f oljc jctmtj jrte flrcss tjirrbdav ffbrtaity ii wt ithr tlounjt jfutb nmjntvniuki i ll lltvffk1t01 lxt tvitlllle- i in trie hill i can navel vttihhe uue nortlicaall nvt juidmnn ui window clllnllicrali mamma wc tare treasure pink tcj small im 1caanolve its value not at ill t aii not allowed to sincere ii 11qml1 rjit it i brother not doll tin tccaluucll a thine ft people tuyl that rail unaccountable delay in the days hni the sts was itill the iromlink mode of travel in the weat a umlur ten day crt ineeotd it the slow 1jt made by hifc jnvhicti he i r ptscnevr leemonrtrating ith- the ilie driver he raid what hi matter iih the teem thii ir were coinc as low as a kew ktinj jrnjrr mcetini i wa over this rvto ten ycirt tga and wo wvut fast nmirji then wc ilo tci to i kcllina leelleles iinurhli than wo did then fur a i rfj raid the driver but lit why it trie these heres the identical 1 t lee hed then a chrletrria motto a tidy drcj ped into a tclecreph office i shrrjav savt an america paper ap the drew a blank toward her said i tom my hoberid to order a moth nerin xewyotk tta to be uaet for i r soiday school room at christmas bat i forijct to till bitn ht the inscription u is tj i or hoar larcc i wanted it the nlv wrole the followiut mesasce which iltt have lurtled her huhand when he ti i i 1 1 iutci o a child ii born two feet i and eivu teet wideruirt lyvj c who cie araeuical preparations r tleir complexion do to it the rik of tir kvee aycrs strseperilla ia ijaereo- uij fixe from any injurious drag and is refcre the safest ai well u the moct i ktrful blood medicine in the world it iiw the rtin dear a kind carpenter toot tip hi hammer j ntv a dumb wbeelwripht picked np lb and rpoke to which may be added 1 a dcif farmer drove in hie flock aod ri it takca two ycmrs women a lone time f iy cs3bve toeach other ive heard ycj bet ive noticed that it takea a rs nun end ajitig woman a treat oil bcgit 1 a ilrt road to health wai ofxned to iisc eaffexirc from chronic eooght rry tronchiti ratatrh nmba0 tir rr rlimraatutn eiooriited nipplea i iflarci breatt and kidney complainta by ike introduction of the ineipeotive and eoctiip reirkdbjr thonia8ecjtric f 1 ivhy iianeditoramarajrcan becacce 1 always doea write mcch distress arid ttckneaj in childreu it cin3 by wortni mother gravea vc eiterininatoc civea relief fay remoti ic the cause gi it a trial and be con vinced clnb waiter what fill yoa have gentle men beaedict gire roe a mother inlaw jres why vhtta that benedict- jriccf sioct and bittert one mocsent deacon remarked job- fen richt in themiddl of a partkolarly i dcs bleaiicg bat may i atk if thii ia the ctomary three daya grace the third pace of tfcie toronto duf hed ia noted for want airertiaementia if yoa want to boy or elt anything if yoa wrat a titaatioa a mechanic a baai- rv- rpichinery iod jinrjs if yoa have ioat cr ennd any thine or if yoa want to find eat where anyone ii advertise in the to ronto ijoiy jifoif and read the aivertiae- rrccu oo the third pafe of that paper jihz charge ii two cent a word each in- eertion addreaa tk hail toronto can ada rewards for bible readers creat winter comrjetltlon of the ladlea home maeazlne ycittioia where doea the following rd fittt appear in theold testament kvwitkr wirr and dovri vihcre djct the following word firit appear iuibe kew tetttment jriru fixt fjdkior ivrrtlt icirt every week ihroacloot ib preit oonipctition priren will be dia- tlluted as follrja the first correct jinwcr received the pottmark date oo uh letter to be taken aalhe date received t bi otice of te ladki hum llanaunc ci una every week dnrinfi ict2 will get j the tcond correct aniwer 100 the h fv focrth a teantifal lifver aervice fftii fiveoclock eilier aervice and the neat correct anawera will get prize ranging rom l down to2 every fifth correct iirewtr irrespective of whether a prize iitjer or not will get a tjieiui prize rcrrttftrfi refiditig in the aoathern state l uell as other distant points have an t ijal chance with those nearer home aa tie postmark willheoar anlhority in every e iui ra etch lifct of answers most be icorxiranierl by ffl to pay for sit months uucription to one of the best home rrsjzfnc in america utrvimczithc ladiu liurw- maya- ie sth abla to carry oat iu gromi itttrboaroogh canada timu a tjletdid paper and financially strong ilttibss canada star every prize itxtr wdl be sore to recefranat what he sstitieito korwood caoada btgutcr- 5t thouia be motbyacwafficw order tered letter addrfai the octes inur peterbor notes hereand there itpma pf gents ral interest to free praia reader tmif- kliiute cure for twllmrhl toctliache i the mot rotntnoti ami oac ofllie nnt painful afflion is ukbatitly rnrnl by tlic applicalioh cfjiilioua kervi line iulioua kcrviuoeta a chuvbiaatioo tt pawetfril anodyne and it slnkea at ontothckerveaootltibtlhia audafforf ln in one imioata total relief from pain motliermtry it foe ynr chtldrtnt tuoth ache kivilineiaioldfn 10 anduloeat bolheo by ill irugrtslr foty jitlent- doctor ie been tiiat iurrngiiifitodifocaiooutrje phyt- iciau arertuht sir yna trill be i lotifi time dead i why suffer from disordcra caused by impure blood when thousands are being corediby ufing northrop iv lytnana vere- table dlseoveryj it remove pimple and all icruptiora of the ikiu mr joho u fni olioda write northrop ft lytoaui vegettble dwcovery is giving good sitis faction those who have died it aay ii hu dotic them more good than anythiug they have tver taken if rikii were as poor aa they think thery are when they s the collection basket comcgin church what au awful oouditioa the yrocht would be in j kcjhts of labor j the ktnilits of labor aim to protect their roembera against financial difficulties etc hagytrds yeilaw oil protects all j bo nte it from jlie effect of oold and etposun such as rheumatism neuralgia lumbago sore throat aud all inflammatory ps nothitucociifre with it a a handy pi jo cere fortnin and beast a crippled man is helpless i frcst bi cripple and bt jacohi oil cure frostbi pronptly and permanently a fact wi out dispute mrs h hall narino n y writes foeycari have been troubled with lil tr ccmplstnt the doctor said my liver was hardened and etilarced t was troublid with dizziness pain fa ray shaalder ion 3 stipatioo and gradually losing flesh all t te time i waa under the ere of three pnjc iciens but did est gel any relief a frier d sent me abottle of northrop 4 xytao vegetable discovery and the benefit i uau received from it ia far beyond my eipeeti i taiion i feel better note than i have doi e for years a man iabliod drunk ivbcjjbe hat to carried tome on a shutter this lsveant fur you it hat been truly said that half tile world doea not know jhos the bllier half lives comparatively few of us have pe feet health owing to the impure conditicn of oar blood but we rob along from to day with scarcely a thsught anlei forced to oar attention of the thouraurjs all aboat nt who are suffering from sc farai salt rheum and other seriour disorders and whose agonies can only he imagines the marked success of hood a sarsaparilla for these troubles aa show in oor advertising coldmns frequently certainly seems to jaktify urging the ute f this excellent medicine by all who knd that their blood is disordered ever claim in behalf of hooda sareaparill is tally backed cp by what the medicine hai done and a still doing and when ita pro- prietora urge its merits and its ase cpon all who raffer from implre blood in great o email dearreea they certainly mean to in claie yoa the persons wo are always liokini after other peoples bosinese generally owi a large board hill iakihs purest strqkeest best ulns co alum aramonla lime pnoapftttes or any lojurizst e w cillett toronto oni attacked by an enemy dzic bias about a year ago i had a very bad atlafck ol rlynpepsia for nearly foar motrths i never ate a meal without suffering pain sfter i had got so weak i coald tcarcely walk when one day i eaw an advertisement for bbi3 andthonght i woald try a bottle foar bottles cared me completely and now i am strong and healthy miks jjsk srrmi msskoka falls ont jytt a pretty woman go to a man with her troubles and in bis sympathy he will fall in love with her and add to them cc jacobs buffalo enemployeeof the u s eiprcta co stye ds thomas kclectric oil cured him of a bad case of piles of 8 yeans standing having tried al most every known remedy besides two buffalo physicians without relief but the oil cured him he thinks it cannot bo recommended too highly wausoh yes toap and civilization go rand and hand pott guess yoa are right at a scenter of civilization tbcaoap factory is an aodoubted tuecett you nt h efflno the eljjfmh twir msiap ff v fu pf fe rn without falbss l for coughs colds brouchitisand all laug and throat troubles there is no preparation of medfefoa can compare nrith bicklts anti coannaiptifei syrup it never fail to afford ptoaipt and permanent relief it rsmots f soreoew and heals the diseu- el part it immediately soothe the most trcmbteaome coagb and by promoting expectoration remove the macoas which atop op the fir tabes which caate diffi culty fa breathing thereby gire relief to that depressing tightness experienced in the cheat fawi speaker and singer will find bickle anticonaamptirp syrap of inestimable valae a it speedily end effec- taally allay ill irritalioo aeti haskinet in the throat ind bronchial tahc aud give power to the oej cord rendering the voice clear tai tonoroas if parents wish to save the jive of their children and tfjemaelve from ouch oifety troebfe and expense let them procure bottle o bickle anticonsamptire fiyrap end wtenever a ejiild has taken- cohlvria a h or boarseoesa gi hj g icaor- diogtodireetums umrafe madsncat 15 pooiulaof blood i v vkbi ri mi i rmsfi quantity tmurn tllors tpsn i u tto tintunott impor- mpoi ss pur is about the adult pettolt toe0tt uj ahoald be kspt aa iosslble lly it rtratrktlil tirti of scrofula salt rhcuiu ee hoodi sarsa parillaltta proven ltatlttttt 6 be i he beat blood purifier for a general family oalbartla we coal deelly reojinmcnd hood pills tiny ilioatd bo iu every home mediaine ihesl wfiece is your fatherf ii hii goae to prajee meeltng where k yoar msitlierr she i dawn cellar tnlhung kindling wood i if you want to bay or sell a farm ad tertiso in the toronto httily itatu that paper raachea 100000 farmer home every week and yoar advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wsautd par- olisfo advertisement of lui olasaj are n- served in thetorotto fteeavf if ait for fire cents a word each insertioff or twenty ceuu word for five iuierlioal addreaa the jfall toronto canada lthctels a tight in this world that is calculated toexcite the admiratioa of an old port it is a pretty trailer girl with a tray full nhsishltea not a a maryeluws rub pfiowjceb it nvteetft enel the nttj etfat enef it alec who take cold eeelfy marjtw fortined acifntt oou tttn mkt prove ertoutbr uklnc cevi cmtitttori after tftetr meefc dudri the winter een attevrc cf tmtotltlmu aaat ttt as 80ott t bownc lvt p jiarsraarn n ttaasatiijavji canada it being congralatatod every i here on the excellence of her mansfactare art stained glass ia prominently ix the front rank of her improvement than ca to mccautland son of toronto iwh i for 0 years have labored not only to aoc lata- ltt monf y but to make and raa mental 6lasa of all kuiri a credit ti the dominion mr t j uendartoa indulged ia tensive drive in tke country on uaodair ohwhatacoueh7 will you heed the warning the s gaal perhaps of the sate approach of that more terrible disease consumption aatc roar relrce if loa can afiord for tb aaka of saving 50c to run the risk and do nothing for it we know from experunoe that shilohe cure will cure yoar coagb it never fails i blushing girl- yet diet my heait in yoar keeping yoang baggigeatixi my own darling er want a check it the other sick headache ceased by exoett cf bile orcdisordered stomach it promptly relii red by utiog national pills editor sparr of cceemore gave kottawaapga councillor a tapper the night i easily caught croup colds tore throat and muay painfol allmcnte are easily caught in his changeable climate the ueverfaung remedy ia jest as easily obtained a yard yellow oil which u andoubttdjy the best of all the tntny remedies offered for the cure of colds or paint i the vught fantastic toe was tripj the village one night last week painful burns braise scalds and cut are quickly oothed and healtot by vfctcfi carbolic balve i what drove thii poor man insane dec- tor he tried to figure oat hi trie reasons for setting the clock ahead when ever she wished to get up early 1 bud worse wor t cold cough consumption to euro the first and second and prevent the third use hagyerds pectoral balsam the never failing family medicine for all diseases of the throat lungs and chett a marvel of healing in pulmonary complaint my rlear children fas this ladys bald she is the new mother i promised to bring you after taking a square look at ho new mother little charlie said pa you bare been fooled bbe aint new at all when baby wru ry rr rsv her cartarto vthea tiloivit tii u cried for oistortij wnea she becsim xlrj elie cuiuff to csatodc whea she had children she gave thea caatjrfa old lady have you got any shot slue clerk fiorry aint got a bit of shot si in stock old lady cant you thoit mme while i wail frve to one dtm last winter i had five larije boils on my neck and was advised tone bbb before i bad finished the fir it bottle 1 was completely well and think b bl b cannot be excelled aaa blood purifier john wood round plaint ont shiiors consumption cure i tbi great coogh cure fhut taccessfal cons0eptiok core i without a parallel in the history of medicine all druggist are authorized to sell ft on i positive guarantee a test that no offai cure can tuccetafully stand if yoa have cough sore threat or bronohitit ase ii for it will cure yoa if yoar ctiild htt hi croup or whoopiog coagb ateltpromptly and relief it sure if yoa dread that intfd ioas disease consumption dont all k dee it it will cure yoa or cost nothing ask yoar druggist for shilohs cure price i0c soct and 1100 if you langt are tore or back lame ate shilohi poroat plsuter 25ct i r i core dfptitlifrt d lows worm syrup defitrtctts and ftsph7vt wysifriji of alt kinds in children or adott sweet as syrup and cannot harm the mot rfeticatc child -fr- new fijlniittiite t ii- i i thii ittbjtwt may hive bwn in yo mind for a raooth offf mu willntr jrou to pond a little time lookfnt for omethng that will pleat yoa a tltil tpwr ibep trill iglw yodnld of how muohetn be hid tor wtirlittrtlnipoirt of kooey wi caniafefy promise to tail yoa i vm jiturvm isrjtai stt qodlg vtcsv 9sa addlorm qotageutuaandswiunr v this time tablo wentlnto iffect on becembet ttb lpif- i i w li ll i pletely ran da beat medicinei do joa i outent ehsjt teat high cc jrtciuats co gent i hat oaei midtrdis l niment in my family fot a nsmber of yes a for variooa c net of sick neat and more particularly in a severe attack of la grip a which i contracted last winter and i fi mly believe ibat it waa the mearj of sai ing my life c i lvoce sydney c to care pettio ism believe every man a big a knave 1 1 yourself ami the world wont looic so ba after all r dr akiorutns oxygenized emul rion of pare cid liver oil if yoa have weal lungs use it by all druggists 83 ceut per a mto can a womplish a areat deal taid thej m ietoc ri judge if ie only ha time thefcf give voa foar yearsl ayera hair- yj or keeps the scalp free from dendcatj pa itcnie the ha r from be coming dry aod 1 arth and ma e it flex ible and glossy nature require i mtke the ha rabiudaat supplied by tiis admir- and beaattfal tti able preparation the better pejrt of human always to be foac i oa the race aa old phytic having hid place india missionary for tale jottle all the elements that ty is rack not cokktji ptiox cvre 3 n retired firo n practice in hit bands y an east the formula f a simple vegetable remedyjcor the tpeedv and per manent cure of c lusumption lirorjchilis catarrhr aathmt and all throat iral laug lotitive tad ndical care far kerrout cecil ty and all he ipus com plaint after ha ing tested ita rtonderful curative power i i tboatanda of ities has fell it hi duty to ntko it knowt jo all hi afferiag fellows actuated by ill is motive and a desire ioa fere human suffering i will uhi free of cl arge to all who desire it tbi recipe in get nan french err jengliah with fall i dlrectii at far preparing and using seat by i isii by addressing with ttamp naming tl it paper w aj korza 8m power block rochcater k maude cpogra alate njeclartllm en gaged olart w tit yoavebee l mighty quick aboat ir h ire it it only t j a second week of leap year prompt potent always come quinine wine frou and permanet t hilburn consisting of 3 cases lot blanket arrived at the the ijightr dvse i to large sizes heavy veigbtf si 60c utter i ora case of corseu one being crcmntcutcelebn ted corteta ia vtrioaa makes from wart ert rsets alto ihecbsrmipg pn araerimn corsets which are beoomins rmpn ved stittenlngt ia them which make thejcortetc fit easy and are very durable cotto i cheap and good 2 calet fad i bale of ketffrint ia cbarmiag style anda stair pads it bale carpet linings llcate shirt and drawers lad and geaulij kinds in abaadaae selliag oft at viry small profit stabtliks reddctiohs reitoyikg to new erehisbft handbome madras curtains do to j chaeuing velvet dtfrtains from 20 to 8 and u7i to 17 m from 123 to ik 11175 to jtitnd 11035 o is beautiful furniture coveiu saper or swisa lace curtains from17o hi old and middletged ladiea mantli aort i to 10 ladiea ulttera from 112 to 17 a id 1850 to ft ladies jacket from circa sit iu go to is and 110 to 51 mantle c laths from 1165 to ii 1215 to 1150 manli ugat half price oolored vesreteent and siik plushe it half price colored price dret and afanlhi tkntm wt going at i their value newest styles at etforomous redd0ti0n8 orosfjieys beaotifdc wilton valib 0r0s8leys sframe magnificent brussels carpets handsome tapestry carpets going at xbicj reddotiot redl oed sreatly pleaae eriter the ttccet next the new builduig many ttvnm i i can urnish you with che best- prjsses for country news arid job w couritry and at lower prices than for any other new cyli reaulfe lrbtnatio urdock pills a uic cun i i ponrrimtrof oliknltt ficit eitcaic orj ttic and iow eti i om a vawait ajo uooilttiat ik v cfl roaiuiollrllki naiatrriok hmoaqhc h 1towao1 u thtr in mio itt aerie ana to puaepea twvttjtjtrr urn cunt or nto ahoomsij t oiacatiu i cool and much below their real value 3- up to the beet nurting coraet and dr general favorite and these bare new patent i i caae american jruit of the loom white n isuallygood valae 6 rolit carpet 2 bale r and boys underwear of all btefnl to cle ae odt goods before from 11060 to kjic5 to 18 and 5 ignifioenrchenixlvb coxltains i from i u5 to ii and 1130 to ii ery from 11750 to 110 115 to 19 111 to m ttuo to 19 hi to w and to 6 ladie- ind 1150 to m brocaded sfflt velvet grot grain silkt immensely reduced in sench altwool dmfihg0008 ca stpets aoika- yas below jthbib but awat down oroflsleyfi allw004i and dnkmi cabpet8 mistake aud do hot get into tile bight mi ke t j watijtb work to be had in this dowb to kcton knd shi cylinder press our improved country pfiuty ptess iz tve h ive ran the ercatyor e zuf to hi ndle cost little focrepa inffi thifikbfit i a ne 6 or an 8 col hi 4alfc jjjiu ii a6sm tie free press is printed on he above press indthtj work illustrates its merits no 1500 druihylinder press can do better newspaper or 9ster work ii eight vears andthii longer we ran it the better we ilk it it it arrajatid ieayon the printer pocket book we pall it the easyzt today fot the money come and see our press at work it yoa desire sample ot worxsena tor tn them v eoan give fon your ohojoe ojf k namber o iifferent tire and styje of preaae at all prices timple easy to run easy on bejtpreai to be iaot in the wciicl type rorld our prett at work if yoa desire sample of work send for them and we will ejadry jsl l 1 ir 9 lee l 3 tnt a dm at all wjiat t i ol ibl book o i or 5 col qtoi power press for only- 6bp to j700 press for 8od1 full particulars from r 4 agent i for canada acto ont pm9lffv0lflsi9mtssesl 4 r flaiiwiv tatiiiirpll m vi rafld trunk ttaiiviy wxst- owolfc j- i fa s4a 1 esprks- laaitt 0 passskdar u mixed tract lorctosuouiij eaneal- si pm half j opni pasaessar 1 00 pm jw w f ivpiqks niterttuiiecucrsti for i bit8 blood- ptjaiprbbir will remore cfame- of peter to aonatad- eattland ooweoubt- if preveet asjr dls that maar bt aetsf atuna b urlbtutltsir sapertes to any cotuu- tlon powder aow oaedv aa it looaaos tbe hida nahllns tbe tzdmal to eastlts hair tire a good appetiu aod nw life and splrttav it it also an nnfafllngetadt- celor of bstt trad mrmt f dicks atlsteb lot spavuis mnanwies etc causes ni hrrttatton does iu work bettar and ny oio blister alevt ii tuvtloable in all c saddle oajls sorts w stls highly 1 for swellings bruise contusions scalds old soreatte in sac or beast and aa a enra lot bhaamatfsm t is afmplf wooderful there i no oarguef 01 1 or laniment la lbs market that can beala to ornpare with it blood ftertcar joo blutar ie ointment litolaienti for hie by di uigist and dealers ererrwaat sja trade map po box 4 icktxcj month1al tmkev ii cealil unlocja alt h clogged utenuet of ffacr bowels kidneys and drer carrying off gradually vritlioot rrajriiilng tm 7t tern all tha jimpurifiea end foal bawnl of the secrctibes ot tbe eiaeflmefjopsi vrectlag adldlty of thoiniteli enpijic bijiousnessf djspcpsta headatheii dizziness nsmlrnrn cohstlpafiandr7ne cf fie shb dropsy dirnness of visioa dlee sititnoaarertsjpi ser tula nultdrlaff of tho heart htsv aoosness and tjeaaral debility lr- these ondmafay otljjrssnilar compjatnfi- geld to lhe hlppytajnencbcf buedoce wt7dbitps3- fnbf ly til dcolsn d tree httftnqkirrto 1 baoairtut xtw tosrt cjoass tntrera tyaaeartrki tatfaa jvs ztiei patent tajlao oatttrr tss ti tvobajtrsn lie public ur noucesiven tre of ehanjauttttti lafjrejt dreolitllo ofmr ktentlfle ptpottn tl rorfd spleddubr ulxniwea f msa should twfjljot rfaetti 1 dunns baking nl thecoopbestfriend uraesn6aie in canada the largdst scale inlcanaba- over f po styles kay sou grain sca fa tea scale smpfloyed sho hoky i dbavers ueaf coppers aonaass nr run c 60 soppiju wllloi a so egpufvaoc street east f torontcont macnca avis niftr je err iio toe iniia jly i i prfiqwler cures loleramorhiit m mm mi aud allfeummer compumito ianoauxes ok tt bowels 8hildrej orultfj tvttlro untt ji -jl- tl i ettarm uemmtt ol ssto7 tras rc aoetatoe st isthma d tfs astbmalbbk w u t to tbvatuiumitli ofice- hext pott otlloe rlvsa