Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1892, p. 2

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our ottayu letter iluwwm lricirno tbeiolj lliti i tl r xmlvijril twdsuftlut passing the ettlmjjtecompultory votlnethortd about thi turned tlio inot of thf tho jusl wcclc last itjjc cton tcc jtes thursday may uta the ctrs spiteful tactics tlir rjejion it llir lirand trunk hallway oiifc wryv in tlipiiwr tlk utions lilong the lincvf llo slutlimi k nrrtliwretcrn ili isiou ui this tuint tjiuiigcr ncivin- uhvlaton is miririy not aipiiiiixlror it it cknlath to imprvk lh- ivmtion nf tlmt ctvirntiii kf rrnhc ivilts in lli tnir him may tl seitlmalet has coo itvt made crlj the ictt sinro iho estimated were tlartf feiuun of quarantine ttributton gilt lobbies time of tlio house jvetilngcxccllcnt pro- lkofthepx an epltomfc of th warl ouhnethe waei tlio entire divi liui canal were put tbroupli thcuucr iuilmliif the grant to tlio new soulaogcs co a and tho much fusf iskm ami vexed tit jt villty caiia1 to- iuy will wabiriuj with iho cwn charges tomll xvu1 tpxial connni nuke voting the vimu company ouli toe on col amyots compulsory met last with the parcr of tho bill iii tlit hon h tunper and messrs uow in corrvspoinuiice cials of tic road relative order j the liiumdiation tin litu1 tthc coufso of lias rccohiplislul great ucoivcnlicc to the pablt of this wjctiou of ike province tut that it will rtccotxnlish a w rc fkxdx ulununt of tho efts is doiluful mltvl at far ai ca lv asocrtainovl the lounty h taktii ro st p- cfyicialfv to res tote the i accomnixlrju i which the railway tvi turn- nuirily ciiiut lit d tlo huulton uofinl of trade howovtr took cry prompt action in the master an tritlmjie chitf o to tho withdrawal of 1 hamilton prvivs is loid in its the cimpany for its action k hngionij not sjkiioly ictcreftt in tlio vjicouk of tin utuit lfpuca the irid tnl il tin- vtity cf hjlton but tiscity uscn altrd to lte hi r cljiuun rt tijut cut tnjwat la torouto lectuw ibo uraaj truul tjy ftx jtiktsi to crinld haltou the big railway cuipaajr fcaj lctt icj fcmaothtr rcjoet to fplit with it ufw tiuioulile lils and hurts te wrrng party fhtrveiu tyrtly be lj doubt rctfirdink tlc usi for tlie ajrranft- ment licb putt lhioile tt prtat iutoaven- icee liii mikv a lvy uow tl llasjiltcnf trade u tlc illv iu 1 the iff rail refer t j the tiattcr as follows ly 1itt rrticiiajrt bcfms to i uciili hrltoa coaitfy by dtjihricg n- fclt and the utrclauts cl hamilton otacen- tijcrjllc atcuflt tf rrvfittljo luiincit cut tuy to lu jiicaej it is luh uire tlc roal vert tlatf viih iut njjuj lor jtbic con- udincilnntwa leinrlij lor taticg fpito tn ihcte wha may hapk a u rua ccuattr to it the siriifr ay j tte graijj truti fjvxiacy la lai liuatica with the cvulty tf ifaltvii al its ohicials ftt1 tlciftii miir lj oliijjitioy to jut tin in- ttlvci jut to une hfoiuuifit ttjtli wlichthcy ar at yt nance viih tht- limits of tliat cou- trocrtv t lat notlilg toie ituttjiis arrar ciinci is axcry fitrijiis iiir for hamilton it tlciuiy jracu fay ujaaia iiejloa along the lae of the ncrtlwtlm fsiiway frtm comvcf into tlc city aai tvtuniicg tlie tame day icotltr rorjf it drivts tlc trade of hal ton aay jrtm haiuilfjn to toronto hamilton fatc wry larc turn fi ujchty to aid tleeoa- fjuri2 of lc nortlkctpa rv 1 it is vtry lard iltt ii itnif- n thoiilj lric itzza her diirs tle trac flt pud her money to ftc are ai ill to raler the eiiltiidjtnse wcrtlles it matts l ditnec to hmiloa hs ci5er tnces there mav 1- ltttt3 the grand tjini eccijuay al hajtca tlisicin lsj doat noth- iis to ulvi tlt c iia jlad it is caraivtly to 1 lj- d tiat tiee m anj f chcal will pot jrsst in a utre eilfulatd c iafict tcriias 1 ca car jttrchaati tiie action of the g t ii is very tunii lor to tljii tafctn by tha hotclkeencrs of halton ljftcr the first appeal against the scott act was dtfeaui the houls were cioi thtflifat nailtd up and accomoda- tirj- refuicvt to any mil everybody for about a wvk tie bi railway company will no doubt get over its fit of the eulks in about as short a time and neit week the trains will probably b- runningas usual tl bill to week chair riiut and la luvieic disactltod from tho principle of the bill dr it j wickitoed eaidhe had draft oil tlfc bill for col amyot two car nfiii and thti it wu f oundwt ou tho trantlation of a dafiish bill that hu had tranmatcd for mr fanford fleruiufi who was writing a boot to bo published iu toronto presently ex titled the luprescn dotngt jr baiiuosc school tation of minoritua procccxled to dissccl clauses were altogti long rttscgssion took tion of a reasonable followiug hon c h topper the bill aud wveral eliminated a 3 ice as to tho defini xcaii riually tho ciauajja viec agreed on 1st une ja registered on ci a he has a reasonable al the polling station hero lie is entitlod his franchise accord kvcry doctor whose the list of voters ub excuse shallappcar of his electoral distr to oto and exercise ing to law otherwia 1 e shall be liablo to a fine not exceeding ten dollars with costs jnd keasonablo escuio under this clause shall be a matter of pleading and the bur den of proof shall bi uboa the defendant oi t to titiitiini tu l the government summer quadra has been ordered to be i i rpadiuesson may c to convey prof macon u pf the geological sur vcy to the sal ropkejries at tho fribyloff islande belirtng svi rlr macoun will stay at the island forf several weeks with ft view to observing scil lif this year as compared with last season mr macoun acehiipanied sir george badenroweil and dr gcorj dawson to bdiriug sea last vcar i imj1m1atux 11u till imthi htatts mr gii canpbell general immjgra- tion agent arrived here today to discuss immigration niattrswith mr dewdney mr campbell sys that agents the government are jow at work in the two dakatos minneiiu kansas nebraska nod massacliusetts forty it- tilers and effects liave canadian territory this spring two parties haw gone from michi gan and one large pcrty from maine arrivals have settled in hnt the majority are going np cpuntfy either in yorkton prince albert or tidnioaton districts stiiirrrnon pill se o friday afternoon the re- was introdaoed by sir the representations of the next ten years will be embers the sne as at ivj as at present- nova of 21 new brunswick priirce edward island onitobta 7 instead of 5 tb cornwttl cauil orwucd uu moucuy v mr jolm huthctland toin cljrk o cobourg ided iuid tho uraulturd bigamist ot irt uiohlhi iu tliu ceutral jamm lowlc baa just j1 iu am a township out aged 03 bleeds wero being mod up to iwt week iu tho ucighboiuuood of qucb tho number ot aalooa uccasca iu owec can uow bo iocrcucd rum 12 to 20 milcfl ol tdefirtph pole wcra otowu dowi duriuc tho flnow itortn in manitoba a hundred dakota firmer frs etpeota to crow the libo into manitoba thii week the ifowmau tannery as kuulbamptoa out wik burnt out hut weckjiat a ion u iooo edward bell of wcterfor hai beet liujd ftio for practising u a deitut wuhou a license george ldudy and jamci taylor per iihd iu the big snow storm n manitob last week joseph toland cxwardeu c froqwnar county died suddenly storrington tho mitchell advocate yc that mr b hesson exm p will ahoijuy be called to the senate a hundred jews left m out real last week to establish tho uirsch hebrqw colony ip tho uorlbwtst two little boys named oecripg and dale were drowued from an upset raft at sattor ont on saturday rev j w iatnbuth d d one ot the oldest missionaries of themethpdistchurcl is dead in kobe japan tho queteo government will out dowfa the sessional allowanoe from i 500 to toof and stop all free postage hamiltonjmerchantaaretgi itiogagaiat the g t r because of tliit corapaoy attitude towards halton concty an aldboroqgh farmer atinetwhoc miss love domestic lust week obulne i notes and comments amcns the wonders of the worlds fair which are being- describee almost daily by the chicago pajers wevje told that ex hibitors wili be enabled tb talk with new york boston and priladtlphiaby the long distance telephone there will be an exchange of over eix hut dred instrumetita on the ground maine michigan seven carloads of reft minnesota for some of the new i southern manitoltii toronto went ileform hui friday for the first tine in its hutoryi and retorned a goiernmect snpporter tq the local house n g bielow the keform candidate hav ing been elected by the i tidy msjority of 60mthirjg ovcr00 the bjeeltction for the commons in wetland the eame day resulted in the return j of mr lowell ilibrai by a majority tc 27 with chtractentticcnfjireeu thegforge- town iltrald rtfuets to rnhke definite its ineicqauons as to the naene of the member of the county council who was charged in a previous uue with rnkkicg concessions to the gt it fjfcinmtntil to the intfereets of the county it is an easy matter to make indefinite cbargea but the people are not prepared to give creduceto such irre- eponrible fiine at the chi rtcter and actiona of public citizens nor ia i he reading public prepared to lock with unqualified favor or confiknee upon the a thor of them ei excellent por- of the president aid vicepresideots canadiiu prees asociation with a of each a well- written articleacompini i them giving the saturday qvm conta traits of ibi brief tktch tf thj ctreer history arid ftandingof il the relative strength of which is tfioroulhly prcea of ontario an plojed thtrton tne vi 6ajjug the asocut e aksoiationaud iti incmberehip rtphtentative of the t it jjjrnajist em- ttr concludes by jij is gradually becoming more and moreutful to publith- irnprovint their utinefs methods ers in whatever does thiit mu4t benefit cf ah newisjtr brigbtert hrioig theru mott vigorous turjritt tion tlie report of the jittnaeterfcenernl referred t in itt itsue thow thut at the end of the year thtie rtre 001 post- ofiice iti the dounuicn that the routes over vhuunailii are carried aggregate mileage of niail during trie year then end ed was tt 162543 while the progress of the whole- country is of importance rcei- denu io ontario v ill rot be dit- pleased to learn that this pienihoe doei more than half f the- total potto buhiuete of the pcininion of y7i7ootw dound to the nun and the becoming tlie ol the aebocia- ietkrs53coo050 os1 er cent were postal in ontario of n iwfpaperp book or co per ceut oiiirrk and so with h x clawes of mail l- tnorc than all 2jbc0j0j transient vuu etc i700000 were tttd in reittcred letters and otk matur ontarij furoi the rtt of iho dnmiijuu put together the rrenne of the department for the fis cj year was 337- 7 turewas uwoimm xnditure over revenue againit 5782w u the the progre of the i ilauatej by be postal r tvemie which in lstl w7ci0yj inlvitit was 170 1m acd in i8vi it ni is ntwureae jhjou be aiofi tud prima opened at jermyu thu cobby theyre oewheyl r- cheap s males not adjou in tie morning in its ontario inform for immigration 5750 had been general to i4 was aiixiccs to hett sbpold sell i tiii iiii in the boa distribution biff john thompson the provinces for for ontario w r present quckc scotia 20 instead 14 in lead of if ustead of d while the number of representatives for britiah columbia and the territories is un changed c and 1 respectively numerous changes have bee i made in the boundaries of the constituencies some indeed have been totally annipilated u is tuottli the house epnt six hours ihe other niht in discussing tho ini migration esti- ning until after 2 oclock dnnng the debate mr somexville prodc ced a letter written by mr john lowe deputy minister of agriculture mr casper ilett of berlin qg hi oi that his account pamphlets amounting to reduced by the auditor- and spggesting that as he pay the money that mr he government the copy right of the pamphlet aud if that was not sufficient to make np the unpaid balance that he should also sell them the stereotyped plates ttbe opposition naturally protested that this was a most improper action for a deputy head and both mr bowell and mx carling ipromieeu that au investigation should be held into the matter it was intimated that mr lowo might be sus pended i t loteii hon john hagglrtb health is such as to seriously alarm friends there are fears thak the honorable gentleman may permanently lose h s eyesight a warrant lias bem issued to compel the bondsmen o horace talbot to pay the amount of bail whii h has been estreated on account of talbot slipping out buvifzoy crown attorney lundy to ie arraigned out may 2 saturdaytho received word from the attorneyjgeneral nl onttriothat owing to the erioada of the crime it would be neceuiryto bring lundy before the magis trates an examination hti been fixed for siturday may 7 thousands t the greiat wesk ycompetion of the ladles holrte magazine whichword iultl the sameibackwajd rare opportunity mifca every fiher splendid prize wehllt plilzun- ttiis great compel i tribnted ai is advertisement spells as forward this is a fpr every madam and aud son to secure kvery weekthroaglout ion prize3 will be dis- follow the first correct newer received tie postmark date on cbch letter to be tial en as the date received at the office of tbe ladle home magazine each andevery we k during 18m will get 200 the second oo rect answer 100 the third 50j fourth fifth five oclock silt 50 correct answers from 825 down io irreipectivb answer winner not us well oilier etjual chance with a the expend i- ibe txceia of tx- 013032 ik prcreedinc ear ominion is well b74hh7 or regiatei ed letter thine i fauuc pel thorough canad l tojefrt dkt tc and ih extract it i a i rlou lp pec ui fo olt tfute raonlhi free fiiiiug uffimiat in rewards beiatiful eilver eervice er service aod the next jet priz rdfiing every fifth correct of whether a prize 1 eel i rpeciil prize competitor residluintheiouthern bute itunt pomu have to thote nearer home ca the poitnijark will bioor authority in every case ltricslnch lit of answers mutt be accompari tl hy i to pay for ii mouths ub6critjtfijn to ptoof the beat home tnvfftirei in aoie itkftfieici tdite lrtidit4 home ihija jut i ell able to ja rrj oat ita protiiiw peterboprooh j canada ttmu a plendid paper and fliiauctally atrong haatidga canada ofe- every prize winner wil be aure o rrteive jatt what be ii eotitleilto sar vooj canada rtijuer money tould be a rot by pott office order aiirete the iaditt 1200 has eiuce married the the rev n h martin wl o made lo to to many chatham fiirli i slid to hae b en vhitewathed y a sjnoc ehqairy tho akeletonof a man bjried at leait 100 yean ago haa been dug ap from tt e cite of the new board of tad i in ltontrea tbe lose by the fire io winnipeg on sa nrday iaplaoed at 75000 al in the burned district were alex commings a dover township fell prl the baildini t of very fra i your r farmer a from a vehicle it chatham and received wbot may proe fatalnjories the latcat move ot printo michael followers isn appeal to the british iftnitv ter at washington claiming bat they at british subject e j hooker barrister and county cleik of lennox and addington died fridi y afternoon deceased waa al oue time 1e p i for addinrtou both the nova scotia and kev braok- legislatares hac paased reso iatiooa affirt 1- iog the desirability of a anion of tfie maritime provinoea a freight train over onenilelin leng h and uumbering 131 cats parsed over tie centraj hudson road saturday the loogttt train on record it engine editors tables all tilings considered tbe greatest aid the most interesting man who now live this planet is william e glaistoue and is within bounds to declare t tat by far the most interesting sketch of mr gladstone personality character career and metho fa of work that haa ever been gritted ia tie brilliant article which is published at t le lecdingfeture of- tbe may cumber of t le lurhic of luciac it is qtz la imponit le to character ire this sketch it a sentence two and we can only afirm that reader oldior youngwill res ret having ap- uined a copy of the rtviu 4 iferim f r the sake of this account of rgiadttoi e it is with a marvelous fretht es and yout a ful vigor that the grand oi 1 man a pi e- paring to enter upon the stormy election campaign of the present yea i harper brothers have j ust published an elegant edition in two volumes of tie letters of dr samuel joht top collect id aud edited ty dr george isujlcbeck htll although not including any of contained in boswella liic most complete collection yet shows aa no other publication haa dot e howiadmirable dr jnbncn was in 1 is correspondence tbe wort it a fitti ig companion to the superb eition of b wells life of johnson editel and recently published by tt e 3500 bev the canadian agncttltururtt qresct hflf yearly literary com petition tho fifth half yearly uteri rf couiiictlu in rlt of tbs canadian aprcilturiat atnr- lcas old and reliable ihaclrated fam ly rivn by o le the lette thie is t le made aid by dr h ii same hou e ards lugtiiue will clo so juno 30thdl lettn b ir- fng jkmtmirk not later than jaaa 90th will cot nt 4b matter where ipotted kplendid price will beclven tending la the greatett dumber tbe foltoclig tec to pctkos s word made out of lotters contain od in the irdrda the lubtsiteu aanicultvaist tierery sending in a hit of uot leu thfkajkx words n receltea valuable present ot all let grand reward snd 3rd m ftb 5th erwaxe sjooiagf grand plan vajad at 6 00 i8i30ingid orytnivtlaed it i 00 fltoingd gentbqoidwtrtobfuli jewelled lad lea cold wa ch lull jewelled r tm01g 14 1 23la should assed th bboo 0bjhturoplod on the m mt and alrtidk it dmnd ir1nq a prkmium tho council met tn tpocls1 session ou auction 8aue1 real pt win stock thursday cvet ing laid o paif the new achool bylaw thouocva prcefdocl and all ho meaibei i wcra prcicnt commanlcal ioa from the public school ioard retrin to tho matter were rcivf moved hy ohtt hatvey iooondfld by alct sooacd t nt leave be granted 44 -iti- tcoduoe a byti w authorizing the tiae of debentarc to amount ot 15600 foe tho crcottoa of a ublia behoof hoaia a the vithtgo of act a and for tho farnltbtng heatiqfsjand eiajpning of the ume and that said by1 lw bo now read a licit time carried the by j as was introduced nd ho reqoirod nura cv of ttmcc and paiwd as fouowa cortoitatto ottht3 village of actok iruwkotx i a llruw to t thorite thefuaeofoebautanc to the atua nt ot fjko 00 for tho erection of a public f chool uotue n the vuiac of acton and car tn i urinawaf uoatlog and tyialpplnjt i uu same wukoexs tb i puufo behoof board of the villain at aeto i have tfllulo a demand upoa the uatueipal cot ucll of the corpotitfoa of tho said villtt t c the sum of 5s0o00 or the purpomcaboti mentioned avn wrttm i for thepurpotca aoraaid it la necessary for t le corporation of said village of acton to ban if the itxtn of t500jandfor that purpose tt issue its d bent urea for that am and that tad debt and the debeaturw to bo iicsod thewfo sbcll be tnsde parable a thirty years frcta th day on which this bylaw takes effect axd wuebj xs it vlll reqatre the certiia tpeclflc turn oi r7303to bo railed annually for tbe payment c interest during the curranef at the laid debet turcc and auo the eeruijx i peefflo sum of 8u0 1 3 be raiaod innualfy for the pay- meat of the rtuelpcl money of the said debt which same i re hereby settled as being toffi- cient for tbe r irpotea aforesaid and fa settling tbe turns to b raised aunuauyfor the payment of the prtoelpi 1 of the debt rate of interest ou tnrectmeats 1 u bees ectltnated at uot more thfcfa fire per xnt per aonatn to be eanttauced yearly akd wnxois tho tofal amount required to be raised annt ally by speciil rate for illdg the said debt of 300 and interest ii 615750 aim wicrru u he amoant of ha whole rate able property if the icnntcipality of the village of actoa tsj according to tho last iterfsed assessment e ii eaow asn wktr ia tho amount of the existing debeatnre dc it of the said uunfclpaltty is for principcj hot iy tho cam ot lfi33jb axn wteeju x there le no pert of such lt mentioned tt m or of tho interest thereof la arrctr tnerefonnjtho corporation of the village of actoa by the i council thereof enacts as follows l focthpijposmafoctmdauofmr5aioo shall be creat id by tbe acid if unlclpal corpor ation and to i luo the cam money tho laid unal- dpal corpora ion may and shall lune and dis pose of its d bentures for the satn of 5m00 the proceeds hereof to l applied for thepar- poen aforcsa 1 which acid debentures sbail be sealed with tl 9 corporate seel of the said lcani- tipcj cfarpon tion and thail be signed by the rcctetbcrco andcantertlghedbytbetreaasr- cr thereof 2d cball here attached thereto coupons for t e pavment of the interest 2 and the said debeotarea shall be made payable in tu na of not loss thso tj0qx each at tbe exriratic a of thirty years irom the dxy appointed fo this bylaw to take effect at the office of the treasurer of the sold vttligo of ac ton find tbe iaid debenture shall bear interest at tho rate of five percent per annum payable btiryecxly fi am thic date on he thirtieth day of jane and i ie thirtyfirst day of december la each year at he office ot the uid treaanrer that foi the purpose of forming a slaking and fot the yment of the icid debenture the tcid certiia ipecifie tarn oftjsjjo and for the purpose of 1 tying ictinsst upon the laid debt the certain specific sum of ttts0 making together th sura- of 357 jo shall be raised levied and allected la each year daring the eoatinnaace of tho said debentures or any of them by a ci oeixl rate- snfflcient therefor ok all the rateable iroperty in the said m aoicipaiily that this jylaw shall take effect and come into operatl so cpou the first day of uay aj 199a passnn tb sth day of april a d vol w h lowev keere t t uoobe qerfc moved b aler seoord seconded by john han y that tho clerk of this manici pality be in itmcted to adverttso the sale of school deb uteres in doily oldx empire and uaiu t treo insertioas e3lch- carried tho co a cil adjoamed to meet on siou- day evenin 2nd slay the undersigned baa been luttruoted- by urs margaret vlekui fiiecati ixof the kit to tt ths late to tell by auetlociau tlie nreuilses lot 39 ccu albxawdek la8by r auetlon ou tbe nreuilses lo cqacihift adfiroltig aoton ou sturda may- 7thi 1892- at 10 oclock tuii rollowinti i stock looit rf year old hjr ileform tcolt j roan old ut orphan uorl i horta s yean old 1 ila 1 reara old in foal i mar9 roartiasd i jearuoi oolu lufann and oofltriu tocaltsm joul ooln ult or salt ili x mar itoarlluo i iprlni oalfl rear old htreford bill8 itimo and f iambs 5 store pisloloc uleuekt8tliirmnlilnarlfowr drill 1 iron harrow f i t kleurr plow i combined jrraki irtpal cutter llannlnf mill talk oamr t 1 new pultmr x lumber waaous r o bootlafiba t pair i llfhtboba juunf mill i rtnwouusr i lack i barracks i setu team harness a rlr uwl lotot ehtint thoils forks and rust t nuffilo robot tst single baniawsetpiowbanemttrtnf bdlt and wheelbamw a cuanuty of blatk oau kbuiblimdnal ot tamlpt kurkltunejl cooking sioti and 4 j parlor ttorvt lovof tlotspfpes wsjutit tahlf laolioaf tablet numbsr of small ablesi t fresoh bed- steads i burau 1 sideboard 1 bitrack i clock 1 bedroom uu lot of food carpet lot of bedding i closed cupboards m can seat shalt t rocking chain i whatnot sawing maeh inec h kf tcbeu chain 1 good organ 1 mo led int 2 centre tablet i black balr soft llouuget churn milk slthet lot ot lamps glassware dlthef ptilt cruatj tundt and manf ether attfdet n cordt n inch hardwood 10 cords foot hardwood j rellelute- four boudlng fou in cooks 8urver the brick shop and dwelling on soraer ot hill and uain streefi oppotite campbeua hotel belong- inglotheesuteotthe late jjusxala hlcklfn thereliabakerttrren la excellent repair it ia a tut comtorfable and commodious dwelling tho property cecobloa one ot the be leeatlods for butinesc in town snd is at present oocnplod tt a grocery wbicnjlt doing a good business ijtnni for stock implements and firnltare k and under cash j ofar that amoant tsa months endlson tpprored uotftj mk grlsiirnlps cuh for real estate 14 pet cent on day ot sale balance a may bo agreed upon lulhe farm hat been sold trerttalag abore will be sold without reserve the sale will commence with tbe f irnllure duma provided for partlculart idplr o jauowat vfk heustreet solicitor for luo eiecu wt auctfouser cth 7th 6th dtu 10 kewurds ot 10 each next ft prires 20 silver tea plate warranted neat w prizes 50 silver detserl heavy plate ext 103 prlsce 100 silver uutur dishes c warraflted heavy plate 1 next 800 prices consists oi reavlr pitted sur kettles butter dishes fruit btakeu blsc lit iart bugarbhells hutter kn ic ic jl fullf warranted making a totalof 639 splenc id rewards the value of whlcli will aggregi ce ei5 ii this grand literary competition l open to everybody every where the fojlpwlng are die coudjuoos 1 the words must be constructed only fn letters in tbewonlatkn illurrurco aatua t ttmisr and must bo only such so sre foand la wsbsters unabridged dictionary in the body of tbe hook none of the tapplementto bo used 3 the words must bo written la rotation a id numbered 1 2 3 and to on for facilitating la e- clding the wlnncn j 1 3 letters cannot be used oftetter than tb ly appear lo the words tee illustrated aa n clltuuirr for instance tho itard egg ci not be used as tlicre la but oue gr in tho thi eo worda 11 4 the list containing the largest number or words will be awarded nrtt prirejkud so ou la order of merit fcb list as it is fecelvad w jl he numbered and if twooc more file tbe flst received will be awarded um ptlxe aud to on therefore the benefit of sending hiearly w 11 readily be seen i i 5 eachllttmuttuoaccomiiamedhyflforiix months subscription to the aontdulrunitt skindl tyaeik fetertiorougb caiada and cotnfnodore calcu t peterborough i r- the following gentlemen bare kiddlyconsedt ed to act aa judges j a lltcdoeald clt eterboroogn i j 1 ourlatt competition got eljloo prize 1 11 bt ii u llnndoa vsuconver b 3 banks for esoo prito o vvcuuulngham prlie rocelredl olk i h will inwxt teeth it fipecftl care girea enf block ac too to right tf dousjdbc baitlowotsupcriorwia mooiiricereeeiv id tbankto v uoberteou toroutu and j others in united eutes and can ida this it valorteitymerit only will com t the reputation tarfalrnets gained brtuz am i- c ltdbut in tho past la ample guarantee lb it this competltloa will bo eondaoi ed la like ma ner send c sump for full par ion aomcditoblflt psterborouiiic tln- jxiiaamtt an to tib u ifovdav evino cooncil i ict this evening pnrsuant toad journment keeve lc ry in the chair and coancil- lort pearso i seoord and harvey 6utronnd ing the boa d the onl business transacted was reference t the school bylaw and deben tnres moved b f john harvey seconded by aler seoor 3 that the clerk bo instructed to have pri ited at the office of the actoa feee pkesi the reqaitite number of school debentares alto sufficieat copies of the by- uw pissed tt the special meeting last week carried tho con icil then adjourned mr ai id mrs frederick ri ijotce because hoods anaparilla eescoed tfiefr c tlld from 8crofnia for scoruk silt rheum lad ail other foi 1 humors in the blood of children r adults hoods sararariha isrn urn qiulled remedy read this we are so thankful to hoods 6txsapa rilla for wl at it did for our little girt tut we make uiu i tatcment for the benefit of other anxious pai nts and 8u fertng children our girl wa i a beautiful baby fair and plump add health but when tho was two years old sores broke out behind her ears and spread rip dly orer her head and forehead dorti to h r eyes and lutoher neck wo consulted t je of the bcstphyslclans in brook- iju but no hlug did her any good the doc- tort said ii was caused by c scrofula hamar in uta bloo iler head became on t complete sore offensive u uie tpell and dreadful to look at her genen health waned and the would lay in a large c lair all day without any life or en ergy th sores caused great fteklsfc aud burning t tint at timet we lad to restrain heruondti i prevent scratching for years she suffered fearfully wilb ibis u rribls humijr being urged to try lloodf sa mparilbt we did to we soon noticed tin t the luid more ufa and appetite tlie medic no scorned to drive oat more of theuuiior irshortlhnebutltsoonheginto subside th ilcuigaadbaralng ceased tuid a i fei months her head became eutirely clear ot lie rare she umw perfectlywell iuu no vld uce of the humor and her tkui it f i ity j uk8 att-ett- urcly rtiltei nt child hi health and general- ppearaoce from what the was before uklinj hoods sarsaparilla i w fred ehicst sit glenxadteato eatt kcwtorlc brooklyn ki tl if testimonial it aa must alion of what hoods banaparilht it doing foi the ifck and tuflerlng enry day from mali 9 to california in the light of these facu wtio eitt iy itot tbe wot of m immense e mcern uke osn it not beneneentf hoooi pllunnutwlliietlttlpatlost bflleuoasa isundlcs sick bttdacb ladlftstuin lasssaji 1 irilwiiillu i our wall papers land botd ers are new and artistic the prices are low every roil is fresh and bright for the spring trade 1 2j selflj matt having decided to remove fr6m deorgetbwn p n bffeting my stock of hardware itemkrk- z ably low prices a6ty is the time j tfl sejiure rs bargains everythinglmust go ifiside of here are a few of our prfces forks ifeopainxbfvv i ifvess forks r 51 vivl j vvvvj 94 ffies oovtonorhenip wtth mtpsvp fancy lamps porwlilo shade comple mm thfte- lead extra lough llni 6 foraiifrter the above are only a fer quotition but alt goods are selling at same rate ii have a full gj line sf j wlrj cut and wrougw nalls pgjnts 08 whichl lam slanghtering for orily thirty days n hl8 saietsfqf oasfi bityf 9 rerriember the place come early and sepiirebig q bargains at c i matthews hferdtokftb- store main street c6retdrvn sealing out wtj have just passed into stock a job lot h i 500000 worth of u of popular the iphrasc postal card jvilj do appicd to shop- pingj by mail j think j for a minute of the time and ex- pchsc and burdch of a railroad journey and thcn topsider that hcrc arp nodtffiiulties in jtheway of purchasing goods by mailf cither jmaginiry or teal which canhot be over come if proper icarc is i exer cised m any who have become familiar with the simpk de- tails find it oftentimes le troublesome than shopppg in person xvwvlrlavs lutotftl mm ivh b sjat w m 3b hjies h v i tlf- m lrv 3s ia m- i rj ill fl- t 3 rr iy uh t b- h tm h- j h v vitij h 1 x n j the t eaton ocy ttbv ihtnoktithu trassersrtake nottce wwrebygiien ttuttiietiobile geher- alljf u forbibjjenjrpm i treepr efoftieuaderodw bctm april isth wouj sttag on tbe hslf lot kpobt eafdymade clothing drffgopdi which we bought it 65co6ntie lislt tmmen 3e selection at the drug store j v kannawin all the canah in kew york state are to be opened on iay 1 a8tttli year atldresc and dbtafts asthualeek rttlpt beter fails lend jou u wfli mau iree tait beostoeh- prgg trial bottle dl esterkv ccnsfiiaa dcpt iw ade- vlde ficw toraato caoada utts and odd pants ticking shirtlnttweede towel f owelllnsr cottons cottonadesthirts8pcks isuspenders hat sand japs j this is the chance o your life for-bar- gaint as we aiedetermined to kndenell any of the gaelph ot totbnt6hoase bat remember yon mast pay the cash it yao cant pay the citb we doat want yaar castonx this mast be dane ia order tocompet with other cash ho utea it i f wens att wbil8ults worth i pants worth j fivnlte and cray cottons wprth dress gopds lice it one that grows retch out ai tec the bea gt hesdqatcten far cij a fallow etch other ia taking to see in brass it it s matter of the assortment is broken 4 in kens youths boyi and chtfjjtns v now for bargains 800 sorsmiiq 300 for jf j 6c for 7 i hundreds of suits to select from in all sixes sidj styles notice to tbes ihe andersigited hereby sdrejnclee tb l sjterthisdtemypotiotcprsoxlcwid trespaaaing on his prom uw lot xtotaotte avbvwright farm lot t03by nsxoxshoofc log- or in any other way will bo prosecuted jwl- joseshlastt acton april wtw- j jv tenders foij caretkker tesdebs wfll be reeeltod byjjjrtistee board ot the metbcklit chvip acton np lo the hth proximo lor eaxetakerol said ehareh hpocdacstlects of duties- may bet sera at uw ftzz puiasofflee tbe loweet e art tenaei notnesruraoeeptod 2wsg2fit ed to tecwttrt of truttee botuu mettodift chorch acton acton april iat ibm foksale aood btflxdiho pbopfett-ih- aoton l0tsit35inblockkfn acton qoodtiue these tjttsxe ted a the centre of the illfge- to tbe two istrgo taxmorrt abd 1 ahl block ot lots la thi cdnae ti site for tenement h needed wtubo sdld ei le a bargain acton aprii6t5i to tbe two isme taxmorrt abais the cmlyataov gbu block otlott in thi eitte pj theynimfs a grand site for tenement h901 greatly needed wfllbo sdldeni sa oflen totited the mock wtl be joli yainable prptrerty jorsale kelly brosactori w hhu6n said anything about dress goods yet this ieason in fact we h vent needed to our dresk materia s have gone out witr a rush arid this department has surpassed our expectati sns in the directionof popular favor and speedy sales its always been a pet department with ut and oa trade is this rithoat iutermittion the ressoa is not difficult to ooraa at we and get the best ia consequence of large and ex entire buying lhe commoa place ia ortu ooo8s alto we do not hindle thei styles thtdes tad fabric we thowi you are th latest creations of thej datigtier and an exsctlylamdrjg whi t ihe merchants of london and paris are showing their customer a bush farm on lot it eon nia the tsrwn sdp of peellm aeo wtthflc dwoibm mxls timborod wsth boocb mdloi bjmlock pine eodar rock nd soft etro j5 or sorts cleared excost bunilngtbo onian r also a ttotw and rough caovdwelllng rf 9 roosns and two eeliirs frame stable wit i- ten lots of landonouejph turia and oneenktreetii tego tillage of arton will son bto otobt bnlldmg iota separately if detlree terms onethird cash or exchi age for otnex the new meat maeket t o sttjioi i has plemure in announcing to tho cttixeas of rtonand ticinity tha be tuvt completed ai ingements to open a new sleet market in tbe boiaing recently erected the cmeiof mill and main stroeu by hra socord next tuesday morning s2nd tost- a full irtdck of r preah meata fowj wmbeopened the bet qttahy always la stock orders antixw uaring bad experienee la the bjaatoeakicoa ra allwbo fayor me wltt satisfaction i assure all who favor me with theii ltiifactlon f i highest cash nrioe paid torprl hides tad- low ac 1 r parties having cattle cto sel toeall i l exsctlylamdag 1 at this very date every day then t net is like i tlrou goods opening with as the be materials quick ticcessioa hardly a day batjtherss sometning novel snd sbrice of which we ctn only give yoat hint lalhese columns litest iiiporlance to yoirthat you see this stcck before the you will find our values right at all timet clever drejsfimikijg is of vital itppoctaace a every stylish woman ve can satisfy the moat parliculir tslteg without charging unheard ot prides- oac dressmaking work s gntrcnteed bear in mind tjatwe have gone extehsively intd carpets thi season v ok0 price qnltv gebryknca guelph 32 packages of the tew gpocis received this ijfbefeftl mols and haghtoi ttreet hamilton vvib 182 iiilj- contitttug of 2 cases lsdies child sui misses aud gents lisle hose 1 case lsdies and missesailk and litle dkjvos 1 case ltdiei and hisses silk mitts f c so lsdies shawls i case lsdies cloth lor mm lex csmcmimere bom is la printed uasllas 1 case faroltare fnnget i esse lsdlea and gewcohsrs anl ooss i tali priiuru i due otvotmlsvi ca w lsdies- and miite hals i case velveti cut sateens 3 eases drees goodtjs bales crosi leys baparlottabeaitrjcarmti 2 bales crossljys uneqaalled axminlsttr larpett s rolls china mahingl bale felu i bal heavytjail wok 1 base oars t 8weepert ladies will please remember 1 latcortr brooms loosen and pall oattlie pile dfal carpets that have looted fates iv the knou or jderni catoblne n the loppa a d drawing them odt while the bissell carpet sw pe7naer iniatis carwta in t ia least wilklns ha8 1 varletx f carpet sweepers at varioof pric e8 and even tsfwef t priced toll not injure the arpet in the least and wnulolea j1toff pbliwttyad mjjcjlohaper than broom m h one will last fob seven all jjd theni bd newbjuh for jt and it w il be all rjght for 8even years moi srano ncfpflostoke halip what br0m8 would cost ffll bweeplv 0abpet8 log m years i bemde i thi8 dajtpetb wnl last abodttwiob as lono f swept by a goodsweeper a the broth iocs noi twadt 2i u at all tbe vsriooa slooksol fine fait bla oopdi stapla goods catpeuoftbe vet newest itylmdw j j loor oilnlntha window flurfln ovid wlnlnv fri7 li i t -si- jml- vi tniiiiiwrtu uito oats qlearviotobia to show tbi m oiiitwttaw rags floor oilcloths window oartali it 1 id window fikingi iu gnat tariety tablt and pit 10 coma man tweeds moleskins cprdnropt and an tin mt eudlest ritv and fanoy goods milhd0rvod maitle trimml gnat rarfawaod very ilatett tyls he cob8kh8 have an esormbusbali r wathip tt fkomonfi to thftee cabfiscf ihem aui5i ieveryweekf do not fc rgbmhe corsets vhich are now in si ok aiwwjltl have a1ady from virnixaat more eepeotly prom may tsthtto lh hth lba8ebkrjr at thehvf 8tore a 4 itei jslaw wwwss94flrflbt2wt tkil wsstwrtqfieiiiryjx h ii 5 til fubhc ftealitfl alllrina of etc srereqaested 0 8tx3ll notice it hereby gten that all resmeittt of actoosjereuiredforthwithloileanlhetr eellaso djainaryardatpat styes water closets add other oat balldinsw snd premises and re- mote tberefxomall dirlnlth maxtore or otbar substance whieb may ondsdovrftbe pnbue heal th and to have tho tame eompletedat latest hy the 10th day or stay next on which day ttm banttarr inspector tutcoxumencolaionorsl lb- spectton and further take notice that the tee- uoa of the public health act prohibiting trio keeping ot hogs between the 14ihluy and tho 1st ot koember except id pent at lesst fo feet from any dwelling noose and so feet trom any ttrwt or ksne with too floors kabt freafxom standing- water aod regularly cleabtod and dis infected will be strictly anforeed t w h btflbey cbalitoan bosjrd nf hrolth acton april utblsm f rnf0rmat wanted we shall abide by the verdict jf the people at to whether we should or should notsabmittotbebesttieuotu of the oombine j we retpectfolly solicit yonr cnjisalbii sad ask for your aotwer to ibefolloviog qaastlotis ldo mmbinei operate in the latereat ol the people- f i l is tbe sxisteaee of tilddlmeaof benefit to the consumer x is it tn adrahtage to the pdbllo to bate wttebet deseribod lflustrtted ana catalogued ulth prices quoted in plunngunf we are ngbttng tremeridotts odasjand althoqgh assured nf success we want to kxpw u the ma jority endorse oar policy we will pay tor this infonnaain and itnrlta eyeryone to tend ottheir booott and eandld opinion we cannot export the rtabllo to take up thelrtlme with obt sdtatra wittmnt aoroa in- eentlte other thso tho honest defare fo cham pion th dealer whose tnotto ia j unrestricted trade- knd iheroforo w have diddod tewnrfer an additional lndooeroent t folia wa- we wiu sendbyregutermnildlportpsddioentlemans it karat gold filled yeevchau iuarantood to sear equal to solid gold for v yosa retail twin 1 anon reoeipv ofyodr answeri to thotahoro threooueotkms arid the nomlr setu ot en 15000 of those chalnsiwtu be gltenaway to create ap intarest with the publffi hit ngbt frank n ttggtit t fill iisstsiltf ataodatlbn ol jobberfia amaricab watchea oar niosfrated oatckalalboi and bbyan guide of no pagevtconlalaiiig dcriptltt i en- atimandprfcejiof watev gewalry du- monds oxlreiwsiciocsjs art kids oems anns ammunhrfon bierelos and bportfng be- quiiltet talusfio eedta -will- bo inilod irm to teryom axjssmlag short qubstjrjns j fbank s- tacgabt a co m king st vjottl torontoi cap hurrah boys now is the time to ornament 3 4 m jorteifiwith a or have the old om repairtd a1m w boy yyor girl ioina i fin stosi ot whloh4s olnd by ap i i- t 11 vi i 1 i t y i nt door to plesmcajaiisltrapict i on i mkwatsmjiied a ij ii4a fill

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