Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1891, p. 3

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l m w the methodist came a v asv jqthtpe sms ml rr auetsllt invited bank ofi kamlltq head ofpici haactltqk v he ews mottly of a local wao ar nd utile titi zfreata ftet- aem on monday evening ti d inuttwiugi liuto samtiyceriotd a r nioktla km etigsmd a glty n famttlttri fcr itiivsrit tirxmxi tuooooo i moaox h s steven um eirtti dajrraooaunartaofriv pouta ssssitf waa si dep r saving deputuent i perotrrarwrivedotettnabnarir rj ijsr rroai ssi aft krectlt derowt8 boucf erf iimrtnl nqslnx h h watson ac nt sign of the jig watch geb hyncis i watches from 3 up docks from siupavedding rials from r up new and tasty designs iq jeveller- cruets jktmes forks vtchis rife p the repairing of w atebpt clock jc cilery and swcticlc kftaclw and e lock qlvtutactll teursday jtlv 30 1891 h littlg local brieflets which cautrht the eyes or ears tbf fri press reporters this week hajfjjrj summer vacation gone polled ra the lower end of ibsooantyhut week geargstowanterwock will cost 2 30 exclusive of extras i whit about that stray animal runhifig fith yoar stock just now robinsons circclsxtoak a few of citiien to gaelph yesterday j yesterday afternoons shower m mtjst refreshing after die dry tad daty weather llr w smith jr will shortly open a grocery in the premises vacated by u dtughtar ih feli the wtht j king co have t0 come in for i 1 t 9 tl v tfee foandatioaior the netc residenoebf mr pihenderaoa up on sower aveaije u aboat completed ifeaart brdmore t can of hemlock bark yet m their waeap inpply y apeijlgst of hinneapoiib paper from ur aagnj ktanedy baa beep received at the ftrr ptxi- office racton cornet band will favor oar eitirenawith another concert in franklin sqaare tomorrow evening what about actons civic holiday wbea aball it be and to what point would an excarsion be acceptable nearly every farmer who comes to town these jays has a supply of bindrr twine with him on his return four bicycle toarirta froni jackson ville iil passed throngh acton last thors- r day morniflg ea rout lor bosioni i several cars o new wheat of fitie qatiityand averging fiij lb to the basbel have been sold at toronto for ho cents father devlin recently appointed the parish of acton and georgetown con- doctod servioe- in st josephs cbnrch ltkt ecnday i hamiltoo police have inatmcttom to 1 arrest medicine mea and others who tack ains and placarcu on telephone ad f6aphpous a very pretty htrle shetland popy aid outfit to match pasta throegh afton tast tbnraday from toronto for mr w h smith gcelph it was mach admired by those who saw it the firm stock and household effects of jhalate mary thompson lot is conj 2 etqueeidg will be offered for sale by taction on friday uth aog ww heueteket auctioneer a cardeparty at the residence of mr wto mcbeod will take place on friday eveoiu an eicellant programme pf vocal and infctrumeutal music proceeds will ro to the building fund of the presby terian charcb georgetown a clearfield pa man dropped a fjj gold piece in the contribution boi at the mb church at tonesta but on monday afheo he discovered it be returned and got ttj in change its a wonder he didnt azk for interest cm the money while it wu in poaseasioajof the charcb fpistleof the folldwing encouraging character are frequeotly received at the fate parts office deau bin plersd find enclosed po order for 50 for priktihg jart received we are wejl pleased win the work acd shall bemetnber yon with crar fmare orders a arthqr ont bev j w llae retbroed home on i saianuy and efceapied bis palpjt n sinelay hiif coogregatioo heartily w 1- oome hia retorn during his absence mr e waatiosily eogagedin sabbath school orkanisation in lincoln coonty aid aeoomplishedvery satisfactory results tbe conteet for the medal given by actoa gun anb afasconcldded on toeeojay eveamg kighty rounds were fired sjid hours c c speight and j j pearson were a tie thiey will shbbtontlie clu js range this evening to decide w jeans took third place and- edw nicklin foar h forfine printing of jail kindsiei ve ytw orders atlhe fiiee vutxs job de t iypo are a prim business man yon ri at 11 beads letterheads counterheads statements ic o- and here is no pli ee in thi ooaotry where yoawill get betr satuniction than it th fmc pais com aid see we bae jast received from itev prinoipsi austin tha pew illastrajed mnqowpent of alma ladies- collage gc thomas tint at is fiaily prinied tod beaatifally illovtrstaj with yiewsjcf the college buildings aol premises em bwdog clas booms art booms lab ir ajory dialoj halls corridors front i frtiew of baildiiiecj jte 4c 11 he couefw b recently obtained univentty jffiuatiet of ur wii ta autber of oompihiom d faroce twr wt itni between wi ilbciw kedical a4 waj tkmmoncl and it wa fond that both binea were fractured the little gitl is rv bjhent and is doing will rifnfttacrfs epfdcaifo in waefiii quelph is tufferiou it ao4 frim a krioas ouibrsak of atphtherik boms thirty cases have pome lo the kaowlsiga of toe iiocal board of health aud i ntimbcr nf them proved fatal dr brjoc isecrstary of the irovitfcial hoard of healtle went to ghelpu wn aturday to inresuttte the cause of ll disease and has onaclfcdcd that it is the rctalt of improper dralnafio it r now three or foar weeks siuce diphtheria firs broke oat in the pity 0ta of mr kcnjtmta anderson tcr niiiiy weeks of suffering sir bon- jantin andctbon dit at his homo on mill street oil motitfay uiorning sr anderson had rcvliwl the allotted ago of thrcetooro rnd ten mid had lived n useful and upright life he was born of kcolch 4rcnts in tyruiie ircltud to which plueo they ha4 emigntcil some timij beftire ills father died when he was tliirtecii eanioid and in his early manhood he left his homo and ctnic tg anada settliog ontlio homestead lot 21 con lejuctiing whcro h resided until a couple of ycirs ago when lie retired from active work and came to acton mr iandcrson wia a builder by nule and in addition to thynork of cleaning bis farm he took contracts at carpenter work for some years and by tins means was ablo in h short time to scud rmoneyjo bring his hiothcr and tiie remainder of llio family to cuiada mr audersyiis first wife was mrry nickell agister irfijohn tvickell of the fourth hue she dieo some eiglit yeare after marriage leaving fumily of three tons and one daughter eiuictly blelen yoirs to a day hfter the maxriiiyo to his first wifelie hiarriedmary ann citfnochan who survive him to them iipre born four soiis und seven daaghters peoeascd was a consistent inember of the rjresbytcr- ian church he wis of a quiet disposition and respected by all the funeral oil tues day afternoon brought many friomls and ricighbors together to pay a last tribute of restiect i epworth league song scriici the song service given by the iepworlh ijeigue on tuesday evening was largely attended and full of interest throughout mr t jaqiee moore president occupied the chair aud the- programme was as follows hyiun comri u that lure tlic lord cou- pefiatian prayir hvu3d i il silsof mv iteotemer coifte- gtidu bcs jinfi llemoir of i v ulimftujhuliyuiiit h 1 lloor tliorus ttie hole ftorlj wis lost i cuolr feolo gcide c3e ol ibou grcat jettniah hiss henutreet chorus iteeeuilnfl love oboir yuirtcttc silently tlie blitdtis of tvfluiog lteadini co1ht aud inciiltct- rtutldc to fii bymii ick1 moies in stiiviterlom way ecv hi ede flymn god afovrs in a inyslriom wsy congregation clionib uarckinon- tbc tboir dnctashamed of jesua hisses hcinstrect and lloere- ltadiugtweileys hrmiijlaus lottr of iny saal and how it was tittec ifra h i moore hyiiiu esus lover of uiyaoul coserefiatlon olo more like jesus 3liss hmu moore ladies quartetteau for jcsus kcadicsteronnets hinin allhail the wiver of jesus namevthc lrcsidtiti hmu4an hail the power ilc cotgregatioli cbonil- that joyiil song the eheir closing hymn- well all- gather hoore iv the morning hcneiicliou much interest was manifested not only in the singing of the various hyans pre sented but ip the sketches given of the poets wfcowkile them andilhe mcidenta which inspired their production the service waa- characterized throughout with a truly devotional ppirit tfie rlutyto stock thetroubfe affecting the stoikotthe fairns oorderinr i ihe flats along the creek below acton has at last been determined the analysis of the parts of aninalasent totoronto proved the trouble to be a foreign disease generally affect talk of the oay am fepltom q the worlds doings durtnrthsi wtlc aarmaay li lki if a adopt sleeufo t oauoni tohjato w 0 chiirouss and 150 utooni a scotch erottet leluamout t to be foua- 4ed st vanoottver j qirtl booth 1 sa left fat africa lo boom up the balvalioo ixmvi mr 8nuteoo i ally gantrlae and hl reecniryls nowocssibte ihe canadlwt liflateam captured orec 12500 la pcim at blilcy a big depcx6 ofj cofinsr hai 6wu fqttnd da a farm nasi chkthain anepiderala of diphtherial is sfitictlag bt nswfojadland thi pope tad tie italian governmaat kmaijjuin active jonfllot a 4ktructivb halistortu visited part df sflddlcses county taak week v forest and qelttrfirea are eituiiug gnat alaroi la parts of california four vesselsjeft montreal friday ltdep with jtttle lot the aid country thsc p r is golug to erect a hand some how station in wiuoipeg carletou village fat waa almost totally destroyed by are on friday night rlns have fallea a north western iadla atortipg the famloe that was feared yot or fred uau han fell into the river at ba afield ont at d was drowned aekander molean sheriff of ioitagela prairie was instant y killed last week navigation will io stopped for three weeka by tlip break iojthoerio canah the c p it iutci d to put on a line of steamers between q iluth and montreal an effort is being made to corner the entire wheat crop ol the state at st paul orvisyaker lost one of his feet m a niowtiig machine uctr kingston the other the 78th anniversary of the battle of iundys land was celebrated obsaturi day it is generally understood iu england that the general election will take place in 1w2 an old man of eighty named einnear waa gored to death by a ball at sickville n b the wyandotte indians are claiojiug km acresof land in auqersoa towashlp essex worth 520000 henry m stanley while climbing a mountain in switzerland fell andjractured hie thigh bone j advices just received from china bring reports of fresh disturbances and looting of foreigners houses i i sir paniel wilsonj of torooto university will be presented with the freedom of the city of edinburgh i sanjuel sands the printer who set up the star spangled banner has just died in baltimore aged w i england baa appqioted a royal commis sioner to manage the british department of the worlds fair two murders similar to jack thsbippers crimes have been opmmited in marseilles france within a week three american deteeiives are tn mon treal hunting tot a murderer at large for whom f 1000 reward is offered anthrax ng cattle and sheep and occasionally horkea dr of r bryqe secretary of the provincial health was here on saturday an confer- ed wih the owner- of stock whicl lias died and the local board of health although the trouble lia been outside the limits of flvstt i osflis fiw da at very low pricjsa ildrestbot iogeorgetpsnpnt a fatrmer in prdce ed ward ooanty u uud w hive rnade 1 1000 tbisvsetoo from tbce teres of trw senittotf sunfartj tbtt the university have kb endowroeul thereleueaj o bit7 ptch bts hif will mtdo to beribgl hit utrre will of 20000000 3rien ind dillon from nd the ccrportttjoii aud in the tomihhip of esqccsmi tiio board of health of acton has tteti6tefffl to prevent br sfi possible any further prorets of the dlsei ee the adjroals which ditd have been properly buried ul lke ylacm fenced o guard againbtinfectiod to other 6tpck the places where they died have been i horough- ly ditiatectea aod cit ttie stock as beed xemoveq fro tti the tlati the dii ease ha very rarely appeared in canada bat goelph has inttered from 14 every sammer for several years tbjonflh no casa are re ported thut far the prewnt yar the trouble there- is rupposed tohiva risen from diseased kool ta the cases were all located below the gael ph woolen mills dr bryces theory ta that some diieasead hides have been imported anc worked through one of thetenneriea here and that particles of hair aod flesh havebem carried in the stream down to the ts uod there deposited tearing the dry wea ther the stocli has eaten close to the ground aud then the poisonoas germb hav i affected them thii would seem to be a tenable supposition but it is just as reasonable to suppose that tome affected aiticntu piay have been brought from guelpb and the trouble have brieei from it toe disease is to all appearances affeetually checked however ior no new caseaiare reported thiflwisek besides thcte reported io last ifsue mr arch mcphersod whose farm adjoins that offlynn broswoit a good span of working horses andtha messrs flynn a cow end a cooplsof pigs messrs beardmore co are taking- eer- pre caution to avert the retjarren ot the trouble from their establisllment and in place of the single tflteriur ted prevlpasly- in use they are at very coiisidarahla expeuee putting in three filtering beds tod through those all refute flowing from tha tanneries will pass in order to pereatany organic matter from escaptdl the original ihepry of poison in water jfrora the unnery is pretty well exploded vr v ifyoa want first- class gael pit eashand c doors at guelpb prices t eiukat can fill your order at bis pitting mill r 4lt oa acepuntof the accident that has hlppened to ur d btirton upjs his brother dr stirtoo of goelph w ii visit actoaevery ifonday wedneidty and friday evening from g uutil 8 odlo prison is to be mide the occasion of a great national fete all over ireltnf another leading bank at buenos ayres has failed and bonnets is reported paralys ed throughout the argentine bepublia canadian railway securities were quoted strong in london during last week owing to good crop prospejta 10 this country the official census of france shows a total population of jhw3 iso this is an increase since the last censas of 208 jih thegerman emperor slipped and ihjar ed hisjkneo on the hohenzouern the other day and is compelled to give his leg arest it is anuoanced that the qaeea has de layed her departure lor osborne inj order to visit he french sjoadroo at portsmpath coriys torpedo worksat petrcfes 1 were blown to atoms on saturday four men in the buildings were alarmed in time to get out of danger owing to the uromisiug outlook forcan adas harvest thia ar the cp b baa or dered 00 new luoocootives and 1500 box cars to move the graun mrs mark hopkitu hearle died at me tbuenllass onsiaday worth touooo 000 her husband is naw- york arehiteo is worth sto000oot j i orrington lunt nf chicago has present ed the northwestern university with f50 000 the giftlis fei provide a hew library building for the uni versity prince edward island legkliture has tabolished trial by jury except in cases where uotice is giv m hve days before tha trial comes oft dem tnding a jury- the post office at kemptville was broken intobpnday evenin and a sum of nioney taken together wit a a quantity of postage stamps of different denominations edward hindoos of fairbank near i and his wife elizabeth toronto were placed underj arrest on ifpaday evening charged wih tharourdarot their danghfer boptaa the- schooner marguerite of quebec with 7000 orth of smuggled whiskey and epirita on boards as seirftd on sunday night at trinity bay by the excise aathbr- itiesl j uv joha h ulch of klugaviha enei coantj has raised ithil year 1 bushels of wheat to the stereifii ibaj tct the bushef andsaidloo burftslsbf thf first r threshed fortjlbo f i codat voa blaeoheri grtndson of tie old ifarshal wbo turnbd the tide at the battle of waterloo reoaptl eloped with and sabseuently married miss alecs eoel of brooklyn ny- 1 prol koch has oft to ufa botldn ffuhl ancl kitasatall fdrther resesjrch into the cure ft tubercuiosa and will defofe his iuper vision of the bateri- if yea want one of thase printed pongee silk dresses at per yard write at once to thf tgaelph forfsamphjs enoloeiok i tents in stamp i alddress j d willui gcuxe rtlco beautiful e5 cents hiao of 1 whole timeto the ological institute one of the first congratulatory messages received by cardinal manning oo wednes day his 83rd tlrthday was from itr himself in his 82nd year from quean victotla gladstone who is and another wai whom the term venerable begins to fit grfumftflly jn the south i leeds dominion election case nathan ecqy vgeoree taylor hr jistlce macleonan has made an ocdsl allowing the petitions pejtttfcn upon the groqnil thsj hagav consent to htiusulej being airiand iignw the tmhonwhiinundetf the fnfuenc o ulbotj i 1 i j j i- j thecpuntrja around i nwt ltm smppilad by corjreaj pondlma and kxohamaa i ikn firj mrs william andsisoneho died fast wssk had been a gtutj luffsror or i lia jme thefiustal oak place oa lirldty tflstrnooaatk oclock a itrgt oouoourt ifrauuvet and friindi tollowid the tjn mine to the gbeosser ilemsucj to day heir last tribute of rssuetfotlm deoia ho wm sitsemm by the netfflborhiod i arfe s lorrowiog httsbaadj thresj tons tad three daughters tti left to mourn w fspirture they havi lh jtymnathjlq he nihborhoodio the r lore becoavemaal mrilii a taylor bi yatk city ne brukt uvlittlug roll intsad fclsadi in natstgawsya 1 tha lata tains hav cauied he rakp berries to inrluita itfgejaud plentiful harvisting operation are now on in full faro i oakvjllfj tuecombhjel methodl t ad presbyter isnuaurtlmi from wstl toronto on ifou- lav tfat wall tuiflded ftiidn patuuo o the woodstock stutiittlfocick atii mrs fattulls ware guests a paitmatler bait ur last week rockwodd and alrsj jclarkc guolph mr andtfrf wi i spent sunday in town misses carter rand ellis qucjnh aro visiting at the misses carters here mrs h b mccarthy port hope and miss henderson ablouvfsltcd itockwobd friends last weak on tuesday iporning a littlq tireo-year- jld child of krir wm ifanniih had- fiie mjatortuno to fall off somo steps and fracj tureitsarmhr thoslbowy a little child of mr john allens eri- mosa was playing about ho barn on wed nesday kst when a doop fell an it bn ifs ley near tha knap farmers arc not busy harvesting and tlio prospects are better than tho average aud notwithstanding the failure of the hay crop firstclass hay was bought hero thii week at ten dollars per ton a score or so of members of the guelpt womens christian temperance uniot picnicked at tho rocks tuesday breaking f feun itev j fennel of georgetown conducted tho services in the church df england lasl sunday if rl it hamiltoo continues his improve ments a new stablhasjuttbeeaerected a series of gatden parties have been held oo theeria circaitinajdof tbeorgan fuad during the put few weeks and some 12 tealiaed j mr john uuuro b a of toronto preached in the diiciplaa church lasl bundayafternooa miaaj a- little of orioh mich is visiting her sisters mrs o f sutton and krtf mcmillan j miu a l mccombexof fonddulto wis who his beea atteadibg the katioual teachers convention ia toronto is visit- ing ter cousin mrs j c broctdy tie misse gordon v greatly imprjy ed tl o appearance of dxerir residence lately wiar pleated to learn that oar veaer able iai highly respected citizen wm tyler esq jprf is rapidly recovering f rom the severe sickness from which he has been tnfferlug lately tsienty eight candidates presented them telvjt at tie recent entrance ertminatictt hehhereof whom twentyone havebeu provuiodally admitted by the localboardj and two have been recommended j adutrcsffug accident ocurred io hi iltonj oa suuday nfteruoo i by which the pretty r4tdoutht old v girl o l boadh theesteemedageat of the h it n wi kailway here uarrpwl escaped death mr and mrs resell kcru iu b ouacaas walljpaper storeroom upa airs corner of tlaruea and market v stre ts parcttafing paper while mra ioacl was selecting her pattcrus mr itocbnwbs caring for the baby who waa seated on a table in front of tho jpeu window while there the- lsth sbattaliou baud passed on the way to the dnpdurn and the child in looking oat at georgetown are you on thelistt j da yon oelebrate next sunday iemanj cipatioa day t i i bememberthe stnaolympio tiue betel next tdesday j it s rumored that aldous o and the paper mills crosa sticks on saturday j j pur streets are oovered with aboatfire inches of pare unadulterated dait where is the sprinkler 7 ii mrthos wbituker jr of hamiltoi waa in town on saturday eyetriag oa a flying visit to his father j i miss maggie caoutec of cheltenham is spending at few days in towa as the guest of mra dr auld 1 mr emccannabs new house on goelph street ia abbot finished aud will be one of the finest residences in- this part of the county mr lachlia grant and mitsmabnl have gone to waterford for a few holidays no doa6t lachia feels deserving of a rest after his victories on saturday with tho gun and checker board the brick work of tha bennett house is receiving a coat of ptint id the- pleating and artistic kv of the veteran painterj john lee it is needissa to say that th honse looks 100 p sv ciut better j in the fourth series dominion bifle matches on sati relay georgetowjjcooj- pany xx battn ado aubther mbst dredt able score 8ii the next highest score throughout the dominion waa857 sothat with miltons 725 tha old xxstil maid tains a creditaols lead 8erg cjraham topped the score here with 08 the cricketers are to be congratulated op the unqualified success achieved by ihsm at their lawn ijarty oo friday eveaiogj the grouads at mrh m wauoas were artistically illuminated by scores dfi chinese laatercis while in front a fine arc light shed raya brighter than fair lunaj yes it was a success butoh i the fnnettl next day when east toronto defeated our heroes by ah innings and 57 rant the junior olympics of miltoni an saturday defeated our alcaaa by i to t oar defence wasof ft most interior chiractei bat the home played like veterans and with decent support could easily have reversed the scare- 1 v oa sunday some tweatyfour of our foresters drove to milton to attend divide worship in the company of their brethemj of tha county pnb thesecvlo waa h in the english charcb with preaching by bev mr walsh of brampton n mr j b moleod ias gone to ortnte villa where hewilt join a party of campers for a twa weeks outing tuesday morning thejold campiag party composed of member of the families pi messra it jwheeler and dr ede with miss priogle started for the huskbka lakes wbarethey will spend their holidays ia that most enchanting of all styles fcampng opt i oa ljonday night the coancil met o open he various waterworks tenders they had received nine with la great vtr- ietjiofesticiate and a difference cf hi 000 between tha lowest and the highest tender the contract was awarded the sxoathsrinis firm at tkeic figure of iii 50 work willstart at once the veteran reprobate pretty diet h ixoh his returned to town aad is pravuw j ta big a nuisance u of yore the a lthorities shouldcoralt him at ouce mrs b w davty ha returned to town fi onijarseyville shelwill spend a week or so with friends bare before returning to hit hdma in msrkdslej v hr valaatlae srui p andj ipaat a day or io islt weak wllh his oouifa couoallloc brtdba y tin town council has nq dbgjdtyi awlag io lack of tea great number of coma to oakvllle now give uvai y appearance thacc but thare is a party hare i f soma kind j fcamplou hold msitac of he chat he rr pnbho ichooli u enjoying his lummac vacation in oakvllla mr o e anderson of pi pedjdlag his holidays it the t j of london eng- meeting during l quotum excariioni hit the pltoe a very is hardly a day stoand summer sale brqakvtlie tlmorston oil home iv at the regulsfquarlorlv fastallatldu of offlcers of ptospacf dlvliiou 8 of t no ill the fallowing were ulijdto all he different offioes wliro jitltllltr wafils m e utnlull k8liro d klnssbury- irssls heating vshro a kouucdy trcasj j miuo clicti j irish t- tin- wildore j a coiisltjrilght i i uro it uuchpo os- t buaitu- ia tha close of too lltirf ry oohtest tor last quarter the losing si a gave a straw berr festival which wass decided success the captaius chosen for lext quitter are sis if mtlne and sis m i marshall au intel mating programme riay be expected fore ery meeting during tl o quarter b v b j btattie of gi elph aad hev mr blair exchanged pulpts on 8atftrdiy hilton t fha 1vjndowifell head atelj it struck a projec ling iron wet which brokb its call or it wot id have beea killed instantly as jit wai tie child y truck with great force oo the sicewalk 4 iking tha tide of it head the hi id waa taken into sptckmahs drag tore and dr cockbarn came in response to a call the baby was afterwards remevod to the do minion hotel where str r acb wis pitting up the child is sufferin f from eonccre ion of the brain but is tea raringl d boberteon co havo issued a writ agaiist tliec p b ilalcaing 12000 damage fir injuries doni to their lime kilui which face thej r tilway j bevween caopbellrille and lfitoo staitolit the lime kilns were set onf re i y sparks froma cpb looomative and dettroved rrpi castoria- is truly a roar jelloas thing tor childrea doctors pnucr be itimaclical journals recommead it a4d more thfn a million mothers are using it iupjac faregorio batemms i rops bdftiled toothing syrups and othe naropti and ttnptfying rcmediei ci stocia 1 v the quickest thing to regulat t le stot ik l aad sideno healthy sleep the world ht sver it is pleataut o the tut itvl abwhtely harmless it ri lieves oij ilipa- tin quiets pain cures dlt ratal tit wind icl allays fererishuess i ettroyswarmt d prevents convulsions s wtheate child and feives it refreshing au- naturaf sleep cittqria is the children panacea the friend mrs murphy calls her slipper castorta iecause the children cry afier itl gearjing sale qrji rypafa co i we have daqidetffa mihou decmed redqotfous riahi irooeh our stock tha great ros jotlly of the rood that reduced ara this springs purohss andra wesan x utt design aadjiiveltlaaprocurabla but prefer to eattmprf carry iham over to soothe isooonrlm ihallbe yoai gali- i r tli thai wa i tip thai inrei ce in twovather than x iaf i i h en and ooifa folfowin 4sy we mirowyoa soma fjtit i mention harsras an fliirationo tie rrhla-f- gtnadbixtmfiftwof which x vt 1 1 ss r st qia1 5 wit ict 4 goodrt7owum8ov t jj ji fhftt chacka it 15c wahhsoc 500 yartcal wool gargesi if i5cj worte e i i- i 3000 yards il0opriata reduced tolsciw yird 00 yards 15c i irech- sateen fredices- fc j00 yirds kcineksatmjucdto 1 on 1 l i t 80c 500 yirda jjc fren h sateens rod ucacf to he r r iviri iia ril- il kemttmu of eriuts and ssteensat vary taoo yardsl2fa prints tedaredfalocipar low prices yabl ij french cbstaai at aiaotly half price i rw x a r i lt icuvu iustuoi a avv est ld00 yards i8o french cambrics teducedi the balance of odi freuchftresstidods 7o0 yard ioa french cainbrics redfioed a few of our printll eongee n 30c khl f colored sarahs a jijaodid irb-inl- fc fr hr ydedrrom20etoi0c colored straw sat skape at 15c v sootchchambrayshduojdfromb4cito20ci all boys clothtoi j in addilion tb corwu laces itibbpus anj your while to pa t outfbrtijni ant ia the person bf mrs fellaged87 j it ipdall aft foe philadjnhfalast e of nhi mi t week hri graham of chicagbls visititig her slstetiulasr mrs b kornian tha bjinv sad rev b more tan of hari4i too preached morning sod evening a die ptasbyterisa church on snodsy i- burlingtonit in favoc picnic folhtaing it a list for the next two ieeki oa tuesday the 28th tjinity itatfioiiist tarda toi 29th zioattberniorehiajijton sothl market street church himiltou sfsti sumach street- toronto anil lit brora ipaawells amployeei haniltoa i icdtetau ftashera toronto j ith jfofage ifa afethoduit toronto 5th preivyftrlan batlingwh cth elaine church mr a c momillaa of ntasagiwe ya has bajlrea the contract fur the cectjoo of aiielr bridge over the twelve ifll jcrjek between concetsions one sad ijwo it mm kllutnt uilneat relieves sew tve specially iuvite close tjitlyer and people with nio ley to qafl and see and examine our ita- miiiise stock- we have- deter- mined to clear out su mmeivggodi even at a loss as we onsiderttia bettor than toftllow to be eateu up w th iuteteat the- purctiasiug public caanatj affbijd to forget the fact that wbi will give them geuuine batgaina so that it will m tigate- the ecarpityjof mooiey an ihard hraes- a ftfw illustrations dres3 and drqss- silks a large stock soma of them reduced to half- pticb lirsiss goods 86 iper yaid millfeery to ivecleare iqufegafd- leaslof costyhats for 5cipsni ties and jacketsgenu ne barjtaius iarifl61s 25c up saf aebsjprfiits shittin3 tickings itaplegocls of all kinds extraorc inary- cheap giifffhams 5c jier yaidjtcrtjam seersuckers 8c pervard lfactovj cot on 3c per yard wliitq cot- ton 5c per lyacd good checked shif tings pr yar i eqttpade 1q per yard a fine 1 t ofcarpets grand tapestry ga pet ijr 5c per jard lace obrtainajigreat bargains fine setts fo 75c matte clofhingbig itockiheap niw blue serge suits for if ei for 887p it wbud bail aposbiwt6r is to enumerate ou stocvbjit bargains will- b3 iven jobr i the biggest bfufliftfitcinadaaead 200 to aj ffifmiatmbor grocer gqelph and gat 2tus cf famous jfmprasi tea blk green or japan and either 20 rbr gtanu mh inery and dres makidifde- lijted sugar or cragix for 1260 lb bright pure caha fs1v par ments ar alwavs riacl ord srs jfourniug a id v ord irs especially tttehd get its furniahiugs ad oar ed olothiugdepartiientjl meiise iiisptjetioiiaiidpfi reaiecttalryinvite4 w uchuqlwu v gpobii tinammoansnt acettatm burlington ha barlihgton mssoos will rue their aacjual axcarsibo to gait on bth aug- i bur liuitotii civic iiolijay aftet a long illness thare passed last week oue of butliugtous b away oldest geo thei il abtive 1- atridactlcm cf i s j tip f too willfind borrespooajflgredofctionsk gloves hosiery factmaliliceswa re prepared tamitjieri worth t5t f p tl u a li u iw t tl r ire mcicdubj gjjlaer shpuid bexised in ivjtjty etigine cylipder fieaie of fmidti6flsi j gltonlyfgenijine taxi ioiisi aypiiwtiiff iv- i at 3 ik a new book trow cqver to covh pllr abreast wtln ithe ttmeali a grand inveistment for lira fami sehoof orfwifesa brary tlie anthsntfo we barters una- hrided diotioaart compriaim the fasttim of is6 79 84 eipttfsted propertr bf the tuidxilmd i crw nusrtiil7- rrisei aattteowced and a a dhruasrahfliiac aoithivrt tk tsama of wsbster tntefeata- tlrsaltvtioiitt j r t editorial work upon this revlsfoa bju loeea la aotlvw prdgres tor oree tan taarv mot leas than one kbh ofm paid etutonal laborers hare beatt euaced iijti it 1 i i j oter 300000 t aximstud ixt ilta preparatloii before th first bopy nfjfrlnui hf tkreslkefs jfarrfsrs mju owes vdbrttfail to gtt a supply of the anousvv- i j i i l yv vh -l- l i p ri im t i i il 4t 1 la fhfij m i j h t faiitit3jrs ymt thrgsfigis rtvouraluni9rtbnl7tbx pbe sfarm ormesspstrlmiiltai mcoxtar gat th bsat t c jfikkialt co fabuihjrt j sprlaffleidmasdga il soldlirbjiboakieliertmiitratfimmphittre wsgaonsau itlarja powers theweojlaafasedaadhiv gnel h 1 fartuere ti k for jihem 3ft 1 io othorv maatui4toredtt t by- i 1 ejsel liree years jinx wor oat imdedltoiblipdi r h f over 60 piecefe to jcle btit atf 25gentsf r- il t i jttijj t9 -h- xt i -i-fc- ifr ilif443 ixi9mmim i y im vwm

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