Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1892, p. 4

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y t retort ifree ftsss thursdat dtcek ber 15 flic uotrag ftmitntt jl llce tee looktoc ibc at 1 bt uvc ob i on tcatttold noa ihll lit terth ob ltaile to trim t ufa the wtlltoairt el limb lti1rnttnltmtiolf vow birth lurrlaev tp- osr joeac psttet tap and vocr heart sirw riftaroai ticattd oa would tain torn row hud to loci work hi um lend ii vpur rjice l u world eta be foad i thitlteacteaoacli the miur wctaj coach folks motes here and ttttne of qnrl lntr t o fr pr readers at trtt ind your hi but with rwolate oar pue jxwjmi adjipwjoaioifi i iomcidim foil ad taa ht ttix ply ttrclfiht throat hoodt ptto ict ec pictim these otterreh it lira itc d banaoobtedyedaeto h blood end vi saoo only e reliebt blood pamasr aen effect i perfect can ltoodi serseperille is lb bett blood partner end it hja carol many very nnn cases ol cettrrb it give in nifute end bullde ap lie whole system upoathe liver netarel rooting tt from torpidity lo i dalles can eonitlpetloa mdj tsttn dlges uoa the chinese do not ellow th to be photographed uateoott tilted rf belec too nxh rut it oar rood mi brtte uoqw b roar wttch ttojuh nicetre tt tint ai roar iy mot til 4oa t dftt and titulctfcly di v lth the tide u it oodwe ud it rom if vou do ob my ted our li will b taiill jojt with a creit aiuy atliookttoar i ocr umu terror cr our buidt tint bin laid by their ton at yoaraiowe yotiactwt to pathway end tract u prayer u god bleu til the boys ifr tl a kidder i hot watfcr bags the ef5cec of hot inter in tnuemme tory conditioni ceo feerdly be over rated to t limited extent lu velaa httlooc been kookn oar motberv tnd grtadmouiere mtde ate ot woollen tiotbt dipped tn hot cttet to nice form of infitmmttion at preeent the worth ofthi remedy tn tl- matt til tormt ot ptia it ceaertuv reoog- fekton ire not coortniest w thej ire tad they toon cool ipptn the rabber nized- by the tnedietl hot dothe barer ol tpppetion o mt tpt to vet the dothin tnd reqatre repeted i btr tn erery retpect tapenor qnce broaht to the proper tempentare the bett ia ioo rftlaed it it nett end in eer vt etxy of tppi tcctmo etery ftmily in thel ooaatry u rell u io the city tboald htiett leut one reedy eraerjacy for tny tirror k at t profettion tpprecitta hot inter ift the tmoant of oonitort in oae of tfcem 011100100 known except from ttal strt the urdtcitl do not tafeciently tipertence there ihosll be if paetible htlfjdozen bti ol rtrioai cue tn the ttsfc room ecty ot to 1 tnd reedy far ue bobber btt tre tlso ot grett ttlae in cold wetther tar penons ot wetk arcak- tion they tre macb tapenor te foot wtrmen to hotted totpttonee to mtny tn ted peraon tach fi btg pltoed tftiact the btcb in bed 11 exceedingly tcreetble tod eootaicg the tune btg raty tleo be u erect eer tice in cue of htgli ferer if putly filled with poanded toe or loeoold inter fltoed tjpae the cp ae tnd tt the bue at the brciaor troaod the need they npidly redace the temperttare tad tooth the pttteot geaertlly hoveret loe btt u mtda of thiaoer tnd more delictte rabber a writer in tbe otctnne tbove mention woe whji ihii gone 10 railee into the ecantry tod bed btppened to eerry with me ace ot theee httle btflt i broogbt it into immediete reqaiutioo 00 e petieat with e temperetare ot 106 whote heed wet not- mc ia pun before i left the boue he declered he would net teke 110000 for the relief pro dooad by the tiaple rabber beg belf filled nthlce a few pointers to dacontiaae en edrertuemeat it like teba down joaugn wtnemeker adtertutng pre cherecter enditeadiog to t firm heeding eegle the jadictoat edrerttttogof ementonoae trticle tlweyi retalta fa eaaceei h e werner kternel tdrertuisg u the pnae at trede some trgae thet it u erpentive to eivertite it i tbe mott prafiteble ex peaie yoa cen here if ycra hendle it prop erly uilford joaroel kothmj except tbe mint sen mtke money without edverticiog oledctooe an ooceiiontl edterttfemeni tnd en occeiiootl metl tre elite in tket neither aoet reach good continaonf realeritj 11 the role for bath w 8 keller- ad edrerticemeot in tint ptper will corer the bill i helen keller the following clippiije 11 from the kew orletai pmiynse helen keller the 18- yeeroid blind deagbler of a h keller of taicambit tbe wonder of the ele end the pride of altbtmt u wnticg e itory which will be devoted to the children bnilding et the colambien expotitian helm keller btnog chtrged hertelf with tbe mtioteo ence end edacetion of the little ibliod boy bu bv pertaatl effort rtited 13000 for this purpose betidet which f 1 200 wu the remit oi tn eotertciomest inttigeted by her gita ia her ntme tor e kindergtrten for the blind tnd her wntiugt eboand in tponttaeoat iweetaeu tod rece there goe rata who hte ttved tixt thr jivei yoa dont ttyt yet when bit hoote barned down be cerried oat tbe ftmily ctt tnd tix kittene burtp eiery men matt ileep eceord ia to bib tempertment iiltt hoart it tbe erertce jf he reqairee rore or lete be will find it oat himielf whoever by work pleture forrow or by jtny ocber cea- it rrfalurl diminiching hm tleep it deirnin l in fie a man miy dowitli out for n time tot ntture kcei cioh t coaouitodnnmtiicttrdeoeiteher at there it more brtin woi k tbtneterto moretleep it repaired now thui in me linmnk our fore fttbem the nt of ttltep it frejaently the cile of ituitnltv up tak heart fyji it 10010 toffenng woman the chronic weekneaecpeafal jf roctiui that come o woraen ft k onlybevc a poctlre remedy in ep dr fvrcetlaforiprcrr- fv tion uyoaufeltblullyaesa k etery ditfarbence ehd irrecc- h utelefcitiinttarniilcuie hr m woroen cerefully adapted to ffm her deurete omnlmtton is i tre ryttem regitetee iai promote all the proper fa ic uontead rettarec beeltbiod north ifirorfte prttapuoa it the only remedy tot womeae tilt unit avaromuid mik to benefit or it tt iu w benefit or icare to here yocr m hi cfc 53 h 4bert to try it yj htreic tosereonil untimuksiisxi otbert or e metudns that it becked e v theprtjpreiot t jotifooioi srtrfsfs dr ilttt tad cold the ateof thehtndt et ia wtihing in hot water then expotiag the n to extreme cold 11 prolific ot e very 001 jtnoa mlcery ure robert simptan 71 berkeley st tomato wntet oct 2 1891 et followt st iicobe oil cared me of theamttio crempe ot the htadt titer 1 1 olier treat ment felled me uy htsct were macb twoltea eadpeiataf end foe e tune i wet neerly bfpr however jitnke to the raegta touch ot st jteobe oilthpttly tiler lie ate i wu relieved end lumetely eo- urely cared i now elweyi have e bottle ot st jaoobe oil in the boa e therv ere now two h mdred femtle preacher in the united stt et no better pre pirttion foi the heir hei erer been invented tbtn ayi ee tir vigor it rettorea the ortgiael oolo to ceded end grey heir end imperte th ntjarel glace end frethaett eteryone to nach tdmiree iu repttetion it worwide mtny e women who ctnmt drive e nul or t hone cen drive e men iu ex qualltlet oanime id to publlo approttl the california lipoid rait remedy byrap of flat it it pletiln t to iht eye end to the teat end by gently eating on the kidntyi liter end bowelt it oletntea the tjtum etftctaiujr therebi promot6g the health and oomlorl ot all t ho ate li t sttltftctory em ilu so aeyt dr carlett en ol 1 end honored preetlttoner in belleville onteuo who wntet for wetting on letee ead scro- fale i hive ated eoott t jmulcioo with the mott teticrtctor retail u the men who knowt e gt et deel knowt tetter then to try to tell it tll cenede 11 being coagretal tad very where on tbe exoellencee it her mei lafeetare art stemed glue it proc naeatly tn tbe front rank at her improves entej thin it to ucceaelend t son of t iranto who for 0 yeert heve lebored not 1 nly to eocama lete money bat to mtke si lined end orne- mentel gleet of ell kindt a credit to tbe dominion a if erne women oondnct e lerge foan dry end iroa workt tt dan tirk n y ktde with ft 11 dr wood 1 norwty p ne syrap the modern eaooeui al care to ooaght ealdt hoenenett etthme broncb itit tore throet end ell palmonery oompluate it mtde from tbe bett pectortl herb 1 cnaj berkt by tbe mott tktllfal end tci ilifiol methods ead ceanot fill to give proc ipt relief whit it love two het it with bat e tingle thought two fools th i txt like oae itatv can tgctrtd of it y tocmeollog oocut 1 get td of hum wtlhoi t pea get rid ot tkem quickly end effecca tlty clthaat pottibillly o rttarn t the et twer t ate almeot ptialete corn ead w irt care the gnat corn care kl wijt 1 aft tefe eud ptinleet pulauai extractor die it and 00 other fraadl era ia he mtckct dont raa the riik of calalai your feet nrllh lacb otaitla tppli cetloai site 1 eight hoart oat ot tha twenty four set thi m meela e day and walk oa the taaay tide of the way tiupho lxt tmpravamarrtt and addltloiiitoth vwiouil ntotthtou twli phon co i a d naer pill limy nertant taffar ex- craciel iag egoay after partaking ore hearty dinner the food pertekea of it like e belt gt leed upon tbe ttomech tad iaiteed ot health r nutriment it beoomea e poiiaa to the stem dr fermaleet vegeteble fills tre wondertal carreclivet of tacb troabl t they oocrect toidity open the ecreti at end convert the food pertekea off into h eltby natrimeat they ere jatt the medic ne to teka if troabled with lodiget ttoa or dyt peptie blotches cared dets sat in 1900 my body wes cover ed wit h blotches end i was at but indaoed to try burdock blood bitter by the time i had ued 3j bottle of it i wet oamplttaly cared end i ceanot peak too highly of it list jutes diskovd htlifir k 8 boo stt mdattry it always rewarded no young men need campltia o being kept poor 1 he rollt ap his eleevee end goe cheeri illy to work thomet uyert brtoebridge write dr thomtt ecleetrio oil ia the beat med- icine i tell it always gire aeticfeetion end in case ot sought ooldt tore throet c to mediate relief has been received by those ibo ated it a remarkable case gecixicc aboat five yeert ago noticec on my head e greet namber oc toft tj oogy warts very peihtal end which bled then touched i nerer witnetted anything like it end wes jaile elermed we tee never without hegyerds yellow oil eajd one evening my little gtrls applied it to each wart they did this several rughtt end in the morning the pern and itchiaf were to bid x had to oool my hands with now bat finally tha warts dropped out toil i heve never beea troabled tinea iftt wu cuia bnghtoa oat- e wife who conquers her hothead broomcttck be ied to heve gained e cen with a tweeping victory over tnm chese nett will beer e good deel 1 f wei c c kicnaei i co i heve ated yoar minibtob lini- hent saocectfally in e lenoat cete of croap in my ftmily i 001 tider it e re medy no hoace thoald be w thoat j f cciixahul ctpe ieltnd thtt string on my finger home e bottle of minard ohwhatttcoieh will joa heed the wtmirg the tigatl perbtpt of the tare tpprotc 1 of thtt more terrible dite consampti in afk yoar telveeif ou can afford f r the ttke of ttving coc to ran the rnk 1 nd do nothing for it we know from ecpeneoce thtt btnloht care will care jdnr oaagh it never feilt a gentlemm of alhenr t hst built e namber of boatet which tri by widawt free of rent raeint bring i limment it currd jlotlier grstleucx uy mother from dtpepcm tnd hid ererthitic filled to car he while tifitiim t fnenlti i ixtleif i iii ri thettbl wbt ihei n 1 it fir i ixn found oat wbtt itciiicl mi i vvhui i went home told mother ihtt he rhouhl in 11 ln md he hid n0fttb in inthii mill objected vis buffering no f ippetite until one dey oute i tew e on inaairing to try tt notwithstanding her objection i went tn ih ekeuing tnd btoiillit home bottle i ut it in the hocie fir a week before we could iinliye her 1 p tk it at lut u the wtt getting won e tl the lime the contented to try it tnd m ttklng hef the battle fnund it wu earn g her end we believe dived her life we irenfever with oatb b b now it 11 tach tgocd remedy for beedtche tt well e wistoit 12 dtlhoatie s uantrei free ead euy expectontii a im nediefely relieve sad frees the thr nit md langt from vltaid phlegm ead e medicine thet promote this f the bett n edlci le to ae for aoaght colds instmitto 1 of bejangt tad ell eneatioas pthe tfarc tt 11 d chest this is precisely whet bick et nti con- lamptire syrup is especifio 1 or ei d where ever used ft het given unbai aded tion cbudren like it beeei s it fi 1 carefttu dii nfrimriji 1 fc i selitfse- it plees- if y ia went to bay or sell e finn ad rerun to the tomato itii itail thet peper reeche lfloooo fermer home every reek end yoar advertisement should meet 1 le eye of tomeona who wast to pur advertisements ot this elast tre a- tn the toronto iteecff iiaii for fit word eecb insertion or twenty word tor five insertions address serted cent cents the hjtil toronto cenede hilt arcs beef iroa end wine restores ttrengh end vitality end mike rich red blood little jennie wu cored droit sua ly httle jennie wes very bed with i grippe which left e bad oough i gave- her hegyerds pectortl bettem sad it soop cored her sua- sfcaitrce conleston ont cotghe colds asthma hoerteness bronchitis etc yield et one to dr woods nankty pine syrup the taocesstil throat end lung specific death t the enrrectnea of the maxim nothing succeeds like success it well exemplified ia aters seritpenlle the nost taooett tul opmbiaation of aiteretive end tonics it elwwys tacceeds ia candg disesses of blood end bene it wonderful pop- ty 1 who bunts for truth with dogs re- turnb with e big full ot lies je third peg of the toronto dtuf acvuiis noted for went edvertisement it yali went to bay or tell enything ii yoa treat e situation e mechenfo e boai nets meebineryiodginiit if yoa heve lost or dtrnd enything or ifyoa went to find oat where enyoneist sdvertie la the td- roato daily had end resd the sdvertise- meilts on the third page of thet peper thi cherge is two cents e word eech in terion address tu mail toronto cea i takes e great deal of cleverness to me te e little cleverness pey j wonderful core- ifr devid smith coe hill ont writes for the benefit of others i with to sty e few words about northrop 4 lymena vegetable diieovery abont a year tgo i took e very severe cough bau a vlrnleai tore 00 my lips wu bed wnh dytpepsie conttipetion end gentrel debility i tried elnwst everything oat- wirdly end inwardly to ture the sore bat sjl to no purpose i hed often thought of trying northrop lymtns vegettbledie very 10 i got e bottle end when i hed ted about one htlf the tore showed evi ent tignt of heeling by the ttme tbti ttle as done it bid tbont diteppetred jnd mygenertl heilth wu improving fast wet always of a billons habit tnd used qtinineand emon jalce with very little eject but imce uiiug 3 bottles of the veseteblo ditaovery the bilioucnets is ea mely tone and my teneril health it excel- le it i tm co vetrt old ptrtiee uting it tbould contme it for nome tune after they think they ore ourel it it by fir the bett tllh relorer i know relieves ead ne wealth of health t in fore rich 3laod to enrich he blood is like juttiae money out t famrest scotts emulsion of pun monttglaa codmvroif and hpopioiphltet potktet blood enriching propertiet in e remarkable degree art yen ill run dnmt tskeftlefflullon almost as palatable ai milk be mre and get the genuine fmtnd eiy sy seatt k bewit btdtrtua plays eta idy the bill telsp on company has almost oompltud hi see oni work in the way of new trunk linsex aneloni in ontario this iaoladm among ttbari several lmporfant wire to improve he exiitlng and meet the always inoreaaini bntiness beiween the various oluw it lit as e new line ot very tubataauel poles from toronto lo quel pii oarrying heavy 00 permetalliooircaitwlreai other lint of th 1 same character but not quit floiahed yt 1 from london to chat ham and bellevil eta plcton jnew meullio wires from que nh to gait guelph to hamilton tad i amiltoa 0 peris brant- ford wcodilook a jertoll ead tondoa e line from allittd to collingwood end wire ooaneoting he towns and vihtget ot abertoyle alw d blyth cmpbellviue cotum creemoi i everett everton glen- cairn jordan l ifoattine lisle milton uorriitoa hair irk hew dundee ran dolph bockwood sohtw sheffield spring field silharltnd 1 corner and tork milli with the general system the ontario de isctment hnweier reports that the above vork is nothing compared with whet bet beea decided upon by the director to be ccompliihed daring 1853 this will inch ie new metalho through end alio w res or way station from toronto to barri s toronto to drtngenlle toronto to load is vie guelph end btrat ford chatham a windsor end hamiltoa to nisgert fells to complete tha una from detroit and wii dsoc through loodoa and hamiltoa to n egers falls tnd buffalo and thence to al point in new york ead the adjacent tte tc alto from port hope to kingston lo at thet dty with belleville end the neighboi ing towns in communlee- tiaa with nbser ber ia toronto and point farther west 1 be new pole mates will ell be of the most substantial coniiruotioa end the wire of capper end doubled la ell cases so that th 1 annoying effects ut induc tion from clectn railway and electrio light currents will b 1 done away with and tha company be ibl to offer to tt rabecribert who have metall 0 circaitt to their exchan ge perfectly stli at hoc for their communi cations ax the bell telephone company of buf falo with it n imerou ooaneoting lines will meet the canadian company at tha falls there will be nothing to prevent con versations betwi ea toronto sad kew york ny more than b itweea windsor end king stan except the expense for of coarse sach costly lines u tl ese cannot be famished at tha tame rate ei theordinery tingle iron or smell copper iwi tt end smell pole which have been hithei to generally in utt tha bell telephone company ot cenede has however so fer oly cherged e greater reto for these line hen foe tingle wires when the length of thi line in use exceedo fifty mile and then inly e torn equal to half e cent e mile for ire minute conversations and the compen j will endeavor to maintain this tow rate if i cea possibly be made to df jay could- tha noted f inanolar and railroad king qoi eto his rewttrd tha history 0 jay gould from tha bare footed boy who rendered- over tha tough hills of delewer 1 coanty to the railway king whose wet th wes estfmeted tt 100 000000 is oae ot the mott remirkebie among our self i leda men for the past year ha be bee t suffering from opntamp- tioa hi life fi r the pest few mtvaths he been e constant battle egainit tha inevit able and alt met is thet medio ikili sod tha interest of i iend ead relatives could suggest wsra em iloyed to prolong the finan ciers life h ru taken aboat in iaxar- loat print eei 1 to piece where milder air and the abaei ea ot buifoett excitement might be expect i to work e reeuptrstiott of his energies frequent report during tha put fsw vree cs u to his feebl condi tion wsra reoet ed bat were denied by those near him m gould wii born in west settlement e backwoods nil fa of boxbury delaware coanty new lark hey 27 1635 ha was lha too ot r john b gould e term er who wu fair j well to do end tied been a deputy sheriff ia the fsmoas antirent war in tha ear r thirties young gould wu also e 000 ila ot alfred gould tha inventor of tha isin well pomp end wu closely conoecui with the ifoores end others well kn wn in the county hit mother died wh 3 ha wss in intent i for entire ir tbe in ttiaiuiniiimil lew catarrh lollbrdramttiormubrntlmassa et haioltl t wimaptrj a cmem pure powoered lye purett e rrokcest si8t 5 rqantiir ror astfnr 8otn tuet aeeaeqaaui 1 ui una xi 1 uu r at 4 ija coxst kption cored an old phytic en retired firom preotice hevlng had plaoi i in hit hands by ea eest indie mistioasr the formate ot e simple vegetable remed for tha speedy and per maoent cureot joaumptfon bronchitis caterrb atthm 1 tad all throat sod lung affections alto a positive and radical oars for kervoat deb lity ead all necteaa com pliint efter hi ving tested it wondertal curstlva powers a thaattads of asses hu fell it hit duty t make it known to all his suffering fellow aatntted by ihii motive end e desire to elieve liarain iifferinit i will tend free of hire mill who desire it thlt recipe iu gi rmtn frencudc engttfh with full dlrec mtit fnr ireiirtiig uui atlng seat by mill bj eddrewclnit with tttmpntmlng his paper w a nots bot powers nio k rochester n y women seldoo teem men they do not love for cats bar4s bores or woandt vio torie csrbollo 81 ve it the bett healing sod toothing olutmet t clothes tbst 1 esk far themtelvei ieeve their wesrers no hlng to tty tha wild chi rry combined with mil barns cod livei oil emalnloa mtkes it dellcioa ia tul 1 end perfect in cureiivs power she to ooatia igeorge who hu jatt re tatoed from the ropos 0 gsof ge desr bow kind of yc 1 to bring me this deer liftlt monkey how tboaghful yoa srel bat batitt ja t lis yoa i bsker tad liq fordohsrgd with killing william pslmei la picturing iownshlp have been eommj ltd for trial i ft g me1tb be hbd1 jbt ja ots oil the orb at i thi oharlu oandln tfjpoti tow a pr m- no plizet stlffntu owsfngui laoktohty ntt ralglir olttjo i burnt voolirc0rljafiy llltlnore iz y for paljjt khii marism sprtfafn bnfiei cui jwoondi soreneia 0 no tt e p for ttui pfi pte k it ont zzle cborc1oinfn tbeocoprietotioftne unntt homt moktmrwilic retto lui vpls 5 very impoilce tlacd tt tm to the rjnonwlwreii nnt yd the blerelelvilaed it fusu for ejerdrrecy kj ft forditmntconctnwer ja boh pold weteh for wt will sitt kj vnq iiiianirtpirt7 j vtlnabltpwmjleobestnmevcrperionwhaisebl loenj xpotf ipettt vcryp tnhsvj wwcheonla eormjt answer teertag lfcj4ejk jrul mglv tot 1 refj the restinoerm order tsttcetved every prhe in thu eo ipctiuc 1 will be fethfauyewtrfed cm toaweddrea h ladies home monthly 193 i ta west 1 oronto canasua ghristmrs arge oehof jxftcee arewerdofabofet k bedroom bet vtlued it eosj- he next two correct entwen a itr the rebut correctly nnul sfrj jikst duelled this range of jew i shirings and c 3tto al offering duced prices our stocl of we are clearing made clot great boots very holiday trade ling at cos 3tf henderson mc rae co mill st h 5tqn imcclhinlcnirgeifcrnl jwoeipengravinc iokingsteastjorontoj i can furnish you with the best pre ises country and at lower pqpes t improved oo fcr sslss5sljs crand trunk halfway oot0- oobtt 109 lgf lootajn i ixnss e2ikff pssbfsrt mp m um raalos cxosxxa iuxu oobnweit- bemeodu solpjil oeiiigbestlotssjn sd5jj v thu time uble went into set m imtobsi 1th 11 i f iag- 3ek flannels iginghatn ades we are now at greatly re- out jur stock of ready- and under j slaughter o i mejis and boys long special val es a groceries for trie seid him your order class of 1 wood ingriving you desire or ai ly printers wo bave bo far surpassed otjrr selves this seaioo in geltlnguice and cheap gooiuthat we hove to take the publ c in to our confi dence ana tl them about it weiave deeded a big line of 64 of 54 inch all wool colored tweed dress teoods ilautifal desigiis andeombinati m of colosregiiiar price i 1 per y rd we are sell ing them for 1 5c 5 yds for the dress only 8is another lot f dress apvls all the way from 80c to eootper yd yoor choice tor 20c donx miss sach a me ppportninty a big variety of ail ffifrer latest styles of dress goods and silks our ifantles were never so handsome and cheap we are sellbg a large lot of mantle cloths regardless of edsr a splendid seafette for f0q per yard i onrmillineiy surprises every one for beauuy and lowuets of price furs we have in great profusion boas mnflw capes collarettes capsetc iiadies underwear surpriskig everything evershown foscomfbrtand cheapj nesi hoisary small wares staples flannijle blankets boots shoes cannm be stlrpassed by anyone for variety and cheapness we have iverythiug suitable for jenta from ordered clothing down to the minutest article in gents funjuishings great drives in men and boys over coats arid mett and boys ready- made suits mens top 8hts flannel shirts cardigan jackets and mens underwearbeginning at 50c a suit up we must not foreeft our car pets oilcloths linoleums mats and curtainaj in all our long experience we could never offer carpets cheaper nice tapestry carpet 25c per yd nice union 25c nice brussels 50c kqw is your opportunity to get bargains iu every line of goods the mamrqotb is tbe spot or country news and job tyork tc an for any other fyew cylinder comb tj rtiton knd spb our be had in this press i it ntry prouty press xtvork the free press is printed on no 1500 drum cylinder ie above resr we iieve run tbe froaty for eight years sad th easy to bindle oosts little or repairs snd is essy ot tadsy for the money come and et our preu at w them we cam give yoa yaar oholce at a namber ol think of it i a i or an new 8 col fol or i col book h m longer we ran it the better we like he er ater s pocket book we w rk i yoa desire temples ot work liferent orfressea p i resi press- and the dan do better newspaper or paste ki 1 tt- it is tin oell it be besi ol qto power for 800 full zoore agent work illustrate its merits work i mple est best press tend for them tnd at all prices press for only ijfioo to 700 particulars from for canada to ran aasy on 10 be had in the 11 w will gladly fomlth rorld itonj ont i r 1 m i is kny hors worth 20 coxxs sloox mmu if he is not healthy andsonnd bverv animal that to worth jrgffe te ebotldbate dicks blood j srint it will take less food to ph r ssaaoa toey will ten better anorsswfil r do more work i dioks horse andlcetlle leedkane j art the beet in the- world bend eipottal card for fair ft jj bookit felaeble bootebold end tern reeetp will be teat free dick 4 co tjo box a montttwj t sold evemrhsr regulate the sjorfiqoh liver andbowela unlock the sscrctlorspurlflethe i blood and remove all im- purltleit from a vlmplw to the worst serofuipotvsor blood -5- curbs dyspepsia bluousness constipation j headache salt rheum jsflftonjla heartburn towctomacrl dizziness dwopfv rheuawt i sav skm diseases bitters a lpi postal cant with your 1 name sad address we wu forward you agents outfit said ourgireat premium everyoxe shoclr 8ik this list of handsome phizes which are given ik hany cases oblow cost wewant agents ot evbity lacaltty krtbite iabit thu is a chance for the yotof jflc the qlobetoronto weekly olom tetaace isea frbe i 1 oatar lb9 btsmi xtm ca mea thoudbe pueutdal i l j r 4 on hundred and fortyont t wij handsome photegraphs f fj inoneorand t t picture l s all the conservative members of iparliarv lr2 c- moid rnvun proem riiiimlikktri phot sir join untoi membera agtay a ut the oriqinal ptoturi oobt ovtn aaeoi cntj te tad eaiiialiawt eadiaorfdas do lie nurrimaki aaer ehratnutcansatmnet u win ho tqntra otfmmnt qivew j weekly tpattsof latest menu o attjuiiiiim wi

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