Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1891, p. 1

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volume xviljko the iptt jfrcc jrcss is rrukrr every thursday mdrmko it trtr- frreprch steam lrlnllnf ttlu street lfflte acton ost t dtilor r year tt tu m iduiim or within thr iitmtwfrorn tannine of year hm per 5enl not lo noli tbe dale towhlct everv subscription it paid it nod by the dale ou the ujreu label abvoarutxa jfatestrosalaa advertise- uiccte f cent per smipairll line tor nm in sertion a cent tr line for pech sabeccucnt intectioq oovnurr luttstlie tollowlni umt shows qr rote for the tnsertiou of advertisement tor swctai periods i j ofaca rilnch in inertee einchee lluch ii th 16 ico j ti jsco moo f w tvyoo 110 isa 3v1 juvwrtueiaerita without spec wlnr lnvrtaj ul forwd and cl inflr transient advertisement ittadvaaec c direction arced accord- must be paid nj ed advtrtleinenu wfll be cha month if detre1 for chancei oeee a raoath the eotuoitlon w tt recalsj rates cheoe for contract adrcrlltca la the afsce by coon on tuesda i once each cltener than st te paid for rati must be h t moore editor ehd proprietor sbsttuss btrfxtirp wh lowry si b e aradaateoftrinltycolla collce f ibrticians and sorreo s mm and residence- allhe be 1 of frederick atraat acton d r urex l 3 ko tiro lifo 700 too 70 soo ik 101 mc p6 ceuernberet prmicltv srjtoron accojlchecil ornct axn rtsirrvre ir mcgarvin haste corner mill and rrejerick greets l beskett lds dentist a aroaactown oxrimo fcfc clean mclean tiarrulr solicitor notinct tc prif ll f adds to loan r osec town hall ac k a hclsux jko conveyancers a mclazis a mowat dtvealstcr soucitor noti pcelk money to loon onrcrt dititcesjay and taturdar 3rricikasniwin mock aeion nptatn tv j mcnabb irrtrf and irronnts collected life amarsnet- iroirtv loaj ymraf j to load on tho mo farrra j a m01va ktc coat kirc sad tit sjd nil j le tfrnis r e offlc acton ohfltdx watlbridgb stoe bsjtisten olicitontt tommo jufd groegettjwtc osee block gectfcftown fcnd tnden hsak chstoben c3 voa toroato jbntltox ea wh wiluibrfoe htbtont patents secured i fob lisvevtmv6 hcvbt grist ottawa jaxada tccaty ocri prtctice ko pslat so psv 1teth he11street liccxetd accnoxcrje for the coantles of wellington and hilton ocden lefts the fate press oi acton or it cay residence ia acton will be rornptjy t- tftadadto terajs retuoastle also tanner w loa on the tntct fsrortb1e terras safi tht lowt ruei or interest in semjof tiksjid epwuds john dat architect gtelpit ost orncx aecsotl block htrket sqtsxe the w rancis susax oaccetsarto t fchintni bookuivdeii stgeorgeasguare gaelpb ontario ikbu iteote of all tini nude to order periodicaladferefy description cartful j bonnd balin neatll- and rromptlj done mhe haslak barber shop jilllsreitlacto aaeirfnateaitylltiiniirctatooaiealatoi an eiunaratinr shampoo al ways flven barors hoaaiindpnt in firttclua condition idiea and childrens hair tastily cut j j b wobden tortaorial artiau welliagtou- marble vorks qceeec srtttt grtirn clark v carter dibect importera of orinite and marble uonomema and readstonea of al shadea and from tbe newest deafna all work and caa- tehal warranted hrxtclaaa panie wishing to parcbaae will plaaae gire ns a call and inf pect our stock and prioee as we are confident we cn compete with any eatabliabment in ontario haricr sold out my interest to the abore firm i rea penally solicit tbe patronage to coy friends and tbe public on their behalf j h hauilton irelands desiccated wheat for dvspeptics and anyone with weak digestion try it the nteusil national food co ltd- toronto agents wanted in every township to mit sthe pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor tuv mott complete nd compretenswe wort rer iumlsbed iu authors stand at the bead i their pmfeion tnd bare a continent retiu- lation worth jta weight in gold lo any one luring horse sheep cttle swine pool try iocs or liees a grand opportunity u make aoaey secure territory at once address e h moyer publisher 120 yon e st toronto ladies pictorial xmas nlmber with colored supplement j r rival queens to tiaad at drys tfro other kumberueipocted daily wil have plenty in stock bating bought dltra laro uatnity dry sslus ch6rp sank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savings department i lias bocn oxiul in connection with thtal branch interest allowed at current rate jashfinlay uailaccr otklpii drjasch w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont make a stecialtt of macftne finished bool papers lucjh uiiaiie weekly xews the paper used in this journal is from the above mills wmbaebee bros steel engravings proof kreiiitne colond pictures itootn siid ticture mouldiccs s arvists materials a fall atocv o wilis or 4 newtons fuke white doable tnrx kowneys 10c b x 10 dmji photo frime compute six i feet cornice polt brus fitting 5tv our wall papers are fcaid to be the bt stlectrd in tho city waters bros established is7t st georges square guelph new pfaning mill sash and door factory john cameron contractor baa ctld up the buildini on main straet lately occujiiod aj a trunt factory with new machinery and u irepared to furuiih plans speciflcationa and estimate for all classes of buildingsjand execute all kinds of he traders bank ofoanada 1 i wishing to cultivate a connection wlcti food reliable fanners and knowing how dintcult it la for thetn to conform to flsod ruleafwill alwara ckend to tuctu craater ktvthicoa thfut any other clause of busineaa mea traders bane of oakada kcid orrtck tchokto iainvrcamtit kwoo0o itrt ftkt fisjioaqo oublph branch weevil your attention o tbvootitaateacce offered by our eatlun uaak peparnnant de- ootlls of 1 and upward reoattm ami interaat allowed at the rate of t per cant pat aanatn frotn dcto of deposit to withdrawal pall or com- poinded half yearly on list may and kxu no- veaiber ticadrancea mado to mponalbla farmers advances made to fannara on tha aaaorlty of satea qotaa a specialty made of ooltectfaf fanun sale notwialtiochaito mads or mllmtlu when pitablo in tjuelpti ya nave anaarpaaaad facilltiaa for transmit ting money to all parte of tbe coootrr a cenersd baublne butitie transacted a f h jones uanacer ouelph branch grindells jlachine repair shop l in lddltlou to machinery rcpiirfdg i tin dow prepared to ao horse shoeing genertl blacksmlthlng i in k most satisfactory macner woodwork re- pain aico made ckrcful atteuttougircd to all io rork broucbt apy machlna or itaplaneot by wborfisorcr manufactured will be rctlrcd in awark man- ukd manner plow and machinery huid repairs constantly oa henry grindell seasai txtrttie ret amine thankcto oar luaaf pat- t t rnoc for thtr libera tapportin thptit- wo jrtih to talorm yoa that wht entered intdaq anxagtmeat with r6twtxt qaolph iokmpccataiitlyon uacda fell tioeko the ordfcartsiieaot sash dbars etc andjwill also tanply any special cixaa aa short aaujc at gaejpa price frames of kit ktrtds mo4e to order wefllo toepip stock ilea of bojb window tad door ccxinc corner blacks rottlcmbrdtwd wbtle taa wil prim160perm cartpl illw pumps bsrittg better able tixn hentofare w trill ply either wood or iron pumpi promptly work euaxstntwd ttai tiicbary tck call and inrpect before parchsidnc elcprbere tieos ebbagehanarer dhrhsing matching and mouldinc- iiaee all kttlrfi of saehe8 doors and window and ddor frameb and dressed lumber and keep ft itockyj baud all orders prompt keep s e ntled io john cameeon acton livery bus lin1b the andersipntd respectfnllv solicits tbe patron age of the public and informs them uat well equipped and styllah rigs carl al- ways be secured at bis stables a comfortable bjs meetsall trains between 9 a m and h18 p m careful attention given to every orner the wantu of commercial travel lers fully met john williams wellington mutual fire insoekce company etauliuid 1m0 head office cuelph inshtegbnndlnrlfcrchandiseafannfactorlea and al other descriptions of insurable property on tbe caah and premium note system p v7 stoke chas davmson preiilcat hunger j taylor aqemt hanmtoii6 marble works coal wood james brown haiiii iiaiii a large quatity of excellent coal which he will promptly deliver toinyptrt of be town at reasonable price hard wool atid elku cut stove length always cnttnd i i ttltphole coiomunication s m cook j co georgetown lloetutxl auctlonesjn appiiiteis valu ators collector bed eauta tsd general lind agentz you the colktiea op i halton peel weluncton sikcci tor and ontario i uoner 4 loan from tloo noax air txreeot raedee iiladne their satea or otiar bbaineaa in oar band will have the same protoptlf attended toatmoderat harjea ofricr asc iisles fioojcarwji sttonti- town or addret hoi isc s jc coot ic co anctloneers baixch orncr n qaaen stjeaat tonrato s if cook 4 co aootjloneem owarganoirn 0a toronto hasilltoxs block formerly hatchs block tbe core corner of woolwlcband korfolk streeta guelpb out john h haiyccflton proprietor wboleslc and retail dealer and direct importer and tn a uii fact urn r of ell kinds of granite and marble monument tombstones etc having had an extensive exjerience for tbe lost 10 years the nubile eiay rely on getting all superior articles at a cheaper rate than any othtr dealer in the west n b 15 per cent off on a direct order re- cefvod for the next 30 days gentlemen order now yoar fad suit and overcoat new goods specially imported or my trade choice patterns fit style and workmadbhip the best prices the lowest my specialty perfectfitliog 4 pants to order r e nelson fashionable clothier 99 upper wyndham st guelpk j c nelson wants to see you for he has what will suit you ory goods boots shoes i and groceries a trial solicited bell pianos the organs awakdeu gold medal wkbk awakdeu jarnaic alntemational exhibition 1891 in competition with american german engllsb and canadian manufacturers wf jactr utllv8ak tail to the shift ono winter morn quiet and trim hnsjud not a word to the other boyt nor thoy to ulm hut lock a p let to the low seam and thero bod warkflfdty alots lu tha i5ootrjlet com or picking tho coal trty the aid bo came femu tin north hq wtctrt at all our tort kev rwould join lu a glu of boor or a bit of criort ho lidat a word to lay to either woman or men hut tuck to bu ptper eud pipe and thobread aud meat la his can heiinqt sioplir man but i stood ap for him for o allr tit of candy for mx little poll and jim and io seemed to take to children i noticed ha hod a way 0 uftokinc bis plp on the creen and witching them at their play 0ne4 1 asked him to hare a filaec ko thank tie ha uld vi think its c aly afoolixh buiincca to wute onos wage in drink vcfithey cflhhoo 8arly bam batlvoallsjt taken thy port bulr he eruffly ancwered therei bat few folk kiaw the heart in a couple of year we ere out on strike caiue old tuulo once more samold crumble of ovcrttock wod heard io so often before uaservwant all they can get and men want juxtthe same if th t s a faolt said burly sam we am both alike to blame t3d li yoa chooto ill keep at work im well 1 enough content but o wero set on having our way and out weipent tbet came a sod and woeful time hunger end waut and cold j bed i ud cradl and boasehold things all for a morsel sold ob i tu roagh enoogh oa me my wife tad children ikk i kent iverdiie wluioat a cent and not a bone to pick then sucly bam ho paid tho rent aut uul lays bo tome i ive laved a bit of money lad thous welcotno as can be for boascmre topay it beck tgaiu uioodu oer tnou can and hare paid it every cent likoau honest cratefnl man and i nco tint time there neer boeu tt burly fiatn a sneer although theres somo that still maintain liis ws aro rather queer but i he likes to raoj ind uilnk and watch tbe children play aud i kv his wage and drink no beer then this is what i say then is no better kind of mm im proud of biiui am and hobody when i am near shall call him burly bam for tsjough hes quiet in his ways i know tfoe good aud kind lie m y not drink a gitse of beer nor be to krag inclined nor tjtaad by as in tll oar plans but ill who need it know that 541x1 an open hand and parso for any real woe selttt jfarttiib qtsbinq frank 8urce88 i hjouse painter jpaper hanger sign writer etc j j la brepcred to ececnt ordera in any of tljo above linea in tbebeat manner and atreaaonaala terfaa every job having my personal attention i can aaanre customer complete satuiaotlon graining in all wooda speculty ordera left at my realience i u aln st acton will receive prompt attetatlon i job printing cludik0 books ratophleta poaterablil heada circular at eieetite in tha beat style of the art at moderate price and on sh att notice apply or tddrcsa i fob sale on if onthly or quarterly faymente only at c w kellys mtjbic 8t0he 65 lower wycdliini street oaelpu tela- h p hoobb ftzn pictt osce aelon acton ixkige no 204 i i eetb fa theoddfeilowa ball hlittblock vary wadpadarlvaniii vuitlmbreth iwaya walofme gorcosyof conatttotloo aii laws applr w the atidaraupeo or any of the iir wwntak k a kihwobdek i secreury cat f- p rieqd iiane 11v jiaiiy kvle ijallu cb cago hever vraa probsbly never tll be a city here one would expect to sad min cjf that grave and bonontble order who all tbemsehee frienda and arecalled quat rs bnt one at let lived there for man yeara a certain maiden lady named jane orchard of whom every one always apoki as friend jarie 6h waq orthodox to the backbone and at th time of oar story undeniably old ghe i ras neither rich nor poor and being quite alone in the- world boarded with a fami y of quaker descent who had become in a reat measure backsliders inasmaoh as th young folks had abandoned the sad colon 4 garment of their sect bat wuoaiul retail ed in the home circle at least the pleas tnt thee and p thoa pr ttjr and trim and fair ss a waxen doll iaby atea in her old age it ws a marvel that rieovljane had never married the truth was that a certain obadiah black had neve found conraga to make her an offer be ng- eneatioried onthe sabject by a caricis friend aha bad thus explained matt rs 1 riend qbadiah liiecf me and i liked trie d obxdiah bat he wanted to be sore that should say yea before he asked me to m rry him he wanted me to creep throt gh the fehoe before he climbed over and i did not choose to do anything so tin- befitt ing if a man wants to know whether a gir like him let him ask ob tdiah had died a bachelor years be fore ind fnend jane had ablck profile of hi 3 banging oyer the mantle of her neat bpdrt am- it had a pretty cowardly nose and a small womanish chin her own profi 3 was finely aqnihne though very soft bnt though she had sighed over this coan- terfe t presentment of friend obadlah she had i ot wasted her beauty in tears pl cid in love as in grief her heart had nevei throbbed or fluiteredas most womens do i cannon bred suddenly witdan ten feet if lier whereabouts would not have mad her scream when friend ephraima child en beat drams and blew tramphefa and i reamed and tumbled down stairs she only taid blandly j b ow remarkably fond little boys fnd girls tre of making a noise sh i had no nervas in the feminine view of th i case sio never jamped or twitohed or sq lealed or wept furiously she never laugtedaload j sh s called hysterics fits and treated then iith largo jugs of cold water aud was hogether a very model or a quaker ess j ai y other woman would have abandoned this lalra demeanor for once if she jike frie id jane liad one autumn evening just stdirfc passed with silkensoft footsteps up t e stairs and lightly opening her bed- roon door had found a maa busy withher bare ta drawers but friend jane 6nly pass id- in and closed the door behind her and set her back against it t te fellow had her parse and her watch in h si hand and was dragging from its depliis a costly and greatly valued drab silk ahawl other things lay hearjedbrfore him friend jane saw each article plainly no eaecrating baud had ever dived into her joreau before j her property had always beet held sacred she looked at the inter lope very solemnly and j having shaken her wad solemnly said calmly friend those are my things j t w man tamed and his hand went into his ireast as lfsoarohing for some weapon lake any noise ili be daajtli of you he hissecl i aiatfoud of- hoirtinj wot ji jrat i wont be sanglit uko a rat i do not wish o make any noise said one to remamber will you let tfla go t poor young rata sam the quakeress go tlioi had no mother no wonder thee turned out poorly take the money that is in the purse as i told thee it it hut little and thee is velcome i dont want ltsaid the nian romui toady im tody i meddleti wiili yoatt things if id hao a mothet like you i thei no matter i lot me got out- of yoar sight im astotm sd follow me d tho qntkercaf- ahd do notlook distubed if i disoblige the truth slio opened tho loor apd tuitled softly down stairs like some dear old gray dove friend jane but i feel a call a speak to thoo about tho tm ropricty of thy conduct it isvery sinnalar tosay tte least per- haps tirj has mad s some mistake that thee con ciplain yoa are a cool land tie nun mutteri e4 i am not frightened said friend jane because if there wero cause i ooald soon call friend ephraim and his grown son but i do not wish o harm thee only thou must not havorcy olotheaj perhaps thee it a burglar but perhaps thoa hat been driven to diabonisty by ipovertyi theo mast not take my shawl and theb most leave my watch aid put down that profile buttheocan take the money out of the purse it is not much if thee is actually in want i the man stared at jier sung thepurse with tho rest oftlio thlngsho had huddled together upon the bed and stalked toward tho door let me- pa is io said i havent got a thing of youn i cj mo go speaking ka thy friend said friend jane id advise i hee mat to rush oat- in such haste fruml ephraim is on tha front porch and o is aptto forget the peaceful doctrines of our society when ha is vexed i if thee leparts alone thoo may bo arrested and pit iri jail is this humbig are- yoa setting a trap for me od hdy 7 asked the man his hand ttill within 1 is bosom his oycsgtaring at her no said frie id jane mildly i do not wish nor slut i permit thee lo take my clothes bet do not wish to see thee severely punialied it is par christian daty to forgive those jvl otrespassagainstat and i am old and thou art young if ihad ever had a son and hail brought him up as badly aa thy mother has thee i should wish others to give him every possible chance to repent and lead an hones i life t she paused n m meut ani looked severe ly at him not a most people would have looked at a burgla but as a kind grand mother might look at some favorite naughty child who had broken her flower blossoms or meddled with 1 er knitting doesnt thee t ink an ablebodied yodng man like thcejmijht earn a living without taking an old won ans frocks andshawta ill tafco none t f yours said tha man huskily as for a mother i never had on the porch st od friend ephraim bont disturb hyself she said as he stepped aside this is a young friend wiio sometimes d als in second hand cloth ing ho has beet looking at some of my old dresses tvitn whichwordishe ushered tho burglar past inauspicious friend epb- raim and as lie t rent caught a look upon his face that stan ped it indelibly uponher memory she returaea to her room settled 6er dis arranged bareatf drawera hung up her watch and herptecioat profile ind went down stairs calml to take her tea and no o4e ever heard a t ord of her adventure or knew that there h id been abnrglor in the house time passed or and friend jane had ceased to recall her adventure viridly when as we all loow a certain cow of chicago kicked ovi r a kerosene lamp and set the city in j flafnes friend jane for gotten by her land ord and hs family in their terror and ionsterhatioh awakened tj heni the flairies crisping and crackling about her wtndowiill and to find the stair way aflame and foi her utterly impassable this was a des wrate state of things even friend jane elt disturbed by if but she only cried a lit le very meekly as she dressed herself 11 eanwhile in the street below friend eph aim had discovered her abaenci from the atnuy group and be- wailirig it aloud fet his arm caught by a large but supple hapd which room oried the man- d jasttemember lhi too there leeri a lot of preaenlng to him in jail anddsel where all hli jifa bat ha wishevtr 4rt ted like- yoa treated bta before chris ian f r w ira phiudelpbia ephraim and family th r exbarglar went with thetn and tbiatss what friend jaoe has said to mm i friend vfilliara bhkvej recommended theeto frifticl smith s a very hoc est young man dont braik your njlrhbars haiti for dlaaeraalne with you before bruiting your r elghbore headfo disagreeing with yoa woi idnt it be- welt to see how near yoa come lo agreeing with yourself tea to one your awn opioiotii havent all been male at the saqie shop have yoa never far in tanceprcwiaimcd price theee ce1ts s- i i com position dqir wu talked to in at chris iajnes never to iw nplo twunt the befog let jo io mooh as th way of it i aint stole nothln line hal night istdy itref tridrjtci work xhen thee fissdoceljyohriitian da jy laid friend j ns l man with a iob tbjjr aint no chaqc for me i bad a itsct bat jait look aroat d as ixiokabcwa twjiild friend jme the stars at i juit ss or ght and the sk c is jaat as blue as ever ihee neednt afraid the lord j will provkl i tiasi bjim and jqs oowl sis al poor as fheje then a sodden impu se possessed her she pat her band into tt a exburglsr stay and help me ihejaid i will help thee and we w 11 help othiri foi a while and thee will i the lord y provide he stayed had he le t her hen it wqula havej been t join will those who nan piuaging jelty th r dooe fellow irss not ot himself strong aojogli to bear his pecautary rqfn bravely a ad begin ss hoc est life gain bat this plscic qaakeresi hei ped him strangely during hose first terrible days they worked togefier narsin the sick people who had no c is else tp care for them and when at is it their task raf ended ani friend jaoi lift chioagofoi sd her rs ankl i in compi ny withtfrii for h r the ajisjia very dlerettirigaolmar ha is a small if ar dog that meows and has whlikar tnd several other things e has fqdr pswfwo four paws aud two hind bnesana a tail hsjhas been known for aisini years too of him hairing been said to m oiht k hers be rnui have been tied ap or trust would have bejoom of the rat au ffonlget lobaqat until they- are a year old when tbay stop being aifteus hih ihey aborn as it takes a fallen mveral wjitikftq get hit eyes- ppea if he doesnt gt drwnded before thsf time and he scratches when he is mad uy fatser lays esmels oaei to be eats bat got their backs qpjonejdsy aodeouldntgat them down again jaod- sobecamei caraeli i never heariacamaltneow bat i suppose thaycon beoaaieuiey cso do most say thing haviag seven itomachi and- sjoing njany dayji wiihoat sler i i toe dictionary uy a oilia a carniror- ous gnadrjipi bat that does j not soood like a est the old ejvptiaoa used to be very fond of the cat freang him like a member of their own family and nuking mommiasjoatot him when he died game of these mamtojm sfiil live they ased lo haog ipeopls jfjow killing oats in egypu c csa the jtij ires sapppsed ohe s ssired animsi probably berjtiiiahay sra kenerally oa ail bikttt l w nitve a fatnaaied xom ahdbe has six kitteus whiqhbe washes their faoe every day just like tne v x f- i cats neyer fall odt of anything witboot laadiigou twir feet which is why their feet are fj sofj sod they hive to be silled nine times before they die and sometimes jifaey dont evetvthen they eat mukwhen umejioalvhaw wildthey ory like a baby finlii somebocly comet to see what is the matter sndthen they eat hlm which it iitalaodlescoes people to miod their awn the total depravity of mankind io oo breath and latlia next i eclared that th voice of the people is the voice of god yoooeverbave we bavs known maay voxpopaliar that has ind who aawjn discrepancy eitheriu this being a heart la his religious sad a b ill in bit pofiti cal estimate of humsn m tare how long pray hairs yoa entertaiqi yoac present vietys frno appn all subjects bat an any one sabject j3o they come any nearer coinciding with those yoa held tea years a than with thpse of the man yoa are ready to quarrel with today if not dont quarrel with him he it only your former or future- self many a martyr has beeu burnt ainid tha shoots of those whocleat than a decode afterwards would bare given many imes its weight in gold fort pinch of hit ashes quit trying to be consistent and above all quit frying to make other people to fofm your opinions carefully and not too hastily change ibernr whenever yoa find them wrong concede the same privilege lfl ethers and never fear bat yoa and tha test of mankind willbecoqiittentenoagh ilea who never change const be either top perfect oerr twodishauesf to admit their errors or too blind to ace them the first hybothfit it oat of the question it follows thac perfectly consistent people may be re deced to two classes knaves and fools count firetndtwenty tattyooram was sir ifeaglett advice to the passionate eirl inj little dorrit count five-tnd- twenty times that say we before flying into a rage at errors and inoootuteneies merely yoar own because they do hot happen to he bear or bier friend bphraira pointed and the next moment the man who had spoken to him disbisd into the bunine house friend jane kteellnc at her bedside hiding ber faca m its coverings and waiting for death suddenly felt aiiarmflung aboat her and was wrapped in a blanket and borne tbroneh smoke and pame downward oyer the tottering itairs out into jthe tlaf ing streets away with the fire hehind them like a rsgine flend spitting at them with redhgt- mouth striving to clasp them in his horrible arrr b but failing somehow after all i at jaat iu a place of safety the man set friend jane down ihitdst graap of terri- tied beings hurdled together under a great stone uall ani unwraps the blanket from about her she wi a half suffocated by tha fire bat the blanket had saved her from spot or murki st e smoothed her dtess settled her cap aid looktag up into the face of the an who had saved her hfej recognised her birilsrj ttapbllged to tllw friend she said i hope tbsa h tsut fohndine very heavy he smiled ipon her faintly and worn oat with hit ttnble exertions fell sense less at her feet stjeitooped over liima strange contra it luuariilylike old age to the flushed apt buq leoed raid scorched and panting oreatu e wto- had saved herrfine took her little iottii rifsmelliag salts from her pocket and bewit to ahxtosrilr and waited ofcjil biroraeivhuntalf before she uttered asy orj thai i dtstjjaiii wisi t ntaldemtn j then iieliasfc his baud oyer his foiehasvet ii csdt reiieriw avjjij aili stmettiin ejera ipyeajhedied hir hand iuioltw bcn a watch sayi4 thai for ypu e aaicl he manpedjagairifii the same fce voirciara h tlfftj lindliemjiady yoar puree siyedlnitltocjjoryattj thank the frlsndiiiid friend jena very softly id have saved yer rpdks if id bad time a teat many amoaing itories have been toild in whicir-lir- john stetson the noted 1 heatre manager appears aa a central- figure and in which the taeiett and moat original portions of certain dialogues are accredited to him doubtless many of these episodes had a foundation of truth originally i but daring the process of trans plantation they developed considerably in detail and coloring the following from tbe oqlumut of tha lutodrakd american it new to us sod we report it verbatim et literatim once when afodjetks was playing at the globe she required a bier to lie upon in one of her scenes and sent tokanager stetson stating that she wanted a bier wanta a b4r does- thai said stetson wellahi can want and be blowed i alnjt providing beer for these furrin playertl tell her she cant have it the messenger returned to hodjeska with stetsons message the countess wit furiois go to if steuon bhe said and tell him that unless i have a btec i will not go in the the rleit act- the messeuger dalyrepeat- the ieasage she wont wont shev screamed bteuon well well see if she wont thats the way wiih these furrin- ers they always waut beer beer 1 theriat if relenting he took so centa tfronj his pocket and said with a deep sighr i sappose ill have to let her have it thece go and get her a gallon it u need less to aiy the coanteasgot her bier peoples bhildrien are crying ar a cats eye it veryqdeer thin looking like alsiatmaanme alidsy anilaa agate at ight teeing better la the dark than in the light jliko wilches tbirefqrf they are said tobe frieadsof witches and sprue people dootiuie theni outtfatj account butib i- f the fwoibea cats that ever lived belong edtodicwutiioiton afiyorct lnndoo who went but weafc and killed a lot of rata at a dollar ilheai and jloafc thernqoey home itb hiimatter io get to be hayor wuh vtjdpnis iu boots who stoln sis muteyi clothes audjats a giaoti thereby makide hit mtiterof nef of the- arm and hoihaadof a rich giti whose father died andleilitell ioher if y cat cant do anything like this bat he gets there jqitslae aam and is very gantie to my little hrother who palls his tail and doesnt hare w wish he hadnt 1 altogether t dont what we should do withoot cati especially those that like to havefhem around jeft as we do ura islhat xtoifdof hay of sl tin months tialrenna trieyasr- aiidfflakatbechslqucjapltte aa i loos and suasliina br jeze aadstenn it iniervali reprat tbougq everr season haa its ioyi iti jtcb soweesarafj own borat- j of ay the monina that rounj theyaeur 1 fancy may the raoit the orchards ere with blceisctna crenrned the fields tiatr robes reatw asd here and tnerasleog our ways i in flof ers of erery hue ahd nature wean aninulriff face ind every heart is ay inllllelasweetouiomitlioheed a jtrte promuev he hay within my break there ssis bird that suiji the whole dsylonr lai ofghtsal darxieuiiay ao mr toinletnipthissipns ajidallthetlsiaachoriusweet of voices seeui to say j eh im la lerioh 1 rra in love f oh imte tare with mavr j tryteu the track wlar hay demi vfy happiness fonfld hie fs tha itamt swtedest beatr dfau whole year wiiad eptlesf yousliouldmyueantiuimiaa jandfancymeaatray j fiaay at wetronfete at ones i uy sweethearts wamo it jaaqr 4 it resisting temptation old ijncle eben was gqioj along past browns store paying do attention to any body and evidenuy ijar ram the madding crowds ignoble strife wten brown tkwj uai f hello- uncle he called oat wbfw bive yoa been lately i hjtvent teen jon for a month j j beenlp rntetin mesjy mas tom answered the old man humbly ph theres a revival op it there 7 xaa sir jafss tom j well yoa oorbt to be abppiqg dosvnsm he coop these nigbje attejici roosting low down there yi a evef etw the od manaeyesliegat to brighten watermelons in throat jhyettoband tweet potatoes corbiospo continued brown seductively- uncle eben beginj bhw fidgety and his month watered btt ba nasirm ypa- chldaeahatp i gcway uat too h i said pleading- t sufa bulies tha year rouftd booh ralsa the flaar tha following incident occurred at the fall asaires sandwich t lir justiee falconbridge arriving m the court house grouuffl ifr sheriff do not see that a flag has- been hoisted on the court house- tha sheriff year icrashlp oar flag is to old wornoat affair and i did qot thrnj itwell to hoiat itv sire basinets the year round were the words i read not loog ago in the adveiserpsnt of a saloon that wasforisahu pie saloon keeper who thus advertised jhit bbainest was right it is a sure baeniesf tha year rohnq there ianopaqse in this awful traffic that deals in the bodiatond tools lot plcu other forms of business may know seasons of depression bnt dull limea for bthec men often mean good times foe the rnmaeuler when mea are put of workltbey often throbgtiie barream anc beer shop and somehow when thersisno money ifor bread meat or coal there is always eoonji for beer rum ahti tobacco the cum basinets it sure in more ways than one it is sura to produce poverty diteata and crime an awful trinity of avilt where it flocisbet all- forms of misery abound it jrows rich in proportion as othertbimepoor iti history tsa scan- dtl and its presence a curse anil yet this evil thing it pphelqv bf publia sentiment sad liceosed by the law of the land it does hav work of death under the highest aelhorities ani drags men and boys down to rain and death in tha sacred name of law in the meantime our ul ihitten preach our elders desconr and ooarch trustees pray for the kingdom of3od to come and for hir will- to ie done ou earth aait is in heaven arid theqin crowds march up to polls with tee rumbellertand vole to legalize and perpataate the worst thing that eiiate outside of hell it it enoagh to make angels iweep and devils laugh at nations have do ufein the other world bat get their reward or panfthmeht hereiave we not reason to fear that goiadsyof grace with as sis anation trillsoon end and the vials of hit wrath be i poured out opoa as l i when judaic had sinned away her day of grace the rjcophet usei ihu laiguae the harvest is pjat the summer is ended and wa are not saved god grant our loved country may not ba compelled to take up this mournful refraiuaad the durse of ramlike the earae of slavery may hoc be washed away in tears am blood rti jeuisait6aiast ly go wax wid yo tempt u ecbifyin ioa btiatho right to be pn ilia temptation in deoie mans paf tse d me got religion mas to m an dem jar tti irs aint tor m no mo deed ley aint ma l tomr h fat cbickent wateknel ma tweet toet nor anythiog nncle t brown ko llaa tom ipd dljcle eben raited bit eyes piously r but efj youll be polite encash to iell me jet fley is ill iw manicato with some of deee yer anrekensi sinnshs what naio eoow- nigb do rnooafar bench yet and i specs doyil git down der fers spell one o deee yer nighu fob moon am dor gone an jl tea dat dncla eben aint ief to snffir mpn he bn bar atastom after deyjgiuj back fromdl flesh-pots- obkgyp brown nhackied ishuffied along- how daap does the earth quake i 1 v an interesting qaestjonhas been started aneni the recent earthquakes vix how deepdoet the noake effect the crust of the earth it is said that the great earthquka at virginia ciiykev in 1879 was apt noticed at all py the ftinertiq the deeper portfons of tha comstock mineaj the earthquake at ihl same place in 1874 tat- i ii dqcle 51 ji asinsiitai hcjr i- af uurjy story hvtoltf of dean bwilt jwho vaa a witty man and fond of a joke at the expense of other people as most witty ple are on verjy oild rrlght siyf iffarotj taoanglpaipu whin nswutrsirel ling he stopped tt a iiueiao therefas only one arelinihe bolisesrioruiegaeiwof the ihu crowdirht aroaud it reft no pjaos iforhe newcorrjer with a solemh face dean bwiii eiu4 the hjfsiier sndtold him to get a peek of qystert immedialy aad take jbimonjjto huborte will you horse e bystert sir t asked thd utouished man juat take them out sifseo aaldthe horses master j the people around the fire stared at the man who owueamlilej carious horieind nearly ever one left bis sejii and weds eat to see tbe remarkable nonve eating oysters then the cuuning detoraaovhijnself comfortable in the wnrnert conseviuia ordered supper i t j -j- presently backcame the hostler with the ditaappednted crowd after him hefont touchthm sirt eriedtthe ihottler u thentake the fodlithj animal iftha oit he can eati replied oeanswift jon can bring the oysters here ill eattpetn f6rtapperlysell j 1- i betting fck is all the foals are eviavnt yjnoi dead yet the marl who ijarjed sjrx self for 5 jfyjl- had his innings i the glqttjh whowfjoo quails in 100 days hut laten and died j the bridei jo mper and the whirlpool rapids swimmer are gfo ring psautifnuy less uat a new star in th firmament and it is- at their fait- is a novel bne- follows john springer bet j william nohle of bolxam ohio an bysier snppefj on thursday nixht jthatr- hq coold lit ibe longer on a rail fence at a oclock friday mofning botlumeu were atill therehaying speptthe ulght pu- the fence while their respssctive families suppliell them with hot coffee and warm clothipg the whole eommuuiuy wan deeply interested nthai oulcoroe prinaer it large heavy man while hit opponent paly asighsllo poande alter twelvit tour on the fence 5obt j loaieunitst as fresh as wbetj ha ait- down but hu heavy companion appeared m which thjjdk qwu- the chlmneysfirewallt v mtteririgoble wqn etc and cracked nearly every otiok build- lm i j ingiulbi ciljylwtj merely jholiced by i jlpd hn pa isomt of he ininert workiug in tie jpper i inert was tom the son o tr f i jthaitheeial ilsiiik enough has dd thee seen it to nylife vv tp then he v wk be th jieisiaiji4i ii bit own and i ijiwd when yob bimaiato jit himself to wt atdiduh mtnthat ifr juttimfaloonbrjpjce oil braew it is proper that ins british nag should float over a british oourt hoosa while th ooart isia ssstion the sheriff it shall be oae your lordship j j eieant the sheriff who gets hold of a union jack which floats over the boildim for the balance of the day the next morning on arrival at the cosrt house grounds mr juttiea falcon bridge mr sheriff where is the flag the sheriff the halyards broke daring the nuht and wedannp hoist the flag ifrj juatice falconbridge yon mntt hoist it get thefaalyardt mended before we adjourn for lonoh the sheriff fha muttty clerk tayt that it will coat10 to menj the hatyarda jtlt justlea fjtloonbrfdge- wtil cost toe county a good deal let to pay that 1q fian it wllltohairo nw adjoars tht ooart t tht ixpsbvtjf theeoanty this burl will not prooeed nnui- that flag 14 hoisted the fug remalras the bead tilths ttaff daring tijalwboiewtb soma ot the miners workiug in theupper levels bat did no damage at all the men in the vtriqus thsfts noticed it rhe moat and theldeepptt point at which it w noticed was on the 900foot iqvei where the station man saidbe felt bata faint throb or pulsatjon st lie air tbte facts make it appear hnt the earthquake tt a dit- urbancebfoply the upper strata of the earths crust like a wave at sea al i peivoritea i ihps maa tom the son of the flper jack rjrrat arrdwerrj king cole i4n4thethreis wlaemonrfflcaham i ttnoisauittostiaujabowl j inipwoman wborbdsqoabwomticfc j 1 ani swept theeobwebbed sky j l anathvboy who ultttheonniet 1 i riatlnf hit chrisbsaiple thoae wetevsoraeof tpeldld favhtiitw bkit 1 t r 1 as a- 1 0 rigl n of troy we ighr r the irnali st meatareof- weight in use the- grain ha 1 its name from being anginal ly the weigh 1 of is grata of wheat a statntefaese i in englandui liioordained thai thihy wo trains of wheat taken from thsjimu die of ilhe ear or jhead and well druct 1 ild make a peanywtight twenty 4 w ieh should make an anoeey i while hfialw ouhces were to make a pound a pound the efpre msititadhfiof 7980 i grains 1 ssot 1a centnriasdlatst ihe penpyi weight lws diviied lotoiwbhtyrinrj grains j wh sh make a troy pontidi tut nap used iwt rains the pnywlgb the si byltha 4littje iduhj phjftintl wisely 00 mild hirixu thsjj f in igbiy the old aiu they have been topi anil chatterbox fsuntlarby and the old faahioned pills heth suporceded and pieroet psrrgauve pell leas jaiiii effective cal pleasent to uaseo gejotie in their aetion that the moat delicate child can take them yt so effective th theywiliar the meet oostiosie oasts of ouiwiioo stoaniri uttrtjid bowel troabtes tljey itjould he in every nnrsevy- aq 4- gentle isduitet only one tea dose r im a peptf rtatsd tfcftla bead idthswit vartitetnenr lceja fk raprtjrtntinii vennt au ij n babqotiteb i

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