Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1891, p. 2

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vvjy 1 i iv il l rii our j igpwitxta b oa ha oct th we ot he r itedtnrau 2 1 too i koouw 09 tkh oau uw wife k icr taw wsrsi of 4gtitr bunttromnrtovu n lb m october the tf o fndx barter ot uk imtktah ta at w trtuuxo krtjt tittaar octor tth b scott umu wetasnt of the by svttstfcllahmhaot it ntfottpbuaftoa vk lew to j br ber j b wwwtl otkeekek ut moafpttctt kj c uehltasl mist dtsd srtwutria fciqijoo the lut october jouo slewed te4n jeer j urktvmxo georgetown oouieuth october ooaild ibkiaaw ti r yesr dtltooeuw lath t9m o br rantew jotattooaiaittift utv pelto lormirfv ot atiimtln bet nth hut a eratta cbtolewoluro ffle jxtoit tiness tuursdajt october k 1891 notes and comments blsctals 1 i theostalaaftha finanoe department have closed the books or ib bod iyeer ending jut wth the transactions ot etch year owio to th intricacies of dominion bookkeeping generally overlapping too or twelveweeks fntolhe following year tfw revenue for lbyeniooatatot3s51jci07 end the expenditure to f36ct5u7 leaving isrpiwoctagsa rev hugh pttoo hughe the great methodist niotef attending the eea- meaiacl coafereaoe et washington he tojocoojh appreciation of th power at the brest speaking a jearnahsm b nid treat the newspaper weu lam much of my incests v ujem i tell ray other to treat a dike with eoartaty bat report er with nnmce tar reporter nowktfays it a person of much mar ooneeaueaoe the outlook in ratal foe to coming winter it one tita tnj well toooh the befit al ertfgeneroacly diipsnd prwjn the fillarof crop ht beta gonertl tnd tbe prnat of food here lireadj retched c rtthboa figure with tone winter in rtfforoae climate ttaria them in the toe the porertyttricken peatutrj crafndeed en t pitabte ooiditioo only very eenar- oat relief from oawde loaraes ceo pnrenc th denh ot handreue from turrtlioa be fore tprinf j it tc tlited on apparently ood tatfcotfty that th bothtphilda hare during the laat etentyire jean fsrnitbed to the tarnatgartnimentc momy in earope c total of about b7000ix0 appottioimd tabetaauatiy u fbtfawt great britain tloxfop000 franoejmomo000 italy 1300008000 attad009060 prnt tia txojkxmo rbmu iiooojjoo brazu tto000voo other statea h- 000000 whattheroltmeofprirattloana bf the bothaehnia way hare been nobody eaa tett th amount of th award in the cjj txbttratioo oaaa tu mad knewnj after ooancii oa saiardey it ic liigjktij ia ei- eeaa of the amount pretioaaiy mentaoaed bat erta then ic eontiderei tatitfxtory the amoant awarded by the arhitratorc ie 1 579 wo the deeiaina u to the payment of ooit ia yet unknown th try fxror apie remit to the qoternment of the aritratioa mntt fae oonaidered tmioestly iitiifactory i the original claim of the cs after oantiderable argnmenta and whittling down wii ahotrt hooooo emplr sir joteph ekkaoo who haa ioat retnrn- ed from a aojoarn in england add to re porter thaqneetian of trade relatione between the ilother coontry and fih i noticed erideoti reeeirec more attatioa now than it did formerly and public men there are begnning to take great intfrett in all the turgoetiona which hare been made foronitisg more ofaaefy thaoommer- oial ioterett of to coionie and the lfoiktr coaster i may remark that canadian isiin now receire from the enjrhah metxodolian preat almoetaa mnch attention u doj those of the great european nation vulura t in vartoutothrpijbri kndrilmrtibtit detroit on monday illat btoddtrt of beivertoo iriiltedher titter here ut week itn andrewt of cllnloo it i g teat jit tbifalhodjatpareonage mr thoftelt brown of tctcwittr it home for a few dayt ttaalloo g lcrhobert holmet bu been d i mput weak and ooabla to attend hit bolo 1 rev o oooki biai bean tonir at th past week irom a mink attack ot a luima bew kc norton hat bub a iil ate to tht feaptitt couveomoo at tnrnl lb put weak mlat jortee ot figinaw ctty mian tttanwd horn oa haodjiy tnorniai after pending a coapte at raouthaber un wtn canlpbelt annie f1 mtaov tod alian latt tor their home la tironto on uopdar alter t pending a taw dj a with acton friend mtvl d wuren ot the aeorgttown fmtkta atuudinglhe bajtit coartntion at toronto at it delegle tram the saptiil cholrch of that town trohn lawtoa ir ilea w ltwtoa and un fergoaon returned hdme ao hon da ateniag having pent two or three weeke with friend in ttlchhttn cood actor snyder ia loan to be pleaed oa rvetonob 1 othtra at nlertt aa itarnoon by lh ot fiitlce hti d praeeedifgt to make seneoal ilajorg the obmmttuoof he ftacied from twti lout prueaframwhom hvipoiwajed material oi the qoternmant tbe parti aatar w f toecari bpoalihl jar to notoriontaod freth in tha rooltoto the pablia that it la tnnectarf to repeat them j 1 j- the tndlatmtnu oovtr the montyt reoeired from miliar j riobardi of edlnbarg 0000 on larohaae amoapuog to 100000 from h batbtr jslia company of toronto wx on porobtiei of 130000 from w b biaoahallof toroqto l00 on pcroiiaaeaot 119100 from tbe pottoa iron notb company of toronto ani own bvanb wd on pur- chaiet of itww frt mjlitunoeloi mont gomery of konlrtal 1st on fitoo from ihepomidtob type foundry company of monireal i1jb00 on ittm from bunlin retddroo of lloatraal isooon about i300o trom odiilon beaoohamin of ifontreat ioo on 000 lha whole mm of benecala oommlniaot amounting to usn i 1 wf- the torocte ud btntford dirijiuo he will then hare a better opportnnit foe trtngauatia work without interftring with hie datieat friend karr ot the brataeit it feel ing belter jot now thealtor t or four month put itrt kerr tnd eon reti fn4 but week from winnipeg where tnev to vitit trlendt int june meat a qeoltaetown aqent flt8 qtnaactcwi oct 18 the ttry departure from the town ot the local of the ontario mutual life atti company lit noting ooofidaranle la mtkini hie latt regular return it wa aoooodaow by hi check for the amount da to thaioompany but which wat 11 bte- qaentiy dpthoaored thit alarmed th oompaay to4 the tent sfchodgint heir luperiatandeat of- ageaciea at 000 1 to raikeinqufrie which reaulled in the dit- mtery the the bird had sown a defanitec to theoompaoy u well at to aeterticitiaiat the company holding a bond purporting to hart been aigaed by two retpbatthte parti it wa auppoeed titt th amount of th defalcation would be made good but on eeeing one ot the partiee fa denied hitiog tigned it and olaimed that the donument wet a forgery the other party to the iottrumant acknowledged that he actually did tign and therefore he alone will j bare to make eood the lot the wtfaeta to the bond caa prove nothing at to uw gfcnuineoet ot the tignataret at he wi not pseaent when they were attached although the names were upoo it when he tu atked by the agent to attach hit name merely ax a matter jof form which he did without thinking limply to help a chum th probabilities are that the com pany wilt seek to extradite th culprit a few mouth ego tbhitaarya harris eowjpaole canbinid force last iweek two more of the big agricultural implement firm of ontario the pattera3os of wood stock and the wiener of brantford con- undated with a view to taring expaofes thit it another mark of the tendency of tpecial indcttries to centraiiattiaa and in- dicatee a had future for those towns lhat depend opgn bodnsec at nieane of indnc- icgnansfacturing firms to estsbiitb in- dottries within their booeds has any municipality is the province which has granted a bonus fqand the resalt entirely satutftctory j j the home government has ceiled upon hie eioellency he govemorgenecal to re- quect the hinitel of militia to tabmit to hi ercellency at the earliett possible moment for trestmittioa to downing street the report oa the defences tndfortificationt of canada which was prepared tome time iiau under the tuperrition of his depart ment lord btiitbarys adminittrttiaa it preparing milifsiry estimates and reviling the whole imper al tyttem of outlay forhe jrarpoeetof offeice and defenoe and re quires thit information from canada at part of tbe dais tor thei revision kjor- oentral herievt it it understood has made a general report co the imperial govern men t on the militia tyttem of the dominion th report whiclj the jkinitter of kilitis hijs uen regoetted to transmit to london i a more lelahorate one than this snd covers fr more ground with greater partic ularity of detail ttecfcte ptys hi following tribute in eannection wii drdewsrt s addreasat tbe eeamenicat oonferenoe to the religion prett of the provjnoe dr dewirta oon- tributionto tbe dueuaioa of thl religiout newtptper at thi ecuoenleai conference in prozrea at ubmgloa was a bright iand vfgorou preeutaaoa of the duty ef that section af the press ko man could be better qualified torpvk on the subject dr dewtrt himtelt olnduct one of th very tblett relluoujoewtpapers on the continent indeed 3foroutos reliefoo press all round is emkhljrwellcondtct- t -r- ei and camptrfee with jorirotl of i anywhere oritei toft tfieret lican and baptitti weeklies and th aaeieetlentfittlen ec qmliax s perb ij repreeeoutites ofi he ctyjt it probahl yj wos0 th uttiuisu hsrsbeowitnteirgeoeratioo ia 000- ttnfng their energie to 005 deootnaooal pewaptjper only wt ua lbw anglioaoa tod rnrtytktans hot tb oatfomlr no ttoog- tratnmboallyltl tb lasibodistev ach art wjnitad to mlfjort tas sash journals than fatorably cleat publiahed and new ethodlrt aug- art admirable o6aiitte ht tutckruia igatt of the prim fa the i drain shipments homnx oct ii a great quantity of canadian grain will hare to go by way of the auwriera port and probably the moat of the korthwett graia will teak an outlet thatwiy th ttaamthipt here bare ill their tpace engaged ahead and shippers is the west are even cow commencing to thtp through the united states but some of th itesmthipt will run the rit k of being frozen in by ic thit autumn at the rates offering far freight are very tempting saturday a consignment of apple was sent from here tcj boston for shipment to britain all the rpaceoa the st lawrence steamships ha been taken hundreds of barrel of apple are piled up along the wharves awaiting thiptneht ierin 8hqw rwaa tirwuheld tut week 1 by thoatandt th this widely known and as utual attended thpwltjjf loffloconiidersbltexooutdoefrom a focal tadpont but mini of the tititora after arrivingat the village pooled their braint to decide chattbrojigtit ihenx and rip many other to the jjhaw theexhibitioq was eqatl both la point of numbers and exhibits to any that has jyttbeea held under th auipioet of ths society md to make things chesty far the hirge crowd the aotoa tod alton bauds wire in attendance oa thortday and far aithed exeellci musle which was appre ciated by all i in the band oompetlon acton took the first pritej the exhibit in he hail at mail was first clan iht ladies ware to the front foj their depart meuts and their exhibits were moaf credit able in everything however whll giving praise to the women the mop mutt not b forgotten xbjejexhlbiuio pain were large sad the quality good throughout the wheat was first cists and to was psac and barley bda ismnle ot whits star wheat grown jiyi wm farrow weigh ed 65 pounds 0 the baihet field roots i exceptional and to wire vegetable as an initanosit may be mentioned hat mr thos iaaog hid lix turnips which weighed 1 pounds sad the were othir samples very tittle behind thart tu falling off ia jm exhibit of j potatoes hit yesr thismsybe partly toooanted for in that mr d jlfchilltq generally the the largest exhibitor did not thaw the thaw of apples we simply grand other truit were well represeutsd there was algood ihow of iheep cattle pigs and horsesl but it woald be impossible to perficutariae in the afternoon th horse riding was the chief attraction and it waa very neir dark before th jadgee were through j i it is laid thai the united cjtafet import ers of hatrimuungs sre la a itata of hilarious eestaayi for manymootht they have beeo importing large quantities of ribbons snd other goods of kindred nature at high rata of dutyjaadl paying th tariff under protest claiming that thee article thould joe classed at hat-trim- mingt the treasory department bag finally allowed i their claim has rerated their goods snd will refund to them about j90o0o0o alregdy paid la duties to them this turn will represent so much clear nrofit is the hit trimmings have been told to the owners of american hats at a figure which covered the crigioi high tariff l hon mr bhaplsaa was ukea inddenly ilitiieiiliy idutooon j i jao mp atosh ooaoittta tajoide al wlnooacw rriday olgnt tntpa iitlonnf wheat aouiiottot tola hawaii it 0 be prohibited 0a boms r then wtr isnosd t the port of hew yorl 1800 immigranta thtbiptil ooaventlon fotoiitsrlotnd qutbeo oper id is toronto on btlarday three poiirfal iroaolacii wtre launohed from he so uisn dookyardt tuesday the ambii dtpoelli at cedar lake k jw t j ar laid to worth tfcwooo willli wii ait iht woyoiiiloa saturday rode a mill 1 1 ut the butlimeaortoord attberb i u been found in laaatiu hioh it io 1 1 s otrtsiit oars for iiuitnity the erehb ahop of alt it to beproeeouted for leavlavb s dfooes without permission- aflohatld vilt haa beeachoteh io eon m notth lkiuuey in the anliparnell in i i the great beaefit i return of prof russel vixcocva b o oct prof isaao c buaasl who was sent by the united states government and the national geo graphical society to explore the region about mount st eli ha arrived here hie party amended mount st eliae oa the north tide reaching ao elevation ofk500 feet when hey were turned bask by clouds and a severe snow itoros fratn obser- tstioas taken the mbantsia is between 18000 and 19000 feet ugh the party then explored the coast from ley bay to disenchantment bay e distance of 100 mile and alto the gttciers the award handed in omwi oct 20 it ie undentood that the arbitrators betweea be government idd the firm of barber bros who made a claim for s breach of contract regarding paper which they were to supply to the government have rendered an award of fm00o in barber broe favor this wtt one of the arbitration interrupted by the parliamentary section another was the arbitration on the claim of mclean roger t co which is now being resumed a scrclty of thresher wtsxirnp oct 19 it is evident that although score of new separators have been brought inte the provifioe this sutumn there will not be enough threshing outfits to thresh the grain oat insteesoaable time a mordeo psper says thai 500 aditional threshing oattlt could nndjprofitabte em ployment for the whole whiter- and nrget tbe c p b to give pedal ttte to indnoa ontario men to bring threshers in here for the season i 4000 prize r 1 harptrt ymo people a worlds fair for boys snd girls in which no less than 000 priae sr offered the prizes include a bicycle and a library of 100 volumes while net a few of even the lesser prizes sre worth from k to vexy boy snd girl is entitled to compete tba 1wm ptopu tends s prize list free which gives foil psrticalars ita address it franklin square kswyork j the trial of the petition sgainst tbe lection of mr unlock member for kprth tork was set to take place at aurora 00 saturday when the coart met the coun sel for the petitioner itatecflnet lie had no evidence to offer sod tbe petition was dii- micted with casts the cross petition wss slso dropped son mr jatfice ferguson tilted tfter dismuting the petition thst the impretsioa had pfevslled jthst when s petition wis fy led the duty of investigating theehtrget devolved upon thu judges but the judge bad come o the co iclatlon that they hadno power to order die petitioner to proceed with the charees which people io run down itate of health derive from hoodt sintpcrillsconotaiivs- ly proves that this medidna makes ths weak ctrong it does no act jika a itimu lant imparting fictitious ttrtngtb but hoodt sarstparilla builds op in a perfectly natural way all the weakened part puri fies the blood and tttitts to hegfthy action those important orgsns the kidneys and liver xosaph kattn percy writes i wis induoeo to try dr thorns ecleetria oft for a lameness which troubled me for thre or foar years ani ij found it the bert article i ever tdii it hat been i great bletttng tome i vlrtoryatrfvun in our family faithful work has been done by fowlera firtraat of wud straw berry at a sure sad quick care far diarrheas dytentry and alt ammqr j complaints i can recommend it to ell a a family friend a ways true and faiihf ulvmrr w bishop vivianljottt 11 a very thooghtfhl woman a man went homofhe other night and found his house locked op after infinite trouble he man aged to gain an entrance through a back window and thenaicorere4 00 the parlor table a note from his wife reading have gone out ipn will find the key aa he tide of the tterjl i the tuperiority of mothergraves worm exterminstbr is shown by its good effects oa the children purchase a battle and give it a trial drt l nocamt oxygenized emultiio of purs cod liver oil if yon have difficulty of bresjthiug- uieifc for tab by all druggists bottle si cent per if you have a cough or oolddo not negteot it many without a race of tint hereditary diaesse have drifted lata a ionsboipilvec grave by neglectiug what wss only a illght eold had they njed anti-ooa- anjpuve syrup before it wu too lite their livet would have been tpared mr a w levymftciiell wrrters t tliiuk biektas anticonsumptive syrap the best prepsr- at ion on the market for oougl a tad tsvere colds aboat six yetrt ago i oaaght s severe sold which settled ri my langs and for three montu i had a ooughj i had a physician attending mi i bat gra in- ally grew worse untii i was oh the verge of cdnsumption snd had given jap hopes of being earedi when i wet indaoed to ry bicklet syrup before i had tafcea tot bottle i found njyielfgrestly relieved s id by tbe time i iiid findhedlbe tecond bol it i was completely cured vti riyi reob n- mend it for severe cpldt sod ec isttihptlot it officially shnoaneed inai bight hoc arthur j balfour mx for east kanchsster and at presenl the cbitf seorstary for ireland bat h tppoutad rirstlof betreejury tis report ed that mr palfonr wu rtiieblt ppeition u oi chief secretary tor freli f j i jlhjw kdkki if you waht to buy ic sell a farm ad- yertise in the toronto wttkly vau tfatt paper reaoht 1mw farcimhonjjm every week snd ybar 1 drertitementsboaid beet the eye of somsoi ie ho wwts to puf ahtse advertissmeni 1 nf this plats ren- strted in the tonwto fuun litutoi tth cents a word aaofa inkertion brfci cents a word for al insertion the mail toronto canada i- m lxi- as th loodc iosrpeuterthivjirelarned to work sitsr 1 sixmoutli 1 strike oostlog liojw i lads lm alagnswaiseolenotdstbher- brooks tttsciy to hvta jetrt imprison mtntfor ijna sr henry arket premier of kiw soath walas has n ligned owing to the dsfeti ot hkaottrumut i william ci avvely was accldenltlly ihot udfcultdjby fame canning near hand tiileloa sataj lay members of engliih bands ot hop viil tef 000000 b ifflet latt saturday afternoon luetaroh ef r wrafttv preeidint sarritoa addressed the sou ntnloax iietttodiit ooasrenoe open ar bitration ba rttordsy aa italian a assaasinated ia new or- leant oa fndi j night the affair bears ell lb matt tche mafia sixtythre todenta ire paw laid to be working heir way through yale college anil paying all ifaetr expenses slr george baden powell end dr dswtofi ihe 1 rillih seallhg comalalon erf icrirtd la dttawa yettafdey the greyia iuie bank otgntna neb has impended the affairs of ha hank are aaid lcb 1 1 a very bad ihlp th aapor a id oouncll of newport ky hsit wn ieat io jail for tootampt of ooart a refusing to obey aa order utued a ifirt wniobj oaused a lbs ofjbetween mao6o and up 000 is laid 0 have taken oat oa tuesday t wlllini ton nominations for tbe legiilalo e will be held on the srf not kfld the el otion a week later upftedstatetc edofwarimenanlceiiliaa til iheitreeuof valpeiitoon fndar and thre 1 of hs former were killed tm pre byte ian lynod of minnesota has adopted reanluti in protesting agaiait th opening of tte r fair on sunday yettaer fetec i t raging in santof a own of 10000 inhabilaata od the north iidvof the island of eiqos gnaca belonging to braxti it is rumored n london that thej duke of oonnaught rttt lucceed sir fredrick roberts at coma anderin chief of the army oflnelia j miss florence hartley has bees appoint- ed a court repor sr at wichita kin she it the first woman to receire luch an sppointmentl a warrant hatibeea issued for the arrest of fames sharer charged with caatiag he deslh of ftibit qomoioa at kewiagton oa hephinli tat chilian ti ivernment bat decided to isne a axf cow not to the peftous who haraj taken refu in tbe american and speniab legation at santiago sfr john too ipton on behalf of the mtnt hat oititatsd an action to from sen cat late ssperiateadsot printing b ireaa jh817 m 1 mrs anns a i odge so years ot ag an tnajata of the poo houie at bade mti has reoeired notice tt at there is an eslat of 9400000 awakii g her in england little qaeta w lbeimloe of holland bat anfaoomsofoooo agaildertrtbontlsdo 000 her tttga w it begia aagatt 1ot8 when the will bai 1 attained the age of 18 the rtformers f east wellington have allied a convent it for he 1 2srd intt to nominate a cam data for the vacancy caused by the 1 stirement of their old representative cc ctsrke henry sanford jresident of the adsms expret com panr has filed a bill in the uj s oirouit com t tt trenton demanding an account by h y the expresident for i75oo0o alleged 4 have been taken from the company william coy of pittafield mus has ooafeated that he nurdered john whalen last angnrtbecaa tbe letter wis pfenning toefopajwith coy 1 wife the men had farfoa fight and c ly finally got in a blow with iaaxe which lettied the matter dr macdonald 1 c p for eist huron wat seriously oji re while driving on siturday a wh i of hit csxrisge came off frightening hit lorse which ran away dtagglog the dootor by the lines aoontider- abl djatanoe he was picked np in so uaoooiofoot cooditi a with hit leg broken the boy come ulon which it lavetti gating the bile di 1 chaleurs toandal in ojsebeajtoims a gen irsl toplo of con versa- tlonin monlreslpol iiosioiroles the con sttvstites olaim ha i premier mercior will hi put deeper into i ie mire before the-lii- vestigalfon is over i at hit friendi ay hat he will pome bat all right worms oausemuc 1 ifoknest among chit- drin jfreenttflt 9 orm powders prevent jhfs m make ihe i illd bright ind healthy i i henry l james- henrw g james of winnipeg maui e 1 jfor tejveri years- r was troubled pimples md it itationt of the ikd ojhir remedies lailid ioted foar bit lies ot bordoekj bio d btttart and lines then i hare been qui e free yrom my 00m- talnt b b b ul always ooenpy s llabein mrubnv 1 1 its ittm tamni witt slamitlwai tl tefcvm i ixt n nm arauk ft a js rrmnn a8c00um m vut torok1 o out a 160 aoilaide imfem j 1 w til j it l- jiv qjtj kwltliitlhibl a pure condition li universally known rndyftthfrflte very few people who mice pertetfirpbie blood t taint ot krofula nit rheum or oilier tai huiwlilieniledhafrahmllled fur geoer torn iauilng untold rdffirtnf and we also a umulst pobwa sad terrai of ills iie frch j r the air we- tireath pjijfsi j i hirfood irt arfni- wmiibt t j liothltg ill ii more oo olmlve h i uui proven than tie nitlpoilllr rf power of loodi bsrupf rlua otet all dlteuei at tbi bl ml tills raedlelni when ftlrly tiled doe ciifti every trace of seroftua or silt rbeqii reiuorei the taint which eaoiei eturrhr 1 eutralim tieecldll andeurei rteunutli tl drlvei oit the jtejmil at malarla i lood ql- julug e it also yftfilizei isd-in- riches the blood tliui overcoming that tired fecliug aid building up the whole system rtoumndi ieu- fo the luperlerlty of hoods gjnuiparil a 11 a blood iparutr full infer- i niallon ini itttemend oroares teat fires sarsaparilla sawbrijldjoilw unix for ff rressfidoalr br p- 1- hood t co apouklf utulll ioo oots 6nj dolitir mmm aduklmgi no 204 loojr ml and iiwt pp members wwn gts injtbeoddfellowthall hilllbtook jeverr wedneiday ireoinr vliltlns brsth- rtn ilwariw ileome fereomr ot constrtntloa ytollie undenipiedorsnyof the liamg hhwobdbk k o beeretary pueifv your- blood urour syileoi itrundowaandratfhavsattred worn out esllnc uka eitiiact of areapa pilla dandelion it wol ereste in tpnetttei puriff arid tarieh rz f yoar bloa itmajtiaa li lirr lid dige itlon udhn tfoo udhnpirt new life a the whole bodrl wltle take no others pnpexed only by j v kannawin j ohxuist i bjili atbt v adtok cleodttco pilea of nw all and winter foods 10111111105 are eaatiful to behold and oomfort- to look at hud i they are withal oheap thij ia eapicialljtrae of oardcegs godgwmoh we have ia pjaia andj ahoj cheviots piain hniiijncy tweed leffecijs blaeand blck acrgo diagonals camels hiir iilqtmi hlack aqtj joloted esfameaes i 1107 plaids and cheeks bidet and- colored silks satid hervw pjongees pongis and bengallnes fanttwack goods black and colored henrieltas aa exten8ive varietyjoff fium- dress goods beginiiinej at scl pqr yftfd 4nd upwards oar staplegoods aroparahasad rghtand seilipg cheap flaanala blankets and qailta are at the riglt price fofc thelcns- tomers grey flaanels from 10c paf yd upwards ovfc gloveiv hesiery and iaraies undewearare at the top of the lieap for variety ttndiawnessjjof price w have ladies jackets cloakt ulsters childrens 1 refers in profusion and the very iktest styles mantle ioods and nltteririgs of allkinds lacludin gealette and mushes our millinery is in first class working order replete with the latest fall novelties out millin ery ppeuiugrtillbelontqursday 24th pfsoptenibtirand theifpllow- ing days of the wekv oiir dress maker has gat- back from her holidays fresh withjuew ideas to match tha dress goodsj we must not fotget tp mentinm our tailorido tiep irtmant itis al we get ciiston ers from all parts of canada to patronize this de- parlraeniy the reakon why the pricefit v prktnanship of the garments are right pur ready- made clothing- overcoats in toys and mens are i 1 obmpjete tjssqrt- raent prices ow iijiadies and gents foptweir are right in price variety and quufity ouroirpets rags curtains 1 iiuliithiinoqums were never inr ettarj shapel nico tapetry darpet for 25e per xdfor 0o per yard vou i will sop one worth 46o and lexoejlent briiesela carpet for 00c per ydi weimay jjust add- that wf tried to surpass dgrpwvious effctts and wd have ms tip and immense i vtuidty of t and lined kid mitts to hodtbis i week jfevet before didwe shriw half the variety arid many 6f0 sujo v m vpiwejuav i jifliistwrta fuslk f5 iiaeaweare oserifag nowweafa nof repeatat jmythirig like- oiif present priegs tve can makejt ihterestitg foiybn4n glovgg oups mihlrrery idepaftmerji if hoorning lata styles iiid t i 1 a 1 e t low prides we faapy does trje bum- ness scarcely a dtty goegby blii w6 open up new goodsfor f hir ift partment ladies may depend oh getting the latest novoliies here i whe ypq get yonlt ask to se conldj not ipjaginijany thing pretty tier than ivpatwe show j the prye low enough toauit wej haveljut markedand pat j sale andthei jot oy v ihnaybrovvfi and is tjpjtliing newer this y vear nothing looks better and what can yoti get to equal ilior year f press goods are fflarin t rapidly this j weather 8ealetfa ti toglkofperybru j milliner ourfail vtillj lery ooeninjj will takeplace on ked tl sept i 30th f i wjheii mil s swddart who was mth season wiil pleased actbti iridivrcafuty a urge a of hats and bonnet henderson lt i- 1 i i j iiri kiim v to he tared ths rouble snd ahnoyi ton of tea asked by maohioery m is the oilithlt takes ihetead fat lumiohlne purpoees why bie poor oil ihst nill ii jure your machinery when you rfy t jhvvs ifttu8 cylindei pif thelrojlinder oil giaranteed to be belter and cheaper than oils ssd you will try no other ji im0 i can furnish you frith icountryi and

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