afesaaw fi mii volume sy ilno jo evfiry tfiyrijat mottnlncs at me- fr press stein prittuofi jkfc kubtkeet aorov ost tf a p jr gjj4 la advance wttniu urn atotrtba from imauibr h date on lh uina ifbel aihuitaua ranrsmuilcat odwrtlae- mats oota rxt voopaml lias for ant in- jjrowjj esau pet 11m tor ach mweueat owtk1ct rltcttti lolvotiric titbit then jm for the ittscrtioo ol advertuecieate or v periods fl vk 16 ito juo 0 miro emoa too jaoo xoo ltro 300 kim jtoci r cvt coo 1h too loo lnb wtoce slackta ttaeta mwfimmtt without speclne direetlouo wtl t laaertta uil forbid aqd chore accord wf- vnattent adverttaemenu tuuat bo paid to adrtaco iittrtltenieau will l cliancj once ceh fitalrd kor cluwt etteoer thaa onomoaiauie cocupaaition man fce rla fcr change far eontrsetanrertisinent must be ta me ode bj- boon oa tuesday it 1 moore editor aad proprittor tftrstttcss siredarp wh lowry m b mcps graduate of trialtv collier uembei o collect of pariiejaei aa surgeons ofbet tail njil4eacvl tioheadof fred erici itrxc acxoo l b u ires pstttteu srmtox arcoicetcb orricx avo ttcsirnvrdr ucgarrin nous oorner hill and fniierica streets h l bennett lds dentist ar01artowx 0nt4rj0 j pmarshall md3ddslis dentin will b at curts hotel every friday m clean mclean 1 1 barristers solicitor nelinea coareyancera ire priratafaads to loan orse town hall acsoa w a ualcas jxo a mcleax new strong expresswacon if x 13 inchei pric socqnts baby carriages la wtr croqoet r drv lv haathr iloit stock mul lowcrtiirice i slls chssp bank of montreal capital rest t 12000000 6000000 a sayings department has boon oij1 in connection witli this branch ilrttroit f a uowat biutstu soacnor noiiei pctuc uoajr to lota otjci dirttoeijj nd stbrdr qrnckrinvin block actoo apcuin ohilt0nwallbridge4 3t0ne birrieterfbolii itoir al totostod gtoeoetotrx 0fitl creelunat block georgetown nd tnderm bntcrabrrrt3 tone l toronto jcsictox hju wh walxeeiikic ntbtove patekts secured foii rsvkntions besbt geist oitiwjl ctxiba tweaty toui practice so p4tat no pit w u hehstreet iiiccxscd apcnosccb cor tt coancie of welliactoa and haiuq orar left tttho fees pkrfs ofiice actoa or t my nsidcac in acton will tx promjjtly t- imdad to terra reajomblc alw tnney to ka on tb taot itorablo teratca4 tl tbe jo west rl of interest in cans otxsao tnd opwtrdi johx day architect greiru ojct orncc qaeeai hotel block hrket sqaira klluwfit rt rarrcul rates jashftnlav i uauacrrulelph biunch w bajibek bros paper makers georgjetown ont tatrt i srrculty or wacftlne pfnlsfietj book papers vrv t iliii jiaiik weekly news the traders bank qp oalnacil within to ettlumtaj coanocuoa icitlt good ralitblt tunutt tud kahvlag ho dluscuiwc k for ihota towafotuj to liod ralm llt uj etlood to them crsttarprivuoon uiinmrothor eluaofbutiaottuen traderabank op okajda het fcxoj xsrxaoo hiai jppi02 tqmhtqlj auezuckr hakktkn tkrorua ptwldeat wiixuic bkii ooelph mqj- prjiqt a a tius ttarioto dtaktor b f jfxknrkun torootoi director kobert tlt01ioihuqltou dlmctor ii 8 btttititf j3nirl kacf ailpupk iicakoh wo cu jotir tjtcatioi to uio comcnlotue oseros br our stxlao hcttk deiiutaieat do- poctuocltadurmrtiraoerea tod lateret illowed t tlia r of i per tent pr naom from ttlo of dcrotu to vlthdrcrtf ijdoc earn- poaadedhtlfvetrly oajittjfiy ioa wi no vember if i tarkinaoo medo to rwroatlbte ftrtacn advin uitdo to funknon tbe tocarlty of sdeenotm j- i acieclalttiild of collfcuue luincnulc not4tnd noctikrto raldte forcollecuoirrucn ybliaonpb wo btve amuriiuc4f1lciltioe for tniacailt- unc money to t11 fieri ofjtlie country a ceacrt1 btutioc badnottf trtnuctetf a k n jqvea uthtfior oulnb brtach i grrndells machine repair shop u dditlou to uiachjoerv rcpairtuy i km a aw j ireinjod todo n theiixdr uwd in tis journal is the nbove raillp ffon lwmbakbebfi bros- steeij extrrayings proof ktclticp col mi- pinurcf ricitirc mriiidins ivory oak frames silveb oilt artists materials a wiusor nftttoljs kllm f rancis kqnan scaoettorto t fchpmmi bookblvder stgarcecsare gajpb aoeoobt book of til kincg mtde to rder pttiaatliotettttimeriatioq aoref ally bonnd tp he hanlak barber shop mill sixcet actos aoecrtacve astrlftbbipateoodfeftfoini taeehllffrrfngcatmpooclytrlrea bjuori ci boaladpttt ia rttclu coaditioo cad cbildreoe htir utlly cot lcdw j tb wobdek toaoril artltti job printing ikclcoikg books fampbjeta twlen iuu head ctrcnltn 4c executed in th bwc c tyle of tbe ut at moderate iricea and on f hort notice awjf or ddrc h p 1i0oiie fjiee pbebb office actob welliugtoii f- 1 1 marble avorks j qccccc stecet gcelph clark carter 0ieect importer of granite end uarbje konomtau and headstone of all chadea tod from te bewest desica all work and m- urisi warranted fintclaaa partiei wahlnfi to pcrcbie will plecmgive u a call and inspect oerctoefc aajiptjce as we re confident wc cn compete witii mnj ectablibmebt in ontario kanc24td oat my fntrt to tbe above firui i rvapectf oil i aollcit tbe paironae to toy t rioad and ttim putife on tbelr behalf j h hamilton agents wanted if joq wurt to uitke ruoney aell oar ehoiee surgery xk uke bold and now it tie tiiae wrilatt at dace for tenutt uat dliotheks konerjriaed eobter n y i agents wanted in erery cownihip tp sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stoci and complete stock doptor the wot ccmpleio nd eomifrebenbive work evcrpoblicbod inttntbon lund t the betd of their profomi6a od bre a oootlaenui repa- tttioa vortbiu weisbt la eold to tny one atlat bonetwrhtep cttue swine ponltry doctor br a od omwrtualty to mclte ntdoy seeare territory ct once aodrem el kk0ter publuher y i 120 ton s st toronto a all itocl white double tub4lyvl 6 ioc h x 10 dcp pb6j trme complete jjc 5 v coreicfpoli- lints fittiact 2ic oar wall papers an taijlo lc tlc ut ttlcctcd in tbo city wafers bros establshed is77 st geokge s square guelph horse shoeing general blscksmlthlng iu k tuott katliuctorytnkaiier woodwork re- creful attcn 10atlten io all worlc broucbt in j anymtcblnebr iuiplcuicut by wbouiioerer tnnufaciuml i ill be repaired in awotk man like manner ljlow and nicbiucry rtalr conetautly btnd henry orindell se t k1891 while retiming thanks toour many pat ron for t jeir 1 iberal wpport id tbe pt ve wlih to iiiisrm you uiat we hare enterwl inton utangc nctit witb l stewart guelnb tokeepconstan itou hand a furl itockjof tbe ordinary kick o sasn doors etc and will alto cui notice at guelpl fram js v made to order hue window ai d yottr lumber tr jilj- any special eltei bo tbort price of al kinds ioalfo ket in stock a hue of doc casing corner blocki ileitis better supply either i all wofk piaran plcane cil clicwbere orttd vtlille yob wtll pumpjs i bla than heretofore w will wd or iroti pump prompt jr eel tatitfapory intpect before parcbacfoff aid thou cbbige ttiiaihter irerlrnds desiccated new planingr miff sash ic4 door factory john camerpn contractor h fitted np tlic bniiding on wain street lately occupied ts a trmik factory witb new machinery and is prepared to furnisb plans tpecincatlona and eetircoub fdr all clasits of building aad erccntc all kinds ol dispshing jhtchig 1 and moulding i katt all styltb of siihes boori and windowb and door frames and dretsed lumber and keep a stock on nairl all orders prompt attendtdlo john cameron acton- livery asl bus line the underslgnii rtsectfully eolicitu tbe itrou igff of tbe public tud inlormi tbcio tint well equipped and stylish rigs cm tl- wayb be secured at bisttabu a comforublo bun meet ell traini bctwi an 0 a- hi anil hlfi p in careful attention given tocveryorder the rantsf couiincrdal travel- it rs fully lint- il williams wellft gton mutual ffr frxscilfance gompany efctibufiktd 16 w head ofrice cuelph inurebaiidinuereiixadij uaaufactorlea nod all other dewpptioo of uunnble property on tbe cb tad p remtana note syitcm wheat for di3cptics id anyone with weak digestion trt itj the iueland natlokal food co ltd toronto tl nit vcalit her as i v twinafifiuialbvo wl t maid of nigh oc lav decroc noe i mfc x anyjpectott iru to fim caatrol of tquiaui luscrta key th ii adept a wfaor pita erre fail m k yecn of iue rum lov ttul this cirapleailnded maa attdi it ufr d im to iceuni a xclii ta t icadfliipi nttao oa her 111 wait ubtil ouruxtoa auimilato and ii our thoucbu togouicr run till bat w4 twajti becooio u quo tbai i wlui fotcpinuy and pride 11 eli iui hc u my cboaea bride attdi rove tho viaddtn of my plan said tbe fjidple- minded man at fittc lifibt 1 wld klie witb icotfi i dotitbolicva tbamcn it boru who- oultlkrouiij raydormant heart iud b d tt oicrfllccrrt ove aooii cool t and pllrcpent ot oi ex traatedfcatimctit oc u mbrq proper jo my mind o mi te a atady o mankind the 1 over fiftuhouid bo a frietd iuau iy gn dual ctepi lea be decpta vbat tuc to blm au caay price all eve fut bui ldttj tni ut u tl uj f bold bey i bey f nd til nd tuo betrta btchlhrouefcccud a cloth iu buftf will e oontcutl then letiurcfy repent be rctoluto and laid f i aid tho ilmijleniihdod uiid hnrta eta neret be ooutrollod i a way by young or old ivo will cut ypiratika tl plain in with too tifilit a relu etaa fate bad foreordained ii in lore twaa jove iiofucd- ikrrled aa it were off hand at all ii they bad planned jtwtihiut tut le tinttilii ilwittg t om s le iiv awv avikhmi s out littlo man wrapped in a grav- dverctavjnst the color of hiom hair ithamngc of ichlie whisicrc under neath lis ch n bright blaqeycsand a brown mplcsion sfisp jiedbtifyaelio4j in switserland ani viepna wnnkfad c doni iw sich etistomers in the secluded shades ol her emplojtnetit qece and the slnwlly dressed candidates for placo gigglec a lltlcras the old man stood in tup middh of tl e room staring blankly around him v ith fi r driving gloves in ono hand and a rhip u the other is bis tho kniployrnent ofiice siil uncle tiino hy trotoombc as miss mei- bury ia ivanosd with her best courtesy to meet ii m th is tiio place sir said miss med can we gall said uncle timothy said miss medburv third ti ar in c anada for clines portable ioot heater orermqooofn etc in cnada and the 1 ni jed but ten hours potid comfort for 26 invluablo for iw in all aoru of vehicle in tbe bomoholdani in store and offlcea now l the time to tend in jloar ordert write for camples aud j rice to tho cfno iwanufactutrng co ii8 fnot t wehiltonosroa agehts wanted gntlebrlen oijex dow yoar fau suit and overcoat new goods becin1ly ii trade oho i f wstokz powuent ilokm hainilteu fauiltoveu coal sood i james brown fft tgt lituj a larce juiljlltj of ercelleit jj vblcbbe ho town i lituj a larce juiljlltj orercelietli coa e will promptly deliver to any ipart ol i at reasonable price y kard wood tod ltu cutj atove lenpb alwl ea baad tetephoae coujinualcatiou ceas davidson kanager ravloff aoekt s 31aible works fxkformerlyhatcbablook ie it xt tbe gore cor ier woolwich and norfolk ttreetaoutlplior johw hamilton prbpriator wboleoole and rciiil dealer and direct importer and mannfacturet of all kind of granite and harble jionumetib tombttonca etc hatne had an extensive eipcrienm for the laat 10 rears tbe public may tcly on getting all superior articles at a chcair rate tbu any otbir dealer to the west ct ccjit off on a direct order re- mdarb 15 tcr c ccivod for the noil v b bell i pianos fit style and prices the lo srest hy specialty in r i organs s m coqt co geoeoetown toaawcxl auoonsart aptrf vllu oan cautctors baal etuta aad anrj land agenfi roa tex coeimes or- fitaipalwemnrton81mcc yor uktontsuto unaitlaloiatrtimtvttaotttitiraiat lkrtioo- plscbbg fieor sales or other basttisss in jstsiiln the same proopu sttewed taitrooderau bae ontar adjrtaabox f 8 h cm o oeticmwr niuscofratlllit sueaatrorwitoi s tt opokf 00 kaettoaerfv j j ooifunni b torcmw the webe awabiiko gold medal tfcn ported for my cei patterns workmanibip the best rfoctfitting 4 pants to order bury what i w mt a a domestic blandl we i yei nodded unc brow n itha in hat modbu y eh saifl uncle timothy to lisclurgo what duties if thats what you call it timothy wiping his bald cllow silk pockethandkerchief capacity f- questioned mis explained woni risk old adyll pale iweet like ier fi a rjiarts siqaidfcla and t it dhcrmjt pleasure wiled tit wodiaa- wrttlea toclfe jjlooijfirkk 1ojiis tho kindersjarlaa idjioatai and riuns eatlrchiidhood thesags generally lelttd the tnollior at he ieaite alil iu eda pakon ibknds the mpjherj ihroagli iher ihe child receives hii eirueit mptetslons he lares what r lores dialtket what ihe dis likes and through rtjao tnoilierjtpeiiet in god it founded his iwa belief thi family is the most importaijt ducatioual factor ta he lira of a child ifad au the igkaod- logs which environ the voting chid will hive s special signiseaaoa in forrfliug its faiotrtlififandsharaiter as the begin niog given bias or tepflstotoaueflcef the wtlele after davelopmtnt to the early be- kinninpooaaeajon are jof rjoit impor tapoe wa are ail areed thiit ihasur- thl raundiugs the stulospiiere aad ihe jexarnpleprescated ta he ehild ough to be trotcombo 1iir bleaedtf i it liough ill bet a cookij- raj say youre oo una for tho ilfai ion ma adtry lynn went out to io old one- storiod farmhbase willtlhs 1 ageb itter bovo and tljo lilu i cat aract roaring down- thagloo behind and strange to say unciotlmothy trotoo nbos old ladyj fell in lavo witii the stranger st first sight i t madotura you woaldui saidtrtiole timothy that shows lust how rant judgement is worth said ai nt betsey to bo sure she hasnt had niucl iexperjeuce in doing housework but slie learn and ismdy in the kitchen blare hee hands aro that soft ai that genttis and coaxing as its to have her wait upon ouel and by degrees aunt letjey strangers sad story from her w ly sympathy aii artifice poor lambkshas gelt ahusbatid some where butsha dont eractly kne w wh said mrstrotcombe rfhere dlin friends aud hq was jealous reason or with ono said undo shrewdly dont tell mo said aunt be say sho rail away to her own folks was dead and alio wafftooprond and tell her husband of all she and finally sho fell sick and peglly ded jr a hospital and wien she cacj baok to life as it were sliesaw everylhl ig in scch a different lifilit and she ugged i nd worled her way back to her husbands 1 ouse and when she got there loaurrbcliold the hot sc was shut up and ho was tone 1 euro and sho wruto to him and she n ivergot answer and now poor chimiik tsuppo ing herself aa beat slie can i wfshr-jsti- aiioed lier cry with her head on nylap i cried tiio vell tiabody could ahclpcdj it i a idx t- aeeii mew aweei then j told her the story of otr neph sw- fwlehtia auolutely tom as wo brought up just like child jurowu and liqw lio wentwent 3iarried the play acttn beauty ihe ran off j and left him and leart and how ho was wander of acst abd and hiw broke bis arouid tnd th in ler a id big ejkl furrin pars tryin to forget mary looked up atfnto with lier on says slip 0 dear dear tr t iomhedont judge uio poor girl t o lurdl i look at we and thfnk wlutt she too rm y have suffered ahd i deckre to ocl till- dthy it never occurcd to me be foro tb t tltereiight have been t cqsidc to thi t rajs tidn too ihurrjfii said uncld timoihy tro jmbe and he took snuff f did you te 1 or as tpm hvas oomin be ck thia veek theindkrartenf iiv lata mrrii ictox caniequenor our clear and pure in complicated ioclil life and thefaec that everincreving deminjds are made upon the time and strength impossible for her to of jibe mother it is leaver all tie calls patlcipaticii by the cbjjdten ialhe talks through tsw lalki fiiii bio tells di the variedj aotivlt of theiilrole kinder- gartenis twieealrifedhii the unity ofili idea aad ly jbasf of jht kialergarteri system taiiijeidea of organi uilty frtberiyuadamoutal jdeasof he law pt haman dejrelopfnent isi every chad borirlnthej world has the- germ or essential elements esistiaig wilhin- himself oflhe jbrmoi hii fatdfe life the purpose of he kirergsrtju- sutaribttebel is to take overslgbtci children beiors thy jus jsady forho5ly lo give tie children emaloyraeo to sgreenveht with heir neiorejlo tslttugfnen physical powers io exercise uielr lenses j lrengage nude upon her the naids helpers ei her in the house oc the ffluderjouierr whe shall standby her side or supply her place how msn mothers are thens wta are obliged o be ro much occupied with pjber duties that it is imp ossibla for hjfa tq tee afte their childrens wpj jt hote j specially their tppaul moral sad social requireneou they- ray be glad to knojv that a friend ready to receive littlechildrcn faring three hours day can be foind ready tolnjtruct themfu thekiudergirten eiereisei aud principles the kind rgsrteu in no sense supplautx tho mothes uflueucc the ktnderiiarteu uuly juppliaj the noth- brs pls for he time beitij as a dvputy raotlier to the jittleouei gufyasabeiprcnd faithful ally iu lyjisr taring syra wthy will guljo ani direct t ie cufrureijia their payslteep thetiitwsety aajgeutle indpeasabte that the directress herself maibe filled with true motherly spirit ind j huderttal ding able to enter luut thfft caressing coi iat motherly play which oesfrom the per 1 w ly should u possible tint round the house generally aid ujjcle tjimotby my wife shes got the rhe irriat cs and so i want a gal wh t rer itineration are you prepared to offer discreetly inquired miss kehbary wlicll demanded uncle timothy trotcbipbe i rith bis hand behind his ear if short said miss medfcrary said uncle timothy yea i think what you meant well ita place only the old lady and me out in the country tisro was a general tossing of evating of noses among the jdidatcs on the employment heads ind e eipects it ca benche- andl combe and a n old lad done he wi nt on uncle timothy trot- theres cows and chickens to see to odd chores to do and my peculiar ana things must be way or not at all but im wirlins 3d retdy to pay whats right and i want otak some one right back with me in tl e rod cutter as is waitin at the door i and e j sy looked i ipeel no said aunt betsey ir i i 13id it over strike you ho might come today j noj aunt betsey ans jeered v onderidjj more arid more j unclpirimothy tvheeledthe old ladys in ttlid chair a step or two forward so tha it was on a range with ther wic loiirana then he pointed- out towards thl garden gate whiro thejrimsoa honeysac ies wen just bursting into bud andn wjitebjihw waved its crets of boom back and forth ii the soft spring wtndr atall figure bronzed in the face and beareded aa to he chin was striding through j its tonj said aunt bejtsey s lasruodi cilly clasping her hand j ves its tom said uncle timothy jhusii for at that instant a slight iga ewhich had been stooping over aumj betse ft white hiieeroao into the bland may lunshine and the two young people met face tomlobvtom mjpiary and the next moment they wert inl each others arms t unci timothy and aunt betse atlono another old lady said undo timothy did you never suknect this f kever 1 icried tha old wife wii h nelson f ashionable olotbieir 39 opper v yndtiam st quelph elson ant toise for he has hat jtiwicklnternationsij exhibition a tl89i id eomcetitioo witii atuefieauarmaueaslisb aadtvtoahun maaufoctarers obbalb oa itanuilr or fjuirterly iayttients euly at j i g wlkewrs stdaxc stoee 5 lownf viftk hat itrttt ptuitlo 1tc j j vk timipb tofo- wi i suit you dry gocds 1v i boots shoes jv ajljld giojclkwes i vi- 4thxai 801 toited ng he sat himself down and antlyat the rows of help who occ lpiedlthebock benches at the office miss fedbiry went ip and out wliisper- ing and roaring but not a damsel could be found 13 volunteer as gal to uncle timoth trojcombe and his old lady in t ie country indeed h said one and inly one help keptl sniffed an other two old optbs like that commented a third 1 r nothi bit of society far a poor girl added aiiourtb and miss modbury was just about to return to upcle timothy in despair and tell bim that she could not possibly fill bis order w icn atallslighiwoman in a faded block sit drtjss oftenmended gloves and a worn bl tefc shawl stepped iorward from her seal in another corner of the room and ftpol q a few words to miss medbury in a whisp r but thought cried the latter insorne perpleii y ulat you desired a position as iadyb m tid or companion to some it d es not matter said she i i like that old gentlemans face i think i would lii e to try the sifuttian j and 1 iss medbury introduced misrayhn to uncle timothy trotoombe i day u think she would do sir sho said uncle time i 0 slid hi miss i ynrii face glowed a deeper crim son than fiver why not she questioned faintly itss gal i want not a lady 6aid the honcstc untryman bluntly but can work if only you wonw try me pi ded diss lynu can on wtsh asked uncle timothy 1 yes and ron and bake only try n a and nake soft soofp and sew rags for homemi de crpet land bring up little chickens and larkey poults by hand add ed incre uloui uncle timothy whatever k do ndt alreidy know- i shall be lad to learn said the tall wjomap eagerly 1ou ire looking at my dress i k i fstil coof essed uncle tifaothyhired fast gathering on her spectide glai sea i i did said unole timathy long ago well its all right now pt ii dawn the shade old lady it ainthardh fair for old folks like you and roe to be joeping andtom will hardly think of us n iw v well said aunt betsey huski y im glad of it for j always liked that girl 8odidi said undo timothy trot ooijibe to face dasped stared a rout how quarrels peqim sked i wish that pony w miue littlo boy who stood at the window down tho road- iwhali would you do with him his brother vridehim thats what id de jah dy lotifi yes from moriiiug till night ivoud havoto let ma ride hitji soma times said his brother why would i youd have no htni if hi were mine vlfather iwould makelyou letpe hava hia part of the time jlo iiewouldht my childrenj said the mother had been listening to them ind now saw that they wofe beginning p cetangty with etch other all for uothiug ietmatellyott two boy norjo the rqai said looking themselves hence more actual of ihe iwakenioj niind j imite tbetn toquiiated jiih nature ind with theft fellow oreitorei iouide hejrt and soul ta the right direcfipn by leading he feelings and affections to god a their creator ltd- first cans anjd rource of all life io duity wih jhimtaud tofiknhony wluck hj selfcompleteness with ibemsetves xhotaforew sum up the geairai aim of the kfndergirleusrsem in few words itdevelopeji ihe child in the totality of his nature aiabetii of houhtfeeurlgaad will and- in hj louiity of hiiretationsliips 6i nature to man sud toqoo tl- f sooal bearf to ths perse uai heart 1 the one thing traiuingbiloyficjinnotjc d for tho kiudergarleu fit ntrstiu grext meas ure be in her uattiritllyaiift direct ifrocn her creator f fcoebel called his utilutiou kinder- girfen the osrmsnfo infant gtrdeo or gsrden of children beciiue beihed symbolically t indicaw by this name that children resemble tha plants of a garden and shoujdbeilreal4d kilt similar cae they are liritgorgarjisuls like pfauts which must blessdm aat flower before they can maiqra fruit tha cara of nuati by the children themselves or by thosiribout themiainsepajibly epniiectedwith tha sys tem froebel jimsdf says in a letter to his wife you know what a close reulida i hold to eruit between the observation of nitura in tbacaltifatioc and cars of points and human education make children in a pleasant minajr ianiuiarwith nature if you cannot as- in large and crowded cities takecnildreu oat to katare sua the garden bring nature aud the girded at much si possible to the khider- gtrten when a child has watched the growth of a plant it cat ipeehends what it meant when it s told th it its goodnesscan grow if it is ciierished 11 a cliilct iu the eindergarten plants son e seed sweetpeas for instance it learns a esson in- patieaca and selfcontrol it wonm like to dig up farmers vs merchants observer frritm as follows in bruce- telccope i msy premise that i am npi a merchant tide areary of my nlatirsjf i have ndtoe eeuthuresieddirectly or rn rtireatlsf jjf storekeeping- my judgment is not kwsye4 h fc of and persooal loss or hupe otpeisonit gsiv but luring lived rrjoro thau balfa century m thiwrd hamng traveled considerable read tnucit aodlmiied vilhi liuiiuiss cueiaof alt pro jesuioarand in mifcautili mattiers my relatiaps witi banneis men hvvtfeiiwed rrie to look behliid the scrans and i roust confess my astouishmeathit soma honvst farmers do not uvsjhtiii intellieenoe but allowvorganiaeis ta dupe jhera bj rai ing at what jhetjcsllthej mouqpoly and pppreasiou of tlituierchants tokeiaway the fat lindg from those of eanizenc of s inim s 1 msrrsi iiitl5 mi i plilce ti isbh boufxtrs cokixo bhn j1 m i iflavdrearbwy abprrin rolnd tiir boasc j i la bof aw la the way ibp aair 01 mewy wtat a touw r- i i eaatiftjhere cant ait tiien or eren rbltti ju v l j itutk f -i- is ithoot i kear tbf ume jold try the way tbeieqnicii wbatja fellow to do and w si ad how can be keep on lfring jrtwn bii njptber j txeubimji ft a txtsbe ranu me round the bpife an keep me at kfunninff j piteriiodaoher canmrvby vhjeonipnyg coming uafqlto bf a boy wnttycr tbe only one llh just all taa iliter or twofit ifnfrno kind oc f m il rfotcnxigiit men- locyiai riadawn cellar aa oallto the bam here 3 abaoit thovel the rao4 1 tbafr whii iyaokeep j vin ftcetyatret tell yoa in f fttnaic bring in the woodbai fall an ran an gubectfctfegss johnnlrun down ob tlio itf punaifii pair of legs t nt this boose tnovcs on now tbayrefortrw ninning ut more apeciallji daya ilka hla ctue br why compayi coming jwijt bave to wait aroiuki uljtfae oidfotti all get throagii j j a j a i take wbaii ioftorcr for me anto to wka ib it dor- 1 jener geficrtlly gojeaaboat far enooii botuf looe- oino eating alone e ulcmtartoviba ebidona gona an uisynj broke tie wlabinibone c the btggeat piece o eae p took uaibe froitlngi tnnibled offt ft ai the natf uf applea irmlstty aearce iu tbay e w towed fbe ubleflolh 3 dear uiiakhiawfai it mbi my head a iianimpig v jeucver t kuotr by tha wajrlot acu thftt tlierecaaiue compnycouing ail o 1 i i ulvj right in who r big of sj quarrel between twi boys m der than you arathat i teeii aboit hir day thev were gaiugipng the thy recoiled a pace or two m wouldnt do at all gallflon is iot disturlkd ns of theirgro rth ihen we roust corrupting influ- or- development ram the election first deal direitly roagh the eiertise t materials tieir i pie talking together iu a whan ouo of them said wish i had alt the pasture world the othet said and tha cattle in the world jjwhtt would you do frieid wh land i turu them but me f wi i bnj girl generally wear silk ga wands and i s all e have u you will engage acahco dress to workin urged tin will rln wages ylwjt- try me sir please x and i do not ask for high ud k ha vealwiys fancied ithat i shmild ii cath i country no you wouldnt wsa tha repi y yes i would l but letyoft f wqnldut ask you yoasbouldnt doit i should youlthanv twill andtvitb that they seiiad and uidedeich otherilka two ullyjwicawl yos they were tha children laughed but therlqioier sue yoa ie in what trifles i narrtls oiten begin iwora youjiqy wiiirthka tnoseboysiutyour half ingry tal t about anmiginarypony if i had tot bean hen who knows hut vou might tare been b silly ami wicked as they wire i i slkmj ajlnnikia ii r ecoooroyiix doses cjoa dollsjr mjerit i peoulfar to itstlf tuiity hoods barsapii ilia the earth and find out why it doesj not tproutbut day by day it learns to wait and the seeds elxntoilly come up to view did the child or tha teacher make tha seeds grow the children soon answer no sod made the seeds grow and therefore hey learn another important lesson also jxat god is tho source aud first cause of ill life the kiudergirteu theojlin coutradiilinc- tion to the old school system which io ood and crammed tie teachers ideasinto the childs apprehension developaa from the childs own mental facalti es as a gar su ae or cultivator creata nothing in the t ees or plants so tha educator or child gar eu- er creates nothing in the child she cne ely superiutenda the dovelopmeusof iubiiro inherent faculties frcdom of grovth among plants is oalypcsstble where his systematic dereopcmeut and the necessary conditio are attended to first shield the child from all ences and everything that would hinder- true developmest iu th sennd place we must have exercises through personal action of iaward strength we with physical dereiopme it and iufiuance spintual developineut th of tha senses allvfhe playthings which ara ailed gifts and ocoupatfous are so conl rived as to meet ibeir innate impulse to ctivityaaithat in a rightly ordered seqtrej ice corresponding to every stage of tha s juls progresiva derdopment in the kindergarten cjul- dren under six build weave sew fi id model with clay da irawings paier cutting atidipany other tt fugs altoget et we have about twentyts 0 gifts and ooa- nations used in fhe kindergarten in short they learn in play to work to pihi struct to invent to relate add speak cor rectly and best of all to love each other to be kindto each other to help each btoer- and whai is eren mora important they learn to play together withloriugfellpw- ship play is the normal occupation of childreni play is work with the instinc tive purpose of bringing into action lhe intrata powers of tha mind aud is tha beat preparation for or rather the beginning of i wish ijhad all mental culture tha songs and games jtra 1 an essential part of the kindergarten syslam thea i aked bis they make a powerful appealtfroogh word gestureand melody to iha self-acuv- pasture itiesof thachild by rousing and klijnrjla- iting tha whole nature physical ind spiritual simultaneously the moiic xirrespondsto he words aud- musio and words are illustrated by gestures- and activities which ara uuirersally reopgalz- able representations the stories and talks follow next in order of importance ihe object pf ths stocieg is to showlha hild himself hence they lead jto sbu- knqwiedge eroebel sayaj pf storyfellii g to tell a story iato the mind of the child lrtt patrons of moaitry autftb voicrt of trimaselftacriflcingbeatroieutgenflemeq will bo silent jttout those anotutatu profits crushing cordbiiesaf merchants grinding the life out ofba firmer b thciceitortion and onehandredfarid one t ceterasiuthe adjective linel j hfunls mevcliauts jfa liziue perhaps ths most- reliable aathcfity upob thej labject published a lew years ago mercau- tils statistics collected for the preceding 50 years from the juiost aeearata sources in america whh showed this out of etery hundred persoi s engaged lin mercantile pursuits nineiy were fiojueially ruined j- 5 per cent thai is 5 buf ocjeackhoddred made ame iriug and the other fire made an independent- fortune and later thin thia thai mercantile ptiooe the lite senator macdqokld of toronto than whom a oejtar authority could nptpe ated poij lishad an essay in which he places the soccesafn rnerchafltslower thin the above circulation sferceot i think let any of our iukjigentfarmerw who haya iiredfifteen or- twenty ears in this section just run over in his recollection the different personswho- during that time have been engaged tn mercantile life ii wsjaertouanrl they ara many in number and there is opt a- single oue now in mer cantile business nere who was in that business twenty years sgp except f guggiaberg andask hfmselt who of those hii made a fortune by storekeeping and theeclio of his rciice will answer who i will venture to extend the iarestigition auring the sitriej period to any town or rfl tige troaud us sud the result will be- ihst- far every onewho iras made his fortune in thebusiuestrripre thin ninety luye failed then deaftfsrrhers let yoarowo obser i 1 1 i i 1 ration and common sense teach j ou rather than to lialeq to some double uirreled orators giscphtding the country- enriching themselves by doping you into the helief that the rnwcoiut who a- s more than it pri5 per cent- paiavoice prices on any goods is robbing you eobbery iiutreedi mercnancs would e glad to scilit less than id per cent profit if there were irotienormous losses by the miserable credit system or losses by perish- able goods joe iuf es by choiiging fashioos amerchiutlu bistqwu the other day sbbwed me- an article of ladys dress nri millinery which cost hint jliowioutot stylisud he is offering itfor ssceutf aud ha his mauy other articles upoa which he vouldbegladioljealire ioosl yes one half of colt if hk ooly could fiad customers if auy jne sjipuld profess to fell ill articles to the patrons slightly above cpst then watch and wait and yoi will tee theforoeteul pppiu there once lived a miri who possessed- eiaiorely garden that itiwls bis great- ia j pleaart- to watch its grolrjth as a leaf i d flower ind tree daily aeeried to hnfold fcrighter bicom one moxning ms be is tikink his usual alroll through thi kept paths rhe waasnrjrised to pnd tl at many of the blotspms tin pided to iieces it was not long before he traced ilmmiicciief tff ihilil bjro which hi aiuigcdtociplqrevnd wtiti boat to thjt wheoit ndaimed r please do not kill me wla tiny bird my flesh ii ssiisfy jou set me free teach you something that will k use to jrda i i roukljiiajto pht in eidto foa replied the man foryoa are kpoiurj by gatdeo but bi am always u la learn spmethius useful i ibsil ja you free arid he opened his hand to gire the biird mireair i t i iji j alteutiou larjodlibe bh ari thrkrrmottoes which shon i guide you th ough life do riotcryover siiltjjilk do no be amsonly si tooiittleitb and i shall be of much k- m m ini desire what is unattaiai bh dp not ierawliat ii impossible j he imau was satisfied will the- advice an tier he bird eecape bat ilmd soarpely rei ainedits liberty whan frooj a high tiee op losife itexciaiined 1 what a siily mthela of letting mejescapel if you only knejwhtoa hie lost m f 61 i if it what bars t lost ivtha inly r why if you had killed me hi r fdaniinslde of me a tft gs pasrf i- would hire said in hii tlesrtones sweet little bin i ifill not lar fi as a gooses egg and you a wealthy man forever dear little bird the man man asked yonjwony mm hi ki hann you cona down to ma and 1 ill treat you as if yon were my on 3 child and giv you frnit and sowersajl di y bat the bird replied w lt- a siby tnan to forget so soon the iduce 1-jqlir- you i told you not tocry drei mltmilk iua beru you are wprrj lug ove what hsf hapiened i urged you not tc desire the una taxable ind iiov you witl to- captrtra ma igain and finally ibid you not lo beli ve what- is i impossible aid hen yea tare rrragiuiug ilfat lhave ahu e pssrl in side of ma bra a houses ei g islariir thanmy whohrbods- you ou lit to leirn jyoa lessons better iu the fut ire aded the iird as it hew far awaj t j f i v- m i- 1 epeafcas toiwise men to whatxsay 4 judge ye fs selfsopportlrfc dto your sftl odji biriof useful kno uedoejlf tjuc oawc- or- vikrrooci utr- it tn said that wu owe the iuyentiou of visiting- care i to the chineae aad lhatj van so lanfi ago lb tho tung dynasty clav9 jtvisiliuj cards were tried iu china jto notion dt- serreapstxictiruie ceremonial iu ragstxti to lie paying of visits as the 3hineaad but fiie cards they ue lor this inrposasre ri r v m m jr tiv it is pkisant and hopeful to note that so many 6c the ypung women of america are learning to value ihe mental powers and the education that will make it possible for them to suppoct themselves jf the necessity for dbingso shonldarise the daughters pf comparatively wealthy men are not intra- quently found sasisiirig yieir fithersin vie ofsoejrxounuujtroam as typewiiteri orj aceountints vj j i many socalled fashipniblp iadies make their own dresses and hitsl we are toll having gone through a- regular eoirse of in struction in tha art of mjlliotry and dress- making an irjstance receoily came to the notice of the writer that his in it a lesson for women whet givi uothodghftb the state of depedduca o which thej would be re duced if their parents or hatbands should die leaving thai unprovided for j a lady who hid a beanbfalhbme and three little children and ihose husband wki aapdosed to becomfirijivfriy wealthy one day fuuudjeerelt widow anil almost penniless her imsoandhivingbeen engaged in unfortunate peoulatious iust before his detlh vj -i- the ladys frteuda ware profuse in iheir offers of sympaibywhile wqnderinwhat miht world th would do tijw shaknewjaswhatshawoulddo jtith- in a month the harl opened a inillioery ifatshlishtneai that at onoe becamivsry very different from our dainty its of whin piper beitig large enough to ol i twice aid aibnkjht red coiht afbutuiiy evintt wixni thertili in old lauug thitthe fun always shines on his awnbirthsy utwmany o you erer tfiought of tjae- snii having a birthday tor know whasoijr p4 v- il of the wmkit on fat ttiiwnv vs littif doubt that most wt you hfiwraid til about it iu tbefiritchapter of ginmogat the hlh verie if nb ithe next anulrersiry which a dnwednesday j ias errbinto arjiu doga ii or wild tiate never bark theysil howj ahdgrbw ha noise which w o4b barwing is found only attongtbuetiviiam domesticated columbus foonk that to j theue with the ilogs he ffjit bruglrt anwrica aid left at large forioi his retofh ha tills us that they had lost u er dropenc lifyjto bark fjoientifiomen ai thsuhtuk ingi iallyanjffnrt oh tie part pt thfl dog o speak tfoirpers bug ipia- nesdsjhtji 4 do sp on- aysajthep- 1 the native aplywiiu ika a strengthening bath rtieanjeieriiise or tha soul andfprihe jndgment a ioi oolj popular an prtfiuble for the 4wnriehi the trial aid af prwatfmuo hid worn lutb past had baensuph models 1 of eleaoex foist tin wfiioowvwndi were glad to tse advantage ol her good blasts tbiy nfrer drearned that she had priyatelyilvarriersert i verjrgm bakiness eduoatiori i j que was suoowsfuliifoin the first ind tbe praises she good sense woi less nriiibla specially jt mean j of ciitiirs or 1 be iotel act and loharactajtha talks aifiit naieriil and jbitbatic- edacajfon miss peabody says the khidefgarten ii the irjmarysxt sthpol- tlie chief doinl of liffarenca between the talkr and tha ito fies s the directress tells the- story herself ind ihtfpulldmii listen quietly with the t iks ihe develops ideas from thi ohlldren hr iyedfoier and lihava furned ihfbeid ofa prescription is bet a t-fiqq- idoi beliaviu jwara both i aju jt us t jue togathei 5foa try 1 irpiarobi favi rite prwrirafon if it 3t lint ijgrjifc- lomsybtifrpstiiiuib lira proolirto auy oan jp n mjbtlv doul tl di nt read i dont tbini i srm baliatc 1 now are you batte you i otnan wfio thtul thai patent medicines an ahumbog and r pierces favorite prsw ription tha bigs bumbug of the whole boanst it v bast mown of all does yoturl iriofwfja orjre me ti i tj it svery elsy to dontlji tbii wef id 6nj cfon always bomes tabra mjily than copi lenoe bof doubt littlej irh nejar mjidj lasiekwomai well and it ijfavorit pre iriptioni has cured thouaa icli of dallv cate wei wbntariwhioh mi it ni thinji thatpur iman toiii vulajmxmfotl 14 tie bujt actiy abl petieti bi it liter trios ugh they tbelvei