Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1892, p. 3

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v i i v j lefe methodist cjhurcr aotok patter rv joseph kdoe partocegebowetateoin plc sn fandiv tchccltja itlhle cluejodtaibrttla llt allecrituljloitled strang- arl visiters always itlwait at- satire ciipr at the door v t bank of head office hamilton ea1cilton oinrutatoi rr l tsnb fcw- tl08m tfrmulu r sstevek amtcmttira dlkictyvjsosr stl6t lyesidnt a 3 rallitlve- jobk trocto clll 3 vast r viikv roacs a t woo a iv lac e0roetok amkcy nitu aiact and advances ntade en nil reta vtnlit dutn oo all harts ot can imu imreo mm auixjuutin end th ivvtimt or ectarf boaitl cud told coutcnovs mats oaell accasslbl- points ou teost farrralf versa svvixqs psmrtaest piiomt tilted of ttaiupttrdtnd tn- vemlaklrum4s tt aait to date of wiurdtaral ttrkcill deposits i a- rtvivcd it cerrsnt tales ol qtsrest no cjticrtt ttilharaetlrvisred j j kk0t aceul t x jnw house cleaning you want some wall paper for the parlor bedroom- kit chen hall or ceiling we can suit you our prices are right window shades and fringe and bordered linen and paper curtain poles and curtain fixtures we shall be delighted to have you call even if you do not buy if we cannot please you nobodv can sca cf its ilix uatch hajauafters for watches jftur msuoutn all iairt rvid3stsiaje ac geo hynds acton ont fjc juton fvtz rcss thursday april is lef2 j little local brieflets which cftueht the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week new 3udd4 the first cf iuy btxd concert tocidrrow cveuiufi coaosil raeeticg neit mondj evecinj the tjwmhip cosncil will meet on tbfpihluy mr williim heisetrcet lu pat cp text rtrtait vt hi residence tbe dit iitiilc o the divisioj ccart here trill be oa the viih my the spring cleinicg of the tlreeu hvs very mcciy improred their apperrcuoe jairterly ucramectsu services id the melfcodut chnrch next scddaj roornmi fofmj lit fjitarday a pair of rpecttd in leather cise apply it frrr ptrss oece the trickirork ol mr joseph adder- oni lewhoase oa bower avenue is neir- icg compieyen the boar for the sacdiy school of st albuii church has been changed from 3 p el to 930 to the mitchell canlr hu been dis poned of bv sheriff hossie for the nm of 1025 lr harlbart ts the purchaser uichard graham hu been appointed treaicrer of es7uesid township salary upef casam tadteearity required 24- w i the fpectti tetricec iu the btptist chardt xfl continue every erccicg tbii vosfc xte meetiib hi ve been vary urgily uteadei tb wtutoown conductor bnyder ii opv nmnfag oa the mxin line cf the g t r throah acton between toronto sxid slrttford tbe jby bomested wueold on suanuy to mr peter ucdoaxu for 3 000 htri ucixaamjd ukes iaxmodiita the hm at home mottty of ftjtoiil charactar and kvtrjjium ttrtrttne ihxrjct ycefi if t xcioa tlie moail iun o qnclpli uiitctet t chatch will bo held in acfon on toiy tad wednedty jtlh the mlnittett will meet on taeediy mirnjtib it nine oclock tad the liy rtptutfvi rll irrtv u time tor wednwdtyi mitioat catch ooanneaoa tt 9 tm tlsu wit h tboai forty mla- iclcriu mi uy rpcenutiv prweut a pahlic meetlr g will probibly b held on taelty ewatn stalbaiittrylccuae the mnaijl euler veetry tneetiug in connection it i st albtnt church wu held on the 1h1 iatt there urge tttendtneo of the oautetuon prweut the church v trdeu mr johu ierkint prweutcd t re xirt of the fintnece whioli fhonej a ornti ot laadt ou hind titer htvitig met 1 lutbtlitle and etpeqeet mr samuel iji rd irt reappointod clergy nun warden nd hr ivrkim wae elected to rrptent thi congrecation another year mr albert wtnham vtu chcucn at lay delegate klon tvst j hers the anoutl report of the iottroacttr central hat b n received and the tollomog ptrlicutart com erulot the rtveuue tiirie etc of the qv principal efticet in the couuty kill bo i iterott to our rtadert iho icttal renae wa at followt burling ton flsos acton f 197 11 oakville faswl uit in f2o08ri jeorgetowo s27wst the mouey order huiioeu totaled or brji iugton tl007si actoa lahjoo oeiwtowo fsjo mil ton tsssmckt oakiille s373171 the talariea and allc arancca to poctmattsravaa ollowt bulington 43797 acton s7siij oakville fwsu milton f3js9 and georgetotf tlui06 the gan club at a meljrjd of the gun club on moo day evening the following core wtt made ardt 10111 10000s oioioooooia oouaoii i j a ol nooooi t i 101 100000cbj 10111 101118 01011 1111111 00000000101 1 1 10000000j 011000101 15 tkecouhw arovmj nawt uamtsuppi d by fcotrtt- pondtntt ydi sfianh vuitol wtt in mr and met coakot l3mavllo rlendt tn ihti pltoa ltd week mr albert ifnoolt jit nitgut the vllltge thli week mr abe veager lite njatexi ufa um tnd it moving title week to ipedtn mr arthur buircb c peat tfewdtyt lut weep with hit treat mlu julia kennedy home oa t villi mr ithtmtt btsalo oa suardi if london oat t st citti trlatc on monday evening j men went fithlng jo thi their eageractt to ettcblfith vcataiod too far out on tome log tnd not being cl river drivcttitwo of ihem wm tnd wni webb feu f nq tho water it had not been for the timely aaaitt inco of their comrtdo john robertt a pi wertul young mar who had managed to te amblo to a tump they both would llkel r htvo met a watery grave m robert d 3f vet for hit hcroitm ci tho ooiinnod the ory of every one f the oldest and most t acoecif ol anglers is town blippedoff a raft on heodersc oe pond tuesday afternoon and went in e p to the neck he got very wet an importint clicee in the new lipor license act render auy peraon who alter dotice give purchtaes for or fell to bsbitutl drunkard aoy liquor liable to imprisonment for not ea than ten dayi or more than twenty java the stoct and implements furniture and teveral loll btlonging to the estate of the late alex luby will be od by auction onbtturday 7th may the brick ttore and dwuluna of mr benjamin nicklm will be ortered for eale at the came time mint caecie mcphail leiiber of the ieooad department was the recipient laet friday evening at the hands of the pupili promoted co the firtt department of a neatly framed group photograph of the dau thi teacher will always appreciate the gift a rnaiu urett resident hit complained to intpoiice of the conduct of a number of young men who indulged ioa game of till ou ihit street lait sunday afternoon it ii hoped there will be repitilion of such skbbah brtakiug iu thi quiet and orderly town tbe pfclmerfilon ttugrvjh inaugurat ed itt ttenteeltb lolume laet week mr j tltcy the venerable publuher ii a wide awake newtptptr min and baa every detail of hi bumet9 tn hand he ia thor oughly independent and deeerve the cacoeti he has achieved the gnelph hitrrcrttt krin correspon dent refers to bev mr kdgea lecture on take home thing you borrow as follow the lecture wti real practical and well delivcredrbriroful o what ocpon in erery day life and those who were abaeut misted a rare treat a nataacaweya farmer who hat tever- al uam tately brutally illtated hit wife while drank wat called upou oo monday eretrtcby ft dozeu or so of hi neighbor and girtti fioe tie w suit of tar and featben he did not appreciate- the gift but will psrbap be a better bubtndin future the mtjeitic pair of matched carriage bortef belonging to mr jti matthewi proested a fine appetrtcce in the ttreett jat t treek drtcing the large victoria in wbiah were teated the pottmatter and councillor iearapa and othert wboae pre tence htrmooood well with the taroout the dettb of un jamet grant oo saturday eteoinr at the retidence of her father mr tnomat eatlop oocarred ander very ad circa autancec mr etttoa hae been confined to bit bed for fiisy rnoctiia and wai unable to tee hi daughter before ate lied the sorrowing huban4 and family bare the rympathjof all i ten tinglet 1g y c iuitiicr geo wild ju reartn w jfu c c speifm w btart juo hsrvcy ii b wcnlri i sicllia ux lcwt it will be observed that several whose secret were at tne foot of the list in the good friday niatch are away in advance of some of the crack shou onthia occasion 4eoflicoraeiilixd cancer arrangement are complete for the band coucert in the town hall tomorrow even ing a lengthy and varied programme hat bctn prepared and the musical young people in town have willingly agreed to contribute to ue tuccets of the concert the following ladies and gentlemen will provide the ni meroua nuraben in their various capacities tmis hemstreet henderson hill moore nicklin laing speight mcliail wright mn r e nelson guelpb and metsra h jeani and m 12 benedicl the maple leaf quar tette club will also take part with tan formidable lit of musicians the public may rest assurd than an enjoyable even- iegs eqlertamcoent with be foithcoming this being the first concert of the acton cornet band ft r the seaaon it is hoped the ciucena will da their part in makm it tccccsfby givi ig a very larpe attendance the admiisien ii filed at the popular price of 10 ceni s give the band a full houe for once serious acctdcat to a former resident from the beatrice neb lrortu we clean the following particulars with refer- tuce to a very painful accident to mr p s armstrong formerly of acton last week lrs p 6 armstrong the unfor tunate lady wiio waa to tehocsly injured by failing do en a cellar stairway at her residence yesterday is still alive but is yet j io a precarious condition a consultation cf surgeons vtoi called last evening and it was decided l hat her only chancetfor life was to perform the operation of trepanning in order to relieve the pressure ot the fractured port on of the 6kull on the oraia the patient w la made as comfortable as possible and dre harris bradley and batea today at noon performed the very delicate operaon a circular portioo of the skull abodtone inch in diameter wis removed successfully a lare blood riot was found formed on the brain and the efcull at the pc great praito occasion emanuel dufhcld is house with rheumatism mr coultou lias had tlic second s hit house greatly improved and lajtcf ully fitted up for a dwelling being t ptcf atl man ho has hit tore well filled will thing needed in a general store erin thomas williams a late cm ploy jo of c h walker hat aioved to orangevil thos ssudera who hat been en ployed in the etia mills daring the past three years has secured a mote lacrttivet osiuori ia wolverton i mrs dr mctiul of stayner is spend ing t few weekt with bet ptrcnu kir ttrd mrs thot carbtry of hi pttce mr d a fowlie bttoeeo appoii ted by the presbytery of kingston to take charge ot a mission field near the line of thi king from pcactl lsttng and if ton pembroke r r mits josephine mcrtnof tofootittbe goest of the misses gortfoui the annual meeting 1 6 the meciianica institute will takopltcein the temi wranoa hall on monday may 2nd at 730 pm when the election of officers will taic place and other basinets trill be attended to itifroccrfe right wor bro wojconboy i rin d dgu 7th matoalo ipittcict mi da hu ofiicial visit towaverly monday evening 1 lodge que pb oa milton rifiht temple the blood clo ed portion of ation was s and is one of tji called upon tc in this pari of operation and to in of injury just abore the wis found to be frtctured ws removed and the indent- the skull raised the oper- rcecaful in every particular he rarest that surgeons are perforpi aud it it not known our citizens are apparently well sktiified the governments tppotetmeut of cartl ner aa postmaster the hallon spring show held h re last thursday was a iuccets as to animtla ex hibited but the rain jipoiled the attend ance the bylaw ereutiugjcii 8000 bbnut winn co to establish a shoe factory w voted on in milton ou monday tteresul la iu doubt and will be decided by a r oooot list week mr allan bowman of th scotch block esquesiig was getti 3g ini his wagon when bit horses buddenly star ed and he fell to the groaud a wl eel rti over ace of hii ltgi i breaking it ft uttli above the ankle i judging from the nimber of eoa mittalt for vagrancy to the oottuty jail here whici are about one hundred ilesa thtn thsy wei thii time last year tbetrampnaitauce hi abated for a time at least champ the 35 lamp post iare to be tikeo up and stored iu the townlhall and th s lamp sold to the highest offer tbe towo hall needs a new root the interior wilt- be improved after th roof a renewed it is reported thai beside tbe one df bigamy there arc two barges tgi intt w somerville viz one for forging u mtnlt name to a note and the other for uttering the tame he willbelriedbeforetl e jcdgi oatbelltjiofmay the queenoi birthday will be cetebcttad ia milton his year by a race meeting tliere will be a named race parts ftoo tm trot or pace forjfi25 18 trot or pace for 175 and a frefefor all tro or pace for ii00total c50 there will ilso be a championship lacrotse match bets een two of thecrack testmi of the central llistriol to be named by the district championship committee oming an going ao ton nd vltlt irt to tntt frm vtjrlout other pejrtornlnotet mn relatl es here daring thi week mr mqthi mr a g titter mr reeve u isistmmmmmimimmmmmbmismii j i varty of torooio visited tuecded he great ipeadlog it dr ua of- wooitlock it th frteadi a towo at ill- a o betcdman hone ihow tt tocoato liit week dr i n brawn ot tpcoalo li t few lays at the home mr robert creech ipend ug s week or iow r dr gtltotd tadiamlly ot frjur are il wly recovering from their tvers neat mn andrew morrison of woocwllfe hat been pending a week oc io with friends in town r d m f ohnsoa of sleveatville spent t day or to thii week with his trtaad i here mn k c orr wu la kria tut week ftttiai log the funeral of jlhe lata mite m u mi kce mit ilcktb tad mltk buret of rook have i tea the gactu at mut jotiie ander ton djittng tho week lichlta kenned mr with ieadi at alpena moatt mn mrs t it renewing acquaintances here l e uortoo kaite holidays at tl who mich lit beta or lame of uaailtoa and d butchart of hilton spent the home mrt l royce john t kutoo of sarnla kastou of chicago acriv of their iai and mr od home oa satiray to attend the funeral of their mrt jtmse grtn qeorqetdwn d mckentie it mettrt rd barbe wero alto nominated tar tiou l it resigned ia fare r of mr 1 f ckentie at t io meeting of the uealt i held here last we ik it was that t lis board ot hea george tc warren to wash p wn t uew and jos the poti board of resolved- tu do iuitruct the sanitary iuipeotor to enter on hit dutiet aired by the statute regarding the public health to visit tb villages of nerval glena illiams stewarutown limehouse and al io the tannery near acton ori n lodge no lk i oof will attend divine lerriceat the hithodist church on suudirv evening abe it ten oclock sotiday night a fire place u the block owned by dr roe la tbe part u icapied by j ko man dry goods tnd ready mado clothing the fire company wat on on the spot tjnd the ft re which promotio bxam i nsimti of the pupili whi tlc i step hleher pu 8ohocll the raiuli of tbt easter promotion traiotuoni hu tntd rainy ohltiget in to oltiiei at ha public lolioal twentythre pupili wtra tdvtbotd to he firtt laptrf meat 21 a be leooad inl u a he third ti icholtri of ilie anlor indlntertntdltl clttim o the fourth diptrtmenl hue beei pal on htlt time tad he virloat depirl meats though willfllled are not id crowd edit before the promotion tra ti fallowi ritut dkpt raait imoam to rou iv jsmes brawn ator clark john cook william edmutaa ada fraucts usbolorant keulehradt auitla kslfr chit ucsaa loku uodoasid kobt kfcpbonqu eluauth qultnar uauet hjjer elufltauffer james tovell wuiert tovoil thotua t jfooua teacher mou secoko toklfttt osft kettle oobuaa kalife autlhewt uabtlcook asafremason wulltoraloe arthur mooro charlie dead kdcut t moore utaaie koluut itellls usphcrsaii auuehysdt boy molntosh- qordou hendertaa ltollfs ferrrtntti usjgtilslrd uary taylor ettfslsunl james chompson eduattss itsgglewsllace jenule lambert uaegle wilson kdnauiller caitu ifcltutn teacher raou tuiimto imjd uet uattle forties eddie qsiuble ulnule ffardlue tomtny henderson robert fohues usoreo lovcvs john uooro alfred lcuiar eva uatthaws uella ucdouald flora ucnabb 1 wae ct nfiued to the itoi eitinc lithed goods damai ed by water to 100 mured for 1903 ing at at 100 the ci lamp iplosioa mr u l schaltz hat completed a ship- f 10o car loads unite states tome bung oter bathe- s the aggregate properj promptly ere burned and he exteat of over damsge to build- was cakted by ft rockwi c0000 lata would amount iod ot turntpe to tho dalsyklekllu atay trcuuco ernest tea rsou uabsliue jcirulo buiitb arthur bmjth wllllo btathaui edith thoiuas usrytovell kuisel vcnwyck edtui wilson j k cilvlikdtiacher ritoit ronant to tnnio ntrt jouh arthurs llolsou mcboucald kiimlo arthurs lfyraa vfcfntotll joseph blnehiui llnlo ifcdouald- oliver cooks edith klcklln liulequdner willkui ieanou charles hyuds laura rjdor clioster ifaiullton llebocca smyth wiillam laird thonttoa smyth ttddleuanu dertlo gpefdhc louie uooro edith warwick hake uooro sobfnavaallaci thomas liceeoau fred wilds li eksxsoir teach the pupils of the third departoieo rt moved to the towo hall on monday wlier they will remain until the new rchbol i ready for occupation an easy winner to abofit 5000 this ft a cood showiag for on i shipper mr mcftrttne of bcorgetojvn it the guest if mr john farrish miller mr george morris of guelpb visited friead i in town on sunday revml m jihntoa preached in the meth dut charchi baai ay evening farniog it slow ii the carrauading coanti y i tbe natural ointequence of severe night tracts mr george clarktoc and krt t lundy ttcenc ed the funeral their alher mr willis ti clarkton who after it lingering illnesi died at hit htme ia laliagtoa on sundi y 2tthinttat t le npe aie of eighty two y sirs the remains were interred oa taescay i a t ember ot carload cf lite stock are being thipped from tioteto time we uudentand that mr d btrtcbas b a jui finished bis list term at juerae collet e kingston daiilcoktwell although he ha had a hard winter work on saturday evening last about 7s0 ocloc the baud bojt ternacted at the residepce of mr sbailey after which ft both the method and resulla wha gyrapot fis ia taken it la pleasant find refreshing to the ustendacta r itlyyetpromptlyonthokidney wer and bowels cleanses the syj om effectanlly dispels coldshegd- aches apd fevers and cores habitual constipation syrup of figs is tho only remedy of its kind eyet pro duced pleasing to the tatrtfi and ac ceptable to ha stomach prompt in ils action and truly beneficial inittj effects prepared only from the most healthy andagreeablesubstances its manyexcellentqualitieacommendit to all and hare made it the most popular remedy known ryrup of figs is for sale in 75 bottles by all leading druggists any rcuabladruggistvrho may not have it omhand ill procure it promptly for any ona who wishes to try it mamfisctured only by th caufohfllfg syrop ci sa1t fsamoisoo gal uo j-rojucffx- i i f 1 millinery ov dress goods th beauty of making yojir purchases in a store like oars it tbit any and every requirement finds the corresponding article of its desire were noted fax and widefor keeping the very finest goods inthe trade and yet tbe hambliat and most limited outfay finds at scope to the fullest extenti the immense variety embraced in our tock0ompriset goods of almost every grade excepting the course trash ochoddygoods against which we wage a determined battle our con- stent watchfulness of the markets enables us to offer the most reliable goods often much below ibeic regular trade price our stock is especially full just now of inch lines and it will pay you to see them you know that wealwayt much prefer to let dor goods and prices speak to you than indulge in advertising palaver cress goods are again ia receipt of novelty shades and materials i new bedford cordt j new woollen crepont i new tweed effects new woolleb challiei i new fancy blacks new cravepette oothi boys clothing ha jutt had a case of the nobbiest and neatest boys and tooths suit added that you will find any where at the money bocae of them are woiderf ully cheap for the quality perhaps cheeper than yoa could bay material far at any rate its your privilege to see sud compare and that will enable yoij to decide better and few can do as well with he timet and our prices tome lovely designs in french weather goodsit very compleb window shades extra value peni ng iqn tff weflriesdky aprilcjth and fqllowing ejas a bitshowiigjof milline a grand display sfd si ress goods kavtr jbeforo hare we made such extensive arrangements for a big millinery trade as we have thi season box apod box of fine french flowers and sttcksiofjlbi finest i sees our kibbou cou uteri ti taxed to itt utmost capacity and pur milliners kne the late ideas and can arrange them suit lovers of fine headgear it mt st not be forgotten that our prior are at low at decent goods can be told for drbss goods bedford cords tweed e fecta and caepons hive the run this year and fawns and mid greys are one oubtedly the correct shades it it worth yonr while to inspect bar stock- ia tl e above lines no bouse in this country can do isryou in the matter of stylo we kaep- up down to he lowest notch we are showing rtool delaine and saieent our jlock of hot dont forget about oar carpets curtains and m this department j n that il batevi r bewn resorted to heretofore tbe state the patient has very minifies ntly improved under the knatckbull though having not returned wholly to comciousues at this writing is tiomentarily her pelse has expected resumed nearly its normal fnuctsou and there is tood reason lo believe that she will fully recover from the injury mrs arm- strong iu a lady 50 years of age and the severity of toe ldjury may be imagined when it is kriuwn tbe skull at the point of fracture was half an inchthiek private in- fonnatiou ha since been received by friends here mrs armstroog baa regained con sciousness anil strong bopep are entertained fpr her complete recovery pure maple syrup tod mspie soger mpurted dtree from wilkincotltepte gwet adarctville qae foe tale u t a kucfta 1 3 nst arrived afineassorlraentof flower 1ots at t lk hacninoe grocery au extrj budget of milton correspon dence was reileivtti loo late for this istoe you can get a good round caab dis count on your boots shoes at kenney bros acton ina fit of inental anguiab ahrtm ellis pickering fai mer suicided by cutting bia tbroaton ir day if you wtnt hrstclassgnelpb sash and doors at gulph prices t eubsoe can fill your order at hi planing mill princess h argaret of prussia is announ cedto be tujaged to frince willi njberedi- tary grand duke of luxemburg i have j ist received a car of baled bay and will sup ily it iu auy jqantilj from ft single bale to a ton jokjc aftxucet the iilsth anniversary of shakapeares birth wsa ce ebrated at strttfordoaaroa on saturday if you vant boots 6 shoes gbtatper than ever yau boagbt them call at keoaef bros actoa i president harrison laid the corner atone of the grant memorial in new york on tuesday i d stietou iius will insert teeth at g and 8 pr mt foe next three jmontbs extraction free special care given to filling ufe majuhewe block aetoo kotici ti he basinet heretofore carried on by p i idly under the name kelly bror hu kv en disposed of to j j kelly tnd notice i i hereof given that all accounts contriftedrilli he above firm prior to tbe funeral of the late dr geo s thomas dentist took place last wednes day from hit residence on tbe guelph road the remaint were interre in the eden mills cemetery the pelbeatrre were messrs thot wilson robert wiiion iljt rttnaay samuel ranitay wm i aing and andrew mcalpine tbey were chosun from among bis old school mates tne bereaved family have tho deepest s rmpat jy in this their sad bereavement dr thomas was erne of th s oldest dentists in the county he starred dentistry about 1872 j he had a lirge field of practice haying ofliies in milton camp bellville erin guelph and at iome well as several smaller places where i he woold call oo bis way to tho plaas men tioned mr thomatj was well liked every- where and byall wh knew hint nanjec- oapermo comiag from the 8itte and from several cities inj canftdii to jet theig trtificitl teeth from him at tie w an ex cellent workman he had his 111 j insured jn tbt aouw and ithe select knight presei tation ot ft gold addre was made to by th i boys as valua ile services aa raasicjtl organization wat 3ade by mr john richftrdton the addrt a was read by of erin villitge for members of tueto jiooo a h of the societies att nded hit march 5th kelly before coanu upon atreed upon v1 funeral one of theilargett evef in tliie section of the coantcjr the deceased wa klso mem bet at the river side lodge of the patrons of induttry he wat for ftnumbeijof year drputy re turning officer far paljing diviiio i number three in the towninip of nat agtweyt in religion he learned toward tho presby terian denomination attending 1 1 ohurch at- bodom rev air blair aoog with re d strtchtn at ijkockwood tondncted the serrioe sit the f aiiersj the wood beginning la thi nr bewty once more witii wild fiowert wt ich come to eniiytn th we of l m rfiewwntoeopl w6 the wood for pleetore some of he firmer in thi i vfefatty have finished seeding lake stroll i through while othei s are jnrt starting the raid drying ap wonde rf ally uid now afford macli piareto tiote who lave driving tbe rev 3 hough formerly c 16w mastbe paid to pi j the i6u may deit any ie- whlcji longer credit has been maat now be sealed by no krtfvj cuit called roanddo see old frieid igeln and preachedin the ebeneier d arch jlttt sunday mtfening ttjd ereaing hit ter- moat we appreciated hj all who heard thern- j the qaartetly commdnfan ind raentai service of thf nestlgftw jyftdrcait wul be held ia the ebenr ct aroh- next sunday morning tt 10m tfi qatrteriy servfoet of the iloekwood circa it will be wd tredtq mfllt ifethodiit ct arch neit snncut nwroing ooniaiencliig al half put cu oclock beaded sane and an mr william bailey slight recogeitioa ot hit member of that the presentation mr c strange and after a trial nothing win ft wai confidence so easily as sunlight soi her own gool judgement tells her that is a different soap aud a better one thi any the ever iriel before end that il i i cleansing yet mild properties are far rape iar to anything she over ated beforj saulight slip will never dlssipoinl anyone who give it a fair trial and tl 9 beauty of it it thttit caojbeaiedforeve y purpose for which soap is aed is knyhors0 worth 20 t hit cir- mot aing between 8 was r ispouded to by the happy recipient mr 1 ailey left on tuesday ou an extended trip iettwtcd where be will meet with the man old rockwood boys whej nave gone befor i him j qu ens birthday utll bo celebrated here at it used to be iu days gotle by the band boys or a committee hereof who have the matter in hand report great succx ss having a large sum of money sub scrib d already tb jy intend furnishing ft lar e programme with the aiual alhletio sport i etc etc after which a grtui con cert rill be given in the hall ia tho evening no d iubt the event v rill eclipfce all former may ielebratious ai other serious run away accident occur red a tbe eramota iravel road last week whte mr george oopeland was driving alon his horses became frumteued at the fallii got the wtggpn iongue tnd ran away tbe driver wa viol ntly thrown from the wag n and received s rious ioternal injuries betic e a fracture of three rib we hope mr 3opelandt misfjrtune may not provp fat i zl e fine weather of the pail week cause cons derable commo ion amoag tbe rocks and green groves i ere those who are fond of rural life fine that this place affords an t nlimited area of natural scenery it it t le delight of t early all residents u well u visitors fo take advantage of tbe pies iare thai tffbr led the urge cave pres mtamoredecen appctrtncethii ipring thai they have don i oo former occasions afesgood pleasnrn boats ivould greatly incr utse the gratifio tion of many t te residence at d shop of mr j w kncwletwat consumed by fire yesterday ntcxs utoo puairicit ioc i1icks ltsiakst lie if he is not healthy and soiinc every animal that 1c worth keeping over vfntfr shouldbava diets bumnpoairiaaln tho sprti it wllltake less food to keep them la coadltl they will sell better a hdrso will do m re ley i irk dicks horse and cattle medicines are the best la the world seed a postal card tor full paxtfculara and book of valuable uouseuald and farm recti as will be sent free dick i- co p qcos lift acovnteil sold everywhere i b- til 3 gents eornishingsaiwayt on the lookoat for novelties a trade like ours demands the newest and the best the list for thii week includes nohby new haiti v eleganfnetf ties fancy handled pmbrelhu new kangaroo gloves 1 new white shirtir- merino underclothing e b jeemyn spring m edic1ne millinery room lo6kuke one great flower bed after a genial shower there hu been a thdwer in fact a perfect ponnng dawn of novelties ia the very prettiest pro ductions of artistic millinery the very newest shapes the most betatual flowers and elegant garnitures all so fresh and fatcinating a dangerous place fo came lo it oar millinery roam if yea dont want to bay yoa wifl admire and i pnrchate this it one of the molt thriving depazt- ments of our holiness whose repatttlon hold aat against all competition 1 lace goods have a bjg lold on the trade this teaaan tnd will have jnore so u thej weather gets warmer one parohaeee tret direct importations from the mtkert and the prices very low tnd attractive new calaht flouuciogj new chantxlly flouncings new spanish blouncihgf new silk edging new irish edginga new irish fioancings new vsledcieunet ltoat new torchon lxies the great blood ionic is now recognized is tie remedyfor purifying t le blood and as a spring medicine eead the foupwiiig testimoi ial trom a resident of the city of guelph gadph jinutry 169 meaart w j8mith to j i city gortlxxci- i h ve used yoar blood tonic s a blood purifier and also for chron ooonttipstion and have found it to be the i most satitfactory remedy 1 have ever used i recommend it to all my fneodrwho are troubled t ith ttomtch and blood troubles u i have reaidvedgrett beoeflvfromjiti use j konrlraly johssumr arthur st r pared only by s52vtith 5t co dispeising chemists guelph ont parasols and sbn umbrellas the most unique andsurprisidg handles in almost eudleta vsricty of dealien cover- ings of tho most reliable and durable mater- ials sires just the right thing all direct from the manufacturer aud if yoa dont find them 20 to 25 per cent chitpec then most of houses ask for them let at knowj and well make yon f handled a present there now thats a stumper i prices and terms always btrictlyj oaah e r bollert co 25 27 lower wyndham st auelph the best tad 10 oclock the fire xm first noticec betweenj tho partitions tnd floor bat in spite of all efforts it got he ipper hand aud within a few hoars the bail ling m bnrnec to the g wand mostly ill he farnilare and tliop goods wero mov ed the building was insured j a tailor named trettin ru hurled 30 feet by 0 p r trkin at windsor on sat- urd y and ioitaady killed thebndifioaof granddtke george of kui lis le very terioos hit lung diseato it beomiag warts and hit deaf b it now ragi rded u nevitible c ne day hut week joseph van etter of st 3eocge oat evteredai the customs hot is a niagara fslli a ou load of turnips of 30 baibllc on which he duty is z cent a h ine which he paid while mdving in i ia yard the car beeinm diiabled and bar to be anlosdedj when it was discovered thai he car contained 515 buthelt of tnr dp and 65 bushels of rjoutoet the duty on he utter being zs cent it bnthel the vih ie car wa teixed tnd opnfisoated tnd wil be told at auction for the benefit of the kpvirnmsnt thejihipper n hit attempt to beat the government ootjof 1st bin 120 lot t about 100 ayers hair vigor la tliu most elegant and popular itirtlressing in the raarket it quickens into renewed activity the liairroi ts and tints restores to the hair all that i1113 been lost li sickness old age dr neglect hi iiparta to the liairla s iken texture keeps the scalp clean and cures itching a id troublesome humors when t ie hair becomes tltiii faded or gny tne fiuled use of averts hair vigor briujit out a new growth of the original color full ness and beittfty it is positively without eqijal hair dressing ilmvetneil ayerfs hair vlsorfdiictr- ijrcve yeiim and my lmlr is mulst giosy tnd iu au excelleut slate ot irwervauejtt i am forty years old inul lave ridden 1 e plains for twentydvc years wm ifei y otloassustaughlll newcastle v j my hair begatn tunilng gntyiul falllitc out when i was atraut 3 rears of ace i lave intely u using ayers itilr visor and it is causluc n new powili of ulr of hie natural color it is a wonderful dressing ami lim l isi treat uchellt to ray wife in removing danilnilt with which s was very much troubled sue touswrs it in- dtsiieusable to her tlletr x lovrj roues pnilrle milan co texas this j to certify that for many yea t i have lil 111 itching ot un scalp and ray lulr had nearly al fallen off i wat itiduex 1y ur t j gpssett to try ayers ita r vigor by so doing the itching was riitlrelrcui 1 and tlielalr grewoutnu the top of riyhead where ft was bald j w tfarp dcntd p jlullluvllle kaus ayers hair vigoi fnpnlirdr a ajirco l mil umm r omgfefc eiftitei asiortelstoclc id th 5 til i- i i t i n- w- ii his season v e are showtiigthetargestandtiest a liqe evet brought into actpii the same qu ility of priut that we- gold at 15c aud hcilast year c mbe had this yea- at 12c- newspaper adverting brightly started- rightly stuck to hdsertise solidlji backed up ensures it thefree pseg business success v the goods a iajt we received 51 e all ueiraad just onfiaturday new rhecesv a the pattofui have a if rge range tto have also great bafgniuain 8c andloc biittta if which ws a very ground are all new aud varied so that jott choosefrom 0ur stock 6 prices i n have frtacksthat musttie sold dress goods ismostxcomplertinti targe xiuje is on eshibitionerery daj jat our black i ud colored cftghmcreawero bought irora twa largest h luse in montreal andthedres are the eiosjest we evci sold goods afc s a call will pay you on smm

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