Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 29, 1892, p. 4

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mrmm 5tjc ttcrtt jfccc jlress thursday pkceuder wltt clje gouttg folia j ttte greetisgof tlfc slw year tliofdow tiffod wtiitt at tlicte or tlif plfcd n r veer j hmucc with hope is brlglil thpucliuiorldtry rort 1 drecr mir milrith f com c t slif ttrtt tnu mil i 1 krtcr witli willing frt and tlsc hrt frf uttlf cl iiv so tliftlt in irwurci find hf iter ttmn lindi or pold rrirndt thit r tro and v ad une tlt u whh untold uuumvnit letvu lrru so shall ycm iciijom ptn ivli ie jour soul iball 4111 tbroufh tb disoijillae of pain hark to the new years toko willi its premisje ofbop iod chwr tvurmf c brave lirartu re ic kcr ckxl ti always iipftj skim may if iurk with ttora while ftrc tlie north wit di mow i yet arth it heart u warm and the enowdrift htd t ro notes here and ffkre o fra item of 2 vitrei inttrtti t press rdtrci t1ituteutt pqhuihedonebftltaehoadc- strttptr- ilia trt m relublfl aui u worthy yotr con fidence t it ihcy ctme from yoorbett rod most trotted neighbor they itu only the titnple ficti in remind to whit uoojt btmpcrilu feu done tjctjrt itilfjia truth cad rtcsm comtipttion cad ill trouble with tho liver re cared by hoods pillt une-jutl- dm tylwt pill time bridi ctrauc re vert lit ttherac poor old hcnpeck for inttancti who married hii typewriter tvellj where doe the reversal come in why it wi he who atti to dictate wit and humof a udy not feci inn at well ai ihe liked eiit to consult a fhyfictm well aid the doctor alter lookiuc at htt longae feel- ivc her puke and akinq her tt odry qaea- ttoiit i ghoald die jou yei i should advise ou fthem to eel married are too airjple doctor inquired tho uir patient with ft sifinificftul ret raodert mile i am my der lady ut it n nat etjactteyoa know for phyucisuii to uke the phytic they prescribe a pretentions young yachtsman who wae toasting or hii mirine experience iii to his ancle yoa landsmen who alwavi stay on the ahore know nothing abv3l fqoalli to which thfc old man crimly replied we dint hct 1 let me tell yoa yoanp man that ive ot a little erandbaby that cid jive yoa r inti aboul ttalli every day of yocr lite a ceatleman passing aloag the ttreet the cdher evening delected a bsy picking kis pocket and ceiziug him hac determin ed to have him committed whin the boy beed heartily for mercy for indeed air taid he it it my first offence herei yocr own bandkefchie acain a id take any of tbese fire yon like beat how profoundly still and waotifulib the night she- whiipcred irani dg her celuveined teccple againbt hii cotcollar and filing her dreamy eyea on the faroff tltiade how soothing lea he re plied toying with the col den anreja of her hair and what a night to al oot cats v doctor eaid a taxhionable belle what do yon think of tfht lacing the dxtoc solemnly replied madim all caa cay it that the more a womans waist is shaped like an hour glaxa the eoonr will her sands o life run out now ihen sir roared an ai gry barris ter at a doll witneea will yon lelljthe jury which ia the oldett yoa or yoni brother he is the omeat now but if i live three jeara longer we shall be of the lame age james taid a atern old vertn to hit aoa jamea nerer kick a man when be ife down because its cowardly i wont father responded jame r or tfill i kiok him wheobeis qpbecauce its risky a witness in a kaneaa lawccurt being oulhed by a croci examining lav yer called upon the court for protection the jndg handed him a pistol i hftve io farther questions to put eaid the lawytr engineering factts the greatest works in the world and when constructed the romans built the first dikes in hol land in 150 there were 5h lighthouses in the world the first coast light in the united state was in 1tc3 the first eddystoae lightbouw was erect ed in 17sb i asphalt pavements were fint laid in pans in 185i all twutedboring tools are of american invention the diamond drill ia pointd vith black diamonds the total coet of the sder canil exceed ed 20000000 a tunnel between dover and calais was proposed in lcri- j the coast survey of the lnitd states tru began in 1617 iloetlingsrailway bridge at nitgara baa a span of 821 feet with uj feet eflection the cherboarg digue ib 4 wo yards bng having two arms incloemg the en trance ionton brijgea with copper wntoons were invented by the trench about ic72 at the beginning of the eighteenth oen tar all european armies had pontoon trains j the weight required to crush l aquare icch of brick varies from 2200 to 4500 posndfi guntere chain oed in meacaring land was invented by edmand ganter in 1006 the great aqueduct which supplied car thage witlr water waa aeventy miles long there was a madtaeval aaociation of engineers called the brethren of the bridge from motif m truth loudbn llng we recommend this truly wauderful remedy st jacob oil to every one who is suffering from pain we are personally acquainted with many marvellous curca effected by lit use while the jbovo is from modern truth it t an ancient fact that for the cure of piin si jacobs oil has no cquau j whats your sen jociaf dom said a neighbor to farmec cegocle wall wa the reply he thiqkt hosdgin bit but he makio garden the question is frequently asked why is ayers cherry pectoral to ranch more effective than other ooogh remedie v the answer it tiaiplr because it u the most akilful oombiaation of tnodyaea and er- pectorants known to medical icieace mexico will ask the united states to wipe oat the bonds of revolutionise who find an asylum oo american soil where the plot against mexico cannot be denied the curative influence of the rue in long diseases is everywhere admitted and when combined with other effective pectoral remedied aa in dr woods norway pine 6yrup the effect ti doawy beaeficiaj no case of cough cold asthma bronchitis or hoarteneca can reciet the healing pawcrsf dr wood norway pine symp b and 50c at drugfiicta mr richard patterwo while driving from kingston to his home in pittaburg ont was thrown from his baggy and killed the originals of the certificate of cure effected by the nee of ayers sarsaparilla are kept on file at the office of the j c ayer company lowell mass probably no similar establishment in the world can exhibit such a mass of valuable and con vincing testimony in an ad drew delivered by mr ifercier id montreal friday night be eiprested the opinion that the straggle for liberty in 1837 will have to be repeated c c rmiatis co i hftve used your minards liki- ment socoectfully in a serious dase of croup io my family i consider it a re medy no house should be without j f crxvlngluli cape island that string on my finger means bring home a bottle of ulnard liniment the childrens enemy scrofula often chows itself in early life and is characterized by swelling abscesses hip diaeasei etc consumption is scrofala oi the longs in this class of disease scotts emulnon is anqaettionably the moat reli able medicine if you dont etjp ill tell mamma and shell tell papa and then papa will whip yoa then ijl cry and then grandma will give me tome candy and iispon4 give you any the stock caveout wife how did jou ge4 nlong while i wes away husband i kept iiodfc for ten days and then i vfnt to a hotel a hotel why didjjrfyoa go on keeping hjuse couldnt all the diibea were dirty new york wtlhj visitor to editorial sanclion here is an article i have prepared on the political situation editor realty my dear tir we lise so many articles on hand that vicjtor i know it half the jrkafeees of the country tre wtiltn on the ftubjeel anj i thought it was tiule for me to nay eomethiug n iht- fourtfdith century armour be came fj heitvy tint many soldiers only thirty years old wfrcilffortned or jermsn- trtly diehlled by its weight ttykx3 ftnd hollow cheeks and dull son ken eyes dont ajwayi pkan that a woman old hall the time they only show thai the t overworked or suffering to such women to ercry wo man who is tired or afflicted dr fiercei favorite prescripcioa safely and certainly brings bade health and strength its a legitimate medicine yrrerti tad carta a tonjc that intfro- ftu 1 builda tip nerrln that sootse renirtliniii for all the derangement ifi i- u the oily rjtamnutd remedy if h wont do to experiment with c fc jjier the constant dancer of nun- it o the lunge you can have a mifict mid kirmanont cure with dr n0 you need nt go to florid but take scotts emulsion of pure orwegiaa cod uver oil and hypophospmtes it will strengthen weak lunqs stop the cough and check all wasting diseases a remarkable fwi producer tid it is almost is piltt- lk u kflk ee rare to get the genuine pet cp in salmoncolored wrappers j prtpcrtd ool by bcou i dode eellerict- s tiat v ahi fwe ootarrl lieaisj 61eepletnes i due to nervoqb excite ment the delictely oonatitoted the ii- oancier the bnsines mm and those wbote occupation necetsitfateb great mental drain or worry all softer lesa or more froni it sleep is the great restorer of t worried braid aod to eel eleep cleadee the atomach from all impuritiea with a few dose of parmeleea vegetable pills gelatine coated containitir no mercury and are guaranteed to give fatisfaction or tho oney will be refunded annie johmton jooogt da3ghter of george johnbtou postmklter at peflerlaw neir caudiugton in committed suicide by drowning kjtir iloen cnrr aconsli i gciiileroen my little boy was troubled wnli m erv bud cough and a lady friend ftdined me to try iinjvhrov pectornl oalj bam 1 got it at once mid cup truly av i did not givp more than three or four dotes until in ciuth wa gone i hale never been u jthout it since as i mud it the best for troublesome cooghb i mus js kiiuv glen williams on twelve thousntid canadian turkey rived at liverpool monday in prime cpu- anion they will be mid qnicklyjaitlti i a great demand for the birdfl iu england kt this time of year it may be a- trifling told but uegleo it and it will faaten its fatiga in your lauge and you will eoou be carried loan tinttrr ely itraie in thi4 country we have sudden changes and must exiect to hav coughs and colds we cannot svoid them bat aa effect a cure by umg bickias atti- conbumptive syrup the medicine that ha sever been known to fail in eating ioougl eoldr bronchitis and all affection of the throat longs and cheat about a th of th woi or ita all im entire iopulatuii e ctiineu laiigujgo i tt extlttt quillkm commeai to pobllo innnrtl iho ostltforal liquid trait remedy bftap ot fig tt ft pleating to the eye and to the attoiol bf genuy acting on the kidneyt liter and bowals it clatriiec tho iyim efftclaally thereby promottnr tho health and uomtort of all who uie it two raeu were injured by tho explosion ot a looomotive boilar ia tho o t r round hoofeat london oollotnlay uattte- exiiericaco his ennvinced many that to me atiy of the tobititutcs offered for trio laraoop and peinlms corn can is attended with danger get always and sio nose other then put- mant punltts corn extractor tor lore prodaciug substitutes are offered- jatt as cood at potroitis corn extractor sato sure painless j mr meddaugh attorney for tho- grand trupic id detroit taya he doe not beliere any legislation hottllo to canidiia rtilwayt will be enacted at washington jree and easy expectoratloa immediately reheica ud frees the throat aud lungs fromviecid phlegm aud a medicine that promotea this is the best medtclmsto uxo for coughs coldt inflamaliou of tho lungs and all affections of the throat and chest this is precisely what dickies anti-con- soraptivo syrup is a specific for and where- otic used it hat given unbounded tatiiiac- tinu children liko it bcoiuse it is pleas ant adults like it because it relieves and cures the dttease mrs bertha bradford astoria l i has jut fallen into 3500000 through tho death of her brother a miner tit creode col tub opsilfd vear aldm tiut tfamrades seasoht four i stow tampiiiu roar round me your hand kow tear j b ttiroosh uititraaa dloddlng la looalr i iic mlddrutluc when days are dark id srlilrtlstt will your ttntut in iituj arm be prtassdf indlbsn tho loeudrt uitlt ml ttnatat laugh la tho sua aadj will yoa thsa ihkrf my happy dreams the caatnc tongs thai and wfasa red rose l bi ra on bended asd lorers roam th ougb shadowy i will rou keep kindly i aos t and iut lit tho sveet fialda and faded down ktit sro art undbotk and fain tcj li z witm bint lptorudthc prioeumti nawf m vpddlaad careac stirt tor a laae ete t v plater win gite pen rtthtagic ccaa lira epcttitrafattectrnisd iekryted fordjrpe uouhtolt eiocjt ulohs jarrh emedy hanycjucfetaxrltrtrttaisbcmedr ttvlll lurclyreilcvoilndcuroyou prtcopoctt this injector lor its bacocctful trcatsieatla furnished free itcniemrierehuohakemadfas are eohon a cuxuntoo to clo etucctfoa ohwhatacqugh will yoa heed the warning the signal perhaps of the sure approach ot that more terrible disea consumption ask yoar selves if od can afford for the tata of saving 50c to ran the risk and do nothing for it we know from experieooq that bhilohs core will care your coagh it never failt john hats credit p 0 eayahis shoalder su so lame for nine months that hecoald not raise his hand to his head bat by the ase of dr thomas eclectric oil the pain and lameness disappeared and al though throe months haa elapsed hohta not had an attack of it cinoe the united states pension payments for the first half ot december araoaoted to 8- jj2000 the internal rerenae receipt dar- the same time weye 57c7jo00 r re in re for cholera j cleaulinei care and courage are the re sources of civilization against cholera keep the body ecrnpuloacly clean eat hot food take burdock blood bitters to maintaio regular digestion and ensure pare blood which is the very best bafecaard against cholera or any other epidemic this tree seemsto be loaded with apples remarks the stranger yea sir replies tho rural mio pp sayathtsii a good apple year i am glad to hear that are all your trees so fall of apples at this one ob no only the apple trees if yon want to buy or ecji a arm ad vertise in the toronto wtddy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement thoald meet the eye of someone who waata to par- chase advertisements of this class are n- serted in the toronto 7fy mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada george h gonld has taken the plaoe of hia deceased father on the board of the union pacific railway siulsfiiclory resells so bays dr curlett an old honored practitioner in belleville ontario who writes for wasting dieaea and scro- fnla i have need sootti emulsion with the moet satisfactory results- mrs william ewart gladstone wife of the british prime minister owns three acres of land overlooking niagara falls forsvellfnsand felons gentlemen my little girl aged 3 had a large swelling onjier neck i seed uag yards yellow oil on it and it disappeared in a short time jt also cured a felon twts troubled with mrs c e wendover manda man milbarns beef iron and wine restores istrength and vitality and makes rich red blood the third paje of the toronto daily mail is noted for want advertisement if you want to buy or celt anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have loss or ound anything or if you want to find ont where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mail and read the advertise- menta on tho third pats of that paper the charge is two cciu a word each in bertion add re thr mail toronto cau ada i purest strongest best comtfrcno alum amtnoola lime i j p or aay fjgrisat will yoa be friends viih nis still true sijix user t then talcs my baud pid heart aw otnrads year an old physician retired fii having hid placed i india mlitiontry t vegetablo remedy fofc lsariis rotf4 coxrujtfjrion cured firam practice hit hands by in east ijte formula of a simple tho speedy tad per- maaeat care of coitampclan broochitis catarrh asthma a id all throat top laug affections alto a po iltiro and radical euro for nervous debility piainu titer hitltlg tetted its woaderful carttira powers fa hoattadt at fell it hit duty to a tlto it tnosrn to til hit taffering fellows ctutted by this mblira and a desire to reli ro humaasitff ring i will tead free ot ohi g to til who desire it this recipe ia qera to french or english with tall diroatuii for preptriug tad atiag seat by m til by addressing with stamp naming thl 820 powert block germany it wttthiag at tho panama scat dtl interest it it believed will weaken tho tlf anoo tnd ruula aqd all nerrois cam brovu eome hu ptper wa roohetter n tho develop with agood these devel between p anker h med- ju8 for f whewl exclaimed jotlth tori tt he gated at tho leoptrd in agerie jt look at thm freok 1 1 a dermis in chicago who hti pot paid much tuenltoa lo ietraing eagti h htd t harto ttolea from hit bira tho o for alght whereupon ho idrettded u follovt voa cite da odor day too i wt ba iwtke fa my thleep i hetro lometiogt lit i tlakt vis nt yait right a mf biro i tod i oat thampt to bed tnd rant mtt thaptra oat tad vea 1 wit dero coom i ie dtt my pig grty iron mitraho tu binjudt loose tndraamlt ihe suple off thi whoefer will him btok priog i yatt so tnaeh pay him tt rat bin kathtomtry notes meat deal of pmaats france ctnadt it being ogratalated everywhere on tho excellence of her mtnuiictures art stained olaxt it promlceotlyj in tho front rtnk of her ir provemenlt thanks to ucctotland 80 i ot toronto who for 0 yean have iabot x cot only to tocumu lata money bat to mental glut of t kindt t credit dominion oodght coldt i bronehititeto yiel norway piao syrap tad lang brjecifiel asthma i tt once 50 dr the tacceuful prored beyond dispate no one how doab bitten will care oonitipttion headline proof it to thorough tho doabten have it teenred ia its pit tonic tod regalttor btboh i wen rev g w kerjby succeeded in reisioi niagan conferenoe for the dandu woodstock uatirsenecs t thtt burdock blood dyspepsia bilit asnets or bad jblo tndoverwhelmi silenced tnd tt the beet purifying bxunt olt prinocton ont woodt throat the ng that bbb of bamiltiu hi the tgooo whch the deputed him to secure ttr4tmethodist chkrch in the wild chefjj combined with mil barns cod liver 0 1 emulsion makes it delicious in taste 1 nd perfect io curative power the new york lira j ttyt to american syndicate has acquired control of tba island of ban domingo by customs revenue 1 he price paid is ttood to be 3w0cp about satiation when dyspepsia and bed blood your body the way annex a bottle of the best remedy fo blood and the only cared avades yoar iyttetn occupies t stronghold in oat of trouble it to burdock blood bitters dyrpepiia and bad 1 that cures to stay qorea for catt burat torit carbolic stivo toothing ointment trtmp wont sir dimling will not work should yoa do me to injyl i uk yoa for i infend drink jllmirdt llalmeut rurjs toldj cir pure powdergb the purchase of the under or wound vio- the bestheaiipg ted th 1 you give me a dime e bible says he who not eat tramp ttice sir thel dime to spend for a ly j hhtfstjqeat iaest sosim osea aoaaoqttaiiijij l ir an or jpttos eetaely tdfostarrll is ti bteailastcopf j c ata r r h eoaft nutf for arattad j i ni ard a baadrtd ocbtf talbod weekfy ftjee pres for ejloo otfboved zxlarqsd amd a biqb clas family pajsr 3 howe 1393 both pafylis for 00 each number will coutaiu rev br talmajies frmon delivered the fianday previously wakemans wanderfties aricaltaral alktterjiuastntnd ladiaa paw illattjated a serial tale and other interesting reading matter 8ub8crtbfe kow price 0 ns doll tr a etr io idyancol for tho wdlly fret preu tpd farm and ia tit iftptget balance of 1892 free a new subscriber agoaft wialed la s erjr uhrepreeuted district to solicit tabtci ptioni free pri8s pilnhhd 00 london ont georgetqjijin ti wo have so far surpassed our selves this season in getting nice and cheap goods that woi have to take the public iuto our qonfi- denco and tell them- about it we have secured a big line of 64 or 54 inch all wool colored tweed dress goods beautiful designs andj combination of color regular price 81 per yard we are sell ing them for 75c 5 yds for the dress only 875 another lot bf jf dress goods all tho wjay from 80c to 60e per yd yoar choice tor 20c dont miss saeh a rare opportunity a big ifriety of alfthe other latest stylflsj of dress goods and silks i our mantles were never so handsome and cheap wo are selling a large lot of i ifantle cloths regardless of cost a splendid sealette fori800 per yard i our millinery surprises every one for beauty and lowness of price furs we have in great profusion boas muffs capes collarettes caps etc ladies underwear surprising everything everehown forcomfort and cheap ness hoisery small wares staples flannels blankets boots shoeb cannot bo surpassed by anyone for variety and cheapness we have everything suitable for gents from ordered clothing down to the minutest article iu gents funrnishings great drives in men and boys over coats and men and boys ready- made suits mens top shirts flannel shirts cardigan jackets and mens underwear beginning at 50c a suit up we must not forget our gar- pets oilcloths linoleums mats and curtains in all oir long experience we could never offer carpets cheaper nice tapestry carpet 25c per yd nice union 25c nice brussels 50c now is your opportunity to get bargains in every line of goods the mammoth is the eriot w mclgod go qeoroetown r v i i i cncimoaata has ttie bet instruments and atcespries grand trunk railway bowowist aoxoxit eiprett 1 09 stn i bsptts t m tjn mail 10 ot ajn fatssoga ajo bxprett 1 25 pm express 11 09 sjo mall i 07 pa fsh i i 07 pta paaasnjar t 59 pm 1 blxtd 6 pjn trmrjcnr cjx3sno suils oolng west ts tjnandl5 jojpjn qoiug east 10 u sjn tnd 5 10 pm this time table weflt into ejection december a isknyhfdrs worthi acton ont turrit he co enjojfe a p r ex dr woods ttie out le best photos ii nty- m ipvinciai reputatioiji ellence n0s5t f ti1j3 leading familj weekly of america gire g the ft llowlng a pirtiil list only 1 f itsfmtin allrictiont 1 ompe a noveltlet illdttrtted ops novslatto oomploto a oehptabj tach tathori it i m 11- mtarlco rhomrion jfn willitm winter 1 helen htrthtjr jfortttj c jlecoaiblloy loau hatjntn feet mixy kyj3tut howi jrdm hoke william percybrown wtvjptemn 2 c 20i00 jerliis feeaatifally tndi profaiely fllmtrtfed by tho mittspopaltr favorites ot tho fty who will be speciillj kogtged alatb artidet tor women trtisti iotl sfad ch istmat numbers tree address j fhojc toewotxdt foux cor- inw t coloma oe bright and breciy chit tboat ths women of jths day and whit they tro doing 1 ran department etch wbek inleadid to be travel taal woiaji6 wotuiiv all page devotedto interest- ug an i useful goisip about loatehi id matters children errant fashion etiquette ndsooely e childr a all over the world a cola rei4 aloe 1 to th little odet of tho fimilyi j i 5 1 ively 1 nd interesting short ttofiet dfj tdrentare tthletier batinewj ioarnalis a the et eto by tuch wdtertn aaytiia barr kate if cletry thptnat dann englwh oolthomt wlfkaor william erry i rown j l harbour j htmetpretoottspofforf aaatr shields g 1 istory biography tndscience in bcief trtialet 1 7 risp et itorials on topics of the dty i 1 8 i valaable correspondence deptrtpaent 1 i csp pecial christmu easter foatthomalyl tad thtnktgitring namhert with 1 y illan inttedcoreri 1 j 1 1 foardollarpaper for only two doilani free- jew st bsctibert who tend f2 will receireuil ptper free to jiaairy ti893i end for 1 fall yetr from that date they that get aa superb thtnitigmng attfi anfi ill thhs 1 robert bonnees sonsj samples copjies free l82 william st new yorkcity 1 for only 2 t yetr fiftytwo namhert o from 15 lo m ptgeti opii icy trticl defraud tf fny dell gtock syoa s one ersini j norway pine syrup p ich n th6 lung jieallflf tirtc otthe plots cosiblaed with tha toothar tnd eipectoruit i pcopertiea of other pectoral herb tad bedec a perfect cane for i cqughq and couds hoarseccsr aithtna brtwchlti sec itirott cconptadfll throat brohcktaeua lukgoiseases otrttinxtecooelu which retirt crtfaer remedies yield proaiptljf to this pitixmt piny cyrbp i prjcx esc two coo pck aomc t00 if ll busist i jphn speighi sou iturs lineiertrecing fjfsin of furniture- ia now compjeta for ihespriag tride tnd w etui jtappty ant it the lowest possible prices we dont steal oar famitare nor in its mmafictare bat we pay cash for it tnd eta tell u low foe cuh r trade j j a an give you a bedroom set complete for4 wove wattresse3lfotji4 springs for 3 sideboards at cost i lounges for 750 extensionvtables st6q chairs at any pripe vnderfckng tt coffins ctikeui robes etct alwayt in stock ws eta give yoa o prices we desire to impress apoa tae pablio the ftctthic we hire no atiy combination end oar pricey are hot governed by the undertakera n giro yoa tha beet the market afford at recy reasonable price good haarse and outfit or funerals r ri 1111 ri m y tn mechariicaugenerab wcwengfayinc n0 king st eastidronto jsend him youir order for any class of wopd engraving you desirje pri i can furnish you with the best pressej country and at lower prices comb to ctfn improved c i- licountry news and job work to be had ia this 1 for any other nejw cylinder press knd seb ouh up try press the free press is no 1500 drurfi wo htvo ranthe proaty for eight years tad the lo easy to handle costs little tor repairs mdia easy on the ijr inter today for tho money come and toe oar pet it work i ft yoa them we can give yoa yoar choice of t number of diflvrtfit aires think of it a nejw 8 col folio 0 5 cc or an fj col book pr4s foi h pi illuj its merits do better jiewsparier or poster work ngjjr we rfcfa it the better wettke it it it timble surt docket book iwecail ltu hssr to iia lesire sm and ttylet ivar pte ofwortttrt vw1hm a o preeset tt tlf prfoe t wy funutli qto power pres 800 fuji particj for orily f 600 to 700 alars from r agent for i canada actol 0m1 ptctt lctkxkt be if he is not heal thy anjojand erery animal that is worth leering oarts in ter should hare dicks mood former la atu spring it will take lets foe to keep them ut enatmon thty wfll tea better amim will do more vcrtc j r dwkt horaoan4ict4le liedidnei are the best a tbe world bead t postal earl for full ptrtldulan and t book ot raloable bouehold sad ftnn rtcip will be sent free j diclcopj5boi8jifontretl bold eremibers hock regulates the stomach liver andbowef unlock thssscrefonspuxfflesthe diood end remove all irtv purities from apimpfe to the worstscroulous sorts peood 5 curgls dyspepsia biliousness constipation heaoacht saltrhelumi scrofula heartburn sourstomach dizzineiss oropsx rheuvati sav skem diseases blflers send to 1- theqiobe toronto i ikclliiisg valbatu prize anybody can get club we vant y uag pecple to yt ofk j forh writeearfy it i wilepay you i i 1 r the globe weekly globe balance 2 jfree sclentiic amhau ajeioy for sii iscnrest ccmiutlaa of uxr tcfentllta n tom bdlrattuur lltoftrstad ko 1 una should bo without it weekltibi rttr ij50 six mootjia addnm udhs tcm1 shtols ao br tjwmr hew foffc one hundred 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