b53v vm i jtton ttt wss shrmrtartebrtjartji ibm cbr ounp jolks iwk two wishes x i i- 1 mt vtttt iu iifo4 lf nu ft jtmlb who hftd imrnftd thftt t piwiy mtd it peniij roa she mnt not tw to tin ot to6 rrto itotobdefthnftdtftlinfwowil i voatd bfttt bet ooumit uri ood ftfid toftt with gnectn 1 ctfii ftn nnij ttfttt bertfttrt mmt bttettder h kaovmc ftdr be r tent ucbtra my vtftt ot i do not ttitrf if her pur li until or vtifttbftr ibe bfti ft pane ftt til add tctlt sot boftqtr dot mt it ftbot the vfttghtier mitten of foodaee tod lot bkftvtts v wfan i uke ft hmbftbd ft mimeo icv t tbftll vith ft mu vith ft re4 btftd who doe dot dnll on dren ind inowt tbu ft chl b not mftde by farbftlove wbocanftinjftfttiltoa r vbo t food ftnd boom trader ftad trae wim dew not pat mm beftoty tbert the hliftr bleniub o eftneaf lor i tradbtt bit luet boaeit ud tlt but lor hi money t do occr when roeh t ooel chiac to x hil with hltu axe if b come or me rvrhftpubcee vfibee maj mtuevbtre meet la ball or pftrior or field or ureet for they ftre worthy vtio puce ftbove uere bo end goxvt the beu1i irae tore notes here and there itema of general tnteraat to fraa pmi raattara taiiklt i hew thitoor tmttdoot tiatga bore have a very cool orvaii do jroo know how many elepi it hi v bronnn ooly abooi ttataa a jj rinl thotc tra dot vet lon ones i cotapttlilon la crdw to anttiain tlia vietrt ot olitm- iiu ihrotuht qrtil britain 11 to which o the remedies ot outotrdapp oatjori bid th largul ttlo toil itttattat popularity tv cv nml dmrjm initltuted pott card oompttitiou each dealer to tiarot on pott cud the preparation whioh bid lh largest tilt and wat tho moil popular with eoitomert end the poblithet ttoelted 6s5 o thee cardt with the foloarlng remit st jacob oil jm ellimint hinbrocttiou 173 hollowtri ointment 83 alloookt plutere 19 bow lirfment 7 pinkiller 7 vuelioe- i catior i scitterlns 8 toul cm sunday wbtt i bleend dty ii sander to the wttrr min who aeoemhlr ettchet bot brief rlitnpeee ot home daring the toiling week who i off in the tnoniing while little eye are alii doaed ia alambcr and don not get jack at niht till they are again eealed by aleep what would he know of the nry children for whom he toila were it not foe the bfened jbreathing reapjteof bnnday what hooeit working mans diild will enr forget the bleated sabbathday when clean and neat it ii pririlege to climb papai knee and hang about hia neck and tell him all the newt which goet to make op hit narrow little world karrow did we i aay we recall the word for it wideoi oat into the boandlete ocean of eternity sunday tor the working mini childnh so would we hate it a day hallowed by tweet pure home influ ence when the tittle bandnite complete ahall rrat from labor and lme ahaujwrile it- down the mott blesaed day of all the teren the kew tork comtpondent of the epiacopal iikonta- ny kotlong tince one of our police captaint deaired to break up the chinese opium tmoking dent and detailed a young and amwtioai officer to get the evidence he laceeeded tn getting eridence enough to warrant the captain in making a dozen nidi when the pritonen were brought out for trial the ynng officer appeared tcainet tsem flutfied with tri- umph bat jatt when the charges were about lo be established the evidence sud denly broke down became such is xew york lawithe officer had not tried the pipe himself to make it absolutely certain tha it was opium there were smoking baffled and chagrined the young officer re turned to the attack for months he watched the dent when off regular duty and finally went into one of them when cu that his preyiwis there and this tfipe shared his pipe with them thenext nrarnicfrie appeared in court to pale and weak at to awaken astonishment and three days later in she court of special sessions the prisoners were convicted and sentenced on his testimony and his repu tation was again ntthliihed but two months later they earned him to hi grave dead of opium a man no sooner gets old euough to know how to talk well than be also learns the value ot not talking tt all rest and comfort to the suffering browns household panacea has no equal tor relieving pain both intei nal and external it cures paiuu the side back ot bowels tore throat rheumatism tooth- cche lumbago and any kind of pain or ache- it will most surely quicken the blood and heal u its acting power it wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged u the great pain reliever and ot double the strength of any other elixir or lfoimeol in the world should be in ever family handy for ue when wan rod as it really is the best remedy ia the world for cramps is the stomach and pains and sches of allkinds and is for sale by all druggists at 3o cents a bottle pat do you know what a cemetery it at coorse oi do its a place where folks live either theyre dead rorr owing to ttie unprecedented demand foe plate glass it has sdrauced ootmberably in price afeasrs ucctutlasd 4 son tor onto fortunsletr made a contract before the advance for a very considerable quantity and are thur enabled to offer their patrons this seasou a very decided advantage m price the quality beiog su perior to any ever previously imported smithers wonder whylhey dont have a pork sjudicalet biimbers couotry- bred contemptuously did you ever try to corner a pig v afahj people make drug hops ot their stomachs in the attempt to relieve a simple attack of liver complaint when with a dose or two of lir thomas eclectric oil the complaint might be gasily and pleas antlyobviated colic piles hurts oornt lame back and swelled neck are alio amjng the troubles which it cure great tjuantitiei of buttons are now made from potatoes itit not tnerallyknotnr that if the nfbstanee of the common irish potato be treated with certain acidt it be- comet almost at hard at atote and can be used for many purposes for which thorn ivory txtd bonearermployed- this quality of the potato adapts it to buttonmaking and a very good grade of buttont it sow made from the wellknown tuber the potato button cannot be distinguished from others satttby a careful elimination and even tbexfrnlyby an expert since they are colored to suit the goods on which they ire to be seed and are every whit at good looking uti button of bone or ivory their cheapness is a great recommendation and will no doubtlead to amuchlargeremploy- mehf in the future watch the hand that pats you on the back nine timet out of ten h will after ward grope its way into your pockets severe cold cured dai bias ify mother wtt attacked with inflammation of the lungs which left her very weak endr never free from odd till at last she gofa very severe cold and cough- she resolved to try hsgyards pecforsi balsam and on so doing found it did her more good than any other medi- cine the ever tried lies kcnrmr 60 smith ave hamlllon onk bed were you louche at the ministers asked weeks eloquence hut sight f yet returned went ri in gloomily for ho to purify your blood- take hoods sanapjrilla pastor haccius of his visit to the only transvaal occupied by lay brother where he received inquired what they told him none marked that they yet the father ansa had become to bible that they tcornet made to little of it hsi h nover speaking of je ait station in the me priest and one irtj very cordially success they had lit companion- re- come too late ered the cadres sd to reading the mittionariei who 1 usiovary ferine pars for opogba- eoldt all lung and throat no preparation of with biekji it never f atlt to afford tot relief it remove heals the diseased tooths the most promoting expectoration mneout which stops up causes the difficulty gives relief to that experienced id the cher jui fingers will nod sumptive syrup of inettji speedily aod effectually attd sttstkidett in the tnbtsv and giret power rendering the voice psreott with to m dres tad tbtnudrei trouble tod expense bottle of bickles tad wheoevtr child htji cough or hosrseoeet lajtouireetlossj ecleai tad frim bronchitis end trosblet there it medicine can compare antic otomptive syrup rompt and perman- all toresett and it immediately troabletoine cough sndby removet the he air iubw which breathing thereby log tightness public speakers leklet anti-con- rptble raloe u it jlaysalllrrfutioo and brooch til o the wet eordt sonorous if ibellivet of their chfl- much anxiety thera procure a antiojootomptive syrup takeneoldhaaa gi vtj the syrop tceord- douh youthinkyoare lacing too tight said her wise mother youll squeeze yourself to death oh no mamma we girlt have come to stay ibaf of flour as a general renovating tonic and puri fying family medidoe asefal st all times but especially leo in the spring burdock blood bitters it oneciualled itt like a bag of flour in a poor mans family ssyi mr john itaander of york nllcont the ottener you take bbb the better you are some wtg recently started a story that mrs- stanley it about to write a book en- titled how i found stanley and the is receiving letters from people who think it istrue if you want to buy or sett a farm ad vertise in the toronto wttily mail thai paper reaches 140000 farmers hornet every week and yoor advertisement ihoold meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class arc in- terted in the toronto ytkh y uail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty centaa wordforfile insertions address the kail canada the way to correct an error is to avoid it in future cousumtiou cured an old physician retired from practice having bad placedin his hands by aneast india calssionarv the formula of a simple vegetable remedr for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections slso a positive and radical cure after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases has felt it hit duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve haman saffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper wa nora 820 powers block eechester n y x took cold x took sick r took- scotts emulsion resclt i x take my meals x take my rest asd i ak vigornrs ekoccif to take j axvticiso i cuf lav kv havds os i cciiilf fat too for scolts i emulsion of pure cod liver oh andhypophosphilesofumeand i sdda k0t 0ay ccxed my illclp- l fciu consumplioii bit bcilt i uect amd is now putti5g fle8h on my bones ol i in lb great wldt halt ofu emory ittto up toflnm i pi olden tl net when iht boon tilt ftelds tilt eardoo itaui with leughlty met 7 eltlmos i then utbrotusrt and iny sisters with nistlf in childish ls iltyt trouud oar lowly d olllni bealee that tweet briar u kow sidowu tho road t tai utor qently wandsrlds toward 1 cite on those old loabulld looking sombrv ud tud hut tt once inisgtustleut ium wliblumjr routhtal i ilml and 1 set the doors stand e en as tboy did lu olden time ob i ive wakened frog m tsueles- fsln fd be no longer stay uut that golden icene hu t intshed aaitaloug uio road 1 stra that ouce cost home is eui ly to uotlior bouse we mov id hat i ofton long tor cbildlio id and the dcarold homo i ipvod ivira home lags one theret a geod deal of guars nteo bntlnett is the store keeping ot todty its too re luuunl half the time it mi ans nothing words ouly wordt this offer to refuud the moiey or lo pay reward it made under the lnpo that you wont want your money back ind that you wont claim tho reward of nusse so whoever it honest iu m iking it and works not on hisowu repots ion alone but through ike local dealer wbc m you know must have something he hss eith in back of the guarantee the basi icst wouldnt itiud a year without it wl at is lacking it confidence back of that ibut is lack- ing is that clear honesty whic i it above tbt average practice dr percies mediciuet arobutrauteed to accomplish what they are in ended 0 do and their tuskers give tle n ouey back u the retult itnt apparent doesnt it strike jou iliad a medicine which the makers hivetomtjch confidence in is he medoioe for you goslice miu bexy is i little chic doucher know dolley pfes but not a rpring chic pale weak women need a t oic strength giviflg flesh building mediqine like kfil- barns beef iron end wine questionable praiie conposcr to his frieud well how do y n like my sonata t my dear fellow no cbe will ever play it alter you familiar fimlly fri nd the family store ot inedicioe should con tain a bottle othagyards yell iw oil kin hsnnahjhalchins of itouwi y ks says we hate used hagyardi yellow oil io our fsmily tor six years for loughs colds burns sore throat croup eu and find it to good we cahoot do withoui it jacob greatfw fofl ij rheuma neuralgia 8cli uumbago bad headache toothachi i sore tl frost- bites 8 bruises burn deale siy1 itica ache oat rains etc here sevwyw noasla soil ty dracrists tod finrocauabonle vh u lanraiffes the oublfi vosfia co ubmtn u canadian depot toroito out t jinks has there been an money in europe 1 winkt- with me i had to come back age for the thocoagli andspeed blood diseases and eruptioni lake sorthrop i- lymant vi gelable pit- covery llrs b forbes v trott had a running sore on her leg for i commenced dsing korthrop vegetable discovery snd she pletely cured her husband is nothing oqnil to it for agae fever nf scarcity ijthere wat in the steer f cure ot al of the tkiu long time lymans i now com- jiinkt there or tuy low the man thaknows it til n rely misses an opportunity to tell it ko shadow of doub co sane perron doubts that vhat we say of li b b it true jthe eiidence of iu power and popularity is too 01 erwhelming to confute besidesit is all horr e testimony making it certain that bbi will cure dyspepsia biiiouioess sick hei dache scro- fulaand all blood diseases the fciadhearted policemsu jwho returas ihe lost child is the best heir restorer ever known small sagarcoated burdock gripe or sickeo they are mild and effec tual worms cause serious sickness dr lows worm syrup destroys allkinds of worms quickly ant pills do not and expels sorely at ttre katcof a pousd a day takeitjtftas easily as t ix ww scotts emilslon j lat op otilr lafldraon cilor wrarf ml by all drueglsii at ftcaad f ijw scott c- towse btllmiu iltprettio bankers banquet a trf pletsint bankers banquet may produce very unpleasant symptoms of dyt- peptit which disease it often caused by overloading the stomach with rich food etc for years burdock blood bitters bit held first pltce at borne and abroad as a perman ent and reliable cure for dytpeptta orindi- gettionin any form the proprieton guarantee it to cure dyspepsia or return porchtte money whenever yos hear a man sty that all men arealike it it an apology for tome wry contemptible tcoundrel prohibitionists ire reminded that an apple did tlje world more harm than all the cider that was ever made it is said that beauty is out skin deep hut that seems to be deep coo igh to hide it iu moat cases the third page of the toronto daiif uail is noted for want ad ertisementt if yon want to quy or sefl ar ytnfng ii you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if y m have loss or found anything orft you ant to find outwhere anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mail and read th advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a wirdeaohin sertion address tin mail ti ronto can- tda advice to hothxbs are y u disturbed at mght and broken of your r t by aslok child suffering and crying wit i the pain of cutting teeth if so send it race and get a bottle ot mrs winslow t soothing syrdp for children teethini iu value it incalculable it will relie r the poor little sufferer immediately 1 depend upon it mothers there is no mitti ke about it it caret dysentery and diarrh w regulalet the stomtcb and boweli cures wind colic tofteni the oums reducet inlammation and gives tone and energy to the whole tyitem mrt winilowtsoot liugsyrup for children teething tspleasan to the taste and is the prescription of one f the oldest and best female physloians at d nurses in the united states and is foi talefby all droggliu ikroughoot the orld price twentyfive cents a bottle b sure and ttk for uas wnsvows soon iiu 3mur and tike no other kind ulaamt mutated far tale evrrrwherv for infants and children oaatorlausowtasdirtedtochlldrenthat i cmtoriacnretauccoobiiauo ireccnmondltwtunrlcrmadtdreterltitlca i sour stomscn warrhoa rrucuiioc 1zx nvt v7 i lli wormt sites sleep and promotes dt- aowb o toe h a aaontm a v i ntsjosv 111 8a oxford bl brooklyn nt wltsos liijurtoui medication ta ctnani cowixt tl afumy street v t strtnger that mr harrow is one of the solid oitiient ot the pltce i presume villager yet tine he bought hit coal tn the summer hagytrdt yellow oil this great internal and external remedy always allays all pain it is ipociflo for oroup and promptly cores coughs coldt tore throat iprtim bruises burnt rheu matism outs woauds etc good for man or bcatt stands til tetla sold every where price 35 cents htgparda yellow oil nothing is more simple than greatness indeed to be simple is lo be great c c rjciuiuis 4 co dim my hone was so tfflicted with dittemper that he could not driuk or four dtyt and refused all food simply apply log minaud8 linimekt outwardly cured him feb 1887 cut hranot caxx c c hicttums 4 co gxxts i have used your minards liniment for bronchitis aod ttthmt and it has cured me i believe it the best lot 5 p e i mas a lrnxoirox there is no greater delicht thin lo be conscious of siucerity on sclfenmioiticn what s cluarc it wrought in people who suffer from rheu matism when they tike hoods ssrsaparilla the scidrty of the blood which cauaes tbe disease is neutralized the blood is purified and vitalized iheiachiug joints snd limbs rest easily and quietly and a feeling of serene health is imparted hoods sarsa parilfa has sccompliahed wonders for thou sands subjecf lo rheamstiam try it your self the next best thing lo being willy cnei eelfit to be sole to quote auolher wil an iinportaut sclenlific dtsnvcr- nervilinc the latest discovered piin re medy may safely challenge the world for a sabilifato that will as ipecdily and promptly check inflammatory action the highly penetrating properties ot ncrviline make it never failing in alt case of rheama tism neuralgia cramps pains iu the back and side headacheviambago etc it pos sesses marked slimalitiog aud counter irritant properties snd at once subdues all inflammslory action ormsnd tt walsh druggists peterboro write oarcuatom- ertipeakwell of xervilinc lirgo bottles 25 cent try nerviiinc lie great internal and external pain cure sold by druggists and country dealers it is hotter to wear out thin lo rust out there are a number ot varieties of corns hollowayscom care will remove any of them call on yoor druggists and get a bottle at once yorkshire england is being overrun by foxes the vermin being rendered most au daciouf by the severity of the winter fhesrt westsheflbrdptf writes i have been troubled with- liver com- plaint for several years snd have tried different medicines with little or no benefit until i tried dr thomas eclectric oil which gave me immediate relief and i would aay that i hate used it since with lhateffecl ko one snouldbe withoutit i hare tried on my horse- in cases of cuts wounds etc and i think it is equally as good for horse at for man 4 sim johosiog ite all riehl now ise gwinter get up mra jdhnsing fool nicgah jess you stay in bed until you hat tuck de rett obde medidoe in dat bottle what i paid a dollar for mljurdl uiutaeal for ule everywhere girls are no good anyway aaid litlla johnny- they aint got any eeriae howtthalr atked mcrritt because was the reasonable reply as soon at their stocking gel big enough to hofd a lot ot things they stop hacgingthem np youare safe in buying imperisl cream tarterbtkiog powder it is the purest made all grocers sell it tbulr called the greatest medicine z world ahmktely qairsaleed rj dsinol or money refnaded pamphlets tearilmonialj etc fees- wi b1h1m hutiobe killeb co ud 120 giriff st w toronvj ont sola haaniactarers fcrthe domlniotu afbswaraot imposjtlontl 8m our trafemaro a ourc cunc f0bdiu0u3nicac0m0tipati0t indiacstiori dizzincsc sick hcadachc hid discaocs or thc 6t0uach livcn and dowels thcv anc urlothonowoh aiiopnoupr in acnou ano ronu a vaiuaolc aio to dunoock blooo drrrcno m the tijcathctrr arn cunc or chnonio amd odotinatc di3casc3 noildwnsn03iji- l bulooihs x tiou nmoia3hh9noois3a3hi rtidf llilu tommtthtthtnmaaru ti tt br atuti faf aitfla tad inn itttna toma ohio il nbrti rrtl4rmwf 14 why fustr isitnrmrfaeeft taau alt hierk iktl lift brrrrtf ym ttt vrtofn imm mitajr nraiir veen ft lo llrfanpwstlttritr istdilan tmltsm toftianioikflmi sratliliiiisir mf aumry htnirik ttt itttlhtst htuttswh otwalf itvw xj wiw jtssd wfttiavsiiil vailrmrttir hualleausihtsrtriiail sweeping sale tiiivis bl bargains 1 harness biq stock on hand single harness best mounting tw i8oo team harness in proportion big assortment of trunks whips combs brushes etc cheap call and bee for ydurbelves j h vshtthws 2q cords hardwood wanted in exehauffe of winter dry goods at the mammoth house georgetown 60008 6 a we bej to nntiouuce that we have marked down regnidless of cost a large lot of winter good8 which we are bouud to clear out as we do not want to carry them over to next season dress goods worth 10c for 5c worth 20c for 10c all wool worth 35c for 15c wc have nn immense- stock of beautiful dress goods suitable for nil seasons which we are sell ing remarkably cheap a few dress patterns that were 1000 81500 and 82200 we are now ottering at halfprice 500 750 and 1100 beautiful blacksilk and black satin xferv for 50c per yd worth 8100 per yd col ored satin merv worth 8100 for 50c per yd remnants of col ored silks that were sold from 100 to 6175 are now 50c per yd suitable for drs trimming orcombiuntions alot of knitted woollen gpods marked down to 25c ou the s great drive in ladies jackets aud long mantles and mantle cloths splendid mantle cloth for 50c per yd a fine sealette original price 800 now 400 short and j jackets at half price we begin thera from 100 np nobody need be itlc r out t jacket and long mdntleif price will do it ladies furs a number of tbem reduced tohalf- price gents fur caps great bargains a number of bleigh robes being sold cheap splen- did grey flaunel for 15c peryd all wool grey flannel 2iuches in width 35c for 25c per yd we especially call attention to our immense stock of overcoats bought at 50c on the nice gents overcoats from 300up we have a large stock of general dry goods too much to particu larize but as wo have announced we will give sweepiug bargains iu wiuier goods we are es pecially equipped for executing wedding and mourning orders dont forget our makeup depart ments such as millinery mantle- makiugi dressmaking tailoring wc iexcel iu those departments inspection respectfully solicited w mcleod k co georgetown wd low s drm syrup destroys and removes worms ot all kinds in children or adults sweet as syrup and cannotharm the most delicate chilo -6- i like magic rue effect jirouucci tiv aycr cherry pectoral ccld cntia croup and sore tliroat ore in must cases iiu- ujclifluv ruicieu by hie use of tliifl wonderful ruiiicily it auruiiiicns tllc vecal irans irritnlion tiul j-rt- renta the inroads of cons uiiijit ion iu cvcrjjitapc of xn mw dread dfccnbc lrsrifej aycra clirrry pc-c- brj toral rchcjx cmipli- jinp and ind nccs srefrcsldnsrcst thavenscd aver chetry tccioral in rnv family for thirty year and liavi flhvays- found it iho bent remedy for- croup to vvlilcli comiilaint inv cldldrcn jlvvc boon ubject capt u carley liroqklyii x from nn cxiwriencc of over tlurlr ra in the rale of proprietary medi cines i foci juslified in recnintnciiding ayora cherry tqctoral one ot the beat reconimendatjoua of tho pectoral fa the endairiuj qiinlify of its popularity it being more salable notf than it as twentyjllve yearn 030 when hh great nuccess wai coundcred manclons k 8 drake v i deliot kan my little nistcr four yeara of age wm bo ill frdift broncldtis that wo liad almost riven up hoptt-ftf- hfer recovery our family physlclau a aklltftl man and of larro experience pronounced it use- tesi to civp lier any moro medicine savinr tnt lliul fll1 1 waa p bible to do and wo muit jircparo for the worst aa a last resort wo determined to try aycrn cherry pectoral and i can trnly say wfth the most happy reimltr- after taking a few doncs she seemed to breathe casuir and within a week was after taking a few doncs she secmt breathe casr out of danger we continued giving the pectoral until hatlaficd riie was entirely well this lias given mo unbounded faith in tho preparation and x recommend it confidently to my cntomeric o lopper druggist fort wayne ind for cold and coughs take ayers cherry peetoral rbxruuts st dr j c ayor it co lowed matt rrkssf ivlttettoos worthy a bonis feirya rbjerkmyn orand truhk rallvyity onoatrr atoiaa aiftr caprta itlicjlktiirsatjioiar rtawntstr 1914 stai exprvta masitt uall u04 ttntbreespnttalf tbronftb esp 03 vm hall us m aat attum 10 01 tutfl accoin- i at 5 rm orcldsito atdi i oolbi wttusao tnuassopja oolejektt lomsmaodjsoijm i tits lint sablt went into affect on oct trtai wo tat i wc finish stocktaking this week and find we have several thousand dollars worth of winter goods more than ve should have at this time we mean to convert this surplus stock into cash and our plan is to continue our great reduction sale 300 pieces 300 pieces 300- pieces iftofwast dress goods wo biva 300 piece in ill the new mike nod ute invlsf- mxaaficturerf priet will t oar price during feenury wo bavto left t5 of oar choicest combination robes hot doct bait iu suits too r jtljali tbt prkt for uilsmoisui t f75lern 75 75 left 75 i 75 left 75 100 yards 100 yards i 100 yards j kd tabds silkbroche tb price wis him for tlu metli ij3 hofuble for wrsps for matrons we ssifc w rr c 0q cloaking toz ulstering t o per err i 0 per ot 40 per ct dohliff febnurr must go must go must go oub stock or millin6ry uatbo cleared ool do roa wsnt inj st bsjf price w bstesold more furs furs furs for furs i for furs for furs this lnler una say jtretiocs sesoa oar usartment is trtju good and tbe pries will rait yon prepare for the cold snic very best very best very best we only baiidls coods of tht best insaers and kaaranteeeterr pair boots 5atshoes if s ou vul a doe kid boot or a atnnr anocaabont ion will bud hem here r b jermyn greatest bargains elver offered in uelph a tata r 1 tmkvtihlu tn xttni rrttal taid vfivmat ajv aftrr itrsrflmtm art inumiumi how i nn tkrpt ti it iluwkrtvt tbr hj kiutthnl jnifl jriartrafsrlttamc ifm ttwfb m atrrr kttjrj- ttfcur tvalfr bail 4a rt fmaa rt oanvlxt i anil j kaatiythlr taafl 4 t vhk ir4 itn ml ikttvraakllarfsw tawftwtil mew ill01iifnjivifkf jb t allix ki 4 tat v ike a4flta so aueiuu maim he labgest sgale works in canada over ioo styles hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved shcfw gases money drawers ueatgsopiers aid btrrchsw tmua addtxss w ruit write jot tanaa- c wilson ft 80m 6 o esplanade street east torontcont mewicn to paper e eir in tou arriia dui bai pow0i thecooks best friend a new book from cover d cover fully abreast wltlj tbe time w a grand investment i for oietsmitri bcfaool or 7rolekoal ubrary tkai kntkontlo bridied imoti imufotlb6il9l proparty of the nadwrtitrnad it i tkoroiacu bsrltad tmd enlarsv aaadasradlttlntrnlamns title baan ilw auuaaa of vebttert rtoraa sjtii diotioaaurjt edltoriad xrork tipoa ikia ntitioa kaabeob in aaotlto proajreatt fororor tan tasura itot lets usaa oae hua dred paid ediforial ubotert sult bea esaaaaseodupoxait over 30o0oo sxjaasacud in lt praparatloa befet tbe bnt oopy wma prixttod critical onanpariann witb asy otba zmtrttonar got tha bastt o c xekklui i co pibllslxn 8prtniheld1uiksaugx i bold it all booksellers lllutraledtaidbllraa the eme health excitement at fever heat piles of goods rapidly diminishing at the lion cue uph prices out in the middle grandline of prints worth 8cioc and i2c clearing at 5c a web of sheeting cotton at 200 linen towelling worth 8c selling at 5c white checked muslin yorth 12jc at 6jc dress goods mantles furs clothing carpets oil cloths unlocks all the clogged btennes of tto- bowels kldnoys and liver carrring off gradaallt vitliout vrollcning thesjt- tan all lha irwlucs iid iiul hirra of the scccliyis t thcjfuo time cop- recting aclrtit- cf tl3 stomaeb curing biiiousncss dyspepsia heaflaelies plzzinciss ncartbimi constipation diyeciscruroskln dropsy cinnc3s of virion jamv dloe salt ltheui erysip fula flnttcrb cf tho jlasscrt- jeart ner- vonsness rii gsneral peblllty b thesa and icariy oilier siniilflt ccmplamts paid to iho hayn7 i3inco of bdbdocs blood bliteij fcrlkilclllnkn l 5 hlbmiit ts co rrdprictors toraitij i acyardt yellow oil cures rheumatism worm powders in ilaataat to taaa caiaia their oara trjtuto it a tsf 0 tnro knd toectuu r 0 trtva ia qiiunia w atlolu allredced stock must be reduce i before we can commence premises operations for remodelling our j d wil 5 and v wyndhambtguelph 84 oswald stlmgow iamson co put stbonqist 6k8t alik wmowiawt tsmita miaturjmtutaaattriala jewghixtt m isarttiitwrunutbmtilttamijat s t rm jhtuitliiin r f j 5tc