4 f i bank of shad omcaa uttil pun vr2 ilturbfcttd j tvbkblhili c4ihiu amilton haioltoh uoooo b88tbv8n aktciuuui dikfctorjora8tei pnaldui a o kxr vjsrtfijgljgj oukxt otouoicsitwoodiint oeoraktoww acjenoy kotra discounted and sdramee uti imlbf imtro stktu 0iv43utliis3l lb oucmkt of intoirl oeaqubit points os ooixcrnoio mad trevrormbe tana ravikg8 depahturkt srecuii deposits aire rwelred ii caneat rtut ot inter k oouwotuidrawalrinridt no i h m watson ae the methodist church acton wevq a qjtt03x lapiu pastor rariraaec bower anue puvie srrice 10jo am and jo bandar icbooitjq nfteclaaaeoudactsdbrtss gutor all oordiktlr inrtud stranger and riaitars alnvs velcotiic m- entire osbcri at utc door u witinn detrd apply to h rliloom pw steward 0urrulb ta give the largest possible amount o fy goods of the best possible quality for the least possible sum of money opening tjp i fans from 5c upwards spec ial alue in gold and silver watches headquarters for vedding and birthday pres ents sign of the big watch ceo hynds acton the news at home mbitly of a local chrotr and every item lntertlng attlnltattt society coaatrt foi etrtt yctn aotoii uujon agrjool toril society tu iron eonoert on the cvtming ot dominion day nod they will do 0 again hilt year treiidont doff wu in toronto lut week to tceure talent ind roporit that the programme tor the occu- ion will be o a moil taperior character further tuu0aucctnc9lt will bo nude a bnken arm lut thunday evenins mr ieler mo itttc wu riding a bono rom a held on the arm ot hit lather mr john mcleaac o tbo bird line wbea tbo horte etopped bt jutmt fm frtss thdrsdat jcxe is mij little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week y hay will be ihprt crop hereabouts this year tsjslreet sprinkler seemj lo fail k connect some auys i f 1 the thermometer reentered r it the shade here on tuesday the luge posters for the domimoa lv celehratian arooal if voa xract fan oa dominion diy txnnpe lo come to actoa- mr joseph lisbyi fine new bnx sns saooessfaflj- nosed list friday the cooxl ol eeviiiou didui coel the cnndl mnch anxiety this jear there was co criminal business before the county coort at kilion last ceefc on batarnay nest the 20tb of june her maey queen mctcria will hate re- ugnad fifty four years v the third sifahatfl school convention of the township of kelson was held in the presbyterian church kilbribe yesterday the removal of the dnji shed lo the park cost bower ave nine beaalifal shade tres all the maples remored hare since diad lumber pile with considerable loroo aia reaalt hii right arm wai broken and the yoatir msn will uke n ret during haying this year a pvtuter why nil a itote with gooda and then keep dark about il 3 it cost money every day and every jiboc to tarty a stock of floods let the public know what yott have to sell luteest uie people attract them do not luow them to forget yoo or jonr crowded shelves torfcon tha lights especially the bnlltaot itcsdy snl far- reaciiiag light of advertismj in the fsrr pretk it pays hv cent on the j attonf o the boy g boys mast la boy f docn not mean uil becante tliey are boyi tbej- cease to act as gentlemen we woald rocoraroend those ho arc in the habit of swimming at ihccuhcrt and in t poud thai there sre others besida tbcaiaelvoa who have rights they seem o fortt that they arc liable to arrest at any tiroc fur indecent language and exposure cfihtir ixartoa even if the occurrence is past a pertain time of the evening take a good hint and avoid an pleasantness boys j dqtauiton pay cctrbmuoe this years programme for the celebra- tiou of dominion hay in acton is claimed to be the best ever presented in the town it comprises lacrosse hatch foot ball match atuhtic siorts horse races boat races foot iuojs and other eports during the day la the evening rfhetc will be a grand concert under thesospiccs of adou union agricultural society spend do- minian day in acton the prqgcanimg- here is always carried out as fully as pos sible special railway rate any infor- matiqn desired can be obtained by writing j lawson v ikrctaty of committee grtmbbr pmrk tbe profraffmeforthietpleadid summer cimpiug grouud has beta issued and a glance will assure sji of iis evellence and talk op thb dav prinot bumtrek i mfferidg irom lum- bgo tbe orett bret jn mew bruoiwiok re not yet utiognuhed cjeroolmo tbe ariwnt ootitw hu beeu bot ud lulled by offloert tbe brltith wtrthlpe of tbe north american iquidron re now at hillf the odjfellowi of cbloiso propoee to ereol uiitkn ttory temple at ooit of 11000000 klngitnn it goiug u name t park tfltr lue late fromler and may poibly erect a mouamenl to mm in il two young men were drowned while toddenij throning the rider tgalnit a f tbelakofront sanday a thelcopntry around nwi itmi8upplld by oorrtt- pondwnti afnd tubhankti du the progress o the work in the snditoriurn of the ilethodist charch the serrices axe being held in the- school room r k ths rains last week had the effect of tery macn improring the crops tie hay tad ill spring grains have received a niarked impetus several of oat citizens attended the ceremony of laying theoorndr stone of the kfw maoris college iu qaeens park torolto oh monday mr geo hynds bookseiier hss kind ly favored thpiux psxas with a beaalif ul photo of six john sud lady hacdonam and earnscxiffe their home at the capital rtler s d campbeu evangelist will presxh in the duciples charcn here next snndaj grooming and evening the services will he continued every evening daring next week t a gang of painters and other worknwrii are busily engaged in painting and decor ating the methodist church the brk is rawrutm ia be completed joribe opening on the 28th jane s milton had a big celebration on queens birthdsy wal patronized by ciiizens of ail anrroaadiag iowna and tillages and now shows her selnshness by advertising another spread for dominioajljay i the qaarterly meeting of the womens foreign missionary society will he held in the school room of the methodist church this evening the public are cordially invited a good programme will be pre sented the grand trunk has put in an appr- sins at the gtk dept for drying sand for the engines a building will be erected for the porpoae and jmcleoo jr wih be ia charge tne sand was formerly shipped here in bags it will now come by tbe cr- load s rcharue snyder of bhelbdrne h years of age was playing at tbe railway truck- patting pins oh the iron nils in front of a car thai was being shnnted he let his left hand remain on the rati too long and one carwheel passed over it mangling it terribly doctors ampatated uie nand at the wrist ask your druggist for dr august koenigs hamburg drops for the blood mrs joseph mcciure left list week on a j trio to ireland mrs oscar brovru of thorhlfl spent a cocpfe of days this week in lawu miss tubby of toronto his been a guest at sundetfacd villa tbe past week mr alex waliie attended the general assembtv at kingston during the week mr richard nemstrect of milton spent a couple of days this week with acton friends mrs hison and dsdghter of brampton were tbe guet of excouncillor kencey last week- mr s ztmmeririn jr left on moaday with his mother and sifters for iartigel prairie man mr w west gtk relieviog agent is in charge here while mr h s holmes the agent i away fpr bis vacatiou mrs george wilkami left yesurday for pittsburg pa- to join her husband the family will in fttare oiake their home there- mr and mm h t fepage isle of cbarlotletbwn vei- now of hamilton spent sevcrsj days this weefc with friends reduced rates australia wisirixotoy jofle 15th advices from the fourth quinquennial universal postal union congress now in session at vienna say the longdesired accession of the australian colonic has been effected thisjneans a reduction of more t hair 50 per cent in the rates of portage to tbose coanttus the postal union rate being only 5 cen temper hall odoce for letters aud 2 cents for postal cards had his jmw taken ont hjjultost jane 12james a snider floor add feed desjer york street has been inferiog from pains in his lover jaw and it wu found thai be was buffering from cancer in the jaw to sjse bis life it was decided thai the affected portion of the jaw ttost be rjrmoved the operation was performed by fire phymcians the left side of tbe lower jaw from the ear to the chin wmjcntyoat in order to fsciliute the operxiion it u aeoessiry to cot vbole in tbe tongue through which a sriug was ton to tie the orgsn out of the way mr sntder ii in a catcal condition that ike attractions of the season have never been greater ko reasonable expensei cagraved silver casket itspared to rurntsharareinlellectuilfeastj the oftciai gtueia sermons lectures readings concerts entertainments feloculioaary and epecta- caiir all hav e uieir pice the aim of the irectocs is so to bleed attraction and reatioh that the highest good of all may be screed grimsby park is the childrens psfadise safe besuhfal joyous- to ete th children play it is a rocae resort fafcntlies enjoy the pleasure of real home life quietude wben needed social en jay- ment wben desired it is the centreof moral and religions iafiuence izveryeffort beicg mid togaaid sgsinst the lotrodcc- tion and exist30etaiij form of evil id the don and the other at tbe island the country at point dee mouts about 300 miles below quebec ou tbe north thpre is reported to be still almost buried in snow 1 tbe chioago worlds fair directors have confirmed the appolulmeut of f j v skiff at chief ot tbe department of mines and mining tuis estimated that 13000000 worth of damage wu done to timber in the late forest fires in- the menominee district of michigan at the closing sestiou o tbe auglicaa synod monday a resolatioa wu passed denouncing drinking saloons as au unmiti gated evil mr gladitouc u confiued ia hii bed by liakoess whicli it said to bo of so trivial a nature that bin physicians bave not been called 4 uteudhtnl r r kearly a thousand wrsous went from windsor to chatham oh sanday to see bishop oconnor lay ibe oorueraloac o the now catholic hospital it is said the prince of wales owes ii 000000 borrowed money lo mr arthur wilson at whose house the celebrated games of baccarat were played sixty persons were killed iu a railway accident neaj berne switzerland suudsy by an excursion train trashing through a bridge hundreds were injared arnold white biron hirschs sgenl has wired the rothschilds from kieff that the reports ot the wholesale emigration of rus sian jews tc england are unfounded it is reported that the fan i ma caual prosecution is connected with tflf scheme of a credit foncicr syndicate to plaoj tbe enterprise en a new scid basis lo complete- the canal j thecmidiinminufacturcri absociatioai at fridays meeting passed a resolution of sympathy for lady mscdonald which will be engrossed on vellum and presented in an 0hrils etirt drott a h bed of free mmom to oakfilu oil bticdiy th bakiogtob crickst olab defeated the okriue club on bstorday the lrtjm a ifcesm lauioh from hamll- ton with i pejtirotudtti sod gsntlsmid stopped here bitorday ereolnr charlie freeman who wo injured ty a kick from a horse is around aut doing well under tbe care of dr rtobardsoo l rowing ou the lake ii vary popular hero now mr acuaudoan hardly supply tha demand ou a warm evening a detachment from the hamilton and rambler biorcla clubs stopped here ou bunday laboring men are so scaroe that when a vessels arrives and requires help the neve oonstable and other prominent gentlemen take a hand rockwood visiting coming and going visitors to and from acton and various other persortal notes here rev w k norton and meson j l warren and a a wordetwere the dele gates to ihcliiiuud counties association of the bjpltst churchtfr scsfioo at brampton last week mr john wflliams left last week ou a holiday trip to georgian bay and returned at tbe end of the week with a happy bride jast now lheir many friends are pouring in congratulations mr williams is one of our most progressive citizens he has been erjgged for some months in taming an old property into m bright attractive and cotrimodioafi home and now that he bass wife to grace the new surroundings it will do doubt be one ot jsy and coaifortv court of revision very little objection offered to the assessment of 1891 tbe council met as a court oi revision on monday evening and never were their duties less arduous only two or three appellants had requests to make andhut one desired a redaction ot assessment the court opened at 820 beeve lowry in the chair and ail the members present mtl o beardmore appealed from his assessment on behalf of mrs r little the owner of the property on motion leucejament was confirmed messrs a kicklin and george haviq gave proof that the dogs for which they had been assesied had been killed a motion struck them off the roll moved by john harvey seconded by jos anderson that the assessment boll as now revised be confirmed carried the court then rose and council opened the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed the committee on finance presented their eleventh report and the following accounts were ordered to be paid h sunley trees for ccinttery- cjxjuu 2925 atari edward mattucws park 7 slmfl hnry hall park tc- guorge clark iark the report was adopted and council adjourned announces under date of jaue 10 ihtt the uimc of sir william gordon camming has been removed from the hst of officers in the army as her ma jesty has no further occasion for his services a cornwall despatch says the body of he late mr pnrcell is liable to be found at auyjninqte negotiations bave been going oa and it is expected the ghouls will gite up the remains for the j506 reward offered aud an agreement not to proaecile james mccoigan a farmer of maryboro in company with hi yoangest ton went in swimming iu the coaestoga river and was immediately seized with cramps the son being q cable lo render any sasistacce the father sank before other help cpdd reach nim s sstarday evening about t oclock a num ber of children were playing on the oalside platform of a boathoase near amcliffe when the sevenyear old daughter- of william smith red path street fell iand before assistance coald reach herwaa drownd a deaf and dumb man was arrested in the village of hersbin austria for vagrancy on may j8 and was pat in a cell the police forgot all about the prisoner and did not visit bis cell again nntit yesterday when it was foand that the man bad died of starvation and that tbe bod had been eaten by rats death came while he slept k walkerton marble dealer preci pitated over a precipice kiwuihtsl june 12 david mcconncil marble dealer of walkerton left here about ii oclock last night to drive to his borne in walkerton this morning his dead body waa foand lying it the peoctangore river his horse was standing over him while tbe buggy was smashecl it appears that he dropped asleep and the horse wandered off the road aod walked a considerable dis- taace along the ban of the river to the northeast comer of the high school premises when the buggy fell over tbe precipice dragging tbe horse after it a fail of over 50 feet mcconnell must have been killed instantly having fallen on the stones on the river aide tbe horse was uninjired blown from a cannon cumtfom out june il what may prove to be fatal accident occurred this afternoon while the minute guns were being fired in tecamseh park the gun was handled by csptaia patterson and messrs frank murdocfc l hurtebese and c stringer it had been discharged swabbed out and a new charge rammed home when as mnrdock was in the actof withdrawing the ramrod the charge exploded hurling him fifty or sixty feet down the slope to wards the river when picked up he was found to be terribly burned and lacerated about the head and upper part ot his body he was removed to the hospital- where bot little hope lor his recovery is entertained he is abopj thirty years of age married and has two children the gun used is an old relic ot the crimea brampton warmed up etuknox june 13 at rion here to day tbe stable la the rear of harris grocery store was found to be on fire there was some accident to one of tbe hydrants which delayed ha firemen and the stable was soon a raging and uncontrolable fire which quickly spread to the large livery bam in the tear of rtaxvey crawfords furniture warerooos the horses baggies lad most of the harness wore saved bat about iooo worth of furniture belongiog to harvey crawford was burned no insurance the livery barn was insured in the lancashire fortttoo harris stable uninsured the kerosene can a young woman uses it to light a ffre and is fatally burned woodstock june ii a frightful acci dent occurred at the glen farm near innerkip yesterday a young woman named mrs toombs whose husband is ear- ployed on the farm undertook to light a fire with tbe aid of tbe coal oil can the can exploded and the unfortunate woman was covered with blazing oil she was fright fully burned aod after lingering iu great agony died this morning the young mrs t bmitlio muskoka at mr adam clarkes mr w jstewart of st thomas spent a few days of last week in kockwood with his father mr david stewart mr chas strange la interviewing tha farmers in his section in the interest of stone wellington toronto mr k hortop everton was one of a deputation appointed by the scuh well- ington conservative association to attend he funeral of the late sir john maodouald last week in kfugsion j the rockwood brass baud discoursed music at he social on monday even tug in connection with bbcnezer church nasaaga- weya a punch and judy ahojv atruck town ou monday but rockwood people showed their sense by refraining from patronizing it to any serioas extent the preparations for a grand demonstra tion in rockwood on he first of july arc off everybody having declared tbeir in tention of going to actou for the day and staying for tea knatchbull mrs win anderson is lying very ill at present her frieods an very aoxious as but slight jjope are euteruincd fur ber recovery mr j it audcrvori bad tha misfortune to lose a valuable mire and foal by death ooc day last week the past day or so hat been very warm but monday was tbe warmest day this season the there mometer ranging from to 101 in the shade at diuercolpoiuts this neighborhood received a pleasant shower otrain last week which was gladly welcomed and a few more would be most favorably received farmers generally are basy just now pre paring the land for turnips several having finished sowing the- seed the new mioiateri sppoiuled by confer ence for the kassagsweya circait arc revs j w robinson andw e flsgg re mr hough on accoant of poorbeslth has been lapersnuated nd rev mr cuidwell goe to ponsonby a social will bo held next monday even ing by the methodist church crew tons corners at tbe residence of mr hagh mc laughlin all are cordially invited aod a pleasant evening is looked for a number of contracts for repairing roads and bridges were let by the council in this neighborhood last saturday messrs brown and laing sccared tbe con tract for repainnw a portion of road on ibe sideline opposite lot 20 cou i and also one opposite lot 20 con 5 mr robl kickell engaged to repair the bridge over tbe river on con i aod messrs wm jack- son and a mctarish secured the ooirfor building a new bridge over the rivet on con 5 what might have been a serioas run away happened one evening lut week as mr and mrs g s thomas were return ing home from eriu and when about half a mile from home the horses became frightened at seme object at the side ot the road and kprioging to oue side threw mr thomas ont ot the baggy and then madly strack out toward home bat mm thomas grasped the lines airf managed to retain her hold on the animals util they reached tbeir own ge where they stopped for tunately lo one was injured bejoud mr thomas receiving a number ot bruues by his fall and the wheel passing over bitn mrs- thomas receiving a bad fnghtwbich caused ber to be somewbat ill for a little time afterward georgetown g j bav d b marsh a graduate of ftoas ooluay toynto wiu baicamjate tbi pastorate of the first prasbyurisd ohnroh eramoaa cast tuesday ttrfnaoe jtbt praabytejry wilt irmttglffis the forenoon of that dayibdfjlh lolmoo will tekt place at two mtirm ureter- noon a tea martin wlltbinisid to the venlng whan there will ba iddre by iter b j baattli mpji fefc w rat acton rav j grate ajgjltj 3 b mallan fergus rv p tmelrn belwood bl andrew- ehoi- ooelph kill famish music spring arrivals wi milton the only material difference made in the revision of the assessment roll was a few party votes i as rumored about there li to be a wed- dingjn town this week who is it messrs tbos lyon and chas watson who were sent up for trial last week were fried before judge miller on saturday last they were fined 110 and costs which means about 145 each young willis on a charge of j larceny is out on suspended eeutchoc- at a meeting of tho executive committee of tbe hal ton district council r t of t it was decided to hold the next regular session on august 28th and 29th in milton the local council to have charge of an en tertainmonton the evening of the first day a- joint meeting of the different temper ance socio tics was held here last week mr ii w kennedy georgetown presiding among thoso present were dr robertson w d brothers aud a c dally of milton h mcneil oakrille aud h t foster burlington for the royal templars w h hall hornby a henderson omagh a mcmillian and mr w hardbottle for the sons of temperance and mrs car- riquc georgetow4mr8 johnson hsrrison aud mrs hollinakc for the w c tu a rcsolation of the following nature was adopted that wc as a joint committee cou aider it od visa bio to form a anion organ ization composed of mpubers in good standing ia our respective societies in the county for united action in tcniperauce work a committee was appointed to druft a constitution we sincerely hope that the united influence of this organiz ation will be successful in its mission the abolition of the ira flic iu strong drink in hal ton tbe district diuuon of sous of temper ance ill hold heir annual picuic in mc cartneys grove about three milesfrom millou on the tth iust all temperance peo4e are muled referring to jour georgetown corres- potdcoce of last issue i woald sy thst the statement made ber in concerning the united temperance meeting that the action of the sous getting up a picnicvu severely com meuled on it certain ly mis leading as the meeting wis one of perfect harmony the royal tinplan especially were perfectly salisfied with the action of the sons beciu he sous bad mads all arrangements for heir picnic for the 26th ins l bag before they heard anything about the proposed union picnic it has been resolved by the different temperance soci eties that it ii desirable to be more sociable with each other iutad of baring an antagonistic wall boilt up between tbem and that statement ot mr wisp would certainly bave no tendency to create raacb i sociability i im very doubtful as to the truth of the statement as i am positive that the members from georgetown would not be guillv of such misrepresentation every royal templar sbouldbe at the sons picnic on the 2cth let harmony prevail in our midst aud let ilbe remem bered that iu anion alone there is strength pltsomc drowncjd while bathing loswk 15 while bathing in dingmans creek last evening fred scott aged it years living with bis widowed mother near lambeth on the deleware bpwu line was drowned he was iu the water with three or four of his companions when they noticed him suddenly die- 1 couple recently came to this country from appear c v england thenuometor monkeying in he nineties ou monday thunder storme in some localities is about all old probs has given us in some time r mr j h jackson hai treated himself lo soma very tasty awnmgs at the front of his store these awning on our main street are so much of an improvement oa the old wooden verandahs that wo marvel lhat the merchants ot tbe barclay block do not use the axe at once our cricket dab buffered still another defeat at the hands of east toronto on saturday we fear the club needs more than another good bowler however fuck must change and the boys are at least to be commended for their undaunted courage oakville has organized a dab why not tackle tbem lacrosse matters have received a boom since oar boys so nearly pulled a victory from the excelsiors of brampton oa tuesday of last week tbe altnas are j hard it having played several strong practice matches during the week and next saturday will no doubt see a grand game here with the toronto athletics every one go revs r w davey andgh cobbledick passed a few pleasant hours with friends here on their way home from conference rev mr wallace of toronto preached to the presbyterians on sanday his evenings theme partook strongly of the fire and brimstone style we were not aware tbe church here had wandered so far away mr r n engels was the only one of the faithful who went from here to attend sir johns fuoeral at kingston his accounts of the scenes witnessed are very impressive dr sutherland has removed to tbe premises lately occupied by the bank this gives him a far better site and will no doubt tend to increase his already fine practice mr aod mrs wm wilson hut week lost a young boy through the grim interposition of death he was only a bo at fiveyeari of age it is rumourod that our lacrosse club will jose the services of one ot its most valuable members iu mr w moleod wboj goes to orangevibe rev mr pat too who hu been visiting lo this locality for some weeks preached iu the cougiegatioual cburoh last baud ay he takes a position iu tbe wesleyao tbfelogioal college montreal next term kiinunrlg i r- cut-iii- iitl tiirre vrryfwpetic nli ic jrtvtr ir- blind tlie taint uf wrrufula stli rit c other foul humor i ioreduediu imimmiiru for generations catkin untold mflerinc ari we also accumulate joisoti and genus of du eae from breathe m lie air tc the food tc eat or r w e drink t 3 ss lllc wiict h3 ii there if il o u i n g n 1 1 more con eluslvcly hutu tbe jxwerof kocxi of thfl wood tli m tfjl 1 proven p a 1 1 1 f t e ivsruiilu overall diseases is medicine when uirly tied does esccl every trace t nrutula or salt rheum rrmnvei the tsiut which causes catarrh neutralizes the acidity and cures rheumatism drives out the perms o malaria mood pnf- wtiius etc it ti ritilizes and en riches the bhxdtlius oveiromfng fejt tired feeling and building up the whole system thousands lei tux t the tuperiority of hoods saruparilla as a blocd iurtficr full infor- nutloi and luteracais c cure sent tree hoods sarsaparilla sold br ill draotiu jiilioru prcparadwlt by a i ifood co apotliecarte tovell hsm ioo doses ono dollar hxrd to gel money tbtte bow money il we know it and were going to help joti make wbat yon do get go at far at you can ko doubt yoo will appreciate oar effort bat let at tell voa bow we can btlp yoo well its eaay to do tbtt a mas matt have boots and slioei whether he it hard up or not if be be hard up the longer boots and bboes will wear and the cheaper he can bay them the more monev it leaves him for groceries and rent we sell you these necessary articles that will outwear those yon often buy and frequently charge you less for tbem than yuu o waip are iolho habit of paying the same with slippers hobberb trunks io anything ypriwtdftwo sell yon at tbe mmejjate tbatt bdw william wiluami oaigielp yoo at bit boot aud sinn store cjcaii tee hioant rih you at the mammoth house georgetown i jreat epriog nrnrala o drew goods bilks millinery mantles fancy goods staples prints sateens a beautiful lot of fancy sateens fast colors for 12jc worth 18c our 8otoens cannot bo distinguished from silks and out prints excel iu design price and tjualttj havinr bought oar cottons sliirlingsj cottouades tickings and denims before tho recent rise we arci enabled to offer thera at the hendertbh imcrke i co kcton this week we are ahon thii mn a ai run ot new 1bints alto new blk dbe88 oood8 wt is2 1b black henki etta at se la tows special drirea lo cottons cotton ade8 and 8hibt1nos aak to h our jsoxubtalnet a leader hit oreat raloet in tweeds at mc per 7rd- oilcloths rugs aud cheap and iu large prescnt wholesale prices carpets curtains variety gents and boys readymade clothing in great jirofusion and very low prices our suitings sn ing overcoat- iugsaudgctits furuishiugi were never more complete fhe cut ting fitting fioish and price ot our genu garment have a pro vincial fame we call special attention 10 nur varied andjurge stock of drcs gocds uud dretis trimmiugt our drcsfniakiug department is iu full swing turning out exquis ite gowns jackets and mantles our millinery department is complete with all the latestnovel ties from the difljyeut centres of fashion inspection invited xur enropeau goods have been imported by ourselves oar canndian goods have been par- chased helore tbe rise ou the most advantageous terms we prom ise and will give great bargains inspection and patronage respect- tnlly solicited w mcleod co oeohoetowm henderson mcrae co to farmers and threshers oefl on vour maotunenonly the welllcnown ffie3efcblb oil q finrn mrhalm hart beeu awtrdwl it daring the iat three yeart wtfig6utaudlrie power thete oils are umdauj hictuy reootsinaodtfd at themode farm gaelpb ftrmertuk for tbem ate nootber manutaotorrdtt3uttclttollvorklij samuel rocehs fc co toronto i le it ever su huinole theres nu place like home r speight st son have a large mock uf furniture suited to ever pocketbook lit furnishing a house or addint thereto the poor mail can secure articles of comitjirt as wtl as the rich we have a full line uf furniture for the parlor the dining room in taany styles and prices the bedroom the kitchen excellent value always jra speight mtuiwr bhrghins bargain shelves bargain counters bargain tables t i barguins in every part of tbe house our tables would begin to hold the bargains wc have to offer not bargains in dres good9 bargains in fancy goods bargaiusjn millinery bargains irttiats and caps bargains in staples bargains in hosiery bargains iu clothing bargains in ctrpets below are a few of the bargains we ntlcr in- dress goods double width colored lottre ic worth joc doable width colored debeige tte worth coc double width french serge 23o worth 50c double width bordered sauingt 3x worth roc doable width boade sattiagl 25c worth cue doable width jertey check 1 pteoe soc wwrui 7c tbe tbore linet are all eattrelv ot wool tad are oue ot tlie createit urgaiua ever oltered in dreet ooodt beiug all uew tad dctirtble linet j d williamson cfe co m 6 and 7 wyndham st guelph 84 oswald st glasgow i off to eiirope again m our mr ryan leaves on monday for europe bailing by the white star line 8teamer mujctfic and going direct to germany thence to frauce england ireland and scotland his object in leaving so early is that we may more than ever place our orders with tho manufacturers and give them pleuty of time to execute them for tho fall trado i gr3rvhn8co i rt ie cuelph r- k