Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1891, p. 1

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volume x no a ijt ctoit jfm rrss new ivinv thursday- morking w y it tux rr 1it steam lmntinc offirt c v1ll stuvxtv acton oxt f z trnuot sriarirtils oncdollirncr tt it raii tr aavaiiee rr within three months from iv c v i v not so paid th he ic luch o wry afewriiition i paid li demoted fcv the dau ou the address label jsjvtnmvvfi rti transient advcrtiso citti ivc ivr noaiitil line for first tu- wrtiors wlt per un tor cachiabscouoiit titnr uinrthcoiloiac ult5 sbam crriu lor ibt iixterttoa t dvcruewcau tor i fl i wtv3asr i vw sxciri itw zitift i ycu nj tj li- 3j 2jo cirrrtc 1 viriyst sweetie dlroctioa ttifb twr tl forbid aud cbtrpyl sccord- isjlr traucut advcrtiwaimiu must be taid ikadrascc aitmaitu w ohaasoi once each ucth iwd far chacs ottcucr thui cccc i tujctk the ooivutisa lnart be paid for it rcii rt- csizf tor contract advrruhmeuu mutt in r tc pfk am oil tuojanotiicrisc tcvri l left ovtr until the tollcviagvk if too wall papers for 18511 iat packages 181 ujaitcvtr prices a lvtcuf l lov n to match nil lijrjitjkti and days bookstore cuelph j the traders bank pfjcanada- lueonrilwu artotparuauicoll- head office toronto cjuitlt altnolll cuttaliaim u 11x0000 ooooog quelph branch comer ot wrudbsui ludquouoc binds advtucoa uiidc to inucrt on ihcfr ovu uotot ct tlic lovrtt currcut rmtc of iuutctu stjet nod other uolet colloclcj ivouiiitly ko chixgc mdc for cotlccuug four per ccl intcrott id ou anilr llaiicci ol taui of 1 oj upwanu dcikltod ia tb stiaffs liuik dcjwnifloui and coaiixuaded every lixinoutbi klcij amnceujoijtf cau l mado for laiui dcotitixl iu liio dqifsil kccciiil dfiruuent foriuted iviriodi dfajtli ufuoa u ii all iru of canada vailed 6ut uriuja it tcrj low ratci- a ccmn1 baiiiac builaes transacted a f it jokes uaiiaccrgucliiu uraach gutliil december 100 itoccllil lud and payable r ana great bank of montreal nrmoobe diitor aad rtpnet6r ii5intss fitrfdflrp t grd5aloltrirlycoucelienibroi collotc of rfcytciiaf aid scrccoar q2ca-ircfideacc- attachedof ftedcrfct crwt aeic d rxrek f attatvinitk- ornci ivn uetnmvcrur ucgirtint lvm tinier mill aad frederick crwli f l bexxett lds demist ccoaerotx osruoo j pltajlshalllldsddslus ikrtt capital rest 12000000 6000000 v svvixos uelaktmext lis uxa cicia in oiurti cilh this hranch inkiest aluwtu al currrlit ualcv jasihflnlar j jlanjr ccelfk wtakch the politician on vrouibiuos season 1kii w barber bros papermakers georaetown ont nixu i iltculty or v- t idstirtoxdhxxisis ritthsds i de- m tr- hcleak birrilr scliciior kouej conveyancers c etitx1 irzis to loin 0 tc n ii aii aclci wk a iilns jso a hcluv machine finished book papers kkii coialtl vtlekly szw the uijcr uori in this jguruai is from the above fcills vtm eauber i eros- binder twine best brrnds silver composite crown r6d cap blue ribbon bortoaf wholesale prices ok application steel exghavixgs iiowat soacrroe xcrixt pccac icareytoloa flmq bittzetiir lzi sitzrlk ornrz kasii blocks aetoa cptil ohiltok waxlbripge stoke toixto ixr gtoycrroirs osc ctmiae elocfc gecrgetott tal trtiirseikcitliwrfa vore it tcrxnito tztlttk ri iiriueuiteneiaosl p ate xt 3 secured l fon ixvestioks ivory oae 4frames1 silver gilt artists materials i d- wir s- hexnr ghi5ti orratri cavada j tty tori practie yo pr ko pit r hek5teeet for u coizuei cl wtlcjlia ti lultcz orin ief ii tle fete vzurs oie acoc or at rsyvecilcse ia actor rili be irortly li- ieadedlo tenct nasoaaii aio moaey to loin oa ihc ioit favorable terms ai a- t- loren rx o izlorwt ia iaii of 37 exi crtrdx josxday aecltttect gctiiti ost omceqeea hotel bock lurtet sqaxxc dozbtctuk iovii- f 1 h 10 d elotj fruc- ca j fl cncj ioc trti j i our wall papers tij o lc at uv kittd iu aters bros kstaliio j st george s square guelph j- john it bond co guelph j croquet setts siid a wuiiky poliucian with a couiclenceleai atubluou im cjoos lo rrohibllioii every time iiicflicial rwoguiuon liavo hold a iiljb twaltfoii all i fear it prohibeuou auy time what u iuitluuiidiviiiou wbatoagcudcrs oiiositioa sothhi- lota than irohibitioa authckuio every scheme or iiroioitiau for our party s acriultitioa fifibts ordodgei lmhibitioit every lime caroi li uot for oar jtcniifiaioa falters uotat oardcriiion marches ok doc irohibitioa all the tiinc iiuie not for tat revision asks for naajut but abolitiou kum umit go laya tfobibttiou ah the time fight u hard ia coaliuua threaten it with roohiuiaioa daanlod not i irohibitioa anytime luto courts of rjt twitiou fitxiks ft forth for their dccfslou galuf the case docs irohibitioa every tin- hare lulutof uijcntiuoa ictsibiy bat apparition haqbtk lac cot like irobibittun all tbe tiiijc would i durcll la iaau dyuta yes ioadoaoacccudiuaa sluicly baaiih itohllitiou all the lime cu uot pact this ouc pro viaiaui matters not- i have adaiiclou wccrc ite hot for prohibition all the time stdid jfamilii luaiing a worthy- qfpejient pisittnu tackle the kenoaje umrts fjrtl and smokcd iu the rusts oc wiml clut came iu each time the door was oxiei while the clouds oc iraoke that corlod up from the pipes and cigars of the gatheri comuuy madathc atmosphere still more dense for the aucflaucemcut thit the yajus etraugerr rloee arriul tlut moruicg had boeti duly noted at happy crect the young dakota town not jet oat of iti grst eiage of moral md tualerul roagunslud some thing to wy to them had brought the larger part of the masculine popakticju to gether in the sajoou recently made vacant by the untimely death of its esteemed pro prietor and towuihuu iiis opponent being quicker on the triggcrt cured ty as to the stranger and his commumoilicia proving for the ume strongs thin the faro rooms aud siloaus tho ordinary attractions of the at the- gaeiiili btisiuass college guelph oxtahio f ejlxcis kuxax fszrccjsariotrclafciil booebikdeu 3g3r5siaxr6 gaeih acsoiat uaoit of all fci urade to order pgriodjcal of every desrijuo eiref cllybcrticd- k altar acaijtaadprsgpirdoae t he raxiak birbee shop sixll s rcr et aero y aa eisyaiye aexalfjaxaaagthaia poo algayt giver iiaion ta laaijireaf uair tastily rsu j swoedektoaiorialartieu votng 1tln asu wosikn iiatad for sc- cefui lulcis jis lor to cira a livicp iaac msy ai icic tattqriiia cscful actual jjlintss tict giviacdisv ciri slercuiauiafc iittlic and otutl- wrt ftitcre of osr coarse oftraiaitic ehoetiiivdandtvtewkitlvtithcbt cell for odajiled yoaa laiics stcitali wish- izs to become liiortlad rin are thorohly dialled ia buiaffs corti those yiiliag to because ttattil vtrbitia n- porters aro rivta cial tivtalcce zfcrdtd by uo otiiur acuooi in this couutrv psuans1i ftr biiitr urauins aid oraaaeatl vort ttarht by tsrotsprt peaiacn tee fhevcw lastifagi is ucirty the latcft dcvt3pta of tbt- xluril mtthod aad wita refutable cls ait for circcurr tad tcnae idrt militcouiaccrrindpij drug store j v kannawin welliagtou marble worts qceezc sreerr gceirir clark carter dciect iiaportcrv of granite acd lrble uocuaiecti and heatoae of ailsfcajc tad roai the newest designs aji woi and at- trut wxrrabied fintclats parties wisataff to pareaac irill please gire ac a call and asjcct orrtack acd prices a we are confident e can compete vitfc ay cftabliahiacatia octario harnaoa oat inylnicrest to thfc above arm t tiie iiatroaaetoiarfricads h ham1xtov i rwpcctriiilv solicit the patrol adihtumicoiith iv ageufs auted 5 vaat to tualx laoaty tale lcid aad il our choice har5ery rjci now isthc write u tt cace for terrai 1xav iiuotkeiisncrsertata iiochcster n4 new planing mid sish nddocr factory john cameron contractor has fitted cp tjc bailjius on sftia street lately occajiiol ll a tri ftlfjryvilliucxmaehiaery aciisprcparci w fcrahh pitas fpecificatioas tadestiaitus taz til citaits of biiujiagsaad execute til uird of mill street aoton defailkg matching ikoulmxu saziiez doorz and windows and door frames sud vrctscd lnbcr a1 jctt tlozk o- aj all ovicrs iroyif u ltijjd to jolik cimesok acfents wanted in ercrf township to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of lire stock ami complete stock doctor 7ht iamteoajpiciean1 coiaiirebcaiive ork ever pcbushfcd iu aatlors stand at the head otlhfzir proftfiioii acd have a coatiocataj repa- tclrjs worth iie weigat ia gold to aay oc iiiviag horw sheep cattle swiae poujtry do or bees a grand opportunity to laate moaey socare territorj at oiicc address e it moteb publlsner 120 yon e st toronto coal wood james brown itac on jid t large quautity of ecccuent coal which he will promptly deliver lo aay part of lie town at reasonable price acton busline tire- uaditfeiaatd rictf ullv fjiitits the- patron ai of tbc- public l4 iuornje thtu that weueqtiijeicsa sijlish eg can al- ways b secured at his fitawef a coaifortable bus ucctc all traias bcutta a in tad feis p ia careful alttailfeacivca fcvcroracr tle wapitis ci coaiaiercial travel- krs fully tict kihx williams mutual fire insubange company or tui county of wellington esticuiirnn 10 head off cueuph insnrcskcildiagsvietcbtidifcwanufactories and all other descriptions of iaeurable property on the ctih and ireiuiain note f stcui chae davrdson manager jlaelilug aud repair siioi crindell st dickieson have their aew ttcam uiichiae shop cow in fall running order and are prepared to do ail fciada of repairs to machinery boilers agricultural implements etc steam or wter pipe fitting oa iht thortest poibu notice repairs kept fa stock for all ihajeadiai makes of tsricalturfti laacbiaee we bare icih iron acd woodworiciaj iaciia- cty have had loagcricrkace ia tbc baic tzd caa gaaraatcc satitf aciioa ia all orders ca- intltd to nt binder repairing a specialty qrindell dickiesos uiil street acton near han eys ilill seasqx1891 ttjhilh retcrnjljr thanks to oar utiuy pat- 1 1 rons tar iheifliberal rapport ia toe pait vvc wish to ialonft yoc that we have entered into on arrangement with ii stewart gaph to kocp constantly ou hand a fall sjeirof uie ordinarj sires or sash doors etc acd will alio scnply any special sires oti khort notice at g aelpa pneca frames of all kinds uidc to order wc duo fcop ia etocic a iiee of hofimiadov tud door clns corctr blockr vcmrlamoer dresid while vu walt s rricer150iicr ii pumps being better- able than heretofore we will tajiply either wood or iron pumps promptly all worh gaarantecd satisfactory please call and inspect before purchasing elsewhere tiios ebbage uaaaflrer f w stone -presweni- johk taylor agent hainiltou s searblc works halflltoxf block formerly hatches block tlie gori corner of woolwich aud xorfollc streets guclpli oot john h hamilton propfletor wliolesajc and retail dealer and direct importer m mxiafeturerof all fcieds of grtuiie and v cmff direct order re- rtheuett30davs kb- 4 ceivod for t hardwood aud slabs cut ilovc icugth always oa hand telephontrcoajn anication s m cook co gzoeoetowk licensed auctioneers appruiieri valu- atori collector beal eitate cut general land ageati fob the cocxtieb of haitonfeeweuintou8imooey fc and ontario abort i j lunetoi i ftstann tatolm uoner to lots jiwu fatties pudn tbfir utai or oujeramflntii in r lua4 wia hre the araepronpflfatteiulal wesley vanw5tck house fainter and grainer and paper hanger or a wilford halls ieeath pamphlet disease onre witho medicine tas matthews acton lb pf praotloe tor one u ritundx mo 6 on luvretoru k the m wtunr rbllireatinent withont medicine parties at uvodanu charge laadcxtcnualiordenou orrirr asi filleii uoou- aiil blliixfttlr l short notice for paintiag grttiuing iptir- town or i j guarantee aatisf actiou ko ddsyt af ur work is nndertakeu- actos iuv drgifford iletbbcoojt g unuioiland fcjrsg halholland john harvev mijohnharvy win uuiien robert moore koble uclam thoual cameron mrs t cameron win griip wilhauiuenistroct t g uooro irstc moore i james matthews urtjaj matthews other cames will bo added woekb limkuolst jaiuos martin mrs j martin wto lane mrs- w lane pucc ircscatly there was a little ttir u bright yed yoang man with a quick alert air entered the rtomafkr a cordial grtxting with those aboat him motinteda char and began tqfpcak his stjk simple direct conversational thotvwi his rixogniiion of lus auditucc aud his ability to adapt him- self to it he iit them m good hainor with a reference to tho uataral advantages of happy creek and a pictured what they might become in the future he told then he was glad to x to raiuy had brought their families the home wes a mans anchor he spoke of the bright faced children he had seeu iu the etrects and tvho as men and women iu a day not far distant would be an honor to dakota a sentiment that touching as it did the strong feeling of state as well as parental pride dieted a salisued murmur then he referred to the responsibility that rested ou theui to give to these cliildreti every tidvanugc and opportunity possible for we cant be young hut once as you and i know though wc never cease to live over the days when wc were young and he referred to some of the memories of boy hood and echoolboy days common enough to touch a kindred etperience in almost every memory and thouldnt wonder he continued glancing hightly around if in those days when sunday came more than one of you like myself used to put on that uncomfort able beet suit and mother bmshed yoar hair and tied a ribbon at your collar and you went to sunday school where you learned verses and sang hymns and carried home papers full of pictures ill venture to wy too that with niauy of you the memory of the room where you then met and the boys who tut in the class beside yoa meittiow and so widely scattered that yoa may never look upon each other again and the teacher around whom you gathered whose face it may be long ago vanished from its accustomed place is a very pleasant memory kot long ago i chanced along where an organgrinder was playing- a young man a pretty rough- looking fellow too came by and as the sf rain caught his ear he stopped and listen- ed till the tune flzs through and at its close tossed tic grinder a dollar with theres that fir it as he passed on i asked why the tune pleased him so much ana he said it was because it carried him back to the days when he used to sing it in sundayschool i wonder if it would have that effect on any of yoa and in ia a clear tenor voice he began the sweet byand by- as he sang on one after another caught up the strain and men spent and weaned with fortunes varied changes gamblers who hod but dropped their cards for a pass ing hour and desperadoes stained with crime and some mayhap with blood to gether sang of the land that is fairer than day i thought it would be so he said at its conclusion that went w well bhant we havc another starting in response to the assenting murmar a fmnillar moody and sankey air there were a number oljood voices in the gathering and most wefe feady to join in the chorus even if thea did not happen to know the words while on his part the leaders selections were those with ringing choruses as hold tbe fort pall for the shore and others of thoie melodies so widely known and sang that the fastidious are apt to complain of thero u worn to death there he exclaimed after some half- dozen or more- had followed in succession that was good wasnt it and now my friends what do you say to coming to gether with the little bhaveru sunday and ringing and teaching thorn to sing with you and doing an we used fo if yoa will agree to i will furnish yon with the prettiest tog books for little more than half price believe you wvuld all enjoy it what do you say to hie idea there was a moments silence at this un expected proportion and then mcdcrraott proprietor of tlie saloon across the way from bit mat on the bar inquired stranger might i ask what your business here is anyway for public opinion had been dwidcd over tho question as to whether he wjis a laud spectolator a book agent the representative of ft life insurance company a detective or a political candi date and his question but ciced the gener al desire forfliburancc that herein lay con cealed no trap certainly was lie frank reply this is my busmen some good people in the hast knowing what they have been to them have sent mc out here to establish sunduybchools in places where there are none and i not ouly took to the idea at oucc but very much enjoy it for instance yesterday i was at the town of enterprise 6ome dozen miles or to from here they selected officers last night and are going to organize next sunday kow whether oruo the missionary was aware of the fact here existed between the embryo cities kulerprise of happy creek the deadly and oilier rivalry that can attain its fullest development in towns very young and ambitious each of which is anxious both to secure the leadership iu liosition aud a coveted railroad so that whatever one had the other tniist at once possess in con some rye hardly liad he finished the sentence when a man ex claimed sco here boys well bsc enter prise and go iitr oie heller ou tins sunday- school racket ive three kids that shall come aud what we want is to all turn out on sunday whoop cr up and start the thing off in bangup style and a glance around was sufficient to show thai he had expressed to general sentiment of the assembly theres one trouble though suggested another with slight agitation what is that why you know we ought to have one o tlie pritjin hort to lead off sort o bell wether like an there amt a single oue o tlut laud in happy crtck his was alas not the first lime the missionary had been confronted with a simi lar etatc of affairs and in this case he was irtiurcd for it that afternoon he tud asked his landlord if they ever had any religious service in happy creek and thal worthy putting ins thumb hi his amiholc- iud immediately answered well i ixlicve there was a tenderfoot ifaptist minister hem here once loo kin for a phicv to heat but he coucludcd with a solemn wili that this wasnt exactly a healthy pucv an i btlieve ihere was a catholic priest ken here once an was-a- goiu to hym service brt the boy a got oulo it an hustled him around so he was glad to git out without any of his tomfoolery au i believe thats all the religious services weve ever had hiva in fact the inissionary had been warned of happy creel as a touh settlement and had he proposed a church oratlempted anything m the line of sermonizing if is probable hat he wjald have chared the fate of d baptist and catholic predecessors cut he had avoided the very word religion and his familiar talk pleasant maimer aud perhaps more than all the siiigingliad ivoti him favor with his listener so he promptly answered now when yon want lo build and you cant get just the material yoa would like yoa take the best yoa can get dont yoa v well thats what youll have to do iu this cas if yoa havent a christian man for superintendent choose the best man the very best fellow you lute who is he v there was a moments pause and then soumrche called out tom uarslow thats so came from one and another as a ripple of laugh- ter ran around the room one giving the opinion hut tom would be mighty sur- prised to find himself a sundayschool superintendent and another intimated that the lards he could explain best to the children would be those adorned with hearts spades and diamonds but dont vou worry none was jtcdcnnolts assurance toms a tiptop fellojv he can sing like a bird and hell bring the thing through fly over a now tef and lead a new and a better life and now mast i go alone or is there some one here who will go with me his voice was broken and tears were running dowu his own face and those of many of his listeners at he ceased a nun rose iu the back art of tho room aud said iu a broken voice as he came forward tom ill go with you ive been sorter proud to think that i was a pretty tough fellow but those sunday school hymns wc sang the other night set me to thinking of times a good while ago and to feeling kinder ashamed of myself though id a been ashamed to own it i3ul when tom was lalkin it came right home to me hat we wasnt dotn right here that i wasnt doin right and i want to turn over a new leaf too then a woman arose and faltered i once knew a better way but i lost it kow i want to hud it again aud keep in it always and one by one they arose in the solemn hush of that room where w lately vice and crime had held carnival and where now women were sobbing softly and the checks of men unused to a soften ing touch were wet and hearts were thrilled at ihe unseen presence so strangely mov ing among hem till a group of eleven had gathered hand iu iiand pledging to them selves- and to each other to walk the chris tian way so the sundayschool came to happy creek and today as a result of the seed planted by the young missionary there stands on the sight of the old saloon a neat white church whose bell summons weekly from pleasant and orderly homes a fall congregation of earnest faithfdl men and women and whose sandayschool is led by its first superintendent still lo whom through gods grace it was so blessed and iutanihasblessedit to others chilian uklliifrr british judicial dicta on drink j almost ever- crime has its origin more cr less ia driakiag jndp4 gurney xinetynioe cases out of every hundred are caused by driuk judre erskine if it were not far drink yoa juryjud i woudjiiiljtiuug lo do judge palti- son if ail men could be pertuaded from the nee of intoxicating drinks the office of jadge would be a since a re judge aider- sec therefourths of the cases of crime have their origin in public houses tud beer ihops judge wigblmiu intemperance has destrojed large num bers of people and will at its present rate c increase in destroy the coaulry itself justice grove i can keep no terms with a vice that fills cor goals and destroys the comforts of homes and the peace of famuicsr and debases and bralalwrfa the people of thefte islands chief justice coleridge to which we might add the recent decision of lord yoau at the glasgow arc ait in the case of eliza snort whose drunkenness and neglect had resulted in file death of her childjrefuiiag to bold her criminally responsible became lliere coald uct be inferred intention to commit the crime sad refusing tohold her condition though oaasea by her own act lofficienl to make her criminally responsible for tu death of ihe child edmbargh journal of jurisprudence whit li the last curious thtngyou bare met in your lagubriooj busmen asked 1 reporter of a toronto andcrtaker the other l day the undertaker opened the hd of a cofliu near ida elbow and replied do jou see that patiu linimt t ves whats odd about thai yellow r yellow is a common enough color not for coffin linings my boy they are reuerajly white but ihisrofflo was made for a woman whose main ambition iu life was to look well and her dying reqoest was that her coffin be lined with old gold lalin ai that color best setoff her complet ion which was rather isllow and dark promise me ihe said i donvwant all those women lo come and see me in my coffin looking like fright 80 they pro mised and she died contented only a woman would bother her head with inch thoughts on her dying bed moralized the reporter im not so sure of that said the undertaker i once buried an old chap a saloonkeeper whose income while be hed was unevenly divided between the lapport of his fsmily and the decoration of bis person the family go the smaller half he wore the it ait expensive clothes at all times and the glitter of a al dia- moadsirom his shirt front necktie watch- gnardand hii big red chubby- hands actually dazzled ihe beholder well when nis time came he had very little property but bis jewel to leave behind him bat he made a will bequeathing what little he had to his wife ou condition that she dressed his body in his best suit of clothe decked it with all his diamonds and buried them everyone with him oiherwie his whole estate iucladiog tbe diamonds was to go to charity the poor woman declared she would obey hii every vih bat ii ms with a eavy heart that she brought otrmhe suit i was to dress the corpse in it was of the loudest biggest most blaring plaid you ever saw enough to frighten old nick himself away tbe 6hirt was covered over with a patlern composed of purple ballet dancers and scarlet bulldog and these with his big diamonds glittering all over hiibi made a startling sight for the mourn ers who looked into his coffin many were the lamentations that ihe poor widow ghoald beobligedkt bury all those diamouds aud mach admiratlou was expressed for the wifely devotion ftbich kepi- her from mur muring 1 j bat the widow was 110 fool she buried the jewels lure enough but hardly was the grave filed ap before she ordered the sexton to empty it again tbe coffin was opened sad the widow tjok the dia monds from the old cumiudenns shirt- front with her own- hand then they baried him a serotid timo i heard of another btrauge ca6e con tinued the undertaker which did uot come under my own observation yet 1 be lieve to be tree it was that of a fban who always had a horror of beiug gutlal alive he left a provision in his will that big bottle of chloroform was lo be put in his coffin with him it was lo be laid by his side and a tackhammer was to be put iu his hand so that if he came to life under groaud he could eruish the bottle at a blow and fill the cofiin with fames that would kill him instantly and painlessly a wild indian x iucver will marry laid handsome harry as bo sat mi the porch one imnmer nifihl jor i iwvlt shall find a girl to uxy mint asflcvor aud ivcct a gentle od brlcbt as my mother j and io 1 intend to iluy villi bcr to uu- cry end tanal uct er man iald handsome harry scarce spoken tlie words when a neighbor came- aad wiili tier a beautiful mold who stayed till harra ouug buart was all in a flame with her pretty see sad her winsome air 6hc toov lnia a captive all unaware for s month or t o there as such ado and inch a worry fur this or that youd have bought that love was bid la a glovt or modi ill coat or a tie or hat we nil of us laorliod a bit at harrr bot tbeo said mother hell never marry iv i sai toiux to marry said handsome harry ai be sat ou tbe porch 000 summer night and im not afraid forlto foond a maid ai iwoct as mother aa good aud bright and it would uot do such a chance to tslsi then be bent to bisnlothcr and gate bcr a kiss bat she shook ber bead abweu she said i thought with ineto ihe end youd stay for i very well know bot a while ago you never would mairy 1 beard you aay and be auiwcred ber tls the way with liieo aud badali hadnt seen llcsaio then i hadnt steu deisialtbat lella it all if 1 hadnt leenuessietlsj stjij bo true dot i never coald meet a girl more sweet more cetcr and bright or more like yon aadas ive teen bcasie said happy harry a ive ccn bcaaie im going to luairj- 3 how they carry it torn liars ttawas therefore duly elected and the young missionary went his way to other beckoning fields with a prayer in his heart that thi4 little txd he had planted in the ground seemingly so inauspicious might through he blessing of god like the despisa i mustard seed spring up and become not only a flourishing phut but a goodly tree the following sunday afternoon happy creek gathered in the vacant saloon now provided with seating facilities in the shape of boards laid on ber keg to inaugurate the sunday school interest in the novel enterprise and curiosity to seethe super- iatcudent iu his new role baring drawn oat almost the entire population at the appointed hour a young man with a wellcat face and clear xruuk gray eyes came focward and gave oat a familiar hymn at its close he shut the book iu his lianivaad after a moments silence said mv friends i wasnt at the meeting when you decided on his sunday school i was asleep when the boys came home and woke me up to tell me i was elected superintend ent i thought at first they were trying to get a rig oa me and i swore till the air was fairly blue but when they went on to tell how it came about i saw it was a bedrock truth they were telling for a fact well after theyjiad chaffed me a while they went lo bed and la sleep but i didnt go to sleep the news hod been a sort of moral shock i thought of my mother my christian mother in my far away old home and how surprised and delighted she would bo to hear that her wayward son was a sunday scbool superin tendent then i thought of the man i was accustomed as a boy to see in that position a good man whose life lay behind all he said and whose- example we boys felt even when we would not- acknowledge it i thought too of my own life thea4atr and wondered how ander heaven oue of the jaeerest sights is xo see how different emigrants carry their money host euehsh emigrants carry their coia in a small case attached to a chair which hey keep in a pocket as they would a watch irishmen always hive a italic canvas bag in which notes and coin are crammed together irish girls oa the other hind gcccrohy have their money sewed inside of their dresses germans carry their money in a belt round their waiita aud the belt is usually an elaborate aud costly affair no matter how poor the emigrant may be the french mostly carry a small brass tube iu which they can place forty or fifty tweutyfraac pieces and remove them readily oue ata time there are very few italians who do not carry a large tin tube in which ihey keep their paper money or silver coins and this tube is fastened rouud the neck by a small chain or cord swede and xorwegians are sure to have an immense pocketbook that has generally been used by their fathers and grandfathers before them ana which has in it enough leather 10 make a pair of boots the slavchans and hangariaus carry their money m their long boots together with a knife fork and spooc an italian fruit exporter a boston fruit merchant tbe other day received a box of oranges from palermo ou which was pasted the followiog circular out1xo 1uimimevt1 fruit exporlr palermo gentlemen i beg of bringing under your notice that beiug largely interested iu the fruit export ation for your markets i am exclusively devoted to the abippiug of hue choioed fruita although i do uot ue- to pack oranges and lemoui so finely as other do jast to supply with au artificial aud elegant pack ing to the bad quality of it yoa may get assured that fir eat and always choiced are tho qnilities of tbe fruit bariog my marks and you can rely ou getting the troe num ber of pieces as on the marks stated bare yoa will treasure up this advice and do jast ice to the true merit i am dear sirs yours truly gixtjlso bljjllmexti when i wis a very hale girl i lived with grandpa and graudma smith in a little log house in the wild woods one evening grandma and i bat on the door step waiting for grandpa to come home he was off in the foreel chopping down treos it was almost sunset when some one walked out from the trees aud stood before us was it graudpa oh dear no it was js big tall indian with his blankets wrapped around him and moccasins 00 his feet he had a bundle of willow twigs on liis arm grandma tamed ury white and trembled while i clang to her too fright ened to cry we had never before seen a wild indian he looked at us solemnly for a moment aud said you frightened me uo hurt theu ho lolttgrandma that be had broken his knife culling the willow twigs to make baskets ond he asked hr to give him an old knife she went into the house aud brought him oat an old knife aud a bovl at milk he drank the milk thea took the knife examined it and ituck it into his belt he then looked at oa and laid you good woman you kindto poor lutisn indiau never forget aod he larued away aud went off into the woods when grandpa came he told us that there was an indian village about seven back in the forcs the indians made baskets and took them to town 0 tell or trade for other things he thought this must be one of them we often saw indians after that hut we were uot afraid of them long after when i was about eight years j old an indian basket peddler came to our house graudma bought a basket from but when she ofiered to pay him for it ho would not take it ko uo he said one day a long time ago you gave au indian a knife and milk to drink when be was lired he told yoa the indiau never forgeti here is this basket for tbe little girl bbr was a baby then and be gave me th basket yoa ever saw i have since our ltillt ona 1 some newspaper bulls funny mistakes that creep into the columns of the press the mistakes in newspaper offices arising from faulty chirograpby of occasional aod regular contributors have led to the publi- cation of u few specimeub an oswego paper refers o one instance that of a syra cuse clergymen whogave the manuscript of a bermou of his to a reporter for the purpotftottitakjug an abstract of the dis course for publication the mabaacript said of john wesley thit thoaghonly a presbyter he bnself ordained tbon5aa coke- to the ofiicof the episcopacy the preacher s penmanship was bad however thalahe reporter make oat his statement to mean and read though ouly a fresby- teriau he himself ordained his cook to ihet office of the episcopacy a brooklyn paper follow this up by re- laliug how some manuscript of dr tal- mage came to its office al one time in which occurred the words my text ends the lord wheu the words appeared in print bey were neatly transformed to read my tall friend oar lord horace grcelye manuscript was a puctlb lomost people and therefore it is not to be woudered at hat when ho wrote tia true lis pity pity tia tis true tbe tyye ruado bin siy tislwo tis fifty yeg tis fifty- two ou a hochesler ilailyaiew years ago i reporter wound up a sketch of a little boy who had died from the effect of an explos ion of firecracker which he carried iu his pockets in these words his afflicted aud bereaved parcuts vxill have ihe sympathy etc the aunouuectueut as it appeared in print was an offer of sympathy to hii afflicted and burned pauts a new york compositor accustomed to betting up the marine uews of tho paper and who therefore- foutd it convenient to set op and aaro names of cities and towns along the atlantic coast made hi in self famous by an amusing error his copy described bow a gentleman had met ids death by the baud of divine providence to save time he reached amonalsiitt tor providence of ubode island tome but tn his haste look the wrong word when the paper was printed the acquaintances learn ed for tho first time that their former friend had been removed by the hand of divine nantucket ra young men coingwest why do oar yoaug roeu not stay at home how is it that so many of them are constantly coiug west these are questions which are often asked these days there are several reasons for ihe westward moverceut of our young men oue reason is that vfaraway fields are always green c and farawaybirds hare pretty feathers another reason is that v- young man is willing to work awav ayauythiog whereas at home and among the people where be is known he would be ashamed tq work at the very same work at which he toil and wvrks hi 111 season and out of season away it tome western land where heifn- known and where h does not come iu con- uct with his previous habits training apd surrounding another icaion is the wide unlimited field opened up to tbe youo man iu thin western fairy laud but tbe great reason of all is the great western migratory instinct born in the young people our forefathers all migrated west ward and away back in tho remote past bo far back that a date cannot bo fixed the anglosaxon was inspired with a feeling tc- k0 west perhaps it is an echo of the com- rnand given lo abraham to go west which our yoaog meu bear but whether so or not ibis westward flow of migration is a roljng passion with our race and thn legislation in the world cannot stay it n glasgow kntfrjtrik s v loveliest little dt it ever cheated the colonel wheretheresawilltheres a way ihe other dty i u detuned at a grand tradk station for ao idoominft train some men wen working near b and i got witb one whoro i kuewy mom sohmmbork mdiiii brotherinlaw jacob sebwendlemejrer met on anjtlnave 0 scbake i make jeaterdajr von o years to accent it not on baitv yjssl carae and picture pri von vw law for jjll ym tdtwgto4 the children and i can get yoaomoing ta rt w 4g a reiponribuity bnt as a sacred trnst andto do everything i booglrt dot fine pnty in my power to carry it oni nobody here yersnoronhniitnd loban has ever had reason to accuse ine of being too piona 1 hadnt ottered a word of prayer for years bnt then and there j knelt and prayed that god would- help mq to do the work aud make me worthy to dd it j j that prayer has been in my wart uoc it is to day i liavent draw but i want to do better jtnowttwiij hand end that i jbah rnatoinairivji dotu a ikhrgeiri uote but 1 make a patter von the day before ytatat- f vot fori pargain uicmifwixiifcs toraefojflrjftouaracto tuievii into conversation with one whom i knew in his boyhood on enquiring he menuoo edthat he was euning ooei dollar adayj he was marrlfd and has several ohlldrenj beginning withoot a single cent be haf booght aooroforttble bonae and an acre land attaobejl all the payments completed exnept a small ooa for b hs nevtrjtakeo a holiday nt day uin hlu on hit nhnoatri anataiuj sad there are patent mediciues that are more marvelous than a dozen doctors prescriptions bnt theyre not those that profess to cure everything v everybody now aud then feels mn fi plajod out theyve the will o power tdljeuerate vitality- theyre rck enough to call a doctor bjit jut ick to be well thats where the right of a patent roedlolne comet in and for a dollarwhat thedoctor wouldnt 36 tor lts than w or ten we pit hi oar claim for dr pierce golden medical dlsootery we claim it to be an nneqaaled tttstdy to purify the blad tid lnrljorate thtlis wclmi it frutliifa-igf- creating an appefett prttentlog bltthmt iflm f sjiiiujuf 4 fc tji 4r

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