p5p volume xvi no 40 tic mux fiu fjrrss ts rrbtwbrd every ihcrsdav uorkiko ittbt fret pre steam lrtntimt ofn jiilt street v actox oxt ms f ttimi or tokiurtiox- one dollar rvr vcar it paid la advanoa or within uir months froui bcnnlngoyarkrryrr not w mid th dale to which evcrr totwcripuon u mill fa dpdotmby thdiufoa ibe4drtum adyaarmxa turetrint idvvruac- ortou caurr noopcnafl line sir ftnt 4n- wrtioa s cents per lln lor each mtqtiat insertion comuct iutks the toilowtog table showt nr ratal lor the insertion of advcrtijenienta lor tpecised period fctjcc i t yh j6 mo1x vo 1 ifcto acb wafti ia indue j jim j hwhet t i inch tw 7i tvu s7 0j sow ujo sud 11 to 00 un 5j0 100 100 i advertisements without ipecifle diirctioa win be insert ttif forbid and charged accord- iaglv transient advcrtisenicutetiauit be paid fauruce advcrasrnieiju rill bo changed once each month u deiirtsi tor chancm otleocr ihaa oaee caoata tie compotitioa most be paid fcr it regnlu ntc changm fc extract advtu20au uait b in the office by 9 am oa tutjedaytotlerwlt tbey rill be left otw until the following wtek rruoork editor and prjiinetct neht wall price three cents bapers foiii8yij 184 packager 184 already rewired out fijrlog new pattern the latest dcictj andcheaixir thau rr borders to match mil oar itirt and rrcawardon j daps- b00kbt0re i cuelph 1 the traders bank or canada uucorporaled by act of partlauienu head office toronto capital aftuoiucui cirttal iaili vi 91000000 c00q00 quelph branch control vvyndhaui nidqucucttlroou advtucc uitdolofiruicn on their own notes it the lowctl current rate of intern l sajnind other notei ccuec ted promptly no charge intde or colloctiug four per ceutvinlerett paid on dtllv balancei of iami ou and upwards denoened loathe barfngi hnkdnruuoik and comivjaadod cttj- ix mouth f special wtmiiimoiiuc4a be wtde for lomi qlltwftjj n ika ttil 11 i t r uiit ntuiriciji cu ue wtde lor loan dpoitd in urn bcoii kcciin deprtweat joriutod period uru fnuod ud piriblc g i all nirti of ciiid united sutoc ad 0rt siuiiufis birtctatp vrr h lowrt it b ucps tt grdatof trinltyconecue3ibo coqc of phynciuti ud sarccc- offiotftadroud aithhe4 of frederick cttml acton d h urek phtccux suaceos accqcoiecr orncn ifn rtsitesce dr llcgirrics hoiae comer shu ad fnsderitt f trccts ubekxett lds dentist acoftgetqtx osttilo dcntiii will b clxrts holel every friiir j 4 d shrtok dektists a omcriiafaptt block ocxt ran ojs aeoa 5 ofi open ecrr dxr ui the rery 3i tefthod ie desustrr prctid j stjst d j d snttox lpj5 m cleax 4 mcleax bmstrs so jcitort kouries cartcyujcers ic imti trtadi to ion x3sc ton hh acton t a- ho wat bxiiiatii soliaxot kotitr prsuc kosey to lovn orice d tt tuesdit ind sitcnur ofnci imthevi block acton apfuin chiltox tuxlbei0ge stqxe barriiton solicitor 4 cabosto xd groeorrotrc ofl umvntlmmiit bloefc georgetownicd tnders eizk ctizibert 63 tone ft- toitima patekts secured ros rxvkxnass kset grist ortiwi ctxujx ttkst tan preti- ko pxtcit ko ptr t5lfiitetreetr lictrstdarcnaxeex ior tha- co23es of wellizton td hiiton ordrtef i t th fbtk psai office aaoc or u eyrebidcae is acton w0b prosiptiy t- uadadto terni reasonable also rnaifft to- loan or the most txrarthle tcrcuaad i the lovest nlet of iatoreat ia isaii of 3s0 tad ap jokkdat aschttect gcrlth oxt omci- qaecathot rtoct luxfcct sqjiire oea5cis otkak sacctssorto tl fchxpcm booebhtder sgeargeisqtire v gaelponuria aecoaxt books of ill kinds cude to order priodicl of every dmajptiazi cref ally faotmd ksliv obiiit and promptfr done mhehaslak baebee shop mjixsrgzetactor aa euttoite ttylith oaircct t gooi leafocia m ejfcjliirxligf ihxgrpooaltygires exor honed tad pt ia rrtclus coadiaos ladiesl cl chiidreni hiir ustily ent j 4woadestoaiariiiartiftx- wellingtouf itarfale works cjrrzec ereat grrtpii clark c carter s direct importer of grtcite tad ifxrlie kacraairaie uitf e4iiode of til slitde tad froa the sexest deagns all orfc tad pi- ieriii vxrrxcld rkdtc ftrtiex vithiac to pnrchase tci pletie give ox t call xad inspect ocr stock tad prices u we ire confident xe cin eonpel with tcyesttbliehment in optario kitinc told opt civ interest to the tbore firm ltepctfallr tolidi ike pttrontce to my friends tndthepuluconfheiratl 7 h- hamilton ageuts wauted rfjonvirx to nuke money uke hold tod tell onr choice korserr itock- koi the time trite oru once for teraii kav abotheefikcrierynien boefaestery i agents wanted in ererrownmbtp to 6eu the pictorial cyclopedia of lire stock and complete stock doctors ttt laostcompet tnl cotcprchenjive work ererptliishod lie tnthidn cttud it the head of their pxofeioa tad hire i conticenttl repc- tiioo worth ilm weifihria gold to toy on hurfffore bheep ctfelc swtiis poultry doctor be- a grtna opportanlty to mike money secure territory it oacc addrem e n moyee ublttlir ldotonest totonto coal wood james brown hxe on iial i urge qatntityof excellent coal vuichlevclpnurirtlr deliver to any part of ha torsit retfoathle price- haxtf roo tiii clalc cat stove length liwiyr ouhtnd telephoi eomoiaaictixoii sm cookco geosaetoww ucenitd anctsoaem appraittrs ttla- atn collectors real eatati aad general land agentc ros the cojntnee of halton peel weuington 8intco tork and ontario kf to loaiifiromeiflond at r percent moi ptacu thar uj or other licatlkh in kadf fill hrt tie uuie prbmur atlmxw hcx aid giua 8oowiiul btgorfe- ygjirmdrei boi 1s6 8 u cook co bu l queen 8leut toronto ucook ft co aaettoneb ocargetown tod toronlo bank of montreal 12000000 6000000 capital rest a savings dliruttilext his been opened in aiuncctiotl vrith ihij branch inlcrcit llocl it oarrrnh rt jashflnuar ltmiirrr ctelnr b1uxck w barber bros i paper makers i aeorgetowni ont il1xe l srecultt or machine finished book papers high ittde thxkly sews the paper used ivt this jorcal is rom the above rcilk i i wl bareeks beos- artists double tubes loceowkers flake white ioc also ctctrtrticlc or lie lt uility for tuicling cr drttic f picture frames i heweirfe verreiegant large phok3 fuses 20c fitted proof etchings sei ecsritings ex etc ccnuce vote jc co uit- spxriil pri fortcbaols or rhc loldiflci 1vatee8 bros dstaelished i l77 st georges square jguelph gruelpli b ashless college guelph oktarlb youkg if ex axd w0s1xx edaettod for rae- cefnl izzuxxs usht tor to ra tliviag mate msner tai bcc3c ealerprtaidg osefcl ciliint 1 i actual crsinxss both in theory ind prtc- ucecvirdxjjr cspcricaee ia ucrchaadixiag era li tad qntre wert tfcticreofcurcoare of trtinii shorthllkd avd ttfewritlvg theberi ccidforedcfti jticlidiee- stadccis ith- icto becotee thartltadrin trie thoroachly drjled in bzrrms- corrcipondncc thoie tiilnnc to beccac vcneril verbitim reporters are girea special tdvtntagaa t5firded by no- other school ia this eonatrv j pesaxship far banaeas ttrtaiag tnd oriuuenliltort tittght by twoerpertpeixmeo ot lone ttachiaf erpeneboe the fuexcs language is taught by the ittoft deteiope of the ktinral method tnd with remtrfctwe reanlta i fcr circnlin ittd toma addrcai j uiaccobauce principal newpfaning mill sash and door factory johncameronx contractor jlac cttod cp the lcildics ca lltia btreet lately occupied t t treat factory with ncx machinery tad u prepared to fmrish pitas tpclcuan toi estimatef fcr ill classes of briidisgr and ettcnle h unds of dressixg ifatckhvg tnd iro hiee ill cttlei ct- saelies doors and windotrs jam door praaes and dressed lumber and keep c stock on htnsl- all orders pronapuj tltaied to j0hk oakeroh actot livery xatd bus jne the nndenigscd rcspcctfclly solicii the patron tge of the pnbmc tnd ialonat thta that well eqtfpped and stylufc rigi can al- ways be secured at iic cttrc a comfortable hire meet all tnfpg tfttwecn 9 a m and 15 p m carcf al creation given to every order the wtat of con aicrcial tnvcli lenfaliymet j0ek willuxs mutual fire insurance company or tee i county op wellington head office cuelph laaareshaildingtkcrchandiselfinnfactories gfid i1 other descriptions cf insnrtblc property on the ctih anefciremiau sole ssiteta p wstone csis dattdson fresltlect manager jokk taylor agent ffauultoits 31arljlc jworks hauiltosfiiioclcifonncriy hatch t block the gorcvorncr of uoolicicliand xorfolfc street goelph onl j john h hamilton proprietor wlioirttje tad rettil dealer and direct importr ind iaamifactnrer of all kinds of granite sad harble uonamenta tombstone etc hating had ia etteuiiie crp5nnce for the laat 10 yean the pnblic may rely on getliag all superior mrtielet it a cheaper rito than acj- otlicr dealer in the weat- 1 v r 15 per cent off on a direct order re ceived forthenertwjlari jr orttatod iriodt llrafu iuu i hi parti of canada bntaia it r ory low nt a gencril banking bltlnwi traniictod a k h jokes ilantfior gncffh unncb qaelpb december 00 season 1891 binder twine bsst brhnds silver composite crown red cap blue ribbon boimsf wbolesjlle prices 0jt jlppllcatioir john 51 bond co guelph flower- and garden seeds kll kinds wooden toothpicks only ioc package at the drug store j v kannawin mill street acton macliiue aud keiiair siior crindell dickieson have their neir stoam machine shop now in full cunning crier and are prepared to do ill fcictu of rcpain to macmiiery boilers agricultural implements etc steam or water pipe fitting on the shortest possible notice repairs kept ia stock for all the leadinj raakec c tgricaucral michlaes- we have both iron aad woodtrorking machin ery have had long experience in the basfnett and can gnanntoe satisfaction fn all ordert en trusted to ua binder repairing spoclaltr geindell dickieson ifill street actou kcar harveys ifiil season 1891 t7bile retaining thanks to car many pot- v t roas for their liberal fapportia the pait xe viih to inlorm yon that we have entered intotn arrangement vith e stewart gaelph to keep conittnuyoa hand a fall stockl of the oriicaryaiieaof sash doors etc scdwiu also innplyany special siiet on hort notice at gnelph prices trames of air kinds made to order wealfo keep in stock a line of bate window and door cattng c6rner blocks ic vonrlambr dreaded while voawail price c 50 ikt u pumps ri lieing better able than barejof ore fife gl apply either wood or iron putnpaimrtntrtiy all work gnaraoteed ratisfsctory please r and inspect before porchaaing cucrhere tbos ebbage haaaffer third yeah in canada iijes portable foo for heater and the over 500000 in nae in canadi united sttfcf teft hours solid oomfbrt for 2 invaloible for use in all torts of vehicle in the hotwbpld d ia atorer and fflcea jfowiittwutnetoicndin yoariotden vvrtto ioc apl and prieei to the clfne manufactuirng co 8 fbox st webt to toltto or a wilford halls health pamphlet disease cured without medicine jas matthews acton bu been ppoioti acmt for the ofrmlatlow drhalli mlcbratcd health pimpblet wblch lie iceepi on band tbe pampblrtclatau bvlhe treatment it adrino lore core tw dtjeue with out medicine the price lot- the fampmet if fonr dollar n a goaranb u tautbatil ueporckritnottined alter putting the treatment into eomctaitiooi praitice orone montli to refond tbe money on toe return hbe ramphlet with a pledje never jirata au tbe treatment or allow it to be tucdln nt amllr tbe wikord ball treatment without medicine for sh tain received from tbe on of thlf treat men plea emoire of aor of ibilowins partie ijcftru is a railway car a trowd of tn on lu i railyftv car iittiuuug of man a thing 0 the prioo of gooda and tho chaaeo of war vbo weather and the urdv spring tbe stoppod it i roadside vorj- loon rari uialdon young and fair with fico is froih at t rote lu j una ktii ttpiuh of bright bcou utlr jut for a luomout 11 were till then a yooth said with i jeer hed join onr lit if she had licr vill lid too tec her 5 ian co np lien f ill iat step forward and ipeak to her and humor her little plan aad be tmilod the weak aud illly itnile of rain and though ueas man sit still said ono in a corner chair u you hive i litter fir respect the iutart of other men iuoagu but for the take of her how would jou 11 ihe stood there and i tithicornful jeer shbaldatk forgoulagniy own bold stare dd yon too her glance np here t thitt to taid another lagrilr j and it might have been toy a race far she visits right often i fsmily tbi htm pretty nigh this plteo and the man that spoke of my daughter so couldnt ride in f car with me and so young ilr yoa had better go where fathers are career bcc v jtia always tny plan taid a greybaired man 1 to do si i good man thonld think every woman both old and young and pretty and plain ire cood far i bitf a mother and sister at home 1 have f daughter and wife and im bound to say that everyday theyre the comfort and joy of life and plenty of men hae lives like uiinc and daughters at fair and sweet and enrbaired motbon ac cood and true and sisters as kind and aeat aqd i say that he who will fling a tuecr or t doubt at a girl why theu hs ucither worthy of woman i love vor irorthytolit lithmru so the youth went oat with a very red face and nobody infstcd hint a wouitaa spue and perbtpc he hta laanit if ever he can that to sneer at a woman is shame to man tto jfanuiii suamwf lrover man tring cliin a aicy s hnncy mid ilr ifoppct eir responded nancy mr moppet wis coming in from the gar den pith- naicy witli plcmp white arm to the elbow was wi-shing- the break fast dishes in a deep pan of hot soapsuds ilr moppet wis a hard featured elderly with whitishmae eyes a straggly of white beard beneath his sinirc md a bald cranium nancy waa fresh xhced and bright eyed with silk ten drils f auburn hair drooping over her freckled forehead and a ceruiu dimple per petually playing at the hide and seek oa her left check the two completely realized ehakjspeares ideal of crabbed age and ybauj im agoiu to town said mr moppet yooj wont need to boil no pot victuals for dinner waste makes want a cap of yec terdavsporkandgrecce thallibcailyouh need yts father aainfescad kancy she was thinking of something else all the w pile and talkin boat egg added mr mop pet jvoti may take four dozen np to peach arm mrs- wixoa wants plenty on em to make cake for her nieces party better go early ihis morning nancy colored scarlet under the aubara rings of hair i cwit i send em up by little bill beck- iaherl said she webster wixon will be there and and i dont like web ster wuoe with his red nose and his oam- meets mrj mdppet frowned namry said he u danh be a fool i can sis through ye like ye was a pane o glass webster wixoa ia a well to do man with money out at interest and youd oughtcr be tickled to death that hes took a notion to yon v riat father lvwnouittvotfl grumbled mr mop pet i knor jot exactly whats oomin its teat foolish nonsense about absalom park r that i hoped yoad got over long ago absalom haint no property and aint like to have none and no daughter o mine aint gom to marrv roar grandfather actox bar dr gilford rr b b cook q ifalbouand wno hnlbollind johnharrrr mrs john flartey william hemstreet tc moore ura t c moore jetnet matthews mfvaattheirs wmmnlleot robert moore noble uclm thorns cameron vrtrt caiaetuu wm grlpps umebocse jaroea martin mrs martin wmlsuie mrswlaad askifls hired man not if i know it he paused with this multiplicity of double negatives- nancy set her small white pearl teeth together her eyes flash ed with hazel fire it waa a true case- ot love versus money take thera eggs straight up to peach farm reiterated mr moppet shaking his forefinger at nancy an dont argufy the pint bo further im your father and i knowj whats test for you at youre going right past the wuons doory no i aint either im goin to horn hill toad ive been appinted by the sup ply committee to buy an air tight wood stove for the ehnrcj he added with some oompfaoencyr the old oaes rusted clear out 90 theres danger o ffre every time its used and the brethren t have subscribed twenty dollars for a hew oneleastways a second bmid one if its jest as good and a trifle cheaper im to use my own judgment about that anp he went to the barn to harness np leaving nancy ready to cry but she said to herself as she flung the dish water out at the backdoor i wouliinh marrv- webster wixon if there wasnt any other man in the world and if i cant have absalom ill live and die an oldmaid ob deari oh why need there be so much troable in the world and more than one diamond bright tear drop fell among the eggs that she pocked into the flat splint basket for mrs wixons nieces party webster wixon a fat middleaged bach elor was out helping to gather the october apples on the north side of tbe house when nancy came np he made haste to wel come her i good tnornin miss nancy said he as bloomin as ever i see heres your eggs spoke nancy curtly set down a spell wont ye simpered mrsvixon v im in a harry said nancy boi nanoy my name is miss loppet sir ive got something very particular to say to yon nancy urged the middleaged suitor irt hve kqejj awid nancy ive got to get right home cant i wtlwitb you apiece fl td ralber go alone bhe perflated other names vill bo added weekly bettorn all the world i i want to make you mrs weblor wixon i there thats what i had on my mind 1 and jonr good ohriitian minded father ho sayi it would mil him exactly and nancy wheeled around aud faced her eager swain isitformoifciathcryojroacourtiiig said she jr why ouxf course theu take my aniwur no and without waiting forlho returu of hor basket she hurried away her chocks blazing her breath coming quick and fast fathcrll be awful mad she thought but id rather dio than marry that man webster wixon stood a minute gazing after her in crestfallen silence then he went back to apple harvesting with an om inous ciprcshicn on his lips the madder she gets the prettier she looks thought he well well time will how brother moppet says she shall be my wife and that ought to count for con siderable moppet drove leisurely to horn hill drove an excellent bargain for a highly ornamented wood stove after having suc cessfully intcrvicwedevery hardware deal er in town aud set forth to return with it in his wagon at dask its a warm day for the time o year said he t and its easier travelling after dark it aint a bad days work come to thepoint i beat brother piper dorn pretty well on he price and its worth a dourn a half to cart the thing homo over these bumpy roods i hey lowed twentydol- lars for it and igot it for fifteen takin my time and trouble and wheel wear and horseflesh into consideration i gneas i waul say nothin about the odd five dollars business is business its a proper pretty pattern too thistle leaves and acorns id kkeone the same fashion in ray best room and with a long whistle why shouldnt i have it theres that secend hand stove grather atkins took for a debt from kolan grubb its jest standin ratt an away in his back wood shed ill fetch it home tomorrow and black it up and let elder meachao seppoee i got la bargain from some body and ill have the nice new stove for myself and nobodyll be none the wiser cow that grather atkins is con fined to his bod with croepin paralysis and absalom parkers up in the wood lots choppin down trees for winter firewood its a good idee im glad i happened to think of it hi drew ruu opposite the atkins bouse all was dark and qqiet there save the one red tight that- burned in old mr atkins bedroom at that identical moment hod he hut known it absalom parker the old mans general factotum was hanging over the girdcn gite of lus own place talking to pretty nancy arcocg the purple dahlias and quilled asters and it was no easy aak for a man of john moppelk physical strength skillfully to life the oil stove out of its plac- in the outer shed into his wagon git up prince he mattered to hi horse shaking the reins and away they went elder meachan was not quite satisfied with the barpiin the church brethren too would have preferred a nctf stove con sidering the money they had spent but brother moppet wua a man ia authority and hey were compelled to acquiesce in his choice nancy was delighted with the new ac- qeisition for the best room oh isnt itpretty said she yes nodded mr moppet rubbiag his hands itll sort o dress up the room for yoarweddinv my wedding jest so ive arranged matters with webster wixoa and nancy hurst ears and ran out of the room mr moppet glared balef ully at her she shall marry him muttered he or she shall be no darter o mine 1 iwont be set at defiance by why helloa ab salom parker what brings you here mr atkins is took wnas this afternoon said absalom standing at the doorway like a rustic appolo wants o see ye right off i was a saturday afternoon as mr moppet drove by the church door he saw the load of wood being delivered for the first fire of the season jest in tync v said he o himself theres a frobfy feel in the air grandfather atkins lay among his pil lows like a wrinkled old ghost john said he all ive got in- the world is yours but i think id ought to tell yoa where iyebid it sense he bank rob bery gave sucha scare certainly certainly said his son-in- law with cagr eyes like hose of a bird of prey ive hid it p way john moppet placed cars close to the pallid lips six fivehundred dollar bills ves yes goon jtoldedupfn an oldnumberof tbeflorn hillgciseffe an old number of the horn hill gazzttz i understand repeated moppet in the old stove out in the shed 1 gasp ed the old man i knowed nobody wouldnt be likely to look there its yours john moppetievery cent of it and mind vou dont spend it on no extavagance so speaking the old miser closed his eyes andwent where there is neither money nor coanting of money john moppet uttered an exceedingly bitter cry as he remembered the lighted match lie had pat to the crumpled old papers in the stove to make sure of a draught when it was put up in the north west corner of the church the roar of the blaae through the lengths of russian iron pipe in hh excellent management he had contrived td overreach himself he went iiome and sat all the evening in a sort of stupor with head in hia hands nancy busied aboujfctrtrhojaehold tasks watched him vrith hazel eyeflf surprise i didnt know he thought so much of granther atkins pondered she six time five is thirty six times five is thirty mused mr moppet rocking to and fro six bvehnndreddollar bills three thousand dollars and all gone up chim- bly in one breath o wind and me as done hi ihall gpcragy ishall lose my mind three thqu sand dollars 1 its a judg ment on mef jve been a merable sinner- and cheatedj tbml tampered wiui myiri cwiciencev- wfc times five is thirty i six fivehundred dollar biupt j oh loid ibirjs ih j5w able sinner live wri r i jthecjdjkitchmi clock ttrnek 9 ab- kveulneqmre taid he im sort o looking up the wotohcrs spoae youd like to be ono of em but id like to speak a word toyouflnt if its about nancy it aint no two said mr moppet routing himself to the affairs of the world with some petulance it aint about nancy absalom ans wered with a smile ltsabont mr at kins money mr moppet gave a start oh you neednt jump so reassured absalom its all safe he took a flat parcel out of his pocket count em said he six aint there mr moppet started at absalom parker as aladdin might liavo started at tbe genii how where he muttered absalom gave a low chorale hush said ho dont speak lond i seen the old man hide em there like a human magpie as he was i knowed it wasnt safe so i quietly took em out arter hed had that hut stroke and locked em in his black trunk up garret and you may thank roe they wasnt all burned in thr first fire you lighted in that identical i tore i you know about that stove said he with a gasp it waant likely no such conjuring could go on about mr alkins place and me not know it said parker dryly the ttove waant of no great consequence though except for old iron i guess the church foldsll get sick of it before a great while mr moppet 6tqv- a long breath when they do said he ill make em a present of a bran new one and absalom yes mr moppet you wont say nothin to nobody no said absalom i aint one of the talkin sort and absalom yes mr moppet since you and nancy reauy are attach ed to each other were just that mr moppet i dont toe uoobjection to youre getting married this fall said mr moppet with an effort yon may tell nancy that she has my consent nancy cried a shower of happy tears when absalom told her the good news but he never imparted to her the story of the stove as be himself had remarked he was not one of the talkin sort sat- artay biykl taught a lesson a pleasing came i joined in i game the other eveniog with a jolly party of yoang people that teems to me a capital imnaemeat for ever body from grandfather down ii is called obsemtiog cue of the ladies came into the room with s goodeized tray which ihe placed in the middle of a large round table on the tray wis a col lection of objects hidden by a napkin we knew that something was anderthe napkin because it was pushed op into little hillocks and depressed into liltje valleys we all set around each one armed with a pencil and a sheet of paper at a given tigoal he lady removed the napkin and exposed the con teats of the tray to view while the counted ten then she hid the ray again with the napkin while she was coanting ten we were all struggling to get into oar minds what was oajlhe tray and when the napkin was re placed we wrote down on tire paper what we bad observed these fifteen objects were on the tray a toy fan a cracker a bail of floes a pair of scissors a batton book i japanese lamp mat a marsh mallow a nail brush a glass vinaigrette with lea- leaves in it a japanese box a penwfper a ball of brown worsted a thimble a match safe some of ui only caught two or three of the objects and the winner managed to observeonly tbe first seven observation ia not only amusing but it is good training for the eye robert ho ad in the fimous magioian trained bis son in some such way as this so that he could pass rapidly through a room and afterwards accurately describe the furniture pictures and bric-a- brac which it contained spell it right we all spell behrings sea wrongly it seems the name of the danish navigator after whem the sea in queitidn it called was vitas beriog we do not indeed says a learned writer in theneue zaricber zaitang possess ia acooant of his voy ages published by himself bat tbe historian gerhard frederick mailer who when in the service of the czar accompanied an expidilion to eastern siberia and had free access to all official documents used be rings written memoranda in his history of siberia a work consisting of five vol umes aud faithfully rendered the name of commodore bering this same tpelling was followed throughoal by the reviser of mailers history j e fischer who was also a member of the expedition jast men tioned and went to siberia in 17 w when the commodore was still living by the german g w s teller wno had accom- panied the discover as uataralist by j g gmelin st krascheauinikow and several other authors desuibiug siberian travels of the eighteenth centaary the correct spell- ing is farther found iu oar best handbooka and maps such as caunabisch daniel stietovetc let us hope that all this will be accepted as conclusive it would be dreadful iudeed o have another open question in coquection with this much- vexed sea not rest ffut chance of occupation a lovers dilemma a man with urge buslncifinteretts and a handsome inconio married a lady who accustomed all her pretious life to the luxuries of wealth hid never formed my clear conception of tbe worth aad parch as ing power of mouey for some months the indolgent hniband gratified hiavifes every whim oue day the lady to carry oat some cap rioe aiked for a cheque for so largo a sum that the gflollemen was dittutbed hesaw that inch prodigality if prtyled fn meant ruin but not withing to grieve bis wife by a downright refusal he determined to give her a lesson of figantt u6 therefore imil- ingly remarked that he could not give her a cheque as uiaal but would send up the crfoney from his store aboat noon the promised money came uot in crisp bills as was expected bat in silver dollars he total sum filling several specie bags the wife wu- first vexed hen amused and finally u the afternoon wore away be came very thoughtful when her husband came home to sapper she took him gently by the arm and leading him into the room where tbe ponderous bags of specie were till standing said my dear is this the money i asked you for this morning it is my love wis the reply and did you have to take this money all iu dolli r by dollar in tbe course of your business wu the uext qaeition yes he answered gently it repre sents the retails ot many weeks of bard labor well theu she said with tearful eyes send a man to take it back to the ban kin the morning i cant nse so much monet for so trival a purpose i didnt under- itand about it before worth it some picturedealers as well as certain art critics have a scent for merit which may be compared to a dogs note in h acting- t sidney cooper the knglith artist gives inch in instance of a dealer who could tratt hit owe intuition without leein the pictare j on the varuisbiugd- i wis basy io caching ap one of my pfhares when tur ner passed me palette ioiiaad he stop ped to look at the canvas and then saving put it out it destryi the breadth be laid a dab of color over the part on which i hid been working and walked away again another artist saw him do it and immediately siid dont touch it again he has dene in oue moment ill that is wanted so l left it and whe t passed again i went up to him and thanked him wberenpoc be nodded snl gave a sort of grunt bat vouchsafed never a word that afternoon 1 met gillott among other dealers who at once began ssmng me about orty pictures i told hira that they were well hung sud theu mentioned the fact tail turner had put a touch on my welsh scene what is the tize and price of the pic ture rtked mr gillott i told hira and did the great turner really toach upon it as you say yesledid jr then the picture is mine tj yoa have not seen it i remarked no matter turner would never have touched it if it had notbeen worth it tbe picture is mine at three hundred poandsso cross it om lady watchmakers the position of women in the business world is becoming daily more important and more assared- the adoption of an un usual occupation by a woman is no longer greeted with impertinent talk aboat wo mans sphere eince it if now widely acknowledged that her sphere is wherever she can do the best for herself for the community and for those who may be de pendent on her tbe latest novelty in womans work is perhaps ihe watchmaking firm recently established in this city by two young ladies the initials and rcrname upon their sign do not betray their eex and many persons entering the store with watches to be tet in order are lurpnsed to have tberrt taken in hand and knowingly examined by a lady their business already prospers and they have successfully repaired several intricate swiss watches which it was supposed would have to be sent back o switzerland an electric clock of theirovn manufacture adorns the front wiadow of their ibop and they assert proudly bat modestly that there is no better timekeeper in the conn- try these skillful and eaterprisiug ladies learned the trade from their filher who is still in basiness in another part of the city fhii o demurely molcsi bo diffident and ihj file droopa ler ejot aod blubci if lam going by tbe wiudew where tl silling hut when i bow and imllc she aniwrri it thus plowing hue wat koiing all the while bjc secuii to like me utarbir vet if ltakohcrbaod hhe mriuks away baif startled 1 eatitiot understand why when ibe treat mc kiadly she t boa id repulse me to yet wben i try to co away she will not let nic go i caauot couiprcbciid tier if i sin uk or ud fcbct like a plea in of tuasbinc aud males me well and glad but if i try tothinkber aad tell ber sbe it dear shell turn and go away from mc as if sbe oaght to fear uy love it to dtvotod v shes luch t tender thing j aad like a bird u ever just ready to uke wing and fly away if startled what ball 1 errr do to prove my heart it firing ber a worship itrong and true i dare not go at one would think lu iacb a cue might we aud take her in my arms aad say how dear she is to me im tore that i tboald trigbte ber shes so demure and shy and yet there teems do other way i think h i co and try ill take ber uniwii and then she cannot fly away 111 hold her hands and tell my love and see what she will ay aad if tbe doesnt sar a word ill kaai she 11 be hit wile for silence alwajs give consent j and 111 love her til my we abu kinne a stepmother the care of the bbooms the rapidity with which broom ordin arily wear out is rarpriainj thi is partly due to leaving the broom standing on its brash end wheu not in nse bat more to cwelesiuess in handling a piece of strodg cloth or better yet of old oortn nnder flannel or stockinet should w drawn on over the handle and dom below the plico where the broom splints are stitched a few stitches which strong cottou yarn should fasten this cover both at its lower edge and gather and fsalen il around the handle tbroagh and through tun cover holds the broom splints together ani pre vents their brexiiog out aid the tearing of ot the banding of a broom which repeated striking against doors tndnop boards and reaching under heaving pieces of furniture does rd rather go atone ane pemawo t nili i as ot ici v i kn fa oonsm bnngin withjmn a km as for the feeling that we need rest rest rest it ia often a fallacious one it isaction that makes muscle the spirit of life en ters into as wheu we talte a vital part ia to- day often wosaffer from rest a cbaage of occupation is what we most need as a role and the relief hours of an active per son torn out to be very intelligent we most rest but we need not lose our elmtrio ity which the will the thought can com mand at all times and whioh ought to be on guard like an orferly to summon us when we nhonld become alert headaches evaporate if we most eiert ouraelvea for those we love or we almost forgot the pain which is almost the same thing and ill- temper cannot flourish unless we have idle ness in which to re8ect upon the motes belonging fo some oritfets with the en ergy leading tbe way ennui lifts from the horiics and we see color and distance gain there re womfn who labor day by day in hunger and despair it teems as if other might labor tn oomtort and health instead of sitting down to lassitude and ligui dont don dont stop that 1 comeawaj oh hush t sttdowrjl get up get off of that let that aloofc o will yoa hold your tongue go awayl no i dont know jump off that directly all this morning that woman over there baa w beeu going on like that i must see what it is all ahout or die of curiosity the poll parrot oil tbe shutter of that house over the way that alleruates polly wauls a cracier wiui clara clara is more bearable the dog tugging at bis cord aud yelping in the garded of that blessed single lady who keeps five canroe pets is quite as endurable dont there she is again and now i 6ce her a iwrlly woman id a striped wrapper with her hair iocrirupa sue sits on the back porch of her house and all these howls and remonatrsuces are address- ed to a little five year old boy who is trying to play or enjo himself tn uie strip of city garden li i on him that she is expending more cries of waruing and horror than were ever uttered over the fiercest quadruped in a spanish bull fight he is active and fall of life he wants to do things and see things aisd ask questionsud get answers 8he expects him id be as passive as a dead ihipg- should imagiuc that the mother of a bright little soul like that would have pleas ure in leeiug him unfold bis budding intelligence she only wants him to keep still that scallop on the bit of white mus lin into silica she is throwing all her sonl such as it is is of more value to her than her pretty man child mammais this a little tree coming up will it have apples oh do stoo bothering mamma give me a piece of thread to fly a kite go away the child goes away and begins jumping from one step to another step that she cries he stops and seeing an empty bushel basket iu a corner cets iuto it aod stoops down delighted with the idea of being a basket tall of boy come get oat of that you dirty child cries mamma the hltle one leaves the basket lies down on tbe grass and looks at the sky upside down get righl up shrieks the lady bmall hopesgets up and in a few min utes is trying to climb the clothes line post get down cries mamma and so it goes on he finds a book and is bidden to carry it rigbi in he gels a little cart and fills it wilh grass aod wishes to wkeel it about stopmakingtuatmussscreams the lady she offem him no employment no amusement in the place of what she forbids him aod wheu at lastworried into a tem per a ud who can wonder he refuses to obey the command to put down the um brella which he has brought out to ride horse on his punialimeot comes tbe oldfashioned one iu which a slipper is found useful the neighborhood resounds with yells beads pop out of lhe windows and lady and child vaniah by the bisement door and are seen no more svhv i fay to myself doesul the woman rie lhat child something to play with or something to do talk to it tell itestory smaet inionie way iv is a little crrealure that would well repay the effort and nora ihe upstairs girl wilh a pitiful look on her round face replies to my solilouy sore maam the father was s widjy man and had the two of them au she married him a couple of years back the wan of ihe childer is dead this is ihe wsn lej well be is a sturdy little ftllow enough perhaps he will live through it but if in the future he speaks harshly of step mothers who can blame him i sappose that woman feeds and dresses him decently perhaps she makes him say his pravers iucloding her in them aud her whacks were pot cruel ones bat evidently there is no mother love iu her heart as there often is in tbe heart of a noble woniau who t is a step- mother done of that feeliog that 1 prompts a woman to take a child on her knee and ouddle him and tell him stories to sing to him in the twiliguk to walk with him and sit by ins side as he goes to sleep just for want of ove ahe is bother ing him out his health and temper and giving him lew kindness than she would give a poodle and the best proof i have that there are no ghosu is that that atep- patent mediciues differoue has reas onableness another has not one has confidence born of succesa another has ouly hopes dont uke it for graniod lhat all patent medicines are alike tbey are not let ihe years of uninterrupted success and the tens of thousands ot cared and happy men and woman place dr pierces golden medioal disovery and dr pierces favor- ite presciptiou on the side of the com parison to which tbey belong aud there isnt estate or a territory uonor hardly a country in the world whether its people realize it or not but have men and women in them thatre happy because oftbeir discovery and their effects think of this ta health think of it in aicknea and other in the ptnkstrpe4 wrapper wto then think whether on can afford to make h eternal arfopng work tau not ye atrial iftbe maker can affordju been hannted by an angry motherapnt theiziak to give your money back aa they do if they do not benefit or cure you sappy very few people get what they deserve in this world hits cestinue arent you gild 7 who has listened to the petty torment of her child hoods sarsaparilla has the largest sale of any medicine before the public any honeet druggist will confirm this statement i