i yivliumte xvii no ii a the cton jfrcc jrcss 14 iv mullli- eykky tllvksiuy mousing it tiir- lfrr 1ivk slctm rrinllncoelrr mill stiilrt axtos ost t v r per ar n ili from trrtorvifik ntrnov ou dollar ifisah in adam or within hirv won tha from nnslnc nf r l s3 r year if not to iatd ttidiitlohicli auucttpuwi it paid ll dertd ty uic date on the addrcca label annarm ultra tramlcni adrtrtlae- meet c err ir nopru line for frat in- tertixi 3 frlt lr hue fur each subsequent itkrtioa 4 tde mir ins tabic alio- ilion pf n1 ttitrukttt for ocr ru- for thr ltnri aw 10 t 10 ml id tlu nnw 1v1 1110 ivvl ltrtj tix1 f o 151 sco fpecinc dircctiocs ill t irarti ull foroid tad charcd accord adyfrtimrrt u taglr trcuem adtertuetaetsu taut it paid toadrtnca t aiwtiirif i will it chataged one each raoctb il drinsa vor chantoa ottsner than ok a nvctv the composition wut i paid for atrci chance for contract alttrtfrurati mut be ic the o3c by noon oa tuej hrliooke editor and proprietor justness btrertorp itt h lowry u bm c p s tv graduate of trinitycollcuembrot coilececffhyiiiasa acd sarceona oscaodreiidk at tbe head of frederick street aetcn jf thkn m i c m trinity id- iirrniv honor gr iitc victoria iuivers nvm c r soar oiccaei rriiccc corcr mill frederick streets to a le l bessettjlds dentist ocoitgrromc oxtaxio m clexs a clean barrister sohcitpn notaries coar yacccr te priraufsudi to loan osrettown ilal acton w a mclux jso a mcltix a mdwat urnci dirt tcfjr m1 saturday ornrt kaaaawis block ctaa cpitair nsm wall papers 192 dur nxw stuck papers and holuhtes ery jargf and enchp now rcidv 1c at itto are for days bbokstore day sells chaap bank of montreal the trader v os oikai a capital rest 12000000 6000000 a saying deraktmknt has been ovuedibi oonoccuon viut thia biiach imcmt allowed at carrrnt llatr jas hrnlay muuitr glelnt biuxch w barbjer bros paper makers georgetown ont spkuiti or machine finished book papers ilkih iradf wekklt xfws the paper ased in this joarnal ia from the above milla r j mnabb ccmexixlu diluctl lli rru iai fcui cjtciol arrat ktrr arl ljf atinxcr ilcntrtv loccat mi oll ileary to pa tbe in fiwrable tcniii j a uowatsoftc acton s hilton wallbridge stone barrijrscicitdn u toilonto 1sd gtoictots oece ctiraiai bik oortown aad tfji 1ltlv cimjn 6a3 yoae it- toruato jsetltox tl h willtxiit u i stoxc oatent5 seccreu wm barber bros sffj steel ekgkavixgs lyvf iclmip couttvi ricturtf riclore jioaldilgs t 1prames1 ssj artists a fall atocfc of while materials iviaaoc t ketoni flake foh lsvtstlons ueshv 0k1st or cisidi ztj yciri fraruce no ratt no itt dcsble tibet jwaet me x ia deep rtoto rnjia cuai le yec cornice vvl hrcm fittinr tv vv iieslstbfet ior ii coatit af walhajloa and haltoa orienltfiattbe pkee pcxm o5r actoa or at nyretileace ia acton ill be f rr unleilc teraj recsoactjle aikj raoiey to lata ca tfce iidit favorable urcluj at the lotret ralea of intercat ic icciiof coaaj cprbrdc john day architect gcflih ovt offlck wrailat btritv orancis nunan fsaceitor to t f chapiatcj b0 binder sigorasiafcre gaeljjboutaxio aeeoist ijoka of all kiai mtlt to order periiiipajif etry derijitioa carefully boned eoliacetlr i our wall papers u1 to w iltjbcit kltcttj tu hi city watfjrs bros kstaiilishuu ir st georges square guelph wlshloc toculllvato a coimectlon lui cootl reliable larttiora and aoovltii llow dlucalt it u tor them to eoatomi to need rtttee vlll aliraja extend to tlietn creater irivlle gee tban any other claca of uudqeea men traders bank 01 canada itcad qrruk toi wkro ititivr ctrcru4uj aotwaoo kmt kfku s3omn auelph branch wo call your tttitta to tko ooattjalauoo offend by our brtuc uttxk dentrtaicat d- poiuolinl upwards remind cad lauract tlljro4t tli rsta of 4 nar aaallvu ftuaum from data of drkxit to tfuid ftl paid or com tx3ttadmbltyatriyousutiy tod xu no- tacadvauc undo to recfo icllila fanucr adriacci nndo to fanner on uio aecurlty of sctmqotoc 1 a spocladty in ado of colled itu faruiert acle tiotmandnocbarco uiado for eoltecttufi when tmyablo la guelph wo bate uncariicud ftcllitiq for trcactult- unc tuoacy to all rt of tb country a ceucnal bankltifi butltiom traccated a f h jdkkfl liaaacir queljib itrancb sideboards from aoron bank j 650 up v parlor suites walnut frames upholstered in plush from 3000 up actnt tor the comet aide ctll nd ep them p spragoes upper wyudhatn street guelph bicycle best bust proof watch cases ifraara d sitvtr k not ing watcb juekuin the dnit pr inote the jeweller 0wpk il giee yoa i frit quality uiw nickel open face thick guif one id ei- chance silhoot citra cbarye door factory r and proaijtjjdoce t1he hanlan barber shop mlllstetet acros iceifrmite a cylfil bajrcta cood tealoam acexhiliaratispiljatipooalvajictfen luxon uoltaipt in firrtclui cocditiod xx4iea sd children hair taatilj cot h woadentosiorulartltta acton lodge no 204 ioof- ree7ft iuihoitioiri hall hille block a cxezj wedrewiay pttring viiitinc bretb- ret alwaj weicoui for copy cf couiiitotion asj laf api to lie uldcn igned or any of tbe lleaibtn new planing mill ssh an john cameron qontractor hat fitle1 up the buldicg oa main street lately occupied as a trata factory with new inacbinevy and is prrpattd to f jriab latb iptciccationi and etimatt for ill claatta of buildingi and etectte all kinli of dressing i mathtng i and u0uld1ng jiase iill ntlei op sashes doon tpd wind o kb and door frames na dretsm lumber and kwncatocfc oa baxi all order rroijiptl attended to john oameroh acton liveryi bntajctlo thursday june 2 1892 jaeftj s0s8 xlvri dah7gzrbktf wo ara wttd of our boy wbon wflr thy tuy lo our bra a itaiwirt waa ittuiu uqd of uto frco ons uev ic muulcoc uicui atnooj otlusc tyyoi tlioladi wb0 tram bora kcatb tboiun aud tbo brlyca tho dm to a rout iatufl jataforrlttt willi eo ri utldaatttm tboy i utefd tbo flbt and yot vbb toe scatter aud v rfaro ibait oouo our bra ob4rtd boja utke l i9 txmt mtui of peace wo ars roue of our girla audtb iri lfcoutaiucdvrayi wltbtbi lltoandtbotlilrlt that t rlb ea their vayf tbeyart jev uvbocovaluo ccu at rcr iwtald uoro in clous in homo life than jror aud cold onr dau btcm laborit i with f ir fcoa tad fornn tbolur taaipirlt tbatc iud4aotthotorujt itjouh iauty and sfretaotr their opa today they pi ck itlth rare couraeo tbe u jm from tbelr way our son aadlour daughter heave i cui rd tbern cay wo aud ceo i the a 1u cuocbluo tbeae aein of tbe free their b arte iro ill loyaj aud c erry tad cy and g d bl aa our country their tong j a kidder laaourcouii a today ir u fjirstj they met low flexible palnty andl i durable genuine kid tsd dcacalk buttoned boots od low sjt ofs bus line w williams h h woiden bc rotary tbe uudtnipncd reijctf ully aolicit tbe patron ace of tbe public acd infomii tbcm teat weu equipped knd styliah rigs ctn al- waye be secured t biaatablw a toinfonable bui tuoeu all traici between 9 am and fu8 11 ta careful atteciionpireu toeteryorder tbe want of commercial trutel- lert fully met j1hn williams agents wanted wellin ston mutual tonthill surtrfs 1arest in canada- a 7x acre we wait reliable trtrki tic men i9kilur ncraeryitoek nrevioai tiixritncf fij ceesar aav raan nftb tact and energy can iaesd krmt liberal outfi free our amenta bare intny adtantagef inch u mllicg bcncenwd bardy canadian- ttock cljoice y6leialliwbielarc of preat alire an4 wbieu can oaly te tcnred from ci we bare riten trticclar attention to tle projatiou ot hardy trie taitibv to tbe northern eec- tioti of canada yot utuje apply to htonli wellinoton tirouto oul f w stoke presldentl i age nts wanted in every township to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor tlfc aw torn pi t and compreheiifcive work evtr pubjihel it autbora stand at tbe bead oltieirjiroftbijori and bare a continental repu- uiioa worth itc weight iu gold to any one baring hortei wieep cattle swine poultry ijgt fz iket a f ojjportunity to make uioley secure territory at once addreta e k idoteb publkher 120 tonge st toronto acton saw milts oalanovvoou yahds jk7es brown vi- v atikji imi iiklmjit in luiibtr tj sluntjlct coil and wod fire msurakce company estlblishtd 1640 head office guelph inture74uildiiii merchandise lfanufactorie and all other deter iptions of insurable property on tbe caab and pfcmium note syctem chs davidson johh taylor agent piao the 6 organs oold medal iliik iwikued cjtlani wo 1 alw4j m atok aul promptly dthvenj v ail part oftbe town at rtajiiiitble priei hardtfx1 titifltbi ci f bali atove length alwayi ttltboiieco uinuui cation jamaica international exhibition 1891 in conipxtitiuu with a meritati german euglub ijuliau manufacturer sm cook co georoetovw lsceoted aucuoneetb apprtuers valu- ton collectoir real ettata and general land agents ioii the cvvtie6 of halton peel wellington slmco yor and ontrio money to loan from 100 an at aix ier cent ftrtiea plaeiug tbeir tale or other buaiuoca in our bxuda will bat tbe ame promptly actended to at moderate baerce qrrur kxu bilt uooxuill fitgeorc- vjxu or addreu box isc 6 u- cook kca aajctianaert- ukaxckorrtcesiquasea stbutoroato j stf- cook co auctioneer georgetowa and toronto f auiltonf the gore e itreeta guelph we keep a abo line of hacd jturna and uacli inesewn lndle american handmade turn aole kid boot in all wldtba and uect ability se tbe laleat style in ijadiea and gents low shoes in our windtrtja ycu geta inrtter fletjou ith ua tban any wber elae in the city we itjudy to plcace tbe public and buy only tbo rcry beat u dec not pay to bur aqvsboe because ua cheap get the best quajlittat tbe leading boot ami shoe store mail orders auendedto promptly w mclarienco i guclpll out 0r9 4 upper wyndhkm street frss krr izkls fine scotch suit new spring worked suitings overcoatingsfewest colors opened i choice kew linea in f 0day oe eoliah uata in fsdortaand all the kwt shape to b told at j jsloae pria special drives fn hats hemember oar famous u piute to order r- e nelson fashionable clothier 99upperw7ndlujbist quelph season 189 inkitoour w rona for tbeir liberal support ia tbe pact we with to intorm you thatw have entered llfhile re tun i nc tbanka to our uiauy pat v ronsfortbeirfil y or quarterly payment culy at cw kellys htjsic store 5 loer wyi dham etreet uueljih plione if a into an arrangement wtl r stewart guelph tokeepcoastantlyon baotia fall stock of tbo ordinary aixefl of sash doors etc and till alio tanply an cpeclal aiiea on fhott uotica at guelph prtccc i frames of ft kfnds mada to order wo alto keep in itocfc a lino of bace window and doorckaing corner block voarlttntberdreafetl vtuileitoa walt pricelt5ppech tele- hamiltoiis marble works jul the eore corner of woolwich and norfolk koefc formerly hxtchr block arnc t pnt john h hamilton froprfetor wbolea4e and retail dealer and direct tnjporicr and maanfactoterof all fclndc of granite and uarblo ttoaatnfntc totuutoaec ate hartflg bad an extenalrd tho poblic mai rely on getttntf all caparfor artkle at a chopper ratetnan any other aoj fn tbo weat kb15 per ceiradfaruiea beat off oa a direct order re- aixtwda being better able thai heretofore we will ittripljr either wood or lion pump promptly all work enaranteed it tii factoryj pleaae cadi and tnrret before porcbaaiae elaewbere j thos ebb1ge hanarer eiperlenea for the hut 16 ran frank burcje88 house painter paper hanger sign vjritr etc ia prtrnrod to aneata prim in taj o tba ibarm llam la tbetmstma iner alatraoaabu unns erertobhtacinrpflraoaalatt4atloa i can aatara eaatoman wmpet aatlataatloo aralnlne ia all vooai a imdalur orion jit at mr rtxhincc uaia st actoa will rife prompt ituauoa bunv r nut tit vou dont think it w atraaga for him lodo t hoagb do yxa aunt mlllyf i fcaowyaar unclai goimroaf laipulilva natuto too well iotm larpriaotl at anything oaunacled ritlt lilni out it ll not ilranga that tho affair ahodd havo occ4oa5dn fcnutloa among tho ilovgolng farmen around few can rcalizo to what lehgtha a largohearted ymnaheianitand man wilt go when hit foclingi tro toadied so gaoloa adoption mi a itahdlng wonder vou am a darling aantls aid myrtle nutting down her baikot lot flowcr 10 as to givo her aunt a sudden embrace vou are oi good you aro prjtty aud that it laying a great deal urc hilly flmhod witji pleaiuro and hex cliockt grow ithl brighter in color when a manly volco behind them laid well done littla woman- i know tamo one who would liko to bo in your plaoo jast how it isat many who could get melt a j bear-like- hug from myrtle j bcaruka 1 for thame junoie bm do i look liko bruin i it waa a figure of tnecop myrtle you thegood ancle could not banlatrtha uh- uincu until ha had talked ha matter tor with id wife buliadfovan if njciog ith ticetty dear oyea haw matlcr itood otwooa stillia and myrtle waatooaentibia fan a flame into firs by provoking oppof- lon i dont worry sam ih iadqalelj thayaroohildren at heart itiflandwilt 1 for torto timo it nothing- is dons to i tuta then to jump atonea into iiaj know- j dgs of 1k i vhicb ihoald- bo delayed until 4lr so the critit wat delayed or a while and men but we will not anticipate i uncle bam did yon ieo thlt7j wiuttil it gal ouilio hindod ihim a paper pointing to ai advertliement a ho did ad and laying that ic my name does it tefer a vet guilio it does you know about ur mothirt depotitioo tworn to t before t is tnsgiitrato and i have it in tale keep- i ig aiwil have a family jewel which wiu i ilg prove your identityr my boy let me rauttnt 4too matter oact in itt inter- iflfc tint to congratulate you yon are now pretatioh but what were you ulklngrince guilio benerenturi l uh uncle i am do come to the windo and fee what a pretty boy but he must be cold hea ill rail and tattera uncle sam vibi young farmer on a vitit to hs brother i 1 the eity he waa mj rtlet favorite uncle he went to the window in response to i y rtlet invitation and hit eyesfuthedtt they retted upon the group of v hich the boy who had attracted the chili t beaaty1 ividg eyes formed one i nave loan i you at last he muttered and hen with rt ttopping to pal oa hit hat be hattent i out ot the room and into the siting air and ia a law determined tone taid to t e organgrinder laying hit hand upon the itue boyt thoulder i ow dare j ra raalfts yoar appearance in this public phu s with thit child f didyoii think i wouldt t be anywhere near now my rjian yon tod beitjgivc up the boy at onooj i hati jio papers ia my pocket to makj my ctaic i to him good gpiko it mi ie ask him widthewn then witli lowering look at the boy tell this int uder tint you with to go with jme guili the child livered at the man hu ad dressed him i nd turning bit great back eyes alternate upon tt pleasant face cf myrtjea uncle and then upon the repulsive one of his keep r he said something but to indistinctly th t ho received a gruff order to speak lbudci all that gt ilio can say will not mike the slightest difference i have hit mothers dyin deposition that her child waa to rcmai 2 in my charge until old enough to deci e upon his protector so go your way without him come with me guilio tlu orgng inder hesitated bat upon an authoritative go on or i will call a police man he turn xi reluctantly and shambled slowly away 1 s sam said to the trembling boy come in villi me and i will see that you tiayc somi thing to cat you look cold and hungry myrtle had kcu watching the summary proceedings ith wide astonished eyes which opened a their foliest extent at her uncle came in 0 the room leading guilio by the land hero is playmato for you myrtle he is to be ny boy from henceforth i have peen looi ing fur him ever uncelast summer whei 1 1 lost him tic two cl ildren formed a striking con trast myrtli might hare been an embodi ment of the f mshine in that land where her namesake flourishes to bright waa the glint upon hei yellow hair so radiant the sbeei of the b g blue eyes so- rick the color ing of her dir pled cheeks while guilios had ho dark passionate eyes of those who are natives jf italy his wide nobly- arch a forehe d was shadowed by curling purp eblack lair and his olive skin was as cl ir y pal as though some inner light were shinipg through it he was pale uiua ly unlsf i tlie rosy blood should be calle i to th surface by emotion then be had 1 a vivid t coloring as his native skies at sunset the childr ms eyes studied each other for in insta it without speaking then myrtle went oward the beautiful forlorn- looking boy 1 nd held out her tiny dimpled hand i you an jjncle sams boy you belong to rn 1 too f t i am his own little niece i am glad to lave a boy to play with i thini boys ai 2 nice th m gui ios face was a study it teem id at t joagh a burst of sudden sun shine had fl 3ded it with light he took the bkbysofi hand in hit brown palm and looked at it a moment much as he would have inspect xt the plumage of some cap- tared fledge mg of a birds nest then with a swift motion he raised it fp hit lips and kissed i murmuring some words in bit musical italian tongue tins was guilios first introduction to the child who wis to be ever afterward thestar of his adoring heart h was then a boy of ten myrtle was in her eight year about about you sam answered mrs sam quickly but you neednt think we are going to acknowledge what tlandert wo have been circulating with regard to you j uncle sam knowt how much of that to believe aunt milly we wens talkiug about guilio and how he came to bo called your boy said myrtle the answer to that- lies in a nutsnell myrtle yoa know bat little less about it than i do myself late in the autumn of g8a tired young woman itopped at my doof and asked me if i could direct her to a boardingplace she was evidently very ill for a bright hectic burned upon her cheeks and there was the peculiarly lustrous look in her eyes which tells of con sumption she was d rested in clothes of foreign make at was tho child she held by the hand i directed her to tho homo of a worthy widow who occasionally hod eked out a slender income by accommodating a few summer boarders far a week i heard nothing more of the mother audchild then the teat a- message to me liking that i would come and tee tier i went at oaoe and heard a romantlo story of two young lovers brcakingloatefrom parental restraint andljccomiug man and wife before taking a steamer to bear them to a strange coqh try after many chances and changes during which they had managed to gain a precarious existence the husband had died from an injury received and the heart broken wife bad been left with only her little guilio to comfort her she hod sinoe failed rapidly in health and was conscious that she would soon rejoin her lost guilio in heaven so she said in her broken eng lish adding wordt to this effect yoa have a kind good heart it ota bo read upon yoar face will yoa care for my boy ho is strong and after a time can look oat for himself bat now lie is so small and tender i cannot die easy without know ing what is to become of him- i endeavored to make her understand that if i took him she matt give him to me 1 r ifv r price tfiree cetf t8 eitht yeajrs later the scene lias chang ed to a ruraj one myrtle is at the farm on i vitit lease i iil m what you know about guitio aurt milly how did he come to be unclo 3amv hoy who waa hit raotper e two vere but in the flower garden jly telet ting and cutting the prettiest most f tgrant blossoms with which to irate th roomy old farmhouse it was lies bi thday and she was to have a ty give t in hono of the important evept there i little to bit told myrtle sam seldom tpc iks a it and i was not even acquainted with bin when he adopted guilio i remember at the time hearing people tall of it and say how strange it wat for a 1 achelor toj adopt a boy ia that in writing or i might not be allowed to re tain him the influence of those italian tadrcs oyer their country people had lately been nuch talked of and i felt that it would be exerted against me as was proven later o i i sent for a magistrate at once feeling that no time was to bo lost if i wished to have the poor young mother die with i mind at ease i also summoned the good oldpricst of st marys and as he under stood italian the made her wishes clear to him upon taking her deposition wo foand that the dying woman came from an in fluential family in genoa and that her hatband was tho second son of the proud old prince beneventuri why do you not try to effect a reconcil iation with your father the priest rskcd and waa told by tho mother that she had waited until guilio should have grown strong and largo to that ho would bo a descendant worth claiming and that now it was too late bnt that the good man who had promised to take care of guilio might perhaps some time in the futare bring the child to tho notice of tho family that very night the poor mother died and after attending to the last sad rites i took her boy home with jme and did my best to soothe him in his wild grief i seen succeeded in winning- his confidence and for atimc all went well il wrototogalllos relatives in genoa hut received no reply then guilio disappeared suddenly i blamed the wrong parties for spiriting him away as i learned a month later when you called me to th window to see the pretty little boy with the organ grinder dont yoa remember myrtle v yes uncle sara i can see just how the hatefullooking man frowned at guilio and tried to make him follow him but what could he have wanted of him he was teaching him to sing with thai handorgan and until he bad learned how was breaking him into the miserable itinera ant life he had in store for him it was a lucky thing i chanced to come into tho city that day i s you may thank me for it uncle you came to bring me winter goodies yoa had promised dont you know redcheekea apples and beechnuts off my favorite tree where you had put atwing for me and butter nuts and hickeryjaatb arid stop myrtle exclaimed her uncle laughingly dont you sapposa i remem ber all aboat the whims and caprices i used to cater to you were a perfect little autocrat in those days but yoa made your demands in sach n winning way that i was delighted to have such a darling little princesm for my liege lady i have two now with a laughing glance at his wife ditto uncle sam chimed in tho voice of guilio and at the sound myrtles cheeks flamed into a deeper red i would will ingly be cousin myrtles slave if she would let me but she favors me thi least of all that it because you arc too aadacioui in your demands one would think yoi had the right to lord it over me and aa ii dont agree with yoa i do my best to provj it the wordt upon both sides were spoken in jest bat as myrtles uncle heard theip he detected a ring of earnestness in then which canted him to look from one to til- other in a puzzled way then he though struck him all of a sudden that myrtle am guilio were no longer children and follow ing swiftly oa came the uneasy feeling tha hit brother would surely be unwilling ii bestow myrtle iu marriage upon a voathdl whote lineage so little waa known 1 so they had a growing fancy for one anothov it had best bagivou tbo less chaoco to ill crease i i i- j guilios dark oyet were resplendent with gjadness thank you uncle bamfor yoaiym- pjtthy in thit matter j but i love myrtle 1 id unlets she will share my good fortune ijoare nothing for it 1 yoa love myrtle thea 1 was right sbd milly wit wrong but how doet if yrtls feel that it juit what i would like to know nvyielf shet jut as kind to me at every- ibbdybut i oh uncle sam lam getting dpperatej tnd have been for good while weil guilio it it beat to let things rest i util your rights ire- secured but you iay count 00 one thing and that islhif i a have t friend at court tnd that it sam liexdall guilio ttraightehed hit lithe young bnre proudly what do you mean about securing my ghu cananyoaepatmejoutoflbem we cant telluntq we try i suppose j will bo til right bat law it a itrtnge i ling i shall it once make arrangements 1 j pj to italy with you but mind noi t j ord af lave to myrtle until alt it arranged j i dont make a straws difference to me j hether yoa are rich or poor bat myrtle i i not my child- and brother sben if of a j ifferent maka from me it will influence our success ia gaining his content if yoii tiime to declare yourself a tuitar for f yrtles hand as arich man or a poor one so guilio hid no alternative but to proi ijiice compliance with hit benefactors re- uest and he tet tail for hit native land ith the unsatisfied feeling that he had 1ft behind a price which might be waa wty from him by a moceidiring laite pot ho need not have feared to- lose myrtle a that wty in spite cf th unsatisfactory naaner in which the teasel and baaterek im she really thought him the noblest i ind best ktnoiig ail her yoao friends an 1 i f be xuld have teen how miny tears fe 1 rota her bright eyes da account ot h 1 juepartare he waald hzve been much iigh 1- rhearted during hit absence all went well with him with fegtrd 0 e inheritance ha was a perfect type n 1 and figure of the patrician beau y utitr to hit family and his proofs e re 00 well authenticated to bo questionei feo he returned to amerfca bearing p rincely title and possessed of a prince noome a few months later he a id fcf yttle wete married and the prince had i icifewho wore her honors right royally land yet with the unaffected suavity and trace of a true american gentlewoman temperanqe selection thestloon has notospect forhome thai church or the sabbath il ourtei the oat j blatphemaftfie other and tramples unoa the third 1 some people ire v try liberal a giving their prsyort for temperance bat very niggardly when they could heipit oy giv ing a their vote h ft because taty think their vote it iwotth 10 much mart than fheitprtyerii j i it is a tad thought that niorejyohngmen are crowding the salt oat than the church for the take of oar yoaug men ana- for the future welfare of iiur country tnd the cliucch wa ihoafd de troy the lilooa tnd itvethe bdyt j it ft uid that the railroad managers of holland have found t impottiufe 10 man the twitchetrtrith mi n who can be depend ed upon toj let hquor alone and have ac cordingly isubitilatid women hot an accident it it told i at occurred since is a retultof earelessnetr 1 a noted divine of the old school sayt a drunkard it the annoyance of modesty the rouble of civility he titnuet of wealth he i beggars companion the constables trouble the woe ofait wife the icoff of his neighbor i lit own shame the picture of 1 bent and the monster of a man at a ce af n prominent place in cin cinnati a i ew salooa hat seea opened after j fixinlg the ilace apvia the most elaborate magcer the recess door iu front is all thattrt ca t make it finished with- stained glut oa eitha tile of the door were large show windows in one was an easel holding a 1 orsa 1i10j of the most delicate rosei nice y imbedded with ferns the other win law was elaborately decorated with erimoa and while roses with fera leaves for he back ground most bere at hohe i- iftghl bare at home boyi ia old kooalordoin whero itranjert allu jolta as wautf tbfreomo and briff 0 tbeir old ttatei aed eoterptite ytt iettle here and fore they realla tboy ye booiicr u tbe rtat of or and rite ilfgbt hen at home bop with their put fprgf h i i t lugbtbero athqmeboyiutbeplaceneai fcr tae and you aud plain old happineat jw hearth worldc loat jrandiiar illttly to tjwalluke uieworldiwordloruaodnflco r weknow hi wyr alnt our wayiwweil stay hifibt liere st home bofa wbers weknow the r bgtjt berc it home boys where awelltodo fcifanf pfdutf rich oooaghandkaowa it too knd got a eitry dollar any lime to booit a foliar iipat wantf to didlb fiild got toe git up in him to fj m and git thereiute be port nigh alius kin j right here it homo boy a i the psaee fer ur- p where folia faeaui bigger n tbett motey pu and where a common feller jef aa good at any other la the nehjhborhoodv kbe world at large woni irirrj yo and me kiglit here atiome bova where ve ort uibe night berc at home boyi ust right where wo bird dont tung- any iwoeter asywhexe graacdoatgitwany greener n ibeahowi aeroat the pajior whew the old path got- all thingi in eanhotf party cr in light hifiht hare at home boyt f we io eri right pight here at home boyf where ia old homo ptacir 7 4 aacred to us aa oar mothers fao tea atf we riciouect her last she imilod knd kied osyin so odd rickonfl0ed feein tx all at borne here none astray iiigbt here at homebbyt where she aleepi tcklay j i i jamfs while rub riuy little things il is cutious lo note that many thregs which hate turned pat most useful discov eries tor man haying 1 great inflaenoe ud03 the lives and destinies pf mankind owelheir leftiauiug to tome iliftht acci- deuf t it issaid that tlieiart of printiuir took its origin froa some rede impressions taken tor the 1 mutement of children from letters carved oa the bark of a beechtree gjihpowuer wot mscoveredfrom the fall ing ot a spsrfc oa tome miterialt mixed in a mortar tj emrtue watchiug the steam nose of the teaketle electrici y was discovered by a olrving t lit a piere ot rabber giast at- tracjfedsm 11 bits of paper hmdulu a clccki were invented after galileo at od observing the ltmpj in church twi uging to jtnd f ra ttuei may t mdoat resaltt oe the steam be trtcea to the boy who sat which came from the tr- i ji5s s 1 11 1- h i lkl always qrateful where will you find a- maa always gnte- iul always affectionate never lelnth path ng the abnegation of self to the atmott limits of possibility forgetful of injuries nd mindful only of benefits received seek him not it- would be a useless taik but take the first dog yoa meet and trom theunoment he adopts you for hit matter youwfll find in him all these qasjitie he will love you without calculation his greatest happiness will be to be near yoa and should yoa be reduced b beg yoar bread not only will h id you bat he will not abandon yoa to follow a king to hut palace f your friendamjy quit jyouin mis- fortuuebat your dog wfu remain he will die at yoar feet or if yoa depart before him oa the treat vovmc will acoompany 1 yoa to 3 oar but abode short anctsweet ftcvti t m city and country cousins 1 plain farmer boyt visiting their 1 outint are sometimes eaibarrasted heir ignortnee of city wayt and we ira nut lorry that they are igaaeant of somej of hese ways bat city boys tnd themselves finite as greed when thew return tfiete ults we htve known some ludici llustratioas here it one a coupb xideawake farmer boys had been rai put upoa whea ia tbe city and heir friends madetheirfirst trip to the laid a plan to get even so araasing tjiem parly in the morninj they proposefl to their young vltitort to go oat to the tard and get for themselves i drink of bare tresh milk the two brothers going elofigto jiustruct them tableau oae cityjboy boldiug the pail under ofd brindlet teats kud tbo otlaer working away with her caudal appeudsje as if it were 1 pump pandte in another cue the city boyt were shown to their wouder- and delight la new variety of dwarf beech trees bearing the three of greatly dimin- ished size they were taken through t field of ripe buokwheat 1 the other sex sometimes faro no better iwhen oat of tbeir latitude a very amusiugeose came to pur knowledge- ia new york a yoang city housekeeper had just become chief director of a browastoae mansion some distinguished friends were ooiuitig to visit her in her new posi tion of responsibility and sfiewts anxious todoher beet- at the breikfasttible on the morning after their arrival she seem ed greatly distressed and in her despair she broke out dont yoa believe that ia order to give you a good treat of pare country milk tor your coffee and oatmeal i sent our coachman john way out five miles beyond hobokeu to obtain it iyester- day afternoon when i went downi to get it myself thit morning ii had a nasty yellow scum all over the top and i hod to throw it away prairie farmer the tele cope we owe to tome children of at ipecta jemaker ptoeing two or more pair of spe itacles before each other and loosing if rough them at tie distant sky the r idea wasfpliowed up by older heait r j sir itaa kewtou wasiiftiag ia his gar den one diy when he tatr aa apple fall from a trc u this common occurrence tet him to th inking why things should fall dawn and lot up aud this train of thought ledjiim t the ditootery of the law of grahtatioi j i every 0 ieaa aolr appreciate the im- portance c e the shgkt matter spoken ot v because tfc s wonderfnl results are now be- fore the world but the beginnings of these thla t were treated with ridicule or contempt ko mttier haw unimportant a- eircjamsta ice appears it is quite poetibls thai great resaltt uiiycdme from it jfai imtll ball ling which was once peter the gnjits wirkshop in holload is the in- tcriptioa xofhing is loo little forj the attention 4f a great man 4 rhls ujjlritha kitchen tized eggt weigh ten coamoa poand soft batter the siz of ad egg weighs ounce qnepini of coffee jl tugirveight twelve oances que qua t of sif tejl floor well heaped one pound 0ne pfhi of best browa sugar weight thirteenioojneet s l two teaaupt well neaped ofoffee a ttfjpj weigh one pound j two teat apslevil of graaafated sugar weigh one wnqdl two ten ups of soft butter well packed weigh one xiundj one aril onetuitd pint of powdered sugar or lie ur weighs oueoance one pint heaped of pannltted tugii weighs foa teea oances 1 jour tea spoons ire equal- to one table- spoon j j two and onehi jf teacups level of the best brown sugar ireigh on paaad oueuhlispoou il wellhetped ofgranu fated coffee a or best browasugsr equllt one ounce j kut pa loa says one generous pint of liquid or qua pit c of finelychopped meat packed solidly weighs one pound which it would he very coaveaiflat to remember teaspoons varv ia lize and the new ones hold about twici is mucbas aa old faihioaed spodn pt thirty yean ago a mediamsized teaspoon contains aboufta dttm the siieat man it often woxth iutening to i tr i i of tworamenchooeelhe one thttiwill hiveyoa t a berth in the civil lecvice is worth twa in the bash song of the medical student some bodies comings i j the man who dies young rfli not be obliged to dye whea he is old when a man bays a poepas plaster he generally tticks to his bargain tbe deteclives are notified that ibere are a number ot congressmen amarge tht waiter with a genius for higher par sails hat to hide hit talent ia arnapkin man born ot woman it of few days and fall of ichsmes to get his name in print kiflinqu l igaved her life three tlrries a coriespondenl sends he london sptc- i tar the folio viuganeodou thetervant msnoj one of my frieadsbooka kitten tot f pood with the ihleniiou of drowning it i hit master wac with him eod when the 1 kitten ax thrown into the wafer the dog sprang in and brought it softly to land tpe second time the mas threw it int and j sgtiri the dog rescued t and when for the i third time the man tried to drown it the dog as resolute ta save the little helpless j life as the man was to destroy it 1 warn j with it to he other tide of tie pool ran j- all he way home wifi it and safely de- j pokited it before tbe kitchen flee- and ever after they were inseparable sharing eves- the tame bed ill 4 va 4m 1 1 pieanlngjsteel t the burnished steel fan kitchen and hail stoves may be cleaned hy rubbidgit briisiy with a soft 4et cloth silh nspblha but at it is extremely inffatmmabieuitre matt te no fire or- light in the room tnd the work must be done by daylight 1 if yoa wish to preserve brighc grates or staves from rust through trie summer or during tny time when they are nobbeing 1 nsed the following plan may be tried 4 make alhick pase of fresh lime and water and smetr it overall tha bright parts of the itove lltwill bfqund thit this will keepfj the steel from raitiiigiev- i in empty house farmauths j m left in an praise your wfa a frank statement df the ciase in a sermon oa journalism tie rev thoe dixon j said the position of the editor af a newspaper nf today isaa solemn a trust as that of a minister of the gospel the press ia foot has absorbed many of tha functions of the minister of religion the respahtibllitiet af tueha position are greater because the numbec of uvea direct ly effected is greater ha has the power to polsoa the miadt and anuetv the arms of tens of thousands daily with hatred lies slanders and appeals to tha basest in stincts of he animal or to lilt the world from the slumber of the night to he duties of a new day in tha arms of lave truth courage hope aud faith there is no maa of modern limes who speaks with such supreme power at he who dictates the management of a newspaper the secret of the power a bless or the power to damn the life of a maa ia hit he is the minis ter of the most high god charged with keeping the sacred fires of truth burning along the worlds highways thiu sweep fipgert have tiili d opt with a heariy through eternal the darkness into the infinite ulutrdj liniment is tht best praiso your wife maa far pitys sake give aer a liufeieaoouragemerit it wont hart her j she poesnt expect it it will make her eyes open wider than they havp far the loot tea y irt bat it will do i her gdod for all that and yod too there art many women todiy thirsting for a word of praise em ouragemsnt yoa know that if the floor it clean labor hat been performed to mi te it so ctoa kaaw that ifi yoa cad fake f om yoar drawer a olean spirt whenever- roa want itiomebddyt why dont yoa come why how pleasant what a carrlerj pigeon did we find in tiep lutbxrg itnicw an interesting account of a young man left in charge of- a coantryt house who liada carrier pigeon recently given isfnf by an uncle who livedseveraimilesdistant the house was broken into by- barglars the yoangman sent to hisjuncle a npte tied to thecarrier nigeon that- there wereburglars in the house and the j uncle arrived with help in tiine tq capkuw tne burglars who- were convicted and sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment that pigeon is not for sale i f patent medieioes differ onehos reason- tbleness another has not- one has repa- fatiaa another htknot one hat conft- deooe bora ot success another his only hopes i dont take it for granted thit all patent medicines are alike they ate not let tlie years of u6interrnpted socceos tnd the tent of tbousandt of cured and men and women place dr pieree golden- medical discovery and dr pierces favor ite prescription on the sideof the eompar- isoa to which they belong aud there isat a state or territory no rior hardly country in the world whether itirpeeple- realize it or nor bathave men land women ri i ypa make thin jz look wife or i am i 1 j obliged t youfrlr taking much pairi m hapnier becu of the- if yoa have a hundred and sixtieth part of e complimenu yoa almost choked them iiti befbte thy were married it yoa oald stop the badinage of whom yod are oing to have nhen number one- is dead ach thirigs wiss may laughtt bat they ink deep someames fewer women would leet fori other sources of happiness polumbnt refeoraih diuavery and their effects think of this injheaith think of it in sickness aud then think whether yoa ean afford to mike the trio if thejmaken cap afford to take the risk to give yoar money i back as they do it liey do nit benefit or care you i neatly every one needs a good spring medicine and hoods sartaparilla it in- doabtedly the heat try it thit season i a soidtytohool teacher ia litchfield told his infants to ask any questions they had ia their mjnda tod little one asked wheu ii the tfrcut coming 1 i thomas t hover llrom payback j- snppote susie that there comes to every woman sooner or later as irretittible longing to bv terihead upon some strong mans shoulders and give vent lo tbe out pourings of a full heart f- sttie timidly yes thoniasv thomas soje ifjou feel that way my shoulder u4 year disposal sotie eai braced iht igj f portaoity and tbomu embraced ettste