Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1892, p. 2

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rorv botwioknttuuli tb mhvonr tbc wife otttot hole ot a ton d a otit- ii jane hi l0 of kei a nlhsmniot km tvwrri n- at tintwac on the villi jane the wife ot vanliall v hclcr if i datqrntcr ifirricrr i kellttmrittinvatkt galrw church ouloepa llit ti jon lv kcr fhhrr rwtujr twisted li- itv islhct haunt ur join 1 kilk anon uln bonnie tltr- patrick of dies- kmtvkivrvmwstl allliercaltenec ot uic l-nt- unitcr trafalgar ownrtitn on tho lillltntli iheluv wt itkts vtr tlie v revniwi to ulukili dciliiiarc daorti r ot mn wiii tlclmige all ot traalcar nrerx tirari ital aion nv uui jotie lett koarrli lirxiryirmalc starch licotctlawearcd to ytart hntoltat tppcr canada collec toronto oil kocitayjimcirth alcttnjer u sproal ton of uic late jotmsliroat of hilton oct aged u year atii tec month lqcal pub ic business the council an 1 k school battd both in set evtnlnff new school corner tune ijc jtott3trcc jfcss thursday june so 1- a word for frco pree readers as previously ixsouncts the free press will ea tin 1st ot jseutry 1r93 dopt the cisa la advance system ia the cutter of subscriptions tad this de cision is referred to from time to time so ht iiraij- uatferslnd it sd be pre- txred to help us carry out tee new imncearnt we solicit the xlrf of ill our subscribers citny of whom htvy been recultr readers ot tie free press troa the issue ot the first number seventeen ye its 0 md look upon ittstn old nd 1 trusted friend xnd one of the institutions closely connected with actons progress the cew pltn willwre convincedbe jt ere satisfactory tottlt concerned tbc men elected to kriii end uw bafinw of the to i in it rio s depart ment were all in i egn on mou y even ing tho hoar an nud foe mwung u flrod it 8 oclock i at there no qnactim of cither body unti itauauhour ter all the member of tho council were prevent uccvc ijo ry in tho chfti various comm imcauocti w ro wad one from the mcltcal iiijwrinu orient of toronto cicncnl oil eirrcwod dolrc lion vc cpecjljr tlitll do our utm tion u not tho loser voji gllxtlxuzx ttito tlit uieexcm lot 57 in acton t md tlovc my iroi baiinw extendf el vilt bo ttlctcatcu factory piuil tttji 1rtfpcrtr uctory ar d mttcrlil for ten ycrn if jiouibl notes and comments itritain it dehiadud in one impor- tint purticnur pollinc in neral elec tion is not confined to one day there it u with n bat eitenjs over veril diy in the coming election it ii expected that voting will txin on the th tnd end on the ltb pros in tht time will be drcided tke moit important contest that hu been fonht in the mother coantry in half a catnry the prohibition pirt in the ioited ut i sliowinf unnsqii activity and itreogth it ia now orginired in every iile and is tnultipkinc its newtpapera rapidly hje convention for nominating candidate for the residency will be held in cincinnati on the 29th pd 30th of june and it will tbring an enormous gathering the prohibition party was perhaps oran- lccd ulore its tinc tut it if- tttiag there all tbc ratae canadian chipping hs to bear its share in the maintenance of british light boose while thitfcoenlry is at the tole expen of maiotaining a system of lighting on its own crtensive coisu canadian shippera complain cf the tarthen of this britith tax and tbnk they ought to be relieved of- it- in thia sense they propose to present a memorial to the imperial conference of boards of trade this month the united states imposed a retaliatory light duty and this also falls upon canadians as well u british spain ia to have a columbian erpooition eeo3cd only in interest to that of the united state all thecountnea of europe are to help her by sending historical and art treasures as a loan exhibition tha pope will tend among other things the ceiehrated bell of alexander vi the spanith pontiff who drew the libes of division between the colonial possessions of spain and portugal fine arts wii figure largely besides the exhibition in madrid hcelva with its convent of la rabid ifl to be a centre of interest the convent is to be restored as it waa when columbus knocked at its gates for a glass ol water for a tick son the legislative assembly of ontario at the late session passed the following act in reference to the spraying of- fruit trees and the protection of bees 1 no person in spraying or sprinkling fruit treesdnring the period within which such trees are in foil bloom ehall use or cause to be used- any mixture containing paris green or any other poisonoueeubttanoeinjqrionb to bees 2 any person contravening the provisions of this act shall on summary conrictiou thereof before a justice of the peace be sabject to a penalty of notleeb than 5100 or more than joo with or without costs of prosecution and in case of a fine or a fine and costs being awarded and of the same not being upon conviction forthwith paid the justice may commit the offender to the common gaol there to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding thirty days un less the fine and costs are sooner paid the recent annual report of the temper ance committee of the presbytery of prince pdward i island concludes with the following earnest appeal let us all minister eldera and jleople take a tirm outspoken stand to this burning question oar general assembly has unfurled the flag with its motto total abstinence for the individual prohibition for the state let us rally round the standard let there be no truce with the power of dark ness ltt onr watchward be no sur render no compromise ltt cs fight this deadly foe of home and church and native land with the twoedged sword of righteouslaw and gospel truth though the fight mty be long and hard the day of victor- will dawn our land will yet be free from the clutches of the drink fiend which has its hand upon the throats oour free institutions in that day of rejoicing and freedom may it not be said of any of oar congregations or of any of onr people u it was said of morez of old cnre ye iforez curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof because they came not up to the lielp of the lord agaid6t the mighty expresident cleveland fs selected by the democratic conr- veatfon on first ballot cuicjago june 21 expresident grover cleveland was nominated this morning on the first ballot by tbe democratic conven tion for tbe presidency and on motion of tjie ohio delegation the nomination waa made ananjmous at the afternoon session mr a fitetenion illinois was nominated for vioepi4f jdent attack on mr gladstone the committer their report rocou follcnviog account i jamei grant work a trccta t anjerbon do tbutliam dread i or walter pucdoueall wort gorp3 lamb c c spelctit rrpalfii w smith work on c utmlta jtono h cookwoik on ft r snyder do a stautlcr xlo x uaaala da acjoi stone ac j h t iloore printiis and adv the reirvman sr contract at park cko ion on monday uotrutal ati house of co tod that kdward ia ia i oitir well jut annot bo rtmotl for aonio imt yet metsra v h i torey a hon mdrcacd the council at toll jwe daflre lo exxniyoa pw tonally our uiacfc i lo oar dua appnclatioa of ourklndum id rtstxmdlnc o fci crouily to for renewal of ur cieoiiv- uiank jroa tor u e uaantm hy vttb which you tactod lite avot which to ui it ilt moat imeaxtt c faatara we taaur yoa t lo ie oitt uio cortora ddlrcclly rery truly wnstobfvjibos tim following tiom ur arnol cxplaina ittolf in cplf to joar luqalry would t40d dealroj u on luk 10 e amount of floi o material warjtolp but ai my jnrto tho atnoust of stock am bwuerf cild lot and u repoctdilly th4 civil 8arvlm4ndltthbutl6n bui flnrtolibttmrt cctnidat indui trlae orrnrjij mth june titer e will b aceaicjtia ot tho hoao bat four diiy thia week lit wai atiuotfncod utt friday that tho liouao woum nolj ill on wcjaeuy st tcur and kt laala day tlo celerity with which tlio ltouaa of contmona haa puahed bhtlncaa liio patt week ua a to tho oonvlo tlon that jprorogatioa jill certainly tko placo nctt week sir jam haa ao ttttimit odtho ilcairo of tho aivirnrncnt arid in order to facilitate tho clcac of the adaalon tho houaj will tit on ku iiy consider ing that wednesday and fci way ot tiitf wik aro to bo obacrvwt aa holldi y uo cimilalnt oan be nudo of the decido l to ait od sat urday sin tho tapplcincntary icatimatca contain hooooo or tho canadifir exhibit at tho chicago worlda fair the civil stlltlce tho premier atated lu lio senate yeater- day in antwer to uoa ii r power that thegoverumcnt intended to exempt period of without delay yoiira ailkobd ilob vr h t arnold ot finance prcceutod tuending jkiyracnt of tiro onstreoti do nc drill sued treell ecu -y- the reiort wai adopted tho necessity c f repair to betral stde- walka inrticular y the one on main street above the gth was discussed the comniittw and one or two other racmoers of the jouficil will inspect the sidewalk and then decide as to what shall le done in the rn itttr moved by j it pearson seconded by john harvey hu t the communication of h t arnold 1- received and that the petition be ranhd and the solicitors be 1 bylaw granting cxemp- carried beardrnore seconded by proceeds of said sosrie chartered goorgetown carried the council ticn adjourned members all presiding tlie estimates ed and passed tbi 1 to 1 6 3 1 3 3 3 h3 i ii 6 75 13 10 13 13 13 li 13 is 15 10 19 03 21 10 30 00 lm 15 asked to prepare tion for ten yean moved by 0 a j b pearson tint the school debentures be expressed to i lex millerj ijerlin aitd that he be requa ted to sens the money debcnturesjby check on bank payable at par at the school boird met in thcllibrary prescjit the chairman or the year were prepar- sum of f lkti being re quired for the regular expenditcre of the school the coner stone jof new school will be laii i with appropriate cere mony j the secretary read a letter irom miss cleveland resigni ig her position as teacher of the third depa iment to uke effect at the summer vaca uon j the fifth repoi of the coromittec on finance recomrnended payment of the account of james grant of 74cfor carting scats and desks- this was adapted tlie committse on financi presented the following est mate of receipts and ex penditures for th corrent year txjrenditljx i salaries fml interest etpairs and snpilcs insurance contingencies government grac llunlcijial treesu t hm 00 w 10 2s0o 50 00 fl c7 79 eieco co 150 00 lruooo eiboooo moved by t h harding teconded by itevg li cookn that this boird through the secretary rtuest the municipal poun cil to provide th sum of skvkl for bchool purposes such eim being the estimated re quirement 0 tic board for jthe current year moved by itev g b cookfilbeconded by robt wallace that the resignation of mies cleveland as tea cher ol third department be accepted and the board place on record its high apprect tion of her zeztl and ability in discharging the duties connected with the position d irirjg her engagement carried moved by janes mclam seconded by robt holmes 1 btii tbe secretary be etructed to advertise for a teachr holdiog second class certificate for third deprt ment at salarj- pvt to exceed 275 per annum giving trie advertisement one eertlon in saturiavs jaif oarried the matter ol laying the corner stone of the new school with becoming public- oto- mony was fully discussed moved by ue g b cooke robt holmes tiiat the board mony in cpnncc seconded by consideri it advisable to pre are cor a becoming cere- ion with tlie laying of corner stone of n iw school and that arrat ments be made r the carrying out of the ba me carried moved by th hardingateoinded by tas mclam that tl c chairman and rev g cooke be appoi ited a committee to m ike all arrangements for the cereraony of lay ing tbe corner sone of the new schoo carried the board tlun adjoorned the traders bank of canada a missile thrown at the afiredstate- an by a woman loma jurjeli while mr glaitoue vat driving rfjrough cheater saturday p attend mettiiig a miteile ttruck him near theeje he ustained jio serious injury aod announced that lie uould goon and at- teod the meeting as he proceeded the ccowd cheered him luttijy it ia not known whether th atone was thrown purposely bat it ii believed by his eupporters that it wsj tbc daaurdly work of some bitter enemy of faomt rata j jme adianst a wellknown resident of jneerwll died on saturday aged 1 1 m ago ate j the traders bank baa miu e hthdsobe pronu daring it e past year j fter mak og fall jprovision fo all bad and d jabtf ul tie sts crediting intereit to date on all inters it- bearing acooocu and reserving accrced intereax on on latandiog deposit receipt sterling eichaoe etc the net profits of the year aroocnted to 5629757 being nearly 101 per cent on paid up capital tbe deposits ha e been increased by s5g7- 273 during the year and now amount to 525c705 some new blood baa been in- faied into the lirectoratt adii the juew dtrectpra are mei wellqnvlifiectbyfiuaiiakl strength and ba inec ability to main ttia a record which ha i won for the bank so large a share of th pablic ooofiienor wpi mckenje who e name appcara oo he board is the tiilltonaire treet railway sdnator stnfcrd hi parch jed a tagfl tract of land max winnipeg icd intetda etubliilfne a iittlemeot tuejiriog thpse who require it ith fandc f al study of the report of coram its ion during the if necestary bring dowi tho s object uett year is- mon8 ta an eplt idffhlbday qx r m t ilecl on are to take place july tprcpariiiit for in iramed- to ntake a oare- he civil serrtoe repeia and would legislation upon vtu ismeu tho redistribution till haa utter ite leogthy and warliko disuluon been paaaed by the house no leta than fito conserva tive membera voted agilpst tha meuure however mtrs ccckbtirn uenlton ulckey wcldon arid mictcen of ktst york refuted to wreck their r nutationa by sanc tioning tho bill i 1lnlxliu stittuint according to a statement presented to the houte by the minister of fiuauoo the receipts on account ol consolidated and from jirly 1 1691 to jade 10 1802 were 3s0fi0000 as against tsmflooo during the same period the crcvioai year the custom receipt fell tvdtn 210000 to 19171000 the expdniltaro denng the same period wai 20sa7wo ii me coininv s uispictoairji census bulletin no 10 lathe second of the ecriea relating to mknafacturing tbe first ot tbe series bulletin no 8 dealt with the total number of lishments in canada the in machinery and toots employee and tho nam industrial esub- amount invented the number of f of tteato encines used the present bulletin aimi at giving a general view ot the results of the census gathering and a comparison with the results of previous census tak ijg according to the returns in 1s04 th 31131172 invested in re wti in causda land for manufac turing pnrpoecs vi97lks25 in buildings and fs099323 in mskliinery and tools in additionthe sum ol found to be the working ontario is assigned 32028 eefablifihments an increase over 1b81 of 23112 an increase of 72c1 over 1881 181907111 waa capital employed 8970 and quebec coming andcoing visitors to and from acton and varloub other personalnotes liss aiiern of toronto is tisiting acton friends mr john j kelly and bride arrived home from chicago last week miss fannie lee of roekwood visited acton friends last wtek mr william nickel of detroit has been visitiog friends here the past week mr and mrs william snyder of elora are guests ot acton friends this week mrs w frick ot oaktille hu been the guest of friends here daring the week miss kay of chinguaooasy was a guest ot mrs john stephenson over sunday rev j edge left oo tpeaday to spend a day or two with friends at chealey and vicinity miss mary coleman ot gait is spending a month with her aunt kra j ii crippa of maple prove mrs james g hilt and children of detroit mich have been guests at the homo of c t hill esq the past week mr w k cook of gtjelpb brother of mr adam cook acton has just received a good appointment as exciseman in the in land revenue department at toronto mr george williams carpenter who has resided in acton for several years removed thia week to toronto junction where he has engaged in the grocery bnsinesi mr and mrs a h gibbard b a head master georgetown high school and miss robbins of georgetown kentucky wern guests at the maplea last saturday the municipal act notes outlining recent legislation affecting municipal goemmerit tbe qualification of councillors in towns is reduced to 00 freehold or 00 lease hold in townships to 5200 freehold or 100 leasehold leaseholds for a term of not less than five years are to be deemed owners for the purpose ot the municipal franchise aod personb assessed for 200 or more in towns less than 3000 inhabitants arc now entitled to vote the former minimum waa 300 the day for resigning ie limited to the nomination day and the day following a voter may select far himself any one of the prescribed forms of oath certified copies pf document- in the custody of the clerk may be fyla in courts instead of the originals auditors are required to make a report upon the condition atd value of the securities given by the treasurerthe cash balance in his handa and whether immedi ately available the treasurers bank ac counts shall also be i ubtqitted to the auditors the valuation for eqt situation may be extended by tbe county council for a further period of five years clerks are to receive a reasonable remun eration for their tervicea inder the ditches and watercourses act ind for copies of documents furnished by hem in voting on money bylaws a voter can vote in each ward in whic the power of granting mating any manufacture b he haa a rote i bonus for pro- a withdrawn a more definite prooedt re in relatlod to motions to quuh bylawi i the pacty applying is not security for cost to the extent pf himself in 50 and two sureties in t0 each a magistrate- u not acting where in case of or part thereof goes lo th which he is a ratepayer cities and towns may abling inspectors or chief a person i charged with t eing drank with out being disorderly in the cafeof flrst or second offence to dhel arge the offender without bringing liimlbefore a ragtltrate hawkers of watches plated ware or silver ware are required tj take oat is ped lars license is enacted and required to give disqualified from conviction a fins municipality of pass bylawa en sonstablej where just arrived fine aasc pots at t h hjutmxos k inards untaent fs the i est rtraeot of flower 3rooery the worlda doings i tho wk uioltopa 23rd 8tywrtburk ate outbreak of iiolora w k pit ir i o railway rallliopare waa burled at himll uii on saturday a nephew of t to king ot siam his arri ved ta now yorjc aud will visit niagara falls the idil ot ha peel election caw haa been ici o cotimence at dramptoa oil july 9 stephen llotityre a ittlo fellow of 7 lake conculchlng on sat- din wurovtic urday the cuaro ol and island coucta caruegle the number oil strike rumor has it p la thottljr to ot sllwia itrtmcciai rios uaarload the igrsud honl u kill edwarjd bli canada aa atattlofllci w lewis ot flag sltauty in 1 nffalo on saturday and oonsistsbt dian lumber wt ids ated ott first have riot bceti vi i an entratree foe to thoat- part is to bo contested iri the i ire i worker at pittsburg to of soo are expected to go out thst llcatcol amyot u be mid deputyminister j land a welltodo resident of saralatowni iilp is under arrest for ei- euiivosliopjfl og bjran skevtc k a boy of 12 was struck dead by inunttt v wbiio picking strawbex near land n ont j rank station aud freight offices at crsigals were burnt out on sat urday at a icjsa it 0000 aays it is not unlikely that may same day retarn to rnor general j caoea of cholera haa been reportk at if si i russia daring one week with 70 deaths rom the disease hamilton laccumbed to a tit ot opium po sonlng at the erie street hon yadkeu ao dowelflaid the oorper stoue bt a njsw ifethodist church at haw thorni in roin ii county the other day r irfcbajdsi n of ottawa traveller tor a torputc pbbl thing company died in hu room kt the vi toria hotel ganauocjucoo saturday the first dih bit to arrive atlchicago for the worliitairreachedtbegroand friday 3 enormoas logs from cans- usbilion ci y council haa pmed a by law etiicting ltt it drunki shall bei hber- nd second offences il they sordcrly the scottish home rule associativa hat noticed mr g adstone that owing to the vaguenesa of h i declarationa they cinnot support him in jquebe revj ai hui eng on tl i lait 1 qtleec juni dund it a actoi englat church of e his election ballot of the dsiyij voting clergy and it waa confidejitly church party nlsgtra woulc timeihad tho bat the laity t in thirteen voes evening friends was toi ooneentrati dunn with th secured she 1 the general elections snewbiskop- ter dunn of loneoo o fourteenth ballot 2ltbe rev a hunter 1 car of all saints oalh is the bishopelect of the jsiid diocese of qaebee 6a tho foarteeath an synod after a two- twothirds vote of both being necessary to elect y erpected by the high tt bishop hamilton of be elected and he several necessary clerical support came nearer than with of selecting him thia ice of bishop hamiltons it which it waa decided their strength upon mr result that bis election waa bv tffwkw p 8ton of lower cabot vt formerly of dlookil a faithful pastor r heldtttiilgril esteem bjhu people tad hi opinion upoa tcmporil as well u jplrfttul nutter u valued great lly the followlmjlt from si clereymart long influential ltt nw england now apending well earned rest in cabof vt c i hood te co lowell tfais wo hato used itobds barsaparlluv hour arally fcrmanf jearit past withgwsitlwsi- eac we havej with eonlldenee recom mended it to other for uicir tarloos all ments almost alt ot whom have eeruaea ta tgatbeneutbrluuse we can honeatly aridchtierfuhy recommend it u he beat hast prir w hava ever tried j we lutve used others butnosewllhuintienefletaierietaofitcoci auowo deem ifoods rilla and olive oint ment laralsiawa mrs stone sari she cannot do wtuwuttaem eevjpstoxe better than cold ifr aeo t clspp ot esstondale mass sayst i am m jsars of age and for m rears hare iafferfd with running ioks on one otmrleirs a few rears am fluid iwotoea amnulated phrflotans sayfir i was suflcr- tnttrompuigieaoandhadbut a short tjnrfo to live eljht months ajn aa melghbor urged me i began lakiot lleods garsaparlll tlta wttolo lower part ot ray let and foot was a running sore hut it lias slmost completely healed and i can irullitunr say tltat i am 1st teller kestlsat than i hare been for many rmrtf i ltave taken n4otlter medicine and consider that i one ail my imuroyeraeat to i hoods sarsaparllla it it better una gold i clteertwur verity the atmto statement of ur clapp whom t have knows so yean j sl flow ard drujrgttt cutondife uaas hoooa pltls ace pt vetretal1 youll be sorry tiit conti rence wattesiloo if you dont call and see the pringle rockford watch before you buy one it is the most perfect and durable timepiece made gd pringle cuslph if yoa want firstclass gnelph sash and door at qaelph prices t emuac cia file your order at bis planing mill an oef tliia gcimou we are showing fu argeat and bt assorted stootc in this line over brought into acton tho same tjaality of and 17a inst year canibe hdd print that we aold at 15c tbig ycaratl2jc thegoodgarealljnew and jagt on last wo received 50 new pioceg saturday i the patterns are alt newand varied ic have a large range to choose from we hivo also great bargain in 8c bitnts which we have stacks that must b that j on addloc sotd our stock of dress goods is raoat complete find a very large range is on exhibition every day at ground prices j our diack and colored cashmeres w from tho largest hoasia montreal andthe p tho eiosest wopver sold goods a boaght rices are ere a call hvill pay you hencier son mcbae r js jolin speiglit furniture rx undsrt go im l m drop us a postal 5 it yoa waril samples and prices s of anything in dry goods or gen- s cral mctcbandii ours is the largest retail store in au canirjaj with over thrce aqus of soflinjl spate and half a thousand bmi plbyce and a postal card is eaiough lo if ing all the facilities of the store tnyotirjiomc just as much as ihouyii we wdrc located in yourtbwni ii i ihlnlc of a clerk- wtioited to know fashion changes mefcham dise qualities styles amcojrits being at your beck and call when- ever you wish i hats shppnnf bymjl1 thc t eaton etyy in in fittp sutrsit lit tvvwvvvvvvt uvwvivy 4fttr tybittxsmmlt r foe- sale six flrstlasroilehr 1 tffjeray cssi ordantawe paper also milkwagon aadj- cans two ood mares for salvor sxehaos far young cattle lbr to son our stock of fafnitnreis now complete for sfjrink xrsdeaod we can soppfy article yoa want at the lowtst poaaible prioesi we dont steal our rarnifar nor and any one in its tuannfaotare but we payjeash for it and can sell as low- for cash ny dealers in the trade i we can give you a r bedroomfset complete fo 14 wove mattresses for 4 sprfngs for 93 sideboards at cost udbinges for 750 extens on tables 750 chairs at any price underthklng a full line of corsn caakeu robes etc swsjri in stockj we can gi yoa aa ifactiou as lo prioea we desire to impress n the rwwio tim fact that we have no ctioa with any combination and orir prieea are net gpternei- iy tha undertaken ation we can give yon the beat the market afford at t6nemble pricea good hearse and outfit forfunerala t would b spsigmtfx son on15bnjoys ifedi the m ithdd and results when gyrjapof fi p is taken it is pleasant and refresh ngj to the teste and acts r uly yet r rorpjitly on the kidneys iyes and j sotrtls clcpnscsthe sys- efa effectu illy dispeb colds head- achjesianot i ivdre and curry habitual cormipatio i pynip of figs is the only iremet y pf its kind ever pro- dad plea ing to the toitc- intf sol it cepfable to th etomttch p1 tx itskciion c id truly bcneiiotal in its eflqeta pre arcd onl v from the most healthy ant agreeabtebubstanoes iu maiiyerccl entqualitiwcommendit tolau and have madtvit the most tjopular rei ledy knovrn syrup of fjga is for sale ia 75o bottles by all leading druggists any ireliab e druggist who may not ve it ot hand will procure it jmptly orj any ono who wishes- it m liufacturcd only by the loforialfifi ssifbopcil sas ttbdi nit tvstnsvixi rr r iqllay such special value in list and cotton hose from a certaur german we need only ask yoa tot i i ndlf try a pair jo be convinced that for and permanence of dye t ly cannot bvexoilled these hose are black indeed all our gei nan hosiery ia dyed by the beat dyer ir the world loois hermsdocf thi gcrayblll manuf tcturlng co ltd ont fxctuuees of school lodge ra fariiitrire doi la f fai ieud for tst in ed i tp getoureshriates i i rcufarsausl catalogues i proved and pjerfect- sctlool desk j we have gasrante- our 20o 2oc and 35c intend to maintain a cashmere hosiery hose at 10c 12c and 13c bat especially recommend inet in cotton an tja and 55c lines in jisla hosiery wo repjtfatida for these gooda- equal to that we have always bad for with oar new make addition the hues of we propose to doable oar ta its gb to advertise goods which if e cortld not produoe for your inspection exactly a advertised we state most decidedly i iat oat cotton and silk hosiery is unsurpassed in canada thie season for ladfee an i childrens wear and we can pajc with authority on this poiut from personal ex irienoe and knowledge oar buyer hate gone direct ta cbemnitc the headejaaxfe s for cotton and lisle hosiery for the whole world and bare there selected the line ol these goods combining the moat favorable vrashties we thru purchase our hosiery as i so oar other goods from the milljdinct sod we have secured manafactorer that cjaaiity of material if a perfectly fast f lisle and silk mitts at 2jc 30c and apward aid in and silk gloves we have secured to sell at populsi prices cade in these gooda this spring tta judging by the quicisalaa and the many rolls of carpet leiviog bar the impression is ani assortment g b ryan store oonf haally ial that fof qaolity price beauty of patterns and large os ia the carpet house of qneiph i co olse pric8 only jfr st co guelrh t special provision made for w arm weather requirements uress in a cool manner daring the right house n pleasing variety the nef thia seasoa i handsome printed nainsook purposes beautiful french printed dress very charming are the b looses made from correct for the hot season belts necesssryulhe french and america rt sti lea ransnug in temperalaie down yoa will find them in offered ilk the corset depart 1ekt for fiftif osnt8 a pair has jast 1 1 iyrd christened the8arprse ask to see it st have been reqelved this wee i cottage 8 case corjets 1 cac lace carta i is surah bilks kt 50c vfry nice iuslity of olol i nice arietyot fewjlaiu pongee at 26a i beaded gimp from burope printed dalane i underwear all kinds for lsde men tad cl adyavtatjeiread the bargain i i5o a lanje lot of jllwool dress goods sjrmerl reduced to bargain pflces a large variety yarious lot pf gloves sod mitts reduoed tc reduced from 60o to 5o blouses formerlj at the bwitor obrter a kins street east hamilton june th 1892 vu 1 a rarm months 8oitbie fabric to oover these requiremeuu will be found tt the demifloonciko ik white swiss uavlin embroidesv i new artiole uslins also swis spotted muslins fut biekpiw organdy hulin for dree luikn and rtsnvolber allrssfive wash muslin in large variety ask te see them wn tepbers and fanoy printed good they are good fitting gsrmante the stfle the fashion demand their die a charming variety o he newestdesdgna in english ric from 12jo upwardr summer corset and waists are rjseful to keep the a conet depstrtnient in rlgbt style and prices a 80rbri8ikg baboain is a genuine one nollaft cobset iwhioalrvlli be 80lp tin od corset i well nude good fitting and oertasn to plase ii is all over the house is well assorted and new good arriving daily 18 paokages aa follow china matting juatthe artiole for ootariug not inyourbetnh 2 ease ot silks including a few very choice deaigna ra fancy dreaa 8ilk spot new design in printed pongee 8ilk see the printed pongee at sjso pec yard o casas ot new chevjot sergea in navy blue and blaok bedford j jord and poplins silk ribbons new veiling ribbon fringe and narrow colored jimp summer dren correct weight for summer months to spend money- to the best offered allwool dress qood8 eormewit mclto2sa redooedto marly 20o redooed 16 ijjo bauueeof tbi ibniaoketlr4i odd lot in black coloredand faney silk reduoed to nariy hal fearing price fanoy cheffon in wide width reduoed fromutolso oneffon h76 and 10 reduced to 75o each a good variety to aeleot 1 rotn pleaa enter hughsou street i i wo i i od thomas a ratjipritaa trespassers take notice n ottceur hereby pt that oaipabue s ally i fortlbben frottijass- tlie premism of th underslcned wist bait tat pen j 1 thomas c uookb acton iprfl 18th mb foesaliev opxbttntr t otslt3 1j acton 0 ted la tbe cen to lbs two ul able woe ot a grand site for greatly needed vi- at offers tnvttao a bargain v acton april h in mockls in the tills title jtrisu lots an the villas- and quite t andis ttie calr-avaa- centre of th vulafe wujaot houses wnsen an ba souettttloeer separ m i blcwk u be aolcjlt james batthbwg dcse farm on lot itrcorj ij ul ship ot peelil8 acres with lo valuable erotiert jttofe a dcse farm on ship o feeleta aczm uzib umbered wish beech su pine cedar rock and soft elrn cleaued except burning tbe bmsb also a stone and b1i cast ciimg off tposn j sod two eeuari frtme stable1 with test lota rf f land on gaajptl iri and ooeen streets in oja j volace of actcm iwiu ull in or six uuildibf lots sepaiately if 4esjrel i j terms oneliw cn ct cacbar tor ether ojaetonontm the new meatmafikfet sttjll nooorieiiuiso the duzen of- j that be lias ccamdeted anoxmoat llaiket ia m- ected st the corner of mil has pleasure in i acton and vicinitl taocementa to ope bulfdingrecenuy erected ud jtahi streets uv mr seortd j next tueadsiy llotninssinainstataii jstcckof sil kind of fresh meats fowl etc win be opened itbe beat cjiiality alwaj stock 1 i hartm bad experience fnube business i can sasosa ul too favor me with mslr order eotin satiitactfoii r bitfiest cast price paid for potk hidea tals lowe i ij parties having cattle ic to sell are recraeated 0 call i astuia it e3500 ef bewaeds and 3rd fth sth 6th tth 8th kb lqbewards i the canadian agnoutiirbrr qreat half yearly literary cconpetitton the fifth half searly uteiraj7ccaesuw torlsb ot tbe ca amns leas eld and reliable iffustratesl fsnlrj magaxfrie will close june sbsallett bear- in postmark not later than juesuth will eoot no matter where insted the louowiaf splendid prises will be jlveh tree ta- pssrscais teadlrig lathe greatest rjnmberof wecdasnacl ont of letters eontoosd in the wants rttot lcstttxd aokiccxttoust tssavtr sending in aoiat of aot leu than woworis wul reeitea tsldtble present of sflterras 1st o rand beward a in ooid i qrend ptano tamad at 3q- itja moinoota organ rained at moo f 4iwlntjbld r3 senls gold watch full jewelled udleasxildvhtcttfojl jarsrellsd 4jwugollj l sbtnoold j slfleteh x tmb- kextrj prttea so saver tee set9jaatrrhrl plate warranted- r nxt a nrites 50 silver dessert sets warranted ketsu priicwo sflar barter dfcheste- warrvntad heavy plason kelt 500 prises consists ot sekvr plated bqrer t kettle batter dtsbssfrbisr baskets biscrrit r- jars sosjar shells better xxuves srsu ec ail fully warranted rasiirigatpul ot msjlepaid rewards the varae at whieh wtu j scxregata this trend lltermxi cempetltl everybodr everywhere tbefplj concutioxt i 1 tha words most be i letters la tbewordathb t rcblst and most be onlr a webslera daabridnd dictu tbe book none ot the suppla i the words moat be wrltl numbered is3 sad to on foi eiding the winnexa 3w letters cannot be appear tri tbe words thx- cuztubnrr for instance tl notbe used ss then is but c words i i the list contaiaixig the i words will be ainled first ii order of merit each listas it is reeerred wttl be ntunbered andif two or more tie tb first received- will be awarded first prise acid so on therefore the benefit of sisecuhg inesuiy will readlljbe seen i 5 each list must be sccompanied by eltoratx months sebacriptin to tax koatcttercbibt the follovina gentlemen bitekindl cooaent- ed to act as indies j g maddoriam cttjctak feterboroagh canada and chmmorvire osjcntt peterborough i i onr last competition t opt 8ieoo prise all rifbtm if brandoo fvanconrir b 0 raarna for 300 prise 6 wqtairiiagham donald b c prise received a kj d i bapuewettsrnjeawla tekadireeelted tbanks- v bobertfen itwoiito i and soo others n tjnited states and tsnaaa- thia irku lottterymarlt ohlr wtu coent the uudm tor idrneaa eainia bttrot aoai- c ltobist in the past 1 torje iraaretitee tbajl tola cempetitioa will bs eonanctedin uke msn- net 5otd3catmptcjfallpvrttovdarstothe aqwculttoklsttetiboipcanad -t- bopt fesltdei5 we hate just received oi boot and 8hbe from facturtr in canada petition in either ityle or fail stock of jl in beat mana- lj imddeiyeom- qnsiity tfiy price s boots skok8t which for rtjle fit lad wear crmoi be xvotojn

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