a if l t 21 volume xvino 51 if i rtoit jree jrcss blk thursdav morkiko it mh tree tns sleaa lrinuajt office vtllstltllt ctov 0t tnnxors bkriimon one djdar iter voir if paid tn idnoci w wllhtn hut taonu from uecuafnc ol vr jp per year i not to paid decked bv the date onlbt addrras ubcl jnwmre lum transient adveruse- mcata 5 wot por norreu hue for arm in crtion j ocuu per line or each subsequent gtklet turys the allowing ublg stows cr rate t the lastrtiou ot advertisement or ecfiod period st s niches j laches t inch j ia 16 mo umq n jaai auo lioa i 3jq sajct uoo rin sjo i tool 3jql ul 1j advertisements without specific directions will be inscrd uu forbid ml charged accord 1 iglv transient advertisements mail wc paid jlavertitexueuts will be changed coee each month u deaired i- or ciubcc olteaer than voce i moqui uie composition matt be paid for st resell rates changes or contract advertisements mast be ia th rffl iy g fcjji on tueadart otherwu i aver antu the following rock sp moose editor uid proprelar ls the office br 9 ua on tueadart otherwise tiej nil b ln aver anul the followini vtwfc- t susnuss bnratxrp tt h lowrx m bices tt grtdnu of trinity colicuorolkrot conce ot phrriclvit and sarfoor osca and readae- at lfae hoi ueet acion wall papers u ics thaii half incest dtts hooks fore tmrtit ie the break of the amonean vaall at half phcc atd liltliicrf frouico to q por cent ikuow the uslrtl price klecintzqc papers h0c klectjitsqc ppcrsitlsc ccjdfl 00 papers at 25c 10c md35c uotilcr md cil i tad co luaicti ll our c i t tut u urt ujl lartvtt stock ilc ucw pt tti les tad to lou colonups wcgivt oi hit lowllr o uid best tort dais bookbtore guelph dry seuts f chskp ajctoir ontaeio thursday june 18 1891 price three cent s the traders bank of 04nada ieoqisntnl by an of i ulluinnt i htyjt optioe tohonto oiirij as lire itxyrbm yov know lu 1t1l alrruoluxli citltlllnuip f 1000 000 cwoqo banfe of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 d r crejv ptttnciaa 6cceov accoccnrrf- j oma avo ecsrocfce t ucoirriai boum corner ifhi tad frederick strectx llbenettt dentist ccobcrrotv asmxit 1 jpurshall 1lds ddslds i dectlit wu be a girt t uotu erj- 1 nl x 4 d siirton dentists orflcl mittlest block ucu lost oilcc acton office oja escrj dj- iiid ujc rer uicst liuiod in dcoustrj iiwcumd j sncro d enniy ui m cleikliclea burutrtsoii larx ouru kcjncxt ic rrvtile funds to io offiac totu uau adoc- w it i itclriy jse jl stctri v b v isgb dlliiusllnt has bocu okci m coimcctui with this branch intercut allow td t tttrcal eatc- jashflnlar ttior glelrit ukavck w barber br0s paper makers georgetown ont machine finished book papers 1au the llicr usod the above mi i this joprls1 is frona guelph branh cotter of w jtiduiui ud qkib stroeu adftqcos mtdo to farmers ou uialr owu uotci tt tao lorut enrrcui nto of utcreat stlot mdotlior nolccouoctcdirouiuj ko chtrgo mdo for collecting four per cenulnterost ttidoadauy bcltncet of tuuii of 91 tnd u urirdi doiwxltod in uia bint uink dcihuuucut iid couiiwuudod eorj lixuioulbt 6lc11 tmaigcuicuu can be tutdc for aauia oritttod icriods drtfu itsuvc ind iitsiblc niillruof cfldt luitodbuc tand dnxx briula at vciy low rctcs a gaicru btuldug ousiucs trtuueted k t tt jqtt utuiccr ciucli h uciueh uucllli lkciujbcr k season 18111 binder twine b6st brknds silver composite u orown 4t cap blue ribbon bottom wsolssjue prices oh appltcatzoh if voonllid iblnfmi we irut cm louknon- tlo otld itouldn t go ou to coufouudodlf ilow 1 or uiora wtnj t iklp and there i tuiny a ui and there i many a flip and a rip aud a dfp tuat makes u quite wear aud uoarj and blue uocauio wo can t do u to all like to do if ire bad prcachen icbo wouldu t grow roj lfe oulj baddoaconi booulduteetdoir uuuni worutflj if dnuken wcrut dr lf folka woyldu t die llftudb a d all irr to ec lair uublutnioel cvod c coald pro docausc wod liavo uilugn ai a wiul urn jou kuow uoul lboorldwsa uuijtfiatrc ttoadofrouud tf oul bard itnso could bo uitde of uicrc touud if wo uadlouof cub iad ifuillar trub if without befag nwli u c ouald tuaah like a flaslj ail dfughter of etc whoa to ctxvd to do w thcu wod iorlr bavc uuiige a we waul cm ou know hal wbn we cct down o a tucni bunncn baae e had that we toeux to ha- tulucd fit lace tho outlook la murk aud wo tlgu bkc a turk as there t act cba o tiirt or to loik wliufl wo work i oc our tub bj- the swiat of var bruw here below 4uc tliufs iiut jutt bfi wo wllt cw jxu know vti eakber bros steel exgkauxgs x a lowat b4itcc saicrri oruir pcauc- kfoaer to loc orrcx dats taadiru- saturday umcr kaaoawie bock acloa cpuin fr s hilton w allbrtdgli stove bum ftjs3lici ar at toovro aii gcoxgrrors osee creemii bocfc georsetowc ad tndersilnlcinben ci ioce i toroclo 7 siolrol tx w k w jlllirii je it c tove patents slcdred foelmlktiqss jlh vl1 gilist oxtiwxcivlia twulr yctxi pricuce vo taten so itr w hekstreet licacdaccnoin kor the costie of aveillocloa md jffioa orden lef at the fnc yzzss office ac oa at atcrrendecee in actoc will be r-ospuj- at tended to termi reuonable alw moner to iota oc the isort faronue teraiul t ihe lowm nt 6t icerf is uzn of ejo0nd uttrdc xohkdir- ornci qa aechitect j gcaxru oct i a hotel block kfrket sdaare p kancis kdltas booeuivdee at george i squire guujli ourto aecount booka ol ul tmff cde to oder t enodieiaofetorydescrin loncarcfcllbocci kaliaf neatlrand promp jy doie rphe halilak baifber shop miltsrerrr acroi aaeiyinftte attyiithliirat ngootiteifoaia ufixiuiuaimtuigthiispoo ahraytpten liiaorx turned and pot in firstclass coodtfoa lmaim io1 ehudren i hair uathy cul j hwqjlde toaforuiartutt wehiagtoii marble worls qceeec sruzt gcclnr clark carter d utlct importers of gracitc and kttrhie monomenu and headstone of all shades xnd from the newest detigos all work and ma tnaj wurmntd crftcuaa camet wuhlui uj furuiae wui lease cire use call and inspect ozr stock and j r cor as wc are cdcsdeut wc can compete with any cstablifhuicst in ontario kanns sold oat uijtc tens to the above cnn respctfeh toiiatuiparoiagetoiu fntntls aoi the imt t ou their bclalf j if nurriros itort frames silver gilt artists materials 1 1 ui o l wl j 1 10dci i ix co 0tr wall papers w iters bros 1 10 i i stujliiilir st ceopges 3uire guelth guelpli btiuies college glelph ovtirio 0t gl iso oii v ouj or c cc fu b- ci u t l to urn aliie txkc ioec3 a 1 lec t t txri icg lul ctuc utl1l lit sivlas b- jl uaioc outila j tlton an j i rac 55t wo l t f atorc i shoutlusltdtlit i itim l tlt fitld for ttg viio i ce ie ts w su f to ijotojj i- llur n at loroachlr dnllctl is li rn io tbtc wlicsj bc0 c i r1 l ti j iqct arc pre j ejy a a httx t af rded i lo ylfc- idjool it t is cc 2 rj flifsiiil for 1 li d ii j all oxac tlworl ttl lt bj iwo ir k ta olonclcaci icctiilcc thl ti r ck xasol i isu 11 bi the la dcacoic t if i k trsl ifcu and wili rcuarval ft ull i- or arcian a- j itrus a ji l st i1 coi 3licu if- ti lenf anted if jou wait to uakc motcy talt l i atij tell our choice nursery clock sow ic the uinc wnr cs at one for lenuc uav ui otiflki urscryujcn boeiicxtcr v x agents wanted in erery townshijx to sell the pictorial cyclopedia j of live stock and complete stock doctor tl- taori comj eteai i coaiifth uane work cr ai itahocl fu anil ore stand tt the od f th rprofeiou ajd bate a continental rcj u tauoc viattki weight m gold lo any true iianu horses fitecj catcfc swu c i oultry dogror bets craud oij3rtcuit to uakc ru jo socare tcrntorjat occc ddrcs e k mottee pubuahcr 120 yon e st toronto coal fe wood james brown ffa oa laud a iarce qaantily o ex tikut coal which he will toiuirtlj dlircr ij aiij art of be towlt rciwjnablei rcct new planing mill siah and doo- factory john cameron contractor has cuod i j the b i jjls on tin s rcct iatclj occj icd as a in ok fxc tt k ilh iitw uuuxiuae iid is itoparcd 1 fun jh t ficatjot anl cstil as foi all c a fbuihi er cutt all ltnd i ui fssivfr latch t r txj rollllsg ljll ali ktlls ti saehes doore and windows and door frames and dtosed lumber au i li a tjct- o i aud all orders rouj lty at cjic llo john camerqffr john ji bond i co guelph good fresh turnip seed lln m pcrrunak stlat family jlfaiing a ullmun c w 00iicj swedes greystones 10 cents ptr lb i2ccatspcr lb kirzt will bee rij at our tall kbo fur uie le tuiijif prowj frot i cd r c ad at ilc drug store j v kannawin mill street acton crindells 1lackike repair shop jti to l atbi rrcirc d to lo anuc i am ujw becxic tihtcni xjuui pullman car at the oakliuid mole later elderly gentle aud carrjiag small raliso aud large bam pet oljowiiig him ttv o ludic eudenlh motber and daughter daughter 111 dark blue travelliog costume with a larebancli of uolets pinucd to trout of her jacket is a retij slender girl of about c ghtccu both laden with flower books aud cumcr otis small anxls which thc dejjosit m bcctiou ucarcst middle of car the follow tug conversation ensue giade dear i am rctdh womed ter j oar taking tins tni aloiie had iou tut better wait a di or w to bee if we can hunt txiuc cue up s accouian ou hi iw indeed jaia it vao ci fortu uatctliat mr u irvjtt was taken ill so sud deulv ii t in rmn to that mxb wilson could net gj with mc this afternoon but ou see luiij1 ij start oda to reach omaha in time for clara wedding csieci alt as em o be bridesmaid you an i mamma muil not num for shall gt i jug all ngiit alouc in the meantime othcfiusscjgerk come in aud fiud there rnccticaecttous the engine toots warnnigu a few more kisses aud burned instructions and ai and mamma arc gone the tram iuotcs off turning t j msjxxt her fellow traveller tho dav passed in tlio aiual routino of a pullman car jack waa all deot ion from first to last heading talking and eating wi th hast little nromenades when tbero waa anv oiinortumtv v is the order of the da jack holhs had knonn and loved gtasjs prcstoh since ho was a bo of 1 1 and the a htfla girl pf m he hod mtjoaed and boon declined several times but knowing that blio did not dislike him and believing that evcrj thing comes to the man that naits he was waiting aud in the meantime moo lufc to the best of his abihtj tho second morning gladys artme mth a verc headache she snubbed xxir jack who waa all bjuiuuujv refused the cup of tea he brought her wbeu thev changed cars at obden and whentheiounieybeganagaiu la back ou the nillowrlii fiied in the sal for her and would have nothitffc to su ta him uovv jack oijjjtxi to tuko the eumcu brovuhcad in his unno and stroke the hrobbuii temples toward cvcuuil vviien the rest of the passengers were out to din ner he asked bet with a passionate tremor in his voice tj ye him the nghl o do bo- fehc was rin j sw iiov the tea he had ufeam brought in to he a ushmg it awav she said angnl jack jou bother mc lo death don t ever mention tl it subject fd hie atuin for t will not mam vuu ro awsv and don t vpak o mc at all l beu the aching head drooped wcanlv backou the pillam jack paled took the half emptied cup and walked stlcutl out of the car that ws he last she saw of him that night bhe had her berth made ear and utterlj exhausted slcu fdlinto a refreshing sleep from which she awoke in the night with the headache gouc hcrfivbt thoaght was of jack aud her ejea opened wide with shame as she re membcrcd her rudeness to the man who had alwag been so kind to her bhe re called the pained set look as he had turned awa the eicuiog before aud resolved to ask bin pardon the first thing in he morn ing when of course he woald forgive her and thev would be good friends again morning fouid gladvs i erself again sweet and ret v as ever but no jack to be sen after a ioi eh little breakfast bv herself sh9 settled down comfortabl with a book toread aj d wait fo- nu to come and make up ti c i o r cm iocvtr aud still ro jaek t i mci cut ttttic he sjvv i im diaapcar m tl cctiln n rixmi without kj i luch as a look eve i in i cr direction sb rtl after ll c inui uuved 1 1 sauntered carelesal fb j bis bectioti xfettm her wuudenng cvci he feruvdv bowed tl en taking a book wa- j all i tc db aoou abj bed in us con la t- her he irl set tiled to sink a few inches as she fulh realised lut he iiad taken her hastv wrdi lilcfaih ajd did not intend speaking o her hut inde came to her rescue mid bhe udbmilparcutlv as n uch interred m 1 cr work ft be was in bis i he affriijou rolled on and still the biblical discoveriee horse shoeing general blackfinuuiidg acton- livery the bit icr age the i a bus lintf eiitt 2 tha i cjrcnccjulu sol itill ejittrf j c sediloniisllciu well ecrojpped and styturb rigs cm pi ways be secured alb j k co fcruolt i irdt all tram wtwctu j atu ai j is u cartful attci t oi ffiv c 1 1 cicj ohcr tilt wui tif is l re xl truv ci icrfull tiick- john williams weiitrrgon mutual fire insurance company i six li iilt 11 j head office cuelfh iiiiurgok id i ults1 swik hat factories tuf all other dcrfini do js cf licnuleirocrt on the cali aud in i i jm so c sjtvc u f w stoke oils davidson prcaici wanager ohm taylo agent haxdri aa iials cut eul itagth alwact on baud teiei haul cotumuuica jou t h m cook k co geoedetown licensed aoctioaeers appralseir valu atora couecton real enisle and general land agents i ou the couxtikb ot hilton peel wellington blmcoc y i and ontario i lvm co luaii fxuui 100 ui at hii ccr cuit llartis tilaciug their tales or other btufoass in oariuld will hare the aauie prom itl y at to adxte charge on ice lip hiix iktous jjifl 6l gaots- own esrhddrah box uk b ij cook 4 co bftaxcs qmct 31 queen st east toronto 8 u cook tt co- auctioneers georgetown end torontp hauuitous3albiewoi kkluio l iilocl forueri kb ci s uiocl the gore conic ofoolwl hand sorfolk erccts guciik john h hamilton proprietor wholesale aud retail dealer and direct importer and uaaufadurcrof a j kinds ot granite and llarblt lcof uljllu toutlnlouc etc hariof hadaucxlcusnccrirj orehtlart 16 jears the nublif ma rclj on getting all hafenor j articles i a chtaj cerate i an auj othtr dealer 1 full chcst- it 1j itr ccul of ou a direct urtfer re i ctirod for the neat 00 dav s picket wire fencing- ft a combjuauou of iiielelu and vnrc combined malt jug it nisei arable durable and tho most ijcricct fence ou czliu it detlrojs no ground whatever and if beaut bv coiitiderod an ad rautage it is tbt tioaeit and handsomest ttnce made dont la rest your aiouoy rn a board fence when you can save nearly ouebalt and tluslhavo a better fence at tho end just try it and u not aatisfactoiy aeud it back and ya will pay freight both ways we mean what ire aay and are ready to staud the consequences price ym on oppntatli 1 j woooley co guefoh ont t cat tfactorv meaner airr ale j i ic vvviorl re care latitat jivci to all worl irojghl anj machiucor iuijicljclt bj wloaiwcrcr uiaoufaciurod willbc reiainxt lu a workman hkcuacucr how aal i tchincn rctairs ooastautly oa hand i hehky grikdell iseafion 18 llttli rcturului thanks o oer wauj pat rous tor their libcrsl uj port in the past vo wfih to iuionn yoa that we hare entered into au arran jcuicat with jt btcwart guclph tolceiicouiuntltou handa all toe 1 of the onlii ary xerof sash doors etc ai imllaltofcuit yan tccial etrcs ou l rt uo cc at ciuclih i ncca frames of all kinds made to order w c afco kocp in stock a hue of flau window and lloorcawu curucr block ac lotirhaiiiher dreaded while y u vs alt frier tujtcrm pumps i ciu better able than heretofore ire tall euiiiy either wood or iron muii s irouiptly ll wort gua ran iced iatirfacorj i lease call anl itiect before i urchaaiug tu tiiosebb1ge hanaffcr dr a wilford halls hbalte pamphlet dlseatfe cured withoufcmecucine jas matthews acton has hoen appointed agent for the circalatfou of dr balls celebrated health pamphlet whjch he tbept oa hand the pamphlet claim bv the treatment ft advises tare euro for dfseaaa with out medicine tho price or the lamphlet li four dollars aud a guarantee us given that u uie lurchaaeriauolmtlifled after inittiog the treatment into conacfoutiouh prauce for one mouth to refund the money on the return of tbe pamphlet with a pledge never again to um the treatment or allow 1 1 lo be uaed hi hli family the wilford hall treatment without medicine for the value received from tha um of uila treat ment i leaso enquire if any of tbe following tartfca eio ke dr giflord iter r 11 cook g wulholladd kin g hnlhollaod john harvey mr john harroy william bematreet t c moore unto moore jajqea uattbewa hrau mattbewi ooief 4toe will be added veeil v idle thoaght the few men and two fuaav old ladies looked v err unmerii throwuj i etr glancing at otch other aa the train drew up at the dinner itation lc threw dau i is book andw cut out talking and uufcuing with one of the men gladvs rhol id not lefl liie car that da tmn dv sked lie old ladies if ihe could go out to dinner with them and waa ronujtlv taken under their wu alter dinner jac elaved i i the u kn c ruotn tavn e canu ticu ae the sljijwh dirktii c ladv rfinta fdrttf tl c lowjtit ebb the wiudjw hc ptcd bfcadilv out wtth fait fliu b eves m c realizecum i cot fet ed tlieu to hcrmlf i jw much she 1 ad niibed tack all dav rhc tar atufe were iicaud bcrtl were ben 0 n adc un alt aruun i her mure and more ijiic v a i lo q m ted alio grew to iuotow morun would bring them to omaha uie e 1 er friend vould meet her the would go oi c wov jack another and he would never hieak to her aam the uht thou t was tcv n uch for her aud bv tins time sh- vus ervit bofth but bittetlv in the eon er vuth her faoc btill tuned to nddcnlv viint 1 p over iter and mid k rih win cudvb 1 insifk alrcadv fetartlctl the turned ui kjj and with a jovul little catch of her breath daahed her lanikercruef over 1 er eves and answered shvlj no jack oul louesorae and i i m som i was ao rude vcaterdav he aat down screening her from an i rvicg eves and said very low gladvs darling were vou crving because i vc been such an unmanly beast lodav 1 xhc prettv head droxped lower bat no answer jack glanced around uo que was lookin takinl her band he said gladvs ouct morel abk jou lo be rav wife if jou sav no i shall never trouble jou again but thai i take the first train home from omaha to morrow a disappoint ed man v hieh is it dear veh or no mill nu answer t dv ve dearest leaded jaek with i is h a dantcrauilv near the fluff bang vu almost ltnpercei ible uod was all the answer he got but it seemed to satisfv him gentlv rainii he head he itoe a kis just iu tu ic to ekmc the porter b in mis itivc eve ub he came up bland v asking the jouug ladv if the vd rca tu have her berth uiade up blushing funoual the vouug ladv said es alio vvareadv so prcoamg her b il warmly jack whispered good night love and left her well satisfied ilh the result of his jouniev win ijulleu kobert moore koble wclam thomas catoerou wra t camerou wmgripps ukebotae jamea martin mra 3 jlartln win lane mn wtltne carlesslv in the aectiou opposite was valise and a man c ulster but the owucjy was uot visible bhe then turned ber at tcntionto the hofo candv and flower ilod up m trout of her tin passed aud with a reckless idle vau gladvb glauoed at her watch and found it after hi tc porter announced tliat a fcto will 1 made n jw at sacrameu to for dinner t ll c u otu i t a fan uur funn came up thcjiblc and m a soooud a tall haudsomc jouiigutau wiib blandiiif near with out jtretched imnd gleam of autubcnicut was in his dark c es as he uuitth said how djjoudo gudve s deoate i ink colored her cbujl- a bhe shook lands aud kiitwercd him wjlhatur prised and rather cool iuiv jack wlcrt did vou come from troui the btnokiij rwai where l vc been for the last three hours ccr since i cstne ni and found j oa so wrapped up in tl e sceucrv v ou did not sec mc he replied mciviug houic buokb awav aud sittingbesidc her m the ui t m ittcr of fa t wav where are voj jjjint jak to onialii ladv a what for asked ai c susioijcifci larfl business partlv pleasure busi iics9 to take care of jou plcasarc to be with vou he ausweoi conclaclv vow jack vou kuow tlat is verv fool ibb after last night when 3 ou refused me again ei i know but j ou sec i can t help being foohsll was born so i guess said jack resigned dead silci cc fullowcd tin for about two tninutcb then he broke tbe sileuce bv leaning toward her and sajing m a soft persuasive tone gladvs want vou re consider what otf safd last night looking arouuduervoush hheanswereer no jock ilcasc dou t go over tint aaiu for it won t do one bit of b he looked disappointed hen he said ell were almost to acnimcuto come let us e uut to duiucr gladvs rose quickly glad that alic did not have tu diuc uu eaudv after all aud helping her with her cmt jack casual v re marked ou have lots of flower yc and they loveh violets thev cauic tin uionnug with uo card attached but think i cau thank jou for them abc baid ioobug up bnghtlj at him f k tuder look cairfe mto his e e as he said es i sent them and i m much obliged to vua for wearing them glad looked annoj ed but said nothing and in five minutes they were humodlv eating dmucr at the station restaurant in the morning he helped her unpack the hamper and set the tabic in ler bectiou and in a perfect eale of fun they began their raoftuufj meal sitting opposite tins is fun am t if said gladjrf spearing for a sardine with a corkscrw for jack as com pan was honored with the only fork immense he assented so emphatically that slit laughed gleeful 1 lmboldencd by this jack in the act uf carrying a piece of cold chicken to his mouth leaned over aud lowering ins voice and hi fork at tbe same time baid cosa mgly lets breakfast together alwuja fihall we gladvs 1 kite smiled in spite of herself at his touo and manner even while a daiutv frown slightly marred her prettv forehead aud emphatically couldn t think of suoh a thug don t be billy jock oh you cruel htte girl oatd jack dramatically as he straightened up and proceeded to eat tho morsel on ins fork i heir tnerry bttle meal over the rest of a lector of tbe urea teat interest not ooly to orientalists bat likewise to all interested in biblical research baijujtbeen delivered at the erelo niederwald of vienna by4lut most distinguished orien uhst and liujtaiktia scholar the rev wm hoc bier chaplain to tbe bntndi embassy lver sidoe his itadent dsfs be has been seeking for the key to harm on lie the dates of the kings of judah and israel given in tbe bible and the datei of the kings of babylon assyria lgpt and persia as he observed in the course of his lecture whoever has carefully studied the his tones of the ancient empire muit be itrock with tbe wonderfully trath ike appearance of the chronological aud synchronistic data no historian has ever ventured to give such a largo number of dates as bo biue which ore made to avuchronize with the dates of kings of other nations thereby enabling execrate control thus tho kings of jadoh are made to fvuchrooizo with the kiurs of israel and many of bab ion asavria lgjpt and icrsia at ho last oncntojista congress in louoa the lcaroed gentleman presented the first part of his researches eiteodiog over twenty years ko doubt his charts heu publiahcd will startle man a pro feasor of theology all over the world at least luch u have taught- their pupils that tt was impossible to put iu order aud har momze these coufuicd dates mr uecbler proves that they do bar monue and that in a moat wonderful man ner bat the key had to be sought sod fooud he does- not profess to have united he gordion knot and to base disposed ot even difficulty but the remarkably clear and ingenious way in inch be pats an end to biblical discrepancies is convincing aud conclusive the charts are so nmple and comprehensible that a child may read them a well1n vested ten minutes lorty years ago a lad came to new york city from the rural regions bean a g a note to a re ud shopkeeper wh was asked to try to find hnr aometoiug to do tfas retailer took up the lad iac and got him a jobm a workihop where bo stayed for years or until he had reached manhood after which he struck out west sod there found a chance of going into bouness for himself he prospered to life as thej sped alone be won wealth bv horftme ue had reached middle dc he rose to dis tiuctiou airoiieun fellows he became a powerful cnou m the state and for vcars past he has tood buioul the nctablef uf the country id all lhtre years be had never aain tccu the retailer uho cpeuten minutes fort years itoce iu6odinghim a job in a workshtp in north w dl am street a few davs ago when the nrh notable who is uow ovtr 0 vears of age waa makiuc a visit to ibis city he determined fohaut up the retailer who had taken paios to pivo him a start in life he found him is be old retail shop doing business in he old way neither rich nor uotable as light becapected the two grey beards did uot know each other when they met and it turned out that the retailer had forgotten that he ever rendered a alight eervice to a counry lad forty jears ao but be that he owed all his iuccei vilife to tbe kind i act that had given hmua start tu 1 e and ave expretsor to b gratitude for the act tu a wav that will relieve tbe aged reuiier from worldlv carea i ereatler sew ok aurf 1 i a great man an old man used to sweep uie street crussiogs fox gratuitous pennies near tbe houses of parliament for many year one day he was absent l poo inquiry be was found by a missionary ill lujeruitle attic chamber barely furnished with cot and stool you are lonely here the missionary said has aoy called upon you 7 oh yes he replied several persons have called mr gladstone for nue he called and read mine mr gladstone called and what did ho read he sat on that stool there and read tbe bible to me what a beautiful poition f the great est statesman in the world sitting ou a stool in au attic reading the word of god to a street sweeper 1 great men lose none of their groatuesi by kiudneaa to gods poor after all the best way to know the real merit of hoods 8a reaps rill a m to try it yourself be sure to get hood s tun lug uj t0 t parrot i heard the other dsj au abiard itory concerntul t parrot which i thtuk merits recording in vour columns tbe bared de kothtchijd 6l paris so runs tho tale wu dcsiious of ceudiug to his kiucciau at track fort whose birthday nu it hand some acceptaolo tokeu of remembrance i should fancv that a member of that family would be au exceediagly difficult person for whom to choose a gift and so tbe barou found after mjch cogitation and many investigations he decided upon a wouder fully trained aud talkative parrot whose facility in lea ruing auv hrase that he had beeu told a few times was particularly noted one of tbe clerk of the i aria house waa deputed lo cove the precious fowl 0 iriukfort vow tiic ucather waa cold the j ouog roan disliked iratejhug aud above all the parrot with tbe usual perversity of his race scramed and tcreached ill c gbt so that none of the occupants of tbe ileep- iiigcarin which he and hu guardian were 1 natal led could get aay rest s ha tap you confounded jew exclaimed his pro tector in a passion more than oace moved touti semitic feelings by the disagreeable journey aud the parrot a bad behavior at last the bird and its disgusted protect or arrived safe mlrankfort and the parrot was forraallv presented to its new owner who at once began try mil to coax it to talk polly listened to m de ilothschild s dis coarse for a few minutes and tbeu m reply co uu cia led with gtarthug distinctness tho j latest phrase he bad le in ed shut up jou coufouaded jew aphorisms the uoblest mind the besl coutcutaieut has fapeucer meu of character urc the cou science of the society to winch l hey beloug lmer son the certain way to be cheated is to faucy j ones self merer canning than others j chiriou ii the power 1 do hard work is uot a talent it is the best possible substitute for it james a gar held people generally are what they are mode by education aud company between the ages of 15 and lo chesterfield no abilities however splendid can com mand success without intense labor and persevering application a t stewart new9paper advertising tbe first newspaper advertisement came oat in tbe london 7w in 1g18 the world does not contain hslf a dozen news papers to diy without them in tho early days when people could not read the most curtoqs and grotesque means to advertise were resorted to who has not heard of the old lughab publics or inns known only by thh swinging feign above lis door tbe boar the 8 bee pt head etc were common names in those da a there is a place in londou uauied cheapside so called to braud the other side as the dcfi oue tbe th neat jrc mid to be the most iu geuious in iheir advertisements they make use of their deformities even tbe celestial gook shop ot the pox marked wang tbe celebrated lei pie ihoj of heavenly beauty are samples of oriental entcrprue americans have carried the art of ad vertising lo the grcateot perfection vet at tamed tbe devices used iu this conutry to draw atleutiou and capture the eye or tbe mind are innumerable public cariosity offers to tbe shrewd ad vertiser a w ider aud more proline field thap any other perhaps who is there so dis ceruuig that be baa not read some attrac live racy article in a newspaper to god at the end that the sole object of it waa lo call attention to some doctor 1 remedy others more cautious will glance at the end of a tempting story before reading to fiud whether it is uot an advertisement he or she looks away with contempt bat an inward feeling of triumph at having out witted the skillful decoy all unconscious that the advertisement here too hu accooi pushed its purpose the name of the adver tiser hu beeu read individual eccentncities formerly figured prominently among advertising schemed george holland s alleged falling overboard to help the aale of bis benefit tickets wu of that kind sometimes public sympathy may be invoked lo populanze a player bat the effect is always temporary though many and ingenious and gener ally luccewul have beeu tbe methods that have beeu tried the newspaper adrertiae moot is conceded to be he best aud is fast superceding all others mother tlm8 to isrbbtiosb anp vtors i crown ihe with tl 0 laurel 0 thou i houograi h thr ce gruat of 1t ti rolls i 01 gisii jovru uou t j age flic to c j of blm who mrv 11 0 i cai i awaies a laigh with th bleat ail mar ujw jc jji through all tl e agn vow vtuard turn lb tlio gti 1 bog lo lh great want i re u ou doat kk tl uie c 11 i an cicriud u auioituj imc l ujie ort vf j f r u ui ti at telf dy jaujc wjtjfc0 safe tbe ol c tl ll sec at thi luuc mis i at ll u 1 i r tit bun whe fame withhi ibcir leoi iu 1 keej m w hose u irel tiocc cau tu who irk la gut rar ut c t e l i tl if 1 u tl lai 9 rt a f ful i rdiui li ixlirluf viya the successful merchant t a grave invention a recent event in canada the stealing of the body of the late patrick parcel ex m f recalls to mind a canons model deposit ed in the u s patent office it is intend ed to furnish the tenant of a grave who had been boned prematurely with a means of escape or arousing the neighborhood this inventiou is a simple affair being merely ao open tube provided with a rope ladder and a bell and a cord should tbe ocoapaut of tho coftiu awake from the trance ho could climb the ladder and make his way back tu the world or pall the bell and alarm the township for those whotfi only fear is luat they may- not be allowed to rest undisturbed a considerate inventor has provided a tor pedo grave which if disturbed explodes ai once and seattexi the vandals to tha winds hen the japanese unnccs w ere in piula delphia at the lime of uie centennial rx hibitiut au men cau gentlemen address uigtlie son of 11 1 igli offkeruf the japanese lmjire asked i im u at do vou think of jour me ther you are the firbt person 1 vuienca who lias asked hat uestiou said the japanese as his eves filled with tears and lis voice manifested hm emotion wl v do vou ask it because said the other the rcplv lo such a juetion throws a strong light on the domestic life and familv ties of a pco le as w ell as 011 the persona character of its individual a train aud 011 the mow is and customs and guv eminent of the nation well sai 1 the japaiwse i will tell vou smoe i left home ni inutl er has iverv w rcgularlv wrjtkii me a long letter telling about even thiugui the tanulv and at home andeverv week in the same wav 1 1 ave wntten to her telling her of all m moveme its and of what i see and hear and do if it were not for these letters t should lougago have been so homesick as to have got e back to sec licr aud be with her hhc isalwavsot mv heart nd hts earnest oi 1 tender tenet- ixi frnted ai d 1 1 resscl what i c said when dew a furtltr iskol if ucl was the tcmra fixl ti of children ti their parents aiiiut e i is aojuumuucc and 111 the empire 1 c replied that o far as hi obscr valiou cvtci dcei an ot ft the better clascs it waa u at do ou tl 1 w cc ox 1 1 tl er ib a ucstku that show what is the char actcr aud influence of the majthcr herself arbat tl c love and iramiug she liad given to her children whit the respect and honor of children lo parents wlnt the position of woman m tht fmbv aud in societv and what tl e l reparation ejf a rising feneration ti ocxi men an 1 women good citizens and su porters of all ll it is gxxi 111 the wxictv ovcrument ai 1 1 ibtituliuii t ceuulrv le ac n ihe mcrchmut who li succeisful 111 basinets is a mau thai u inter cited in bit busmesi loves his business aod attends to it he should always be pleasant patient and attentive 0 his customers at thi n tbe way be tains their good will antt patroi k it should always bo a pleaauro to him to show his goods lo customers and if after so dome they dou tcai lo purchase at thst time tbey may see goods that they would come m later and purchase if thoy get the attention and courteous treatment due them lven tne children should be received with a welcome aod u the parents love their children they naturally have a kind of regard for tbe merchant that hu a good word for the little ones the children themselves alway a re member ths nice man that hu a pleacant word for them and even though their purchases am small thev are most always cash and a source of profit 0 the dealer beside tbey almost always recoru mend their little friends to trade there 100 a good word tpokeu of you by the children bu a great influence over tbe parents toward respect and frtendlv feeling tq the dealer sow don 1 get loo old fashioned so that vou would not take a bargain offered jou in the wi o trade as trade la pro gressive aud vou snout d keep up with the times yet u a rule i dou t think it advisable to be continually changing your places of trading be economical but uot stingy buy close and pi cash it you cant py dontbuj befl far caslkeeii 1 hooch you sell its d scrtise yoar b isiuesj iu dome ppem i ui u ebort lispav advertise mi t m d change tl em ikun mato a lea ler uf oue tl luj to da kjiolui bj a a speialt calls iu people to the store wl 0 after cal im usually see ooja ihey ueod don t hire small boys for clerks but meu of brains aud judgement who will take an lolerot in your welfare snl work for your interests faithfully so tl qv may advance with ud as they help build t your trade itc n idrvcah how the month were named the lesser morality some tialv admrable advice was given by lord duffenn to tbe students at st andrews luiversit in his address u lord rector referring to what he called the lesser moralities he pointed oat that education is ooly good in so far as it helps a man to emploj his faculties iu accord a nee with gods will uabttaal fault finding wu condemoodvand au interesting leaf culled from the record of tbe speaker 1 exponeuce in tho course of a somewhat varied career i have had to arrive at decisions upon mauy momentous subjects involving the welfare and bappi ucss of thousands i may say milhous of my fellow creature my practice has always been aud i heartily reoomeuded it to ni young liearcr uo matter how loug or how careful i maj have boo chewing the cud of reflection uever ta adopt a boa determination without shulliug tnyselt up iu a room for halt an hour or a couple of hours as the case may be and tbeu with all ibe might aud intellectual force which i was c pa bio of exerting digging down id to lbs very depths and remotest crannies of the problem until the process had evolved clear and distinct in my mind eye a conclusion aa tbarp and cleanly cut as the facets ot a diamond nor when once this couclusion was arrived at have i ever allowed myself to reooosider tbe matter unless some new element affecting the question hitherto uonouoed or an known should be disclosed if this rule were rigidly adopted in private ss well as la the pubho life how many wrong steps would be avoided aud how many careers would be transformed ac christian never bt idle sever ut down idle if you have an hour or tu m mates or five minutes to wait between duties take up a book and learn something which wdl be 0 use to you or take the time to do some little bit of work that nwds to be done or to write a letter that ought to be written learn thus to fill every moment of time not allowing even a miuute to go to wute then you will form a habit which will go all through life with yon and enable vou lo make your years really twice aa long and yoar life worth really twice aa much to tbe world u tf yoa shonld go along dropping and losing the fragments of precious time all the way jauuarv is of 1 alio orini from tbe word auuanus umed by iho ancient homaas iu honor of their so called iod janus to whom the qou of be veer was aacred iebruiry cumm from iho liun word rebruanu derived iron felrum which 111 l be babiue uuiuale meant a pun tic heuce outncs uie nouu i ebrura winch uiiiuej ihe ltajan festival ol lustiali n and expiation mar h is named 111 hunur uf mar the uotnaii iod of war april derived its 1 sine from tho latin 1 nli and that from aperirc which meaus to opw mavi a name theorem of which comes from the komaus in honor of maia the moll er ot mercury aud dmu filter of atlas june is tbe uamc lhai all will readily ibiuk of wl en tbey read the history of the goddess juno lu this mouth she seemed from all accounts to be greatly worshipped jul is iu honor of the great komau cans juhus casar who wu born at this season of the v ear iaulusi was named 111 honor of tho great roman 1 uijcrur auguilu l ciar fccplc iibcr was iho seventh mouth of the roman ear aa they commenced with march aud couicqucuu demod ita name from the latiu word septem meaning sevet october being the eighth- mouth of the the vear derives its name from octo meaning ctjht november is from novem meaning nine december is from the latin word decern ten it being the tenth month- of the roman vear how to use the mails bj direction of tho postmaster general the chief post ofhce inspector mr bweetnam has lately been making special eoqain into certain cases tn which letters and packages of more thau ordiuary size had beeu broken or turn in course of post the cliaf inspector a investigations lead to the col elusion that 111 the lreat majority of cases the daiuovc has beeu tbe cousc juenco of the inferior covcrinj envelopes paper boxes etc 1 used for the articles iu question lit th uka that it tho public would enclose the r largo letters iu cuvel opes of euftiaenuv locd quahtv aud of a size adapted to that of the conteuu and if iu making up packages they would use good wrapping paper and tie up tho whole securely very few breakages would occur in coarse of poet it should be remembered that etcrj letter aud pi roe i ca mot be laid in the ojoit c ireful manner tu the bog or box iuto which it has beeu sorted post office rlerks would never got ihroogh their work if they had to adopt this mode of treatment for the vast quantities of matter pusiog through their hands at mr haggart s direction the inspector is renewing the instructions to post ofhce clerks la do all iu their power to avoid damage tnruail matter and this doubtless will have a good effect if tbje public would work with the post office to the extent of seeing lhat tbe articles they post are in good shape and well secured the number of complaiuts would be very materially reduced ulotchea piuiploa liver patches gup right ijolckdispatchos drives away incipient tumors clears tue blood from poisonous humors ailiufcouc whaoofyou be try ths worlh pi m l wjnch ib the great gulden medical dis coven of dr pierce a wonderful tonio and blood purifier the discovery is 4 standard remedy for consumption bron chitis colds and long troubles guaranteed to benefit or care tt taken in time or mooey refunded t i 1 1