Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 3, 1891, p. 2

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mtw t xarbteo at voreoilw ifflbikvr 3t d uttol ot wiltot to marr m douij5 the tovfltlipof initliiirh mirth on tk lib t- dirn i j wavtat qcih4ilnti tkinitv ottl kolte c itn vfwtritftuutlrir jctiwr dtltthlsr ct jm wutj urister cw 11 yot ji iuacum ji4 a 1 trnlrsday december it 1881 notes and comments the htmiltou sprtnhr ttj- it it re ported that john proctor ofjltii city wi jo the uecarm candidate in hilton the streettville ftrriric say the patrook ot industry in halton ere toll i convent tion to nominate men to oppose mcj heuicrsoa it tht coming election thirty bt the icj petitions and cross pctitioos filed itiosmhe return ol mem bcrs olthe house of commons hive beet difpoved ot id one way or toother ind ii tea ctwt or onethird the sit hu beet tctl dominion government immtgretioaj csicen tt winnipeg hive jut ietaed 1 slttement by which it ippetx tilt only 11000 immigrant ctme to tbit cotntrt dnricc first lea months oi present year ictinst 119000 lut year the third innatl report of the interstate commerce commitstoo show lost there ire ia the united stile jm009 mile railway l9t rtulwty oorpohtions s9tsl locomotivtitidligflt3ctr the report thowk tact 61 persoas cere killed oa the mlwiy in 1990 and j96s1 injured 251 of lie tliio being employs the long pending litigttioo between the coaaiie of leeds sad qceorille ind the town of brockville btr scott act fine tub been iniieabl lettled tl i meeting of joint committee of bath councils appointed daring lie session of the coacty coaacil just closed broct- rille pay half the 4ne m dupate tod til the costs excepting jim which it to be pud by lie coaaties lough pcambtclein hu fonrrrded t daft of t rkmea peom hill prepared by bitneeif led llr haeter to hr jf orley foe taboamioa to ur glttaae the impecul qoterameot titer coacoltiag iith the it lorft hu decided to mtro- dioe bill it the coming tetooo of ptrlot- mcat reautiac he bal ltw of eviaeaos mimly nth the object of tlibiriilg crtmiiule to pte erideooe in their oicn tbehtjf- a etscu city judge set i to example ltit keek which migh well be copied in ume ooaru eleecnere to the ctext com fort tad kliittctioo of vitaeaee tad the fartfiertoceeof the ecdj of jaetioe one of thejtryert io t fait begin to browbett md bcdly t irtthec the jadge ioter posed irith the quiet vemirk gentlemea if io jooe it unjustly intalted in thii caart room i will not fine him for resentidg it thit oaart trill not farther protect t coin tho grvee tn icinlt it it ttxtedj thtt the nets reciprocity tretty between the cnited settee tnd getmtaywill probttly be tnnoanced it the eomicg meeting of keiciuttg it coa cede to the lcited stttee in retarn foe the free idmitsioo to the united 6utei in retarn for tlie idminion of qermin beet root- kgtr into the cocdtry datiet oa brotdf taflt ind osretlt oo hihr thin k datie jau conceded to aastriihangiry tbeee dsties ire tboat one bdf thote im- paeed npoa timiltx prodacte from other eaontriec xeaden for the new atiintic miil ser vice ire being ittaed todty from the office of tbehieb eommittiooer of ointdii eir chirks rapper oo being interviewed on the cabjeet ttyt thtt the nte of the new itetwrt it irmed crntiert by the imperitl mlharitiew win entitle the new ailisttc tndaattrtlitn terrioe to receive ibon iiooo i yar from the home government uu hoped however thtt teeing the- im- periil importince of tb highway to the cut the british government will fee iu way eletr to mike the tobridy 50000 at mtoyti 20000 of the native of japtn hue left their country this yeir to seek fortane eltewhere jipiaete oolonie ire now fioariahing in caroline benin tnd tdrona iitmdc of the pacific ocean the government of japan n recently ejcibluhel bcreth of emigration and it tut alreidy received notice from the gotemmenu of uezioo and anttrali that japuete irtuiot and irmers will be wel comed in these oointriea it i prcbable that the oat flow of population from japan next year will fir carpet thtt of iny pre- vioa yeir the ioes on the ittet this tatomc hive been very light notwitbttindiag thi previleaoe of fieroe galea idd blindini t aowatormt intenrifying the bardebip of the tiilort very few dintter to ibippioi however have been reported tnd in nc cue did i large or ooctlv verael meet witt any terioot mitfortane it it evident chit the iocreued power tnd iik of itks crcit end the tabetkation of eteimthlpo fat tcbooaert which has been going on at t vapid rate in recent yetre together with the improvements in harbor of efage hie greatly usseded the dangers of late fall navigation the black flag ceneral sid to be at the head of four million chinese revolutionists new ywiii dec 2 advice from hong kong china fate thtt general lew lee the tenon black flag genenl of tonqatn frtoce celebrity and who wu tome time ago promoted to begeneraliuuno of the great arroie of the north by the pdan govenienti it the head of the revofction- the revolutlonitta somber imx tblebodied men it it ttid that no part tf the imperial trmy it present apon the field is ctptblc pf meeting thii emergency france in viewoftheaitoition m chiatt bitj it is ttid arged tbe pwerti to tike immeditfc united action 1 our public affairs meatlnjtc of munkfhjlf cotfrwk 1 board of educluonthtwmc the pftopoitswkw whoou jlximitsya i i i friday witv council nwl omondy evening at eight oclock reesxj lowry in the rhiir tnd ill uio members in their placet tb minutas of the previau meeting were retd tad confirmed r virtoat mitten otmc btjfore he manici- 1 father for ooniiderationtmong which were rrangemenlt for uw coming efceuantj the ditrotti of tie drrll bhtd tile tha ilrk comrmttee ditpotil of the proceed ot tlie dominioa day celebnttoa um tfccntytccond finno report ind other minor matter of which rlruaulir ire given below tke committe 6a fintnoo protentod their tetitoand report rooommehdlng payment of the following account jaineturows weed it r uoore prlatiof jtaim urowa laaiber f or iurk ngraham feedtog tnmia and potttce h h wordcn cedar pott for rki oeorce clark work tt poaed jtuis itcim itneta tad fcuud j chiiirentlrlaftrtlaait 0q km 17 i in l m n tl tli 9 moved by john barvey tecoadod by j anderson thit the twentytooand teport jatt read be adopted ctrried a cotomoniottion wt received by been lowry froca col otter dag wiking tho council if tey iateodnd to fulfil their agreement to opea attract from iftiaicrert u the park it the drill shed and when tble rtew tuted thit he htd replied to col otter thit the council hid never entered into to agreement luchaihit letter taggetted conttihle lawtoa wit present and requested from the council a new pair of riindcuffa the dtrbys were ordered to bo secured a communidtiod from the park com mittee wis presented stating that with the proceeds of the dominion dsy celebration they hid purchased a portion of lot no 83 twenty feet wide adjoining the poundvto effect new entrance it the grind ttind trim itr thomis ettton the property coat oo ind the committee had ttitl a balance of fllle on hand the deed for the lot and a cheque for the above turn were presented to the coancil moved by geo htvill sccoaded by j b rearton that the commanicatico from park commmittee and deed and cheque accompanying time be accepted and thit the thinks of thit coancil be tendered to the citings committee for the able manner in which they hive performed their work daring the year carried the matter of tho tale of the drill shed titc was referred to r councillor htvill i tated that a objection wit nude to hit securing the rite lad it it was also a question as to whether he could legally secure it he now declined to farther entertain the matter of purchase the question wis considered it tome length and the coancil finally coincided with the opinion eipressed by the fcee pees tome weeks ago thit to tell the pro- pertyby pablic taction would be meet satis factory to all concerned it was tubseqaently moved by john hirvey and seconded by geo hivill that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to have posters printed innonncing thtt the lotati bower avenaeknown as drill shed tite will be offered for tile by public taction tt thecoanal chimber on saturday 12h of december 1r5i at the hoar af 3 oclock pm carried lebyliw providing for themnofeipsj and public scboolelections wis introduced the required number of times tnd the polling plices were fixed for the coancil chamber in so lud fj c steghts shop in xo t tnd messrs h p moore and j c- hill were appointed- deputy returning officers for slid elections upon motion ot councillors hivill and harrey council adjoarned to meet on tues day evening loth december at which meeting a statement of the receipts snd expenditures for the year will be submitted is required by liw i abtbethe bullets jarget prrtwi nov ome young men wereihooting mt in wiudcrer ery snd misted the target tbe ball going oide int0 the itffa 4fitear j jz t tappos to h flt tt tiff t roiej of emcatiox the board of trustees of acton public school met on friday evening at the call of the chair chairman harding presided and all the members were in their places the first matter which came np for the consideration of the board was the re- engigexnent of the teachers of the second tod fourth departments it will be remembered thai miss hcphail reqoested an increase of 2500 to her salary and a similar request was made by mils nelson after a lengthy discussion of the subject ind the free expression of opinion it wis moved by jtmes matthews seconded by robert wallace that in view of tbe fact that the erection of the proposed newschoot building will not necessitate the closing of the fourth department if ter the summer holidays next year tnd also that no teacher has continued incharge of the department a second year at less salary than 250 that miss nelson be rengaged it that figure carried i the secretary was instructed to write miss hcplil that is the summer vacation wonld likely be necessarily extended owing to the work of building next year the board doe not feel warranted in increasing the salary in thit department the teachers are now reengaged for the coming year as follows thos t moore principal ffloo miss c hcphaij 300 miss j k cleveland 300 and miss minnie kelson 250 architect cameron waited upon the board for further instructions concerning the plans and specifications for the new school building the gronnd plans for a sixroamed build ing were shown they included suggestions as to the arrangement light etc from inspector deacon in the matter of details the board in structed mr cameron to proceed with the plans and estimates on the basis of the following extra details j 1 solid brick walls of first cltst brick tack pointed and painted 2 excavationsfor hot air and ventilation 3 ceilings of first floor to be embossed metal or matched wood 4 all windows to be lung with sash weights 5 a closed porch well ighted and plan- ned in conformity with tha building g a deck roof deck to be covered with galvanized iron 7 a suitable belfry tojiethirtg similar to that of the model plan is given in the pablic school architectare various minor details weze also consider ed the general instructions to the archi tect were that a good building i wanted and that while economy mult be observed in eyery respect ia tbie preparation of tbe plans neither the spper rancor nor comfort of the building are to be srerifioed in an nndue at empt to ecotkciise ksmuid llsttsumt cur clfc e d stfrtou hsfjl wilt insert tetth it is snd 8 par set for b zi tore months ektrictfcra t eu9 ggnto pug office matthew s bio jt acton chool ximlnitlon r abllo school wet ispictmtalc lilt rm exr 8w ivolia tctj7k6llta bmltb mdjoltnimcqjll 280 chetter txillhs ii75 chirtcs moare ud fred bycwr j7tf jw ivblll lavmoa n5 vt a ltwtoa ih girth mociuri iof six tijimtt tavtll tod eltl quit- tjsr 285 john jxedomld jw f sxigftta wirwiakvlst mirk pottlblo 800 tliot t moore tutaoer sncom ilruttkiih- fcta nettie w edni millir ind attis moots i tt k1h maphertao iso ixtett etne mokeown 154 leont uolmet 151 kill aadsrtaa kg jcsttibelcrtlm 171 jettia hy 157 if tad ryder 15 utrk possible 00 o mcphtil tt- chr riititi iirrniryrjet ktn john moore 190 acibel rte tudj sella modohtld 197 jnn smilhind evsatthowiiea ktett clin cobbm iff 3bl towtrt mdrmtbsl ltmbert 188 a m smith 1m jl- iane gurney ibs hotrtrd crine 181 chirlie holme 180 mirk pottfbt 200 x k clersliud teicher iotftttii iitrtsrxtxt srs tjtrio modonild 190 tuomu melkown 179 uyrni holntoth 170 int bertie speight 180 joseph gibbous 175 willie htrding 170 0 timer grant 170 jrv georto arnold 180 albert me- kee 170 mtggie hirvey ig6 mitkt potiihl 200 minnie kelton teicher thirty million bushels enormou whaat yield of th6 cinadlin northweit vixkuett xov 30 bulletin no 11 on crops and live stock in mtnitoba during the put season issued by manitoba depart meat af agriculture snd immigration is i gratifying one showing that in manitoba the wheat yield is over 23000000 bashel counting in tbe territories the sggregtte will not bo much below 80000000 busbela of wheat for the canadian northweit the estimated yield of wheat for manitoba is aul bush tgiiuit 1g7g9 last year an estimabvf avenge per acro153 bushels as compared witll 2e j hathei tut yr the bulletin says the wheat crop baa undoubtedly sufiered from be frost to a considerable extent bat jatt haw much it it impossible at present to determine sce correspondents estimate th damage in their localities as low is two per cent bat in the aggregate there will bej it near is can be determined from reports 0 per cent all the way from no 1 hard to chicken feed drlel wriales confession smtioti nov 27 diniel while of mitchell who it now serving tlifeteatence far killing his wife hi tntde t coafeuiaa whiles oonfeuion ia effect is thtt oakov 30 18so6e hid in utereiltoaiwdtij bistoaj in tsw seldoa tad the litter threw htm oat of the iloytl hotel some diyi titer daring the coarse of i qatrret kfrs while hid twitted htm tboat being thrown oat of the hotel be ttid he became very angry and told her that if the ever mentioned the matter to him agiin be would kill her on tbe morning of the terrible tragedy mrs while tgtin mentioned thi affair to him in a sneering mtaner befog under the influence of liqaar he bectme so enrag ed thit he seized tri empty ttehottieind trruefc her i powerfaf blow on j tha held this wis the blow thit drove the tcall in tad finally prodac death he then threw the bottle behind the wood pits in the yird where it hi been found rince sir alexander campbell no improvement in trie condition of tha cteutenantoovamor tokostojdec 2 leu hope is now en- ertaiued of the recovery of sir aiexinder campbell who wit takeu aerioatly ill last week there ippetr to be no decided cbinge for the worse bat t grtdail decline the tick man talks intelligently and and tigni state document still his right leg ia completely pinlyxetf it well is tome of hit internal organs dr g risen was teen yesterday if ternooo and ttid that tbe lieutentntgorernor was a very tick nun tnd that the ailment would go very teriootly with a person it tbe tdvtnced tge of sir aiexinder ctmp- bell fell into the foroe an intoxicated farmer fatally burn ed in a blacksmith shop gtxxcoi ont nov 18 mr howet bltckxmith left bis wtgon hop for s few minutes yesterday while be wit away in elderly mm archibald leitch of kil- martin entered and tsw on the forge being nnder tho influeaoe of liquor he fell into the fire which wu smouldering and being unable to extricate himself wubidly burped on tbe right arm and shoulder mr william monro happening to enter the shop palled the unfortunite leitchout of the fire dr miclbtyre was summoned the flesh being half cons umed it is doubt ful if the injured mtn can recover free prizes for all i 2500 elegant presents 525000 value to introduced oar own little liter pill ralekly we will give to 2500 persons who will dispose of three six nine or twelve bores ot oar pills if 25c per box smongrt their frieadt in elegant utatt- mentof tbe fineat witche silverware etcetov you pay no money in sdvlace we send the goods free when sold yon send ut the money lad we will tead yaa theprike whit pills yoa cant sell w tike back we run all the risk send at yoar address tnd 5o for trill ptckigs bt fills illmtntsd cttilogae ofpriier in- stractiptts etc we pay postage on all goods address a j dean tt co box 236 oriilla ont i vlotdrilco8 totokto i dec i the new i victoria college building is tdvtncing rtpidly th walls ire completed and the roofing hit been began tha sontnetor for his part of the work are f ally a mouth in td- vsinee of the time they expected to be tt this point the sxcbfteatatl design it tutefalind handsome thegsneri effect it imposing tad effective from whatever point one looks at it the irotting dog doc from brighton ont is credited with ooverinj i sail her fa three minnlew last weak tta chiosw timet tijn this dog wis barehised for 7 iadj bis boy owdsr willi ketebotn hit no in the bins tha dogs earnings tts ut tlnacanaomr testf- j mony thtr i rt iruthi whlai hoi mtu dupfi beoim i lif litv not mnrined ham ind wikhlhi j wofobt mmlat bscaam thty disuiuihi to imporuaiind mighty itatlit sxeooalli atlly being accqmalaled ill going to pro hit oar otnidltn people htvt now la u sir ffildli the stndiit agency for thteoarp tt ear of necroutueti iltepleat- neu broi endown bodlsti wearied ind b fogged b tin dyipeptti tod rheumatism aver heir 1 ot in tha christian world it it the great rttloter of life that our fottf tthtr laoigor sought for but oodld not flad pravidea 4 in its own good time through on of h grtiiest pbyiloltns ot ilhe oealary give to taffectsg man palaet celery orapoand up to the present time its magnlfiotnt tnd httvenbletied trlamphi but been to many and to remark- iblthil many jealout puyilcum of tho lower or er hive despised its wondrvas effects i d will not condescend to extaiine truths oc ineated with it limply beciaie they dltli kelt and fear it will tike iwiy their mm nt of obtaining t living shtme on inch low sordid chicicterl awty wl h aoh mea who pat pertontl gila befo c the pablio well tnd good we no- call the ideation ot oar retdert to i ftw loalitfrring ficu ind it the sunt um i we would inform thote jealous phytfeim i who dltliks the rath that fall tad imp f proofs oin be shown to them ot lhafollpi ing cttrts j mr b hatching t wellknown real eittts i id ftnincisi agent of uootreil p q iu told for fifty yetrt from heucit- git ind rhtamatitm he wis cared by ptimt c itery compaand mrt e a fsthergsll of klddletoain s whose ufa wu a long ooriliaued tgony from tie lisuaess neanlsii md rheami- uim fqai d i peefset cur ia ptiass celery corapoan l ctptiit doajltt proprietor of the lelmd i loose wiaalpeg j mia used ptinet c slery compoand for diipeptit iqdigettio i ind iuittade ha ft now edjoying arfect hetllh and says celery oompoau butt tit the effort of tho doctors i i mr k jien of ortagerille ont wti i mirtyr to rheamitum tnd jleeplett aett ha found new lease of life after uimg ptinat o ry campouad i mr j c dillon chiirmtn botrd of city asm iiort moaueil py wit for miay ye rs t tuffenr from indigestion flatulency tnd rheumitiftn he hu become a new mtn ihroagh the ute of pimes celery compoaud tnd j20w passmies robutt caattitution mr jot ph minuet of wett brome p q wu gi rea ap by the doctors it ta in- canbla ft im dropsy he wit expected to die but i rovidonco directed friends to try tha effecti ot ptinet celery compound on the tuffsn r with the result thit he it now in good h itlh mr e vraarte of st mtrtint nb wu a terr ble offerer from neunlgii he wu cured in a short time by ptinet celery compouni i mr ch a boberttoo electrical expert ind mecl inicsi saperintendent roysl ele itrio works maatieii a terrible taffersc owing to sleeplessn t tnd overwork of body tad brtin h t i now enjoying perfect heiltli ind itreof ih owing to the grind effecta of punas cv ery compound mrs j lowird of nrenvil pq wu neroot- w ik tnd faiat aha found a new existence- a new life after utiag ptinet celery cai ipaand far i short time it doe i work in the home thit no other medicine n tcoomptuh and it always cares it is qit only prtpirttion in existence t lit the best pbyfiqins ire now j prescribing snd jrsdarameading to their pitieatt firnlm jm typifr cjaunlr to- ipiwd rumii aqri of yellow lit ruttii there it ia ilumiag ftt a bruil tro rthqaiki thoolu wrlt beiwe wuhsdndiy ci rus w filr lh kw york nfluba- itn it laid to b dying a cos mttonlo implt to cost 25000 will be bailt it stthotouv thadmth is tandaoosd it moatnsl of lord modnlilephent ftljiar efking milta ot setvit las tooepted the oommind of penfta civtlry edataad yttes tdftor pad propritlor of the london world it ten oatfy ill htrbect j smith hu been mateaeed to three raonlht for bfgtmyj it is ittfsd tint no 1 oppeople ire stirring tcj frtnce now possesses it brtatford s thsu 80000000 death la ruisit so ironcltdt 28 mltv ajf denttlhe duelph business college guelph ont we ire i ow offering education advan tags sad aitioa site such u have not hitherto be in offered tha cinldita people tha scope nd tioroaghnett ot oar cam- mercitl c urn ii strikingly thaws by the fict hit kvsrtl of our student daring las put yeir hive been offered s i bopfckeepers oa condition ey t wfc the commercitl coarse it pb basiaett college lor shorthind md typewriting met t tbe two leading shorthand c e th present day are tiaght itht 1 is the outcome of tea years experience ia teaching shorthand and leads io tl a bast practical result ia the pc isibls lime id our modern langatge depirtment yoa cin ge i i prsettcil com mind of either ot germsi while pursuing the frenc cdmmiirchll coarse ind without extra charge both lingaeges ire uaght ty the nitaril method which enables the staden tc retd write tnd ipeti them this ill s rare opportunity which tha imbitiauc and eaergetio yoong mtn or woman wil not f til to seize i la pi ma tnship oar work is tha tdmir- itiaa f tit who tea it send for t specim in those intending to tike i course hii fall should enter it u early t dita u pc npte for era t ect addret i uxccohmck prinblnu gaslph oat be ipe ting in ittemptedbarglirly ia george aw i tha herttd of list week aye it is hilie ed thit tha barglirs were local redden probably two pf tha few lazy vagi fa torn who seeta to make a living no one bt t themselves knows how the council tb laid engiga a detective the s ritford kauld hu put in i fine new cdtlr 11 prett which it doing excellent service he haaldhit one of the finest balldian f t thi provinc and ft controlled byi firm bt eoterpriiing tad prtctictl young spei the ollowlag item it clipped from the setlor h suit a- few daft ago one of oar docton wu called to see i lady who upon exam nation proved to hive a broken rib alter much qaettloafng the said it wu closed by her beta sqaeeziog her on saudiyen niag taxkukeriax cubed an old p lysiciin retired nroia notice hiring hs plsoed ia bis hind by an east indlt mill ontry tha formuli of a simple vegetibla r medy for tha speedy ind per- rotnent oa s of coatamption bronchitis cifirth a ithmi ind ill throat ind lung affection i tlso a positive tnd radlotl aura fornerv a debility ind ill mervoui com pltlntt if sr hiving tested itt wonderfal oantive p wars la thoatiadt of cue bu fell it hii c ity to nuke it known to til ht iafforioi fi lowt thit motive tad i d ifi r ta rtlteve hamin laffering i will mad ti ia of oiiargs to ill who detire it ibis reolxln oermin frenoh or english with toll- flrwtfonr for preparing ind oslng i t by- toiil by salrtiingwith stamp i ling thhi papsr iwj a noris 820 power block bmasrrt y craitert 15 despttch boti ind 15 torpedo boits taesdiy wu the s19tji laoihrkty of the deith of joha knox th soottith re- farmer wirgibtoa of betmiviue will be the noaiinee of ha reform ptrty it the coming elictjoa fetomo hiwtey of st george luddenly fell over ind died wilhoat imomeatt wuow 1 major ittltf 4hil tngioeer of tha pablla work deptrtmen- is la i critical oodditloa r biewfoanditnd it tdtitod by the imper ill government that bar bait aot is anoon- ttitafionil 1 george bennett of ltkrel drink tm- moala ia miitike for gin it sherboarn and mty die j forty thoaiaad people hive been tlticksd with i iadaenti la berlt i atone lino november i ed peror wqliim give a cordial greeting tothi king of denmtrk i iu hii irrlval ta qrtttayoa sandiy kittmuaa thacp r will put into servb a a first class screw s earner between vancouver and alaska 1 two toyt tboat u years of ig named tncy tnd shetwood wire drowned it avoadtia while fkiuag i one of the members af the bile des chi- lean comniltsioa sirs the report will not be re4dy for mother week i the corn tad bom crop la afexloo ire a total fiilnr and intense loflering hu beta closed imoag tha people this tnil of hepetition iglinit th retarn of mr hymia far loadoa ju been post poned until jtnairy 18th ii riouaol power cp for jtritarford iha parnilite whip died saadiv it the tge of 0 hi wu married tut week larkia connolly co ire obetajriia eioheqaer court for aioaayf paid them throsgh exercisa of ujdna fnflneooa l p brodeor liber us for routille hu been ntiiiitad mrj brodeur is tha first ia tin province of qaeble la fsll fiv boys pitying oathibiicliivsoath- imptda eagisnd foand i ami ptsyed with it tiu a exploded tnd ww hi killed or fatally wouadad i the bririliia goretnmenthudiimissed the ptpil nuncio tnd gives the vttioaa notice thtt it will tolertte qa eocleslasticil ioterttreoc ia politics sir chtrlet tapper ttyt itatio mail terrice it t neoestiiy la order to fulfil pledge assde by the dominion to the imperitl gaverumentj nesxly i ptiicj wu ciaied oa the aro- peia hoarse by the anfoaaded report that kmperoe william hid resigned hk honor cry colonelcies ia the bassisn irmy there it now little doubt thit aid oopp wilt be tha temperance oandidtte for the himiltoa miyontlity some lkq name htv been ituohed to his requisitian pipers i i s a laaitio fired threethou tc mr joha hill pistor of tha fifth tredie pretby teriin church new york u hcj ru enter ing his hoasa titer morning tervioe on sandiy j the witerfao jancfioa baibriy frota waterloo to elmin was officially opened yesterday an excursion wu held and a banquet at eimin terminated tttie dayt proceeiingt 1 a letter from moscow siyt the govern meat hiilixgeiy aver estimtiad iba quia tity of cereals it hu it it di posil for famine relief and will be oompeii d to bay gninin ameriot at t speech ia edinbargh an sttardiy right hon a 1 balfour said hi did not think great britain would ever sgsin sea i monster tgririia oonspirioy ia ireland fed by american foods i when the bankingccmoora of ins sam merfetdi failed ia berlin ftther wad son committed faioide two of the flrtni easterners who lost heavily tlso took their live oa sunday lut himiltoa miniiteriti aupciilioa hu condemned the introduction of biblical characters on the itage thirdtm wu ciuied by the proposal to give pet formin ces of benhur in ihitcitt a despatch frompekiu conflrmt the j ttitement thit wall irmed bindt hiv devutitad t whole districf in tha aorthera part oi china and that they hive pillaged ind burned belgian mission stations the caterer of tha domialoa boise of commons has been notified to bvre the restiartht in order oa january 5 aadthis be new at- and atarripel qaalityjbeepine to 6lrtrtiiiinsitts v jf othmckacjk sbjptiliittors j gtaondvtlwpoont avlvoprebulkcklniwarlio am papartf t p tb klgbtsi euh i or sll kinds ot train m acton ans- lilth 1991 mhh t cop 4t w yourwayava yoa may uever bii r the teme otter a j d t trunk boaihoag beatqialityjoepbiriektdgi6re8 ceute jeyjary pair gnarap roa jxts every tidy gpo j glovet- ktjowi dealers every vfoote askjlm for this line positively g cartpot lew tttgn 125 we could only get 12 dzeu of tjifls the colore and iui yon want 8 be who hegi iator ptjyjtiit rill good go for goes without this lot wilt rthi ygame price we can superior make li an trimmed milt a tak a tunjble fat the balanceof hi eabtpere will be no money we hive box upon bbr ot wi birds iabd tips aqji dorec trimmed and uuthmmod hats that muat goout at prioe thattr euougb o make us tnm g bit gim jit it foil we would rather hae the ratjney than the good crepe lit cotora for tiejijjo jcents per yard biack toiaathe cloth 55 centg th iaa rrev rtgkaojfdregggofoot is peraiaq cord- on jong ndejand i no better cloth can be got faf- a haltiqorc we have a great jghowiiig iq w black dreag good ftom the oo wool serge np young meo it yoq want to lie la the swim wear a red tie oar stock in this line will give you gome ideajif whatwe ean do in mens furnishings the oldest lx- tsr gtjzjzjki hu led soma to believe that tae next tejsion of pirliamaht will begin about the middle of january i i v want a if sogp to smiths drug store burfierls shces glassy etc at lowest prices k r j best american aad gan iadaa cool oil w o mitjw st oo rwynihammacdonijd streuu gfuelphj r7tlkl qur fall millinery opeairigj will- plaeeon sept 30th when miss stoddart whtx season will be pleased to show the j ladies of t actoh and vicinity a large and fine assortment of hats and bonnets at treasonable prices henderson mcrae 4 co fi with r us last 0ahlomii brf3egil lio9d3t i we wishto wuthi itteajionl rebounding hammeri well te looted addre all releri l pi sportimea to whit we style oar all round doable barrelled or2 qibge top lever limmated itejslbarrelt choke bored sxwasiod rib case hardened pfitol grip wslhut itook tnd patent luapfore lot t a v th 100 loaded ihellt toy tlieor gosge witerproot oaavas cover flannel lined withhandle btwiokxjotdliiiqon 10 breech anps mou ilings low t elrealir checkered robber iel plit a good elow illj r w iv rid ochjroh ft1rorohtf rf agents wanted if roa want tomaks moosv tk hold i s6ll eorcboiee kurssry stock now la 1 urns wrtte aiatoaeafor ttrms i u mat bbotheb8 karssiymes s boehettrjt m rocrwqob cjm pei tbeboekwood cider piest u1 let snsl at en wmastday mtb oetobn tadrussa every taesdiy tad friday daring ib btusned ot the season apples left on otbr dirt wtfl ft pretsod if ter six oclock it desired wbihat3o i beewoedpit house ix 1nt f tbe an brbk ijowadd nr aers i ncratrr eeeumsdby wmortfist it for mat itk t very desirable futility will borented at a reaaanlbls prle to knsnt apply to mbsdavtdwtujajistw- j havelockbt ossll fea benovatoe fphe aadersigned whi be la acton t short tunk j next door ee anws hotel anyrjisttat ftatner beds or pillows and want tbem rssoy stdsad partfisd it laey will tad than to ltw btnovttor or issiv wara tm port office acton wswtllmod or umta md rttara ttws io ism- ud guarantee sallsfsetlon cearsts morttrst j i c- ibmcre5eky4i kovember libi mtiable property eor sajtcj a bu8h arm on jot 17 eon h to aowtv ship ot pedvlm teras with lot owi mxl8 thnbertd with bseebmspl hr pine cedar reek aad toft etou alart fw hi i f sf i t tf f r and two cellars tram sfabja with tea lots i land on qoalph atari andtstsw streets ia tl villas of acton tarms i half cash or ere ham f r qtbr pro pertr apply to i i aladiaaetatiobt ij y ghange of jbosiuiess h avksparehatad the 1 lately carried on by v ifu- eon tin ae if tocnecslonviih my assksrstssto 7 those favoring me with their patron nssy rely on tbe best ar- praahs sjlllndtc 0x000070 a town meats tnd awl cf mlj vtadsbougbt pj th i l lud salt jnsata ttsiaw hirtihe and is of meats osb and fow hxaeaaotc j i brjornqar ind feed at low aarwbsra j owbx sound ostajaio i tbtvxatsrjiaatirjt dtwlni wjwr a j mobocaa bnteteu tibrite i ajiiiitey- r ircc ta in panada then visit the nnrbirr college irarrifym verrudsbaraoidy fail to produce tbe nctrt tboswsrleetjoii praetlesl and exteastve eonrt cvstody tb eollege premises mdthebfirtsnd most eotat snd most suitable furnitur and a w j will give you a fan eoane fukjl ijeainal vu annouuoemeut glvlne toll psrueulars ad- oaflblaxn prljetnsj dress si 1831 the coltiyattt 11392 1r c countr cten tbx beit ot tbe i aatuculrrjbal wbkueb nstotzd to firm crops ind processes sarticnjture and tvil-jiwiig- uvtt stoc jpirrbijci whae it also inclodesall minor desartmentt of- baral iatenet such as tha pooltry yirdknto- moloey beeeeplni greetthoose and grspiry veterinary bapues farm qoesuea and abswat finsid uit rmetic arfa summary of the newsoftn maxixt bzpoats sre anuoby ecsnpm and maeb attention ia pita totqe riu tt the oops it throwthg light npoa oust olm mottimportant at an aaeitioht vftwn to8l and when to sell it it uber ffl snd by sbcxkt zxlabgsmgfaiattaer more readiss matter than ever before ttk subscription pzte i luo pec yeir bat we offsc a speclalibslnjcnon to oof ciriitrsto188 two sabteriptiotts in onemnutinbo c i 8ti sobscriptions do jfti twelve sutscrtpuonir do do it tto an new sabacribefs or 189s payina to advance now we m tend tbe paper oftb rmtttanc to rreoeiptc lwitbotrrd frooi- ltvlssovwitbotfchargb tdr8peeimen copte tree iotheb tcckhb- sokvpubl 1 rr 1892 harrer8 younc peoplf i v i an lllastraterl weekly the thirteenth volume bfbairbs totntb kbatatron november j lffll ti yoar tbia best topmost tfimpt vii tbe world or youthful readar offers varied and ftarlnshng progrijnine in atrial nction it wul contain u diego raton stoty of the nrst voyage of oolumbut by john it 11 kuoemues btorj of the stcid inderergldesby51ikliiinrooaioai story bygone qf the best known and most popular ot anfshean suthorav and ttoek tnuxwe apk i by thomas ndson fagss ehbot3t hi ella kodmin cburch and r more than two hnndrod tnonst coryeu bids ai tie yoonu ulastntloni by leidmg arusts wifl eoffibum to mike 1ub3e31 tocio rarxior 18n a latlblenpoattoty 01 pjoasore i or boys and girls weekly pablicattofi or young pabbls i itliesiwim fcropmottcare on and lnatroetlon and totactal lust lb right tbe best to exfstence and ittidtlon meat are mingled to its pagm to proportions to captivate the and at tbe tame ume to develop their powerobaerver n y tirjttsfojtaxe prepaid 2 volumes v vui and xii at hi pxople bound to cloth will be poatige paid on receipt of mjo each volumes are- oat ot pnot filbgle nambert nv cents eiob copy stst on receipt af twocent stamp remittances should be saida hj uoney order or draft to avoid chinos ot lot kewvpapersuo nottocopy tadvvtisbissiit wttbout the express order ot harper bibuitail address hajipjl8 br0the88 i j shilohl consumption mu great oodtih fjobbiijiis oooatafttl con85mbtion qjjrlfe i without parallel in thahittory m medihine all dnggistrue tuthptiasdloialia on poiitiv guarantee e tesfthsfrowdtfcer pore can tadoeesfnuy ttind- if ytiiee a coagb 8ortbrot or broncwiisijassii for it wil care yoa if- yoar okod hjiarihe crpop or whooping coanwpinsjcapsly indjeliel ii inrsv if yoadwitl ahu jny lout diselte corl8dmptonchfato bseit it wlu onre yearot eoatottixi yow ortubtlst tpr 88t toot esoc3 rfjbg ire sore or 3ok i plueh7lota a4t obf jiijioi bwmiiobaofini r nvlxfcj

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