if borx irim on konfitv i toi iou ih it of wil lim0rirp tiqiitrcot ion fcrrartort tlmmur 10i inut hi rife of an im alttflmfi kitueti the ih octotvt tiuuat jt hope oq ihltli kt j l tnui miut of i time kiytttv ilttikat uiwlpliptitti hthlnrt untbotm kilt for ninoy n fm tor of tfc abrt caii hn 1 iptvffj jfcn ilitvi b- in tiii tontlip ucr flow tie cm iiip nth ivt heicrt kurort- on ot john knnrr tiniiiij ol actoa crd ct jttrt talk qfthb day pttomof th world doing durlne th w6k the council iusink8s rcaulnsd but hlf tljc ttatt jfrcc guess ttltrgday october 20 lfctt notes and comments infiritiitiqn eomb frotn otun to the effect thit ilihottch th pwciio dit of the r ratine df rirlitmol for tbe dmpttch of batinew liw not bn decided cpoo it ii expected hit it kill meet tnuclreirlier rcxl fetfion than jofatl either on the 12th or the lyih jjatiutry thii will fiive reasonable opportunity for cotnpleljnc the bmim of the ycir before the warm fathfrrome mud the nutement of uie public debt of the diintnton it stood on the soth scptcnij- rxr hu been pablithei the totil uet debt wi2c234 decretwef 3411- in the months tb expenditure on capita fcccnont for thcqairter rillso- roim ixibit kovms thii incffi il dne principally to piymtniti on account of tlic sult ste maris canal and alio of the alanf canal an ttchance remark that it ibewmin ceaerally acknowledced that by ulu or wind break i of tre croft are better and tafer and orchards are decidedly benefitted in addition to amelioration of climate attbe ontario tree riahtinc act luibeen taken advantage of to a very limited extent it ii believed that more encoaracment it itecwavry and aome pfopow that land planted or preserved in wood honld be ex empted from taxation one of the firtt effects of introducing parlumrata into japan hat beep to stimu late inventors to discover some metna of doing aay with lobby di virion prof zatrakawa of the university of tokio h afreet iced an electoral machine by frhicb each member ctn record bii vote without rearing bit eeat there will be a board placed back of the president chair like a hotel bell board theyeu being first call ed each member defirinc tovoto ye pces hit aye bat to a and reobrdthitvot and the tame vtfy with the noct in manitoba it ii possible to go through an election campcicn with very little oat- lay if the tetania made by the agenti are correct seventeen candidates whote ex- pente have been pnblistied averaced one bpndred dallan each while one spent ooly fiftetb dollars and another twenty this ft a somewhat different showing from that made in the qaebec ceoititaency where ft candidate returned by accumation spent 1500 in the constitneacy bat manitob ia not qoebec from the government report relating to the export of horse to gret bnuin which has jart been iaaed it appears that daring the year the export was u follows to great britain 1sc3 horse talced at 21475 to the urjt sute 9261 horsee valaed at 14m1 to british west indies 252 horses rsjaed at 23625 to newfoundland 157 horse viloed a flot to ail otter conntrie 24 horses vaked tt 230 caking a grand toul of 1103 horses vaked at 154027 japan is going to rival the coked but in her navy she hu ordered man -of- war ajo feet lor ic feet wide with a draught of 105 and displacement of 4200 looa tte ship will hare a 15000 iiorse power vocomotion and a speed o 25 knot sbe is to carry foar g inch and eight 47 inefa qaick firing gan betide 25 smaller and machine guns and will be provided with two fixed and foar launching tabes fcr torpedoes will carry 1000 con of coal and will indeed be juite a formidable craiser milton is ft thrifty little town a ham ilton touch went op there the other day ot dmnk on hilton whiskey and filled the air with blasphemy and filthy iang- cage he richly deserved a term in gaol bat the magistrate fonod the fellow had no money and let him go as the llilton claion naively put it when h wa foand that he had no money and nothing oald be cot oat of him by fining him be was allowed ia meandnr on shanks mare down the gtr track toward the ambi- tioni city milton mcralaseem to ran oo icuh basis onllia pacjk hon edcar dewdney has resigned the portfoliot of interior and indian affairs to accept the position of lieutenantgover nor of bvitieh colombia vice the hon mr kelson whose term of office has ex pired mr dewdneya bucceisor in the ministry and in the sarot departments will be mr t m dally member for selkirk manitoba mr dally was sworn in on monday and is now on mb way back to the prairie province to seek jeelection at the hande of his coustitaeou it it expected ikt he will be retarned by acclamation hfs majority al the talt election being nearly wo tiievtstnetsof the worlds fair under taking may be imagined by a considera tion of a few of the figures involved capitl rtock city bond and exposition bondi 14000000 con traction 19000- 000 operation 40000 toul liabilities 37000000 the receipt are estimated as follows capital stock city bonds and exposition bonds 14060000 congress ional appropriation and premium on boavenir half dollars 5000000 gate receipts 12000000 salwge 1000000 ceremonies 150000 admission from now until may 1 350000 privileges 5000- 000 total 34ukb00 it will thu be seen that the management expect not only to come oat without a iocs bat tbey antic ipate r prof t 0i the capital stock 1 of t the tdormom traffic of the great itfcea iriy u realized from the follomog fifiorea doric the kmoo of i6w the detroit rim cd1 and the boo canal were on or narigitionic dajri and the 8aei csuii fcr 3 dye the total tonnage which pietfci- throueh tfteae channel u huczctst f c0otoo c4ni x eiwus dritblvtr ixmfx and the aeraje tonntcaper diem hutictiul lieioo eooctol c xivt detroit giter i 83 u itthua ippeara that tbe attrtee daily boaumaaot the boo canal u t aa great aad of the detriot eiet fire tiicea aa k aa the traffic of the sue ca the toonace puting throofih the spo canal of oourte of t different character from tht pmif q thrash the baez it i wt k inporuof ton for ton wit alfred stan of 1ott atthar dropped dead sanlay the lacroaae claba at uootreal saturday cleared isms thoa watabo aylmer que rae burled ycrterdty agei lu detroit haa etiloded calholicafrom beinp robllo ichool teawera hwegoa oueat cttireo dr warrren allen aged m i dead an anelictn suadaj ichool naventtoo met at ottawa latt a partial ao eclipeill be tltibletw korth america oct tb the annaal daptict couveotlon raa in teaaion at brautford doriruj the oek tu otr ratraachmeit policy practi cally abolichcc the ihope at belevlll chicago capitaliita with h0oo3o will coudect mitiinfi opcrationa in frontenac county kmiror williirn will oppow trirco mttttrnicha propoced marriage to an amariciu lady it i laid that the nett cougrca will pat into effect the hicini retaliation bill acainit canada the body of john andiron of cleveland ohio baa been fobnd mangled on the ot r near kiagara falla at a kewark nj catholio conventloo it waa uted wo are catholic flrat americana afterarde throughout the provinoe of kew brant- wick saturday domination were made for the local lecdlatore i jamea jiitchell a retired farmer age4k yean committed toicide at port ifope on monday by catting hi throat satnrdy a memorial fountain wn pre sented to niagara to commemorate the opening oflho firt parliament there the maxtodon none cnearthed at rodney lut year are being tent lathe world fair at cliicgo by their chatham ownert emperor william haa eenl tl2h0 to hamburg to be rpen in relieving the dit- trraa among the familietof tbae who died of cholera according to official fignrer there have been 7kji- caaca of cholera and 7598 deatha tioce the ostbrrak of the diieaae in hambnrg mr thomai d uoaie floriat a well- known reiident of orillia fell head firtt into a well on ifonday and drowned before bit wifei yea a yoang mau named dohert fell from a grainwagon in hamilton on saturday after noon and broke bit neck death tu ipataqtaueoua grand 6ire campbell of the supreme lodge of oddfellowa waa given a grand re- oeption and baoqaet by stratford odd fellowa on saturday jamea siavio the murderer of- special cocittblejohn r davy tu on saturday aenteoced by chief jnttice armour to be hanged oa dec 1g iks colambut day waa obterved in many portion of canada and the state hut week in varioaa parti of ontario the achool childxia held cclebrationa if r rowland a bruce export cattle dealer baa thipped thia aeaaon 3375 head of cattle for which he paid 210000 from bruoe county alone he haa made np 160 cart the ontario government diipoaed pi 12- 308475 worth of timber limits tbcrtdty by auction the limita are in the kipiuing ajgoma thunder bay and rainy river diitricta the corooeta jury in the few bliaa mnrder caae lut thursday oaid charlea lackey guilty of murder he will be tried on the charge at the brockville auiiea thia week the o t r directorate haa decided to abolith the aonthern division of the road under superintendent btifj and that offi cial and hi entire ttaff will be releaaed from duty clifford calverly of toronto walked over the niagara gorge on a tight wire latt tburtday in 6 mioutea and 8 second diioai futect time wu 12 mioutea and 30 teconda the pnllman car company baa a tur- plui for the patt year of 3252339 icvt it about time the company began to pay their portera inttead of forcing the travel ling public to do so detective barry phair of london waa shot it i feared fatally while endeavoring to arrest three men last thursday after an exciting chase two men were captured they gave their names aa waltb and burke before 10000 spectators not a few of whom bad paid 10 for a seat the sham rock lacroete clnb won the championthip of the world on saturday the match waa the best exhibition of the national game that haa ever been seen in montreal the accountant who has been examining into the accounts of the extreasurer wright of kcaes hat found that inttead of owing the county f 2t000 at waa tuppoced the county iaindebted to mr wright but to what extent is not yet known in a suit which mrs grover cleveland brought against a tenant named abraham lincoln record at omaha neb the other day abraham lincoln reed appeared for mrs cleveland and abraham lincoln dick represented record record wasnt broken for he won mrs james mcleao of smiths falfa attempted to take her own life in a fit of despondency thit week when alone the endeavored to end her exittence by slash ing ber throat with a razor but happily she wu not cuocettfol when discovered the bad a gash in her throat about two inches long which was bleeding freely but which wat oot deep or dangerous the toronto ministerial association on monday diicutted the question of sunday military parades having special reference to that which it ia proposed to hold on thanksgiving day absolution was pass ed deprecating the holding of the parade and it waa decided to make representation touching the proposed parade on thanks giving day a strong objection possibly the strongest of all objections to the admission of a oer tain class of foreigner is that they can uerer become amencant the irish german swede french or englishborn immigrant either can speak oar language or coon jearct it ko tie of race or creed prevent him from marrying into ftmilie of american birth hi children- attend the poblic schools hi son and dtngbter are a one with the nativebora bat the raseiao jew hampered by bi creed hi ignorance of a language which neltber he nor hit chlldreo will ever learn the clan nlab slavrneither of these any man than the chinaman contain the material of citizenship what service waald they be to the aafloa in case of a call to anna what ar hey fit for bof hewers of wood and drawer of water frcxtract from an editorial in bsifotds of october hour con- tvmnr council mat at tight o clock lfmbrf all prnmotpt tut b v and odonatuor berimor coaucdfbc rtratjti moted to th chair m minute of latt twlcgl nd and con firmed j tito clack read a ului from the qraal korttswetlorn telegraph istnpanir llluntt that they had under oomiderallao lh r- conttcactioa of torn of tliifr iin titty will then decide tomclilng drfinll a regard painting ot holt and promts to do what they can to meet he ritwa of the council j the commlum on fiatao prematec their eighteenth report reoommendinj pay- rrfent ot aooount as fotica adani cook travtl 9 00 chaa brown work on ttreofc i 1 u tbosbrunt work at cemetery i p m3 so the report wa adopted the coancll adjourned it 880 provincial s s co the groat otthsrlnfc of sundty school workar sit queilph naxt waafc tbocicixeni of oualph extend through the executive commltte a hearty invi tation to the annaal provincial convention to be held next taetday vadaday and tharaday and will cordially wttcom to their christian home pastor and sabbath 8chool worker throughout the provinoe j the executive committee have eodeav ored to prepare a programme suited id the growing needs of sabbath school worker and they have been met with ready prom ise of assistance from many christian gentlemen whote high position and attain ment eminently qualify them to deal with the various topic announced betidea many prominent canadian sabbath school workert and frienda the rev a f schaafflnr d dof new vork rev john mccarthy of th china inland minion and mr but reynold general superintendent of orgtnlxttioa inter national sabbath school convention have agreed to take part in the proceeds inga tboae interested in sunday school work in this vicinity should embrace this grand opportunity ol hearing tomei of the world best tpeaker on sunday school topio effort are being made to arrange tor a coach to leave guelpb by the o t r on tuesday and wednesday eveolog after the convention to ruq as far east at brampton thii will facilitate the attendance of many if effected tl hrff aavl r and h wt mm domuloill the pflblabn of the n rw uotduf inuaia ittuinj i chriiimat kuttiber about vember il wilt bo t larga oomphinr utruy rtiblest by pro- cajtafifa koeratrars all riohly applamented by thee vjorktof art ana b which fall of a canadian poll- o be a great hit w onp lh holiday lu and foal confident that vary hand ui m the end trf work mlneat illustrated larga color tha rm lcat await ha pl with much lt will baa tnil id uart saoccss alton flood suit settled the long pendlne lawsuit of astls v celadon townahlp withdrawn alton ont oct j7the wellknown lawsuit of algie v caledon in the supreme court at ottawa was amicably aettled saturday by a mas meeting in the town ship hall at caledon village the rate payer and member of tha municipal council voted unanimously for the accept ance of the terms offered by the plaintiff w algie at the same meeting vis that be withdraw hia appeal from the supreme court leaving the final itrdietof the court of appeal in favor of the municipality while the plaintiff be refunded the atim of 825 coat previously paid over by him to the township the caite arose ont of a claim tor damage done by tha alton flood and having been in the courts for about three years it ha attracted much attention after the meeting wa over the assembled crowd expressed their satisfaction that the expensive and annoying litigation wu at an end cash in advance the exnerlenca of a county paper which acofctaol tha syatem a ykar ago the readereof tie feec pjtris are aware of the intention of this journal to adopt the caahinadvance system ia relation to subscriptions on the firtt of january next experience is always valuable and we quote from the oakville star an article showing the sucoeak of the plai adopted a year ago and the mutual satiate ction of ail concerned on tbenrst of october last year the star adopted the strictly casblnadvspee system alter this air trial we have to riwrt that we are better catitfled with it than ever the long er it is worked the more tauafaecory is the result kow every ttibscriber to tbhbtar knows when be ot she receives a card that u they want the prer continued the subtcriptloa mast be remitted at once ehould tbey not wiab con- tinaloe why say nothiog and tbp paper is stopped in this way both parties ve satisfied ii the publisher get tha money t a sends the paper and is happy 1 the sabsiil er does not want the paper why lt is not sent 1 3 blm for a a few vear and then the account for rarded with instructions to pay or die perhaps it gets into conrt and sometimes the publisher never see tbe money but pots the smouat do 3 as a clear iocs tbe publisher aad the sub criber are friends do longer casbtncdvaaee business like and cannot help but eotnmct d itself to every fair minded person during tbe year we hare lost qttiu a number of name that we are glad of they racsed the whole trouble we also bav lost t few who objected to tbe system three have called and etlireaaed their disapproval every i ne ofjthete based their argument on the fact tils this office waa not open day and eight to salt tb lr conven ience but this is hardly a reaso able com plaint s as a boat of weekly newspaper ar i adopting this plan at tbe beginning of 14631 tb rre will be qo objection hereafter it will soon t sa general rale as result of oar experience i can can didly say that each and every newsj sper who adopts the system will and it highly i enenclsi the feet ppss anticipate eqi al satis faction- for itself and its host of subscribers upon adoption of tho new order it things proposed the king of tramps on a joui bo tow narry dotvrb col oct 17ha moham med the tramp arrived in denri c yester day be wa very much begricied travel and glad of the prospect ol rest tbe king started from c oa a wager to walk 10000 mile days for 10000 on tbe followii g tiont he wa to begin hi jour icy one copper cent and stop at hotels he wt not to beg i or steal and wa to meet aad a road a woman he bad never jme he stated lut evening that he bad applications from 15000 women did not consider fit to become jthi ot tramp bat oa september ig ried a young woman a itelegrapb at ogden he lost thirty day reason of fajurie received ic through a trestle aad thit time added to the limit which expires next he comes from san- franc ia now 500 mile ahead of hi time f flower j oat arrived a fine assortment pot at t h haepika grocery view of any building resi ience or section of tha town made at any may with a week ncinnati la 50 condi- witix irttdu ar on ha before received rhom ba queen ha mar ine rater time fay falling its been may 10 too and schedule ima and kept on hand for tale hiuksh w if you want firstclot guelpb latb and door at guolph prices t ear toe can fill your order at his planing rail hinards unltuent is the iltlr rettnwr chirlea study ia will git thought ct tar aad u at so ranch it ilea w iyt to or ia hopefoluesi tendencies world betle meat and ideal toe ids literature n w trnntibluty tial to magai iof oufmnkntimbara of othtjfitdcom bl o at irott tioiley warner la the ediloti ft trj erfs ukraine for kartalwr i ristibn to some pertinent i tatpaaiibilitlet of liter jally ha moral reckieunes jar popular fiutlon lh wtra ot america h wide the naw day to infuse life co fight nuterieiittia yue to expect to make tha the exhlliltlattof tdebie- gtrlly aad totiold up an ration it li balltred that t only to apprehend it re- aicumalt 4 it ii inol brt we pnblli b d recently tinder tbe head of a pretty t a prise a nolica of a new and very oharm n adulaa of longfellow moat celebrated p m evangeline upon ex amination t labook prove so dellghltul in every w t r hat we believe it will ba a favor poor ader to refer to it again it i handsomely illustrated mainly by birket foster one i the moat famous of english artists and nund in exqnurito taste in a combltlon o white aad blue cloth with gilt edge and or laments and i told only by the publiahe direct not by booksellers at approximate y the actual cost ot manufac ture by the lindred thousand w cent a copy plus g oenta postage it by mail hlx jkcr o w tmrntr sinrply awful worst caie of sorofula the oootort evtfr flaw object la to making in t i uo an example of hi book ie hand ot a vast number of readers k i cpald j certainly choose no rnore excel nt volume to please all peo- tta hi catalogue ot books department of literature a t ot good thing for booklover irf ally low prices considerably ia site ia sent pottpaid for dress john b aues publish- t ne york pie ot good oovering ev veritable f and at won over 100 icentt er 57 rote tho octc ber iaua ot the dflinrnlcr hu a greater rat ety of seasonable article than any previo it number of tha magazina a fully illust ted paper on fitting out tha jfamily w i be appreciated by tha wise mother at nt season and of equal interest to her are i a article on school luncheons amusing hitdrea and outdoor game an old fo ealeruinment is graphical ly detcribe l and two novel divertioa for evening p tie are fully explained for the house e there it a paper on the use of eggt forde irt one on sauce and a talk about cook y that is very entertaining and suggestive the fancy worker ia generously supplied w h instruction oa a variety ot subjects t lateat fashion information it iven by il ittratlon of tho months pat- and hroogh the standard article id the pb tical coltare series lakes np an mportaat irancbat the subject among le mleoell heoat articles is oae on home building an 1 housekeeping in the far north west the iiird eontribatioa on forming a library aromd tbe teatable etc etc a year tab i iptlon cost onedollar single oooiec 15 ot 1 1 the miiuatot publishing co ot toi nto ltd ss richmond bt veet tore to j the caai jirajiifor kovember preaent he followii table of content influenoa fgreekar litecture in the united state ii by proliasorjw h uoodyear the columbu 1 tonument by william eleroy curtis kc jtality in the united state by ohn 8 bil ngx md the greekandthe merican 1 temodraciet second paper hy rid h jbeeler dd lld sunday ingt i llected by bishop vtnoent edical scjraeeby c r hammerton reek orar et bythoma d seymoui a the lliller and hi mill by w c igar beg nningsof the american thank- iiving day by l l graoey dd ox ford in vacs ion by eugene l didier j the study of i jpalar tale by prof t f crane the crowing of the british chan nel by j henry columbus day one hundred ye ir ago by charle t thomp- on ixaak walton 15831083 by prof f stoc ley immigration by noble iby out boys ia blue by chaplain c batemen to the rescue i by frank c illiam 1 ie womens press club of york by fannie palmer tinkler leasant ac uainunces by margaret n iahard ti e woman world in paris by elixabet i robin penncll saint c oarageoat by lady henry somerset kow society in iadia suffers from wo- man posil on agne burchard a eeriou que tion by eleanor lambeo tjhe editori s treat of the friend poet the peary 1 expedition and poetry and rhyme thi poetry of the number is by emilie hall davie and titos human oosn therf devoted to u are the usual department e chautauqua literary and on bkjoys both the me hod and results when ynip of fm is taken it is pleaaant pi tefteahu g to the tasteand acts ntlyyetrjt imptlyonthekidneyg iver andt3i wels clcinses the syi- m eflectucl y dispell colds head- hes and ic crs and euros habitual nstipatiop syinp of fip istho only remedy of itekind ever riro dueed plead igto the txto and ac- oopfable to t e stomach pre upt la- its action ape truly beneubial in its fluecta prcpa cdonly from the most healthy and a jreealesubetances its manyexcellei tqualitiescommendit tb all andjh ire mada it the moat sbpular ret ie ij known syrup of i gs is for aale in 75o otfles by a l leading druggists ny reliab at ruggist who may not hare it on land will procure it promptly for any one wno wishes to fay it jaiiactured only by ths rgsrrupca 71300 c1a1 wuzmvuzh- 701 kintrdt unliiefl it the uslr restorer 0fnjffc 0rt tv hoods savtsafavliclll witen i jwa i or 6 years old had a scrof ulous sore on the rawjlo ringer of ray left hand which irot te bad that ti doctors cut the inter oit nnd later took oft more uian halt my land then the sore broke out oa ray arm came out on my neck ad face aa both sides nearly destroying the sight of one eye also on my right arm doctors said it was the wo rtt caae of serofuja the y ever saw it wassfaapty awfatl five years ago i began to take floods gartanarula gradually i found lliat uia tores were begirt nlag to heat i kept on till f had uikea ten bottlet test ttsllarat juit tlitnlc of wliat a return i got for that inrcftmentl a tstast pereeatf vet many thousaad far the rast 4 years have had no sores i work all the time before i ei tt aa werfc i know not whatto lay strong enough to express my grat itude to hoods karsanartlla for my perfect cure oaoitat w tuitxsn farraer aal- way saratoga county x y hoods plll wtsxsn latjald dicaaltuaaqatmieth slamsclt trytusat tc tea wu orst sdvertlmd in eoglanvl la the londoit usxettee and about larr a oonafdaralile quantity was imported and is became quite a popular drink tithough tbe price waa abohc so shillings or u per pound at this early tfage la fu uiatorr it waa suppold to ears headache ttddlaeat dlseasa ofthe kfdaert laugs se lis fact it was looked upon at a cure for almost any rouble in 1j18 the market waa glatud the east india company bating imported tjxo tt whleb at that time wsa consider a laesje im portation compare this with the eonsumptioa in i8w of 1jxa pounds this isdleateji lh eaonnoua increase ia the opasamptloa snd shows the advisability of knowing where to bur t to the bast advantage hamilton glut 100 6 7s 15 60 20 lbs t 0 35 fc for m50 t jj5 t 2t5 for 100 t t 175 125 six tb any vvs kind of t coffee coco ffal etc f lt00 company t and spedsilsta wttoiesale and retail toatii side of kiog street west next bank of hamuton haraliton send be in 1 1 or eeat stamp for sample pound which will be sent free by msil fiec your uoighuor to iota roa in baying wheleaale from the oldest largest wealthiest eheariaat beat experienced and moat reliable tea house in the dominion find new effects in side wall ceiling borders to jiatch latest new york styles opened up days bookstore ouzlph day sells cheap bargains can be aswe bought them below their value imillinery jackets bress mantle 7ckkinc oac itilllnery department ji erdwdevl with not eltfes oor awknirr know haw to make a hat to suit yon and onr price vera nater o low dont forgat oat jacket dollars can ba lavedvby buying ram my waharia a tplendid rang to select from now w do drasr aad mantle making and guarantee perfect latkf aetfon in every eaae no mailer what yoapgood may coat they mutt be made well to look well our price ar very reasonable fnraaraoomlagtanrjt w dont ask fancy pricier for these yoii may a well save a dollar when yoncan andws can help yda to tave money if yon boy rem u ijio pairs of fine wool blankets cheap- r bjermyn jha- ffas tfie ejest instrumentsand aicessories ifcirns out the btjst photos the county for e ijoy oil the 25th ififj sabbatli norfoll this promises tc held in canada most earnest sunpay dominion the photo art 1 acton or- come to m a provincial reputat excellence acton for portraits of ion any kind t siimay school an 8iiio st lnd 27tlj of this month convention willhe methodist church e the largest meeting of this kind ever villdraw together ihe brightest and iichool workers frorr all parts of the interesting one ve but our limited st ac with such names rev joseph p congregational hamilton rev mungo frazer d toronto mr- wn china inland mi treat is assured fo to attend new york rev hamilton hon sh blake q c reynolds rev john mccarthy of the siop l eve o 6 is we would re pec the time to attenl ti close and we bilieve suggestion if you idojt having remained there much later than mot hs ha taooeeded aad ia daily receiving tha v dress and mantle trimmings millinery mat mantles many magniuotnt detlgns fa irish portiere the latest novelties ia tapestry of tha very newest oafterngand ityles of wind of french english china and japanese su captivating hit keck frilling purohaeed detignt in frenob point dlrlande denlsile d teases for evening wear i magnifloent doubl pink and blaok also ncylllet in velvt millinery bklea and ornament in fit uim velvet depattmtnt it filled with tall atsortmt eleau enter the kight house at the nets hamilton ootoberslh 1832 amme providedis a more ithan usually vould gladly have published it there i lakes it impossible tb do so however u dr cavcn of knoxcoiiege toronto b d london kjev dr barbour ollbe montreal revj dr sutherland schauffler d d of rev dr smith toronto c c a iy minute one may be fortunate enough the provincial helavin the jaelph tfully urge all who convention from your thanks will it can hyr1n possibly spare he openineto the follow us for this cuelph k returned prom buropei ethis week ither canadian buyer la order to ootaia the very latest novelties intjhloh objeot f lata i design in frenoh german swiss british and american dress goods i iait p mamenta ladies hats fesihert flowers ladle mltsta mad ohildrtnt oint i wit and nottingham laos cartalij alto obenilla and silk curtains and niseis axminster and wilton carpet rugs and matt alto aaimrnanas varfeti shades aad blind he also hu succeeded in procuting wohlitntntj assortmenf whinh tor laperiot quality beiiitilal shades and unlaa dtgni an moat m the very latest paftema oat will be tare to nleaae tha ladies the very lateat a id cbintilly laoet in tuitable width fpc skirts baaqne and frinoan faced batin ribbon in gold and black helitrop aad mean fawn tad katna and satin ttrlpas in the latest colors a large and very hsndsoms assortment ot boll satone gilt and steel with diamond setting ladle felt for hat and suk i t hat will delight the ladies fhs pomar king aad hagbton ttreets thomas g watkisrs therailitookof waipspar ha arrlt- jf it rvlstazinawin droj fltora tha tvg designs are new and artistic apprentice waktei 1 n oke but good honest boys need spply bbgblfnd v-j- sevekal thoroughbred isdaertarrsra laxoba ajsoafewshroiiaoursialambs apply t 7 1 wmkbwton lamshonss m leip rpo do tbe weekly wsahing ott jansllfsriulyst 1 the home of appueanv for prttenlsa eallat fbes8 phessoincb m grain wanted yearling calves astray stbated from tu ftejlsewm bja signed lot 18 eon a artnfcj aboot tha sslh 3r one black beitaotrftjr cos llstbt roan steer all yaarllnsa oylannsssaa r- mtna leading to the recovery ably rewarded ja aamawuldsata- oob hi web 1 f boa 6 oaor wantei a few huttung ajsants to sail- norsary stock a salary of ms rmotbadxijns write for parttcolars 1 ld crswtjii jofprgttng pcludihg books pamphlets fostsrs b 0j heads cireulaxaie-4r- assented in the btt style of tbe art at moderate prices sad aa thortnotiee applyor address hpmoobb fbaxfaissomee aefor failk for sale qfttorent the wehknoirn wm moore fsrof lot st eon 1 etquetlng on hundred aeraa is offered for tad or to rent it is la alood ttata eulttvation within two mfla of acton eorrven- lent to schools eburehet and railway for terms and partlenlaraapplyso wk sesistrebt auctioneer acton ortobcmccullonoh ooorgetownfo valuable property for sale i a bush farm on lot it eon it in tbe town- ship of peel 11s seres with lc dwelttnt uilb timbered with beech maple bexeioek pine oedar rock and sottelm- ts or 8d acre cleared except bs9rnjsg toe ttrdab alsoastorieandsvrialfeaqdwellmgofarooxes andtwo eellara trams stabss with ten lotavot land on guelph haria and queen streets in the villsae of actor will tall flra or six bnucani iota separately u desired terms onetblrd cash or exeriaxuiasothu property apply to itaikoacto ont the newhe1t habeht hu bea in be knenr that vhea eltuc sttjll now in aotoo roup eoootfa to pla tvre tapplied with fint fresh meats fowls e taey go where tucbeaxi be seenred we offer only tha best to be had and is a eon sequence now enjoys a patronage which is about ourhighest anticipation we alwart enjfeavor to treat oar oostoxnera weuaoduaconsaaerrfe we retain the oldasd securenew one highest cash prise paid for port hides tal low 4e f parties having oatjle at toseuareraqsestad tocall j v ottvlli 1831 t habl7ltrvator 189s a- country centleman the best wlhb aqbicultural weeklib8 dslotutb j firm crops smprrxjesaas hortiov4mrira 4 fit qrctrlnsj j uva stock and dairyliisj i b itskarkttbapaftr msoh attutioalts pa xnsstiaaa a in f jssisr i tsrieissn ill f wi cltjefsulss for 1tos riwsuiaeraitfaiitaciiraux six 8nbcripttoam u 10 wtirasvuaeriptiimt et bacnswtt5oiapjsp anortsw irrthbb tpcsbb son irohlubers aibny5 y