fehc jkctctt ffrcss tborsdw november i8m notes here and there kami of qsrtsrtt inter if to pre pratt reeder cfje oung jfolks uttlf ttttsqs iduleim in daytime unit air at niclitl knw ft man rrltclon hltii tliana aitr iltllr romib lrcerre uul draft ot alt tlrnc cm crip turl ancvrcl it we lcntlati care lut dcvturuvulus iilllf ijolulne pill rrnity cut jtjar wslletal when w vat their bills lltllrlritilofwbllet liltle fxttct ot beer uftle null ft drunkard in lew thftu ft ix- llttlc wis cl becc leal utile otth you brt male hint ittuctllbo to till its ri4rtttj titolxy tklir a bovs manner gmufylut to ill th high position attained u d tbit unl verttl tjcoeptanee ud appro el the pleasant liquid trait remedy sy rapot fut et the most excellent iitttivo k lowaillus- trcte the vttue of the qutllllei it success ie based md ire gritif jing to the ctlitocmi comptoy if you hid to believe ill lltit ltll iy in tuclr own titer yoa wo lid coon be yo uptown the fcocee- obliged to do tome lying on tcoonat or ilia till behind in tion the toronto hwuf for ittcu nblt ili manner ii worth i huudred thonr end dollar to him tht i whit one of the chict men ol tl nation lately said iboot i boy it wouldnt be worth io moch to one who meant to be i firmer or who hftd tio opportunities bat to i yoeng oolepe student with imbitiom it is worth it lent i hundred uiouund the boy m t distant relative of the mm md hid been brought op by cartful pirent6 in i feroff city among other things he hid been tsucht to be friendly sod to think of other persons before hpn- self the boy wis on s visit in the town where the man lived hrey met on the street ind the jouriger recocniting the- elder promptly went to bis side md spoke to him in eli oordiil hippy yet recpeotf al way of coarse the min wis pleased ind knew thit inybody wonld hire been pleat- ed the senunoe above wis the outcome of it a little liter the boy came into the room jett u the mm wis struggling into bis overcoat the boy burred to him palled it op at the oollir and drew down the wrinkled coat beneath he would have done it for iny mia the benghtiett or the poorest do not misunderstand boys yoa cay be truly unselfish md yet not have fhis boys prices yon msy with to do things tor ethers and yet fed thtt yon do not rknow bow the only wiy to learn is to try to hesitate for no feeling of bathf nl- nets or awkwirdnets bat to pat in direct and instantaneous practice whatever kind helpful thoughts occur to yoa con jrrjoriokaiwr tirtdftle out feb 27 llils s-oenllc- men it gives ruepleetart to lei yoa know i hive derlred great benefit fro n the uteof neniline i have been a g eat offerer from kcunlgie iti the face atd list two yesrs wis quite i mirtyr to the msdy bo soon is i observed tin ker iltna adver tisod i obtained a bottle from t urdroggialt messrs john grey co f rkdale and the elect ni rntrveltoue psi 3 seised ind i can enjoy sound sleep it nuht ind rise refreshed i cannot speak ux highly of it and heartily recommend it alxroxnra stexn life in paris on the boulevird with its nettpspert its bookstores its theatres it wits its cafes its celebrities its adventures and all kaleidoscopic movement of men and things that animate it from morning until morn ing comes again one appreciates that quality of modernity which characterises paris above ill other cities io other cap itals where the fortunes of a numsd etist- ence and a moderate gift of toogaes have enabled me to live and comprehend the loctl life i have never found anything equivalent to the life of the booletsrd which is the quintessence of the life of firis for the peculiarity of paris is that it ia being constantly renewed it is not oppressed by history or hampered by in obtrusive past there it in old paris tt is trne sne sees it and loves it but it is so discreetfthit one bss to seek it out the present alone rnedorninatei the vtfory regions of souvenir ind pr i are not willingly frequented by those who speak the french of paris and who live in the brilliant sunebine of living paris si life of intensity and ardor here and now upon the principle that life u the end of life harfirr4 uagvuut paw and kaw it is agreeable to note that the floe old english words father and mother are becoming fashionable again erenfnr child renjutt learning to talk some there cere who never gave them up but taught their own children to use the strong dignified names handed down from english asoes tors bnt the modern terms csed to designate ones immediate ancestors oa the paternal and maternal side bars gone through an odd series of chsnges each sppirently worse thin the last an ibfsnt in arms ctters its tint sound mamma a yuang thep calf or kitten makesthe same cry it is therefore natural bat why should the syllable be perpetuated after the human young one learfis to talk f some of the degraded substitutes for the admirable names father and mother are remarkable in one part of the country the native young one taya flatly pappy and mammy agiin pap and mam t yoa go on to ome pltce where the iphao- itsnts pride themselves a little on their style and then the names are frenchfield accent on the last syllable papi and mimma again it is poper and tnom- mer not infrequently abbreviated to pop and mom another person says- paa and mia eiving a the sound ft bas in man that is bad enoegh but the lowest down meanett sotnding names of all for your immediate ancestors are paw and maw the individual who will paw and maw bis fttber and mother and let his children paw and maw theirs deserves to be snubbed by the four han dred on earth and in heaven you neednt take a mans wt rd for it that he has dropped from the clcuds because there is no duat on his shoes usy be his wife blacked them before be i ii up in the morning a relief for rheumatism put a large ooffeecupful of the bes 1 white vinegar the same quantity of turpentine and tbe beaten whites of two eggs wide moutbed bottle and chase tht rough ly pour about a tablespdonfal of this mixture over a piece of red filnnel and apply wherever tbe pain is most severe over the flsnnel lay a imall piece of oiled silk relief will be ilmost icittntineoai wisdom men can sorjoire knowledge bat not wisdom borne of tbe greatest fools the world baa known have beenlecro ed men otneootes an ahuodast meot on the part at the m k0tbeb8 tad eipecially hunme toothers need the ttrength- stand help uiat i comes wf2i dr kercei favorite eescrlp- tfon it lessens the pains siict bar- dens o phfld- bearlng healthy offspring and of noarish- it is an in- rfgoratfnz tonic nude especially for women perfectly lis rm less in anf condwnn of the temale systenz as it regulates and promotes sh ttnstnni functions uxl never c hs rfuttken lte jindctxres insflfiwojiroiticweakneiiesanci to beoeflt or care or to i loaey u refanded forerertosi not cure tbe i ot cstsr b srhich tt csa- proprietors jut rws cs- barb benmrfy sott to i sjr in oun yours aired bfjtsinlki waaf deans- tnj sad bctlfai prppoli toitv paid a lady wntea the simple tru h as foltows barrie island ont i have sufferer from neuralgia for il ssjtiftsassswssssssia which bunlintly fig byrup feople tue rtalrrtntii j it podooagufotltood 84ttpttlllar 1 then it uo need of embtllihmnt or mmi- uontlltm 8lmply whf hoodifltipt- lilt dost that tellt tht story oflu mttll it yoa hart newt milted tu tauutf a tingle bottle will oonvino pa it i good medicine tbe hujhsat priiss hat been won by ttooit pills toe their easy ytt effsotent u- tiooj 8oldbyilldcagjita frtoejscequ a tluggird it i fellow who takst the batd- ett way to have an easy tlmt acautlillutedcaie i dear sirs i wit troubled with bilious ness headache ind tost appetite i could not rest at night and was very weak but after using three bottles ot bbb my appe tite is good andi am better than tor yean past i would nof now bawiltioat bbb and am also giving it to ray children jlt wilts3bnfi ktatuend s8 home people impart imtotcnttian very much ta i hedgehog ahedt tilt qalllc ifoi been la ereat he last nine years but being advised tot y st jacobs oil can now heartily endorse it at being a most eioeilent remedy for tbit oom plaint at i have bean greatly benefit d by it ast lies john ifrlruv working without a plan ii best ways in strength the world of rasticg your for yoengoroic child renandadultt are equtl ybeiwfi ted by the use ot dr woods norwa pine syrup the new and sacoeasfal ooagl i remedy it stops coughs in one night and may be relied on at an effectual remedy for i olds utbna bronchitis and similar trothle pricetj and mc tfdruggitts know thyself it good know shout yoar neighbors practice yoncis vie- btatter work for cuts burns sores or toriacarbolto salve is the beit healing and soothiogointment it ts reported thtt general man powderly will retire trot i the position he now holds and that he wi 1 reoommend fs his tneoessot a w wrigb t grind lee- turtr of the order formerly ii thequalph hrrau i it c c blchltm i co uy son george bas taffeed with neu ralgia round the heart since 132 but by the spplicttionof uinardf likij1ent in 1ss0 it completely distppt ired and hit not troubled him cincej 1 jis itckne linwooi ont one of the idvioe but is the general bulldup when the tyttem it run down t person be coroes in taty pray to canumptloa scw tilt iftay tilaible lives ir itred by ating 8ootti emulsion it soon u a decline in heslth jt obserred one of the devils best meant of keepiug a womto tromearqeat utttuju tittletattle achmf- falst betioteo i 0 rsiixkoc i canaovnt raise bbb for it hat revival jms wooerf liy i wat ccmplooly ruttjwrtthsd tchlng pains in my shocilders a trriesfeeling in riyhiiiibs low ipiritt in ttrtiibiir flying recommeoded totryiifr jjmsf with the use of oolycrtkjuwltni toluay strong ind hetlthyf i prlluvtiisjfitf mrt btxcrxs toriuto ont irt cooiboo a thltfont h i uktt u a bttktsmink it whs ttikt without miking moniy a pollkoila di fhofflirseinoney rithottlulkinj j a ltbourtroae who gels to week it 0 aolook i abatlneisuin- ooewfiosels towotk it 10 oclock a hypocrite q s who styt whit he does not thlalc ind t taand oat a gnat ifan0 ie who ajror pnt hit ataatk a soldier one who mikes killing a butluett a mardemr-oa- who makes killing a plestarsl ii a lawyer onti ho mikuhlillrlngoit of hit fellawmeni a phyilcita on who makes hit living out of lbs bodily i ifferiagrf hit fellow- men bj baying whit ht iti prefit wrntlf new turk horfc i auetctiint otm who mitvtrlitc using does not wiut to itll from his fellowmen tkelifttof a skip there it something wro ig with the father who will tie op bis dot it night and let his boy run tbe ctreeta gives good appeltte gentlemen i think your pslnsbte med icine cannot be equalled leeauas ot the benefit i derived from it jfter tittering from headache and loss of nearly three years i tried great sacdect it gave me and sow i enjoy good health sfns illtthcw rjlief appetite for bbb with it once sriocti daugtnoocvdnt is oftentimes abtoliraly cured in its earlies stages by the use of th it won derful j i food medic iff scotts emulsion which is now n high repute the world over cidtiovtvtro nlitlut gnaia pemarwj bt 6ott t i oa bhitrhl gou br all dnccwa when tbe people find oa mean at borne tbey dont be protetsesftd be at church that tmtn is good care bo canada it being congratu ated everywhere on the excellences of he mtnnftxtares art stained glass is pro niuently in the front rink of her improve tents thanks to keoausiaad son of torodto who for 0 years hire labored not only to accumu late money bat to mike s ained tad orna mental glass of all kindi a credit to tbe dominion the mtn who tells gooc with a short yard stick would steal the foaudatlon stones of heaven if be soul i get it- them uemirkable cure of i ropsy ind dys pepsia if r ssmuelt cssey belleville writes in the spring ol 1s4 ibegan to be- troubled with dyapepe a which gradu ally became more and mot 3 distressing i used several domestic rem dies and applied to my family physicen hut received no benefit by this time my trouble assumed the control dropsy i wsauahlejtb ue my food etcept boiled mil caud bd my limbs were swollen to tw ce their bitursl i t i tire i tllli- of my red very were given up tad 1 quite expected death within a few week korthrop lymauc vege table dionvery having be in recoramended to rap tried a bottle wit i but little hope of reliif mid now after t sing eigl c bottles my dysprpais and drop are cunsd though now sevetityniiie eojoy my niels at wfll general bttuh ia food inrthis section of canada ears of a t ever m hel fiftyseven years and yo i have liberty to ase my name in reoomm ihditioti vegetable discovery whi wonders in my case h hi di subscribe for the aetpn fere ooly one dollar per year al e t can ifarl my kuowo layiuglited here ft your sunh i pixai i 1 powder purest stromst best contalat no alum ajmnoois lime plwspaates or any lauritat a boomer it a man who bat lots mora enthusiasm than he hat anything to keep it on julnry curedt gentlemen i used to be troubled with quinty hiving an attack every winter about five years ago i tried htgartt yellow tpplying it inside my throat with a how long it the natural life of a ship from a tibia cited by mr robert thomp ton the new pre ildent ot he korthettt coast engineers tfi 81ilpbtltderfit ap pears that thialtt itomt extent ii qpestiofa ot where the h it irailt veitelt oot itructed in the t nlted states list oa in avenge eighteen y lira paly j french ihipt nectge twenty latch twentytwo ger- mtn twentyfive e rtilih twenty sii italian twentyseven and norwegian thirty the avtrtgs deathrtw ot the wocldt shipping is about i per cei t and the birthrate 6 per cent a pref i resca at the present time tt ihawn for cetti ia parts of a vessel being ot iteel instead ot iroa laabj u task tops and decks expos to the weather bat in if r thompsons pinion it would be much better to keep he material tha same throughout as far is possible tad he would prefer the ttetl being ot the situs- thickset ttthj iroa pupilt practical i johnny filkins if hint yep said the gravely whether doat do nattier tuition tha on ajtrnu weib a carlotd of yoadg people trs en utile to a chriitlan bodmfor obatentlou tht pouiblt monotony ot id bot tdwi broken when inch tttit itsrting tomej one began lioglngi alii and did my savior bleed and did ray sovereign diet it wit bat i momant before thai car walls reaoanded with tha twott itrilqt o fho mrlodfoai hymn neitly every oocuptnt joining then bleitsd aiiartooa wondwfnt vvortlt of lift im a ohlld ot a king and many another aoalitlrring hymn wat willed out through the open windows tud cttried oa the iutama bteete it the train tried tlong perhips none o the eirnetlvoaugchrfi usasoathit trila knew that la the car with them wti one with whojn the spirit was wrestling bat when s cetttlrt yoang man returned hema sad ipproachtd the pastor of out ot tha oharobatjand told him thtt ha liad tccepted jtfatj tnd wu ready to identity htniolf with tha people ot pod tnd thtt his itony heart hid been moiled by tha gospel in long duftaitjiittfxhjiart loaraey t broaght mmy to yilre mate thin ever before the power of gospel hymns what a iarmon oa tbe oanttrting powec of iscred wag t woald hit it might leiehl at to ilng the sacredfwordt though theyl were prtyart to liag thern iwith oar hole heart lcew rick j j johr nyt hn a school teache who believes in giving lastrationl ttked little he wit possett ed of any boy i got que now i want to ask yc a said he pedagogue she sits or sets 8he said johnny with inl r cacklesj arent yoa ever going to grow old like therettatusf uked i mia of ia acquaint ance ha hadnt sesn toe torn time will not to long ts i cap parity my wood with ayere strtaptrins was the apt repfyy this man knew what he su talking aeat tha knights of labor at anita pa have recent w btjlt a hall pf their own costing 10000 coksokfttoncum oil feather it quickly cured me and i bars not eince been troubled i alwayt keep it in the bouse mm j it lewis gtlley ave toronto out the water that makes the foam under- the mill dam it not the water that tarns the wheel of the mill i the third page ol the toronto dtuf uau is noted for want advertisements if yoa want to bay or sell anything if yoa want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if yoa have tost or bond anything or if yoa want to find bnt where anyone is advertise in tha to ronto ijatyjcaif and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address tke mail toronto can id tbe mosquito might hivej been highly prized ia a singing bird it it hid only stack to thit basibese ilone a dinerotu cold deir sirs my little girl hut winter had a very bad cold which almost retultad in itjl pttm j u i li vegetable poic theea pillt act tpectfis- tlly on the dcrarjgecj orgin timalafimtto aatiqalhe dormant watrgits pf tbi system terthx reafoiit g duessa andxenawloiife oongeefion of tbe lungs after doctering with her for three months without success i tried hagytrdt pectoral babrant and two bottles of it eared her she it now ttrong and bealtbv mnii sauiki memoir ivii hamilton ont if you want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the tonnto w ttily kail that paper reaches 100000 farmers hornet every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this cltxtue n- serted in the toronto wutty kail forhv cents a word each insertionjor twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto ctnada i a mouse hat a right to judge a oat but the moment it opens its mouth- it invites the cats judgement on it oh what a cough will yon beed tbe warning i the tiguat perhaps of tbe sure approach of tbit mors terrible ditei consumption atk your selves if yoa can asord for tha take of saving 50c to ran tbe risk and dp nothing for it we know from experience that sbllohs cure will core your cough it never talk a brass band can put mora life into an old nag in a minite than a ten acre oat- field in a week of snndayt safe certun prompt economio these few idjectivee apply with peculitr force to dr tbomts ecleetrlo oil a itand ard external and internal remedy adapted to the relief and cure of coughs tore throat boarsenese and all affections of the breath ing organs kidnsy troubles exooratfaot tores lameness and physical pain there isnt anything that sweetens sleep like waking up ind feeing the hinds of the clock within ten minutes ot getting ap time severe colds ire easily cured by the use bickles auticuiimumptiva syrap a medicino of extraordinary penetrating aud healing proertiee it is icknow ledgfd by tho who have ued it it being the- bct medicine bld for coughs cold iuflaiumalon of the lung aud ill affection of the thrnt aud cheat its agretnbleues io th ute makes it a ftvoarito ftiiilet and children peim it the evening ttr nf the aoal it virtae is its sao and fe two are never far tpirt j an old phyilclin retired gram practise having had plicect in his hinds by an east india missionary tha formula of a timpls ragetabla remedy pr tht spaady and per manent cure of cbosamptfos bronohltit catarrh aithmsj ind all throat and lung affectiont also a positive and radical care tor nervous debility and all nervoes com plaints after hiving tested its wonderful curative powers m thousands of cases has fell it his duty to make it known to til bit suffering fedowa actuited by this motive ud a desire to relieve human suffering t will tenet free of charge to tit who desire it thit recipe in german freotctt or english with full directjoos for preparing and using sent by pail by addressing with tamp i naming hit paper w a notts sm powers block rochester n y chinese laborers are being imported into africa to teach tke natives how to cultivate tea and tobacco i the wild cherry combined with mil burns cod live oil emulcioo makes it delicious in tub aud perfect in curative power perhaps for a abentrited inaccuracy of statement nothitgean turpase the follow- ing sentence wh ch oocirred in to account of a burglary gi ren a abort time back in a dublin newt taper after a fruitiest search all the m iney wat recovered except one pair of i thread the needle is a the long winter evenings and way m play it all tha playerrjoia hands line the two players it the ends of the tine begtnj the gams with he following ditlogue a how many miles to babylon v b three score miles audi tea acta i get there by cthdlf light b oh yet tnd back again a then open the gate at high at the sky and let the king tnd hit men pass by b ud tha playir next to him then raise their haqds as high at possible and tha rest oc the players led by a pttt under tha trohwiy that formed the dltlogae wj the qaettiaa chronic derangement oftha btgrnsch liver ind blood ire speedily removed by tha actire prirjcipla of tha ingredient tnd vitality to the great secret leas vegetable the afflicted in this list if tha popularity of ptrme- pint i mamma i 1 avent teen tha kitten to day where is aha t little dot i dont know vali pt t a blue ribbon round her neck thfa mon iin and i gaett thet oat howls herself u a beef tha very idely value of oyster rfor fojod i i bpeiklng roughly t quiet of oyttert coataint on tbs average iboat the lama quantity ot active nutritive u balance qntrt of milk or a pound of very leaa or a pound and ahslf ot fresh oodflsi or two tblrdt of a pound of bresi bat rhile the weight of tctatl natrimeht la different qutlitiet of food named it nearly tha same the quality it w different- that ot the very lein melt or oodfish contlitt mostly of what are called in chemical language protein compounds or flesh formertjtha substance which make blood muscle tendon bone brain and other pitrogenoat tittaiwj thtt jit the bread oonlaint bat little of these and con sists chiefly ot itarcb with a ihue fit and other compounds which serve tha body it fuel and supply it with heat aad muscular power the nutritive tubsftrioe of oyttert- oontaiut considerable of both tha flesh pro ducing and mora especially be nitrogenoat tittue crind tjunfcj railway oofsb witv aorxi ht 1 108 tm i ssprestj 10 am rf 01 kjn pssngi in nrlltisel i mpn hi ssafr- paawnjar- t pnr i thaj ctosnto itaits ootng wtttt im tnd s w pm oolnj eut10 ts tm tnd pm- j this time table went into effect s december hbm- t i is 7nv hors6- wbrtht2d an old ctame gsras for hero it the and form a j is then repeated b beingno tr and threading tha needle la hit tarn tbit gams is a very old one i tha dialogue- is frequently varied tha list two lines being of ten given that then open the gates withoat more tito and let the king tnd hit men pits thrugh dr woods norway pirie syrub he pit rich to tbe inntthtaiinstvirttesottlie pine eanmned with ths seethfir and aap properties of other pectoral harts aid barks krareorotaekbie i coughs and coltis koaneaess aitima broocilha sore titmt cmpandail throat bronckxaijaiia luno dis5ases obatisattcimts which realat otixr remedies yield twrtty to tbit pteassfltpurrrrrup i priat ssc mo eoc pax rant ola av lt v many people i nffer for yean from trouble some aad repal ive taret bolls tad erupt ions without i iver testing the marvelou curative proper les of ayert bartaparilla the eiperimeo it cecttioly worth trying be sore yoagei ayeri gtrtspirilli and no other stia tour- etxolder on being told the ttbry of little jed eidiaghood doat see what the w ill waated to eat tbs little girl for i the aid- think the grandmother wonld have bet a enough for it she woald if she wit as ii rgs at mine cought bronohltit co i aethmt hoarseness etp yield at once to dr woods norwa rpiae syrup the saocess- fal throat and lang specific is within tons bitrhdey observed in texatluked a new yorker who wat visiting sin antonio obterved i ex claimed the tsonishednttivb why its venerated it takes four carloads of beer to fill the demi nd oa tbit tiered diy tfuaetts pure j towcered l milfft fottexnir ttta aeueo1 ssiatr ye tjtroriomt bltt ishssar crr- and draggfgb j torouio mmm- from i sana 7 moswsl of furs at socon- the we are now offering them at the same prqportionate redaction these goods consist of storm coular jvftltkt victorine8 class furs as smokod fox seal merrber cur english at to 7i5a tobesold at ru it nlbant itryatjaaeipb gimpli olotlx jolxii speight fc son ffjurniturs cu deiraad ot faftitare is now complete tor the spring tnde and we can supply my trtidll youvintii iie lowest possible prices ws dont steal our furniture nor a ly one u any ib lersln we can give you a 11 line tfiattaaj connect tttocfttl i can furnish vou wth tht best presses for country news and job worktcr cbuntryidacower priijt -s- 4w i cowb tcf v- fc j p williamson co i our stock of in such high silver fox 1 sable opposum sj etc etc i special value in sealette add baltic seal muffs and srorm gqllarsj- a large range of afetracrian jackets beaver and sabitfcapesandmantes g j this week we offer 30 of our iajst seasons jackets at 1 50 cents e thought of keeping them fctr saturday but considering trjatwe lost at least 100 cus tomers last saturday on ac count of thenish which made itj impossible tp wait on them we- thought it better to sell them during the week j i d german cloth jackets worth 5qctill cleared ldmmrr if he isnot healthy andsound every sntasl that it wor ter ibould jiavs afcii w tprlbg itwlu take lass to condition theylvill sell better a do more work dicks horse tnd csttls hedlctees an tbe beetsn theiwbrlsv bend aipostw esrd for jull peruvulara todj book of raliiable household and linn redps will be sent tree dick coi x box m honlreal sold evextwbere t rl tail 511 til the key to health guelph auwmn wear is 10w complete in every j depai ttnent li p jir reputation for fir stclass orderedcloth- ihg is wqll known we have rvo 8uperfora shajiv turner roek in its b laufictoxe bat wa pay oath for it arid cait sell at low for cash thetstfe we t 4 i bedroomrset complete for 14 wove mattreaseslfor 4 8prnk8 for3l sideboards at cost lounges or l7 50 extension tables 750 chairs at any price 1 j undfbrtrking we can give yoa of coffins ctikett eows- etc tlwiyt in j itodk at to prfoes ws desire to impreir upon the public the fiat that we bave no rj withiny combination and ourlpdct are not governed by the undertakers can give yoa the best the markets afford ii very reasonable prices good hearse and outfit for funerals sfi6htt3fcsjir ra ji thin fori any oteer ijfewcylinder press kctonil kndseb our bliiiiroyed cjountry prouty press waliava rah he froatyi unloett td the clogged werroes qflb bowels xlrlney and liver smrjxag jitgiar without westeaav-uwiyf- teravtll the impurities and tool bntaoxs of thesecretioni at tho trmjj lime cm- ourtnar bluoosuessi djsp fjotttflpatlari dryiiks rbf theg- dropsy dimness of vision jam- tss vomness andthnemdebjlltr these and many other tnxular comp yield icihe happy hinuenoeof bp blood bitteba forbaubycattaka tipljmsw write us- k -ryon- j club terms for 1893 axd valuaqte piuzelist itwillpayyqu the fintst list of prernlurtu ever offered by a carta- diarfpatr3er daily ql08e morning ed second saturday wetktt globe v from now to end 1w3 only one dollar am 400 1 s axloxe cvx qkt- up a clxjl xso sixijjik x iiakusolfe pltek i rsnvrile carlrta the globetoronto 1 tad free h to bsodwit5 nw totoc jbosztftt rttv tutabtalssk uieparlotyiiioiloei1veairw eg ebst talks gmxffltt be had in this easy to htodie costs little tor repair for eight years and tb oday for the money cbmeind see oor press at w it hem we can give yon your choioe of a number of i t hink of it a new 8 col foli h the free prem is printed on tl e above- pessj and the work illustrates no 1500 prum cylinder ess ati db better newspaper or- pjoster e 1 mgec ve ran it the better we like it 01 oui8col fressfor indjaeasyon t- e prin t pocket book we call it if ou deiire samples of work tend for them and vi itorent itzea and ttylet ot prettet at all prices 1 i i or 5 col qtb power press foron its merits work it fr simple easy to ran eiiy on type the beet press u be hid in the world full darticulars from agent for u gladly furnish n y canatja acton otmt one hundred and fortyone handsome photographs in one grand picture all the fjpnsenfative flembere of i ppjariiamehtl mexlratiauarjtoeacf sir jol atotttrenfcr and sir rseapko li fk house o conmxlaunied br t cabinet jtmiserfc and piifed oa either 3e ib manberaof die kooae fiora e i ttfj apha everr phjrioti ia lh grtlt picture is a reproductkxi bj 1 pomnuoo makli a total of ut gateedid pool- ererv one a perfect ettaest f tirti member duriae the last acnioci the original ploturr t oot over asoo tm exnitia aecored the copyristt to repr- juce tha grind pmine it i rjnaled oa ucc plate paper fa pfcptojtapfcic ioiidia j fen coca or fceta mcbei u atutaadnakeaaapvi atdpictun lor traning a kevcivias ibe nanc each imemberandjxmanniencyrepreaeatedls pewf oa tnetnarttamkmgivaluabie woevof rrfereac j no extra oharqi will b given free to my l fr th but hi will b i ire r il weeklr for pubkjoed hc5zi u mtea of hteat ana of the dav i atricrfture woman ru pvejubiarber win rot thefhmiin ttetnsla m fevssjs