garden and she bet up a piteous wail then she screamed and ked in spite pf himself added his voice to hers mother would know what to do at first the mother did not beem to hear then she ran down the bank and stood there as il dazed stay where you are dont stir one step hey heard her shout then she ran swiftly away and the saw her speeding down the road ked knew where she wag going she was going for some of the men at deacon f greens a quarter of a mile away deacon green had a boat and ked felt sure that ho should presently see one of the green farm- boys rowing up the river towards them maggy was comforted by no such hope as long as her mother was in sight she had hope of abpaedy deliverance but when she vanished despair took possession of tho little girls heart we shall hive to stay here frever v ever shemoaned and we cant see the company at all and there was going to be raspberry tarts oh der oh dear ked wasnt sure that he wanted to see the company and oven raspberry tart seemed to hold no joy for him in the future perhaps his mother would be so angry with hini because of his disobedience that ahe would feed him on bread and water tor a week he had once read of a little boy who had been subjected to such a diet for tbreo days while he was thus thiuking a boat rounded a turn in the stream a short dis tance below them and ho recognized tbe feature of deacon green himmlf it was not long before the two children were in their mothers arms being cried over in a way tliat they scarcely under stood a risky piece of business said the deacon when ho had learned how ked and maggy had forded the stream youre a stout surefooted youngster if you are a little rascal not to mind yourmother but i reckon yoa wont give her such a scare again why not ooe boy in a hundi but would have lost his balance before he was halfway across dont you try that trick over mind now and the deacon rowed away down the nver ked dreaded to be left alone with his mother fearing a punishment though he conjd not but feel that he deterred it he did not remember ever to have deliberately disobeyed before and now he wondered what would be done with him he was somewhat surprised when no rcprbof came his mother was as kind and gentle as ever but ked did not oareto meet her eyes and he whisked himself out of her sight as soon as he could the visitors were there trrtca as expected and there were plenty of raspberry tarts ked was extremely fond of these tooth some little pieav a preference well known in the family j nevertheless he felt some surprise when histnother offered him a second tart for he had thought she might refuse him any he needed no urging to take the dainty- but be ate it with his eyes fixed on his plate and with less enjoyment than usual at bedtime t hell have it out with me ked said to himielf but ho was again mis taken there were two kisses instead of one perhaps a little tighter clasp of the arms than usual at least ked thought so but that was all and the boy fell asleep half wishing he had said he was sorry for his disobedience the next morning ked and maggy saw a lady coming up the path towards their front door i dont know who she is said ned i think she has something to sell i hope it is books pedlars and canvassers seldom found their way to the cottage which was off the main road and when they did come it was always adelight to tbe children to be al lowed to look at their goods this time it realry was a book agent as ked had hoped and the boy was scon turning over the leaves of a volume of travel it was full of pictures and written in the bright enter taining style to capture tbe fancy of l a boy like ked oh if be could have it for his own but the price was high wonld his mother buy it for him- ked looked eagerly pleadingly towards her she loo was interested in a book a beautiful volume of illustrated poems it is just what i have long wanted ked heard her say to the agent while his heart sank shes going to buy one for herself he thought instead of for me his mother met his wistful disappointed gaze so this is what you want she said laying down the book of poems and taking 1 the other book from keds hand oh can i have it mamma he cried j the sparkle returning to his eyes- j yes i th in y i will subscribe for this she said after an examination of its con tents keds face beamed with pleasure but the look of happiness faded as his mother said ko i cannot afford to take both then then you buy the one yoa want mamma ked faltered ko dear said his mother smiling i can wait for mine awhile longer ked watched his mother sign her name in the agents orderbook be heard tbe lady promise to deliver one like the sample in about ten days and he saw her go down tho path and open the gate then he turned his face in doors it was a very sober face for one belonging to a little boy whose mother had just ordered for him so delight ful a book mamma ha said why did yon buy me that book instead of getting one for yourself 1 i did it to please yotikotl dont you suppose i would rather please you than myself 0 mamma iked burst out you love me oo much im a naughty boy i didnt try to please yoa i went over on the island where you told me not to go and and the rest was lost in sobs on his mothers shoulder but- i do love you mrrama ked said at last and i will never disobey you again love had aught ked a lesson which be never forgot htm t mothers are doixg i know what mothers are dofnjrtobfght loving ifotbers all over ibqlaod i can sec ho children in spotless white hound many a happy firesjd stand tii fiaturdar night auo roiv and sweet each from its bath ike a ffowet fr j rtn paltering ahoot with utile bare jt and trailing night drcescs free from tain n i know what mothers are doing tonight fnttiig away a uy or a tool i hearing lome dear little fccholar recite lesson or icit for her sabbatbjlcbool laying out ready wee jackets and caps seeing that hoes and stpckiligi are right olavcs and collars and cojy wraps tbatl what mothers arodolsg tooigbl v it patiently mending souielittia tarn drees sigbiiij ta think no heifer ujewj rutting dawn needle and tbtaaotio caress little one bending beside her la prsyef 1raj log hcnclf as be bnslly scwi kowa bflttouiud now a war it on silurdy uicbt a molber knows the fvectcstiidc of a mothers catjej- on saturday night when tne childraii ileop and father sits by ihfirc at rest i l tbe angels give her a thought to aoe aud she feds that a mothers lovo k blest she tender vtalv ot tbdr tntarp days telling of all they hart said aadocbe till the father glowi to her pleasant ptie and blcese h is eb lldren one by oijd and the years will pau and the children grow sfan and women and wander awayt r but leep in their hearts they win keep i know a love for their childhoods holidijj- that day when they wanderd tar a4d vide i that ere when hey said iu tne waning light their sundayschool tasks at their ij mothers oh her kisj wu tweet and tbr were licbt ttv 1 when they went to bejon a saionji bilillice hearts 7 night bart red ants a- correspondent of one of our new york exchanges offers the following idea as to how to rid the pantry ot these pests he says i myself have been troubled with red ants aod after great suffering aud racking of my ingenuity i found a sure and positive remedy it is this take four or five sponges ot ordinary size andcrowd a small quantity of brown sugar into the pores place tbe sponges about the antinhabited places cf the room ur rooms and let them remain until the ants get into them as they will il will not be long before the spouges are actaaliy alive with the little rascals and then comes yoar opportunity have a pail of hot water near at hand aud- immerse the spouges therein than farewell to the ants by continuing this prooces fob three or foar days you will find yourself entirely rid of the ants while the sponges are about it would be well to keep other sweetmeats out of the way the latest crlfeesestpky l a- r tbe atones which are told of the effect of the odor of strong cheese upon rostrils ti accustomed toit are pretty nineroni but to the list perhaps one more may bje added since- it is genuine lo the suburbs of toronto lives aj met chant who is something of in epicurt and not infrequently hebriugs home wit i him from the city on his return from ity inu some choice idbit or other kl long since he found some particularly hoioe roquefort cheese and the day being atur day ho took a piece home with btmt fir hli sunday dinner j arrived at the itation he was met by hie man with the bugy end in driving home he put the bundle in tbe bottom of the carriage where it lay forgotten till tpo next day t at dinner ho remembered tie deli eacyah sending for patrick he asked what had been done with the package of cheese which he had left in the eottom of je buggy was that chase sor responded pat rick in evident surprise yes of course it was cheese what did yoa do with it well upon me towlsoritniver ntered me cemprehiusion that it wtuicfuae il smeiledtht powerful sor that l t longht sure it were dead sor and i wist and boned it maoiu no harm daniel websjebs cenopfelty there is one incident in daniel websters life lbt i have never seen published or heard mentioned sidce it happeneat in laii the l s supreme court give its decibtoa m the famous dartmouth qphege cae at the commenoemept in up mr webster was present and addressed the students at a meeting of the trustees and faculty- a draft of five hundred dollaia wu drawn iu favor of mr webster i our president dr fratet brown waf very much out of health and mr webrftef urged him elrongly to go 6outh dr hrown replied that perhaps it would be beater to doeo but that he was poor and unable to bear the expeuse mr webster ithout saying a word in reply took from h a poc ket the draft of 500 that had been given endorsed it over to mr brown skying that will help you sir on mr browus attempting to reply kot t word mj dear bir not a word but go soufh and think ged for the means said the f qod- like daniel this oue act will balance all jhvt the chouls are trying lo dig up of fa alts in his character health and money there is this difference between these two temporal blessing health and money money is tbe most envied but the least enjoyed- health ia the most enjoyedjbut the least envied and this saperioritf of the latter is still moro obvious when we reflect that the pooreet man would not tart with health yor money bat that the richest wouldgtadly part with all his money for health i a contemporary in epeakinc of the num bef tii millionaires iu the united states seape and of the great cost ofgettihg eloctf d o that body says it will toon be- as difficult for a poor man to go to the u s senate as it is for a rich man to go to another place it atems to me i have seen your phyai- ogmony iwme where before said a fop to a strange whom he net but t cannot imagiue whero very likely replied the other i have been the governor of a prison for the last twenty years alarmer in maine asserts that be drove bis cows so great a distance for water doting he anmmer drought that when they gotwk they were just as thirsty tlr ever and he had to i torn round and let them make a secondviait to the wafer selftaught many men are said to be belttaught ko man was ever taught in any other way do you suppose a man ia a bucket to be hung ou the well of knowledge and puniped full man is a creature that learns by tho exertion of hit own facilities there aro aids to learning of various kinds but no matter haw many of these aids a manmay be sorroqoded by after all the learning is that which be himself acqairea and whether he be in college or oat of college in school or oat of aohool every mair must educate himself it is dangerous to neglect catarrh for it leads to bronchitis and corsfumption i hoodw saraaparula oures catarrh in all 1 form f the partingof the ways j il trios and watkins ware college chumi close friends they had been hard students aud had taken little outdoor eiejrcise when they shook handi and laid goodbye at the end ul their college oareer they were iu im pared health both bad dyspepsia liver troubles and troublesome oolighl wilkius badpleuty of mouey and decid- ed o travel for his health watkins waa poor i must go to work for my living said he but til try the remedy that robinson talked no much about dr pierces golden medical discovery lo leas than two weeks wilkius came hoffieinhib cofliu watkins now in the prime of life ia a bank president- rich and respected and weighs 200 pouuds the qoldeftmedicial diacoveryvsaved my life at a critical time hatfteh says oh if poor wukins bad ouly tried iii fr weak laogcgiutngw blooc all uajphng ooughfl andoonsnmmubn iulls early atafee it is an upcquklted nfcedy

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