Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1891, p. 2

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rr jcaamncaav c 2 ppwifp wed ine oattembtnd- tslet c isotfct tged m veers ul t the cabinets policy knots hultttat i j hleldrum aou detroit on ibe lwh last it detain lulftt lornhrlr ol actoe in bli til yrijiiui year iije mbit lct press thursday junk u 1s1 j- notes and comment8 k lti now nh that mr j h metcalfe i who aspires o 8ir jobus vacant seat in i kingston will be shelved lathe poetmaeter- ehlp and that sir charlcetspper will be offered toe seat tito toronto airlioan brood last week retolved la favor of compulsory education 1 uukpatsioc ot municipal by lew rwiibitidg children from runcirqi about the streets atlcr duk precautions concerning the ad- mission into tbecouhlrv of juvenile ieami- frail the establishment of a retorrnatott on ibe most approved system tod the oot i tars y item ohndattrial scnools from ihe coanly liccntt inspects we learn ttiai tlie tome have been distributed from the license fund to the different municipalities oi helton george town 272 actio iiii milton s1c tre- higa tm oaayills burlington liss lsucsiotliij nsasajjeweya ssi nelson kfc the ontario qovernmeot received from the license fnnd of this couutv j16w there ire anpis ottan impending insurrection in elofocco and the spaniards contemplate leifns the country under their protection in ceee the mcgrisiiralun be- tncs unable to preserve onler in hit lomtniooe france has robbled op aljjeril ud tunis mil spun thinks morocco jhonld be her sero of the alricen goon pie unioftuoale moon woald be better i iff under almoin anj tort of rale thai they tee it present some rolereatang figures regarding the railway system of the city of london ere sjven by toe london railway news the itt covers about jj3 square mpee and in m ire there te imj miles of rjilwmy yjkmninctwo great circles with tsetwork ot connecting line and 750 tutiont giring oach station credit for every company bang it for psrposes of comparieon tho xewicorlt railway age mentions that in few tata city the eietaied lystem soren ont 30 milu is composed of foor lines aid haaaboat loi tutiacs landooers wben they forake the le travel onder- jtoand stjja roien overofad 1 i w jtbe official mail from chili brings esciting news the hgase of depnties has passed a bill aatioruini the president to lfy a forced loat of 20000000 to carry oi the war coder an order from the eleecrite curiajer are not permitted lb cnte on the streets o santiago after mid- nkht groaps cf more than three persons cannot eland together in the ttrecu squares otpablie places cf smtkgo all the lrjcires are cjffed ontil father notioe under the aathority of congress all the dd and silver in the treaanri of chili jpenpasicg what i known as tht metallic ffeserre nt sold at acctioo on may 15 t the corner 6ione of the fatnre home of vtitjrta rnirerasti has at last been las in tarocljj and the ceremony- which charac- tecirai the event wtlh circumstance and in terest suff to j attract to the queens pie on monday the guiding forces of ttniicrqty federation most have daly im- prossed the methodist body in canada tvuie and numerocs differences of opinion hare been voiced in conferences past and expressed in connectionaliahd secular jonrnals by methoiists both clerical and lay as to the wisdom of sffilitifn jtji the nniversity bat it is erident that theaniietr of thefnends of consolidation on ihe on hide to j attach the pnjedtd meihodist oolite his neter nagged through yali of hot and strong debate and diseaav ion this we think is a compliment to met mdifm a compliment in whatever light it i lay be regarded the edaeational bill elm ceaied that islhenext point and it i conceded i on til hands hat ever thing considered llif battle wu fong it to the bitter end and fonght credit- abiyjat thal sixty years of independent and snocesafnf ertcrt on lehalf of higher edac ition might bare been expected to stiff o with a sense of pride the back bone of c ery gradoateof yictoriahnt we hare only to think of the almosveqaaily long ru i in which federation sentiment has had time to grow in jorder to appreciate the tow it hasgained j upon the methodist connection there were also other influ ence which the independent party found bird to break and wbich coajd be meo- uonei to their creit sow when they hare rank their differeeces in respect to the spiriti of their discipline however it is onneoesaary to do u jthe comer stone of the new boildiog has been laid we believe isinifcpendence wiinin the principle of ocitywhich cannot deprive the onivertify of her history and victoria baa gained machby coming to toronto we give onr congrilaiations to the methodists of the donjftion eaipic i harpers magazine brsnder matthews in tninleresiingand ptjaant article on jbntiaan8 aid ameri cacijms to appsrin the jaiy hamber oi iitr ilagaiiiii shows that the well of erish endefijed fsna mre theexclnsive j eefion of eofiiishmen thin of ameri cans he assets that of brilicisma there are as many and av worthy of collec tion and collocation as were the most of the americanisms the aiiembracing bartiett gathered into hij dictkjuaiy indeed a scot or a yaqksc weretoprepare aglbasary of briticisms ou the ampfe scale adopted bymr barjett sod with the tarns gener- onr hospitality tue resaltvwotiid surprise no one uior ibta hie eoglishman we should findin its pages maoy a word and phrase and tiru of speech common enough in england aod qcil xcreign to the 5tft usage of tbo who ipeals english bntic- umiss sorthy of reproof aa the iroraf tcimeji of ibe mongrriipeecfcaaopled by some homorisu in amcru will b upon tht old untvtht budfwt brought downllquor dutla rrd8u8r rwdtt0d- a lnoth budg debate ottaxs jnnc s4- the qoesllon as to the policy of the new cabinet waa one causing conalderablc ooooern until last thursday i when it was presented in the house by str hector laagsvln in the following terms tbs oovemuiwt proiosei ta carry out the policy which hu hitherto guided the liberal- oobmrtauva prty tbt outvies of uueaurm which win tame baton ths bouse this session are indicated to 4b speech from uio throao the trade and financial policy vill be dcclatrd in the liodgst speeeh tb matter had been previously discuss- od in caucus and then it was decided to continue on the old lines mr laurlcr made a brief reicrcivw to the annonrioo meat and promised o gtvc it his attention lalron j mr foster nladn his budget speech cterdy afternoon his speech was well arranged well delivered and greeted with load and frequent applause after review ing the general condition ot the country he said he had he pleasure of announcing a snrplns if tivjco00and mr foster dealt with condition of the country wuicli viewing it through his spectacles he found to he in every respect satisfactory not one dark spot on the horizon could be dis cerned by the minister business was x good crops in the korthwest promised well and revenue waa buoyant even the mckinley act with its restrictions waa not a cloud v sir richard cartwrignl occupied about three hours in criticising the changes and expreasing his preference for unrestricted reciproctty the proposed changes surpris ed tjw opposition but sir richard cart wrightme them witn airaracndmenl de claring that there should be a redaction all round particularly upon articles of prime necessity to the producers and that in he coming negotiations the widest reciprocity with the untied stales should be sought tek titlltr ceastrs uoder the old tariff the daty on raw ttgar was almost eqjiyalcnl to cents per n this hu been wiped out the old doty on refined sugar was 1 cents peril and 3o per cent ad vijorem this hu now been reduced to- 8 m cents per lb in order to encourage tht cultivation of beet angar a 5 per cent bounty has been placed on beet sugar importations hitherto they were admiued free there has beena con- aiderable increase in tobacco daiies cat tobacco has been increased to is cents per ii and li cents ad valoreai saaff and other manufactured tobacco have beea increued to fire ccnlx per h ale beer and porter in casks has been increased fire cents per imperial gallon andjin boc ilea three per galloo there was also large in creasea in epuiti of ukinda the duty on salt haa been reduced one hail owing to thefact thai combines have filteaed as the result ot the excessive iaxation i excirrocrrt xtgotunoxs another batch of ahe correspondence relative to the reciprocity negotiations was snbmittea to parliameat on monday the co begins with a telegram from lord enntaford to lord stanley en closing a synopsis of tie despatch received by the marquis of salisbury from the british minister at washington announc ing the introduction of mr hobert bond the kewfonndlani delegate to secretary blaine and the fact that negotiations were on foot between the united states and kevfoondland as well as suggesting that the government of canada might be in formed aa they might wish to negotiate on the same lines the correspondence cbnclodes with tour telegrams rota sir julian faunceforte to lard stanley the purpart of which has been heretofore published relating to the visit of the canadian delegates to washing ton and the firing the date for the resump tion of the conference for the i2th october t errata cttet senator macdonold introduced a bill yesterday to establish di orcc courts in the duterent provinces of canada expect in kara scotia and 2cew brunswick which have them already and in quebec which does npt want any it provides that the supreme court of any of the other pro vinces shall have the same aathority with reference to actions to dissolve marriage and to obtain judicial separation as with reference to civil actions within he inris- dietion of these courts the causes for divorce are adultery by either party or desertion by the bushonc without reason able canae for a period of not less than five yean an appeal may he made to the supreme court of canada sdutobs rttoc irrca there are 90 senators in all yet among their coniingendea lasi year unearthed by mr mcmallen there was bought for them 339 inkstands ceiling htiik knives w73 3 ots pencils 1323 22s pairs of scissors i13c and iu kcrspbooks 103 the cost of he senate for salaries and is no inconsiderable item a visit alt on comin and o viaitor toknd from aoton und varieu q ptm not miss bdnlt tltursiou lit vlaluiig iritul it auburn miss hall of churohvllle visited friends hero this week t mr w t bmytlii wis horns for a hw days this week mr w j moor ot totouto wii bom for a day or two this week mr tod mrs l mobrtu of btrlln spent sunday with aotott friends mr and mils hall auburn visited friends in aoton on sunday mlsa blair ot kilbride hu beta ths guest of acton friends the put week mrs james h klokliu of lowell miob spent several weeks with friends here miss dolly mokemle of southampton it visiting at the home ol mr a mcnab mr 1 h matthewt wu referee lo the bramptou milton lacrosse match on tan- day mrs j m fernley of drantford has been at the parental home for several weeks miss mary warwick who hu iuh acton friends returned to monday mismebei israond who has beei ing several months in st louis home last week of mr aod mrs audrew warren and miss queen ramsey of st louis visited friends tt cedar creek this week mr and mrs j r strickland and miss amy wright of bockwood attended the meeiiag of the kpworth league on tuesday aveniog miss dimadale the evangelist who is so well known throughout tht prorinoa wu married on tuesday at her home in belle ewart lo rev james r altkenbead a young miniteref the methodist church mr- a f smiths little daughter msgcie srrived borne on friday from tbs lnitilnlion for tht deaf and dumb belle rile for summer holidays sbt la in apod health and much improved by her term at this excellent institution mr r s williamson of the wellknown dry goods firm of j d wiuamsoo 4 co guelphmarried wu at three rivers que luf week to ida baptist daughter of mr a baptist of that place alter the cere mony the happy couple embarked for earope on a twomonths tour iter alex barron of toronto a graduate of knox college hu accepted a call from the presbyterian congregation of highlands x v wbose pulpit he had been supylyieg for some months this is the charge ol the late rev z p roe better known u a novelist than a preacher halton farmers institute itixioy june 22 the annual meeting of the hilton couuiy farmers institute wu held here saiarday whea the following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year geo efisher burlingtoo president alex waidie acton 1st vice- president john allonoakville 2nd vice- president arthur w peart freeman secreurytreasarer directors george town j e lindsay f raddell george henderson hornby c p preston acton z sjj warren joseph luby john lawsoa alex icennedy kasaagaweya a mcmillan if holmes r a- ramaay james weteon oakvilie james arris c g marlatt b hagaman m felan burlington william filber edwin peart w ghent milton wm clemenu f chisholm d harrison john ditvin w d brothers and william clements audi tors geo e fisher and a w peaxt were appointed delegates to the central farmers institale loaded with luscious fruit the enormus peach crop maket necessary the proplnsrof tree the new canadiajn magazine cnsja the uf pisgaribe published by mijibewil kiight a- benton new btiidsvick it meeting klis deterred sac cess since it was started in january lut improvements lave appeared in every namber itaims to furnish pare high- cliss pjirirttic ctuiadiuililerataremonihly at the lowest possible price its confribu- if re include muy of the best writers in canada with jmie number it is enlarged to sisleen quarto pages anjloover beauiti felly prioled on a auperiorjuality of paper beginning with the july number the suhscripuon price will be one dollar per eir butalllio ecud their subscriptions he if julylst need only remit fifty cents m steinje wd they will- receive tills- al ishletjudfteteresting publication foe a hll earadrets jaiain benton kasr bfikswick 0 r thewillofthelate premier ottiwijane 17 the wili of the late sir john macdonald will be filed for probate in a few days the executors are messrs hugh john macdonald mp joseph pope the late premiers private secretary fred white comptroller of the northwest mounted police and edgar dewdney minister of the interior sir john held two life policiex of the standard insurance company of loodoa eogiand for two ihrmaanrl poands each ooe of whichis left to lady macdonald aod the other to hugh john macdonald mr pope it is understood will write a life of sir john macdonald no one else should be better fitted for this great tuk and thervcro be little doobl thai he will make that worfc a worthy memorial aod monu ment of the late premiers life rcxmxa pi june 21 the peach crop of pennsylvania promises o be a very lane one this year almost every tree is loaded down with fruit aod althosgh it it yet so early in the seueer many trees have to propped to present limbs from break ing people have tried the plan of shaking the trees but the fruit is to perfect that very few of the peaches drop os to the weight of the tree is lightened very little by this method blenheims sadtroedy inquest on the bodyof mrt clark and her murdered babes busacur oot june 21 an inquest wu held here yesterday by dr bray of chatham assisted by dr langford of blenheim on the bodies of mrs david dark aod her two children found drowned in ihe etu near the railway dock on friday morning the jury brought is a verdict that mrs margaret clark while tempor arily insane drowned her two children and herself strong sympathy it expressed towards ihe poor wife and her people her insanity sfu due altogether to the absence of ber husband and the continued annoy- ancey and worry over their financial treaties ihe funeral of all look place to- dapyaod wu the largest ever seen in this district there being id oarrtaget j ithe cortege wu nearly two miletj long polo sclihj p jjth ill annual f-howtlrrtiv- day thai lath of it baring taken the chair messrs h l hlmeand john btark war apotatsjdwrittitmen and mr siraihy secretary of the meeting j mfo0t your direclon beg to luvmlt to tbt shareholder uje sixth annual report showing the position of the bank u on the slit of may 1611 balanoe tt ersdlt of proof sud loss ut stay two met profits fee the rear after dsduet- ta tht ehargst ot managtaeut msslntrull provision for all bad and doubtful debts neerrlng se- ernsd interest en outslandliii ds- tlwn to date ednuts it neelpts aid ersdluti interest te on all interestbearing ao- appropriated as fellows dividend no to three per i cent ptytbls 1st dt- oembaim wm 1 dividend no u three per eaat parable 1st june uoi nrwsv autjii addod to bast aoeeun written on offlei furs- 15000 00 itnre aeeount iff m balanet carried forward u99 ii nooali umtb at the latt annual meeting the directors intimated their intention of subscribing for sufficient slock i to increase- the paidup capital of the bank to mooooo at will be seem by the accompanying statement this hat been done the net profits on the avenge paidup capital were 9 per cent these eosld be considerably increased with a larger paidup capital which it is expect ed the bank will have srithin a reasonable time j the deposits of the bank have increased over m per cent poring the put year and the average rate of interest allowed on de- eis lower than that of former years vacancies bare occurred on the by the resignations of h h cook esq and dr snelling qc your direc- ton hare not fell it neonury to fill the v so created and recommend that t bylaw be passed reducing the namber of directors to five which in the opinion of your directors is ample for the present requirements of the bank the losses during the year have been trifling in erooont and have been fully provided for the offices including head office hart all been inspected once or of tener during the year and eontinoe to receive the care ful attention of your directors the officers hare performed their respective duties to the satisfaction of the board alex mjutxiso president acxzjixi rritiucxxt slrr kir 1691 liabiluitt capital 8uck paid up m00jm 00 uit account 33400 03 dividend yg u pirahla 1st joes j- 1tw former ixvulendj ueijd m u latarsst seeroed oc de posit bscwpui sj21 v balanos ot profits carried forward um 13 koies ol the sank a circu lation e7nsoo depoalu besr- iag interest tlmocs s dsposlu oot bearing in- lerest imea lnaojxi as balance uaoks due to other i if etfuol 93 the marked benejt which people i rua dewa e wtaktntd ttatt cd beatth tfcrin from hoods barsapaiflla eone pram leelitauaitbltoedljiuvktttiwtak troog it does not tet like a stlemlairt lirklr1lngnctluotultrrni1kfrewwetawft must follow a reaetion of greater weakness inn betdre but in the uost nttartl way aoodvswupirllll ovcrtctmi that tlrsjd fmtlng creates an appetite purines the wood and in short gives great bodily nerve mental tod digestive strength i derived very much benefit from bows oaruparllb wlileh t took for general debtllly it built roe right up and gave roe an excel- lenltpnellle edjxiiiximtsltemil fagged out last spring i wu completely fagged out my ilrcngih left me and i felt tick and mis erable til the time to that t could hardly attend to my business i took one bottle of floods barmpsrillt tod it cured me there u nothing like it b a bxoou editor enterprise beuevtlle mich worn out ueodt strtaparflla restored me to good health indeed i might say truthfully it uvedoyllfe to ooe feeling ured tad worn out i wpild earnestly recommend a trial of noodssarssparula mstpaxexmotaia m breaks stteet east boston mass kb if you decide to take hoodt strsa- parfua do not be lndueed to buy anything else instead insist upon having hoods sarsaparilla oomeransratstislierlirrspsis4ar y c l hood a 00 apothecaries uwed kasa ioo dom one dollar t 6xmnrafc3 son i boys olothfng dept hilrd to gel money ibtlt how money is wt know it and were going to help yoo make what you do get go at far at yon can no doubt you will appreciate onr efforts hot let ut tell you how we can help you well its easy to do that a man must have boots and shoes whether be it bard up or not if be be bard up tht longer boots and shoes will wear and the cheaper ha can buy them the more money it leaves him for groceries and rent we tsu yoo these necessary articles that will outwear those you often buy and frequently efaargs you leas for tbem than you are in the habit of paying the same with slippers rubbers trunks ic anything you want we tell yon at toe tame rate thais how william williams canjhelp you at bis boot and shot store yoo can see bis cant aixu gold and silver coin cor- rent njrrst domialoogoverumeutde- mand notes notes of and cheques on other banks balajkos due from other banks balance due from london aceota balanee due rom new york agents domioioagoverntnentde- besttrres 160k 00 kreo io ajtn so bja is u1gcs sn6 a bills diseoanfed current and loans on call hsema notes discounted overdue floes fully provided fori notes discounted overdue secured bv kortesee if ortnava on seal estate sold br th bank bank premises todaduic safes offies furniture etc lt u ull r ifhixa xifna so the usual resolutions were isaed after which the scnrtinen reported he following gentlemen duly elected to act u directors- for the ensuing year vix v alexander man ning william bell goelph a a allan 6 f mckinnoo and robert thomson hamilton at a meeting of the newlyelected board alexander manning esq was reelected president and william bell esq vice- president by a unanimous vote h s steirar general manager the traders bank of canada toronto loth jane 1901 convicted of counterfeiting- st tuoicu jane 22 sanford long of bingham wu found guilty at the sessions to day of manofaotoring counterfeit 25 and 10 cent pieces prisoners mother who wu in tbt oottrt room fainted away wben the verdict wu given tuaddeut chalk who wu acquitted yesterday on the charge of making counterfeit money wu then placed on trial on the charge of patting counterfeit money killled at the plouch a bathurtt township farmer killed by lightning- a kingston despatch says tbe death of david hertefcy of bathurst by a lightl ning stroke was lamentable occarrenoej deceased wu ploughing in a field when the bolt struck him the flash was very vivid tbe bolt struck one oibe horses first then ran along to mr herfehyfakirg a bit out of the plough handle and then killed tbe other horte- a thin bltck mark on the bodies told of its course all throe lay near together the two horses facing each other at dinner lime mrs herlehy senl- a fiveyearold child w bring the father lo the midday meal but the little one brought back the news that her father wu asleep on ths ground and the horses were uleep loo at this the poor mother apprehended the fetal occorrence aod- rnnning to the field aaw her husband lying dead in the midst of his honest oil v l your druggist for dr august koenigs lumborg drops for the blood ifwantftrttciattooelph suhand 77 aoortathiprie t dp cwdt fill your order at his ptaningmill in cash given away to advertise dr coles pillt we will cive daily prizes for ninety days to the persons who correct ly form ihe name of a popular remedy from tbe letters in the two words pole scilis for the first correct answer receiv ed each day 500 in cash for the 2ndj300 for the 3rd j200j1000 in all with your answer send 26c in silver or 27c in stamps for a box of dr cole perfect blood and liver pills sure cure for sick headache very small and do not gripe bemrmber these prizes are abtolauly free- prize money now oa deposit at tbe traders bank here contest opens may stimi try it address ffoine specfie coorillis out canada 1 500 fob a needle rl our ifamtk a thirtytwo page tooothjy magazine devoted lo house building home furnishing boose decoration faahions general literature etc is tbe beet publiea- lion of its clus in america the publish ers in order to increue tht circulation of their magazine offer large rewards to of their tabtcriben or intending subscrib ers who correctly answer tbt following question where in the htw testament fre tbe words t needle first found cash daily and weekly reward given while irflv competition lasts tbt publish- era will give sway thousands of dollart among those correctly answering the question the loading reward being 600 in gold send ton ocnte in attaint or silver lor a sample copy ol our hoiutt and complete rules governing tbe oompeauoo address our homy pubujiing co brook killed at a barn raising bums june 18 a barn of mr bobert gilpins near thornton wu being raited op to pat new tills under it when tbe sapporte slipped from underneath one tide and the barn fell crnabiog tbomu chap man and jamas mclellan chapman died ifostantly and mclellan lingered a short ime mlaardt uaiasrilrarri jtaaslrai ra paris j gbieen gnbfiaiiteed pnie ileo insect powder il ibs drug store j v kannawln you just arrived at t masons a choice block of croceries crockery 8l provisions choice canned coods fine rolled bacon lard cheese lie yes we know your boy needs a nice new suit and that yoi are intending to buy him one the question that is revolving in your mind is where can i get the most stylish best fitting and prettiest suit for little money perhaps you did not know that we had the largest cheapest and prettiest stock of clothing in the county t well we have you have seen those nice tweed suits on the hoys jwith belts and pleated waists that is the kind we have and sell so many of i the best of it all is that that the prices are so low that customers buy without hesitation you remember we bought a lovely st4clt a short time ago made for the city trade at prices very much reduced and we are sell ing correspondingly low come and see the stock it will please you it does the boys mens clothing all thaf we have said about the styles and prices of the bovs clothing applies with equal force to our mens clothing men we have not for gotten you in this important matter of outward adornment we have a first class clothing man who will be pleased to show you the stock you will find it in- all its beauty and strength on the second flat of our mammoth cheap store main street milton hollinakecfe son milaton national foodi breakfast cereals hygienic foods desiccated rolledoau desiccated wheat farinose x rolled oatmeal r ornraeal etc also s rush slock of oar celebrated ssc new season jepen tea pleas call and esamlne our stock t a mason mens furnishings hot weatw goods o a ting good neglige shirts and wash rests a great variety to select froni and prices to suit the cloek est buyers our mens hat department is y not surpasse by any in the west we arc always on tbe alert tor new styles and tbe latest blocks may be found on qar coa liters as socr as they are on the market ypa may wear a nobby edit brt if your hat is a back number the general effect is bad the same- j applies to boots speaking ot boot we pee only say we handle james wbitha coa make they are acknowledged to bl the best makers in tbe domi over pair warranted jve are in receipt of another shipment of challies delaines sateens and zephyrs thorss no need ot roasting yonrself in wool when yon can get a challie to suit your taste for 10 cents and for 12 cents we have sateens in cornflower blue and other late shades colors are absolutely fast wib are loaded ap with wool dress goods too many for tbis season yon ca call them for about wholesale pi ice 10 doncu misses aud childrens waists iu stock now gentlemdn rdef your spring suit and overcoat frbm 1 tkrpsgj jr f k xals strut aoton r e nelson cueiph r new spring suitings new spring overcoatings 1 an immense range of choice new pantings from 4 to 12 per pair a special genuine pure worsted black panting at 5 per pair my specialty perfeot fitting 4 pants to order r b jermyn satibfaqtion abstthzo bie nelson jfaibiosable clothier 99 upputyjrncuuun st ooalph mlaarsrsl r t ataseal eslres itabhlrast wrtches whtches a large stpck of american r watches in gold goldfiljed silver and nickel cases jtist pur- chased all reliable timekeepers ib savjq33 wjrrchjwmker- 1 guourh fitta btxutmmg notice to the 1 eeshrsettd br ser nsrnbsr m btj dldoast aeteaaaemuiul 71 a property m mjmji m re weavers fropertyr st posed at lots no n svd ii sad i tbv naif of lot ko t srs ossm fee ssk applr to john kewtee usnboam t 1 b weavers guard central rrbesl eatajte jobllntinq inclumko beaks t ipbliu pesun sun beads circulars ac 4c eieeotsdtai ic bssl styu of th art at moawau prlms ale taonnotiee applroradaraas j- h p moose psm patss qfflce aetet mm mil mm aeton liodge no 204 looj meets in tns oddfeuows- hall sutuww bloek svsrr weddeadsyeveolnj vutnai brssbren alwars weleome for com ol eeasz tatlos end laws spply to tbe undersigned or ear of tb members w w1luaiis k o bbw0bosk sseretsij dissolution of partnership take notice that lie partnership neratesese eitsttns between benry oriedsu sad oeorfs a dicklsson under tbe name of orlna11 a dl u bepatrsrs and mscbinists has ibis day been dissolved bv nrntaal consent witness our bands tbl sstb day of liar mb witness i bekby obitdeil w a mclean f geo adickkson tbe business will be carried on br air oriin den wno will collect all seeetuts dos tbe lata srm frank burces house painter paper hanger isign writer etc is prepared to auetjts orders in aar oi lbs above linas in tba bass m and si i tssms every lobbavlnf mrjisrscaj attesrdoa i ess assure customers compute ssrlafsffloa oralatof in all weeds a spselsllr orders left at my resdenee afaln t aetcfi will reesrre prasnpt sttentien notice to creditor fatbiox lamb daweabxd tbe creditors tlnrlndtna those bavinf any specific oreenaral uen npoo tbe estate or avy nndivided share thereof of patrick lamb parmer deessaed ef lbs voisfe of aetcas in the conntv of ballon who died on or about the bst dav of marcb ten an on or before the imdde otiultimuuoibrvottvreptuultaatii lamb aeton po or join lawsoa aeton fa esaentorsof the last will abttestaoesit of tbe said patrick lamb their etrristala name and surhajsea sddrini and descriptions and the full rjartseuars of their claims or secoonts and tbe nature of their security if any odd by tbetn aod farther sake notice thai tbe saldssecutors will proceed aflfr the aid utb day at july issi to dutrfbttte ihe asset of the said deeessed amoni ibe nexliss enuttsd tbersto havincreajard to tbs ehums ef which they shall bars had noties and tbay wtu net bs responsible far the assets or any part thereof so distributes to any person or persons of whose claims tbsy mar not bare rsoafred notice at the time ef the eastri- notion of said assets this notice is ffran perseaat tobju chap u0 sfcleahamcleak solicitor for exeeutbrs dated this sh day of june 18sl n a quicks reference to any book of the bible a rttj grmt oonreslaoec ejtv pk bkloqf ad adsnlnbl turuitemst for inundit referent it u m impnfavtit oa tbt drticm hitheito e for uw utbt pitrpom rjetgko fizltmov editor cjuuu prttbjeriui bqd roar bible to tbo ttndmifld and lura uiodexed albert laincl aoton oht irblknds desiccated wheat for dyspeptics and anyone with veak digestion tbt it the iktxakd nitlonahrtwd cotudi toronto t if sii third yiab in canada fob clines portable foot heater 1 over 00000 in use in canada aud tie lnlted etetes ten hours jboud comfort for2o i i i iavalnabla fee wnmutailsa sorts of tsblcles in tbe bouse bold anq in stores and offices i kou the ttumteaeodu roar eedere write for samples and prices to th cllne manufactuirngco 88 fioxr si wm twoxro aqints wantkd il jcjnelson wants to see you for he has what will suit you dry goods boots shoes andgk0eries a tttlix smucnsiv

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