Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1892, p. 4

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i t jxtait jfttc fftess thursday riuteuwkrw ik file ijcutig folks l1i lot urr u tin cutty tnlnl loy viui tutv rr lifcr ji neii they i t uilitt yiictiy cul v tj cjm hi uxtn- uir n my hw n 1 tti hi into in life iilr ii trin nt trrjjr t trace n1 rt thnf ilir notlft t in nil u tnottusr crt fvr ltj linrti mit rcnnca fct i uicticvt i vfttiwy m i ckkiwi tht life coum iritm tt oo mot cl joy o nrrtctifttiy l xxrr umn tic w fini knturfincitiy itixia lov vvi iij littlo itftqcmcr tutt oo my toe an in l1ij lorf i wntulnmii ultei ar laclct lctlr i knrn lycftut mic lvti at in uh tier fattier cjci tj lnr ri t4l or in y ftr ill nitvf licr lilt to iiert trjoiiv arnir touch tf thprcllrclfjtfctku cillta kmc lil ft inlctily wile j tho one tiifirorc 1ipu1j hftl jthr wa a tor me to cloow tivifttbe joi fif iuv 11 tr otic which 1 ooifi voum blj to ty vivht m lvmitfr notes here and there ttjm of 0nrl intvratt tro frtisj prtu rdrt mil v oat ftt too ki 0 cood tiinfi this it eminently the oio kith pultons kervlllue and great fw in ruf it it ta honest rentedyj or it ccnuiut tin tnostpotrtrtal ilia purist and tn hi certain pain subduing remedie known to ated test science it it honest fcltdoe 0 it cltimi to do it it houctt bcatuta it it the lt in the scurld tt only w ntt to iry it and yoa can buy a bottle at toy draktor ketviliuocuretoothsche 0 lartlgi pain in tbe back wd tide alt puins ire promptly relieved by poison nerullno j an engineer hi recently devised n dec- tiicl nitchine by tthich rsl tnd ohnoi icu crrfi my i dettroyrl wit and humor sttnd up ttid the tetehcr to tbe brad hoy spell tdmittanoe and five the dcsnitimi thu went from the head to tieir the foot of tbe claw all tpeilinr the word but unable to tell the meaning ol it untl it retched a little boy bear the foot who had teen phc ctrcat billt potted aboat the villace and bo tpelled the ord ad- nittanoecorrectly what doet it mean ftiked tbe teacher admittance laid the boy meant fifty cent and children ball price mates firtt a spanith jadge ho had a cate t decide vat ritited by the plaintiff who presented him with a htndtome tpan o mnlct sabtcqnently the defendant pre sented tbe spanish jnce with a carriage rlventnallr the6panth qde decided in favor of the plaintiff the defendant privately demurred whereapoq the 6 pan- ith jodse promptly taij yoa matt not feel chtrioed4he mnlee alwayi ro before the carriage at a legal iuvcttiationofliqnor teltore the judfic- aked an unwilling witneci whit was in the barrel thit yoa hid the reply was well yocr lordchip it was mtrted whitiey on one end of the barrel tpd pat dcffy on the other to i cant tay whether it waa whtckey or pat dnffy in the barrel being aa i am on my oath an artful juryman addrecting the clerk of the coort while the latter waa admints tering the oath did epeik np 1 cannot hear what yon wy stop- taid tbe jade from the bench are yoa deaf yet yoar honor in one ear then yoa may leave the boa for it it neoetsary that jurymen ahoald hear both tides the english sparrow this busy little felbw it oertainlv be corcin a 6uitanoe in the coantry we cosld probably tpare him the actotl imoant of food he ukm from at were it not for the quertionible wiyi in which he celt it he it simply impsdnt in bis choice of lodcinc no rooner does be cdmmtnce his sojonrn in a eiven place than he ten up hit claim at once to get lodgings in the btrat and other oatbnildingt of tbe premise lie it by no means deauly in bis babit if any choice tett craint are town aboat the wildings and this it the most likely plao to kjw them for tafety he claimt these as his own we would not quarrel with his early morning clatter for the farmer may be all tbe better of being awakened thne early bat he comes too near the eave for the comfort of the home aria be it saucy and tbievith in sundry wtyt io thegarden because of their ques tionable ways of picking np a living the cparrow hfts not gutfed many friends since tie came to sojourn with ua indeed a ma jority wocld rather that he had never oome some ttates oser bounties for the destruc tion of the sparrow and various devicetare being retorted to for thinning their nam bere it it no doubt the part of prudence to try to keep the little mischief at bay there is bo saying whai their numbers might become if allowed to hire all their own way it has been alleged in extenu ation of his many faults that the bold little fellow catches many insects and destroys many worms this may be trne bet there are ether things csef al to the farmejr which he seems to relish mora than worms when he can get them i rubbish around dwellings it is in imperative doty devolving npoo the heds of houses to keep their surround ings tidy if the members of the family are to grow up with that respect and love which they ought to have for b3me 1 wish to tpeak a word or two as to the way or ways in which the rubbish of the house especially the farm house may be put out of sight it sometimes happens that nature has formed some pit or man has made some excavation which may be turn ed into a recepteele for rubbieb into which it may be thrown promiscuously a sort of valley of hinnon which receives and ab sorbs all tbe rubbish as it accumulates bat in a large majority of instances such receptacles are not at hand the resource then is to dig a pit in the earth in some remote part of the premicetarrd throw 5n tbe rubbish as it accumulates in this way broktu pottery aud a hundred other things may find fcarial when these accumulate sascienuy tbe ft may be covered up and another opened jalittle attention to this matter woald work u great change in the fcurroundings of very many homes it would alto have n excellent influence in developing proper habits in tbe young people cf the home and would telp to anchor them there when otherwise they mibt have been inclined to cut the moor- inge all to sjiu a cloee call the one you make on your jlt dcor neighbor jwr tho bell of mctstt scoft bell a ob proprietors of the wingham rurnituro ijtctory writes vfor over one year i was not free one day from headache tried ery medicine i thought would give mo relief but did uot derive any benefit i tkeii irocured a botll of noitltrop a ljtmans vegttablc licovcry and began taking it according to directions when i toii found thelietdache leaviug me and il a n now completely cared bricks nude of plahtcr cl pari s tnu cork a now uwd in the oopitnsctloti of powder nillt in cate of eiplotiontheyoflerslight rttitttnee and ire brokcu to atoms prerrentlal trade a j the wotld i aooitdr w i6jm ttitit think a rsffdy tothb hat i wotk l ln aavttsabtst ooiidiltott of haraiu lii uit lru toarcss of hatnin tlm i klad words iro beatdiallont they in novbtily inttrumoati of power bttl of be- hsinlenco and coartesyi blessings both to the jpeaker aud hearer of them a womans best qualities do not ret wt la her intellect but in her iffeetfoaf slit glt retrcthmeut by her tymptlptet ttthtt thui by her knowledge theres no potilhfllly at being willy without a little illuittta i the millco ot i goodliluk is the btrb tail mtkei it illok then it nollilug mora precloot to t rata thin hit will there it nolulog that he t- linqutthat with so much tslucunoe wealth oanaot purchtu toy great solice or convenience kitties ire only the mtta ot sociality every individuil lui t pltce to fill in the world tnd this it important in soma respect whether ho choocs to be io or not t tl t a otrtil i iiihoplntht boom of lords tooordl is loilar ortntlllt mm to make ipmoh lirlo th hlga ofths lut aorn tad til flhil h would drrfdt hli ipseoh lalo tw mpttta attt tjjaoiitiirt lh dok ot wtslaita- ittt bat nl psralttoa to uu i itoty hit wat tp roptltui only tt his juuolure a drunks sntk wit pasting by st plots al night tall ihs dike tadhetrd lit oloek tlawly i triklog irtlve u wsksd patient ly coat tlhg ib itrokst and whoa it wit ovtc lit lkd tt b clock tad- exeltlmed confat al yoa i why oaaldnt you give as tlllhtt aionce thn ihodakj of weimlnir lit jown the bishop never uathed hli tfratvc itjtt ipmak rreferentitl trade property coutittt in giving the preference to burdock blood bitters when seeking for a cure foe consti pation dyspepsia headache bilioutnets jaundice tcrofula pcisonous humors bad txood rheumatism or kiduey complaints it is the true care and has cured cases which hail retitted all other treatment cokslhptiosctbkd an old pnysician retired 6rom practice having hid placed io hit hands by kn east india missionary the formnla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per rcanent csre of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and alt throat and lung affections also 1 positive tnd rtdieal cure for kervout debility and all nervoas com plaints after having tested its wonderful c2retive powers in thousands of cases has fell it bit duty to make it known to til hit t luering fallows actuated by this motive asd a desire to relieve human suffering i ill tend free of charge to all whodesireit tliis recipe in german french or english v ith foil directions for preparing and osing sent by mail by addressing with i imp naming thit paper w a notes iso powers block rochester n y j an ohio inventor bai patented a collar 16 which the end button holes are placed in libs of thinner material thereby avoiding the trouble of buttoning a stiff band for invalids and weak delicate women use uilbarns beef iron and wine no other it is the bett truth will rrevail dns sits i have been affiicted with chronic rheumatism for several years and hve used numerous patent medicines without success bat by using six bottles of burdock blood hitters i was entirely cored si in mjemiul king st kingston ont note i am acquainted with the above named udy and can certify to the correct nets of this utecueot hesey waie druggist kingston out there is a church in the town of fiergen norway that is bnilt entirely of paper it can seat 1000 persons in comfort ajni has been rendered waterproof by a solntiou of quicklime curdled milk and while of eggs from uodan truth london eng we recommend this truly wonderful remedy st jacobs oilto every one who is i offering from pain we are personally aoquaioted with many marvellous cures effected by its use while the above is from modern truth it is an ancient fact that for the cure of pain st jacobs oil has no equal the soldering ot aluminum which has long been a difficult problem has been re cently solved ify sprinkling the surface tobe solderediritb chloride ot silver and melting down tbe soldering is effected simply and satisfactorily the third page of be toronto j ifcil is noted for want advertisements if you wm to buy or tell anything it you want tsituation a mechanic a busi nets machmery lodgings if you have lost or ound anything or if yon want to find out where anyone is advertise in ihe to ronto daily matt and read the advertise ments on tbe third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address tu mail torotjto can uk 1 timely yvidora great and timely wisdom is shown by keeping dr fowjers extract ef wild strawberrycn hand it has no equal for cholera cholera voorbos dtarrbaa dysen- lery colic cramps and all summer com- plaints or looseness of the bowels lire dii what are yon buyin those nightcaps for airs uicks mrs bicks for dear henry he often mentions taking a nightcap but he hasnt one to his namet all hiballk do xofotittu at luilllton tbo whole town of gltmit ont knows of a cure by the application of min ards liniment to a partially paralyzed arm thit equals anything that has transpired at ilamilton r w hllsms il lu worse titan madness to necileot a cough or cold which is easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the forernnner of consumption ted pre mature death inflammation when it at tacks the delicate tissiaer of tho lurxjs and brojichixl tubes travelswitb perilous rapid- it then do not delay get a bottle of biccles anticontumptive syrup the medicine thit grasps this formidable foe a thetiaman body and drives it from the system this medleite promotes a frtip andiaiy eipcctoraliom suhduev tbei oougli heals tbe dlwared part and exerts a most woodeful iufiumcein curing consomption andoiher disca he throat ami lung if parents wivh to save the lives l their children acid iberasetves from much snip iely tremble sod expense let hem procuro a bottle of biekles anticooiapptivi syrap and whenever a child has taken cold lias a coogh or iioarseueat give the syrup according to drreettocs ctilldren enjay he pleasan lltvor gentle letlonandiootb ing effects ot svrnp of figs when in need ot a laiatlvo aud if the father or mother be oottive or hilioat the most gratifying retulu follow its utc to that it it the bett family remedy known and every family should hive a bottle detr dear tommy where on ertth did yoa get tint toy plttrdr tho doctor tiert door give to me if your children iftorcahled wlb wormi give htm ilother graves wpcmexrer- mlnator safe sure and effeotatj try it tnd mirk the improtement la yoar child ilrs btrnhirt cor frail tod broadwiy ha been a saderer for wel rejetrs through rheamatitm and hit tried every remedy she could hear of bat received no benefit until recommended to try pr thomas eclectrio oil iho tiyt she cannot express the satisfaction she feels at hiving her en tirely removed md her rheumttitoj cared the superiority ot uother graves worm exterminator is shown by its good effect ou the children purchase a bottle tnd give it a trial eduratloual work tho work of educating the pablio to t thorough knowledge ot the vlrtaet of bar dock blood bitters at a cars for ill dit eues of tbe stomach liver bowelt is now knowu md nied in thooiaodt of home where it always gives great ttuittetlan that was i pretty hard ttory to swtl low taid the celltr when the upper part of tho house fell into it it is education that makes ill the differ ence between the men who dig to the dftcb and the man who bosses the job it it the tuperior qualities ot a vers baraptnlla thit give it its tcknowledged preeminence- over ill other blood purifiers lp to dtte facts statistics information things use ful to know the biggest and best badget of knowledge reliable and up to 4ate will be found in t new pabjicttion ftcls tnd figures just issued by ueurt t if ilbarn a- co of toronto opt oar retdert ctn obtsinit by addressing the above firm and enclosing i three oent stamp when a woman says she doesnt lore yoa bat she likes you it means shell jump into the river if yoa dont marry her pure cud liver oil combined with wild cherry and hypophntnbites renders biil burns emulsion the best on the market oh what a cough will you heed the warning the tigtsi perhaps of tbe sure approach of that more terrible disease consumption ask your selves if ou can afford for the sales of saving 50c tb run the risk and do nothing for it we know from experieaoe thit shilohs cure will cure youroough it never fails a fever patient is considered convalescent when its lemperatare it normal 934 de gree throughout a day and i night ur w thiyer wright pq hid dyii peptii for twenty years tried many rem edies tnd doctors bat got no relief his tppetite wit very poor hid i distressing pain in his tide and stflmxih- iridgrtctiul witting twayof seah when ha heard of and immediately commenced taking north- rop 4- lymans vegetable discovery the pains hare left and be rejoice in the en- joyment of excellent health in fact he u quite a new man if you want to buy or sell a farm id vertise in the toronto if ify uail that paper reaches 100000 fanner home every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who want to pur chase advertisement of this ctusj ire q- serted in the toronto rteeify if all for five cent a word each insertion or twenty cents 1 word for five insertion address the iliil toronto cintdtv foggs why dont yoa get op and give your seat to the ltdy epggtjthe way she lookamikes me to tired that i cant a universal beatifier uartnless effect ive aud agreeable ayers hair vigor hat taken high rank among toilet article this preparation causes thin weak hair to become abundant strong and healthy and restore grty hair to its origini color fonvarued i forearmed a bentlbta woman a uk i incident occurred it ihs counly jill ms ii nejky lut week hit we ihlnk detervt j befog raids pablio two men who hi 1 beea convicted of kqabr sslllng lad hit xea leataaced wen belrg locked ap tnd them it bamt thtt tl wilson momjt iirtd ma pila mllvl by ihi leading hoaithold nmeay dr thomai eoleotrlo olli mill qointlty ot whloli utailly fafflo to otlte i bdohhesl t soro oat bruise or ipnln rellt lurabigo rhoamitiim neurilglt exoorltttd nipples or inflamed brtiil ptpt slid jlmmls boy liter lit litd inspecled he new babys hand this boy imnl anything bill little apgert on his hind it hit ill right new neve make alwt be si keep drinl lira kv bej a world depeorji daily berate ptttkt isthe ofscert were about to pat i ho room wlh i narobec of drunken icy objected vlgoroasly claiming ly wen respectable people ifrt the theritts wife handing by remark t it it hid not been far just inch men tt oalue people woald not be hero whttt i s good enough for hem it good eabagii lor yoa and in they went ogdens i irg adeakce qoad advice bwle 7 gtmble w promises ipesi tho rath nt wheal tool tilki i cod company or none no intoxicating liquors i a yoar engigsmenu i peek lightly of religion biforo yoa ire generous c tut a a is ha father of security a it r pii lattriou think thee country ought them som to die boilt u tiw a rdriao to htvej demonstrated kills n gajlifoo the tayt th mind ai canada wir ot diteues lut remhtr sdaa inythini eteeptic hid in world avoarei fear thi been en hit beet anlhroplo austrian woman hat endowed a homo for motaertla 1 scientist dr foraestrl claims thit tobacco imoka iy all kinds of germi t erst telescope was made oatlof roomnfcla ltd pipe into the ends of which were gl ti d ordinary spectacle glistee g od deal of do discontent in iit ahbredera am moaopolixed by who pray to de lawd for den btetdtnrfen kick like text iteerc icy dotot git pie cr plit i reatened tpproach of tho cholera caiadau prolinuria should re- haw highly favoured a country is jwt know almost nothing of amine or pestilence or eptdemlo except in certain localities tho titatiatloa ot cholera wis u wa rightly a isirf sad tine that time can- sch hit been singulirly free from like a general epidemic with ha ot grippo visitations which we jorcmoa with ill tbe rest of the ur fair liod hat been highly and there it too much reason to whilst our national mercies hive ptiooally great national gratitude exceptionally small rived a flue assortment of flowec ii hmnros grocery to bast for all household has pccaltar qualities for quick washing of clothes iway with that boiling mid whilo uses easy rpd it docs ecaldf jjj tho clothes como out clean and white harm to hands and fabiics- lathe i freely lasts longest 5r cvni fair ut co au caockks stu r ci stephen d the leader s of many of the worst attacks jot cholera morbus cramps dysentery colic etc come suddenly in the night and speedy md prompt meins must bej used agtintt them dr fowlers- extract if wild strawberry is the remedy keep ft at hand for emer gencies- it never fails to care qrrelieve i fashion msgazines say the girls are adopting pajamas for night wear pajttn is are probably more comfortable htn hs oldfashioned nightcap fretful crying children should be given dr lows worm syrup it regulate the ystem and removes worms ulghrrfakiiril at the universal ccokerv and fool ex hibition held in london and oceried by th lord mayor sity srd ibm ifiifirt w or dunn co of croydon lpndoa and hamilton canada obtained the highest award for bakingpowder bloobumper benny what t sll that racket at tbo barlows it anybody heme killed benny no pipa spillia btr- lows mother it cuttiog his hair the tisllokinlils publis led in behilf ot hoods i isjiianarilla areiiot extravagant are not written np norara they from its employes they ere facts and prove hat hoods bariupsrllla iostctsvm altwiluto merit itid it jwoithy fb full coplldeiico of the pcope hoo s pills ire purely vegettile perfect ly luri let effective bat io not caate pain or gripe be sure to get hoodsl vlnkrdt unlmeat it lie best rry nmstlr r a wounded spirit who can heal via torla ottbollo salve hull allother woandi call brultei or burnt otnidft ii being congritulatedetsry where on the eicellenoei of her midaftotarei art stilned olui it prominently in the front rink o hr improvement ihinki to uccaasltnd boa of toronto who tor 0 yaart have labored not only to iccauiu- lt money bat a mike stained indornt- mental qlut ol tukindi a credit to the dominion hlturds liniment caret u qrlmio pure l y e purit btronoe8t but rsser orsm ianr oosnutf rer msun bom soneaiiuc wsurrpimiueeiins sod saaara otbtf uses a eta equals npouada 8al hoda tu irjll onkerctaa drata i s m always rheuati8m- st jacobs oil intlic mnrn f walke without ptlru haljllaailawstiitm mod neuralgia audit effectually cured at i j pisas bsmedr faroattrrtt is it rttetto uetndciert catarrh sold by dnicfuu or lent jf mall to i ctaatajcklnc vtjwty vu u s jl i burdock hegulettes the stomach liver strict bowels unlocks thcsccrctionsturiflethe 3iaad and removes all im purities from er pfmpte to the worat scrofulous sore blood curbs dyspepsia biliousness constipation headache salt rheum scrofula heartburn scxjrstomach dizziness dropsy rheufaatisra skin diseases bitters isknvhorse wbrth20 if he is not healthy andsound erery tntrau umt it urortlikitwptngqterirltt- tar tiiaald hire dickc wood tarlaer la tho irrrtuc it will uke lei food la khp uicm fa enadltiaa they vlll mil better a uon mill do tnaro voric diets hon3 end cuia medidxki ittj tho bet la thejnorld send ft cuj ctrd foe fall pxtlcalxcv ud t book o ttlttavblo ho om bold tad ftrrn iccjpo tilt bo cent frets dick co po boi i uoatreel sold everywhere v defrt i it is the best aijrm clocks i alarm clocks i 1 i v r we you corns to quelph see cur new kind of alarm clocks reliable wellabje opticikns knd jbksll9rs idlin speight sonal flhnituhe rs ulspertrkinc oore ticlo j i dany vdeale a full satisftctiou lock ot furniture is now complete for the spring trad tndwe caiv sapply oa want at the lowest possible prices we dont steal our furniture nor one in its manufacture but we pay cash for it and can sell u low for cash ift in the trade ccan give you k i bbdrodrri set complete for k f wove mattresses for 4 j j springs for s3 t sideboards at cost lounges for 750 t extenston tabfest50 chairs at any price underthkng v line of cofm caskets robes etc tisrtvt in stock we can civs yon as to price wedesire to impress upon the public he fact that we have connection ithiny combiuatioaand our price are not governed by the undertakers we can give yoa the best the markets afford at very reasonable prices good hearse and outfit fori funerals sp9ioht son uilmg mechanical cvgcnemb woqpengrayinc iokingsteasttorojnto send him your order for any dlass of wood eflgravitag ybii- desire irdmthe f i british ileb and foeiiqn ports notwithstanding th drawback fall and winter needs of lbs thousands of outtcn and varied than ever before and it priced which possessing a horourh knowledge of the market made customers receive this benefit in he trx arriving daily the following l aasortment of new estamine herges d allwool orefons in evenine ihidet for in ill the standard mikes including the corset- silks a pongee dncheue densalin fean d chemllo portiere curtains in kteat variety kei made linlnd another lot of cilyrered needtsf of very choice ladies mantles in bealelte and new rihbont a few special lqts of 16o per yard some of hem were formerly s5a ditgonals in navy and black it 32c per yard pleuo enter by the door of ha new ilorc wanted firstclaii lltntlemtkeri qpai himilton september 7th 1692 pr i can furnish you with the best prdsses country and at lower prfces if rebu idin the spring season trade has lacreated very largely and for ihe lert of he right house th new itook arrivtnsr will u found more choice are deceidedly low purchasing direct from the manofacleren tor cajh down a which to bay paying no commission or profltt to sjjents a great tavint is spe tally low prices noticeable in every department ot the house new goods stop goods placed in stock this week- a very large agorf als and wales dress goods o be had in navy and blacfc jailor wedding dresses doablefold far 50a per yard new kid gloves i toe olifve every pair of which ire warranted itdafaotory sever lots o c soi jpoogee moire spot surth nioe quality only 50c an elegant lot of irish point laces ltrge assortment of new colored sateeps new britisb- j r for fat use of hs people who cannot see o thread ordinary needam i cue bi jche material new sealefte plathet new cordaroy velvet trimming and i i0ods offering at bargain erice8 allwool serge atlmo tad doablifofd allwool csshmeres at 30o good value for oo a lot of i auwoot iapeclai lot of auwooi wids grey flannel it 25o per yird j c irnerof king and hughson streeu till 10 oclock sitordiy evening for country news and job ylork to han for any other new c inder p cojte ti kcton knd see our be had in this ress improved pountry prouty press iork the free press is printed onhe ajova press and the work illustrates no si5ooldrum cylinder rcss can do better newspaper or poster we havs ran fha proaty for eight yeanandjthi easy to handle cost little far repairs and isesay on today for he l lei thorn wi longi r he mono come and see oar pre at w irk u wc can givojyoa yoar choico of a number of lifforer t think of it a new 8 col folia or of an 8cpibqok press l i i i hw its merits work wa ran it the bettor- we like it it is simple easy lo ran essy on type printers pocket book we call jt the best press ta be in the world yoa dears samples of work send or them and we will gladly furnish sizes and styles of presses at alt prices i i 5 col qto power press ifor only 600 to 700 for 800 full particjtrlars from 1 r agent for canada acton ont raijvvay ttme ytfil grand trunk railway oowo wtst ooiko eist esprcss i 09 am i express t 10l mall 10 ot am i rassenr 4nan exprttt janinl kiprtti 11 osajp wall i m iml mslr s 0 tun passenger j s6 n m 1 iflxcd t kp mvzflti cuxixa mtlh i qotolweti i 13 sfoisntsb ofm qolej esslr10 13 ajiirttid s rm tblt flmetablo atut luto ffect en drcanbtr lib 1831 r i i iff f mid the mammoth geqg fall staff jentirjg in at the mammoth georgetown we lave the choicest dress goods in all the latest styles incltiding dresi saitings- in cheviots homtj- spunp granites serges woof- cords velveteen cords boniles caraels hair embroidered cos- lames heariettas- etc dress silks in large variety shot sarahs 40c frorth dress goods for 5 8 10 15 20 arid 25cts iu every case worth doiiuie the money- ve have made atrernendolis effort to have stylish and cheap dress goods and we have- them dress and mantle mavmg in fall operations manfles in targe variety good and cheap mantle cloths jacket- clalhi aud ulster- intjs in profasion mtllinery the latest novelties from the domestic aud ofeign markets a nice lot of specially imported millinery millinery iu lull swing now jbut oar falljmillinery opening wiluafee place thursday friday and saturday 29th- 30th- sept and october lst onr ordered clothing depart meat never was in d better con- ditian our stock otsuiting over coatings and twereds is immense ladies andigeuts footwear in large variety aud remarkahlyi cheap f upstair flat is filled with carvw pets oilcloths linoleums rags readymade qfothirig overcoats gents- hatsy capg furs etc small wares jfadie ondcrwearat hoisery gloves staples flannekj blankets flannelettes gents underclothing and gents furnish ings a complete stock lodg experience cash aud import cu facilities have given uj excep- ttorial advantages in piling our place fullofdeairable cheap- goods and we are houud to give the puhlic the advantage please call add examine i the mam moth wmcleod co l j i ioeohqetowm m dunns thecooicsbistfriend i uroestsaleincanaoa scientific abtfiou agewy fw s m kb and t oavtattv lamst circulation of s ma saladdlalt hro msn abodt be wltboot it w to t til 4 i i to i l wtro new vptk bat br tple wrdo s i cxcosuofl ne tel h rtacoe ol ranvhow tuns 11 sffiar h b rkd tmli tl g mnt asnalg wfcgt u f b ayear

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