1 i i t 0t ttunr trelo mt m the ink leoaerr lb il it outkll a o beardmon of a m ttativ a on tbferlat jan rth at te tnjoraditrtlcir teaosblp tbe wit kevir- luitnrwn bt iko asutr- nm ioi clisrcb rock- haltons contest thecdneerv of industry 1- irti- smm sliyfr tatm iorrtneno a c it si of inrm wuc je oa ihe sh inn john lmtt4 1 1 nvsttrta tie itth tsstsv oxntlt atusmmtt i u itlh jaabtrr liunicioilllj la hie rah year of his 1st i4riilii dxliruli va jennirr nh mm woi tttleuitatetrof mrs- ittevl tivwel- i- 1 i mtuhoj it macths i ifliui ifco nu jinoiry ifer- k lwt iii llobctt uckim mierut uily o vtt iiilrtoi in1 year i otrlbac r thursday jfaxuarr ie tes abid comments fiy artwtint of he vote for cosocillore in iqdcsiig the personnel w the council clmtgrd joh campbell who wes cxlc1 millie rutiig vote of the returning ivvtr iks vcij unseated and jaan stewart tjlct lx v with plurality if cuvaian t arc managing not withstanding the newfoundland beit act to carry on their ofcupstion it i stated that bait pcrvrd by eoij storage is being uxl- with succmj thus rendering them prictimlly inavpnilent of newfoundland favors 1ctif win sainiire supr of tbe kx- leriiuintal farm at tiltewe has beea ap pointed as canadian commissioner to the chicaga worlds fiir in him canada will lie vi represented as bo it one of tie bcit executive ofiidials in the coanrrys service j the rkforittmwilraw then uataooaitaal of ipteuutov taring llio put oek u o the ikrtet of um o iti um byaataothhi nw thuraday and vhcthtr there oufej be two or three to enter the field aij ilalod a ttt iaaaa w4 rumored tw tin jhtrooe of tndmtry candidate had dropped oat of he race bnt a ooafcukoo of farmer lait reck reaffirmed hit domination and ever aiftoe mr tfcorrgor ha been in the beat of the oannilgnj th iwprm dotigfiri op the aop that mr waldlekould agaiia be ihetr atjuidard boarer nntdj tnea- day of thit t bui at a oonventfai that day the fact trm mads knokn that ho iroald not accept tlie proffered honor when ithia waa known tho following reaolalion na paaaed and hilton liberaladelermioed toukearait tourntlio proaent conteat ia oonoerued i tliat hnuurolin wldle haiilyllned th aumliaoat nomlutlon of thit conteotfoa to eoatmt tbii ralj- ta tbe ihtereita of tbe lit aenit nut r and naamutb aa tbe fatmu ot tadaitrr bare uowi oated a candidate lo ooatect the county for tbe repreaaduitpn ef haltoa a the ootaaioas the i ooreation fauu it id exped ient to pat a etodft a a tbe tola the eonteat 1 nnc deflnttely arranged and m caare i ttenderaon the ooaierva uve candidate iad t d mcgregor the nominee of the patron of indaatry will oootreavrepautiatiftbuity end lappoctcrt daring the oominf areck and meaaaro oon- dtttonaat the close ot the poflaheitthurt- ay ccnng an csiutimuit 1 being made in thip- pinc fnli sainrin frni the pacific ooest to euroiv if it be tuapssxfiil fitieh tsimoq will be slnppwl- hereafter inetiaaitof canned silniil ttirty tbosaaa poond of freah axlmoa were shipped in a car from tbe fnzr ke vswk going by ray of the canadiiu iaciuc to sew york aid thence in the acd ttcrege iroom of a german tteatuslup tv unmbarg wbtaffrom tbi orthweal via the canajian iacaic railway according to an amercin aothority being ebipped ia jurgounaiititiai frost pestoa the british afeaojcr ilamtwith hfa been chartered to lloejacaro of 11000 qoertera of wheat fqr cork unl v other ateamcre hare alco beca tugijil to cerri wheat to ratios piits rf tbe world kot aince ldi ha wheat iu bnlj been exported from boetoo a uoicl ajof inkiest to faroer waa tris1 at ri sberfon recently before jndge ctcisor according o the rnhdg any pcrwa puicbising egrjcnltaral machinery and ru ig for it witb anything bat cash o notes is txiil respcjosible to tic firm airraid ti agcit boconjea defaolter tha jadg- lllj bit tie agent mast be paid tbe wbirowith to settle with he employer thus ik giving c hcries etc in pert payment for machinery isja risky transac tion all63 the agent known to be re liable tbe lamler indestrr in the maritime provincs iirrjcg the fuet year hasnot shown tbe lame imiiroiiement as the roal traic tbe transitlantjc shipment from set bniuewick were i25w000 taperfic- iil feh iat half a miljion lee than the previoas yejr novaj scotia exported seventy eight and a htlf fcillions a against ninetynine an i a half millions ft lifoo while tlh mcaib a dtcriease in the incdme of the psq restrictiootst will beabe to jxtcije ilcmidves with the tjioogbt that tbe nespanxs of the pnorince are bang conserved tbe cnsasof tbe japanese empire on lk hiw sbowed a total population of m4 of which 20til037 were male and rmva female jthe total namber ofditlliag houses was 7wc052 thete fxgeres sbo-a- an incrtase lorer the previoc year the japanese oensafi being an annaal one of 34 boasts and 3llperont according to social ttatas there were stc8 ptreaas boigag to tbe noble class 2fij oil tj the gentry or did military and osjflij bimn or common people it is uis tliat senator hamb eabacribed for every newsjiaper in han6ag and there are apoa tt ol them aril that be devoted two hoars every forenoon ito redi5gtbem he was once quoted cs sating i beliere in tho local nevspapera they are tbe bauferti thcinakers of pablic aentiment they are ncjftrto tbe people than any other papers the editorj mingle with tbe pecple ani ecnttiftasly r unconacioosly reflect ac iews of their neaders by my private ijtters from all arts of the state and by rciclicj ibe local papers i can tell jest vrhat tia people of kajisi are thinking and talking abont i can feel the polae of tile people and take their temperatare i am amazed too at tbe excellence of oar eocntry papers the majority of them are oaref oilv abl edited j tbkortbwestlbjnor license law ha bam maie much tnore elnngeut than it was rien intrcriaced tader the amend ment adopted no restanrept license are to he istcvl- ttd accomodation reqairiie i r a hotel las been greatly idcreased the boar la tlwing on satyrjiay niglit ha been cijafi from ten oclock to seven oxloek iiiujr cannot bejsold to persons uider eighteen whereas sixteen we the limit originally pressed jthe moht im- portant point ort by tjie temperance element hrtevtr is tbe enactment that the iiccnsessball be iniiroportiontopopala- tion thtfe vill be issaed pat twolicense intounsof fne hundred lend in larger mamcijiilities one for each additional fiw hundred ibis proposition was vigorously bat cnsurcrttfully opposed j tbe american people ore singularly ignorant of tbe backward state of popular edncation in the cnited geates our national vanity has filled pttr headjtrifb the vain pona it that everything wede i bttte people and we are bool syttein wbivb the cnidett iirtbe rcorld j spsod irorey ga sclsool than iiiytliiug dotie by any other vaingtonon over a in m if lespetc is otter people eagerly era tho first meeting of the two candidates on the public pleilforra was in acton on tuesday creaing the meeting was called by the patrons and as discoeaion waa invited mr henderson gave tip hie meeting at palermo land camo home o meet bis opponent the audienoc was very large oni em bracing all political pariic creeds and nationalities the fanning commanif y wis well represented and included a considerable namber from kaaeega- weya tte people were good humored and bad evidently coma expecting to hear politics in a nefrhgjtt it was late whert candidate jfagregor arrived hi namesake itr john ifc- gregor teacfler kaasngaweyaweaappoiat- cd chairman after a few introdactory remarks ho called for the oppotiqod if any to take the platfartnlfr hcadersoa went forward amid applaose a tomewhst stormy time ensued in arranging the time he liioqld occupy tho patrons loo their friends desired t-o- limit him to half an hoar mr ltendarsaq appealed to tbe aodience stating that he had come all tha way from oikviue to attend the meeting and wanted an hoar end a qoarter at least he we granted- an boar and the meeting proceeded the first speaker we hr john uclf bed- ran seasegaweyt who said be we an- accustomed to speaking to huge andienoes he dealt briefly with the itckiiley bill tbe datie on tagar horse binding twintj and oatmeal he also referred to the 00 roption in politics genereuy and the dis appointing character of the census he henderson followed in a spirited addrcs he referred to the complexioo of the meeting and thought it rather strahga that a chairman bad to bo imported from inaasagaweya to preside orer a meeting in acton the previous speakers remark were summed cp and an anecdote by the late hod mr pope wa given to illustrate tbeni the point being there aint nothing in it he tben referred to the censaa admitting that it had not shown as great an increase e was anticipated bnt ahxrwed that while the population had not inoreated the wealth of the nation had the ottawa and quebec scandal were toacbed end it was claimed that while those interested were equally guilty there we a difference inasmuch a while the ottawa bcodlers were all meted oat pantshmoat those in quebec were allowed to go free tbo platform of the patrons we alluded to and it was shewn that a hon j- j- c abbott was a farmer a well a prime minister the patrons should not wish to drive hm oat tbe policy of both pertie w eonr treated end the ltcejoley bill was pointed oat e baring taught canadian independ ence the cheese market and cattle trade had steadily improved and the egg market would do likewise great britain it the best market and there i a demand for canadian barley canadian 1 cattle etc canejtiaa binding twine is as good la qaeliiy end same price a that of thd fnitedstetes j l j time we called asv tbi point and mr hendersoq concluded by dtfiag that the jjd flag was hi platform he thanked the audience for their attention and said he did not intend to call another meeting in acton he requested similar support to that given him at tbe but election on tbe jsth r j llr itcgrefjir then had hi inning he i a clean shaven young termer of ebout twentyseven year of age well developed and a fairly jcood speaker he commenced bis addre by referrrlngto the fact thai if r henderson bed been twine untested ha supported corruption in the past and would do so again keferrioj to bis owo pottion he said he was not a party man his opponent if elected might a well remain at borne and send a card to ottawa being tbe instruction to vote for the government on every question he touched open the various point introduced by former speakers dealt very strongly witb the corruption at ottawa and claim ed that the members of parliament bad buttecciou been granted ooo each simply for looting op scandals the balk of the speech we similar to that reported in last issue of- the feate pbei and gave the plank of the p of i platform aa loyalty to tbe mother country no monopoly of arid pnrer admicistretion rigid econ- orry in every department reduction of datie on machinery sedition of senate tariff to be arranged so as to fall oatfae laxrarie nthoc the ncceusries of lite preparation of toters list by municipal officers no gerrymandering j begerding hi position he said be had been pressed to accept by friends of both parties and be the standard bearer for tha patrons he we the rrprsseatafirs of tbe farmer and whit effected firmer effect ed everybody he we not afraid of befog snowed under hiswes the peoples petty ani neuked titf support df farmer workmen basfnds rata end loyal cana dians oa albert victor oalrfot 0urenavondal died al f oclock this mornim the mw of bu daalh has created a faaltng of in labia jad- neu all over europe tha heirpresumptirebad bean 111 oty a weok with tha inflaanae and onwaduidy night af tft a marked faprofsmant dortng tha early put of th6nli itrsngth luddanty failed about jo o and ha begin lagraditally idnkkad death oooofrad al 818 am- i the dead prthoa was only la years of age end wee lo have bean roarrlsd next itionth i tclagrams from all part of the kingdom- khaw that tha newt of the death of the puke waa received everywhere with tokens of deep repectand sorrow the f antral of tha lata duke 6f cureno on weilneaday will not b of a military character the prfnoe ot wales objected 4 exposing the troop to tbe severe weather abrave ol ha ro rsaoua port horc jsn ltthomu millar of oouro we crossiug crogginl lake on fool when h broke throogh tha ice in s3 feet of water after breaking about 15 ieetof ice in his effort ta rsech the abort ha ki almost periehed with u cold and woald never fair seen the ibor if mh kale forbe who saw his danger bti not come to hi rescue though the 0 wared under her feet lbs boldly j advanced head iest of the cries of kr if ller that she we fa dngereiid etlendreg a flsbingi rod to hjm drew htm eihausted and chiliad to the short jf r uuiar cries had bean beard by hist forbes who bom it about j00 yard from lb spot where ha fall through the fee with tta grip i jb swlau sreaaflr j it0i dtou ol itmrjwjoilbllc u oil wa baa gone into official moaroiag tor th boytldakai death baa r admiral kail objaf of qhaibim dooky rd hu dial of influtnaa ap iftloian la kept in oonataoi tttan danoa tb priocea of walaa tbi xing of denmark cannot attend lha royal jkienl owing to illhealth dr rjattand slrblohardoartwrightln itasp qg prince ffdward county job b wiokhafo who raottjtly died in iowa j laid to bai been iso yaariold oopaland joni ooantj v ollewe poatoffios and i l ir monday ragulcu of stormout had at con mil on sasday agad wa damagad by are lo the ixteot of 190 oerman parliameul hail made a oward im exhibit at tha world wolseter for o ltet humor from the old lnd- ha wou like c orriws jin etnlish airioe stele that there- it some ipecalatiott at to tbe probable saccettoc ta lord stanley at gaieworqenerei wheu hi term axptra next year lord woteseley name i men tioned i ha is at preteot comnundsriu chief in fraland and hi term will only be half throogh is may bat fstdy wclteliyf health make aim enxioai ia ohtnge end it i said he wodid bt willing fa bom 0 canada if the peeitioawere rftred him rather than take the indian command ssd indeed i dckouj oat jan it jtmee bryoe of proton came 0 daodelfc ta order a cof fin for hi titter who had died thaprerloa evening on hit rarn he found that hie wife bad daring hit absence given birth to twins and that the too had passed to the spirit and he 1 left with a fatally of seven small children two of them tht newtyborn twin killed by a fell beuhtos jan 17 williem blincdof oat the 12th concession of peel had been threshing at a neighbors with hi machine on his return in driving intoht own barn ex night the machineslewed roood and threw mr bltnso to tte groundj killing him instantly tbe deceased wet a son of mr williem btiaeo of piikingtan ind wumacb respected emporer william of qenneny has ir fected bit bill gainst drankenaast id hi idee at least end this week the befchttag will consider the meeeare deptebe from berlin are to ibe effect that while doubtful of the prscticabilty of it extreme measure the legislative body will pee the bill and watch if results in art experi mental frame of mind tne clause of the measure which empower officer to prose cute all habitual drunkards upon inform ation it the one which meet with fae greatest objection es the difficulty to drew the tine of distinction between hebitokl drunkards and habifsat drinker who coma not yet in the category of the prescribed elan is great jeflfl megreger p of i candidate inifaxtoi for the house of commons elootion ijantury aatb v i qod 8xvb the qubhjf 1892 000 ixht gtint fain thelulua of uofrooo protesu against the int afannce of prance iu the tangier troable ff q smith a prominent mormon jolt dead i rea four wijve tad twenty light ouiidtai j j l d sawyer oj the bawyermeuey coopaiy died in hamilton tut week agd64 r arsoionlla londiurive jashaa gar rett tbi aldsrmanic seat iasuad of kr floerroi franc 1 hope ito oonclado oommeroiel treaty citb be doited state if dy from nt w empe or william he jasl banished two berhn aden l to a for trees for two month fordo bfu tb 1 owager coantees of cafen died monday naming ia ottawa she we si years of age john d cameron the new manitoba issaelela is a son of the warden of wood- took pr son mr i panoer mother of mr largs whoa h sbend wet murdered in japan died in e smilton monday sir h nry dromaioad wolff ht been appointee british ambsusdor to spain he we f rmttly at teheran prince george of welec the new heir- prampt r i to be creeled dake of kent hialraat rrendiathari title aawn ui eopioye in michigan fall into the elaraj r net earriet ibe refuse to the furnaes id wet burned 0 death bfehop veogien and tha bishop of portamoa hdryirtae ere both in be field after cardinal mannings bat beporfa from winnipeg show list jjf pec oaat bti year crop in he north- ww bat if t the farmers hndt the oi iario creamerlet association wound up u basinet ia brock till friday end will n set st herriiloa next year mrtkaifmen jast deed in manitoba- waaoneai the original scotch immigreotf orooght oc to the bed river by lord sel- fc tbe on ario exprts co ppiisaiioa foe fachftf eorer he grand trunk baa been ana 1 refused by he eeilway com mitte at c uawa mrs anil knox a direct descendant of tbe great b ifortner died at montey k v friday 8 1 nt so yaan old and wei born in ha ifer ks cardinal maoninf one of tbe greatest prelate of be roraia church la eaglend died oa lb seme day a prince albert victor l fashionable gut lavishly a ve tottion nearly twice es much in the es in rlio costliest cities in otier atnerican institnlion gaardedti oar free schools oilier whidi we are resolved inglf to maintain if wewi teffigent kboat the warefirra in their gerons in their appi iwould be what hey ere 1 ot the beat schools 0 ilc ge jifnaoe kicb iiwty p capita cost initerfgtate europe- ko e jjaooasly there is no irennflinch- naif a in- ive exceneaoe rewards for bible reade qreatt winter competition of tftk j ladles horns magazine ycttno where doe he foflowidg word fine tppaer in the old tsatamentj exowtaoot wrrx nd donf wheredoe thefollawing word first sppeer lalbeisew testament cdti fuai adersar j wrtilv pxrrre erery week tbroognoet this greet competition price will be tuj- tribated e fallow the first correct entwerj receired tbe portrneck date on each letter to be taken a the date reeef ted at he office of the ladsa home uayatli eeeb end every week daring 18u will git ikk tne second correct answer 1 100 third 150 forth a beeutifal silver filth fit osjocfc silver service end he so correct iniwert will get prize ran from 2j down to 2 erery fifth answer irrespective of whether a pi winner or not will get a special priai competitors residing in the oittira state as well as other distant point hv ai equal chance witti those nearer home at the pottmitrk will be oar authority in every cae i v 1 roxraj each list of answers mast teoompenied by 11 to pay for six mouth subscription to one of the best home macazine ia america i rarretros the ladlu home uaga ii u well able to tarry oat it promitei- peterbanraagn canada tint a splendid paper ano financially krongf hatttog canada htair erery prjze winner will be lore to receive jast whthe it entitled tofprwood c0djisfer mbaey- ihoatdbent by poet office order or registered lethr address the lfdiu home statvim feterboroagh canada ncf stocktaking 1 opportunity 10 per cent j ciscount i off ilh dress goods fob cash mihifiepy cloths ci ariag sale of dry qo ods drpsis qoqdff mant88 mantle i short ibfffi8 cas stock cemthing caue the ruin at a canaxflan bank teller pttiwi if an 18 edward habw teller of tiivotowe bank vrreiied for being 17000 short fn his cesb be been a fre quenter for over year of so celled stock hhenge kept in the dtyby eoerparson named mecnray on tburadayfbe mana ger of the bank counted hkcaeh arben be steal we dlsoorered he it ill in h nnder the chergeof the pcjiee acfon it ttaly lobf a akttiogrink in fait rdnning order in a few aays fftee p f or all- 2500 elegant present valui i 52s000 i 1 fo introdoced foor own httle llw pueqalckly we will give to 2500 persons who will dispose of three six nine or twelve bote of oar pills at ma par hbx amongat their frcend an elegant aasotrt- meat of tha finest watch silferwafe etc eta toa pyno money in advance we send tbe good free when sold yon send a the money and wa will send yon tbeprtaei what pills you cant li w ukeback we run all therisk send a your address sod oa for trie pctegeof pill iilaitnted ottaiogu of prix fn sciactidnr etc w pfy poetege on all goodsladdftlli aidmuiey oec nl 23fl0riilt0iit i auuea ef be eyes cored 1 mr feoob d miller hewbqrj wrll i wet troubled with tnfljnnitlon c ibe eyw sothdrjrfrig nearly the whole irie of tha ifibtner bl 1894 1 oonld sot worit i took seeraf bmfleiybrtbrop a lmerii vegetate rhseryand it gfvet mi gre i rdeifdr to inform yon saiittied rn mj lieiiw nitted r n furs 8jejgkpobe8 carpets wodllen readynm de cloth ing oyen tv i or tax graiicrassociatioii of ontario j ortbt patrons of liiduetry jj brmoathalotbioa adoftlit lender st tii i6otl iittmaintanahoe of britlih oondeotion 2nd the reservation of the pabllo laaii for the actual settler srd purkyof admlnlslratlon and bo- late rndependno of tarliemenla th ulgideeonomyf fa erery dipartmaot of the poblia service 5th simplification of the law and it genefal jedaotion f a ha maohoery of gaverament ij 1 clhtue abohtlon of th canadian benale j 7th the redaction of ttfr grtijd jary from twiatyfaar member 4 at present constituted to waive niembert 1 seven members to coastitate a qaorum 8th a system of civil service reform that rill give each oouniy powerto appoint or ilec all county offioials paid by them txcapl county jadge j 1 9th tariff for revenue only and o adjusted a to fall a far upoesiblo opoa he laxarfe and not apon the neceeeerie of life j iotheeoiprocel trad on fair and so ait- able terms between canada and the world 11th ffecailegiitfon hat will pro tect labor and the result of labor bom those combiaetion and monopolies which unduly enhance the price of tie eriiole produced by locfi oombiaaioht or mono- poltec 1 11th prohibition of lie bonoting of beilwtya by gprernomt grent at aon- trary to ibe public interest ulh preparation of the dominion and provinciel voten ilau by bo manicipei omeert kth conformity of bfeotoret district a county boandsries e eoailitated for municipal parpo efr a ufa pcincipl of represenution by population will allow partial thinking about winter clothing should call and inspect fh stock of b nicufntjefore pureheeing elsewhere v promptly and pertianeatly rheumatism lmmff hi1m6 ttwthawih ifearaisaia sore throat swatlln frottbfta s c x a tr oa btpraths ilralsa baac realde sold by dragjirti tndtxolcrs evurwhere s0wfiuitiuistril ui imkl that jsot the kind of a fsihionibl cut hayoa git with one of oar 11800 suit ii isntoecesaery w tell belf tha trtth aboal bom and mt tha other half notold- there money io ihebmora modiyfoi yoa ban for u iber were mede with n eye to tha parch aeeratouraite they warat id for aerrfea 11 fell u for ibow this one thing will bear all lb emphatiiw can ira iii yoa may euly do worse you oamiot possibly do better and tha obance are yi a wont do ti well tle ffift fyityi w 1wj ftpw w owaooqfltkf he deflghlfal ootjdi we ihosffi thw uni theieaindwlly weittvenoi said more abott them this fauulhet the lion being preeminently tbe manti are ao wall aware of rtiere tbey oin lee mantles that it hu appeared alaioet sapei hedso jneny other lin to talk about wi never before bad socb a stock of had tnoh a ran on ihetn at the beginning into oar first repeat order frgj repeat well oa the way crowing tbe al ttra no doubt hive teeq tbe first jm repeed seeson letter to house of qaelph we fled that people largeat aaleettoa and foe bert value in oou to advertise iim eepeaially a ha eiwe iztilwseaain and if the fall trade r have already broken i maffrlefand hve tb9300p by tie an no doubt hive lean tbe first importatiobi dcpnotailito see the repeat j by tbe 1 we do ool mean repeat of ba umi style a w bad at the beginning of tbe to explain tne aature of our repeat brderefar mantle we will add aoopy of a indarglugow representative f j 0 cjofetb1891 mltdwrllums02fglaagosf f dxan snour wei of german menfl aiiara oar itoekwill toon be incomplete we will reintre 4 jaoket lay 100 of the former and ad of ii e hliercm ball other aortanary fawngrey and jrowniin price germanagentc at once and ship by lint reamer 4c e jd luawe bwfc jlpc bush farm cdw if eottlj etflu roestf tup ei id wttbl bsseh 1 sotmoo awh ewr jiim timbered wttt tl lv t7ttotfinirelrird5 jjfc leg pf be bndijj bnudim ioejiea ua it ottrn tb ofllo of w hl aasccuumi aatpa fibrnatyat tbe boi afteroeen iul bhars ssttwulls bloeorfl w m ttimiflunn 1 agenti x liarsextes largest tai uwattqeei 1 stadt peevtotf ige tbi eaaono ihtt each in bleak end the g see the tausok a co sewbn wniebeaoaljrbi dmrrpartleular attentlan tnt gavdrverlssit eajmblete 1 uoos of kanssla jfer ifrtis i fl for diamond veraourv 1 foe dy8pep8ia i- ajoswilv stomach troubles ihtbloec ioh natiaen sour stom- aoh qddlnoo heartburn o 0 n ltt batlon fullnooa food felting laagraoablo taatu hefrveut- npti ii atdraazlsttstnl diinormatbymsiib receipt at 23 ct vbats lutol iu suusps oitiiu dntfjf uflitaibrt anruti txct j for 30 days gios in mantle ajjid wool qdsi overeoa ly dupf d prices no re asonftble offer refiicl v t jbu8lin as i have bad too macs of late i bavesom my mr8notoasfph i will now bstls to pay 1 tentlon tamriormerbeanu rioceries if ovtoioiii y fgrtstantjt win and my stock fresh and of j tbsnungmy nnmerao er iremafetjonrii jfr rn pelsitlsdowibeumsofv aeeoaii sbese wtw sr u4v irw i tmnewmeatftri x i henderson m iili j has the best instrumetits and vccssories turnsoit the btsfiotqs in thecouiity shiloh8 consumption fillre this gbbat cqogttcltjik luoceeifal 0on8ijmpti0n cure without parallel in the btetory of medii all drtggut an tntborixed to aall it 1 potdtiv ajuarantee a eel that 00 ear can aoooeaefnlljitaad if yoa mt a ooogh8ora tbrom or 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