Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1891, p. 1

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u m 1 inch rraworrtiiiairhoxoue dolkr per veer hp11 lo ad vn nr wttliln uirw moocfct fb rdatc towtribh mrr tabeerlpttoi aid it dtcmol bj- tie djte oa the liaw label eidll adverttte- trftwrtocn rata truttaat wtite fmltt koatrtil line tar firtho nto j wen vw a f uueautat covtairt iul itthc tollowlnc ttile t ti ratector the nofco of ertveruseokutefor ttecifted rri3di i- t ric siacu 10 itrbf lis 5jl faaw jiwo tv0 said os ltm soo sin 1 moo ltm tjtn too sw tsal too n js dlrectlona tocud eai cherced accord- mrecutemeate matt b rld jljteriimtaesia wttboat wtllbe inserted l isftr ttiaaxieaf la advance advertrteraenl iwin be chanced ouee each taeatu if deeir i koc chum ofteaer than once a mccto th compoolttoa tniiitbe tieid or at reccbu tltec cbenr for o tract adveruaenunts matt be id itfae odtcw bv i am ca tuesdays otherwise tit j sill ve lert tit ndl the ollowinc week aruoorf editor eadrroiirietoe ttosujtssfiittttarp vet htofrrv u b m c p b tt agwaauatrricitrcautceueaiberot colec ol pbrwkitot aid snrreoae 0eaad fecidefaee t the ibead of frederick street ictca d ruren 5 pbtuaty scaozos accoccbiecb orrtcst ixd fissxdcxccdr ittcgerviaa baaa eaeimc ko and frsertcj streets nl bekkett lds dentist ficovacrotx ojct4jji ixi t pstlrsrtilsid8ddsld6 deolut will be at quk i hotel every friday j d stirtgx dentists ktcrlatthftws kocknext pott office aewn- office pen crexy tfafc and the vary latest- tnuiods in deatistrj rhctibed- j rtktov f djb d btn m clkin 4 hclean buriiten solkitont is ottriee coatjjxnoere tp prinsefandetoloco 1 6aioe torn hill aetoc wk a fctris jso a sicltix shadbs est a pays low st pfiaei bodkstor pry quelpht sslls bank of montreal capital fcest chssh s1260oo0id 0001000 a savings department sft9 voeu cjvjd1 in connexion with branch interest alldwiit t turrtut ratts- jashf1nuay hcj glethi bran this v barber bros paper makers georgetown ont ullt a skcultf or macfrtne finished book papers high juait weekly xews t a kowat buxtsnu baucrfor noiiir pciuc icasertoloeii orrtct dm tbmdiy lai b4tordy orncx kicnrriai block acton npeteire xhewper used ih this journal is from the alfcve mills wm barber brosl jl steel exgrataxg qjhiltos waitbridge i btose bactirters solicitor t t tosdtto iso fitoiocrowi offieee creelfiians block qeorcetoim end treden bnk camtxrs63 yose it torocta jstttltos ejl kh tallbeirge b fbtone patents secured r jl foe invkktioss hesey gbist ottiwa cixilu twtnlj toertpixctice no iuizs no pit m heststreet licistoausnoxtre kor the coanxiee tot wellington end helton oniejelefltt tetfaxc pgesa ofice acton or et car reeiileaoe kx acton will te promptly at tended to term reeeonable ajeo moaer to loen on the matt fetoreble termf end e the lowest ratee ol intcteet in tataiot 5a0ejadapwcm john dat l rt1 architect gccljh oht ornceaeo hoj1 block market svinare lt of elchinrj colorfd tictdrcs picture mouldings ifoory qak framesi silvefe gilt e1raxcis ndnan saccetwortot v- cbipsiaof bookbinder atgeorgesqaire gaeljiboutirio accoaat bxjlt of ell kinci tattie to order perioditili ol ery dtcriptiou carefully boend bauntcxutftrf pronptly done tljlhe hanlak barber shop mill stixct actos la exhiutrttipgktmpooajtrjipi7e3 iltxon boaadndpatia fifitlt coaditioa lcdie lad children fciir uxtily eat j h wobdevtoaoriartiu welliagton jearble works qecetc grctt gccjph clark 4c carter beeeit imported of grifito tnd hirble konttmectfma hodtoee of til ibtde lad from th ocvettdeu all work nd iha- bcrittj tutcdtod aritcius prtiee aritbing to porcbtmi vtn pleue give as ccjl tbd inspect aarctodtcadprkcsre ire confident wrf cn compete witb oy eufcliibnient tn jotrio ka tins cold bat my aerestto toe ibbre firm recpectfallj solicit liispctrotitfie to my frieadi tad tb public oa their behtlf jhhahjlton i ageuts wanted it foa rnt ta tnike tnouej uxe bold end eudctrchofe sursery clock sow if tbe time write c it once for tenni may beothers narmrymed kochettec n v artists materials lullitocl p winsor a newtons fjiti bite doable tabfs3iotneys 10a b x 10 deep photo ifntiie cotupleu jbc 5 feet cornice pole iirss fitting 2c our wall papers ajre mid to be tbe best ttletted lu the cify j waters bros established 1877- st georges bquaret guelp jgnelph bnsiness college guelph ontario yolsg hen and womkn ixiatratod lor sue- etfal luint5 uucbrljow to trn hviuf intke uioncyiaj ihcoui cnjci7iriine osefql jliicot actlaif bisfness botb id tbeorcd jirc- eccitinc dtilr ei3critaco in jterebtnduinc- biliq hid otxicc uork lltur of our coarse 4l trtinmc- i fshoethandandtyjewliltlngtjicbjst field joteducaud jourfflrdica fcudtau wiifa- ifcjj to become ilwrtiimd writer wo tboroachly 5niled in tpawurts compondtacc tdom iiiiinc to becoici general varbatim reporters ere civeu tiecit th- an taces tflordod by to tiber tcboof in tbucountrj i penuanshih for bunns driaine tad dmtmenuj wora tault by tocxierteumed of lone tefcclfing experience i the french langlagb i laueut by the ifcteat develonaitnt 61 tbe natural llctbod itnd witbretnarkibtc rufiulls i for circalars vid terms addrtse i ii miccoitlilck priacipalj iatqacb8tru ratdfl tofarmcrf oa tbefr ownqotc u uiq looat arrqt talis at atdctet i k1m lotl oihic not ioliitd ttomiitljr ko uiv tmd or ccffftcujic foarpoiopatjnreipidoadlly btuncw of ttim ocjl tad uftrda depocu3 la tho btiojpb btik depcruieat ind coatpaaaded flterritktadntbt special arttunjctnauu pa bo tuad4 for torn deposited id th dfuxxit keceipc dpirtiuant foriuled petiodc dfcltc uiaed nd kkytblo lilcuirteotcnduaim18tta ana qrut britain it vary low rate j r a cacr ihtikloc buinci tnipuctod a k h ionfcs j ujauaorouelpb brtbch uuolpb decuber lkp smn binder best bjrjfcn t twine ds silver oittiposite blue wp cap ipbon 0 bottom wholesale prices os application joioj mbond c0 gtjelph crendells machine epair shop fanner smuu baa iot bi wtit il thedi aud uimmotu barn ij fittle boy whit ooo imill match llrtit up the whole couoern j you wife hell feel it tote a tijjn on beat- caa itaad uphiader inch fe load kheh hot tn lorodaceat vi tdolt known i illy liltu i ceii it a tr o uard the harveet of thrco yeare lu f acloue 1 baru and bin i i cat fool pity or a uiau who doublet lockahia door aud ktopa lili earetoall uiocriee tbetootno up frou tio poor i lifci to see oconotur i like to c uioa live andfav mp tomethiie 4 t hta they are ia the rare liut jpu tad i know very well froth what e both haveseeu hciia a uua which when tic crouod ft tnah cou to bo ineau tothainj ibeforo yliei wheat wit iliteen thutiuipi aprii lialdaewell smitji uid til watt or twny i vow 111 tell y tlici wbee ft rexbod that ogure ho taid to mo onenoori i ricte iniioi4itiotuier tvdlue thrco lollart aot he hjild it cad be ran la debt for thine to wctt andfoct mcrchajjta duanedjihla bo would iy uwtilllkllmylwbeavv tbatold tanoijot fiddled out and tueii bcln to iae lbo ixigan to borrow to wtj oocouu m loog juej feltb joe off t tuy a tbioc bo plat aud tbotowa j and tries with til bl tnfeut tad latin the prico totbtijter down j hvbu anything to ich til priccjeci in hu oi and e mtftt bavo the hicbost uicrk thq lowest wheo ho boyi i live and let lire arc golden words tbi other mottotoch- jinto others ss youd wish that thetjwould do to you it suiith bid dona u they com wind bo would aot hsve tcdjv sbee of hree beurcsu to lotd and drew awsy j j f you tsio berr aad dry it in tbdtua shrivel up till it takes jtwo to d3alco the clfoafouo satnlyi man grasping crsin to shrivel op his sool r whetl sood aud wbeo wljea do the t wife twill thatit fill neer expend tcsin vhllo lifes ycatra bcr him roll i tod lless the tinners ol oar land they sro not ajl llto him who waits around that smouldering pile now in tho twilight dim livinb on gods broad acres thrir souls expand and grow j tbciij cars are over open to cal woo godlj wtit tics of want and in aulditiod to nachinefcv preiiarcja horse shoei gener 1u a uiott satitfsctory manner woodwork re- pair alo made onairidg i id now blacksmlthlng new planing mil saihvnd dor fictorj john cameron contractor bu fitted up tlio building on 3dain btrect lately ccupid at a trunk iactorwilili5wtnctiinery nd l prppared to furnish plans spciflcatlont abdestimati for al cloibts ol buiidincs and execute all kinds of i dhessikg matching and jiotfldlng xake ali sttlks uy- i saehes doors slid wmdowb and dooij frames stnddretsediuiaber and keep a stock on hand i all olre proinpay iirlea to actcm livery i and j bus wm carefal attention givfia to oil work brought in j any machine or implement by whomsocter mtnutacturod will be rimired in awork man plow andmtciiiuery band repairs constantly oh hnrtgrindell sbaw 181 x while returning tiianks to our mtuj pst- ronelor theirliural sapport la tbe pest we wish to inform ypb that we hare entered into an crrcaement jrtth r stewart gaelpb tokeepcoactantlyonmnds fall stock of the ordinary sisefl of 1 sash doors etc and will alto supply any tpeuj sixes oa short notice at gaelpb prices frames or ae6 kinds madetoordef wealth keep in stock line of hue window end doxnfccsiac corner blocks c yoarlnnberdrid while voa welt price f4 60prji i pumps being better able than heretofora wa will snnply either wood or iron pumps promptly ah work gnarcnteed sausfsctory please call and inspect before pnrcbaidog elsewhere j mag ebbage hanaeer agents wanted in prcry township to sell tlie pictorial cyclopedia of llte 8tock anjl complete stock doctor the moat eomputacod comprehensive work ever pablitbed iusxttborsstaod at the bead of toir profession and hare a eotitifaeatal repu- utioo worth its wefrfivlu old to any one bxring hotses hbeep gtue swine poultry j doc err b- a tiaf opporufnity to mwe inoaey secare erotrj at one address r h n moyeri publutfcr f 120 ton e8t toronto the uuderniguedrtiectfulrvsoloitstbopatroa i sge ol tbe jiublicand informs tbbm that ei equipped and stymbh rigs cbsii si- 1 1 ways be secured at bii stable a comfortable bus liieeta 4 trains bctwten v am and 8lfe p i csrell attention given toe very ome the wants of comuicrcial travel- coalcfes wood jaesterqwn hasduutuiljarejqusutuf ofekctillcnt coal which he wtll pruwjptiy deliver to sn- part of lie tovnjst resaonible price lcrs fuljy met john willllam wellington mutual rreihsprahce cqmpamy head office cuelp insuresbuildingftmetcbahdtrelfanufactoheg itndatl other deccriptiont of incurable property n tbfe csb and premium note hystcm w stone chas davidsokr preeident j managf john taylor agent hardwood kud slabs cut stove length always oubnd tstopfadttecoinmqaioatioa l k fe- cook l co r oeosoetowt imxiufd aoottonsun japprtlmn vaju- attorc colhjlfton rui batata sad oeaenlinal agntc romrxzcozrqziar htltonl pi wdtlingtoit stumoe tor ta9attio i r if i licroct to loeq from dne air ocr cent parties plactfle tiieir aalee or other boafaeaa lti dor bauidc wui hare the tame protnpctyttteaded to at moderate cbattea i orrtat lb luit booka iait st ceonie- mx kldre bjs it cook t- co bjlesos orncx t queen st but toronto 1 g u cook co aoctioneeri haiiultoaiblartle works trakiltonti hlocittfonuorly hatdis block im x tbe fibre corner ol woolwich and norfolk treeugublphont i f john h hamilton proprietor i wboleasjeand retail dealer and direct j mporier cad lnsuufacturer of all kinds of granite ahl j uarble ifsaomeuts tombstoaes etc htrfar tad aa extensive experience for the last 10 yera be public may tely ou getting alii saperjor irticces at a cheaiiei rate tutn acy otbtr dec fa tlia west 4 b- 15 per cent off on a direct order elverf for the next sotun i picrejtwire fbfnfelngl ajci6inuoo of pct naalng it inseparable durable abd the most terfect fence oa earth ic djestrort nv ground rbal4rer and if beaaty bejeoasiderid a td- antsge it is the neatest aniliaodsotnest femeb naae dont inreat your nioney ia s boiit enter when you can j tare nearly oaeihclf 4a lhen bare a better f ttnee at the end 4ast trf it kndlf notsffanditticind we wiji bar freight both ways we mettn whit we foixe reedy coltaad the eonaernietcixj prfelittraamlictfaae r t j m d00let ic cor c ciiofdh 1 rl irelhnd desiccated wheat for dyspeptics und anyone wifli weak digestion j tetit the iheland nattpnal food co ltd i toronto thirdxeahlk oimadafor clines portable foottheater less the mcu whereer they be fa coantry or in town who lo not thick lit lifes great work to crowd their neightwrs down this yorld would bo the better this ufawpald pleasure give r i if ctiry nran who uulsto live would let ms brother live american paper select jfattrils skdiragi be lfincolq stenjvlgiler hi m ahd where at you walfcalon horsy heart at eiory tp tlio roitli ol a turifi haw and whero bfoodi x ar rhgett ai colawibg heir mother in aoarct bi food tamo at chickcui kcw t wai oa oat- or tho kttlertp tuhjiit blfnmuj a thti li dlana foreit as it would to for ind of th uuntemon to hvo in n great pari if haoaalj thoct as much gitmcc at lib itlux thomai lincoln therefore iwtng tach a man as hej via dcttitiiterof atnbitiancrhe for ulntn tctm hit children tootilifo vry eaafljljj and any one actiualntodwitb he family would iiaro foretold for kb aliam jn bifiher destiny than that of a t natter on the frontier or m flatboat i141 d oa the rivers a terrible and mysterious epic jmic swept ovor that country t calles ths mi it doasc one of tho numcroas maladies caused by tho iettlers total disregard of sa iltary cbn- ditioaa ono of tho viotima t us nancyj lincoln tho wifo of tliomaa an motherof abraham thaliutbafid who htd been her only nnrsaand only physician was now her undertaker alto ho saved and haniii mered some gijeeii boards itlto ja long box tho few neighbors about wintyin all carriodand followed her remain 1 to a little eminence half a milo away and tlieta they buried her in tho virgin soil of tie widerj ness there was no ceremony performed at her funeral because there wis no ona competent to perform it socitj months aftcrtwhen a roving preacher on mo aong ijchoroas lincoln induced him io preach a jfaneral sermon for his wife and hustthis omistioa was madegood jt i thirteen months passed the wtdwar who was not disposed to bo both fatheri and mother to his children started fo his native kentucky in quest of a wife anc tber ho ifound bally eusli who had once rejected his suit had married his rival fclinstpne jand was now a widow with t hret children kb called upon her and prxipose i without beating about the bush well miss johnstone- sii thotiiak t have no wife and you have n jhusbaijd i came a rrarpose to marry you i knowedi yon froirta gal and you inowed me froma bay i hiv no time to loseanc it you are willing let it be done straight off t3mmy was her reply i fcnbw yott welilaijd have noobjections to rnarryiiig you but i cannot do it straight off aa i iome debts that must first b 1 paid j t tlie cerernony howbver took place ori jthe following morning the del tihariag ibeenlpaid in the meantime and cry speed ily tno married pair and all tneg ods whict the widow bid possessed were pi ceil 1 upon a wagon and drawn by four hop sk af jour- ney of some dajb to thomas llnedlny cabin inlndiijiia these good ware of jiv jautl fliitos he eutyfive years ago on a graasy hillock in tli imagnificcnt primeval forest of booth- em i adiana a few oniles from the ohic rive stood the small unhewn halffinish 1 1 1 ed ar dmost forlorn log-cabin- of taooias line in the father of the president was an id e shiftless worthless carpenter who had i ken up land in the wildcrnesal and lived by half cultivating a few acres and over03tloota utcln canada and the i lnltd states i ten hoars solid comfort for 2c invaluable for use in all sorts of vehicles in the household and in atbret and officee now ia the time to tend in your orders write for camples and prices to the ctfrte maqufactufrng co t8 froxt st aoemt8 pesi toeoxio wanted to see for he has what will suit you dry goods boots shoes and t i roceries i a trial golioited aliooing the wild turkeys the deer and otbei game with which the region teemed tt 3 occupants of the cabin were himself his v if e whose maiden name was kaiicy hani i aad two children kancy eleven yean of age and abraham the future presi lent nine 1 1 lppose there jiever was a more beauti- ful a untry than this pari of indians as it was i efore tbe settlers disngnred it im agine an undulating coantry covered j with trees of the largest sizeoaks beichesl wal nuts maples without that intertaiugled mass of undergrowth which we find in the prim rval forests of the eastern state th s hind bad probably been witnih a few enturies a prairie the forest hod game 1 upon the grass hut here and there there was a small portion of the original prair e ief t which besides furnishing good paste re gave to the region the aspect af an ancie it heaviiy park the result pf labor wealth and taste erpended for age up m same of these oasis of emerald the deer ound salt springs to which they re- sorte in great numbers on the widet ei- pans 3 the bnffaloeshad recently fed on other 1 the arriving pioneer haii filed his camj and built his cabin th 1 knpll on which thomas lincoln had place 1 his house was free from tees and s oped gently away on every side the spot 1 ad every charm and every advantage excer one there was no good water within a mil and it fell to the lot of these chil dren a bring from that distance the water lrequi ed for drinking j ca penter as he was thomas lincoln had 1 ot taken the trouble either to finish or to furnish his house it had no floor no door no windows there were three or four hreelegged stools in the house and no ot ler kits the table was a broad slab supp rted by four legs with the flat side upwa j there was a bedstead made of poles ttuck in the cracks of the toga in one come of the cabin the other ends being snpp rted by forked sticks sunken the earth n floor on these poles some boards were aid upon which was thrown a cover ing o leaves and these ik turn were covered with jrins and old clothei for cooking nteni is the family posseaseda dutch oven and skillet tner6wa6 a iofl in the impel part if tlie cabin but as the shift- less oneerlfaad not made either stairs or a ladde- little abe was obliged to climb to his p irch ai night by pegs driven iqtothe io 1 th 1 children were no better cared for than he house they were illclad ijlfed untai gfit andharshly treated the father natui ally disposed to indolence found it so easy o subsist in that rich coantry by his rifle vith which he was extremely expert ajndf om hia patch of- cdnx arid r potatoes whiol bis wife and tfiiildred cultivated tbatj he ga v way to his natural disposition and paste i hia time when he was not- hunting in tel ing stories tohls neighbors he wag tho g eat storyteller of the comity a- char acter ia much reqaestoa the frontier in tbo early iays j 801 u readers have doubtless visited the nchl wooded parks of oermany francs or 1 gland where the game is carefully prme ved where droves if cleah glittening black pigs and great herds of deer are seen abo mid ilia fir a pootioyi spi i can tdy what icarcelt one woman can say fa a tlionsand abo never gave me a cross wbrdor look and never refused in fact or apptjarance to iq anything i reqnested ihimj iiif mind and mine what tittle hal j tocntod to ran ligef her t had a ton john wiu teas raised with abe both were gooduboyt bat i mast lay both now btung deadjthatabowas he best boy il viritawi i did not want abai to ran for president did not want him elected was afraid somehow 4 and when ha came down to ie me after he was elected president- 1 still jfeji that tomethng woald befall- abe and thkjt ishoald seeihim no inoro she dislsbon flet and lies buried in an obsenre grave while the son whom the rescced from- squalor ignorance and de gradation has a monument which piercefr thoskiesj the muchmaligned afsterhood of itepmofhers might well combine to place a memorial over her tomb j what a fregktmaster dlbi jd8 art3endarfr6ifhe-pa- ttt almost every article d harain j con venience or necettltyin insjrkei tckdy- has beep effected mors or less by itw lawt of tie pentoflioe andflaeldt a pjofit teritt fortinate itttetnfor i if we bay wbbx of papir oolkrtafew3eou of the parchaae mooey goes to tie ia vtnter we bay t tew ing machine wprobab1y dmde the money betsfeeh jen brfa doxeif pertpni who haw jema kud sli fewlne a right to sharer iuoy lante fcfinne have beejafsdfro the iceidenul discrfy of soine rifla ihat was round to supplyja longfelt wast apd andmonnmeutt tare beet erected in iwnorr ot men who were beirefactert without at r altinteudingtobe 1 w our cinl war wasja colonel who shsrid the fortunes pf tusj meu and often sqnered for wast of ifdod aud water many plan forobfatmni the latter waa jtriedand abamionid in ditpeir wheit one day he conceived the idea of driving a i wq inch jfuhe info the eatlhdwf water was an engine bumped against tome empty yreacliedand hen attacwua a parap and cars jnthesarlydawbof awiotetmarilfng il f i coasmerahle value there was which had cost forty dollars- 1 nd which thomas considered sinfqllyj m tgaificent and urged her to sell it but si e was no xincoln and refuted to do this rtietowas a table a set of chairs a larie clcithes chest some cooking utensil kniyes and forks bedding and other articles essential to civilized living j abraham lincoln never forgot the won der and delight with which he 1 ehem the arrival and unpacking of this w igon ioabt 6f unimagined treasdre neithir i10 nor hit sister had over heard of su dt things the new mother on lier part wi s wof ally disappointed on seeing tho wretc icd caouf iti which she was to pass her da ys far it teerns that thomas lincoln h id drawn upon his imagination in descbtng inv abde uml indeed the rtlo hovel tii a great advance upon the ha iinclosed wigwam in which he had lived uring hiai first years residence in tho ildenieas but bally bush unlettered as she was had in her some of the best qua ties of a civilized being sho was anatutal enemy df choas and all disorder she f as a wo man of high principle genuino ii tclligen6e and good tense she therefore accepted the dismal lot to which thoma 1 lincoln liad brought her and at once set about making the best of it she made her idle husband put a floor to the cabin then windows and d mrs wel- come appendages in that cold mo ith of dei ccmber she made up warm beds for the children now five in number b the ad dition of her three the little lincolnl even in that wintry season were h tlfnaked and she cloihed them from fabi ids saved for her own wardrobe they hkdbeen neverused to cleanliness she was lied them arid taught them how to wash tl emselvesi they had been treated with hardness she opened her heart to them treated themra shedid her own children and m tde them feel that they had a mother moreover she had a talent not merely fof indasiy bat for making the most of everything she was a good manager agoodiconomist very neat in her own person or lerly thd- regular in lie housskeeptng 1 te whole i aspect of the home within anc without was changed even the land ts as bettep cultivated and thomas linotlnwas somewhat less dilatory provider happily too she took a particular liking to abe then nine years old utte ly igdor- ant wholly unformed hut goo humored and affectionate he became w irmly at tached toher and as she often 6 lid never once disobeyed her or gave her a 1 isrespect- filply she soon hod him nioi ly dressed iii new clothes from head ito fo t and it a speared to maka a naw bciy of h m being n dm decentlyiciitd ho could atte id school v hich he had never previously done andj v try soon lie showed those nidi ations ot intelligence which led to his en ering the profession of the law sometlm s the boy liad to walk four and a half mile 1 to school j j and when he reached it the mstruction fflven as not j of a very hig t quality jsvery winijer however added something hisknawledge and widened hi e vi hisjgrititttdej to this excel le it 01 as pleasing to witness he u dto or iter as bis aaintly mothei of hi angel of a mother of the w iman- hi first made him feel like a humn being who taught mm that there was something atsfor him in the world besi lest blows ij j u irt j rii a boy who had been asleep iii one of them wax thrown daxedfand bewildered againt v the door which ha had pallet io whea ha crawled tutoihe car th nighi before j jutt then a braksman tjiratt hit head into- the car tns retched for his jacket which he supposed was hanging where he hsdleftkt he iris somewhat larprised to find a toy on it and took it rorn him withoatoeremony l now get oat of here he said thrash ing the boy from the door it i catch you in ana of these cart again ill give you to a policeman whats hebeealup to biltt laid a man- who was patting freight into the next cir r up to my coat he taid givinfcit a v porous shako as he walked off the boy looked dirty and rejected as he ii nped along fay the side of the track the n an whohad tpoken cilid after him huiio there dooawant ijpbp the hoy turned hick gjuicklyl ityaau help ma to load kiem firkins t 1 pay yqa or it feat youll hire w wort h lv v jithe prospect df a little money brightened the boy and hasetowocsvui earoeaf i ihoagh he was stiff and cramped and haoi w i jdo yoalive around herel atkedthe tmn 1 mrhq boy shook hii heail i in case we thoutd wiht tp hires ooy asoat yoar tire cin yqa give me anjre cwmendatious as to your character i jjthe bdyt face flashed bat be made no a kareauv jtnswer the man watched hint narrowly ridicule and shame after hjs father death he paid tbe mortgage on punful io itsesgejniss asjhe followei the boys fi when the car was loaded handed him entyflve cents saying were thort of nasiu the freightroora do yoa think jtfud like the job 1 lf yes t would like itj the inm into the freihtrixim now sard the freight man sestint mself on s box well have a bit of taik wqsb we get to besinees i dont know anything abottt you i exoept that yoq are la and hungry you ioakthal bat i thiuk it is likely ihat touve rot into some s rae for yoa if hadnt yoa oaldatb ic ai bg about ttalious and deeping in fi sfl ht cars im not going b ask you il y iu have done anything wrong bat x an g ii g ask if youve gets mot ier ko shes dead got iuiy fathec or folks jit belong tq 1 mini t w t-vt- ive an ancle sad tame caaiias well ndw if yoa had mother id efulyoa to heri no- time for there ht thing that idqthsr wqat forgive tbaf ucies sudcoasius are differeutl ic i recommend yoa at the office thei w ii take yoa bai mind if i d it im goj in i towatch yoa at a cat does a mouse y ittu have to spend your evenings and s todays with me t went j wrong myself- when i wttnc pher than you ire towering his voice if in if it hadnt been lor mf mother w ell that wits a long time traa ago- yo a t twitched upaq the wrong track i ac yi ry sare and at yoa havent tnymdlhei tc help you get on the right ode god help- id me ilpcta it if youll let me preaching iantln niy line battheres o it one thing yoa dont want to forgetj ti d that is the good father it giving yoa s li ante now to cet back rhereyaacau d right ard feel righnfareiyda going to ttseiti j j the boy answered faintly that hcwouid tr j he waa ttkep into the reightyardj ai d was under his new friends eye conj t tntiy and it wasjnot long before thaoaq h i so won his confidence that lie fold him hi t siory j there was trouble and ditbdneaty boni in cted with it but foci two years the lad i oved himself faithful and truttwprth in i new occupation h was tneaadvancj ec to a- mora responsible position bat there w is something almost pathetic in his d vdtion to the man whohad befriendea m and in his respect for the religion he piofetsed i here was practical christianity worthy ky maus ecaulaiion roktte cobpaaioai lanheprohlinj wasplvedv 80 tlmple if wisvtnd yet so turs that the jwoader was it had not beeafoaol eat king before and all over the country tbe iivtorof xie i tubewell washeldiugratefalreniembrance atnopglhe large fortunes made from the invention of small things maybe meution- edthait from the stylographiqpen aud a pen for eluding in various colors which yields jts ownerfqur thoaiand pqonds par annanr alaeprofihasibeenieaped th mlnir wh4 invented aimetiffire or eyelet ateach ndof the raoalb of coat and troaiere pocket to resisi ihemraiq caused by frjying bftsooreajnd beavy tools the man who- happened te thick of small metal plitesjfo protect the goles and heels of toots made his fortaiie at one stroke for i is said that in the bret jeax of their maoafaetre there jwere roldi oyer twelve mill ons and iu less than- teu- years his pr6ats wereover aimiuion dollars ithe- idisoovaryotperforaied material for bottom- ing chairs hat made a million of money jfoc he lacky patentee years expiriehce he hit upqh thiriplan phich jconiistsiof glaerog thin liters or wood together so that they sliajl be both strong and pliable he formed lcompany and tdrday is in receipt of princely incomo from hisjinventioit jl j ode of the largest tqtnt ei obtained fori any invention was for the inverteii glass beirtdihang ovetgas jets so as to iprotecttbe ceilings anilfe gimlet pointed screw has proddced tjaorei wealth tor its lowner thsh iiver mines- the american who conceived the odd notion of ipntf ing copper tips to the foes of childrefii shoes if as rich if be were a member of the royal family afd his income is qqhble thit oftliabreiiueiit of lite ujikfl states the genius wjio gave jrdlier titatea 0 che young people vas well regarded for tit work ajthbdgtr i1i1 patent had nearly expuf- before they becaaie y ihersge l a jvery aeefal ihoagh mal tboiioa is- the darning weaver which repairs stockings nndeiarmentstciand thetprbfita from its tale already- wbnderfaifsj large are coniliully increasing every ie jhts heardj of the great fortnneit madebyiihe fnventprs f lie sew- j iug machine ittie etjntrtl tdes of this j great invention was iiie eye in the point orthe needle arid with that far starting addltiotis liava been j made antil every separate portionoc the coniplicateaffairi has special pileiit the leiephone the puning laschihe kud jtfie pnbberpatauts have teiluaj taany miiliont escli aud tlie simple idea otlieatini iii blatin iron bmeiting increasevi lie ealth bt the- boantry by uitadredsofjs millions au thdrmoas fjrtane grew oat ifaa accidequt qitcovenf that if osadieswere moijed iti a socket with tapering etida tfvty coufd be mqrb easily rerqaved aud a simple 00b- trivanne for ibreiding needles brought t author en income of several thousand- tplirtl4li western peoie jsj- wll i flf ix ill ffeiqetpheji aesitev i x iukipyai srkti ii i 1 nay gel roahat sud borryt t ufmacsimfsoatoppeketrlc 6 cbberriesl rdeawateorrr ro-tpifletolaajattituietal- ii irk what i yty to joi faty i roiirlllaebtatdeilivirt gfrtlialiatajijtiof ih iasariitttttacheaiiaadlrt f tl r the fielda for so well ofce v aoltaa jsn aa yoa in me t 1 jt ill all bteusat on our porjidi i i lti uttoiue iae birwtujayiea iiviweete jibtlier baidful woaidnt burl- th jeonfi jenurhafleioo atartloataa tbeapaadin jflinydoat get ill a flutter j lit tbit kettle rigtj ewajr iv ill till the croei4iib injje batter lheli the heni begin to lsr 1 r cihewoqiroastlaiottfirjor ijfl myi jannnhallelajer i ugsrt just avehesp as dirt 1 he yer one vb ivamths bertieti 1 1 eruh the sitcben ultlt jiittedn s id laadt well bevii bail otoharrlat ij nd eon a wacooiqadof efirop phuitaqpehcbe ipfrfos r t 1 t eroeirot pttmpitu woaidnt hqrr jfliqyjrinihaufriool j j i agaet raia cheap at dirt r xi- ntaian v if t 4 it x c ipd vybijf trik oas thfl p icnlarity et lia 1 lawyer w tijwell iiiqwnst a t if r ifisweeiiy was a thorough student of haman natare kad maierof the art ot obteryatfcn jotting escaped hit hoticey r whlie engaged upon a case be watched the lury as s cat watohet a mouse audtre- qaetlykatonishedhiijcliemtsbyeriduig i ijis argufaflufa very abruptly and soljmit y tingthe jatter to tbe jqry j r great criminal merder trial in san frai cifoo ajiw ytars aio mr icsweeoy ippeired forj-ine- ide- fendant i- j c i the hate apparently had made out a- ery clea c catq against the prisonert i when fr mcsweenyvarose tq make bit v address b tnejary ht carefnliy atajded- any refer nce to the tacts set forth mir th etjdencet f tlie laws governthg them hft pointed 3at she ferribja reipottsibilitt- retting tpodtbo twelve then who werar sitting in judgment upon the life of one- of t w citizens he added thst tha ierdiettfrgnilttwqnldnot fill heaviest jpoiithi prisoner but iipohbis family he asked the jury to think for a mordent of jtha tfidjt of aiajiyeria verdiet upon he wife and itthsooes pi the prisoner then t m speaker- drew a wordpietura wllicli w s a marv6l of artistio rhetorical wdrk ebrouiht before the eyas of the jofymen tlie home of bjaaecnie maif ha shov edjhe- patient and loving wife latving i er iwork cast rqahy ail anxiooj ghtheedewniiheroad to tee if bar hatband jyet in ight eaier to be the firtttq i impse of his anre ibtjiedislanoe ii ekniing tappet might await him upon his tirlyal eepictaredthreetnddt faced 111 le jciildreu tw jngiiij on ihe c3d gale wai ing till papa should boinehoibe tojthem tgaiq atiliii point the lawyer noticed thai one of i the j irytnenra jbluff ld westerter haicont 3raw difficulty in twallowang a large lui ip which chokedbim and that there vva alospicioos rsoisiore tnbis eyr the ekker jaoted taruiu toward the fatov- heiielfl oot bolh hands m aliqi chjlduililivhjavtdooe to iwlfather and in a tone th ii wasscrcelyaucitile geut emeu yia in oil tend him hoof bem- j lite juror f f m 8 yes iyr well do il too we nty instautly sat oowb tha wat woo ihis client wai acquitted batttuvioetiuferesljug point iqtbij qtsa pethapi was ihe fact which the lawyer afterwarc irerhedtbat ihelpritonara the bar nas an onoiarried majr chio ifdit v ethers are proud of the great ifccorrqick- fdrtkue which oame from ta i uvection of the reaper and huhanja blessing to tqnireds outside fhe ieorowcireie of its nitajraliinheritors every trade employ- ment oc profession has felt the aid if i iv 1 1 vanausiarticles patent for jtsexclusive qbe agriculjare ia particular is not at ali what it was even fifty years ago and the farmers have been irfjed up by khehqmer- out riding plows tteaat tbrshers reapers and other helps so tha qne man ian now do the warjejof ir and with less fatigue our kitchens have heqorrie abnnlkta mus eum of ingenious nateutedeontriyauces snjfeven ciiaii wsahiug the moei monotonous of all work has become a rega ar triamph of skill by means of ia womaaa bright hnvention s a hlavjuex seejno ankn lenrinenjloctt chief jt vino j to speak of him without trairs sir johns repartee her farm assisted her children and ent ier money as long as he lived v i i aiter hewaselecled to the iresfdencyi jnd before he started for wash ingtqn he bsm ier a visit shd was thai vary bid andiinfirrrland he marked the change ii her appearance shahadbeenjverj tall vonlan straight si an indian handsome sprightly- talkative with bea itifalhair hat curled naturahy she waa now bent indfworn with laborand sorrcw and he we her a farewell with a f isentment jhat he should see her no more she too was oppressed with a vague ear of the future when mr hernhon tt 9 tiw pari ier of mr lincoln visited be ai iet- asassinatiod of the preeidant 1 he was nol flk jt 1 til ia till col wyllie thei father of thai canadianj iess is an octogenarian althoagh so low he aid only at times speak as to be under j stood he was able recently- tq tell the folj- 1c wing reminiscence he metsir john on tl e occasidu of a press excursioq tome tea yiaoj ago at riviera da leap sir john aiikeucalwylliehowoid he was- thacoiauettaid i am uder thau yoa bur john l sirjohn replied the bearer heaven then the colonel said if all the stories tjtay ter about yoa are trua i am af rail sir john you wiilnever tee heaven sir john slapped him on the back km whispered in hit ear blessed are they that are reviled v tltt m yet dacha thlta wm 1- 1 flnl v m ioiftin uneasily tin his 1 rudjlat1- 1- m quyinc afionnett all shoi ping ladies feif at it disilpalt bat ihe so preme prublem is tbe purchase of the hat 01 bonnet which boniptetet or elie desfovs hvfcflectot a wiiole costume iti iseiectj la mast be indeed a trying arid periioasjodeal i i observi tbe coanlenanceof a lay of discreet 1 ears and fosionable ettirflwbo winta weninjt- bonnet idahl -iha- tfoar iwhi ih shiipends jiif tfe niiiiierl- shop her apresiibn changes f bam hop to doubtlfrc ri dqabt to kiisery frajm niitery th despaii inil when she fixaljyjiayt awrit tnqtwift 1 unbecoming little conaloaienuo of pfume and j ce add goet bit we tea of plutne mstlugtii ah eminenjtlocd chief justice wtiq was tryipg a right kit way caae had before bims witness ah old farmer who was proceedingi to tellfliaiary tfist-be- had fknowedthepathifor sixty veer and my fieythec todld i is- he heerettmy grand- feythereay stop i saidtba judgey canthavp 1 ny hearsay evidence here 5 not ruxcisimed farmer dilesthen bow dost know who fhy feytner wis cept w hearsay 1 -i- 1 i after the laughter bficxiubsaled i ha judge taidl in coartsdf law wecsa oulr be ii guided with what yoorhaye seen with yoar qwn byes nothfeg more orless i jhthat5eblowjd for a tale replied- the farmer i ha a bile on the back of nyqeck and iuever seed qai hut ibej yrepared to swear that hes there dang lk v tbur second triamphoa the part otthe witubss tetiq la torrent of hearsay evidence abqortthe footpath which qbtaiued weight t witb the jury albeit- the judge told them it waavhqt testimony ot any value and the larmeriparly won r j i hed advertise them x i can ianyqne broke- up the lawryar it do yod know- the value of an oath li asked the judge of the old darkey who was tip be the next witness f yes ash t does one ob deae yean bwyers dona giva ma foah dollari lotto twear to tuffin daft de value of aq oath 4oah dollars tahi j and then there was oinsterritou in tbe qoortroom a art innooant mixture i wbat makes yoq color your alhq fvadl asked the onnoas old gentlemau if lhaairaqa merchant great soot 1 wis heindiifnabt response yoq dont aspejjt nt to take money for cleat water do yoa kmmmmymiimmmmbsmbmgwnwilwwlebi fi talk ofidvertisementtl beat th i wh ich an exchange voqphes for as literally truelr v i merthaijs io western town ifld apro- minent member of a charch who lathe absence ot the ininiitersometimes fills thej palpit after rafttrning froqv new ridtfe where he had been selecting a stock of new goods he found that tbe minister hail been suddenly called sway ttere was good chance rushing into- the pulpit slier the qongregation had asiembled- anil tiitqwing- his hat behind him he exolaipnod panting ibr breath bretherql ydu trios steate me for being late but i havefjast returned from j nevymfc wnatfyljhave rmrtohaajd oiieof thehajidsqmetvabj bmtastorte mojtks of dry goods ever inhibited in tktia qltjx an jwhioh nrlfl bxdjily a4ertisedffllni iletaspsrsvi- i m i if k m m w rn vfr i f f w hi an pity for the first pirscm she qtafyriiee whrnu the knows well enoogh to p l i7 slill nsre hvetehedisthe ntpmpslad beaaldere i jrtatrbu from the aianiry who aftejr a yi bolemomings vin search- tor thej8dudiy bonnet of jier areias jj- wearied oto baying a feathery fiowatw taoiethin r which she is ashamed of s io lias p ijd for it tsycf whioh she knows will be gr wted with exclamations of horror by ier fa nily ihq willneter let her wear r j- j i hordos the vivacity of tweet edgbteexr 1 1 i j t always taupe unscathed beheld thre yoong gi is one of whom desires a hat ijj tbrfy caj nre a mirw abid an attehdaatin y thei rpon s of k ffsiohabie mihiner aol lrue thenssives iipto the work jthp victim tr ea on hat after sat bat none will e is fop high one loo bjroad another asnv sttlish and in another her 00m- jpaaions 1 saore her the itjapositivs iright ooovei stion cohtinoes- memlyail the rwhilo- be waver- until at lengih the fnflhds tire of vaiusg and bestow enthusiastiq praueso abloe hat withihalfadoxe wings v oult w lich tejherefote boughiar paid for as all rise to gov theae twjirtm siai ohetrfuli f couversrngi blrt the gnrcbaaer j iajsileut she parries her browntissued pel la tiy in her hind anil is reflecting haiifj he ohjuikes the fringe frotn tba fj- ni to he sibjfir may look a little better j ways di4lodk saliowin h blue add al jsyf wihj morioter she- i v privatel qmaiiaritj that bet inpanioni hiva be- uqiurns w her atdher simpia j faiffiin vimm titiebdthip isisdl- awani ii- 11 v i i n jsqch ltbictflt s we ahauredjto boy thtrtee ily co ew snd fondly tntieipatad appends ja a oea tionhetl eritl rneflicraal iil j slejvrquld yoa behave ifc ttatirioas j littfem k we itoatha unghtl ac baby to its alter gjandpa l r y a hatiid ifedo thalok 8 r- he- tawasw shant ttitth he it oil anoui b toibalhar faibau 1 1 m vii sp 35s89s9lppf

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