stfste ptp ft mit 1 r ia ts boltv lm umthsgw ra toe a btmwibm oicc klistihooniilua lb sjrdijttr of lvto tp tfattpb i lu uh upt ttiwarl ntente i wuunoat mrccorj- ofooe 44 tttmtltt u r kiuua- laitwtr oa k tepmiibw unli nhiaumh woptin lift o cfcrwtofuwt vet rrtjlttiotth i house je jletan jfrci jss tacrsdiv septkubfcr 10 18u notes and comments 1vtfcin c it all the mmiev reut bringing immitnnu from the old cotntrv it looks by thereout u it we hidptid lob much fr our whittle why pn4 airy jnauey on mroicrou l jtlj anybody who doe uot know where captda it by this time would not mtks much of citisea tren if hi hippch to fiud himtelf duatped down wn tt the fljuntryt espepi hsmilloa i u a ramotitidit that the adhertote of both the pcrtwc la ktngitoo will unite ia tenderens to mr rlake the oomiuttion tot that contlitctncyf vtiant tact to th luoai thitjahy tuen ttniniajoa offer would be made it extremely doubtful tnd u for mr picks til ihtt it known it thtt he antoanetd thit the writing at bit famous letter vim the cloci erent of hit politictl lite vex of commons it it remarked in soma at oar esteemed coatempararie thtt ire do hot want ctnt- dt u t pert of the union titer the recent erposnre of eeotrai acctuptipoia the do- mtrioot affair we may act want ctofc- dt with us to aoyeveiat bat u fir it cor nati gws while men jin offiae have beeaftnawdtonetl ia ihetlcivrfeutet we hire incmoer of citireii in ctuid who tat bvw ttagh the attires the art chictso jrs russian- troops tre iboat to occupy bokw incentrtlatit thtt state b far tome time been tirtaiuy tabject to raat bat hka been permitted fpr fipunti rettont chieflj u jnuauia tbe fopnof iodtpendeooe tht ooming ootta ptxiaa will lie tinder tb arejtencof ratia- uisice order during vitit jb the ameer to ranit oo which he ic iboat to tet oat lltended by t nataero mite it it oot prabhe lowewr tfctt the troop rill be rithdrtws when the ameer cett btck a tew yetrt tgo t member at the hoate o coamace propone to tmead theooctti- tstioa k ftr u the repretenttioa of the coaatry la prlitmeaitoamred od the etoaod thit the popalitioa would iacreue to rtptdly thtt the noate would oocuia ere haadrej iaembert tt tie end of the frokqt sectary bat iattatd of hiring tn incrie ia the hoate jof commoat l mmberthikwe tre to httt decreue tt the result pf the recent ceatml the kiritim prorinoot htve been tt t tuad- ttfil the put decide i kr gltxittoae hts in tertiele ia the earreat number of the kiaeteenth century scerinc out the recaltt at the coming generti electioat mr guaitaae ctki- ute thtt the libertl mi jonty will exceed 103 tad while the hioifildtl joaratu toas it thit coadutioo the tre none of at them to ttegsine u to uiert thtt lord ottltbary will be reintuted it the nit eifartinn the icott they do i well iatarmed eorcetnoadeit telegraph if to minimtre krl gltottooet ettimtte of the libertl mtiority expreuing rtthar k belief thtt it will be to touli tt to be anworktbte but hey rhtte ua t tctiwwtodjment thtt the ttteittt of the bye eiectiaat htre them ordefett the printlrti buvwuoraijiiv hecor autpfm cabinet civil tttvkhtls ijchtmes otriwt sefjt t the ittidenee veeterdty b the pahuc amottnu ojm- rnit reum to priattiir butetu tfftirt tni deyelod the ftt that beocotl he tfierawed tu rinteodt mt not only chrooiotirj hi 4 lip tor ajmhbot wttjdot tveneto recti ring fintdtttliquott hoote- hotd deoortu mc etc there w to occmtootl dti h oc reptrt6 bet ween com mltteemen jt tt to lken np mttterc tad ur litter u otutl wtr w kltnottct o tell til tboat i xir prttite batlaettwhati c toothed rwbti afftirv at i ccfoiit ttuokttos in the iiooi s toity sir john thomptoa tneteel every body to i i iarpriie sir heck- lag das rtinuoa hfcd been tcoepted jo tiotts were- ukc4 both in the seatte ts 1 the commoat tut week re- ptrding sir i cctoct pxitioh id ooaie- qteaoe the lea ght wrote the t premier thit morning ttytt g thtt he wtnted hit rwugni- tioo tepm tad mt abbott tt aaco replied hit tooepbei it tad thtt thit tction 6 atl sir hector it now oat for good iad wtunover return to the cthioet tt t belieththtt sir hector woau rttign i tit two tetu ia the hoate if he coajd batjteeiig thtt hit election fatva beea protette he i ia the note pocitionj tt mcgreevy who tceordittg to the decli rioh o the trivitegw comraittec cannot divett hjbteu of bit rtpretcautivo chtr- tcter earnettly he raty with t do to thatth twouttmcn bo closely utdcitted th oaghoat their rcfitictl life tre not septtted in heir ltit hoanu pahlie men 3ir hectore drop it ttriamph for sir ttrte who pledged himtelf tobring hinxdown soolwis it t victory for sir chtpieto bit it- it reported thtt the knight it not joinr to tllow hit enenty tho 6eerettry tal without t tctr nor does the qppbtitioa intend to let him off etxily i kaw thtt the liberals who were exiled in to help in the destruction of sir hector tyve mcomrditoed their tttk they teem quite- retdy o do tbe defeated ilinit- ter t ierrteo by discredittag kr chpleta t wots rtau xeucuxne old metphert of the hoate were rpjoiowt jn mtadty fey jtetriig three worat from mr ictrteririe who htc beea tileat to long a diecuttion wu ia projreei toaohiag the eipenie of retaining mr fibre tsctnxditn repreteitttire in ptrit the oqtlty cer- ttioly doeiot prodao wry importtnt resoltc one french emigrant htd trrived here under lr ftbret kutpides tnd tny ctntdin vii tor tt ptrit it entitled to cell npoo the oc mmitsianer for inforoittion otherwue tht office tnd he officer tre use less sir ad iphe ctron csrioasly eaoagh endetvoaroiio throw the retpontibtlity oo the mtcienti goremtnest by string not thtt thtt go5 jrnment h4 tent the tmbu- ttdor bat tl tt it htd topointed him o the sentte it toon ts sir adolphe ctron dropped this emtrk mr utckenzie slowly rose from hit sett tnd itid i repent thtt wild tppltate from both tides of the house grt eled the vetertn eifremier ltir sris br uc ittrlis mr devlin memserfor otttwa county it seriontlyj 11 tt his home in aylmer several yetfi igowhctjihe wis itud ring medicine he i oddently citt hit hind with t sctlpel in t w ditsectine room while en- etged in dia ecting bltod pottaming set in tnd thaoh sir deiltn reeosered he ttillsuffers fr jm recurreat tttscks f the illness to whi h he wtt then subject at present be ii i uffering from qoinsey which it oomplictttt with ode at these recurrent illnesses tnd lit phyndtnt fetr thtt lock- jtwmty mat hit coidition gives his friends terioti tltnn j tn vnr octiwav an uto croi propm4a tnaii irt imptow a h iaatu ha beta bora o the empir of jllttt j j tht e orttgp niuuloautt killed ia chins aajeetutgbflhehxjteucseptxi wit held in os thomtt the other night which wu urge j- m it it understood tint it ww decided to sipoiot jt detectire tc teeare evidecce sgtiam illicit liquor teller in the city tad to prosecatb botexkeeoen who openf tad shsaiefaljy violtte the itw el thorns riet ooinf into the intotmiug basinest eh i do these st tbomu hotelteepers forget the ignoailn- ioas tneersrtatcitiag epitfsets uthretten- tog remsrfcs directed tt the men who deigned to esse ia this time basinets of informing just two or three yetrs tgo but the scene his chtnged then the soott act wis in operation tnd the hotelkeepers who tre now employing detectiies to teeare eoajictioo qf riolttort of the itwieere thepiselrea he viblttors erery time they sold t drink it it not vtryi consistent but their pretest poorse it commeodtble the el tests the courts to- kear dlffererit petitions aealntf p the dominion election tetitions hire been dittrihmed for tritl u owi coatt of jappetl korth brace east brace soati leeds kingstoj essthttt- ttigs leantx etst 7ork addiagtoa lrince edwrd tnd eroispeation ceotrt wellington tad croespetitioi korth wet ungtoh tnd cross- pet itto a eitt elgin snd cross petitiot qseens bench i biruiob gleogsrry hsifon 1retoott lcoln and niagara eut peterbrdugh uuskoka tnd ftrry 6oand south oxford north victqris ryxitii victoria and eeosspetttion south esses tnd crosspetition south ontario snd crocspeliuati j chsncery diritionsoath norfolk west nortbamberisnd north wtejloo west luros weutnd london honck tnd cross petition north york and cross- petition north norfolk tnd croupetitiod bathvell peel and cross petition csmmod pieas divition spath grey ken north perth south perth algotna ktil sitncoe eiit middlesek west hid dletfi smth uiddlesex aod crosspetition north wentworth and crotspettion htldimand and cross petition the west algotna petition wis tried before jultves oiler and fargufonat port arlhnr lii july last unit all the charge lx ont- itkitit- 1 lh ftirth oil whicli jadnwfit rlrifcl wh lieirl lat week lil tlie fetitiud win riimurd willi full costs agsiiikt the tetitioners i plakjnc mill burnt vtkstm sept 3 fire bcofceout yeiter day afternoon about 5 oflloefc in s w schwendimaot plainiog mill and oom- plefiely destroyed the building sod contents ytogetherwith tbout 10000 fett of lumber thwfire originated tnthe engine roooi ind 1iad made nrsd progress betore it fs ootieed noueed strral of che workmen ijtb bsrrowcst4 one nuo johu hoetlli wdowstrxidg torttte hit tools rfc oompelled wj jump from t seooni ttifrj window todjwu btily borned tbont he face tod ltjjt8diiriowttt4ec wsto bornei aboof tbs face 11 ihmtpui eaiinftted smln it 0 a witaettt ho was tammonec on sttor- day to atten before the pnblie aecoantt committee tr d give evidenfe attempted to leave the dry on friday eiiening 6 aperis tendent sen nod of the dominion police heard a romcr of his intended departure and caused a ratch to be set on the railway depots at a result thsthtending f ugitire was found on ward an outgoing train and arrested bexn brought to hit house where he will remain until called on to testify he will also not only bve to give the evidence to o itain which he was originally summoned bat may htre to answer- the charge of ttepping to avc dei ooibs ron avrj seevixts the publifl accounts committee this morning investigated the charge that cut srrvahta had been in the habit of getting their drygoids at the expense of the- country a g larose i clothier rwore that he rappliect goods to the department of public works that he was told that as he was vlibkrtl be would not be allowed to sell goods ti the department in his own name and he therefore used the name of boarder a conservative and gave him 15 m 20 acoamts were made out for cotton sheeting which is used for mounting maps in the department for tu but only small portion of the cotton wis really supplied thei real value for the federal checks given i to larose being dry goods supplied to horace talbot and ernest dittune permanent clerks in the public works department charlebois book keeper to larose gave similar testimony while talbot jind dioone dented the charges j j frutes e dioane of the public works depart- paent nas been suspended r a result- of last weeks disclosures the government has promised tp consider the request cf their supporters for 500 extra session indemnity the official tnnouncement of lady mac- donalds eleva ion to the peerage it meae in the official qivmt pablithed in london from the text of the announcement it is provided that after baronets maodonalds death the son of the late sir john becomes lord macdoiiald of earntcliffe sir john thompson has given notice that he wirtrnjjve that anaddress of par liament beprsented to her majesty the queen on theiabject of the copyright taw i solicitorgetieral pugtley of new bruns wick is in theleity and will be here for a few days 1 hon llckeiltie bowcll has had a slight- retnrn of hit recent iness and has notap- peored in cito house thit week i hon c h tapper was slightly indis posed uondayjhut is better today some majuificent specimens of new wheat from the northwet were received by senator peiey today mr mara it p for yalaj b c left for home monday night serious illness in his familv ooa stoned a hurried deparfore drowned in a mid pond 4 sarxkctxr 3nt sept 0ma ktry stewcrt who i at for tome inie put been keeping bouse for her fiher thomtt stewart of iii pis valley al sw miles from here wu tonn i drowned in the mhl pont yesterday w ien the men i inie home for dinner they fat nd thttdinoe had not been preearad and 1 ary was mitt b a tearch wumstitoted rlti toeremlthitherbody u rpaokflaa liar la be fiill poqd utr thehpaatv t mi i ay f ts dolhjtt t art reporttd thi utettttint of loudo out hu dreppitoik nillit j ad u jhtec hit bead tori i to the tuag poteaj its ot ji pan ktt vet htu dsftttsd tbtsptatth troopt onlbj csrotluiiitlsndt bp u tt totttwliting a rsoiprofllty trttly with i a uullelj states thi thounni islandt uumbar inlt looor ing to a recent count r ij i omr so jutfkt were destroyed by tht trpho ib of julj 18 trt chtni jj i ac m vela of mlct hat beta aaudon t tuui tt loughhora tawothlp u it i tild england wilt it once lugtlyt taorei te her modllerrmetu fleet i 4 in as diitrict of uinltobt t field ototls has y elded 103 buihela to the acre a report hi current thit frtnoe hu offtre i mania a idan of u0oq0qo lit i i laid thai nickel htc beta found la tie ti wuship ot ettfford renfrew oouoty jff jtm voing of qtenslg ownthlo wu t irown from hit cart oa stturftr iad killed i i hiry boaldrickt left trot wuthttuted at ui rmora by the aoctdentt discharge of hugu j- y rooney of cobotjrwmerfoatlj friday by the tocidenul dikbsrgt ritjth emigrants have beea wtrntd t- brtxil wliere mat dittna it ent i i i i 1 the pope in tffortdg from mate ritoeritl derangement tad hi eoaditloo is regarded u setioua mr glads tout prophesies aa early re- uulot of the presbyterian chirohea of grea bnttla j wj ile helping to kill ttheep it harmors fridi y the tntte mlpped tna cut oat wen boat iri syes 1 j th i trouble in the church of asoension tt h milton hii been renewed in a rhor aggreuted forntl j sj i riaxlifi stratford hu been appo nted englitls mutec in londoa cot iflgitislnstitat j ge i alikhaaoff the rasiiia oommiqder and c iplomat has been arretted u a ipy at cabu afghanistan sf r w a huitay the promlneai dry g ods mtrchsnt in torotrto died yester day 1 1 the ige of 77 j walter sibpson of newark n 3 wu drawued sunday afternoon in lake george n yl whilejetaing i waiiim 0 mcdooildi t canadian hailing from near brocktille uu unardi ired in arkahtas a eporthu been reeefved frnfoo cbo that three foreign mattiaotrief hive mkooliil bar lalv u udjfo ijujardbamil aotcim booda u tt hw ot rjirouw tu offrtodinareihii m m bella btapl i art retau tote ttorise higl get er with aa ag jrtgite height of s56 betti ren i tilled up the country hi rvelloualy rich gold bearing quart his twa diseorered in tho atikokau roa range port arthur dittrict tt 1 1 vitioan has for tie third time reful i d to accept russias n jmineec for the vice it bithopric in russit mi jimes cathhtrtsop f miple ridge bristol township hu raited 221 lbs of lade gt wheat froai jibs sawn it it rumored ia winnipeg hte the grtad trunk wiu eitend their line fat hat city ln thence to the ptcioo cosst risiah troopt to the number jaf 150000 bttijjjcen ordered to wiraa jr thtsmiiet hiitj mftlioo troopt aathepush frontier cfictgograin thipperearjj now charter ing ali f he vessils they can get hold of tnd the movementof wheat it tboat to begin 4 hoist a prussitn magistrate white ling mount terglpa in the girnlo alptj fell ovir precipice tat wtt killed kttn hu ftllea for several daya ia many ptrttjof new irdaswick and it is feared the potato crop wjil be terievily damaged radjjmlodonellhu returned from hit p mlooged tripf ahd wu given a hearty welcome by bit oongfegatioa friday bight i t rr- a zanzibar dsptchtyt it it repdrted that atires re cently kuiea the explorer stub man in aiiirjnihotj lake tangtn- fika j- j j th i n i ht roltt wuhi ngtoh detpiteh tyt the us jovernment hu decided to reoogpire the new governmmt of chit at oucei i i j i n i edadmaster stctrart wu killed at soper villa junction on saturday wing to a mis take in signalling being run down by a trtip the colored xtton pickers of the tputh are kaid to be o eiotred and will demand 1 per too pounds sod board after septam- ber i v- the americai tourirti cirletoa grtvew who- u arrested in berlin on saturday on tospicioq thit he wu a ipy hu been released w i galljgheri of ttplytown near hamilton received ttal injuries by being hit in the stomach by a companion daring a football gimei the tteam yeht albetroii worth 100 000 hu been wrecked near the cotit of newfoundlind dr j hj egglettoi of boiton wu drowned i melvin tarnbulllof dretden cinghthis footj in a rag on the erie a- huroa railway at vtlliceburg fridty he wu run qver and ntttutly killed the north gjermaa qvtue sayt that it the request ofi the italiaa government germany hu f uuderttken to protect itiliaui reideojtinchtii j at atliuttgi an situriiy nlghl jeff d stewart a marciedt man went boating with the wife of another run n tojed- -ken- nly atidtoth jvere drownet j the man chambers who shot coottthle buhner at clinton a few months ago wtt lodged in goderieh gaol fridiy by dtleo- tivej murray of toronto who ir res ted nim at portaae la pi airle ori sturdy m ning their boma ws mjmiseippi station- on the kingston japd pembroke ttilway dausld murray murphy aged fl yea st johu hb it tho youigett inventor in be world he has jutt pttitatad fa ctrladt and the on ted state a toy oslted hej minodntta bavsish idviee report the sfiooterf of reu cial oilfi jou in tb region of the caspian sevvrhe produotlon of fields ft laid to i emortthio tenfold tctbiu that of my uther exittiogoil torf j j i vientiqdoit m llewqhargtd com milling tn jotcent assault qn cooper of the is ne place at pionlohel4fn elojrairii senunoel yettetuay by jqdge chad wiok the se lteoot tn tlghtoto monfhtlnthisce ltnl prison indjt ashes the prisoner pli etedguilty to tht eharfij l k john mcuinih w killed and his everrly injured wluw driving bain it iton ltd oi to r lit frtaat in lulpk kn4liraw ptotlog tali rt ik in town kf mztu hall o berlin m bteojtht goti i of frltndt hi rt the put week m m bqolrt sti i ige oi rookjwood itl thtioesf of mrt i lfftenrd ohmondiy u t hoate tnd d aghtsr ot htowu ity siting her h put y ototoatoj returned after tuikov trltndt i- i ofmitohell wuhimt a be f antral of rwlth 1 frleiidi at idinity iss emma h a net of goderieh the luttt of her bi o her mr us hoi net age it g t b ti ejput week 1 rt rteaad ft n ly htarasduome from wa ithdport whe e they hare beta tpiad- tag he lammer a cueiday ertnlng 1 u ittldahioki ig rfwinolpeg bttiieen reui wing old wei di hint in acton he put it tt twett i eark imce the ft riiy loft actou jj ti jo alexinier it a- of norjvtf left lor the old c try lut week with the nu itijo f ipenijinjt the remainder of his dtyi there a ifory bui ding rhlrtsrfour crifao cbtotoo sept ftl ow ttmple ip ha i beea preptr d bai ling t high i i mei i tbeentir i toi height of foa the building ui di sixiloriet in he foi irm oft tquare croa i he four tpaeec tl the tog eof the main bo idingbeinglattvac inf abe ra thi is a to re ihiped structure ar- tptklng jt lorietilto- tbi kllleob efucrax sept tool lent happens yearoldioa township drii iaf t reaper hit morning whereby if joseph hills of if try- lost hit life he wu aq d- in retch ing fort trd to throw it oat of gt ir one of thtretol ing ban wu die toronto nt i goett ffidhsndereonmp tt d willie bare ret trn estimited oo t hi mio i hart been mrsp j smllii turn i oo tnetdi htn 41 r wm if stats thit wtek attend mot itr k r motalyre c t tt trt horns of oral baiidty u re wltwtlttnjt ifri milthewi gaelph hort oa t a idty itlending jjffi kaetle funeral id rt o ttyloc tdfom a pleuti qo getowa tad raki a caught mil frdt t of the knfrey war t oomphtly altomttrery ia two hours terrific gale i beit cv ve a larg s i i iut i tht fall r aim fed u thi towb flifefc ii in m ilth i itby rai fjwvtwdm ar iattnittd j arm ttftoi aoton r tht ii dottrl iltoronto fttpfc tlh to lttb wttti tint lothon btpitrthtottlh qtutr i ouslph 8pwwtoah otutr druffl iiilyvbptjiidlo4nh btqai ilaig qeorsstowd bspt lhtb north wttttioo berlin if sept nth hh feel brampoiiepi kttvtwb huts tw4i btocvt0pti tmhaoth ptulr iultrl tircbathtaspllwitooetiit orwt iatett ttloutl bt johtn3 sspt b oeu wwt nellie touharritmbept to oof rut nortb f trtbtrttford lit tnd eram isslaoikwooa0ot ut tnd oaoai dsaal0tuwattt tm to oet tjfd boutt wiurtoo aslti0et ut lad nortt miwilkarlon fcpt wth ooot tnd trtht r urtliur oot 1st tad bttto i i jiutoa j oetsth mh slors bloraju0t 8th ttn otntr i willln6ijtnui 0t 9uith becki on boektoni oetuth ktb krla jbrtnlil0t ttth lath bfrltuhtraoprvlfcthf p r r i yd totftj b0 bpt7a brltith regi roenl mtnrolng loengltnd ran ohint next mpatk it- to make the trip eastward birw ty ot canada this wilt be the first praomotl ett new mlliury hlghrty la ihe eut aoiyitjisr amerlosn ni tnd- tht rstuu wttt bit looked tor wth tnaoh nterett great brlitln eipeitt thli ronfe to bs of euormus falue ia osh ittroabit la india and of the sues ctnl bting blockaded tht tgreerrient between the government and the railroad forth ate of the root wu mtdepablid pitas for the he odd m erected ia hi city thty prorid f r a he wtihtoitoq mnu- round ipaoei built op t in ttorie above thi t 300000 raping machine i t tad fia ted for wk ltltwkt i j m eet ttttl hssd and threw him fa bath arm tnd a leg ei ti from hla body co t about he face fr the eoeident furt isr great di mge- to crops pre wer taid n he i birches sunday for wet her ijfortti wsle ha catted era fin r so humble in erise suturing for 8 fear s- tored o perfect healik fi w jicipto havo luflercd nwre aevertlr rot i dfkiifa uim mr ea hemajwu l wel kuowiigroerro8auntohva he sayt d nfcim i wai in exeellent health weigh tag itpr2opoumuiu that year autlhutut iler lacdniij scute dtlteitilod soon t wujredarfedto l3 pounds luffertng oaruthg teaulloat uitlie ttouudi palpitation ot he heart j iniiiti nauea and indijeitlon- t teoald not steep lost nil urirtrayvrortr uadottotmeunehollitnd t it a time i would have welcomed iticcaffie rooroseuhi aud irritable cljlit ytan hie wast uurdeu i tried mijijbrilctumndnianjreraedlet oueday a w irvnua cntployea by me toggtsted that 1 v tt i hood elilsoffenngas tlv 1 01ds and before taking tbq whole ot adlc tlailtofeelllkeauennua the tcntsio ivjuis o which i had bca lubfertcd c j pk ralnltalloa of he heart subsided if li- r urrich became caster nimea dlsip- t and- my entire system begaa o in with rctunuag g if mrjjhewneartltltydf ii yffani 1 sadjlicdy before q ihflin ulhwtlle wxi taken t rcpilucj my farmer weight snd nararal liw i tin today welt and i ucruje it ltllleioldtgarttparllhl j 1 a it you decide to take eoodt8irn- raitdannbemdncedmbayinyothir i v jjarsaparilla brtltinaftu pudfqris fnitrtkaab kfc lhood00al oo ooes one dollar theres ftolplice like homle fri furrii ihinga house r addtig thereto the poor man ca secure a ijicles of comfcrtas wpfl as the rich wp have alfji thpl- the dining- room in many speight stock o furniture suited to every pocketbdok 1 line of furniture fojr arlor the bedroom the kitchen ekcehenfc value always j a speight maiiasier rtetrtib new tiuwu hi ri tlitjbt valntln blac i hehbj bia7fvme ti 3peoaldritin a e8kna shirtings aik to see our 85 a tader 3rett valut in yrd yj henderson mcrae co f i jftj tni ft attureyil tot i1 kites i itn3r omfli cotton otibtathet rtrsbpti boerf a areat clef f drmnr anguatye will maeeg desjerate effort tbtoleajront surn- me antl tight wejghtgoodg w have thousands tooj much irt wa it taoney this means ag ovgrfaaulipg and pifttiqg dowrtof pnes to cost ancf jin jsomg oaseg m ma belojy brigs goods thtt 5c tot 9cf isotl tor 18c nqoijtvo j dollars worth line and e o qre offering wibte 10c tor i jtotlfkv forlstj and- thi cat will ba jiiyt as igreat ini mv e expensive dress- fabrici still have s lavelj makes almond lii pearl grey and no reaaohjible ptleg wtti be refused as we jatrt the room- i another cni on fetlkgo ttm the price is 6tcentg w j gfjotda are ch jt- tltoo only y twejdotea je toe early buyer gets thaplaaa cjjttog and iitale hjosiefy are reduced 25 8jjlk taffettaaolji lisle gloves in all shades blck aud grey mitts ddd glovee whioh are ip i much sought ttfteryyilb not escapfr masfgo at 80 discpnni i challies taker another tumble tp 6ceut8no ned to say i thing about the goods yon know the regular tnqe and yon kndwhdvprejlty tnd coot tlese- goods lojoki when t lade np millkjeetyil itsltcbethig taking a well ea rned holid i fherei wonld be- 1 rouble- if s be v knew we were btuing some pt m herchoiqe8t ha aind bonnetsat faau pricfr milunc ry must go iw ri ir h try our yatisi corset j no brealan in r 1 pm 5 nsr t i- i a-y- jwhy dont you ir ismeths blood lc rhetsafeist and bfest- prepar- itipri for pur ifjting t ip blood ufagising tone to the sy s- ternj t or wynaham i i rt- r v i i dont fai to get a siipp iardine v- rjv ligbtp-smisdiflg- stotfe it ihd get a bottle and try it 5tf-gj7gljrh- fcmtcdonald i ir ihtadbxdis lv sy mccoll bros you villifmdjt givej sktisf ictidtisv f siibylldbvsefiibeytsilj bewf i bfnlrnftatioiis i wpprswiisvrhinc p yftlieiahiqus k 3rmib 4kpjblii m ardim salbt in n and to ni boos i jeetarisn hsmbi valqjibl j jhm for i butulf irni onlo17tcotlltia tt a- ship of fstl u tent with tot i mimiopitwrf wlf bteehiiftfawiy h ptna eedar r k sad aof t thin acuo a tor4 tad tih sastawtllislott mtwdeediis- landoeootl ib tfllatsoyaetboj tablf with mb lotto j tad qjimti ttrsfcts otstthtnge for other free- iyto i rl lais0 aetoo udt 3ltx3ompayi xostaiset ms ibfwt qxmtmw in the t tsifcagb op acttn kotijeefj ftite hret postmj ajottcb ii 4 njtteacr ii in tlw till i sod fourth aeeo totsrsut let teeinon te t so of the iltt uda pumast to said afl pertoas i npearhtg 1 testmestbol otto tati ttomto to in the wvh tc c ffieabtn of attembry an wvathsid t lalalwi was 1 lt plotted np at on thetwn yflm dr nniaintilisiieetuii blectois si jl called- upon to txsfnttt s list and u sntound tb rtintt lata to hrreti said tomw- dwedthlafreel qerk tottmit ftti venbort presumtfsi nrtrartf a qeedtaathey najhatti the i edbldi tjbh fil j yr hixjwatbwwt vi ust iitntkatil etotbep thejateos ss enriti i trl jans br any otbsi take tmmteasttjn eorreetai loaycantls till the ttll kit is r ii 5lihp clfsti j jsflbmglj sepbmbtee jaand 23rd ft pkoi trulbdtotilv- and itdgjag ot wbd must be- beloek gimnd jumping- mut track patent seasr a- tnekintmn dost bethel open to ttelpadli tbanday ye jta j equally att aetttti single pan oaauji tat prise u tsandk ja1stlnd th80ni ttjt1 jpnttdenw i -ri- is- pruiiict i is m fovyni ihlp of etgqumifvetc pubstjaki to tt tntitaettop thettshday wititheap- tueaai thvqir tbe2 tt theint onrli motlttm tn7ki the mmbnni tent told 85 tons it tlmtxndrfiql ou u day jam the by twanvm iblngwitt ibe bulwir jt oontjst eonttlnin tei nonewtu tdjotnlng wit i bua ana s frame hi tn containing barn bsxtofi abed aod drirkai ttone fouridtt out also 15 two pit boussto 0 wmhibfaial efflaa joumthe vuimkior batf mllajsot ntanstlmxp from oeoatet n there is attht thnenf tale tevtbtf f ptv cent ot the parohate baltno then oj into court to n wittlomnonth xcim aay hare in ahittbe bey nay pertriahallbesoldti 3tw idbr tiow rsrtherj tefe brreoneltiont will known oa thi daw utttrit oath ie gaelpl bowst wuliuialtlorbnt- dtd the tj it quthrbb veuobn r it r ffibk m i0eim pi53j5 i y if