Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1892, p. 2

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l mi i r pltreu eaimddf w lb lot december the candijftftt jjfeori in tddiitc to jrtalton there ire thirty- jkvo ouwr vcan teste in pirliinwot twrty three have bijen depriwl of their nitij oa we4tk-ut- gib jumttr 101 it f p si or fitrttcl xxr to mlm rll goilop ilttcburtcf k- vvickort ej- ttrocto on lli itui of ortolwr fcr tw jt dieo atnisv- uuw oeorgvtotni lead tf f jworr rto ojtr hiia ofl kdj tuursttatljanoarr u1s3j notes and comments tut first lp towirda the proraieed reoottttraelioh of the ltlniitry et ottawa ws ukeo oorsatardty whea itwu decid ed with hit excellency approval that hon lobar hifofirt potmuter0eettl thoald virait hit office tnt unna the portfolio of railway ind can lis ind hon j a outmst wttoe ceil to tie cabinet ni anooaooed eyertl weeks to wu it the time time ueigned the portfolio of 1ablie works odessa it overloaded thi year with tchuksete the resiba thereof it thit tbe raia tea merchants wih no longer bar their wires throoh um english firms in chink ind impact it diretry the rjngliih merchants ba th other head losing the raaeiin rede have centered their activity in ceylon test which in oof used to russia the grestsst put of the chinees tee crop thit jfau therefore is ee- csaittjiwd toodee d- onegood ttep it he opening of this near year would he far more customers to pay- cash far what they get the oeah trade i the t healthiest and mott tatisfic- toryall around it wu horace greeley who cammed op the credit bosine by say ing thit it rami ever be to thcnptmnking majority terjntsiian sad facility far gen- eruimpttkjdwiceindoterktriding hew wonldjtbeii everybody reaoindtout on the princtple of pyu yon ro in this ydurofgrtcef it doec not eeeoi jut right thit the few ho ply ouh thoojd hire to mite op the tostec of thote wbo credit ind dontjay it ill it rendcrol tthroqgu of itr thomi keoretvl thut cuctly ontiwoflj in uarepcet- ented 1 oa the jfut dfttbi dtonththcre will be olectidot tn eigcootulaendct for toar of theecnillianctci hilton kingtloa prince bdvudlnd kilt um4amcotf crtfvromtiitdlmt ifttch forllie other foar lcnnoi eut sirniwe linooin irfleflifiietafc nlurtitd otwtuntindiiig hit thkf only w eeia oetipta wfort eleetifttf dy it itaot yet definitely known ihowdlw con tetuntc in the seld in hilton a oaaple of week ijo he iwormeri f jectod tr wildie m their cndidite hat it reported that be ait not only dedinaibj acapt bat ifterbeing prcind to rcooniidec tt rat tier hti reaffirmed hii deciiiaa not to tnur th oanteat hie friondthopcj vrfil yet bo prevailed upafa to icpept kodoaw how- roc a renreeentaue will bp choaen ta fill the ttcancy within very vfew ioara for weela it haa jmc known that ihe patron cif ladattryaetired ouke hand in the fight and nominated their tuhdard bearec ilrj d uotiregor of trafajgtf aramor hat baea carrontthat ha alio decline to be i a candidate bat rtport of a meeting heid recently in xitaigaweyi given by a carretpondent in theee oolamna teadc to ducredit th romor there it no daabt however that there ii one candidate in the field who it actirety engaged in the oun- paigo th rtport i of the conaarntlre convention it milton on toeaday ihowt that ifr d henderaoo of aclorf wat lbs onanimoai nominee ouhe ctmaamuve party if e ha the oampaigo already well in hand and will ooat aaeriw of pch- hc masting throagboat the county at nor- vtl thii evening i fa happy andutrlfty yj rf f i jtomw f c are jwormng ehaatfally i ajiottwockuiem by holtlng tiwu km l i- j 1ooiim3l right and wti lamljgaet adourb wa j ni i- aaay lnpirlambii j j tbe la wa ot purooantry wart i pilti i lai eilrioale lliil i farnj ihonjh tuoflug that ht wae dyraadiict wonld rtlher inffsr in ailanaa than foat bit joterttlalo the mat of the iaf ttje liirt tiioutd be in tiror of iha banaat dud ertnif ije yraa ajmpi and not a ojoalg or wrttohat lo hida andeawaraaoi mpa ofojy after bikini thoir own jawt 41 not knor what iaytd doniba they gat throah bat had totoai w tbtic jrtndmolher ihepnryooaaoiloliagland aad uk hec wuft thay bad dooa 8uraly the farmer coald do uo wdraa if in thalr the senile wu not i mapooalblei orarn mentiddhad to matiltled aoctnjl ithf mouarei a he firmert interact m to make theoi worthlett 1et w ware pay ing 1100000 to bate it hart oar nureeu awiy witli it look itoek and barrei i than tin uada polioy of the eatroia wu disarant from that of either party tht one declared for a prouclua lanffuad wu patting oaof tbolijmertpoettindlnlo are given according to rafarrt rtotired it the fiihenea departnxnt the apnronbiatt total of caimoa pat ep by the britain colombia etnnerie daring the put aeaaoa wu schj7h cuet or kttjssjt poand cant thit it a filling off in the pack of atfeat stqflj caaet ucomparei with the prerioot yeartne ran oo the steeot riter hu been iboal an irerage bat on the frucr eirer lad alert i bay the put hat been in or year t m reported that a comminion will be appoiated to mreei cite canning methodt ba the fraxar and devite meant for precepting thw depietioo ofthe talmon etherieaj on that river la ba been the te onthe cofambia river japan ippean ti batcmiagoat her on certity gradaatea at a titter ratedfatn em- p4oyaient can be bond far them a ftp- aaek cooteinporiry kate that macy of thia year imperiu ui erenity radoitea baveu yet been bo tbe to find employ ment and cay thit tu e ctthingt iagrad- oauy tuoshigaaerioojrafpeet it wooid appear that the id rinse cent made by the cooctry ia learning hat not been aceom- paqjed by corretpoodag ttridec in eorh- mere or tbe remunerative bcofawrintiaand cstit thit it remedied jtpan matt expect to find the preteat eatcoaftging ttif of tntiir awai hec yooog gradaatec in ttarting oat ia their ttagge for exitteoce dr bryce aeeraairyj of the pronoeial board of hatith hit tataed a ctrenlar to the pabtie atpliinihg tha eaoac origin pathology general ty mptomt and meuoret for the limitation of latorippe toe three farm of the diaeate arc tfkertoo chiracterued by great depreatton and eerere pain in the heart rpme and raa b catarrbai jmarkei by ooogeitioti of mnboax hemorue of dote throat and cheat c gatfric etpecially teen in child ren tl mtrked by vomiting diarrhoea ate itoiataw a far aa pnaaibto dean and well rentilatad hoatee itoidtnce of expotare fitigae aawhotetome food and exaaatrra ue of alshogc liqoort are the heat preea- ttttre thedtieateitinfectiaatfromper- on to penoo and the greateat ear in the cte of hindkerchiefi towela etc it oecbt- tary a oonjottoa of the liberal i coatervt tire ptrty of hilton wu field it uiitoa aa tieedtyor tb parpote ofcbootiflg 1 candidate in uiair iiureat fur tha by- eiection to he held hen os the s8th intt it will be remembered that at th general tlaouocc hald oa tht fifh uitofa 1891 mr pand henderaoo wu elected by a majority of iboal ib over hit opponent ur john wijdia the election- ra ara taatad and it the tntl held oa the wh kotembtrlut wu voided for bribery by an ageqt aid a pew election it tbe rerajt ih meetiog aaaembled in th town hall at pjn and icr heory wataoo the pretidant of he aaanciation took the chair ud after a few introductory remark call ed for nomination george andrew mayor of otxriile in a fororkla tpeaoh mated that dafid header eon of acton a the candidate and lha motion wu aeeonded by itr owaabobert- ton of faqaeting the ohairaua called lor father oomta- itioct bat u there were none ill hen denont nominatioa wu- anxnimoatly carried by a itanding vote the meeting wu tboroaghiy repreaenta- tite delegalaabetnfcpcraent front each of the fit polling labdititioct in the coaaty mqnbering in tilabaat iso in addition to the exetitir officert of the aaaocfatioo oa the ptttf orra waa the chairmtir iff henry watannjhon g g if ckrndaey david hendertoa et mp col wtfliara eeroa hpp usyor andrew owes bob- ertaoo j w elliot dr eoe and other the ehairroaa aa riaing to call on ur henderaatt deatared the meeting a pohlio ooe and the hail wu tpeedily filled rife heoderaoa on coming forward to aaeept the nomination wu graated wrtfc land aeptnte and be at ones begin as addrea aa the pablia qaeetiao of the day and in in txhanitir tpeeoh of oo and ooejulf hoars betd the doae atteniiot of hit tadieooe u he ototxiy ttnfoided the policy of the administration of tht hon j lc abbott he dealt at great length with the froteotire policy of the govern ment and particularly with tile agar i datiea bindertwioe qaectioo bog bone and barley a they ware aoected by the policy of the government and m the meat cormnciiig ntajxaor thowbd what wees the benefits to the faming eomman- ity eapeeiauy from thepreteat tyatem short addreaate were jnen made by george andrew dr kov cat eernt wilaam bachanao a w 1 w elliot tod owen bobertaon and after cheer for the qoeen the government and the candidate the convention adjooraed free trade kdw we luve tnilioiiirdebt to be paid and we moat hare a rarvana and under free tride utlt sotpaodjtar woald have o ba railed by direct iuitfda which woald min hit whil the fellow wiih f to many mortgigeain pocket woalll akip it a douhl woald fall upon the head of the poor who unable to detelope bit ftrro owins to the hard timet ft forced to borrow jar apoa faint who ui not able fo bay a farm ind ranutnnaij umpiy beoaoae thj ant can hide hit motlgigea thf other oaal 61 acroi laf ia too hooaat to do it if he oaad i i fo beli4vo weu aooanlty an able to irroge4 reciprocal trade on fair tod eqaltabe terma with the wrid and w mtlaandl enforce it ft ihti will protect ubqr and ita reanlt from iheaa hag cornjbine and monopoliea i tda ooautry at the preaeat lime it al- rnott ridby it wo railway oompania they oootcol all iinet of any 1 national im- portance and have arranged 1 atiffof rates to tnit themtelvea waib the moothc of both political ptxuea axtolaaed baeauaa of railway pataet in their pociata genue- men if i have tbe honor of being yoat itcadard bearer to the ptjlianunt at ottawa iltijoogh i ant poor ill not come down to tacit meant hat get that if i hare to walk we deem beraoa who tit ia the legitlt- tive biiit afi yoar taahtihlp ta being mert of wisdom and bralntjeaoagh lo be able to arrange tha plxsiae oa or eraling qntifae ntajatof thoae who hive or bare not the right to vote apoa the voterc litt then if there i a mitlaka the remedy hat not ta be todght fir the oott of loch arrang meet woald be a mere trie aomptred to that of the preaent aray electoral dutricte ahoald be a ooaform- ity to ooatity boondariet u oocttiialad for monicipal parpote and d away with theawfol gerrymandering that ye hear to roach iboat from the oppasitioa ia timet of geaenl election 1 j theftrmertare practically doing nolh ing to gain their freedom while the mana- ftctartr etpeaiilly thote who coatrol the twine and rncchinerj trade are fattaciflg os heavier thackloa i thit gigaatia impie- raent corporation baa an awfol iattaenoe which oo aid and woald be checked if the firmer woald takes loitad itahd thit it a ftrmeri fight it ia for the finnan freedom and haitoa has become the leader the champion shall w divide and become more bitter la oar tprum and gritiant or ahall we snile and u patron aditediyitanoif i aa ifr kcgregor left the platform cheer after cheer roae from every up and every body fu dattchted ha had etid with him and what whot going to be the new pottouter geaeral now that hon john haggart ha been awarded the port folio of bail wayt and canal the government fchoold fee to it that the- near incambente firtt daty ihali be to pat the postage on drop letter back to the old figure and redoce the loaghaol rate from 3o to icf hamilton berajd some of the sew 1orfc aewipapere are urging a farther redaction in poatel rate from 2c to 1c on the gronnd that people thoold be encouraged to nae he mail u maeh u poaibte in cinida we are rtifl atrnggling along with the old so rate and tbe impotition of joa drop letter in the eitie kowft it canada can fford to carry utter which come here from tbe gfatea with only a he ttamp on while oar own people mast pay fc for tending letter from town to town the doetnt teem right somehow thing killed by her brother bit voimcz jan s a thoottng aoci dvnt occurred otlgnace yetterdty by which mia ward a deoghter of the c p b engine tcroer at that place loft her lib- it tppeart that a brother of the enfortsn ate girl wit etreleetly handling a gnu which he imagiced to he anloaded the gnh however carried a heavy charge of thot which nddealy jexpbdiog iirock hit titter xho wu ttanding near killing hecalmoft iamediately are vv p if i p pabuihed will than canada janatrj natober li it enlarged over etial ta g an it we irt uo rcagi gfrept grttter tstitftel which enura wilb ih opoa it aecodd year u qairto page and page of the ordinary frfligazi eoetain ttoriet fairfory biography tctence everything that will fnterett and intruct ctntditnt jojng aad cfd in addition to tbe trffdea which ntai j i op the balk of the magazine it ha eight dyptrttnenu indodiag canadian coa- dian afitiioat home topiot and otr foong people wnt fc- kauhe wfct dome xarna b- kakhtbentoe kew bnn1 parwealstjtir i r t ihrotfii- at a recent meeting onder the aasptce of eivenide lodge 6 s ko i tattags- vreya quite aa rath aiiiftio crowd gathered to hear kr john d ucgregor the patrons candidate kr wilton the pretident took the chair and called npon kr ucgregor when ha took the platform i cheer after cheer filled th boate he begin by referring to tha mitteke that tome were laboring onder thit the patrona had nothing to io with politic rhey had oroaghtto hare s good deal to do with them bat itaaaldloalc mone clotely after jtheir own nteratta and have nothing to do with party politic the people were the government ind toy taking the reina jiat of their banda wutretton and he referred 10 the rebellion 17 the farmert formedtevententbt of che popu lation of thia coanty bat u farmer they bad priottcaily nothing to tay u to ita government tttey ware neigfabar toy gether in proiperf ty or advertity ahariag or aatitting each other is joyoataav or aadneat at all times except when in the exeitemeilt and beat of am election then lthey were divided and equally i good ndi bad jjn both tidet now the time lied come when thii wu to be done atviy with and farmera woald pall together and taint cb other in thia u well u other thingt the fareera have had oo orgaaizatioa a or any one to represent lheorin arlix- mtnt trne there were firmer la bat bo ly bo t they were tent there u tory or grit cotiervallveoe bformer were meirjy wheef in the machinery of partyiim he itferted to be thaofry way la which the btudiog t w teev pattttdar wu imidled xo one inthehone to taaibyltaodpaib ttfhfoagh what twnted and if they oniiedlysoaght woalt ffi tn wbo ctftd not a rotp fort grit or tory hen votirig fnr parlim wt j he thentrfcefffregir t tbepiatforhi of tbe patrdna irbidi w provlaloaally aad arranged byapsminitt oqrapoked of bolh bifdrm ui6 w carmirt wu aabmiaewto every fodge and finally revited indaitetlt tham tbe grand atioelatlbttwgeptemb v- the artplmk onheotfoa and he n ur cook alto tpoke and that in flatter ing term of ur ucgregor a beings man of energy tod braint having an excellent character aad thoaght the patron of haitoa had aluwa good tente in ohoelng to talented a yoang man he wu going w fight tod fight hard for the patront and their standard bearer kettra holmot gordon filrang dredge and eagle alio tve ihort addreaaaa throagboat the whale proceeding tbe order vueraelteat and the feeling in favor oflfr hogregar vary enthotfulio th meeting pledged itaelf to tapport hint and closed with thraa cheers for ucgregor three for the patron and for the qaeen- teeth ii b i srott uatbojlog ooapatllora- art oomitii in fatkrlbil bafbn tbolidim taein tobafoliy ware of tht ottlity tod nine oftkiadbf i mtdfaufhiolb flrirt ol lu kind am i ltd ia the dominloa i tad all im attortd alia oonplet aoooaaa owing to tba tot that it hag bae yiarwb and wwbad pf aaaolally by- one of tba wtalth- aarmaaaja tidgooooera in caoidatha walla isk jtrdaon oo taaoafaotareraol tha popular diamond dyta it thia par- tloalar poin a conilr il opportona to tftauk tbil too ni ot bar leading man a fmwrtrt ti nihil ihe llbettt abd bread botineat va ntosh at ra peculiar to tha manaiastbr raof pumoadoyta people generally ippreoiate liberality whta properly dh wjoad and when he tol fa ipoutaneooi and hearty ithli free die- trlbotlott w tlsoo totbf lidlet ot oar ooantry wh i have bead using a populit tod oaefui lobtehold trllole hat fatter been tlioug- t of before j the remark raoeotfy rdi ibyi prominent lady fairly well atptati the oelinga of the ladiaa regarding th i uiamond dye ccrmetitlon bba taidr i aoeffli o ma that tha tnthn- faotanri art paying oa large premlama beotom we uta been uiiog to rainy of their beautlfi i dye a oar hoaiei whfla we fa allowed to state that thit ia tea u far u it go wa ire rtqaeajed to uy that one reatobieotof thecotnpetitloti a to galher gathers vut oolleelioo of the handlwotk of the ladiaa from all quartan of tba do tali on to that the pabllo may hat to oppo lunityof iadgingof the great poeaihllitieft id wondarf at effect of dlt- mood dye let at now point the ladiet to the diafof ima and wa n them thai the day art flying it beioovet them to decide early at onoe l t ley intend becoming partial pant in thia iraa fonleat thay ihoald witbovrt dale fluap and lead in their formof entry which wu be found on pge is of the boo of initraetion sad rnlef we may rem ad ill ladies woo hate not j tea tba book m tha diamond dye com petition that they may obtain it from thafr aroggirt or from the j walla hiob- irdaon co mi atrial who willaeod it post free to any id r wa praaanje it it needle it thii time io inform th bid titbit ibia competition ia free and open oell i doea not coat any- thing to exbib i yoor fancy work or other gooda aid w latiter yea lie saooeeefal or fall to take a iti for your work camam bar it la alill y ot properly tnd ta return ed to yob free of coat fa thii way the gain it ail on y or tide tod the entire coat and ex t ii on the mauafaetarera at the preeei t time we beiiete lufflcianf hubeentaid 1 1 tba ladiaa at to the advis ability of tnak of early application for a plaoa la thii grind eoateat thii la necessary ut ecial pteparatioca bate to be made for so table exhibition ipso to properly diapli tht vert number of arttelea thit will be aen la i i j r are beapaotfully buefufr ft- aa yoor bepreeotatv in tbe haase sf gomrnfiibaf canada iwulfiubfulrydiaouarge the datiea ijbt reapobiibjo poaitfaa and do my ntmoat to i guard yoor interest hlectionthurida 38th jft ii- m winter spctb sacw orno mow we propom itarting k grand carairat of imammentfifeasara and profit on silafdiy jin a try m l8mby oar grind hemiannaal clearing oat lile wa extend to yo a cordial linvitauoo tt participate a tbe lime we ire in for i roaaiag time we made purchase is many lines from whoiaaak paopla whe were over itockad at iboat one hajf the dt 0- allweii sales l rf ph iifvli biscognilrfek ia boemroadoaet tyaarwiu ptaiaed aflat ab lf ji ml- arab 6t f iqaitoiiobif- n addition w dress s r i m for month stobk qftw astoitji amdciat ui4uaoi b dc8bist p -it- ffi t- a iw- i tptet tektb for the text thrwmsnlht a and itaj ier httl ilrfoot si mimli bortqailitj- bstfifjt0ls andeate of ton ko school ol f jtof at con otdintal i omchxtf o t ontuie aetna fufeot at naruthd ui owtalbarsmaa and aioai importing prtoe tn- ibeaar we hare gone aystematiflall ladj oarafoiiy throogh oar owa ttoojkiiadj marked down the price and ihe reanrt a an immeate offering of really choice freab goodi fa many cases at leu tban ooe ball the aaaal pciaat nor hu our slock ever preiaatad so many attriotiooi erery corner it fall we mflnbt specify deiafia latbiaadvarjwayoaic oar large biiit for parucular bat to thorougbly enjoy tha sport yea matt be present hot long it will tut wa oannot yet iay pouibiy a whole nnoolhi boai- neu wilt be crowded into a couple of weeks oar purpose if to clear oat fait to many tens of thousands of dollars ofttobk ind we ire taking a phut that will not take at long to do it be on hand therefore on the early days of the carnivalj yon will find averym inga wp adtiae snoravary preparation made for aa iaaiaaliy roaaiag time styles corrticl i t m l rbjerflto a hatifng ttpd th rrbmot uh ar i tha llberalcoiattttta s i iiitw- thnreday xyetibajt 14th atbwhtoijitajcit iiiiiiw qmm i i a beautlfuctttajogue we hive received tba moat handsome catalogue of leeas bulbs plants etc ever sent tothis office from the waltknowa canadian firni the steele bros co toronto tio immeate bastaes succea of this enterprising roose is wpaderfnlj tbey tllrfbate itto the highgradtaf teeds they fnplytcoapied witli batineieaergyj andeare 92 they offer cfioipbeili wbiieaaff weata greit yielder early gothiaad xhd golden giant oic three new and the wonderfal priia tsk- er anioajbetide ia endlett irriy of novel- ties in jflowers stanleys wuik tab spider lilies air plant sword fern eta they make a fpeeitl offer to mid two ohineae fj acred liiieti to plaht in water now tiiua 10c and their grand new ntalogoej with iu iuattrations viioe 30ff all for only 23c farmers gardenexs and aroiteort hoald ail tend for them at oost lltarwnote an important literary feature ailhar- per jfumaiiexor 1892 will be the pabli- cab ur the sport has coirimenoed e 25 4 27 iitwr wyiiflliiua 8t ro ptr cent ount otp all df8 dress f03 ceari hy qpodj millingry mp mantle clot knitted wooifen qoods f sleighrotiesv cation fori the firtt time of six papers by jimat eosmii lowell oa the old english dramatists in thia hi last literary work ui lowell returned to th lave of hit yoath h it earliest ft adie baring j been in thtt field and we shall have in the piper the retail ot h ripest thoaght on a tabfect which rofbandlyintereated the three greatest critic of our centnryr- ltmbhaxlitt and- coleridge mtbam t todies are not ot ily example of the beat rritieitm ba a-rin- professor charles eliot ndrjou dlgnates tberovgenoine pieces otgoediliwatui- tbey abotmd alao in pastief iatimattiianimslintaft ear refloesbt til- lwdl moodaavof readymada lpthing qyep cor3ts ftanu tweeds shi de8 over shoes lb mprenfoi ouaoriadjdryinelowtriri wlafjtayfti jd tf fc 1 1 i n wmmwa tsbtaaat whare- ufrywio anttiisa- v io much for diem l- i jtasaiasvyj big and atflrtl be given l otitpjll mrttliriv bmbrofi atyind xiii odtlv i- m i- i v wok iipl i goods shilohs consumption cure olrftiultv tbi oheat cough gtjbis aaeoatafal consumptioncljfe it without i parallel n tbe history of raedicine all druggiftf are aathbrixed to aellt oa i positive guarantee test that oil i other core can dcoeatfally efud if you have a cough sore throat or bropohltiei wit for it will dnrsyoo if yoar child biu tbe croup or whooping cough use it promptly tnd relief if eare if yea dreed that iniid- fodsdiseaie consumptiondonifallto uta it it will oara you or coat oablog att your druggist for bhilobts othe price- ltiot aod 1100 if yoar lbnga are iora ot back lime ate bulohs porous pinter loafs fkyf ajashib ibiydoaauftf f- thif i htft he liort being preeminently ismissls it t si- f- i bu had too aooeb btatoeat tji of utslsaveiiek my bajf- to8cm0air iwtrjtowbetbl tenttoo to my crtcejprovjiiirji psai i u ia now tbetfabf a aeeonsts thoae wnoas ttv immmajmt m flu4forabow s9ioti r i moojodawe that lirit are w wu i ware of where they hinhe triu iluuippeared almoat inpei badao many other lfnee totalk aboot wa never before had loch a itock of kadfuoharunon tbeei it the beginning of the fall trade w kva already broken intoourfrflfit pbpeat order fnrbbslaii mantle8 lcl beeat wall oh tba wayorosaing th yoo no doubt have aaan tbe first j repeat wa do aof utinvt ooattejtatattbaaaoiaiii tstiona do not fill i o aai th itylaa u wi bad all wanil891 rtharatasiafis- wsx fatter one half i lfift kt havtog 0te4aaajia t notice ttf ffirwiwvfaimft in the oash gisatq-cf- dres8 bootf3lioi8 g ue i ph business wehavejatt received oar fall stoat of booti andflboes from the best mearf fiinoanadianddefyooml petition ia either qaslfty i iyle or prioa cafjpjbts boots mskaiipaoialltyof iig bargain wcoi thi mammoth m v- tj we are noar osteriag edaaationil advantages and tajtto hitherto been offered tbi canadian people by any aelf aupporiji and tboroaghnem of our coarmeroial coutui la itrikingjy teverti o oar student daring the put year have beaei ooodilion- that they took the commercial conrm ittbeqaalnh f lib oaf shorthand tnd tnit- v m i itriklngjy our student daring the put yeai hive t they wok the commercial courte attbjpn shortrknd and typewriting department the f of the present day are taught our method is the etpsrienoe in iteadhlng sborthand and leads to tba beat abortaat paaaibla time v rln otff modern langaageidepartmetit you can get a frebobor gerawp while pursuing tba commercial l ohtrwtljajiigeanifci fitudent toa4 write and apeak them thia ia a rare i imajlldba ind aaefgeuo- yonng man hi woman will not fail to to peumadtblpjjooitfbrk la tha admiration of all who aee ft studenla from england sndttnited states are now in attendi lebis have not ucsw the u9 fjfcjt mllegoi si f which for style btsnd war owroot b eisi3jiijjiir iih -v- l4 iv i thfe parlor thptfaiivkiir thfekitckeavlr- iiimpramlai irisitviiuw emms mm- dji- i u ilahsoftay po- itithootegtri jblea jtba r whloh maajjii fewjftju give roaanld eihaifalybrt vlit illrml fitftl ial lben in your wapaobaha4lrri lot smooth or ao tyoaivtaj talyiimsu fee m so mlpyyoa jrhopth itwanul jwanjt tbe mono thi hjt roist ithe we rsewnnert catmnanrkji wmina ie lltt j worn will t mi lt-

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