Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1891, p. 1

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m 4- obuml3 xtilto 5s ii rjnuibed- eveuv thursday mokkutc ttv im trwj slew ltiatiok offlcr a i mill stkliet acton ont rnuahwwcnttjon one dollar net vwr txcinnfac ol rwr ilso rwraar ii not io imld deootcd by the dau oh mi mtforem lafcl antumnm ritfcatoisiirai da3j rnite 8 pot niainarcll ko lotkrtttn- jmruon j ccuu per lino lot men musouen lnnrtioo y-h- 0tict kimtlic lohowinr uovbiom soar rtt lot ih lauoii ol edrerufetuuu lor ippetfifri pnodt j yiu fs fs wottluo kt avloelm 10 foces s iocbet i io few 00 mjo0 tt00 150 f 3100 ul rm loo ion adrecclsamnu wifhoat tpftolftc direction will be loaenm tuu4tbid ull charged aecord iuu mtul bvpiid t tngly trioaieat adv aunacc advertisements wifi be changed once each month tt desired for chances oftener than once a month the exposition must be paid or at reguloi rates j coxae for contract a dvrrtiwmcuts matt be in the office bv i un on tnemart otherwise they wol be left otw until the following wet el p moore editor and proprietor m susituss btrirforp h lowrt m b mcps vf graduate of trinity cousceuembenii college eiphyticum end sargeeao office and residence at theheod of frederick stmt acton d b xrek rarocux scgccv accoccuxciu oitice in rtsipkxo dr ueoaruus boom comer mill and frederick ctroelc l beknett lds dentist oaooarrcwr oxriaia j bwarshilliildsd delds i dcoliil will be l duty hohj ctrj- fridir j strrtqk dextists ornci mitti ex actoa office opn every metbodi indentistiy ttlicicl jsttetox llis iost otlce block next dr iid the rv liiat u sncrus ltj m clejlkuclzi baxnsters solicitors kouries contyicen lev prttmu funds to oah offisai totrn hxil acton wm a mclxjjc 1 jko a- uclux i- m0wat f ifoaerto loan- oma diiiyttcsdai tod sttttnuj orncr kama wins block acton apfuirf s siltok ailbeidgei stoke birtiilcrt solicitor it xoeosto ixxi gtoecrrowx j 03icegnclsia bloct- goorgctowc tci traders kuifc cltaibtn a vongc ttorocto wall papers at leu lltftu basf iirict mys bookstobe oiducto uie hivml ol lite amcricui wall iapqr associiuoti i am njuuc couituon tipon tt btlf ntice ainuuhlier froui to to to per couuitvltw un mull lrlcc ftii 20c patera- 1 10c elecm 30c pipers it 5cc gojdlq papers 25cj0cuid35c border ami cciliu ttock la match all our ptjxirt wo liave leu tiuim uic itrgtat iock the uc- cat styles and tofmt colon uj- we girc yoq tbc lovrtt price and belt iaort- ttieutal days bookstore quelph bank of montreal capital rest 512000000 6000000 vkavingsdelaetsiekt lias been opened iaoouncciiqi with this dninch inlcrtsl auovcl at carrrut kale ja8hfinlay lunr gtexrk bkavce w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont machine finished book papers hiuit guam wiaactynvs thepaxiruscd in tins journal is croa ieaborc milk wit barber bpfos steel exgkavixgs tictcr ilouldicsff atents secured foii dvkxtioxs tweuy twzx riuue ko fileal ko fir hesfsltieet lire5seiaccti0xeee kor the coannei of weilinstoii ad haltoa ordanleitfttttfilu rmss office acton pr ia my remdeneo fat aetna will b prompur it- t4hdadto lenna retioaable alto money to lon on the mott fatonble tafoa ud v the oarest rates of intereat in m of jjoo tnd opwfrdf tohkdat aecit ect j gcnjttost grnc qaeenyhtii block lorkrt sqatxe 7rahcis kxfkax tbocceaaartdt fchpmini v boohbpvdhb stgeorgeis3ttixe gnelphocurio acconnt books of all tinc mde to order periodicals of flteiydascxiptioacaxefalli bonxd koknr nectlt and protnptlr done t he haxidln feikbeb shop ndxlsnaxtactos i an 9mj thate a f tjtish hircnt tisoodjeafoam jiehiuiistinganjampooalwmjaciten baxora tcnod and pat in lirrtclafib condition- ladiea and childrens hair taaffly cat z 4hwabdektonoriaiartiata wellixitoa marble works qcrctc btetet g celts clark carter pvtbect importri of granite and itarhlc xj iottnnenuandjheadatotieaoi uvude id from the newest derisnaih work and ma larial warranted ftixtclaas parties wiskuig to porehaaa will pleoe ttfre as a call and inspect our stock and prices or we are confident we can compete with any establishment in ontario harinsofdoct my interest to the above urn irisapectfnllr solicit the patronage to my friends and the public on tiiek behalf v h halhtos r agents wanteds if yon want to maks money take bold and sell our diofee nursery stock tnow is the time write as at once for termx mat bbothebs korserymen bochestr x t agents i wanted la ererr township to bell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stooge doctor the insst complete and eomiirehcnsire work erorpnblisbad it aptbora stand at the bead of their profeacioo and hare a continental repa- tattoo- worth it weight in sold to any on baring hones sheep ctu ewine pod j try doeaor beec a fraud opporiuoity to jcke money secure territory at once aadreac b k moter publiaher go yon e 8t- toronto goari wood 19 j james brovvn tta on baud a larjra qaauffty of excellent eottf wbichbewill prouijn4 deiircr to any iart of he torn at reasonable prices artists materials dcsuc tube ljit tic r ktll dl iiioco fre caticjc tut onlvtuv llui naiacrac l- c our wallpapers ars- il to l ilj lit etccjiu the cit waters beos estalusiicu st georges squike gitelsh gjaelpli bilsiaess college guelih oxtaimo 177 the trade of oakad itnoonntod by act ul t head offioe carttal aimtoiueu catttal illl tt guelph brakch corner of wjndbam ud qutibee btreeta adraoces made to farnien on ioir owu uotei at uio lowest curreut rate of inureat sajea and olboruotea collected pronipllj- ko chars m lor colloctiug j four per cent ntenwt paid oa dally balancea of lutna of 41 and upwards deposited in the 6tfnct bank dopaitmont aud compounded ercryaixiuoalha 6locial imncouicnu can be iuadc for aunia deposited lu the deposit ltecciih department tot staled iwriods urafu usued and parablo in ail part of cauada united slates and 0 rt uritain at very low rates a genial banking buiinoas iratiaacted a i h josks manager g uelph branch gudpu docciiibcr lb season liill binder twine bgst brkids silver composite i crown red cap blue ribbon bottom wholesale prices- oh application john jl bond ouelpe 1 good fresh co turnip seed swedes greystokes 10 cents per lb 12 cf ats per lb ivgiiek ash wojics vimlcd for rsz- zl bsiinesititistt lot to ttrn t livicg ujoncy act lm2jc enterpriaeff useful f lal klsdess iwth in theory and prac- jgivinsdsilr erjcriice in iferchanduing bacpcgaiidoliicciuort afcture oor coarse eoktiijlvptvr cddjfor edaealed voting dies stadtsts wish- iei tp leeome thortliaiid rrilffre arc tharocffbjr drilled ia baine ccnrcx thou- wishing to become gcnj verttim repqrtcrs arc eivec fpeciat adtazriasjs afforded by no other school in ui ccaatrj fekacanshii for bsisce drltiss and ornacjcctal wort lassuly ito expert lcnin en t of lob teach iac tipcncccc tee fkesch mkgttage is ucsot br tbc lttcst developnicpt cf ib katural uetlod and frith remtrlftlic rcislts for drcciare aad tenas ad3rce i itafaotbklclckpriccipal new pfamng mill jltd saah and door factory johncarrierox contratxr has ttted ap the bjildicjjon ifain streejiateiy ocecpied as a trusk factory with new mich incry and is prepared to femish plan tpecifiattions and estimates for all classes of bpildisjs and execute all isnds of dbess1xg if atciiikg t tdixolldikg ujxi ill fcttles cf sishes boots and windows and door frames and dressed lumber and keen a ciockon band all orders prompt- attended to 01k camehok acton livery 1kb bus line the onderdgncd ret jiectfullr solicfts the patron age of the public and bdoriut them uiat wu equipped and stylifih rigx can al ways be secured at his stllcs a cocufortabc ijjs uiccu all trains bcturccn 9 a in and fcls n m careful attention given to every order pa wants of coumiarcial travel- icrs fully met john wrlliaiis a itiie rill bt prca at ozz fall j shor far the lett lurnipc crown from ted pax- cluj at ihe j dfiug store jyv kannawin mill street actok crindells machine t- repair shop in addition lo inacbinerv nrpairins i am now prcrcd to do horse shoeina gene ral b lacksmithlng en a inoti aatiifactory manner woodwork re pairs alconidc txat icb crbah has von may balk ol all the plaaaurcs tbal uilt vorld of ours contains too may pleluro it elyalu frte from all its care and paiai oao uiiu0 abore all otbers tbal ill uako your hoart expand j is tbe merry bliasfgl tooting of be ice cream uiau you say when youre but walking and your uoso celt rery rod aud youd girt a wicbty dollar juit to cuddle doon in bod r wben ibe uortb vludsuiiu- fmlici fi ibe fail fueiuow boll an 1 tball toon now beai tho toolinc of llial ice cream man i old boreas raging mouiter flees lu icrror it tbe sound hes no heart left for blowiag bo can toe bvi loaing ground i he can tea iwlft gleams of pleasure as each counienanco bell scan tis that merry merry looting of tbc ice creain man tbavc beard the mighty rolling of tbe organs tolcum loots i bare alktbear tut nigger wliea be playa uiu tbet6nea there are oher lounda ive hoard lo that id t wuljnirtrtrn hal not feri not the tooting of ih ice cream man lu lound is hypoolklng lo iho can im twifily led 0b i feel so jolly bsppjt could itaud upon my bead f and when ibe trotea nectar dowu mj gullet jowly ran i ihoaght id five a quarter to tbal ice crtraui man uul i didnt no ididnt fori ihoaght of all ibe ioy i coulaiuod la four five ceurv fuur marc doses for ibis boy four more tim wbefl all ihc oetgh bars would uy bow fut he ran wticn be beard the dalcet tooting of tbe fee cream man so go alftad toronto proas ourird like a bird wake np comuiorcc rie with nations till every poise fk- stirred- when yoa wanl to know bow thiugi go why bnyatclcgtuv hut never never banish the dear old ice cream luau jxlacg jcnncr careful attention given to all work brought la any machine or implctnent by whomsoever maenfactared will be repaired in a workman like manner flow and machinery repairs constantly on hand henry ghikdell wellington mutual re insurance uojmpanr eitujliseelj iho head office cuelph utesoqudingsucrchandisehannfacforiea and all other descriptions of inscrauie property on tbe cash and premium kote syitem f w stpne chas davxdsokj pwidenfe- manager johh taylor agent hardwood aud ilal cul iuc feuglh alwat hnd i jonccmmuutcatioft bm cookco j j georgetown licenced auctioneen appraisers valu- i albrs couectori real estate and 1 1 general land agent yob thf couftif or hautonpwl welintonsimcoe 7 k an onlar sinner to loan from 6100 ap alt six per eeut f artiei pudoc their saos ortklier business in dnr hands will pave me came promptly attended loltt moderate charna qrrux rvu balka liooemiji hlmoure- ap or address ikk 196 s 1l cook a- of vm3im otflceal qaifl fii totouto j 8 u cook i oq aartlonffen georgetown jtnd toronto s ifamilton ssfarble works kaurbtojioc2fonucriy hatchs ijiock thcwrcoanjtt of woolwich and norfolk itrctlfguclpliotit john h hamilton proprietor vsijoiiaafc and rtlail flcalcrand direct importer aud umuiaf adorer of all kinds of granite and lfarblc uouvwcuu totulatonc etc- uaricg bad an extensive vizticiicu farlbclttllg jean tiic iiublic uiay xefy on getting all sufierior articles aj aebcucrrslc than any otjitr dealer kflc b per tcdttoffon a direct order re- ceivod for the next 30 da vs picket wire fencing is a combination of pickets and wire combined making it inseparable durable aud tbe moat perfect fence on earth it dcslroyi no ground whatever and if beauty be considered an ad- anugc ft is tbe neatest and handsomest fence made dont iavet your money in a board fouce wkea yoa cu save nearly onoblf and then have a better fern- at the end just iry it aad if not sati factory scud it bock and- we nil pay freight botfrwmys tte man jthat we aay and ore ready l t4cd4iwcorstinehcts c frico lifcta an fcppllcatidn- j m dooley co cubloh ont season18ji ttthile relurnlcf thankatoour mauypal- t t rons for theirliberal rapport in ihe past we wish to inform yon that we hare entered into an arrangemant with rstewart gcelph tokccpconstaiitlyonhanda full itockj of the ordinary sixea of 8aah doors etc and will also annply any special sixes on ijiort notice at guelph pricea frames of ad kinds made to order we also keep in itock a hue of base window and door caag corner blocks tour lumber dreaned while too walt- price l 60 per k pumps liefng better able than heretofore we will ujjply either wood or iron pump a promptly all work guaranteed satisfactory please call cud inspect before purchasing elsewhere titos ebb1ge haiuuter or a wfiforti hall health pamphlet disease cured without medicine j as matthews acton has been anioinled agent for tbe circulation of or uahs celebrated heallh pamphlet which be kecpsonhand- tbe pamphlet claims br the trcauneul h ad rises sore cure for disease wiui- out medicine the iirico for the fampblet is four dollars and guarantee is given that if the jiurcbaaer is not satisfied after potting the treatment into cmudenuons prajtuce o one month to refund the money on tbe return of ibe famphlet with a pledge oever again to use the treatment or allow ft- to be used in bis famllr the wilford hall treatment without medicine for the value received from the use of ihls treat ment please enquire of any of the following liertlcs actov tier drglfford bdv b b cook g uulholland llrsohulliollind jobo harvey mrs john haney william hemstreet tc lloore tfrav c ifoore jamas mauhewi mrs ja mattbewi wtn kfullcu uobert kfoore koble uclsun tbomaa cameron mrs t cameron wxuuripi 1 likluousc jamaa ifartin un 3 wsrtin wo lane lln w lane other patom will be added weakly stlttt jfantilit juabing jvlrs rugbys price t am vrait i vts an old bachelor i had lived hapinly for fifty years as a single nun wuat did i want of a wife i have- heard that wives arc fond of having their owu way aud o bpcuda great deal of money now i like my own way and to have the use vc my own cash besides a bachelor of any ojjc guod lockingas they say i am rich as i happily find mjsetf after twenty years of mercantile life well- mannered and polite to the fair sex is always much better received in society hau a married man as i said before i had uo desire whatever to change my position hi life i then there was lrs hugh widow of our most respectable porter who was killed by failing down a hatchway who bad kindly consented to become my cook what a coot ahe was she was uot a charming person uor a young woman bat it is at expedient that a bachelors house keeper shall be either of these things she had a high temper also but that only made her a better manager more feared by the under servants and he dared not exercise her temper on me she cooked superbly hat was all i aaked her soups her roasts her entrees were divine her paddings and pastry miracles simply miracles indeed i could not give you a list of the dishes in which ehc excelled she iiod inspirations for desserts for which uo one had ever written a receipt hid it matter to ine then that she was six feet one in height hod a knobby nose and a moustache a very amailqaautity of pepper and salt hair and the voice of a sea captain in a gale ko of course not i was happy i lmd my nppartments elegantly fumiahed j i asked a friendio dinner when i would and he was always well entertained i smoked in my best rooms came home when e pleased and wastj the envy of my married friends pretty girls smiled on me agreeable widows were gracious to me and to mj mind the con sciousness uiat one codd marry any one of cve-and- twenty pleasing women is very much better than actually having one of hem for a wife besides how often had i not heard ilrs rugby declare that she never could put nptfltu ladies for they didnt know good cooking when they tasted it ajjd when they were vexed in the parlor alw4yg came and vented it in the kitchen no a wife was not amongst my catalogiie of the necessaries of life and as mrs kagby knew it we 6hoald have gone on very well together as iongas we both lived no doubt had it not entered my mind to set ap a coach and coachman i had done very well with the livery stable until then but some evil spirit had put it intomyjiead thai an equipage of my owl would be more convenient and nf course my coachman became one of the kitchen cabinet and being a man of taste understood the excellence of my cook at once- he did justice to the good things set before him here can be no doobt of that ana before long he beganfo make love to mrs engby z it had never occurred to me that any mortal man could be so daring but he did it and at last the awfol truth burst upon me mrs rugby having smirked and simpered in a most amazing manner for several days at last announced to me that she intended to change her condition matrimony and krs rugby were so little connected in my mind that my reply to this statement was in whai rtspect its thomas the coachman sir said j sir kagby a quiet respectable party im sure and hes so urgent that im afraid ill be obliged to give you a fort nights waruin for thomas and me both lias savins aud were thinkiugota restaur ant but i must say i grievelo go bciv no comfortable hero qo you cant go mrs rugby taid i im suited with you and with thamaa marry and stay with me ill raise your wages ill do anything only dont go if you please sir as a married person i shouldnt be willing to live at service and our own little restaurant ib a dream that might nil anybodys soul said mrs kagby im kinder romantic sirand i alien hv indulged in beautiful fancies i cant help it at the same time i regret to this tim put her handker chief to her eyes as the walked oat of tbe room i was in despair i flung myself down upon my lounge and tried to think- no woman over cooked ai thlg cook of mine could i must have a man if ihe went an knguah cook night do my meati well but aui for the desserts a punch cook would givu me greasy monet and poitry that would make me billiooa negroes were natural cooka but they hod not what i might call mrs rugbys rrptrtoirt i rang the bell mrs rugby answered it in person strange to soy i am glad you came said i i wanted to apeak to you you cant go you know i cant ipare you rut 1vo promised thomas and i most not break ins heart laid mrs rugby im too sensitive a uater to trifle with any one eles fechua sir i groaned and shut my eyes anything else sir 1 mid mrs kugby i all all starve said 1 ko said mrs rugby you wont relish our vittlcs but youll cat em theres mauyll be glad to do for you again tho vanished this time i did not send for her again 1 sent for thomas thomas i said as he came id wiping us mouth doubtless mrs kugby had made him somo peculiarly exquisite dish m thomas sit down i wal you to listen to me i hear you are going tqrob me of mrs rugby im surprised tbomaa 1 disapprove were both of an age and we aint bond- ed slaves said thomas but think cf me said 1 wc did talk jou over said thomas and one spell we thought of staying along with you but the restaurant seemed better and you dont vant jour wife to hcv other iuterests you know cf you aut jealous then you woul stay said i no sir tliaukcc its a good place said thomas but im an knglishman and i want my home to be my castle i did think of raarrj ing a iiaie chambermaid down the street prittv as a picter and only seventeen but she hadnt saved any thing and mrs rugby lias done wonderful whatr wartf ou the nose and a trifle of fat to that if tbe oiiitr one had her savings why of course but she liasnt how much lias mrs rugby saved i asked he old mc aud i alio fed him lo go he could be bought off pcjfaps butwhalwas mrs rugbys price that evening i rcbolved to discover thomas had gone to see to the horses iheraie the assistant had gone out with her young man i- went down into the kitchen aiid found mr rugby siltipjr be fore tlic raijge with a handkerchief to her khe utttrcd a little scream and said eyes arose hit dawn mrs kagby suid i lit take a chiir what a soup you tnade me today whit a roast what a salad i cannot livt without you think of my misery if you go t do bighed sfrs ruby then stay said you cant expect me to break thomass heart biic said youd lather break mine said i ilj ami your heart as is injured its jour fctoamdj toid mrs rugby ah i know it well they say its the way to a mans heart eid i mrs kugby looked at inc i have cjmc to make you give it up said t this idea of leaving roe can i say the only thiug as you could say you wont said mrs kugby im offered a decent husband and i shant give him op unless im offered a better btit if you wcrv offered a better t e3td id eousiicr it baid mrs kugbj paused i struggled with myself rat unit likely in a fortnight the widow paused i looked at mrx kugby 8he look the cover from a saucepan near by and looked in such a delicious aroma arosetliali quivered in every uervc a new dish said i original said mrs kugby i ceased to struggle with myself mrs kugby would be a better offer v 1 said i consider you 605ir said mrs rug by x then marif mc aud stay said i poof tfaornasi sighed mrs rugby bat i mast own yoa hev had my affections for years air i had a scene with thomas next morning but he allowed himself to bethought off he married the pretty chambermaid and has started a restaurant as for me i married mrs kugby last week and on the eve of our honeymoon my wife said briskly my dear how about a cook surely you aont need a cook my love said i you wiui your talens li you think im going to cook now i am a lady youre much mistaken replied my wife ive bad quite enough of it you gets a cook or you goes without your dinners t good reader pity mc royalitv likes the brewer a very handsome woman now attracting attention in english society is lady whoso title would appear to indicate that her lineage extended back at least to the crusader she is a fine figure to look opera j her mauccra arc faoltless ler carriage lately ber pride immeuw- 6fte is always a couiptcioos figure in london drawing- rooms aud the society papers have u much to iay of her u though the were a royal princess vet she wilt not be foobd farther back than the last edition of bsrkes she is lady iveagh wife of edward gain- nesb manufacturer of beer it is a strange rule that in england a buocesifal brewer is regarded with affectiodby the sovereign and may dine with her after be das become wealthy ko other tradesman or mano- facturer is allowed a similar privilege nor is over ennobled beer is regarded as fond ly as poetry by the aristocracy of the country 1 applauds when tbe laureate is is created lord teuoysou and oiulu when aii irish brewer is made lord ivcagh there is a wide ran no of iotellertoal ap preciation in ibis that is startling but admirable it n hoped that tenuysnn will write an ode coturaetnooattve of tbe beaoty of the scheme before be dies iohioh ltuer village boys and cirls it has been my lot to srod3bpjltltime id village and to observe maifwtiram stances o village life ooe4i2ibat although children have many rine pvan- tageitbaun the roral diitrictbttiears not half to moch sppreciative aoolbec il that bjiirls albmore refined and far bolter educated thaotheir brothers this may seem strange to say oooccroiog children who are brought up by the same father and mother and labjtjcted to the ssms horns influences nevertheless it is true i believe that much of the lack of rchoe meut seen in bcui who bare pieasaul homes and refined pa reels and siiton i doe to use of tobacco cauied by having too much leisurelhe fault of fathers and mothers who do oot provide constant employment or amusement for the active brains and bodies of their children for some reason hat i cannot understand s boy ice mi to think that he canaot be a mau uolil he has learned to imoke the wor racoon plisbed he regards himself fitted o associate with the men arouod town from whom be gets many ideas without which be would be better off in some families there i a prevailing idea that boys need a great deal more re- i creation bsu girls absolately nothing to do for several boon in tbe evening ia oeces- wry for yi while a change of occopatioo is the proper recreation for giris one in- stance i i particular came coder my obaer- i ration i was once boarding wilh a family co mini eg of father mother and twochil- djeoa son and a daughter both grown they were bright childrtn and were tarn- ing their own living tho jjirl bein cm- i ployed as a telegraph operator aud the boy in i bank where he slept made fires and did some writing the daughter of ibe house began her duties at lix oclock in the morning when s train wai djtptlched after which ihe came home made tbe kitchen are and assisted her reotbef inhe preparation of breakfast meantime the son whose duties did not begin until eight oclock wai allowed to lis in bed outil breakfast was ready after breakfast when both cfuldfen had goue to their respective tasa tbe mother pat he boara in order and prepaed for dinner tbe daughter had iwo oara home in the middle of the dy daring siicb ibe diued washed dishes donoed ber afternoon drcn then went back lo work wdjich detained her uulii rcveu oclock in jhe eveniog if upon her returu she fourtw her mother very tired i- heinsisted upou reading the weary one lo aleep thai work accoru- pluthed she came back to tbe aiumgroom to read for herself or to make a pretty hat or lo work upou a drtss for her mother ot herself occasionally her yiuug frienua came iu for a merry lime or ahe ipeut au evening at a friends house so tut limes s concert or a lecture provided a little change and rest for the earnest girl the boy nhose datki ended for the day ai i pm might have split kindlings sawed wood brought coal raked the yard or might even have improved his mind and manners by good reading bat no be must have recreation and accordingly itood arouod every day for six mortal hours with a cigaretje cigar or pipe in his rooulh bis miodappareutly r perfect blank while his sister was assiduously cultivating every f talent tbc most that he bad to show was a pool of tobacco jaice expectorated from his weak but baodsome mouth and unpaid bills for smoking and chewing tobacco his parents seemed to think ihe course a proper one daring the fire yean that i ipeul wilh them the boy did nol make one inch of progress cu tbc contrary hp retrograded being a bright boy and in thv line of pro motion he might havo risen in business but he began as the boy and remained the boy as long as i knew him tbe girls assiduity was uot lost her intelli gence rtfined manners energy and busi ness ability secured her regular promotion until she reached the position of chief operator in the snpennteudenlb office then seeiog her admirable management of his business affairs the buperinlendent asked her to become his wife and to man age him and lui home this is only one case x could quote a dozen that live come under my observation and thai differ ony in details i believe that the fai is with the par ents sod that therefore the remedy lies with thena parents a change of occupa tion will not hurt yoor boy any more than your girl boys are nol versatile enough men would make husbandi consequently better member of tocieiy if tbey were early laugh t lo assist in ibe thousand efforts lha are necessary to make the ideal home he e would be less time to kill less i rook ing fewer stunted mind better fathers and better children like many other wul question this oue depends on the mother of our land who to attain ihe higliet success should teach their children both boys and girls eery art that will tend lo make borne ideal with saoh irsiuibg refine coco i of taste thoroughness ind euergy in business will be the natural consequences lillian mavxe trouble for two men there was a moments silence after the introduction womanlike each was men tally sizing be other op then one of tbem spoke my hasband freqacntlyiipeaksof you be said indeed i relumed the other my husband thinks youre wonderfully clever keajjy i why thats the way my bus- band talks abtfut you he told me how you reshaped and recovered an old psrisol aud so laved parasol i why 1 never touched it unlil uy hasband had harped all ouo day ou your cleverness in upholstering and relin- ing a iby carriage at a saving of k nonsense tbe thing that made me do that was the way my husband talked about that parasol then be got me o fixing over a last years hat because you were working over an old dress bat i never itarted to do hat uutil i my husband old ine bve nines about your bat t why really my dear msdame i heard of that dresi twentyfoar hours before i to ached the hat impossible i then ahe i topped and her ejes begau to flash i believe oar husbands she began again i belie v they bars chimed iu the other becoming excited also its a wicked ibame an outrage theyve joit tricked as i lhati all it was a regular plot and to think bow hes made me wurk ill gel a new gown today and i a hat then two women went into a a drygoods store and pen c ail the money i hey ecald scrape together and two men got mighty httle for upper hat niht and when they complained they were convinced that they ought lo have ind nothing an actresss false neck a well known ictress of advanced years who recently appeared in this cily in a youthful character used an itigttiioai con- irivauce to make herself preventable in a low cut dress a trcng leather bell i daped aboot the kaisl o the person wrariug the machine and thii forms the bi far strips of papier mache which go to make a bat neck and hack of generous proportions tbc oulide coveriug of his counterfeit consisli of the heaviest kind of flesh colored silk lined wilh tbe softest kind of kid leather thii combination make a re markably life like skin however the height of the deceptive art ia readied in the ingenious arrangement which makes the breast rise and fall fnror- rwpood to the breathing and he eoioiious of the wearer directly beneath tbe out side cover of silk and lealhten is a thin air cushion stretched to the proper shape by means of wire broad but very flexible springs rest sgaiost the wrarers bosom and are connected to the air cushion the slightest beaviug of ihfl boeom is commuu- icated by these springs to the sir cnsiiiou and aa a result the movement ia natural euoagh to deceive even the most expert the silk coveriug is made gradually thinner near the top and ends pretty well ap on the neck which it closely clasps a ueeklace of diamonds covers he arraugeruenl at this point aod makes the deception complete philadelphia faard the potato disease ninmut some interesting aud per haps very valuable researches mto the potato disease have been made bj prof 3 l jcuson the disease is found to con sist of a fungus whose pores are carried by the wind and which tint attacks the foliage of the plauts il ipreadi to tbe tubers in about seven days by sporrt wash ed down from the stem aud foliage con sidering these ucts it was thought that the tubers might be protected by moulding ibe soil into a broad ridge s or i iucbes high and 10 or 12 idches wiflr after the first weeding and a further earthing op oo one side only causing the plant to bend so that tbe spores woald fall away from tbe ridges within seven days after ine appear- auce of the disease on the foliage some 150 farmers are said lo have experimented in this way with ibeae astonishing resales where no moaldiug or earthiugap was done the percentage of diseased potatoes was 34 where the moulding was imper fect 12 and where ihe moulding was per feet only 1 infection during harvest was prevented byjdlowing the tubers lo remain in the ground for a month after tbe wither ing of the lops the play corner drotd eyes witbftaahlrg gicauu of light and beanifng saoe and suonj bair-r- brown ere come met m gau tonight any say am i reflected there 7 f no more this furtive sidelong glance this timid droop or faroti lock thii mlscblcvoqslj shr askaucs a riddle or a half clefcd iwk wtr ciier to read or guea meows evrsal buroa mail reteal if heart has nothing o coufofc vj do the rye sotmich coucctl 7 ah treachrroui natnjttf r cruel cyn that wetuod so kind t will uot siy the litllo word opou which lies uy liapphieaa well have ytur war fwodby bruwn eyes goodvy good by hull druopiugthcu be ui is past what tears 1 imar eyes i itiss tliem dry tbose blessed leirs told all at last 7jwyi ikurkr v whohasthe reins ue j upi dui i drew the horsea up peri pir a tton aaid i hate onr trait rai a very interesting story is being told of prdfeasor druraruond a story which con vey a muchneeded lesson for yoang men hevi rtayiug with a lady whose coach- map had sigued be pledgebut afterwards glvin way to driukatsin this lady said to ihe professor now this maa will drie yoa u the station say ia word to bird if yoa can he ii a food sort of a fellbw and really wants to reform but he is ek while tbey were drivin down tbejprofeasnr tried to think bow he conld introduce ibe subject presently the bories bolteat the driver held on to the reins and maoipnlated them well tbsj carriage iwayed about and the professor expected every moment to be j upet but presently tbe i a p and stcaroiug with i aay that was a clow ft might have smashed into matchwood aud you woa1dn have given auy more addresses well said pro feasor drummouj how was it that it did noti happen t why was the replv becaute i knew how to manage the horses knw said the profeiser look here my friend i will give you a bit of advice heies my triln coming i hear you have bee i ligtiiiig tlto pledge and breaking oat agajn now 1 want to cive yoa a bit of advice throw the reiua of youv life to jesus christ aud lie jumped dowd and got tnt6 the trsio the driver said afterward that it came to him like a flash of light- mug lie saw where he had made a mis ts kji sud from that day he ceased to try to iipalste his own life but gave tbe lines esus chribt the story bears its own mojml good reader 1 need oot add a wofl only let us learn its levnoii and carry the professors adrice an aft rebuke settled their differences a laughable itory comes from the london courts twocostermoogers claim ed individually tbe ownership of a donkey and as the case was oue catling for friendly arbitration rather than judicial interfer ence the presiding judge recommended the the sailors to go into the ysrd and settle between theaij his lordships kindly meaning seems o have been misunder stood for in the coarse of hlf sn boar or so be costers retarned into court one of them with eyesblsckened and his face cut and bleeding and the other in a state of excitemeut betokening the authorship of his friends injuries the judge learned wbeu it was to late that his advice hod been accepted iu its whitechipel sense aud thai the two mco had belabored each other until oue of them reiigucd the donkey to save- his own person t hiding the bible there id a unitarian clergyman who ia hou without a ouer of keen retort and who is none the less gifted with tho grace to oo aim and bis tongue to command him hej ban in his oongregaliou one of those wosaan who make n preteuae of frankness an excuse for rudeness aud who are giveu to boasting that they are plain spoken whsu the truth ia hat they are simply ill- bred and iusolent thii especial lady is weal thy and there axe not many in tbe list of her acquaintances who dare rebuke bcrl albeit they do together console each other for ihe wounds they buffer from her tongue by abusing her roundly it chanced- lb t one evening the lady andj the clergyman were partners at whist at ibe houe of a common friend and so saceessfal were they that tbey won almost eveiy kama for the evening like people who are fond of haviug their own way the lady was in high humor over this suoceaa and wben the play was over ahe pushed baca her chair from the table wilh the character i tic and graceful irmark to her pinner jyondopiay a good game of whist mr blank u you would only preach av well as yea play whist it wmld be a treat to go church lo hear you the clergyman was uite equal to the occasion he kept his temper under perfect control asbe replied thank u miss sharp but you know anybody cai learn to play whiit while genius and ood breeding come by grace of god bpston courier i i f that day ih wasled lost squandered in which some advsnrb has not been made iu the intellectual moral oooditiou of man the physical ute improved some deed of kindness and mercy informed some bno encouraged to lead a better ijfe some dlif heartened- que rasdiipvthe etttng bfuught back to the path u veci itudf oi tfievrorld blessed u ioow respteta drjuytfana- ford oaediu rf in lummer every one as a rule has some time to devote to amusement and for tbe benefit of those young people who like to entertain others as well as themselves dame dordeu heartily recommends these three charades as being particularly easy aa well aa bright i lei several of ihe yoangiters lie down on the floor quite near each other cover them wilh a sheet when the door is opened or the curtain drawn let them begin to loore and the audience will be some time in guessing that this ia sheet masic ii a lady dressed in gray enters he rvom lakes up some article of food and begin eating tngratiate ill a young lady enters with a mitt on one band looks diligently round for tbe mate finds it and puts it on with an air of satisfaction shu passes oat and an other party enters ina long coat and staff on which he leases a hat with a slouching brim and a long beard of white wool or horse hair complete the costume that is hermil othirjimaiu why people marry the reasons that some men give for marrying some woman ire only to he iur passed by the reasons some women give for marrying some men there was the man who married bia wife because she was left- handed and it amused him to kee ber saw with the off hand aa he said there wu tbe yoang woman who married ber bus- band because he was fat and wai to bendy to sit on ber books of autamu leaves ia the fall and press them then there was another woman presumably uot to youdg wno finally married a man vsho had courted her faithfvlly for eleven yean because s she afterward accounted for il be bad worn his chair iu their sitviu room plumb out a ettin it to niauy years au tlooe the bed to be a new one city and country v the city person it i well knowu is often ss much a greenhorn in the country aa the conn try person is in the cily a girl who hod beea accuttomed to certain city squares and exclusive parks whose high barred- ijales were closed at a fixed boor every night made her first visit to tbe country tihe was beins taken about through ibe lanes and fields by ber mother when the sun set say mamma said the little girl havent we got to go in t what time do tbey close the country auyway il was a city boy loo who when taken with hira by his oountry cousin while be dog soma potatoes watched iho process of unearth iug tbe tubers for a moment with great wooder and thou remarked is that where you keep your potatoes t i should think it would be more convenient to keep them in barrel s uke we do the the country greenhorn in the city has this advautage over tbe city greenhorn in the oountry that he does oot pat oo airs of superiority cn all oooas- loni it wu a city boy iu the country who being taken to a peach tree tall of ripe and delioioas fruit and iuvited to help himself remarked somewhat loftily no i thank youi i never eat then antil tbey are canned 1 wilaj com panion 1 1 a back number odm a bible wmbtkediu lot o breid tnit wu ia thilfirawi oountry calkd aoitru 1 borne wicked men ctme into tbe boue to find the bible nd to barn it np bat ibe wotnia who owned it ni jait going lo btke bremrf to at rolled ber bible ap la t big lot nd put it iu tbe oven wben tbe meu went away ihe took oat tbe lo and it wai not hart a bit that wai a good plaoo to bide a bible wasnt it vat ill tell you of ji better place ttill dvid knew of that plioe when be aaid thy word havoliid lu mine heart that i might uot ain tgainat jbooght ihe tbooxht t might aa will be fur tbee i tbemtelvee v on their own account this is the slighting remark that u often applied to women who try to seem yosng though they no longer look so sometimes appearances are deceitful kemale weak nesi functional troubles displacements aud irregularities will add fifteen years to a womans looks these trouble am removed by the use or pierces favorite presriptiou try this remedy ail you whose beauty aud freshness is fading from such cooes aud no longer figure in society u a bock number its guaranteed to give satisfaction la tvety case or money paid for it retarned see guarantee on bottle- wrapper borne of the eipenenoed toddy ists oom- plsin that wben drunk tbey cannot eat bnl tba cockney when drank boosts loudly of his appyugbt that tired feeling uuw to often heard u u eutirely overcome by hoods 6omp orilla which gives mental and bodily streogtb v a

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