Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1892, p. 4

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aaaiiiiaiiyi spv- 1 r sc ufjc jictott jrce fircss thnrsiiat october it ihh txht tfotttttj jfoike notes here and there turn of oanaral inureet to frao preta reader x rivers serifov ere i cw ft tnlxhty river nurrylnc in my oeeau quest i liar beer a tcette streamlet on the mountains loaetr crest ana veer lit bsd it besualncs 13 ujon s meuict breast hit inc drop oa lb hillside fejttn ttrcunlet day bv day i msec oca u it toll oancticesl swelled tar coed ufoa its way and yect lift t utd ot tmall tbiacs ttlcf pact fscuaheedtcsiv led i gathered deeper fulness from ibo elods oft dirk inct dread w bile thr dimmed rarspirfcurisbritut- rcrur id their storm oechead aud jttur strsecth to da and eager cornea of tears that men bav shed as wis nilne jcar joy md tactae which 1b heard uacesssiocty tfcat ts torn of check lad hladrtace devlstco end dell til the case to let tnd blndcred kite the livtajj raejody i rcrtjitc ever to the ocean ewirttr deeper day by day 1 have tfrca my strength to others voane sud cad it text sndulty and tac telnet yoa hate cethcred is tct yours to cive my time tniume pon the brtexea come deepsoasd unheard before ftr ofl voice of the ocean of the net fore termer yoa too catoh to your life htrrv dtstaet vocods of roar hotsexhon my toothache tt t exclamation heard vty hoar in the dty toothache it the motl comraon ailment ot yonae uii ol d ud ta the afltte- pit lutticu mart suffering thin pethape toy other tingle complaint a one minute care jatt what every person desires 19 posses nctriunemerve pain aare tele almost initially in relieving the agony ind t tempt bottle affords a quantity sufficient tor 100 tppliotlioui 10 oeutt fills on bill potecut kerriline u the only potilivt remedy far tooihiche tnd til nerve pilot sold by ill detlcra ta medicine a hippy tnin u one who doeot tmt vhit he orutt hire pointers for farmers 1 who tr not above profiting by tha expatiancs of others are not ten boart irork 1 day 00 the tujm enoath with improved machinery t hinure rorted ifato tha trartaca will toon cet low enosch tor deep noted plmtc grain ctsbue cat doe lad loft u it ftdli mate pd malch tar erin or tlorer juioee stoqee in the yard can aometimea be need aa the toandttion ot a fernery too ranch moiitare caates ihillow root- inc of pianta and eacy dettrnction by droath acillioaa of dollars worth of crop are yearly dectroyed in the ooantry b ineects a ririety ot stock pre a chance to feed ranch that would otherwiae be waated kitoredibpa her fertilirinf csaterial oa the kxrfaoe except rpota that decay inthe ronnd aa far ac poasihie resort to rain water properly aaredfor drinking and domestic porpotea j oterfeeding weakent the osspcing nn- derfeeding doec the tune here extreme meet the nee of different fertilizer 00 the oil i the beat method of tetin it to find tta needx in traetplinting prsne liberally lett the roota be nnable to mpply cafneieat sap far the top i to deepen a bird pin toil eta a tab- toil plat- tearing it lying below the mellow rurrface toil if men knew each other better there woald be lea oonnmecce and more charity in the world l improve bedding mabriil and- in- eraaaeciu abaotbect capacity to run it throagb a cutter three beef animal can be frown and disposed of while one batter animal i be ing folly developed ko matter what oat are worth in the marketif yoa grow them yoaieelf yoa can afford to feed them the coltiratiori of the head and heart i of more corltreqaencethan tha calti ration of the toil kothing thort of pertiitent care and tcrspolotu cieasliaes will eradicate that wretched and inodioo diteattt thrnab one great trdable in combining beef and batter it that par beef animal matures and ooght to be marketed before the batter cow hat reached her beat a great many kjrjring cow might be cored and more prevented hy simply trimming the finger naila often enoogb to keep them from catting the teat of the cows the taate for stock breeding creates a demand for experts in stock raiting and yormg farmer who hare stadied the tab- ject caretally are more in demand each jear- ifottc are to be fed oat to stock on the fxrmvit t tiding to the expeaw to thresh tlrnj they make a better and more wholesome feed to ran throagb a catting box while there u little or no waste learn all yoa can aboat animal disease and their remedies if yoo take an inter- eat in these thing and remember eaaiiy perhtp yoa will sometime sadr ad be- come a reterinariaa there are good oppor- tnnitias in this field 4iw agricaltarist lira if 8tereritof albaavn y writet a a follow sfy storatch wa so weak that i could not eat tojrthlng soar or very tweet erto trait at teatitno woald ctai heartbdrn falneat or oppretaion of the cheat thort breath restleataett daring deep todtrighttal dteamt of diitgnetble tightt so that i woald of tea dread to go to sleep with the me of kortkrop ly- mtrtt vegetable disoorery this unpleasant ness hit alt bean rctftored and i now can eat what tails my ttney ohwhatacoueri will yoa heed the warning the ttgnal perbtpt ot the tare tpprotch ot that more terrible disease contamptlon atk yoar telreiit ioa can afiord for the take of sariog socto ran the risk tnd do nothing for it we know from experience thtt bhiloht care will care yoar ooagh it nefer ftilt coahrm j the ftrcrtblairnprattto proc54 tha nnt ippeiraho at tht tgrabl llqotd halt rttnody 8yrnp ot cigia few yatrt tgo- htt been tnor ihtn connrriad by thaipltti- tnt expertiincoof til who hvt atari n and the sacccst of tht proprietor tnd roahafao- turert the california fig sfrop ooatny dottoit maid in bottou n tha boot- blick tome ot them hue ttadlad lun new votkortt new tots nattly tit tha bootblackt tfe prototent ta italian ko other- entdltioa edatli mttharnt cod ltrer olt emslttontaj plttiint taste noariihiag paver or oarttirt effect a fam frfc etas i liar ased dr hawtert extnot of wild strawberry tu my jtrnlly for 5rtri and can hlsbly reoammend it tor lammer complaiat dinrhccl crtmpt eta it us qto wbt hinuvtlle oat cowboy gaett yoa nayer killed a man did yon v tendertootjhuh i helped to kill halt a doieo ot thjom mhore t no at college rigbw i no initiating thera aqpowinc there was no room for him it i related in a pennsylvania villtge that on the fonrth of jaly mtny year tgo a certain eloqaent memberof congreae wat delivering an oration he hid re hearsed et some leneth the virtaes and achievement of the signer of the declarv- ation of independence andfaad taken np the sabjeet of tbe grestoes of wuhidg- ton working np to the foil height of his eloqsence be uked in what place shall we pot thi peerless man of hoont vernon shtll we pnt him among the kings of tbe earth so for he coorced their titles shall we pot bim among the soldier no for he wn ranch more than a soldier shall we pat him among the ttittsmen 1 ko for the tim- pticity of his lofty getiin roee toperior to the devices of statecraft io what place then shall we pat him taif peerless mtn jatt then sandy kcdonald ascotchmao rhotstoqaaiotatice with american bictory was possibly oot mach greater than bit liking for the american oratory rose from hit tet in the midst of tbe audience hoot robn i ne said ye can een pntt io n my pftce ere for im gan oot the world it not greatly indebted to good natored eople for lt protew whua tha best for ail hotmahold usee has peculiar realities for easyaddqaickkushingot clothes it does away with ttutt boiling find ttiiming th clothc3 coma oat met clean and white to hands and fabries twelyjws longest i otocx bear tfrc co m amelia what prevented yoar dab from giving it projected stag party her brother the rain dear when the hair begins to come oat in combing it shows t weakness of the icaln that calls for immediate attention the best preparation to arrest farther loss of hair and restore the scalp to a healthy con dition i ayer hair vigor highest aaard at the unirenal cookery and food ex hibition held in london and opened by tha lord sfayor hay sri 1692 ifettr wi g dana co at croydon london and hamilton canada obtained the highest award for baking powder if yoo want 1 3 bay orseil a farm ad vertite in the tc hato wnhy kail thtt paper readies 100000 farmers home every week and yoar sdvectitement thoald meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase adverti mentsof thurelaatare n- serted in the toronto wttilf util tor five cents a word e tch insertion or twenty cents a word fo fits insertions v addreta the afailtoroiito canada scads too s ty he left no money baggt ko ioa see he lost his health getting wealthy and then lost his wealth trytag to get he jthy ch lgn u welcome gtsmzuxt- for twenty yers i saffered from rhetrmati tn dyspepsia poor appe tite etc and rt ceived no benefit from the many medicine i i tried bat after taking five bottles ot b b b i can eat heartily of any food and an 1 strong and smart it it a grand madicii e and hat made a wonderf al change in my hi lalth has w h lrr harley ont coks in hit vegetable pills dr parmelee hat given to the world the fruits ot long dentine reseaxh in tbe whole realm of medical telenet combined with new and valoable diaeori ries never befote known to mtn for del rate and debilitated con- ttitatioo pirm ies pills act like a chirm taken in small doses the effect is both a tonic and a ttimalant mildly exciting tbe secretions of tie body giving tone and vigor j an iowa pi blither acknowledges the receipt of an egg which wa laid on our table by the bev ifr smith ifr smith mutt be 1 ityman as well at a min ister j klrtios ccred i an old physician retired firom practice having bad plat ed in hit hands by an east ladia missionary the formal of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent core of consamption bronchitis catarrh afthma and all throat and lang aflectiont alto k positive and radical care for kervoat de lility tnd all nervous com plaint after 1 tving tested it wonderf al curative powen in thousand of cases hi fell it hi doty o make it known to th his suffering fellowi actuated by this motive and a desire- to relieve human suffering i will tend free ot chtrge to all who desire it thit recipe in german french or english wjth foil directions for preparing and oaing sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notes 620 powen blck rochester n st save who can i was tbe frantic cry of napoleon to his army at waterloo save health and strength while yoa can by tbe ue of ayer c arstparilla is advice that applies to ill bith young and old dont wait nntildisea te fasten on you begio at once tbfe b x a act tbe great british north america act onwcdiys is to buy a bottle of b b b and cure yonrclf of dyspepsia oon6tipa tion headache liver oompltint or bad blood and it is in act that always attains the desired resclt in text it u uulncky to find a horse shoe if a horse htppeos to be attached to it the pnooe of pectoral remedies dr wood norway pine syrup cure coughs colds asthma hoarrenes and bronchitis withoat fail if yoa have cough oroold do not neglect it many withe at a trace of jhit usredit try disease hie drifted into a consump tive grave by itgectiug what jwasonly a slight coin hid they ned bickles anti- consumptive s rop before it wis too late their livw uoull hive been spared mr a w levy ilitcliell wntes i think bitaleeaiiticrosaroptre syrup the best prepratiou nn he market for cdugha apd teyrrr coldr iboat tix year agotcaught a severe cold vfaich settled on niy longs ud tor uiree months i hsdaooogh i had a phisicisn at ending me bat gradually grew worse at til i wit oa the vtrge of cotisompcfoo 1 ad bsdglvea ap bpes ot being eared nbea i w indqeai biekl syrup before ihad takkd one bottle i foand niysalf greatly relieved tnd by tue tin 1 hi d finished thetecood bottle i wasooinplelely cared i tlwty racom mand it for ten re colds and coasamj tioa mercy j cried juliet tbi glove if tigfit i tot should he iutoxica d rsptorously rt ponded romeo were i a glove opoo that band hare van eekd t how ilr w d wentx it geney n x tu cared of tha severctt portn ot djspep tiaf ha tayt everything he ate leeaied like pouring melted leid into hit ttomaoh hood sartiptriut effeclh a aare fall particulars will be sent if yoa write to 0 i hood po lowell halt tha highest prtita hia beta woa by hoods jill for their euy yt efficient ictioa i long worms pin worn t round worms or ttpc worms ire promptly destroyed tnd removed by br lows worm bycup c bumptina ii trbwirin oort it horror mtttr it in fully portrayed no penoll it bjaok aopt b to paint the plo- toraandioujnuuho no tongas is eloqaehl enoa h to mil tha itdstory in all tu drtadlal di tafia d aakasntu it a wtdt and wlthtrlni oart blasting tht ayu llliterlag tha tongaa irtnging tha itom aoh paralltlrjg tha ne vat htrdsnlog the ttver poisoniig tha bio id vugulillng tha brain induclig and tg ravtttng mtnydls- tnd digging mj ads of phmttan graves jit it a flntnot 1 oam draining tha pookel invltlbg poveit diminishing com- fort maltlnytng mtn riot fllkng tlmi hoatat creating hard t met it it a men tal enrrt olobding the lodgement dethran log tha rot top promol ag gnortuoe pro daclng imbeoilily tnd taming iti viotlmt into minltos tad fo ill it it a moral ourte waakti ilng tha will luflamlhg the putloni hu hlng tha voice of contolenca andpraptrtngtba wj or every vice tnd crime tha itleudtr miiertu ot intern- pertnea iwtxm like locust plague in the slimy tn il ot the 1 icoholia serpent yoa find ayeryth ng thtt li dark tnd dreadful everything tint 1 rat rati at tnd rainoat voa find men wttho it mtnhood women without womanhood age wilhont tolsce infancy without he pa toa find bad minm n tod bad morals bad words and bad to lout bad reputations add oharaottfa bad ilant and bad per formanoet tad paren tnd bad ohildren a oid beginning and 1 bad end purely in temperance society kloards unlaw it it the islr restorer did yon he inquired in an intensely teatimental toae never sigh for death r whote tha inquired with u intareit ind promptnes thtt brought him back to earth to futthit ha nearly lost hit breath canada it being ecngntilited every where on thaexcelteacea ot her manaftctnret art stained glut it prominently in tha front ricfcof her improvemeafx thinks to uccanifsnd son of toronto who for 0 year have labored not only to tccama- lite money bat to mike stained and ornt- mental glass ot alt kinds a credit to the dominion bettir than gold gextleunx i have uted fowlert ex tract of wild strawberry for bowel com plaint and can sty there it no other reme dy aagood hds j4kes drjrsisok lake dora ont housedog youre a sight what the matter with yoa travelling canine im imost dead every time anybody looks at me i have to take a drink of water to show that im not tffiictcd with hydro phobia teen on the country it the tervioe ta imagine sugar at tn most inyt tha writer of sugar her udyllilp personage of high rank in engltnd are patrons of a great remedy bndgefoot house iverbu6keng ladyedwardt hat suffered from rheumttitm for several years especially in the knees she wat persuaded to by st jacobs oil tnd titer a fortnight ate ol it til therheamttio paint have left her the relief it such thtt itdy edwards will never be without abottle c c itlchltds t co genta hy daughter wtt suffering ter ribly with neuralgia i parchaied a bottle of hinards likiuent and tabbed her face thoroughly the pain leather tod she slept welt till morning next night aa- ether attack another application resulted as previously with no return since grate ful feelings determined me to express my self publicly i would not be without minakds linihent in tbe house at any cost j h biilcv paradale ont elcbpitunpaddlat this delicious confection is nicely calcu lated to produce dyspepsia heartburn biliary troubles and headache burdock blood bitten it equally well calculated to cure these troubles and has proved its power in hundreds of cites b b b rebu ilt and purifies the entire system kansas his a girl who permitted politi cal matter to be printed on her suspenders if any higher devotion to party than that baa yet developed itself it it kept from the public 1 folsoued by kcrofiila j it the sad story ot mtny lives mtde miser able through no fault of their own scro fula is more especially than any other a hereditary disease and for this simple reason bat there is a remedy for scrota- la whether hereditary or acqairedf it is hood sarstpari which by its powerful effect oa the blood expel all tracer of the disease and gives to the vital fluid the qual ity and colorof health worse and weaker gentlehek i sufiered for three days very severely from summer complaint tnd could not get relief but kept getting worse and worse till the pain wis almost unbear- able and i became very weak some friends advised dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry and after i had taken the first dose i found much relief and it did not fail to core me i do not intend to be without this valoable medicine if i can help it wu t gltkn wilfred out differences of opinion regarding the popa- lar internal nd external remedy er thomas eclectrio oil do not to fir ts known ezizt the testimony is positive and concurrent that the article relieves physical pain cures lameness checks a congb it to excellent remedy forpaint tnd rheumatic complaints and it has no naus eating or other unpleasant effect when taken internally yu will torye was crowing cut and fum this called q li afterwi d il goods were importer rhe word c ilia i powder purest str0k8est best ctaafupumam oe tro tb an u io comio aodf s bot rt boernm now fo time when one w a boared rfpbats life aboat ppppi f 0ur8b ha vyt th big party ft a t lory is told ol a tjantlamin promts ently oonitottd wlthont ot tbt blft lound rlct in pittsburg tha gantlenju in qott- lion a tn uuuioally urge mto vary talt tnd ftr aroond finding hlratill caaght a t little town 75 miles irom one night with no train gotng to the city tnd being vary aniioat to retch it 11 oclock he wind to in express train down the trick to itop tor elm wa stop lot officials ooly ctme tha tntwar quick u a fltih weut tha second tie- gram will vooitoplor a larga patty yaa wit tha reply tnd the long ex preu slowed np and stopped whan it reach ed the little town and tha gentleman com placently stepped tooird i whets it tha itrg party unqaird tha oondaotor with wide open tstonlthed eyes tt he gazed aboat the empty depot aiaf large nnoogh chacklod the delighted ptuanger the ooaduotor glared then burst into a hetrfyiaugh tt lha flints of ha ipplioa- tlonbartt upon him olr klaiwf ffolndeafer growing carte of the third page ot the toronto dtilif umii noted for want advertisements if yoa want to bay or sell anything u yoa wtnt a situition a mechanic a boil nets machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or cond anything or it yon wtnt to find oat where anyone it advertise in tha to ronto daily mall tnd read the i tdvertite- menttonthe third- ptga ol thtt ptpar tha chtrge tt twercenu a word each in ertton addisu the vail toronto can tda the uses af honey a writer ta the hi rtteultartl rime ex prtttei larpriie tht honey it to seldom tablet 0 the people of hit ony it tt once a valuable medicine thd food foal ilr improper veatllallon sadden cl ingot ot weather the exposure of lungs mc throat to a damp tt- motphere are tha soar let of no eadof throat and broucbitl roab et a free regular and constant ate of 1 ooey it probtbly the best medicine tor thr tt troubles there it it it a most whole ome and economical substitute for butter being as a rule half the price of that trli le hooey it of more jar oooki ig thin most people honey my indeed replace ingrediec t in the cooking of tl tiee of f 3d in rice puddings invsriiblj uses honey inttetd tiefiivorli much more delicious for preser lug mott indt of fruit honey dt fir prefmble to ugxr as it httihe quality of preserving tor a long time in a fresh state anything hat may be laid in it or mixed 1 rith it at d preventing its cor ruption in i far tape ior manner to tugar for many medians i purpose honey it iavaluable to towi residual who may be jaded and look careworn after tha excitement of late 1 lours when the tkia become dry red ui harshlooking try the effects of rubbini gently a thin coating of honey 02 tha face before oing to bed it it one of the fipett cosmetics in the world ltwyer yoa were in the tlmeot the event complained fteitir lawyer did nltance of tha barkeeper it the time witness i dont know whit he called it but i took whit the rest did i burdock pills never gripo sicken or in jure they cure conttipttioa and sick headache i tha superiority of atolher gravet worm exterminttor it shown by its good effect on tha children porch ne a bottle and give it a trial i nloon at the of witneii yoa take cog dont call f- im old man boytwlien yoa sietk of yuur father dont call tim the d mm of course yoa are mi ch older low than when you learned to xll him i ither yoa are much smarter th tn yoa we e then yoa are much more maily iookit yoar clothe fit better yoar htt has t mora modern shape and your lair ia lombod different in short yoa ire flyer than yoa were then yoar father hat a i it years coat and a vest of still older pat era he cant write tuch tn eli ant noil as yoa can and all thtt but dont eel him the old man call him fi ther fl r years he has been hustling 1 round to get things together he haa been held to 1 be thorny path of up hill tndoit ry foe yi in tnd the brigbeat htlf of lift his got a from him forever but he lav 1 yoa 1 haagh he goes slong wifaoat sx ing mac 1 tboutit and if he knew that roa were bad it would be the heaviest ba deaheht ito bear exchange a wanted take coo rage yos ig man what if yoa are bat in humble 4 id obscure spprentice a poor ai d neglect f orphan if yoa have an intellige at mind til aatatoredthoagh it may be a irtaous i im and honest heart depend ape n it one if these deyi yoa will be wanted the tin rosy be long deferred yoa may g ot to m nhoodand may even reach yoar prime e e this call is made but virtuoc aims f ire desire sad honest hearts are too fe to be wanted be chivalria i 1 yoar ombtt with dream- stances so ectiv however smill be your sphefi 1 of actic 1 it will purely en large with 1 very mo nent and four influ ence wilf fave constntihcrease host airivedafitsassortment of flower pots at t h hi si rsot grocery views of any luildlng residence or section of t ia town t lade at any time tnd kept on hai d forta h rjmkjic if yoa vant first 1 ass guelph satrrand doors at g aelpb pt a s t ebsjoc can fill your order at h t ining mim ir wohcalloo mtny ceituriea ex ihe first monarch of the proving of is la bar in hindostan gave to one of his a ilefs as a reward for distinguish d tervfi et his sword scd all the in i within ll a limit of which a cock crowii gat mf ti in temple could ne beard j i from thl eircuroj tiuce the little tow a which grev up in tt e xatm of this terr da or the cock wtt ctlled ctli- ia the first cotton england bearing gibers yomg pcdplc dressmaking i- pure powdered lye purist 8tronoot7bi0t bmdrorvnitnnrminutt rormtkfi sqtvauac wucrpitntoalajtnd bondi tties 4mm oqaaiu q roucii bu btm fil uaixodoibit fu fct all croaxn suti dnou r ozxac 7 x rx sscnipiur lj fthe besmoucrt medicine fa nu it cishltn itjlftohb wisiock regulates the stomach liver andbowcis unlocks thcsccrctlortspurlfleathe btood and removes oil im purities from a pimple to the worst scrofulous sore liood cure1s dyspepsia biliousness constipation headache salt rheum scrofula heart burn sour stomach dizziness drops y rheufaatisa skin diseases bitters crand triififc lallwajf oonowiate i- i ooaoalst fatmiar-t- mpuiluued- rr i ptafit dxotwi p oolag wtt- 5 ant sndls ttepatr oolng et10 ts am sod s jpm till tim table wtnt intostftot ondseemb ttblm 1 l ji m is tny horse worth 20 mccs nloon ruamza sec ltxucprr 85ct ifheis not healthand sound every inlmsi thit is vortii keeping aver rla- ter should hive dicks wood purttor io the spring it will take less food to keen them tn condition tbey will sell better a horse will do more work dioks hone and cattle medicines are the best tu the world send a postal card tor full particulars and a book of valuable household anl farm recipe will bo sent free dick t x po box 83 ltoutrea gold everywhere now t coc imo steam in the rooms all tl e inrplut steam it eonsamed in the store it njjds more f ater it whistles for the cook the i can furnish you with the best pr sses country and at lower pi 6omb fe si charge of this department and is prepared to make tladies and childrens garment s very latest styles arid t u guar antee perfect fit and sa tisrac- tion our prices art lower than you can get good work done for elsewhere good skirt makers wanted must be experiencedhands in the much of new fall goods arriv pgnts of tie hed in hola tt 61 1 3 boerumjdid ydp 1 ver think hoivmaoh sirne of oar popalsz shorttyjrye nstancevthere are dlikatdbeftone one i iwas thinking v p 1st ler i improved dc 1 rt ing every day rb jermyn immnteb it live responsible prty tb handle the peerless j steam j as tht iime tiguifies it it really ha peerleet of cooker the dookin s done under tn actutl steam pressure con- reqo ntlylla food it not steamed bat cooked by a dry or np heateiaam at th 1 1 iresuaraof ttetmit greater than tha cattingoff ood none of the flavor are lost but retained tnd ht thi mammoth a ji y vv c bo rptqifni fall stuff tiourtag- in at tie mammoth ortetovjrrj we have the qhoicibst preab goods in all the latesti styres incltfdiiig dress snitirig8in jcnev otsjhome spans granites jsergjes wool cords velvetwn ilcoros bopiles camels hair iemjbfoicered cos tumes henrjettaaietc dress silks in harge variety j shot 8uralte j40c worth 75e dress goods kor58h 1520 j and 256t8 in every case worth donble the money j t j we have niade a tremendous effort to have stylish and eriip dress goods atod we have tsitm dress and mantle making j in full operation malatlesin targe variety good and cheap mantle cloths jacket clothe and nlsteim inrisin profusion 1 v t millinsry the latest hoyejiyes i from the domestic abd lpraen- markets a nice lot of specittlly t j imported millinery millinery- in lull swing now butour tall millinerjr ppeiiang will take place thursday fripay and saturday 29th 30th sfpt and october jst our ordered clothing depart- 1 meet never was in a better aa- dition oar stock of suitings over coatings and tweeds is immense ladies and gents footwear in large variety and remarmbty i cheap i i upstair flat is filled wis caih pets oilcloths linoleums rugs readymade clothing overcoats gents hats caps fursj etc small wares ladies nhdern ear hoiaery gloves staples flam iels blankets tgmnelettesj jentb undcrclothingynd gentsfnmbli- iflgo a complete stock j lous experience cash and imported tacilities hawe given ud tiorial advaatages in piling our place full of desirable cheab goods and we are bound to giverthe public the advantage jpleise call and examine r4bvi j ism 1 i k i i i t the food when cooks jl without fhtermlxtnre of flavors andiinoooking 5 ibi of meit oahavafive lbs tor the table or in other words it s atlly i tv u one lbia five little fuel little expense fpr illustrations and jterms address tarbox bros j toronto m nt fcr country news and job york to be had in this ces h in foi any other new cylinder press hcr6n knd sbb our i 3 1 in the mammoth w lbbsobtbij 1 i 1 hi ii 1 aasttal aasttai ii dunns mm if is thecqoksbestrwenp ur6est sai4e ir canada t ii m ileiraao aiswrlott r anfljtoj ftr atents lfhtry prouty press work have ran the pronty for eight years and b looi a think of it the free press is printed 01 the kbhve press and the worjk illustrates itemerils y no 1506 trum cylinde pre i an do better newspaper 01 poster wpr ri re run it the bettet wa like ik i ii is aitnple to ran easy on typia easy tohandle costs little for repairs and ta eatyjjn the f jlnjter t pooket book we call it the best press to be had inf the world todayorthe money come and tee our prett al krork if von tjesire aamplet of work tend tor tiemana wawnilrtaiibrrila5 them- we can give you your oholoe of r number differ i it lixes and sty les of preate at al prioe -p- a new 8 col f lib o slcdlqtq power press for only 600 to i700 or an 8 col bd ii press ioi8qo fiiu paiticularii from mb canada acton ont u 9 m- fnsl vim stsv- pl- m

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