Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1892, p. 1

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t i2 f i k rrrc vommk xvuiko lit j he xrtatt jfrcej3rcss rrjitiutct- evlrv thwtsday moiixlno it tbt frtf prt mtnia 1rlnuiic oftici unx strkht j actov ont irrirtonr lollir per yrir r will in llrualyi from 4 i trtifprsi r if rijto ain- lccrmof up tj0 icr il not o ld tin tut u irii crrr iultcrimciir pn i dtacotltr dwci tv artirri iutt tratifknt adttrtim- tnfcu tvri vr nonpareil llnr rtrnrtl ti mjmi s muii vr hoc tor cb tubtoqucnva cvtrift iliti the fftlliiic umc liit or mtof fr tin tnrtun ol vrrliiiriiti iv r r ptvism ptm ftair 10 it j c ilikhm i nth i 1 th x ki sv vi sxmv1 mw sav to to um tvb1 ltd tro tp 5v iftl 1 mlt 103 1w i1rcrlswnicnt vrilhtrit ibvifc direction t it1 i idkmm till foiuut and chirm accord- nti tnrtitrt adtfrtuirmesu trsjt lx paid adrrtisrtrtf will lo cianftm onr each rvlb if wrtl fi rioters itrrrr than onoc n irclh u- cipktitioa tuun tx pald tor t rpfali ratoir ciary for csraft adrrrtifrtrrnt tacit t u rudont tlitor auj proprietor susirtcss directory j 1 vkknm dcm oacv a rwidiucc conn ttmta ados uiua krojcrick 5 a a mtkkaglcmn liriieiu c trinity coure member o coiee cf pfcrteaei uid surceosi ijcentiate o kovai college ct pin sicim and surcooui oscrtvnd residence ir loty late rvti- tf head of frrdtnci itrtt acton l bennett lds deastist gcoaattoitn avrmio m clean a mclean bwrritterv solicitor notuic courryaneen tc ftiu fc2i to lon km 0xtoi a he lux n hll acton jxoa mclean t ahowat bilttrrrt soucttoe notadi pcruc honey to lovn ofnet din tcciar ni sttrdty orncz ktzswlns bock acton crvuin r msabb ccnmztancet cclliltcn elc rctu n j fctfconntj couecttd acent fire n1 lc afsrmncf iroicrty bought tj oll xt io icia oa the uit fvcrmbl teni jamowatsosr acton chilton wallbridge stone bwritien solicitor- frt toeostto 1kd qcgbqctont 0e crrlntn block gcrsetown nd trxicniink chjbft m voe it tcronw jshlto5 zk w n vtillnuior he stone atents secuhet fou invtntios hesity grist ottawa caxada iy t rt practice no pttent no iit y mexrcakgrasjs hammocks aoto n ontario thursday september 2ff d2 larqe i stroko low thce -at- days boor8toe the traders bank op canada limn orricr waokw cimti atruontekp tiioaaax critil iaui vf moaoq iet fxkl m000m quelph brancff oowm 0 ttikmltu 1kd jlibhc ctrcett strlnst bant department ivrrctit paid oa iuiui of land offtrdifcooi dto til drpoalt o dat ot wiuidnril or com poatrtcd hau yearly oo lit uar ud nth ko- vntbr i dritrtjt tuned uaadtanooa made to recpoatttjls iiiniera klerllnc eiclnom boajbt nd old dralu ucvcd ptyiblait ill poluti in the united statoe aadcaacda a cacral hauatng uutloccs traaiacted a e a jones uakr ouajpn urcocb bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savings deluttuent h uxmi 0vmiwt in ooaneetion with this 11 ranch icitcrtu allowed at carrcat kat jas hfinlay uauattr gcelrh b1uncu w barber bros paper makers georgetown iqnt make a srrciixtt or i machine finished book papers 1st high ultapf weekly news the paper used in this journal is from he above mills wh barber t bros- steel engravings proof furhinc colored picture ltoom uid picture uonldinc j ivory oas famsl silver qilt allu wtre artistsmicrerials- tumk of wintor d kcvtona flke 6 irdm bta franisc cnpte rfc- our wall papers t bij o l ce bit cectcd in the city v waters bros kstaiiushsd 177 t qeorge s square ouelph w uemstreet- licsvbtb accnosrcb tor ib goatim of euincton iad lultoc oriftri lefl at he fcc ptits om actoa or t py ri4acttn actan kill te prooytly i- ltaie1 to term i rcicnable alo mosey to oa on the tnewt frorble tecpiini tt the lowett rtici of ictcret in sfct of jktni cptid john dat architect gcelfuoxt ornce wjtihxia trit c1rancis nunan s3ceorto t fchpmnjj bookiilndep sgeorcf gaclpbonurio arott b3ki ji 1 kini mtde to order cenodiciliof etetfjdecrintioneirefnuyboand blisjr ntailt ad promptly done mhe hanian barber bhop mill stieet actox aceiiytnatentyii4tihxircateoodiciroiil n eiiulidxtineihuupoofclwayiciten kion bocedtndpat i6 firtcltm condition ltdi aid chiiireni hiir uxiily cat j bwosdestonorialaxtiu new planing will -aa- saah and door faciory john cameron contractor hu fitted ap thebaihidcon usln street lstiy occjuel u track factory with new mecbinerj and u rrepred to rnruisb jltn f pifiction and ejlimitei for fcll cltsfct of lutjio scd execute ill kinds of dressing matching aadls0uloig r axe ia fttlcs cr sathea doors aoi windows sl door frames and drecsl lnmbex and kep itock on hied all orden promptli mended to john camerok plush parfor 9 uites i solid walnut frames complete 4 from 30 up p sprhcg6 gualph jlkiltl and stock ready at the lea dine shoe store quel ph on 6t0ck li selected trom tbelicstuuiuttcturertlactiiftd md tbo sute why rdk alout with 4u illfitting hoe when you cad pet exactly wht vtll fit joa at tbo leading shoe store not only axo oar ttn fmrli vciiosea try clnjir fcatj caxtt u tavkt ul bcii4ct of cu ftad 63p botf ia ihetur 6rijutntrtaclrtatoordtl wott every xir gatkjiuoi leading hoot slioe store w mclaren co cuelph ont actoh- livery acton lodge xo 204 ioof meets in the oddfellow hill hillt bloek erery wednedw evening vuitiug britti- ren ilwiyt welcome for copy of cooitttnfcon md liwi apply to the cndenicned or any of the wwitluus hhwokdev k it secretiry salsite wanted ii e ant both trtv llicti aud iocaj eaictjen tl to represent tfce old ettabhslad footfehi xcrteri ralaey aid fboh thetait to ulestnea mperieaced in oar line iibarl teri2i to bedncen icd a permtneiit ctaatlou fcjred we bave 703 actct nnder cultitcuon ard icmiibodlyjftrstcliamttock urim fttr hardy tftjieties lor nerthem onurio and uabi- icbi sulity we guarantee ot stock apply for ttrtni at once we int yoa now htone 4v wellington i toronto opt bus lttfe the nqdeniftjed rcsijectiulljaoiiciu the patron tgeoltbe public indinforrat them tba well equipped and stylish rigs can tl- ways be secured at nil iublcf a comfottable bni meet all trairia between 9 atn and 618 ntn careful atttntion given to every order the tint of commercial travel ler fully met john williams i agents- wanted in erery towxuhlp to slltfae pictoriaj cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor tjiv- ijii cmpletnd comptebeniive qrk iu atztbori itaud at the b4id oi utr jtoftiion jii bae a cobtinecu1 repu- tion voti iujntlgbt in gold to ny one bavmg horfce khep cctue ririne 1oultfy lteivr ijee a erapd oppottuaity to mtk wf secure territofy at once addreci e h hgryer publkhfir i 120 yon st toronto wellington mutual fire rsurarce compm cstaelhhti ut f i head office cuelph insure buildings uercbanduc 11 auq factories and all other description ol fnearableproperty pn the cash and premium note system f w stoke chas davidson president manager john taylor a0t season 18m i tshile ret amine tbantito onptuuiy pat n roni for thelrliberal cnpportij th rt ve with to intorm yoa that vehsr eaterd into an arrancttneut with retevirtgaelpb to keep conitaqtly on hnd a fall ttocfci of the ordinary ice of j sash doors etc and will also tapply any ipecul ttces oo abort notice at guelpb price j frames of ais kinds m ada to order we also keep in ttok a line of be window and door catinc corner blocka ic 1 j voor lumber drttmd while you wait price ci so twr u 5wtqf ami 7ut4xdtk8 wooing ia boolcti mditt ui it udb lyno audiiid miurouatdontdta hy th flair ry bcakj o tfai murmarfaj doou whoca vi lrrtuughod 1 uio ma brlut riy ttavuahi iilaad lad aal bt iroc the rjitjd uio brcva ifacffrocor clia bui wirt b form ad ku w uu f a ad bu h adiotaa fico tu bravu wl ua hlntrutl vuod law and bar bair oeavd cuodwlaillfccatuood aqd hqr cb ks woro rod ti uio blush o itio roto ac bo 1u ucd uio vbilp bar lover voood ui tiked hi r to o to uio hbtbuadi vl blm and idll t o iaao aacwercd hlw nay u it bcldj y l lorer teriarcrfd for a sco vlll alvayf bavo li tcay tb taa ua rtthdrawa bcblnd c cloud and dark tbo beivcat begta to lover and tooa u flowers ou tbo baakj at uio uoon had ftttoti belr ear 1 tbo manner shower tholiddlo ofcotthtspiaid and ho wrapped iniucta i oat foldi tbo taasioa forta and oer lb i iiomtkai j and oft cb i and cho i gallanu braei ujroufli the danetag rala bo broach t tier calo rota tbo itcrm hut bflcor 1 1 left her ho gtxa bar word that lie qiq htblaodn wi bltn wad sa if bo wool j titharf eotweotaadhb did- for a beoi rill alraji bare bis vay and co iho went wt tbo lord o tbo bllla to bia b ttuo wbero tbo mouauius tnoet the cloi whara the laxlo tram hu oyrlo creams at the p si o tbo thunder long and loud and thsro bappy wife has tho dwelt watebln itterboyi about bcr crow tall and i rsjibt as tbo mlfihty pears their fti airs in battlo were wont to throw iflca as cho thinks o tbo pact jrer reci t raiuy day when a hi wander wraprhng bet in bis plaid ooed bcr and bad bis way j si stzifk family iuattfttg ti all aloi e ia the ooot green shadow oftlio glen witl firns nodding around and blue asters di it ig their frinpee in the forest pool win 3 in the midday ctmibino could ttc awninjj of beach leave ovcr- pynsent felt liko a modern c asoe as he leaned bock against oimclod rock and turned tho pocket edition of shakes- penetrate headmi robinson mosa leaves of pea re now pynsent ew cmirist er but stippcxo thought ur himself luxurioasly watching pumps being better ihle thic heretof we- rill fatiply cither vood or iron pumps- ctomptlj all work cirantel ll i pleiie cill and tccpect bsloro i parcfaaatcg eljewhcre thosebbage vanaeer thocrrati flight of a gigantic bn butter fly thai lore is a living sou within a mile of ir i dont sapposo but jut t a that instant a street imper ious voice lice the call of a robin which had just l lot ered away into the blackberry thickets lie roed through the fragrant sil ence of tl a ammer noon calling charl y charley while i bunch of autumn leaves drifted down upc q 1 is book from the edge of the precipice abave are j do hem charley reiterated tho sweet b rd like voice good gracious why don y u spcakt mr pjnsent straightened himself up and tried to 1 k through the green braiding of foliage o eraead yea m here said he wishing in his secret he trt that he wasnt so nearsighted and had it jleft his eycglaaxs behind in new york then wl ty didnt you say so before yoa stupid filloir retorted tho unseen cate chist with a fresh sbower of leaves descend ing from he erial height may i come down ccrtajialy oh 1 to look well is more the result of pood judgement and taste than mere lavish nso of money my stock of boots shoes is sdapted o fill the wants of those who hiving slender incomes still desire to make their appearance creditable me rgans d gold medal eee awahded hamiltons garble works ha it iltons block formerly hatchs blok ilegort corner of woolwich and norfplk sutet0uelh oat johm h hamllton proprietor wljoftaje sail retaudtajeraod direct importer mi inauufacturtrof all kinds of grange iai usrble houutarnu tombatoge etc batsqs bad as exteuxive esperiesoe for the but ig yetrs the puhlltf may relyoa geozcg all canetlor articles at a cheaper rate than any otbtr deader in ti wml j n h li per cent off on s direct order re- tcivtxl fortttf ceits3dxr- jamaica international exhibition 1891 in couiictitioti with amcricangcrniauengliab ai4 cariadian tnaiiufacturers i ily experience and close relations with manufactarers enables mo to present a hne of footwear unequalled in tho county for style quality and price win williams acton the clin ch a pale b dont fie i i at iii with gei responded our puuled hero at t cant though added the voice with a li tle hysterical catch in its accent ive qc itn led with bell and mamma and ive brbl en the btgchina vase and im very very mil era ble 1 to th s ink statement of affaire oar pauled ler t coald think of no immediate reply jtl ough he was a clergyman of of england he was not quite prepare to give inhis adhesion to the doctrine of he confessional why doit yoa ask mo why cried out the voio snd through the green tremu lous chis raoacaroof many leaves he oouldsee the shin cr mped yellow hair the flutter of uo i carf overhead i- bit interested i declare you protested mr pynsent earnestness its- 11 the new minister said the fair one witi i he golden locks coming pick- prying here where nobody wants ing anc him i- the new minister repeated the rev mr pv ntent with a curioas sensation of seeing 1 ims lf in a sort of a mental looking glass yes the new minister repeated the girl mimicking his accent of surprise charl ydnt be- such a fool or i shall throw ny parasol down at you of course its the lew minister who else should it be t ottiii g to dinner ju6t when nobody wants lim and there is bell putting her hair in carl papers and laying out all the relfciot s bo ks on the centre table and hid- 119 upper wyudliani stieetj tngtm novels away under the sofa aid fresh arrivals fiwe scotch smraias ew sprofci worsted suitmo ovsrcoatwqkjswxst colors s m cook vco aeorobtown licensed anctlatuwc appniaen vilu- atorx collector real estate asd 0urixl4act aenti rok rati cocftocs or haltonpeeiw0ungtoa8imcoe tpr and onutrio monty ui loan from f 100 no at sis per cei t iirtie pueins thlr silos oc other btulnw in our huulj will eiruiesiaje proioptlyama44d to is tnoderatt- hsxsoa- omck ato hu boous mil scasorce- tcira or addroas boi us s if cook co uctioti6era imnch dtnw si quara 6t bin to ooto 8 k cook co tjuuanten aortoira and toronto ou jlontbly or quirurly piyuient oar i c w kellys music store s lower wynduim street ouslph tle- phone 271 acton saw mills coal and wood yabds j uuricrvuua axd dealer isj lcoiur lath bbiosles coal sad wki opened today choice new line in vine engwtuu in fedora and all kawert 3nape tobasoldatolopriie special drives tn eemcmher our fimous h pin to order hats fashionable clothiar coil and wood iliiis lo tolc aoi protaptly t ofth prlea dcllrered to lay pirt otthetova it resouicle pr hardwood md ilihs cut store leneth alfayt oohaxul telflpuoflecoututtaleattou wantbbj a few hustling ats to mil oarsery stook a wlary of a par month and aipensh write for particular d h patty nuomymio ill eichicfie bl dene ny jobprffltpa- rscludiko books pimphleta posters bui jl betat clrcalars te 4c ereeutad in tho bt stylo ot tho art at moderate prices and ou ihort notice apply or iddresa it p moobe facpoes office acton soma aeh ootlandish sounding thing well jet her if she likes i couldnt marry hrauo not foe 110000 f to think of ray dear utile white doves 1 yet faluitrf mr pynm waxinfr mora and mom uncomfortable all tho time but dont yoa think la ust ixjoslbio that hl gentleman may not hava known about umwhiladavoa charley why are yoa so hoarsot ctfed out tho fair unknown in an unoomcloui paraphfasa on luua ilod hiding hood have you boon and caught ooldagafu n no not lha t awaro of said mr pynsent pondering how ho should con trive to eiptain to tier at this lata stage of affair that he was flic wrong charley then its tho echo from tho rocks said tho damsel it makes your voica sound aa roogh as a bear is that tho 12 oclock whistlat 0 thcn t must hurry home and help belle with tho peaches and cream for desert and i cant comedown and talk with you after all but theraa a tea rc- bud charley dear if id loft it on tho bush bella would only have gathered it to pamper tho new minister with aatersand johnnyjumpera are good enough toe him and the nett minute a half blown mar- ccbal niel bud golden centered and odor- ou with subtle perfume driftoddown upon the leaves of tho shakespeare and the sun shiny little head with its fluttering bluo coif wa gone tbo itav mr pynsent rasa up and looked aroand with a bewildered air upon my word said he baa might almost believe ones self to be in an enchanted glen wa that ah enchanted ulen t waa that golden head really a dream and am i actually such an ogre is the widow wilton positively about to servoup to me a dish made of tho little penitents white doves by tho sacred stork of egypt 1 11 not taste a mouthful of it i and who is this charley anyhow f and how about hint imperial bell whp is going to marry me koum tqttat it strike me that i am about to venture into unknown danger however resolutely closing the shake speare and slipping it into his pocket i have commenced tho campaign and i ana going to carry it through even though it should prove to bo a waterloo i dinner is ready mr pynsent if yoa please said miss bella wilton stall juno- like damselof some twentythree or twenty- four summer- and the revcbatiesccurtaey pyuseuc who had been citting in rather uncom- toctcble stata in the bestparlor with the widow wiltoti followed hi holei ufa the diningroom there ici a white dresc with a blue ssstr knotted loosely around her slim wiitt stood a lovely youug gtrl of sixteen with goldeti irnses gathered latoanecand a tuft of geraniam leaves in her bosom mr pyocent felt himself color up to the temples it was the very fice that had- smiled down from the top of the precipice encircled in its framework of forest foliage at thestme niomentadarkbaiird pleas- ant young man ami iu with a linen duster over his arm a value iu his hand snd a healthy sunburn ou his cheek cbsrleyl cried tho girls in concert i cousiu charles added the widow ex tending i cordial hand greeting pray let ma introduce you to rev mr pynient glid to meet you sir ubdded chsrlie yes i though it would be a surprise aunt phillif im just home from boston spent two days there at a great musical convention only reached bittlebore half an boor tgo tnought if i made good time from the station i mucht be in season to dine withyoa why pauline child what are you staring at 7 for paulina wilton bad growa paja then pink charlie cried she with one hand pressed convulsively sgainst her pearly throat wasnt it you at the forest pool this morning my dear child said charley i tell you i was oo so eiprosa train until twenty minutes ago it wss i said the revi mr pynsent composedly my name is charles loo and when i heard it called i answered and i am much obliged to yoa miia paul ina for this rosebud with a downward glance at the half opened marechal niel in his button hole paulina looked at him for a moment with half startled eyes he could bat smile reassuringly you are not vexed with mo she said solemnly not in the least be answered then i forgive you the tragedy of tha three white doves said she and they shook hands upon it it is heedless to add that belle wilton didnt marry the new minister after all and mrs wilton says rathr pensively to think that little paulie should be the one to baa minitterswifeafteralll paulia that never could learn her catechism nor sit still npon the sabbath day an in tun fbgnvi rythlog to soma amoral par pose tu mi og this personal statement i do n t men to he egotlf ileal not ia tha least 1 ur ntoi ily lo eiprcs patent fact of whli h all n y acqdaintaaee are eognli int l foe ntnpl i while i lika an entertaining jloryla i well i anybody i want ft to be jraethjng mi re thin that i want tha deftly to point a mord lesion not objtruslvijlyot courfor that would y purpose ot the tale but clearness to make it fly to in indians arrow defeat ha ve with si fficieu thams tr like well lloni i my ti avals ihat certain hawker 4lspay a the narval of an edison phooa- grsph 1 1 flvjm enta a display for each par- ion p hlla t lejrmida a mercenary uia of this w inderf il instrument the thought struck bain i kind otsuddanipontanaoua fff alt thn inspirations of j gamut do hat light t tiliie tha phoucsjraph for tha moral i etterrr ent of my own necghborbood aui o i pi xured ona oe these instru menls ind to ik it home wh r carf nrell what under tho mas domejs e yoa olag lo to da wit that ma chine excla tned my maiden sister at 1 eaterec itxfurk s srrirs onaol the he use 1 qn i yodl resertt ily i h pa so doubt i s one fore or no lliesa odd men who belfovt yoa i noticed od seyeral oeca- sea in good time i replied inamm freih trimming her cap and ing lot iter alad and 0 charley killing my wl ito dovea to make pigeon pie 01 with i sob i do hope the very first mouth ful of i wil choke the new minister and i cried i craldnt help it charley dean now lid you and i slapped bell and i told namjna tha minister waa a greedy pig to want to eat my darlings up and jmamn a said i was profane and impious and si od nave my name sent up as a jspeci subject of prayer on wednesday nightv ant i said if there was any pray ing to be done i could do it myself and then 1 tuned around in a huff and my skirt 1 nock xi the dresden vase off the little ftand ind troke it and o charley do yoa blame mafjr being very very wretched nt in the least answered rev ur pynse it with emrgy ii d ive cried until ray eye are a ed i at pic clod beets added the modern ftn- serosu j jid ive got to go back and beg mam las urdon and make it ap with bell and ind know i cant eat a mouthful of dinne wit i those- dear white dovea under tha p o cru tt and that horrid prig of a new minii ter i fling opposite i erha youll- like him after all soot id s r pynsent fooling very ranch like i n ea eadropper in a momentary ex pedition if being detected i ike h ml with a little derisive laigh 0 oa k tow perfectly well charley that j na ertc lid get alon with clergymeni i oani ram linber the date in deuteronimy and nev r could bo quifaoeriain about the hanahs and i am alwaya sur to laug i out in sunday school bella says shei goin to set her cap for the new mfn istei pii cere bia naraa ia or pinto or one way to have pretty hands not only lidies should hive pretty hands a rough untidy pair of hands is just sa unnecessary for a man to have as a woman beautiful white handa very many can have if nature has been kind enough to be stow upon them fair skins all may have neatlooking smooth hind a lemon some oatmeal palm oil soap and tepid waler a ounces of glycerine will be ill- sufficient to accomplish tha desired result after tha hands ire wished clean iu tha water to which hit been added a tablespoontul of oatmealaud a teaspooutul of glycerine and the palul oil soap freely used rub over the wet hands the lemon juice apply it etpeciilly well aboat the nails fur it hardeus the skin aud prevents the formation of haug nails if tha hands are roogh and ecaly onleed ibefore begiu- iugthls treatment freely use i every time the hands are wished a mixture of glycer ine and compound tincture ot benzoin ona ounce of tha ben coin to four of the glycer ine antil alt- soreness snd rawness hat been removed then tha persistant use of the oatmeal and lemon will beeuloieat to keep thehands soft and tidy- she said itughiugly no of your odd furors sgsio furor 1- hsd a welldefined plan iu my mind ssto thanie lexpected to makefc my iew edison mscbiue my oppocti nity c mo sooner than i eipected tha lie t day i noticed incidentally that mrt t halt iris flying a visit to mrs lapsui lanct ia and knowing that they were t e mo it notorious gossips in tha commo ijty kping it in a constant broil i hum d up i o my room for the phono graph then i hsstanad down to tha home c mrs iptus linguae wb mr ctartwell 10ones what are yot doiug with that machine broke out tha itdy as i ktood in he door are yon goi ia lo t ini sgeut oh uo no i at all i returned suavely i tii va a v ry curious instrument here with w iich i mend to give an instructive public xhibit on in a few days in one of the bil s dowi town can i leave it here she oom a couple of noura it is a a t nwieldf and i should like to r0 down i iwnatd attend to some business and tb a i wi i came back with an express waggoi for ine machine have yod any objecci at to i ly ieaviag ic l noi e at a she replied obligingly kai nt you better bring it into the par lor wbi ra it w 11 not be spoiled it i nt no essary i hastened to ex plain i wi 1 set it right here on this stand there aro uo children about to mddl with t j i pu1 itont small tablo as near aa il ould t the p ice where i supposed tha twogoi lips wnald sit and then adjusted the re leivisg diaphragm lo that it would faithfu y reg iter on the wax cylinder arecytl ing tin jlwaa said it fj tha be t for tha maobina to bo in operati q whi el am gono i explained yoa n iednt m afraid oe it it itut in the lei it dtigerout there may be a slight i ickiug but that need rat- interrupt your oc iverst ion- i oh we shant mind it at all assured mrs i pens jinguie i we t my i ray but could scarcely keep my fat from betraying tny feeling of tri umph 1 1 lift id my bad it waa several hoar t ifore i found it convenient to retara for my ihonof raph i wh t do y ja call this machine quer- admrs tellsll as i entered tha room it p tonogr ph i answered we wha kind of an exhibition are you goi ig to g ve j ie j iu are rery anxious to know i re joined imiiini blindly i will give you a sample ot tha work dona by this wonderful instrument do yoa care to hear it 1 oh yetl both womea exclaimed al most ii concert i it to k me out a moment to remove the receit ngdisihragra and slip in-thare- prdduc ug dla ihrsgm aud- adjust tha other parts o tha n xchine so- that it would re port th latesi impressions it hsd recorded tha tv i worn in ware perfectly quiet foe once in their 1 tee listening intently whin udden y the ihonograph said in tha pre cise to e of 1 crs tellilt i ha e you heard oe the awful scandal being rcalat id about hrsl perrimanj wlfno what in the world is it asked ie mat bine in the inquisitive tones of mrs ltpsc s linguaai yoj beset would hava thought it kntjw jutthiy sty fhit she went to the lectori list e ening with that notoriogs mrs i engil- md here the phonograph gave s recital of such a choice bit of gossip that il would have regtled the archicanrjil mong ocb world j j ikii need over at my two companions and werv thit they hid turaed jat white ts tjie poppies blooming near lie wind6jr their eyes began to dilate wider and w jar at stuff before a public audience in jo m hall do yoa mr jooes 1 onod tfrinpt ui linguae starting to her feet inluiinw ycerttiuly i replied more or less non chalsntly that coovenation will be veey edifying fasthen i stopped with some surprise for the phonogrspli wat laying la mr teualls potjfldeotial tone do yoa know mrs langute that- the report ugootlhe ioundt that mrcariwell jooat has baeujiltad by miudanbar onoohl forpifyt take mr jones cjoiturn ft off 1 dol- pleaded mr tellall ooming towards me and wringing her hands while tha pearly lean stood bo her cheeki ill nevectattla again about my netghbort never f yoollonly tarn off that horrid msohine well lgueaa i will i saidieeing that the phonographic dislogae was becoming ritherpertoaal i felt my face flashing tod at the reference totny beiog jilted by my betrothed so i stopped the phono graph and had gone to the door with it whan mrs lipids lingute interposed yoa wont let that awful machiue go tver that horrid talk otoun on friday- eveniiig will yoa ihe said burstinginto h- 1 why not 7 i asked naively dh j it would be awful f boo hoo hoo h6olj j dgiit you jike the converialion i asked a little sharply i notdoat boo hjo 1 i never knew- beforts how awfal it must sound for two women to spend three hour in nothing but gossip ill never do it again never nor i chimed in mrtelih all right iadiea i said leniently- on thjise conditiousi prormse not to let my phonograph report yod at the exhibition good day i igoddday mr jones they said tear fully l walked home- in ja very meditative frame of mind i what a wonderful invintion is the phouogriph 1 said to myself edisou i eootinued tpostrophiziug the inventor yoa are a greater genibus than you eus- pet ie i may vary burns- famoas lines to salt the circuatstaucs lahauld siy that yoznave by your marvellous- ingenuity enibled us to hear oursels as itbers hear l permit me to add en pattahl thit my pbonographis still engaged in a work of lra renovation ia my neighborhood niw york owwr a feminine casablanca ctrlc the workmen of a new line of elect lij hli in a western city began to dig a postbole in front of a dutchmans dwell ing nrhen the master of the house came oat and forbade then to continue thewort theyi explained that j they had authority from jthe proper officials out this did not in the least pacify the indignant house holder who bad made aphis mind that ha cc aid not would dot and should not have suh a nuisance in front of hit hcuse a ter a good deal of wrangling the men at not need that theyconld not waste thejr ti ae in taiking and prepared to setto w- irk thereupon the dutchman called hi w i e and with a dexterous and jinex- dected movement sakoeededin flinging over the hole the men were digging a largeflat slate lpon wuch he established the lady fniiw gretchenjhesaid datish where yqasiitands till i comes back mit ein en- v- ii h maiy charges to wifenotto stir t that slate antil his retarn he depart- t to jet tha injiinctioa which ahoald- force wjrfcmea to cease their labors and the tilid dutcitfraa stoirf like statne of its- mpbil ty her hands on her hips and defiance pained apbn feer face xo sodaerjad tie hqjwbtrad disappeared tiak the leader of the g krected his men b fake the slate with f caa on it and lift t from its plaoe tt oc pretty aevere tnij but it waa accom- pljshod and with perfect politeness the laient lady was setito one aide as if she l been a fat teapot on a salver t work of digging then want merrily ard and while- the dutch wife held to letter of hex husbands orders with ent fidelity the rati set uplhe tall pole ilj was well in its place when the hoase- h- idee wa seen reudg in breathless li tattj waving in tac band the coveted in- jc notion i j i when he came up and saw what had b enoone je was overcome first with as- tc numnent and theajrith wrath- yvas yoa not stood on dat hole he dimaaded of his wife hcu itcuo ou tu but a ohud 6le caaio to mo aatjlf and laid her iieadnioo my cboek inljcrnrtualt way papa the uid i wut a doll- wiiatccuid bcr father do 1- with ireart qaiu fall of parent iotc t itralfiiilirijboaslit har two tbo jtatt tped on imm ctqto ot jxath ltfy oa bcr majdea lirow acaiaibacarati tomo andiaid i ttaqc a pony now the pony cainci tloirelad to kg hex hirpr face l and aa my wrinkled hcui beir lay ko ulfmlns lerroti trace altai howcajy lis to gives oar trcaanrcaot tiic heart to 5ta welovb ljaobhov iiard it is from tnon to part for jtwtctday the camo acai i juicuacbildoithreej and ulnihlaff wid poidova-rain- raii and bevaats me wi how the heart beats dr v7 b bichardsou the- noted phjii- cian says that he waa once enabled to preach an effectual temperance cctnjbiy a scientific experiment aa scqaaintance waa stngiag the praise of wine and -declar- ed hat he could not et tiiroughilbe dsjf without it i will yoa be good tnoagh to feel ray palse it 1 stiad hert i asked dr richardson the man did so- count itcirefullr whitotoes itsxy seventyfaur the physictiri then went- and lay dowu on a eofa ind isked the gentlemen tocoaut his puue ikstn s j it has cone dosrn to sixtyfur he ktid- in astonishment whitsnextraordinsry thing wbeayoulie down at niiihfc said the physician thit is tie wiy stature takes to give your heart a rest- yoa miyknow nothingabout it but the organ is resting to that extent and if jou reckon the rate it involves a good del of rest bectdsein lying downruje heart is doing tea strokes less a minute 1 multiply that by sixty and iw six hundred multiply by eight- fccnfs and within i friction iere is a difference of five thousand strokea snd as the heart throws six oupces of blood at everystroke it malea a difference of thirty jlhousand ouaces of lift during the night j when i liedown itnight without myalcohol ttfat is the rest the heart su f but when i tattetrine cjr grogl do uot get all thit test for the influence of aloo- hoi is tb increase the number of strokes instead of geuing refose the man who uses ilephdl puts on eomethiue like fifteen thousand extra strokes snd he rises quite unfit for the next days work until hahas taken a little more of thit ruddy bumper- which he calls the soul of the ojaa below ffrrnntafcliiivcj jfeuenjor tha weather k n they stared at the talking phonotrspli tho mare it reported of the coiloq y they hii just been engtged in them re the became jhorrified until at lengtt mri lapsus linguae sprang to her feet a deicl jmed id a voice tensa with soger k l cvtsil jonetyshut uplhattalkin maoh las juth this veryminufo i j i w ty 1 questioned innocently ilt is do ig jre listeii how political proverbs pulpits aint bilt for pollltioks penshuna aint tlways patriotism a pull in pollltioks comet handy some times ded statesmen air the only kind without fenseato fix its a mighty pora approprisshuu tbat aint got friends- pollitithunt it hot far rant t often as they air for sale a man owea the nation something more than hit taxet j j an adjourned parliament it money ip the uitionsi pocket i i the treather is the one topic which never wear out it is wet it is dry it is hot it it cold it is fickle it is agreeable it is good for the crops it is- irving for invlids it la thi or it is that and it f urtnsbes a never ending unfailing resource for conversation the least gifted talker can jba wail a draught tha mostincessant chatterer can magnify a flood old and young meet ot comraoa ground when ihey discuss the iwiads andtheclouds meantrhile the skies are blue orfcraj- andtbe jun and rain shine and fall impartially an the- good anrl the evil i tfie part of folly ia to gpi itthe oceas- ional discomforttof the weather wis dom regards the weather not with indiffer ence but with composure as a background for that which- is best in life tot all of us our work how shall wa accomplish- that it we fret md funs and fume indfmd fault never hat weather beeii so transcendent- ly bwliful as iiat wkich came in with the golden dawn of tbii heavenly sepfem- bar a menace of death iaswa the bay v a thought ot possible aud dretdepidemio making us draw the children dosef and pray- more earnestly for ourear ones every where but the divinet splendor on sky aojeldavand an eliijr atjiv every breath we draw perfect weather i sum- mer has beeni and ta be but autumn is the yeatscoconitiou harper s bazar i w y shi ahskeredl ha on dis stana dat yon vas pat me looked ather in mo nent then cried ras not mean t h i sae ven dat hole vas carried avay helpless indignation i shtand- on dat r- iife ould be a pityto interrupt the inter- conversation i am anxious ex- isnt it wondertal 1 fust precisely it reproduces tha toneeloe thoia two lidies regaling thm selvci wilh ujat choice morsel of scandal it i estini ceedii glyankious hra lapsus linguae to he rthja end ofit m cjirt velfjbne shaagaiu brofi oat da yoa hear ma bemota that talk- mtch na at i nee this minute d intlyo t enjoy the ladies dialogue i ask d pre ending to be surprised can the charm of reserve t perfectly trde that familiarity breeds contemdt ba not too anxious therefore to give yourself iwayjto wear your heart upon your sleeve it is not only unwise it is wrong to make your secret soul common property for yoa bring the delicate things of the heart into cottempt by eiposing ihem to tbosewhoj cinnot understand them i again should you claim too much openness as a duty due to you from yoac childyouf friend your wife or your hus band much of the oharm of ufa is rained by exacting demands of confidence re spect tha natural modesty of the soul ha more delicate flowers of feeling close their petals when they are touched too rudely wait with carious iovei wilh eager inter est far the time when all being- harmon- i be i listaki n in my judgement of your cnari cteej supposed you would find inch t i fri ly v ling dates of inventions the first omnibus uppiared- iu paris ia- 1825 in new yurk five years liter stereotyping wis the invention of didot 1793 mi cime to ameriet 1sij theaphibet jviibrougbt into greece trim phienicii li yimrs before christ- the mentrincaidirouet wss the in- venuou cf detmer a gecmm ia l51w the hind fire emcina tvu first made ia hollmd by vinderhetdes about 1510 the soulmoving sceardiaa wis invented by dimiio of anuajin 1s29 the gime ot tacluiammon wtp iuveofed by palamedes a greekj about l-i- tuo davy safety lamp for toioer wis invented by sir humphrey davyiu 1815 the rifle wot invented by whitworth ia 1600 the repeating rile by aliirs is8 the first patent foe sewing- machines waa granted to weisenfbslr england in 1775 i- j u calico printing was eist execated by tbs dutch ia 1670 first made in england in england in 1771 j j i matches for striking a iiht were ioven ted in 1839 the other krud by i adancand vk j gas wis first made from coal by clayton- 1739 and was first used for lllumiuaion iii 1792 j ii lout the revelation iwiu coma of its own some men s n marry accord undemandeci the- expectaliotr uremelhinci peculiarly sorrowful hat it charm foraslong aa life has some- -i- i a cor cersilipu just to your taste mr i lapi us liuguae sank into her chair with a deep sigh and not aword waa said foe si me m mealsjive by the phonography wbio i had aiaed gliby from one piece of gossi loiaaatfaer j i gh v roaned mr tellall i cant near thit ai y longer stop it mr jones itop t for- for hearrfoe pitytlaia idoa d-o- ttop 1 1 1 i -j- j v 1 hope i doesnt worry you ladit i cejo led thitia to be part of the pro- grai rnofoi my exhibition dowu town uoxt thinitto learn life is interesting aa long at a friendhat iomething to give friend- snip is delightful j i sharpenlrfg- sclssorsv on evening i wai engtged in catting uf iilk piece for a portiere- a friend came in sol provided her with a pair of icissore that wa might work together she soon liked me i i alwaysjused such dull scissors ilreplied that i had been rfaiting for soma time- for a chance- to gat them iharpened jwell naverait again if thereis a bottle in the house the said and looking around she took a bottle from the taint and pro- seeded to sharpen tha scissors in this way sba snipped at tha neck ol tha bottle as if she wore trying u oat it off 8he kept doing ibis for a fiw seconds and then aaked me to try thenuthey eutjike new frombitth whh scrofula hompr tilhiawu soihori lperfeotlycutedbyhoodbaiaaptul jo me in tha way in which thechildreu ot some households iltp iqufetly jat of sight when they hear their fitters footsteps out side the oobr the children niust i settle down then for fither cant bearnoisej snd disorder worries him oh jit does jdbea it tt maket him nervous to hear- uia baby cry or the childrenlangbj doe it life likes to hava tha house perfectly still doea he well then what under the son did he ever marry for lwoy didnt he remain in that state of single bleatednesr peculiarly appro priate to tnen whom chodrin worry there tre to many nice quiet deljfljtfnl- boarding housesh which the langb of a child is nevet heard bceausa children jie not allowadthetej hcwkhmd r joseph raby of oolumbipa suffered a

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