m -ifc- m hii 1 t v jll turrjt f qonarat intemat tocfrwe tttqmtur iclt cfre falmff folks j ex waw re ttrt mm riidosto whirl bat i ilrto kk uaut rreei rwifcattlactrl je rata bd4bui tuctah t ituijittttft if 1 t tir tiat the will prt the la and pall lurltc foe a tiarur shgotapicalelnuietiert a mitlta uk charcb a nice rxntnioti aft tart mgomlothiliirch t r1 mlrt tlie airee er i 2i a motive kvei oww darter scahoiw uearlt lmtite4 i klic ipoti nlo ahervaor er t lie to uatutet toan otgratxtv wip f uro to get ui u a tr mtd cobfacate utjr cbaoce i iillfrij ot rlevvted head ktht tr lit rai to atari br i it ik- sale taui ttu dead 0f bheiyetotcuartcr f oh litter uttet it my ctiji foe bajoe er pa the tictet elrea koiitxtii ii sctvcitly frotn mov u j kmku no a tever full aadlme oqietliartt no ateu ttiu utile atcea fall u y betrtvaa lac or a goerier tkc ao h mi ttat ah faii porter fcithfalb mt fit roencv bat u tuy air 4 oat fail dtaert wlen la mooty ittoefjlt tfca litrtiora float tajlthow aoai t foeiod u oatbyjbttt tapttttao fttm ataimof oae bt mt1nitiotn oocapaaii a jail returned j from a mriattra trip ralat the fouowiaf food ttary 1 oa 4b train going from onoafo to daboqae lowiiip ear who had beta sriokitnbirtljr v walii 4 to taut thai h wa latoldoatf- l ai1im tboat u tmin fjjdti dtowaji ht eajfad c potut u hiiriaod inttdibg otaloittfnimiudtbinka 1 up locjtfari iu aot laid bait te7a lotaiiot htlif i viotlooc not- i k wv im jirsuv itoll ani vha i im itt uu t aoadtuoa im likaly to ehl bat doot mc it liat it pat na off and i will beaulcvslttv j th i aw jorter pojid lq co and tha c an wtaaooo aaltp m hit wftb earl uxt ttiexutur at th trala mn oectiot lubqju aoi tbt paamnfanvnn uarridly irafuog lb colcirad porterrwa itteadinj hit dfctec triut hit ueai band aged on aftoioaait tad hit faoeahowitu utri ataj jaat thatt tha kooltforf patoger crawled o it ot bit berthtooted oat to got hit wtxvi ge and uino ttantfor the potuc tiook hirev rt- what doatj uiit y chinese medicine the medical art in chma a rartteridoc and emptrieai tie mawal profitaioo u rtgtilaarf by rolea thaott ttr oppoait of tboie whiei pretaii iafenrao4 to cjhii the doctor rtotrcea a final lalary atloht a bit patieot it in rood health i th fuoj fajfit ill the woct pay it atoppad bouiaencbu effected in eoftand aafat petoo tntoa to anil tha doctocby txpkining ue ijqjptooit hit eate w china uut woombe coatiaencl aa tnmll to thttoctorthe iootoc may feel the patienfi paltaj examine hivafcin and loot at ida to npte bit bmataaaoqimlttooa he it then- expected to diignoae thediaaae f dtn hichr the tick man it atliof and 0 pettcritie remedy the oedicitja pn eribtdit antily ilety cheap tad wtj nattr bt aott droj are turhly prioed and there are certain ptecioottooet bicfi are beitcrad lo bcoe ooderfoj effietcy in etarine iiteaatj oqie of thete trpenaire pretenptiont coaaiat al rery ooauy ingto iiea hite and red ooral rafaittor jaoioih jpearlt emartldt ntoafc rth one ocww ul ip epectal qotatttita- ate crthetotapowtfcr roiiad into pfflt witi pot and neotrater and totted with jold- leal thit uniqu medidae it reparttd to bo an infallible care coctmallpox n earfct ftrte aid all diteaiet rticfc ada from uoodpoitoaini and break oot i cvaaoesdt emptiont the itrengtfaetuoj otalitiet ot thit preparation are aaid to be qnlte ramarfctue tfta imaitt tt sooty tabed ialtae early part at the pretest im peritl dynast j affirm that they hare taaa men natchea from the hut ooaraltidht a deau by jttjadicioot ate atmtier nmedy it called kinchin or bitter jrtoe ttat aacow to be a ttrong- tonic tad it not rpahy of ccdoece orion at it ia tappoee4 to bare beep brought from india it oooaiau of tpiritt aloea myrrh i ractiaodjae and aaffom tbetearetobt mixad am ejpoterl to the tan for t month en til the said berom dear esoogh to be mad tbe fallowing it the pretorifition for a orineae jovepotioo bat it it aaaentood to be oolj a badeaqoa of tome of their otdxo- try medical preacziritiaat tate iifi ptttilt iif a white peony hieri hat bloomed in the aprln of a white lotoa that had bfootaed is che jammer ef a abate poppy that had bloomed in the aatnmn and of a white plain blattom thai had bloatomed in the wicter of etch of thete twie otfnoea tie pittiu are tooe kept ortr tof the r- nal eqmaax of the toooeeding year dried in thetan jri ftg powder tod datorr ed in fweira tueeweight of rain tad the tame fcmcmnt of rnjre dew hoarfroat and tnpwttakea all of which matt feat fallta on a particalar day thete ingredientc beancmixed in erjatl propbrtiaot they an to be made into ptlle tha aiae of a dragnnt eye t4 pfteegmag old prwtir- jar we rcb t to be boriert oodetr uia root of a cower when the loreaici patient feelt tawes the it to dig apfhe jar and rwaiicrw ooe of toe pilia in a hot decotioo of jcrkiper btrk tha chineae aqthor haaomitted to ulnlta effect ia prodaeed by thit potion oa other the loretick maiden or her lorer bat he proobedi to obterre that the pre- enpfion it alto good for aoaie eatet ot tont he tddt at it ttket tome time to proeare tlj the ingndient of the remedy tome patienu bare been known t diand other hare been cared tponftol eooaiy betbn tbey ootid try it under thete circamataoceait it not at- tocntbmg to learn that the medical profeav- afao far held ia rather low etteem in china it it an hereditary profettiba which rtoeiret few recrakt from jattide and toerefort prefen to ctand oa itt own ancieot areyt and traditiomi 1 a apuwtthtt a i who dftsislra ir fijjltti baity too who ilt gm 1 jrtahb bo how iri aj nothing t iy ml i ad dljraaui anplwitat udotti fettihu ool il- ill hot art to tapptjy ootnblo l in hoe ii 1u ttju jll iooil rt 0rtt qd ioo oreabm an appttlt tod rtio- iat tad viwu th blood m that bt twalfftlitood oodlt itapwttla wholtbody ttaly haogai 4 tht bttl tnd ilaodliatnaparlua oflaoet ii tht bvtmtit ntondi llti laalllutobv heaptohei tnr oylhagtoa to tijifloy utyabaald li 1 eijardua dt st ittert jbalityf 0t httharn wattbtdly totnby a pi ml itbrk oaa bottle ot il wards ltkikkitcafedhim j twtr stabwjmli iu over ihi lo t lalt oar toou that uiey wt ii thtotuinarljlinijfrjktfortwioe thjiott i smucching tbie dailoeaa of the average ootucienoe ia retpect to iunaggling ita matter that bxt iong attracted the aueotion of thote fcacoatomed to dittingaiib between the mocfl of actiont ltxoy pthoct who are rietiy hoaett intthttr dealingt with their oeighbort and who voalduet greatly diatrefted if they had wronged- ooe oot ofa dollar will without any apearent companctioa if the opportunity pretcbtc iptat sani the govemineat which meant the people eollectirely of the daty that wzyjfe injpoted npoo any article they meywifb to import it ie aot eaty to accoaat foruii pecnliar fettnre onlett it belhat in the one cue the penoo wronged can beheld bp before the tujcid at an in- diridoal wkile is the other cate the wrong it done to to great la numbtr and eaoii penoo aosjrt mtligbtiybitthaliapemt toth wrooer to be ao offence ttall the raaabnlng hoagb it very filadoat for it there be toy diftoecoeln the grarftyrxif the offenoe the greatett wroflgit that which tffecw he greatett domber ua aox oar neighbort- are comolttwiwlhavtpaacaaadiaa trtdert akiogthjaiwettboaflcltryareftriaiti gendt urroat the bolder into the unilad statvsa- it daimed that owfogf to rmiftnatt of tie eattamt terrioc iho of natbebolcpoutbea are roahej ato he rafted sttfe without paying f dy the indocement to mogflo ottoet it great at they bring goodnrioet in tfi8tat it ft a oiidraw iota to the gowrnment powerer tinct tie tariff on potafoet it iaft a fciahet tkijtonduot c th part f omr fellow cutest u greatly fo be regret thoogij kft diffiealt to ktedver aay neiiici to effeetaauyrereot ftl thote woo bate ret rightx ofc w flff apfctb jprutie fo t ta diatarb at leaat hoontcitwea of j qpg i idn t tell yoa topaamtotttt rpemociyoa v j- the t arky looked at him attooiahed and aayt it yoa degetsman what wanted to be pav iff t tea im dfb one yoa and i gat i yoa a dollar to tee to it well me dat 4c ii if yonf da tenunaa what gtre what i waster know it dit ytti who rab cfe gemman dat i pat off at bockfocd koians versus the locolwo- tives i whan the kantat pacific wu m thi opened lira engineer the hottile god then elatta hr h vedder a ioaorao- iodiaaa wert r wat 3onit ant fear that uiywoaid wreck tut irabu that tbey ltd sot it doe to their tgnatanoa otthelrpt borweand the ban methode of dettroyiaf it one of my traroea bid an axptritna dwith the cbeyeontt which tie wii rtert forget he wat on the rotd near fort ivallaoe when he aaw thaie iodnuu b idr cot the telegraph wire tij knew thai he jntight loot aot or jcjaaltt they wen never aatiailad wilt osinc the trite i at chopped into inch pteeet wlt their torr thawks to itop efiectoally the mytteriooi mettige at the train came near a la ge paich of innflowert which grrwnt beta ndetof the track and orar ioo indian rote op and ttntched a ttrong rope acroi t the track braced themtelret and prepa d to rvive the ahock of the axomotitel at wa afterward learned they bad taken raw hide ttript braced tbam together aadwjth a forte of fifty it each end o the rope thoaght they woald the train the inttaat th the rope the air wat fall they were thrown in all some were jerked clearacroat the train land moe thtoa dosen were lolled or thwrely fniarti tbls wat the latt atterra made for yean a top the ii i their part of therservlce i there wat arew iow charch and the djaaffeotedboet had gathered in a tarbay lent crowd oaftide jrhtle two folicemenv utrded the doer on th ujtide what ito bedooe with all thote people collected oot there aaid the policeman appealing to the pattor vqjy he coolly rephed iwe expect yoa to go oat and take ap the collection- and he 3d and quelled the- futarb- mrt partington in kansas are yoa the jadge of reprobatet aaid ah old lady atarday at toe walked into jndge konabant offiry i am tie jadge of probate wat the reply weil that a ii i expect qooto the old lady tod ate my bubanddied detettad and left m ttrerat little tafldeu and i want to bejthtfjt axecnttjoet fjotft tire toe it it with the greatest bpnfideooe that hbodt samparillajit reetm mended far lot of appetite oogeatidii lick headache and timlla troablet thit medicine gedt jr tonet life itrgmafb tniett digetion tifd rtakee ooe j real hangry peraont in delicate heakh after taking hoodt strrt- pariila a few dayt find themtelret longing foe end eating the piaineat food with onex- petted ttlitfa- f i i evil babita are webt which are loo light to be noticed aattl they are too ctrotig to be broken j i ioaot delay ia gtttiijg riliellfor little fotka hother grave warm exlermio- ttdrit a pleuant and tire care if yoa lore yoer child why ia joi let it taffer when a remedy ia to near at jbaad the king of athaotea itallowtd 3 wit many of them are dtaghtert ot thejehieft of tribotary tribee oyer which the king bat jaritdictiantid are tent ta fzim at hotttgec eionoktr piayecftoowlimet hit to call oji tia ancle tnjirder to get mjouty with w it it o lappott hit ante he third pale of the toronto duf htli noted fai j yfant tdre titemenu ixytii wintto8y qr tell anyttjlng if yoa rant a aitaatioq a ntechan a bai aekt machtneryi4dgingttf yac ibave iott or o tnd tnythtnar tf yba in ii to find oot fhere anyone lal adrertita in the to vifaiflandcsad th fills vb1m1 tvt tm ibowld thai tk a largt t tott aibbwbidbeblt0jd8 wt wn thiimtt wl i ia slack helfri btoajuooh town ilal drtm lboottokb ootton setbashisrikob atki a leadet ate oar i 6oeurtainet t it g real yard henderson mcftae k 00 jnalmy baric oaooe roit4 dctify ifaif aai read tha ofltl tdu tdvertiie too the thtrdj page of tljat paper je bhtrge it twpcente a woi t4n ad4aa jju ttailta each in ato can- an in ifilwi irvked aoe withoat 1 frv aseo it taidtoharo inch he never ayt any ig hi wire dfroaisjitem hjs grand j trkuic tyjfao diflert from lnmaa yim to that the tame tec il let do not affect if and he tame rec te lie are not needed for il diteattt of the haman tyitem there it no toaio paifler renoralot godd jat birfock tyi sejrt ca be bitiit ap by bbu and itret lood bittert did yon tolhepablioitoiatp i food in em ott oqatl neat i enec u a weak fnterett irer hte anj kf why ytt inr ce aboat foar hoart 1 j wlqltljponaltf iecaato it hat prof en lit utolai e merft i aver again becaate it hi t an an- record of pare becaate s boat condactecifnla thotbnjnly honeat mtlner and becaate it oombtnett ioaomy andjrtribgth being the oatytpedjoino of djioab dollar ttrong pbiiitt haremaia aparilla the i teday it trie hoodt iott taccetxftil medicine r4iiqipttrasperwiiieitfr p hetjbfratis latahaett het4aeli tootiaei ore riurortwprflat jfroatbllea s c x as v ici jkprmltia brnlifc hint kealdt 1 by urarttajlbntera erernchere vuiuijarijtj ftmifjat dia eracura orttpepaia- i intx opcjia tnuses iftdicestlo museab bowr atpm- acfi qicfdlnoca heertbaim ootti- pon rulneii fooctrrarjgv dljagrocabla taste kervoua- neit ii at drujarwariid ik reccfcor act i unrt wattiylmajtoe mi uj fu ittmot cllaukwciteiiislatrtsutnuiqlt m ii a s od girl like a gold watch it known by bet works either of ihera may be real good ithodt hariagja pretty face s jhadwick of areadla wayrfa co writes i haw ruladtetere attiiktot attbna for xreral yean i onmaenoed uking pir thoniatriectriei oilj the fintdse relieve rneiaonehoor icintin aed ta iog it in tattboonfol dotet for fewdaiiandhavejnotbadaaaur4 of it tinee i tow nearly ana year j gltjlftoae wetrt j gold dfocw da hit ttoekint pechtpiih iflleadt ta jcatt the ari iy and it learanig to mark time with mi feet 1 waat the atet of itimme oomplaiat diarr- hct dvtenterycholeri morbat ttu re the exciteive heat eatin green frait orer- eiertioi impare water and taddea chill drfolert wild 8trtwberrjr it ia in- f tlfible tnd prompt cate for til bowel com piaintt rom wbatetercaaae truly in imnattibfllty it ft impotatble to aay too mach in fararj of the atttaiabiog emcacy of st ja cob oil ia fevere cate of rheamtdtm 3arltik world loudon eog the baihelortat termoa it the intereti- iag one of the feaiae commcceffieatt dttiroy the worm or they m dettroy the children freeman worm powder dettroy tad expel all kiodt of wo mi jrybeo editant env9gxtbh cone into eetyertt ate we ifaalt 1ut be at le to tea wiiat that tweet roiced operator a theeen tfal 6f5cetewy boa like itweett k ltrvt fmoraeue wditbooeet mm eahilloo oo i s fetltli uppfaetf tod prwperftr all lfhee depeud ou pare blood far wilt oat iwmajthi itupoctible wlthoat health bapptaet if impotatble tnd without hap pioett protperlty it a mockery no meactt of obtaining pare mood and removing bad blood excel the oteof bbb the best blood pari sec koowo 1- the itdy jack why doot yoa write a book or paint a fttiare or do tomethfag clever 1 the nentletntn bectote i telec teda enilliootre for a father and i think that wirp clever ttwttk u a- lifrtfav malarial fever d cfcillt are beat broken ap and prevented by atiag milbarat aroinalie jtinio wlue v wjjai did ttjpaperjirifgfit furf pribaoly forftaiokcoa4 i national pfll hi raafrooaterf mif i bat laottiwghv ud trejibe but stonich tixl livtrpiiute oie 1 r i ms v piff it old cebttemtnjtold hit ton not to go under tny circarattaacet a flthfng on the sat itth bat if he did by ail meant to bring home thvfithj i jwhy offer ftomditacdert caoted by impure jjood when thoatahdtarei being cared by axing northrop lymgnji yeg table di worery it remoyet pimplut and all erotioasof the isfo mr jji hfl j c eotolii di irltet rfafthfogalljnian- vogetbl ditpovary it giving goo aalit- faction thote who btraakd it u it hat done tha j more good via tarthil have ever taken jeemt ayt ttiat he fifci i tat miaird la ft a canoe a barqaei inc ba lappott it il a r what thet voa jaitj tfop ypar btikiog yo ag man or ill bark youl nothing 1 1 taddenly oulractt the per- iplrttionat inddtp irtntltioa fromiett 9 cold hi 4 rtrifiei the blopd qalakedi the oircoitt sn and iacreatet jibe pertpir ttlon bat wl ek thete art idddenly checked 1 j the aonatqai noet matt be bad theinrott ooatmoa oa twi of dltaate t obtltucted panpiratioa or what commonly goat by the ntm of atcmog cold 1 ccaght ooldt tore throat ito if atieaded to la 1 time are eatily n bjlaed bat if alloyed to ran tbelrowaco rte generally pron the fore- tanner of ma tdtngeroat dittiuet hine- leataf of tbt niamptlvet dtti their uflloi uon froman igleoted ooldtai the ditittet that art caot 4 by wtt feet dtmpdctiot or expotar 1 re more nntneroat than art generally ta ipoted one of the matt effictcioat nj diciatt for ill dijeuetof the throat aid angt it bickle anticon lamptite byt if promatea a freaahd eaty expeotoi tuonv wbfch lree the idngi from yltcld pi fegm bf hanging the mere tiooi from a c iieated to a healthy italn ha who fc mwt on which ilda hie bread it battered it now rendered he who it aware on wha ii portlonjsf the itaff of life the oteagrhooi ptodaot of tha dairy itdit- ptttauv i r c 1 it too want to bay oc tail a farm ad ttrtieiiithtoronto riiy j foif that paper reaebe 100000 farmer hornet every week u 1 yoartdtertlaement aboald- meet the eye 0 someone whowintt to par- chat adven itementt of this eitaeare n- erted in the irooto ffuuf itaitiat five cent a word laeit inaertion pr twenty centta word1 irflve ntertiom the mail tort ato canada ladareea je bear cot itantly of abtco iding rali- oontracto it it not a matter of mach larprite then it it remembered that it it a regular inline with these fellow to make traeka a neglected 0 ngh bring op contempt ion the rnott fa a and prevalent of all phytic ills t at fleth i heir to to cfaecjcthemaiaf y in itt early iftge before tiie deadly tobe det develop ihetnteireti in the long ate i r thorn eclectrjc oil which ufa annjbilite bronchiliii arthmt catarrh pilot k iney troablet and torenett of the motaiet id joint keitiork i r f str of chicago uight r pretty woman that next door to yoa w iy dont yoa jllrt with bar mr sw iptita she imt marrijid a barn or cat rill heal quickly and leaver eacietr if vidt irla carbolle gaive it ap plied jttlonce xaxstilftitis cceed art old phyricinv retired firom practice having had piaoi i ia hi hanat by an eati india miaaionar the formate of t limple 1 vegetable remed for the tpeedy and per mtnent cdre of otwbmption bronchltit cttarrh atthmi ank all throat ajid lttog afftctiiia alto a poaitlve and radical cart for ktrvoax debt ttytad all kervoaa com plaint after ha iag letted itt wonderful curative power i t ihoatend of cate bat fell it hit doty to make it known malt hit laffering fellow actiuued by thir motive tod a detire ton lievehtunan laffering i will tend free of 0 large to all whojdetireit thit raoipe in oei man frenonj ot eogltah with foil dirtcti 101 for prepar ng and ating sent by nail by add rttt ng with tamp naming tl it paperl vaikotb mo power bioel hochetttr n xj tb atlanta otfiiion pradleu that cleorka willralti tjiooob wttermelopt thit year collar hit i a to mike khfne wine to a pint of vin gar add tupeno worth of chopped tola leather 1 imperiil federation wjjli pretent a 1 bpprtonlty to exmod the fame of dr f iwfart exftict of wild strawberry tfut or tihng remedy for cbol era cholera morb it oolie cramp diarr- htea dyasnteryn i all inmmer oomptalnta fa every part of k 1 empirt wildstraw berf y never f alia tha brooklyn haidge wat at tint a very great novelty bat ting over it- ie people are fait get- mlaantt uaime it reflere kearalglt tkttlt oaltxil the greatest medicine ilablttalyoaajaataedi idaijid or booty rifiouii faaputu ta rrntait ttc fits wtt kusah atici in uwcb w itx iakln8t foronto pbt- 1 let ausnfaettm k tefth ikmtlilonj 1 iraewartof mpoattl rul 8ajw traottarav x j kw beswdy forctfarri it tht bthjatjttflol jaaitadcitapmt j catarrh vtlaea 1 1 tweeds at 50o ber a proj with evert oontempl eat for peptl la every ihome jt of laohabooa to calcatble i h a nt onaliit plan r wuofa 1 would obtain fitoe 0 pontett of national 1m 1 the plaoiog of a apply ia ric- ijam iy of nawret groat yi orjd blood parlner bb bi th land tht bent ate the people would be in- why mm he firti day of adtrai lie lie longett eftr kao d t bectut it bad no eva j 4- mr john andertoo orutmere 0 it wrilet jffhe vagetabie ditoovery oa eat melt all gone tod i am glad to ay that it faac grttuy benefited thoae ji ho hare aaea it 0 jte taan in particular 1 yt it bat mfdt him a near mm and he can lot ity too nxoch foi auitie tne odlti viov i came la wed it oleaniiog and curat re xpltntlion of fait etoafje nd i conquered expert mining attack i hamanify to ate drj fowl bufry faf jbp diarrha tic 1 1 the hone di cannot ptinb frfa sev not thtt cholera nexer ett of the earth lad it ueoetiary 1 extract of wild strav complaint dytonti y tilt inre core ratort intiit thtt thjiy in warm colon mm rifii- vf fsifrh mvffl ilv sjrl i -i- mtj 1 onthundred pieced chsllio i h r j i x light bltifi jtwige ap ytifia coioia- ngyef tnnp for heje looey we aiijc foir l n if igular price ip dot i odi k tnaljoj itnujiadlli wentintotfl hi rrj- j some one bmjpt money cjj them i ibnot can yon ifloird iole ftnia v 5 tjr i i 1 chancje blp by iofget tingijuhioijir alle and beryiable botweather t ti gojoda atjktai vatiorj priceo f ht- pieced cbllie 6ream jrotttrd perfectly jfaet cotow belong like 1 hot jeakegjit yoa yi at to gee a 1 it big rangejof patterpis someiatbjs made of brown pt ilt fa the touch afd pooketbook f it to the day ailment otlyi gate infliat any otheriingle cuxeii oat jrf poateaa ty almott nttantly a sample battle for 100 ippli poltont nervuine edy for toofbaabi cfeldbyd strautt tainlyball toothache on heard every boar a it tie most oamm a old and in theaggi i- loffariag than perha plaint aone mino e every perton detire 0 lerve pain oarerac relieving the agony at i a quantity inffloiei t centt flllt the bl tha only potilire reo and all nerve pal fa medicine the bit it ce thote of tait gentle x whohavt expex enotd the palh an3 annoyaooe caoaed b excoriated nipple and inflamed breatfa nan well a iprecitti ehe value of a 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