k 1 m che rton jfrcc every thursday horning it tbk frtt pttu ste lriauttc 3fifcc intx 6trket aton t or rcmrmrrtoxooe datlu- nc rccr itia le ilviuc or ithla lhrv tuooib from wtrntlncof r ijopw jrw it not 10 pcid tvedtteto blcb crerr wrfrfcia u pid 1 4c4d w l dtu co tddmt ltbe jldtwm o rra trintimit tdrertli t bk wtvt ir nooptrell hn tor flxt in taction i ctu pw lla for eeq trtbqcq inwrtioa contract iut ttit tallowinfi ttble- thowt ear cite tt tbe lntrtioa of tdrcrlimtueau for ritk i i tiv 6 uo ja rwti iroliiiinmot7d igioebe jvoo 30 lt too siqchw 3io ltd t00 tv5 nocb i uoli tool aoo adwruwrnfrit iuiont rpciflfc dlrsctlont rtll t irnertm till forbid tnd chtirc tecocd ioci trmaucat airrctieai4cu mtut b 114 loiannoc t arertitfacu will i clicl onceecch omci if dotired for ehuyj if teat thta cmo taoaua th coa3joiuoa uuut b ptid for tt rtulu nte drae or eoatrwt iidcrtlmtati must b in tb offlc hy good oa toetdtytl h ruoore j editor tntt proprittor uusitttss bttcrfc h lowry m b xicp6 gricitof triatrycolleskimberof colco rhjxicicnttodsarrwn oflce lq i reidenej at the n4of frtdedct ir4t acton jt 1ren m i c m trinity utv irrrtitr honor grtjiut vktorituniver iuu cr soct of to in 4 retaliate corner liill frederick itrrtu ton l dennett lds dentist orofcatto oxruuo m clen clean himturt solicitor kounet oiatfrtrcn tc rrittu andt to totfi osmtod hell actoh tv a ixcltix j so v mclns t a howat iutustc solicitor noun if osej o locn orncx dat tuetdty ind orncs ktcciwini dlock act a urtcirj k j mcnabb costetamxi collcctor txcu and tccoast collided ai life amcrncf ftpertr loc uoaj to idtn on the mast itoc jauowa 4 at fir lsd uid oil term i oac aetod s hilton wallbridge btrrictcms toeojtto ucd gloej oscm creeicauii block goorfcr trdr bnk cisumbtrt o yoae jtrxltox hl thtiilrtldgr stone helton to town nd it toronto hcstosc patents secured fob lxvlntions henuv grist ofriwi ci trectr yacr prctie no fctct no par i hehstreet liccxxd accnoxcci iai the caoctiea of welliajton ind elutoo orderilcfl t lb fce pkcks oflqe artoa or t eitretlfenc in acton cfll ba sroaptir v laddto ternu rt90oble alto money to loin on tbe inoct farontble urattd at the iovect nu of intert io t odtof t53 tcj cpwtrdf john day architect grclruost orncb wudcua stroel orancis nunak bzyxtmot to t f cbapt bo6kbisdeb stigecrceisqcxr ouplonurio account book of ill tindi m perioliccli of orery defcriptioa c roller aofcur txd pro aptly done ertf mhe hanlan barber 6hop uztl sreerx acrosl anetitcactekctyiiiiiluircataepodmafoni tn eibilitjwiqetbmpoolwrcttn eeon bool4ndpntiq flmclca cotditdq- ldio ttd ctiureni cxir utily cat i a wobden toniruj artiiu pctlic to order fuuy bonod irelhnds desiccated wheat for dv8ppptic3 and with wtak digest trt it the ieeuxd sitioxil tooi toronto ahy fone agents want ed iposthill noikriw inet toactr wtir reliable n tokllcnr sznay tk iirino cdctmrr oj- mn with u umd utou libtrtl oat acati bre mny dttnue iui td vc kpwulti wljieb r ot c wijicij etc only l icrcd from citn pmeiil iltfntiou lo tlie hrdj wnsii clull to tlie tijri ot cutda for itruu apjiy fclovl i welir caqada fjcrcetlcrora eirerieqc ada eoarcy tre our a ming k cuilm ralae add we bate ijjitgation ot trttiern tc- tnoton lixi agents wanted in erery townihlp to seu the pictorial cclopedi of live stock and stock doctor complete tleuiottcamplntii comiireu yyvmhm iuaulhoratiot tltl kf ato a cod nvf a rtia l1rtni moatj surc ttmtorj u 0 e h moyee publlilm cniive work at the head aenu1 reritl- to any on to ioaltry ity to mike address 120 tongs st tsronto acton saw lyeilfs xjai anij wood vaj1 s jhwes- brown lumbtr iitlj bbilgle coal cot ftnj woal alwtyt in nock j dclirred to jy jih of ll r4aable price hmdwooiiodiliitcnt t oo bad telepboiifl coicuiuuicuod s m cook co oroeoetowk liocnmi jluciiontcrt af atort collcton rtj oeaertllcad ifob ttte couktrza ealtoc pml waniagtba stfcooe yor ind ontario uefir to loafl from c100 ao at pattics placfac tbeir aalea or ottir oar tiaatu vdl sat thmme z at maleratr diaerces orri aadkaim bookl4 town or addrc4 dot ik s ill itfcuoamtv uxxes 0 kfk il juea lit ji b kjcook co auciioawi doiwwn tl toronto co ltd ii in lajfl vvx1 it irotaitly wn at ou newrstock papers jjand bolidfijes vent large fine andj cheap arc no ijeady for at j days jbookstbre daj- sails cheap ooilph bkanoh bank of montreal oapiual rest 12000000 6000000 a savings dktarthekt has been orbnod in connection with this j bnnch intririt ilont4 it carrait ritr jashftnlar l k t lilt r g l elpitr biok ch w barber bros i 1 paper makers georgetown ont ue i hrncuitv or machine ffnished boofc papers axd i hkih gliaoc wehklv news i the papcr aem in tifl joarnal u from the above mills to basbeb beos steel proof etchtuc ivoky oak engravings colored rietures hooo cod ur uoaldisqt silver gilt fralrfesl artists materials a fall stock ot wintof i kctrtooi flike wtite i doable tube bowtieyi lc 6 1 10 devp pbk frume complete c 5 feet comic pole brt fitting tie oaf wall papers arc mid to be tbe beet selected in tbe city wafers bros established 1877 st georges square quelph new planing melt utd saih and door ftciorjr john camaron contractor tut stud up tw bcilliot oa icaid fitnet tately occupied m a tmnk t ktory iritb dct soacbtiiery acd u prcpared to fnruub plani tpeciflcatloa as4 eftlmat mr all ciamca of brllbunf and execute all kiodaot dressing i matching and 1i0uldiso kke axl rrtlb op suhet doorp and windourt and door frvnet knd drened lumber and ker tocy 02 baui all orders promptly attended to john cameroh -ractom- liveriy bus line tbe undemeaiii rocpectf ally solicit the pttroa te of tbe ptlblic ind in farm tbeta titt well equipped tnd styuch rigs ctn tl- kyi tw scoured f comfortable baj fmeeu all trtini betwsen 9 a m tfld fcl pm cireful natation circa tocterydract tbis wta of commercitj tixtel mien tally met fjohn williams at btiittblct wellington mutual hre msdrmi6e company ektucjined 1m0 head office insure itu tud sjl other ou tbecih an imi dekci guelph r likuafutorie riptioni ot fnsartbl4 property iremlom koteyitetn f w stokt ceas davhjsok jotjn taylor agent i e pianos ell fe the fcufitlj lwaji in coiijiktitlod unci a organs awinurd gold medal uthk awacued ycjl your litunuon to 1th otttacacca offunxl by oar bchacs zjok dwuttncac 0- potiu of iliad apwim nottd wd laureflb ilavdftt lh ru oc pr eujtaaottt frotn du ot deposit co vitbdrtwil paid or com- poaoded uilfyw ty oa hit mif ud sxli kf ttabr i i tradtmoe tuid ta nspocctbte fkruiert adniice mdjto ftmiercoa ui wearily o bl aot j aipflclcltytubso ot collecuofi fumsntulen bot tmt ao chtrgfl mtdo for collecdae vbi i pymbtaqaipb vehtr aaarrwad iclullt for ttctumltf use moqy ta ill mrts of tb eaaatry anrijb4qkpbailactria4ctl a p h jokes utxtlctif qaalph brtacbj sideboards from 650 up parlor suites walnut frimes upholstered in plush from 3000 up xcjtt toe aide ctumjtdvthem upper wyndhsm street comet btcycl beti p spragges goelphj dust proof watch cases it yoaold silver hunt- ine wttcncamlttta the dt pinqle the jeveller of goelph vili rtvs joo a fine qtaiitj new nickel open floe tbicki glut one la ex- chance withoat extrk cbtrfie flexible dainty l-akd- durable genuine kid and doocqu buttoned boots und low shoes we keep 4 fine hue of hnij turnt ebd utdi- ino sewn j ltdie auiericftn hfcodnifde turn sole kid hoou in tl vidtbl ind llect jollity se tbe lfttctt btylc io udlci tnd gentv low bsoeslaour wtadoirej yoa jet lietterulection itb at thto nj- wbere else in tbeeity wciiadfto plex tb public lod bay ootrbe tcrybt it dee nac pcy to bar tnr ebo btacam its chep get tbe bgst quautt it tbe leading boot and shoe store ifil orden attended 7o prompuj w molaren co qaetph ont 1 upper wyndhan i- street fr9sh mrriizkls pino scotch salting kew spring worsted sttitlnga overcoatings newest colors j opened today choice kew lin in fih enptith hiu in fedora and til the kewet t bhne to be sold it cloie price special drives in hats remember oar fcmoai ti piatt to order e e nelson fisttlonabla olotiiar 99 upper wpidliirn st aaelph jamaic ataternational ermbitlon 1891 with auiericiugenninetigltfb ktjidlstn mmuftcturer pouhaib my or qucrtetly iyuieuu r only it i ct kellys ppniieri vilu uerceot buine lb prod inly ttkoded 25 lover jihone its muaio store i yycdutra itroet uuolpb te- sbafion1891 xtthlhh tctarnide thabttooar wmyptt tv rant tot iheixubealmvpcniu the rd irlch to latortn yoa tbit wbat sa put fend fllpfa into ta irrtnfetnnt with k gtnrt gael cokmpcoait4atltoaluodft fall coejqott u ordlttxry itus of i i a r sash doors etc tad will tl to f apply ens vpccul ffcec oa thott dqtfc4 tt gaelptt trice framed of all klndi mtat to order we also keen la nock a 11ns ot bamwtedowaflitdoorcaaliij ma aws mit dot itop nor ilcr oom tb relator villi hit urath tt 8huii tnta todr ti rixeu mockfrr f life tl iwflt iprlnai divjr pr1m tb itrmtiuytottrtliiadiitr w ull hotucclualoc um r wu mora of rtptac la tlicf r aouc tt ui la til batata word low liag irltbia git taaaud voodc tt ichotrof tlitblrdf bat lot for mo uioir marry toaff oc bloctataf of the tr tbe loaad of ctrpctbettiag comet uo ne la oa artry brnwo taut bratli uia cobrebf dawn anjl ply uio uaiy bnmqi aad itrew tctfait uio larkloc motb jb tmadaa til tbo roota i tbii jalfijo ot ttrth tad iir tli i vent prtngt frurtflt pcioje wb u it ihtt it brine to mo ai tl hous4t04alaeume selrct jfamtttj juaiittjj tlel ittle spoclforqotting uv avlvltl who 1u corner blocii ottrtiiniierprei4 white toa wilt frieie 50per k 6toeonco coot i co kaat toronto hauiiltur marble works hautitoxl iijktforarlr hatcfca block tto lorel vruct ot woolrtcb and korfoli jstrotaoaerf ont 1 1 jqhm hi hamilton itoprletoft whoteaajaaaureuildaaler and iflreet importer nl maoataoti iter 0 all itlnda of qranttatand katblo koati iccu rombstoaoi etc bttac bsd ao rtta e eitxsenm for tbeliut is yri tbe polite liijr rtlr ou cettlne tuoi arudee at a el aapc nte iban atir atitr 1 tn the west pump8 being better able tbrna heretofore ve tui sapplr either wood or troa pampa prompur all work uaraoleod uutfaetorr pleaae call and inspect before pgnhutnf elsevhere tbos ebjbicie hanacer 4 t order re- frank burgess house painter paperhanger sign writer etc u prepcrod to ojcecats erdere la aar o tbm aboro llaee in the ust maflner and at reaeotubltt terms erert lot battn my penooal attention i cact aaiare eascomen oomplete satisfaetion qralntngtaaureodf ordblihtwr- wulrelelrc prompt motion dala st acton jean c opin wai a mender of mtuical in- it ru nacnt a small bectlcbrawod msn well advu iced in life widower with lis children n li haudf tint it ho called them on hit lutndi krostmigly spoke of them aa i ich bat in truth four of thoeo children iarucd aa much at lie did on acooant a lilt fifth child perhipe ho hid occasion to groen and compliia 6aid child was a boy icven ycart of age franooit jy uatne but called by the father and by t io elder brother little good- fornothlig 6lrngerpoingthi wiy or bringir j instrument to be repaired apoa marking the stolid tppearanca of joaa clopin t dhi evident ignorance wondered whence t t diiidren coald iiato inherited their bri j llneit ah if they b4 known the motl or they would have found no caosefar wonder in lue arlier yeart of hla life hfltt engagod in patching up loenery or a theatre jean became ac- quainted sith an actre worthiping her from if at who occupied a leading position on the ito e bhe had been an tctreto of the first c am and an accompliihed linger ileo a crriblo accident of fire which sadly mi rred her face dcatrojing her beauty t rever and which would hive caused h r death had not the poor scene- mender 1 1 the ruk of hi own life aved her obii ted her to leara tne itage shortly after wu h moved a much by gratitude aa by lo the became jean clopini wife jean love 1 her devotedly and he had been sadly bral en by her death franco i at the fio of even bad grown to bo a ta 1 slim boy with saicd curling hatr a p ir of large brilliant blue eyec teatum i ichncd to be angular yet exceed- iagly bea itiful hit titter iladaliae the oldeit of i be children waa tt a good mother to him i et she iid not appear to love him she alone of all the family teemed to take entirely- i he father a habits and diipoti- tioo and like the father the regarded the tpecalatii j boy aa a little goodfor- nothing the in trainentmendertpcor cottage icta in thi oattktrta of the oi city of blois the water i of the lai re flowing near to itt rear porcl while tbe grand old cuttle of the count of iloii when the tun wtt setting cast thi low upon it one di mal rainy day ifadaline found her little irother lying upon hit back on the floor of th 3 garret with bit handa clasped above hn head seemingly asleep she called to i im thrice before he answered fran is what are yon doing there 01 m idaline tweet titter hearken to the mnc 1 is it not grand yon know not what ielicious dreams i have had do yoa think the aiigelsareintheriindropg she go ed upon him in blank surprise hit rhapi ody was an unknown tongue to her and i ic asked him what in the world petaeant he loo d at her pityingly coald the not hear i msic in the raindrops at they pattered oftly on the tiled of the roof no the raid hear nothing of tbe kind andtit woi id be much better for him if he would wtl e up and turn hit attention and hit energi to tome aseful occupation do yo i know tbe said with sorrow in her voice how yoa are worrying your poor papa why will you hot arouse your self and d i something to help him she left him tabbing piteous nobody lytnpathu 3d with him but they blamed him becac w he coald not learn to work with hit handt but anon he canght the music of the rail drops again and hit tears were dried aw y fatter patter patter 01 how tweet the melodious rhythm i on the very next day after this jean clopin eni red t shop and found francois seated on he floor with m dopontt violin in hit ha it at that particular moment the little fellow had the mottled old in strument lugged to hit bosom at a mother woald ha her darling babe with one hand the father carefully grasped tbe violin wh le with the other he gave the boy a blow up a the cheek that came very near knocking im over how c ire yoa little good-for-noth- ing i yoat worry my life away one of these days i it it monsieur dupontt violin hit ftrniikiri a go yoq into the hoate and tell modal do to put yon to bed and hark ye youc better keep yodr bed for i can tee no use that yon will ever be to anybody or anythii g out of it away yoa go i if dup rat waa chief organist and most- cil jdirecf ir of the great cathedral aad when be c true for hit violin the archbishop came wit i him it wa a beautiful day and the wain hod been enjoying a walk upon the ivert bank dupont knew that jean clot n owned a very pretty little gar den we ein grew beautiful flowers and while the violin waa being mode ready ne led the at shbithop oat to see and admire this fliwer garden had been one of madame xopint chief delight t the rosea and the p nit and tbfflovely and fragrant flower if every description had been plaaied lyber own hand and on her deathbdc when uadaline had brought to her aneei bouquet the had aaked her hatband to promise her that while he lived and owned the garden he would keep t in orde at the iiad kept it he promised and be 1 id kept the faith hot be never acknowie iged to himelhpi- would mada line scki owledge how much the little doodfor nothing did towards keeping the garden it order ah i but for him wo fear the garth l would have suffered the gb d old arobhitbop was a fear lover ound and stretched o keabirdl tttls hitoif the bly ganlst fori having brought don he onoyed every by tnd fay ha stopped with hit baijd hit oar and if dupont did likewise my diar dupont wljijtt it j it sounds like a robin there arojtwo of thcn and ho confabulating the twain nun ued he ently came upon abofj velvety tiard warhing l had eyidehlly been a robla in the i hit head but it had flown away kt pproachi m dupont recognized he fellow when ho had arisen ti thi jean clopin and he introduced hii acchbithop the aged prelate toemoi mott fl vol imptettod in the outset rthcro wqc tjime- thing in the look of tho bay in t falaeu oil the great blue pyct ani beauty ot the whole ftco that elm bed him ha tat down upon a wooden i inch under a tree and called the boy to jhis side a few ouettlons with the lad an twert gave the man of wide am eipcricnco a clear insight into hit tcter j do you thiok your father would let go awty irora home to co neand live me the archbishop at cod taking kindly by tho hand ah gc od sir of what tite coald that is not the aaeition bo think yoar father would let you gor yet tr i am hat a little gpodffor nothing hero at home dupont you said you vanted a our chapel organ why vroaldnt answer the want the organitt liked tho ilea it him but would the li woald ho like tho work what should i have to asked eagerly yoa wjould have to wsrk thelbesowt when i played rrpon tho ciapel organ j and also the bellows of the srehbishopt pwn tie fellpw do fralcoit organ in the musicroom and i should expect yooto mentt dotted andthe white keyt cieaa and perhtpt occationally yoa wojildran upon errand foe me the boy clapped hit haniit to thejexjber- ance of hit joy oh yet sir 1 l should live to do 011 would be very catefoil never do vrong knowingly hear you play i thou tweet realm of music 1 iha archbishop looked from the bfc to the orgihist he was wonderttrioxen the bodyof apany boy wjth the toujof a poet you lie fotid of matte jny boy the anfrcer was not in wordt speech of toague could not exprettl the bowi ingt but varied har- lyoa p iv ijoa of his pal keep the inkra and i id live he chuped hit hinds tnji lftlwi his eyet heavenwardt jean clopin could hardly belicvejhif ears when tha archbishop himself offero c hire little frtncoit bat he wtsi finally ma a to compreke id tnd hit content wtt net t ant ing ho aas choerf ully witling aye glad bat- be feared they would spot of no ate howcvir the archbishop wouldlasiume the risk rnd the arrangements werjs finally completed i and from that day itcoatd never be of francois sfiiin tlmt h waa gcooj tor ho was prompt dnd eneretjc in one and nothing hit new calling seeming ti have but desire and that to please tfio orginistj the good urchbishop theormn io tbe ptltce was so i rrs iged that the toy when he worked at tl e i which filled the bellows caald witel the fiugert of the orgtnist at they rest id pan the ivory keyt and dupont oftei f uud himtelt forgettiug hitthme in ituc ring the ecttttio eipreuion of frtacdiit tee onedty when the boy btd beiu vitb hint a wk ii dupontwtt per lor jiug upon theorem in the clitpel the nai aef a new oratorio which waa toon to be ung in publiotnorttorio afhisowncim oti 1 tian one ttrtin a solo which be pi tic- ultrly admired he repeated several ti net tod by arid by he ka surtledi by hei ing tones which he wet ture were not prod iced by him and yet they were tt soft tud sweet as purely melodious at iny lote pitted igo i hat iald at raid the even him tne organ wonderfa presently soand of frordy spoke wtl capable pf giving- pthe tonet increated in volumeiand the ratticiant ear eaaghf the saddeoly he itbppedlaud with thtt organ the bellpwsjboy was oat of tinht frtncois 1 oh i good tirl ptrdon me i ptijdoi will never do to tgtia wasityod were you singingj yet sir i did not tbiuk tut tut be not afraid diar btve no blame yoa will caii another hand to the beljwsf will yon tttnd here tad try to ting 7 as toon ta tbe ltd coald be acderttaijd thtt the orgtnist wit inj he stid hi woald try thenlgo and find pierre btttird tell him i want him pierre batard waa a mtn eagted the chtpel he came and look hit atoe at he beduwt while franooit stood br m bo msflfe to eittiest stoat duponla side then the orgaoftt pave into bit hand the words and muiio ot a tolofortjfemalevoice ha had not ira ed to read music at sight but he had heard this piece played until be know t by heart knew every tone fad every ii ton- atlod m i the effect wtt wonderfati dupiattave hat the softest tonet dulcet ttrafii ibove whioh the voice of theba aroielich pute and sympathetic several c inor patttget if exceptioutl beatutf ind pa hot and verj difiicalt were execatedb the little riu er with the perfectnett of ag and experiem e at tbe tad the playe l ned back tn hiaed the eart from i il yea then he ihrewhittrrht troundthe bband blessed liim yoa i rill sing for the archbitho i if he would oarerto hear me ye if bat a carfoat circumstance wi to hap- pen befoie the boy could ting tgt n the archbiship wtt absent it the t mi and would u t return until the follow ng day ft was on tbs jeeopnd morning ift r the scene in ibaobsp si choir tbeprilaf had eaten- briakf tit ind wat on hit w ty jhit lady then in passing the dot r f the maslp worn helesrdlhotoaei oil ii rgau h stopped ju a startled mood atd stea ed hejhadl neer tnownf u a pout o be there at that early heart whoooild t bet surely a tweet muticjtn thus it no effort atlexejulldo no itnd pai ijje but talher sj suceesn of seetsoft t mi like celestial whispering id harrnon ou eon cord how ioatj he stood entrant ii y th srince basic hi could hot tell bi 1 1 and by be mfily apened the floor tnd oo id in tnd there he 4w little frenois cf iiu at thefiuger beard while servant of tin household waa tl the brake of the bellows aa exclamation of sarpcist bant from tha arohbishops lips and the boy started up from the organ seat and ic a moment more wat on hit kneet it theprelitei feet 01 monselguearl pardon 1 i did sot know yoa were here indeed i thought harm pardon i ptay 1 the prelate took hfm by the htjid atld lifted him up frtneoil wtifoa yes sir bat trulyithe orgia wai opaa i ili not it it well do not beiltrmed frinoii i am dtlijthled whatjwtt the airyoo were playiqg l it wat do air monreigneur only a poor woaviag qfrtraoga fadciei ah 1 if i ooald only plkf it i cia think i oho i chore yoa itrike the very key note my boy aadi hinkwilh j thtt voice of yaurt yoa ought io ting sing bythemtst j yoar grace shall hear him sing i j j it was the voice of m dapoot who hsa coma in anpereeived jaii la saasonto har the archbishops iut remark hit he been tinging ioryoul ha added u ha advanoed towudt where the iged preitte tnd the blueeyed bay were stand- fog the archbishop shook hit head aad then old the ttory of the linage orgaaitrtiai thtt had held him spellbound u dupont hevrd tfter which he tsid tolheboy frtncoit can you remember the words of maryt liment i yeesir perfectly i then yoa tlull sing thtt solo here and now ah f wo will give hisgritce an enter- uinineut kiw i be not ifraid open thy mouth give thy thoughts 6 ihedead christ and tho weeping- rnother eaite thine eyet aa thou didst in the chapel and thiuk of nothing else under the tun it anything wat different thetlogingol the boy on thit occaiou waa better lhari it had been before the trehbiihop wai like one outrtaced jit declaied that it seemed to him more like a dream thin like reality at the conclutioa ot the performance dupont ietped to hit feet tnd imote hit hands together my faith 1 1 thill cbinge the coore of myoratorio thtt solo tnd one other i shall put into the month of an attendant spirit i will make i seraph attend upon thejvirgin tndjia ihtll sing these solot will it not be grind atth chief musician sai j so it wis done ho mada a saturfactory arraoge- ment with the lady who had been engaged to enact the partof the virgin mary and little francois went into training for the new character which the authoc giadly iutroduced j though- ihe boy could not read mniio from the written notet yet bit memory of musical toundt u so wonderful tcufe and sure that once he had sung a piece bit coald not forget it noc coald he mistake and another tiring wat in our heros favor the singers old and young every one of them fell in love with him and gave him oil the help iu their power at length theeveoingeame forthe singing of the new oratorio lathe great cathedral it had been announced that a new singer had been engaged bat the name wat not given- the cathedral waa filled with a muticioviag audience including tha first people of the city jetn clopin tnd hit three elder children were there because free tickets of idminion had been sent to them well saidthe old instcaraeatmendef when lie had received the ticket oar llttie-good-for- nothing hat done aa to much good we get these tickets because he works tha brake of the great organ bellpwt the oratorio eotnmenced and the open ing was well received by and by come the requiem of the seraphim with a sola by the letdiog seraph there waa a hash upon the vast audience people seeminz to hold their brefctb for fear a- note of the wondrout music might be lost it wtt sublime it wtt heavenly though the tones were hat at the evening zephyr in volume yet they were tweet so pare so eutrkneing in qaaiity thai they reached to tbe uttermost parts of ih rut auditorium whentha coug wat done a dead sijenoa fouowed a tilence luting until the hear ers coald regkin their suspended breath and then the thunders of applause burst forth- and the tempest continued until the boyish tertph came forward and bow ed to tha audience and returned hit place for i repititioh of the piece madahne clopiu ttt pate and quivering could that be her brother she could not believe it antil he had come forward and made bit bow and then the knew htm she ctught her fathers arm and whisper ed into hit ear 0 father it it jour frtncoit 1 8eo i j tho old man saw aud the effect upon llim wtt wonderful he saw igtinlhit beautiful singer of the lohgtgo aa the wtt before the sad accident befell he saw agtlnbis owu loved and worshiped llxzette is the wai before the became hit wife strange wat it that ha btd never before teen how much the boy looked tl hit mother hid looked in her youth but no saw it now tnd from that moment the boy wai taken to hit heart but navertgaia wai join clopin tohive the boy under hit care and keeping the great public claimed him yet it wai a- bletted hoar for frtncoit when bit father clasped him to hit bosom and kitted him it brightened hit life and gave him ew itrengthfor the work before him and in after yeart when ftancoit clopin had bei comeknown and loved tud honored not duly throughout hit native france but through soalhern europe when kings and princet deemed it a favor to patronize him the late evening of the old instrument- makers lifewas made bright tnd blessed by the untiring and generous devotion of the child whom he had once found heart to oallhuttttie aoodfocnothing road to success whit shall idols advance myself questionasked by many young men hen first entering upon heir bualijbta cii jtoo mtuy tro- apt to tnswetrit by posing that some brilliant- masterstro e la the taliimaii that it to open the pall o snecoss before them brilliant mtiter- stroke it the talitmah that it to open pi h way ofs access before the m bril moslerstroket j however always carry them great risks and at a rule the vi neement made by persistent effort ii safest tarett ind most easy of attaianj id choosing aproteiafon or a trade it the utmost jrnportauce to select one he lint iih td the ont a of hat is congenial to the taste and ha not chosen one to slide to it for there wonderful element of luooeti inthe it im ina that enablet men to stick hownmy odour mott luecettful men btve clan to the pathwav worked cat at timet vjhen fainter hearts woald have abandoned ask and sought refuge in some h i vr- fihji i i- i peicje thuee centfe the test ons by lary per- difficult occupation it thit a goodtrajja it that a good profession are quest that miy be at alullmet intwered yei or thos with ihe ibilitrnecess for their purta t tnd who poaoest the mverance which true success at all tinet demands it it indeed folly to expect to start out upon any carte r with the pathway of iro- grest at plainly mapped out at if aid dowimpon a ihartifor all these thugt regulate themselves and while a par uit which promises all things may prove en tirely uutacceisful one apparenlly ery uninviting may lead to rapid progress all occupations hie their periodt of acti ity and of dullnetaj and the briak- busiuet of to day mtyoe the dull one of to man aw be especialtjr careful not to over- sli- mtteyourowaibiiitiei tt is very nit ral to feel quite couvlacelof yoar perse ual ability and to be aggrieved ihatyaur efforts are not more specialiy recognizee by employers hut rest attnred that in the eademplorert v ilf recognize any eapa il- i itiei yoa may pc test it its proper value ind are at til timet eager to avail ihemie veil of any elemenlj you may potsesa that are advanlageoustolhe pursuit of their b isi- neu if on the other hand your tbi ity ii recognized bearin mind thai yoa ire fairfy utabiished open the right path i nd be careful not to succumb to the inji ce- mentt offered elsewhere by a slight tdva ice of remuneration tnft position held by dim of appreciated labor there are a gt af mtny ad vantages that ire not visible a on the surface andjwbich eon scarcely e isf in a new politic first ot all it tbe contideration thit ton are making progrett so thai bathe b- staclei what they may you are turmoc ut- ing them thitlit a great -point- beca lie 1n a new- poirtlonyoa dc aot kqqw w iat eiementi ot opposition may arise ktxt bear fn mind that the i logth of time oa have been iu one emloy is a vslatble element yoa ue beeom ing identified ft ith tha business yoa are getting more fami iar withit and tbi ve all youare makln a reputation init yon are alto jfoora ing around yoa a nac iber of baiidett ecqpi in- ttneet who will x useful lo yoa tsftjui aa they itve how sften do we hear the re mark oh soandso rote because hi ad a friend who coald path blm ahead 1 at a rule however tie disposition to advt ice inotherdoet notarise from friendship iut rtther from a fair confidence in hit tbtli yr men pocsettiog the elementi which nise there in basinestltre usually ttob jaet ioo keensighted andjtoo careful of their cm reputation to risk the tame by reo m- rrtendiag others put of pare friendsh ip because as com oared to getting a g od appoiutment ketjiiag it it ten times m 3re difficult 1 the road to sucoeta is not a royal to id hat is a tolerably straight and fcure c le anxiety and wttchf alnest for tacci at readiness to relinquish whst is islrei dy gained for something apparently more vitiug it more often a byway than hi highway the energy expended in t iut waf will pay a man a linndredfold m ire inferextif directed to beroming profici nt in hftdily duties fn learning the scie ice of his occupation and ttad ing itt sect st- ities he should stadynot only in bat at of wqrking hours are ended it it future dayt duties determiuttion to greitett causes of ttrendout exertion labor is entailed when his daily dnliei thit which will euae to be performed mre eotily and efficiently in act every o of knowledge- geioed after the hours of daily labor it capital which will bjar ample interest there are sometimes qrcumsttnies which mty interrupt a successful a id worthy career in business bat in- tact cote it it only necessary lo begin c tgain andiscourtgd tnd with iacreu ed succeed out of i he failate is a dislike to ospeoialiywhen man tl too maiiy young re ta get the idea that because they aresmi t they ought to be able w live by tbeir w iu and they shift about from pillar to post iu any occupation thai doea not impose wl it it commonly termed mental labor t nt indeedit a ltd raiitake all men eann t io tbe very nature of things learn or follow a trade bat those who ire sdap ea to do so will find ihe purtait lest onen and more remuheritive ban hat of ent tr- iug sotde other partuit because of a dial ke lo manual labor t it in oparatlva baoomes alkillfal wok- mm he ii a success even though he det notittaianchet ahd it hi permits t lie latter fact to make him discontented il not an evidence that hit career htt lot been a taccett bat rather thtt he pern its a morbid feeling on hat point to ovsr- lloarned something of he ronlioe and of he particular requirement ofthttjiertiou- iar basinets he it alto growing op with thtt firm aad will iu lime underttaad tha dais required in evety employees station from the office boynn id whalevoipalitlcra hemay h imsell occupy a good cotnmoiii school edocttionj with the assistance of t nightschool will fit a boy for any ordinary occupation jf oxseerxg bi fir gbajcdsoxjj tit ttnngt tome b think that t u a ttacdpa bave become f tgdeedloannptireudear j it striienna almost dumb but whafls strangerfar tjian thit mpsttrulf stngalar j oriv partnerof to r vbas and bliss it maket yoa taadmamma i i qqd it bard to roalire een when this babelse j that f 6u so jouthfal m car eyes a ktaadmamma caa be or though weve dwelt together now home twenty teats aud xaore time rests at lightly oa yoar brow atbicktaslitrfoar i- and jlv hes here this little boy howbewiubillaiideoo- when he discovers to bs joy rlit graadmamma uiydat and how hell laagh to look as roe hlafunqyoidgtaoddadl ah 1 little one yoa teem to be aloetysbrtoclad j saiperi sazar ii m cpplesln sorlng j i i the last of the apples in the cellar are apt to become sat and tasteless if kept- much htter than the first ot may- and at heyalto witte rapidly at thit brae it il decidedly better to dispose of them fiowt a few nelected rotsets if pat in shallow bores so that they can be frequently ex- amined without too much liadliug aad kept at aa even low temperature wikvre- main iu eood condition until june or july and like other fruit oat ot teaaoothey will have a epeciat valea npto the last h alt dozen bat for he baldwins greeningi jnd the like very late keeping ntoally re- tults in great deterioration ir total lota one good way ot disposing of a portion of the stock is byfllliog uptbe frul otnt- emptiedl during j the winter using only snetr eooogh to be sgreeabie to taite and canning in the usual mariner thu will considerably extend the teaton ot tpple saace and apple pice withxare some glsatea it very dehcale jelly ot a lovely red color may also be taved from the better part ot tbe skins of batd- wini or any good arte apple of high color simmer the parinitt in just enough water to cover well when very fender squeeze add to the juice an eqaal quaatity bfiugor and boil until it will jelly cooling a little inaaaucer to try it if necessary j im i i if 1 kr irish cup ofteat coming in tired from t onwalk i went to my room to iio down and jra nij way left a meatagafor marytell mary tp make me a cup of tea strong and bring it up stain j in the coarse ot lima there appeared at my dcor maryt round saiilinjt ice sur rounded by ill curly kinki of hair that in turn was aurmcunled by jtha green and gold melal butterfiy whio tut its dairy ahomment i its an irish cup ot lea i rnbringin yoa raiim she uid an irish cup ot what it that f its a cupflowin insigm i laughed as i took therjriah cup of tea wait and take down tae cop mary maty stood beamingly beside me whilei drank the lea so thats tbe kind of cop yoa get at home mary it it ha tea run ning into a tiucerl j v oh yea maam sue stid wheji yo giveacap oteatoafrlend7yeenotgivin plenty unless its flawininto hd lancer wed not be injaiiin a fnend wid a cap that wasnt tall at home fii m aue ye are i if ye dont fill lie cap ruunpi over i f tea maryl- and nio the si irish cup of t the saaeer r receipt t icpodtown succets u a workmta a huraau proclivity to i mra millions rrde wben mrt million goes to ride she tsa veil forth in stile her horses ail ot firs and pride go prancing torn the gate bat all the beauties of the day she views willi lan guid eye her flesh fn weakness waa tea away hsr voice ii bat a sigh j for mrs million it id tuadvancedttageof catarrh tnd all the loiurlet that wealth can boy fail to give her comfort she soviet hei rosy wtltiogmtid ind woald give all bese riotret for hit young woman pure breath and blooming health how if some true and disinterested friend would ad vite mrt million of the wonderful raerltt of dr sages citarrh remedy the u would learn that her oaaeli not pate help folx reward is offered by the manufaotureri for shadow hit seems to be that ones occupation had been tomethi else haa thtt whjcb it actually it and oiten hear it said if ihad my lid to phti over again i would be a soandso we heard he fobowing remarked a dayt ago f if my father bap educated me until i wat eighteen yeart i should not be required to toil at the beach the reply to this was so well chosen giat we gireit in fall at follows thsl ft a miaulten idea whei young mani ot ejgheenor tweayyeart old and with a gcodjtitluealion sell ouito earn hit own living he ii pitied wha ii befit for ha knov ruothiog of any m nt business and baa re experience of ei her buaiuess or the brld he can pert irm cleric 1 work but i can the office boy- rho went into the pfflm at iourteen yean old and had a yeami night ichool he can probably do that t be work at the boy but he cannot work foi tho boys pay he an not afford s star at tbe beginning bnt a case of oafanh t4 ke head which they wniofi he it opt otjpabta ot holding cannot cure boylahlt tuperio fjnasitineh he i assisfekit tries ib jump ibto a mlcldle potklon i grit h vim i push f i soap energy schoolt morality r harmony cordiality advertising i talk aboa it j write avoatjt i cheap property speak well for it help to improve it advertise iu its papers goodoountry tributary patronize its meroharttt elect good men to office help all pnblio enterprise honest competition in prides make the atmosphere healthy faith exhibited by- good wbras fire oil oaten aroakert and deed beat letyour object be the welffire growth ana t promotion ot yotrr town aad itt people speak well ot the public spirited men fnd also be ode ybarteifmantfiald tea spare your ktsees girls 1 have known yoang men tp resort to every artifice their mindt were capable of- 5 conceiving to kjtt tomagirj of their ac- quaintince the more strongly she refused the more trdeat became their wish bat whan hey secured it weill it is jutt in such a case we tee aptly reflected the troth that the meet desirable thing in his world are those we cannot get once secured however how much of their value uiottl pshaw i said a girl lightly id me pnoe what is inajkiii it doesnt hurt a girl lo be kissed koj it doesnt hart bar eiacliy but it is astonishing how much ot thsfreshneit ot a girls lips ii absorbed ia that first kits in the mmd ot trri young man be never urives so eagerfor the leoond ooe and somehow or ijther his esteem for her decreases jtnt u his energy diminishes young men soon lose their- respect lor suth a girl exactly irt proportion as she allows them any familianty ijadiofftoincsqtnnal 1 i i tbetucoeai of hoodvsamparilu- is because it pottesw true merit and no claim is made for it whfcbisnot folly v iuppqted i havo you tried hollcrssiys cori care t5 it ha no equal or removing tbete troahla- p tome exoretconsei as mjuay baye teaibidys whohavottled i j i ri r3 6- l flrh iisf i iff to m t i tfl a yoa can ret a good roondl ooontonyoorbloots t bbiw bros- acton i wk